Newspaper Page Text
jsSsHHHSSss t w : rJ w- 7(5 -wfi. 1 ARIZON DAILY ORB. t .? -f BISBEE, ARIZONA, FRIDAY HxHNlTsG, OCTOBER 13.-18Q9. NUMBER 242 VOLUME IV ii in ..! !, 95?n'vT;,"taKMUK2BMKjriHHBMaaB4nttaaniHraHNiKma?' i MWBaSMtinrW mi ' 'I IF Mil1 111 WniM niWW I WW1 hi11 WinilinW'i Hs-x ml f- W& All , " - " S 1 T . ' J i - ' :gUK'; ifrjnmMuaLO rtSMMi' est. iT'swwr.? .' sjkfi'e&s A A --. t rfc VA .'i B ,T.i 5 IT'-' h ?W f-- I,' f hr IP i-m- a . APfRa4'fiINQFALL. " Now is the time to make your Fall purchases while our stock is complete with all the newness of (tlie iaj.e manufactures. COMFORTERS, t,n badly needed fore sudden change in weather, in greaj varieties. jSll Sizes fromr 95c up. " CALIFORNIA BLANKET?? .i -grey, brown and white, 10 and 11, fronioc up 196.50 Ladies and Children's UDERWEARn pants and vests, in union suits, in vool andSn part wool? he heavy weight from 5oc a suit to $3.oo ' CAVES AND JACKETS in plash, percale, astmct, beaver and in meltou t an extraorlmiry large hue to scleu trom, $35 to 12.50, no hU'hei r, n Bfni?aevi Our PturK mM R Ba88..M iiri mil i mm irvkuil ( . w"" , f IBB Chicago Waists, Drew J'ine Shoes are our Latest acquisitions, ,-i; , Jff SruLlts tla-at Fit, made in mv shop -A-lTX7"a3T3 Fit, That is one satisfaction you have in dealing with me; another is, that you always get the best of( goods, first v.lasd woik, and reasonable prises. I ALL WORK GUARANTEED. A. CHAHPAQNP, the Bisbee, Tailor. fhPhSI flpf1' (inn H8I1 .txsriaitiaro, Bag-fajjo, Jw .- Express I5eli cred Pr onipUy 0- - - - - e vClaims for breakage or any failure to promptly attend orders '"UBk - will'be quickly and fully paid. ; 4& , Office at Floodgate on Main Street; Ordersleft with the Clerk wijl receive Prompt Attention. TT- ZEE. Brooaaca. .- - - lgr. Bisbee Transfer Company, '. Freight, -Baggage and Express delivered to any part of the Ciy. Prompt Service and Quick Delivery. The California Marfot, t - KENNEY BROS, Proprietors. Fresh Beef, Multon, Pork, Wal, SausagB, Etc. Choice Cuts of Meat only. Frcbli iiitiu Uail'. Goods Delivered Free-to Vppr filainSt., Bisbee. Vra Assayer and Chemist, RELIABLE WORK AT H0DERATE PRICES. , Mining properties placed on commission. Mines oxflminert and reported on Carrtepoudence solicited. All work promptly attended to. N. Pf WOOD, 144 Pennington Street, Tucson, Arizona. Formerly of Cono & Wood, Denver, Colo. James j?. ' i J United States Deputy Mineral v' . , , SURVIVINQ H ALI Office In Wallaces BhUcIiuk w, GEO. C. m Aesayinjr at IrMtrMf in, doh3lof Mines, lil'llrt r T'linmi' u- IUVIV 'll I r - lutu trliMliiwii Uilll t tstl it'll I lllllUl .'..l-rom $3.0 to $8.50 SeJ&y Latfies and Chidrenls kIK oi MiHuhtv hi. Kothlnc is bo povokinjr tp the average man na o buy a new suit of clothes and find thatxthey do not fit. Suita v Ow aS Fvight and All Pdrts of the Town. Trotter, Sn.rveyor and Civil Engineer 1 1T BRANCHES. ninbee, Arlxonn, CLARK, MSSL Current Prices. C Vl Uuiyerjit jf Mijaoijri. eadSIIslp-rS Hail LiOAhlJiUTr L.t tVWlSffH TELEfiSA'PHIC SPAMS Fresh From the Wires fropi Points, All New York, Oct. 13. 'A blanket of W over the ocean and the tutor absence o. wind catted Hie fifth confiecutive lizzie when another attempt was made Vi.ste day to sail the fiieUof the Colua.bia Shamrouk series for the international trophy. The yachts will try again today. The repeated failure had a iiu diecoiiiaumt; ctfect upon the general public, slid tlieit- was i great falling oft in the niunber of nn'iirtion lioiita in-1 well as die launbei of ttieir pasEengfo. lhe hcav) fo- in., le i lie navigation not onl txieediiistly dilheu i tn' ver dan gerous. Tne ships of the fleet that did brave the perils of the fog could only crawl out to their destination. The re L'atta committee argued that this sort of weather cannot last at this time of the year. YOUR FACE. Shows the state of your ieel'nga and he state ot your health as well. Im pure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallojv complexion, Pimples and Skin EroViona. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appearance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. "It cures all blood dltseaeflB wtere cheap Sarsapar illasaml bo called purmera fail; know ing this we seli every bottle on a pos itive guarantee.. For sale at Bisbee Drug Store. Cook Wanted. A first class female cook, for Naco; wages $40. Addreso or call at Okb office. Rain, hail or Bnow, that watch must n (liiil.le, the j-wi'ler, ilo-o that, at Blewett's bhoe '(.ire. Injunction Notice. Wherefore, it is ordered by .1 n.' , i . r 1.1. n-.:. 1 tne insirict court oi ine i niita Judicial district of the Terri tory of Arizona, in and for the county of Maricopa, Hon. Webster Street, Judge, that William C. Green and Scott "W hite, and all your counsel lors, attorneys, agents, ser vants, employes and all others acting for you, are strictly commanded that until the fur ther orders of this court, you and each of you do absolutely delist and refrain from acting as, and holding yourselves out to be, and from claiming to be the President and Secretary, respectively, of the Cobre Grande Copper company, and from any manner interfering with, Qr attempting to inter fere with the property and ef fects of said company, and with the acts and doings of J. H. Qostello and J. H. Wood; as ?TcMumt nnd Secretary and Ticasurei, respectively, of tin said Cobre Grande Copper company. octi l-6t Dance on the Thirteenth ;. . On Friday Evening, October 13, 1 Dance will be given by tho COPPER QHJEEN BAND At tho Opera House , Tickets $1.00 Prof. Hem pel 'a Orchestra will furnish the Dance Music. octl-td BISBEE MILLINERY STORE, Mrs. M. J. Ulalr, Prop. A complete line of the lntcs stvloa of Spung nnd Summer Goods Jubt Arrived. Pattern Hats of the Latest Jteip Hats trimmed to order aBpec'"!" Call and inspect my goods befon purchasing elsewhere ih of Application for (Mli.ins Application No. Ml, Survey No. 1233. U. S. 1-uihI OOico. TiiOaon, Arlzutm.j Scptisin er 12. 18A. 1 Untifco 1 )iere'iy frhen tlmt In piiMiinnco or tl. L'm oi States Miniiii; Laws. Mm tin C'.iitull wiiii-o postoilico mldtcss IsTonib t,toiii 'o i kp Coiiiity, Arir.on.i Tin i itory, iiafe inml i opi Hi'utfoT for puiciit for IVjO ft. o Jit i ulover" iwl 14W foci ot tlio "SmoRler" eirs, or t!cpoltK, sltniitcd In tlio nrtoa lnlii. Dittilot, Coolilo County, t'oiritinj of Arizona, m dcsciibtd by thn j. ! i! i ' it hor w Itli posto.1, and bj tlio field ncie hi mo in the otlioo of tlio Jteg-utor of the Kcirkter ot tlio U. S. Laml Ubieo, Ollu Land 1 iurlct, at Tucson, Arlzonu, us fol- "4eliiow or" Claim Besrlnnlng cornor No. I, a pine post, 4 foot Iony, 4 Inches snuaro In mo I imi ot stone, lusoriuea i-izoi. u. iu.. 2U tniv I o'.l (tit ; Iipiiph s si. ..if; 14 to t .,... '1 :!;;: m,:;". ." ... ,:,.: ' if i iti'iVmu ,M,tu,t.'iMo1, ,.'i (oulom ' mni tim)i'r' pint i-.t, 4 ff . it u, li I in' Ik ' -iiiiiip 111 iiimiml o t.t mr Ilst'l 't ' I Ai I AJ l I X il)l " l ft ui'illiPl i o 3 Hi nee N -u 1,'j. timiii i j n i t to corner No u i ' t 1 lut 1 ug . 1 .( (l let . I in II. I nf .Ujkp Tli' i 11 mm "i feet to lw i I ii M i. uorest " "Smoelor" I'lnim BeBltinlns at corner o. 1, Identical with location cornur and cornor No. "Belllower", whence U.S.M.M. Xo.ihn. N. 51 0.0 feet. IhenceS.Stdei;. 52 mln W. 1456 feet to corner No 2, a pine post1 In taouml of stone, Inscribed 2-1283 ri. M. C. Theuco S. 50 deg 11 inin. K. 10 corner io. 3, a pipe post 4 ft. loni; 4 ins. square In mound of stoue, Inscribed 3-128J. S. M. Q. 1 hence N 21, desr.52min. E 1450 ft. to corner No. 4, identi cal with locution corner and corner No.3"riol flower," marked In addition, 4-1283 S. M. G. Thence N. 50 deff. 11 mill. W. 601.8 feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginnings Containing 18.16 net ucres. Total net orea. 36 3D ucres, und form ing a portion of the quarter of section in township 2 , south of range 24, East nieridiun. The locatio i of this mine is recorded in the office of the County lteoordtir of Cochise County on pages 145 and .40 of book 11 of MlnlngLode Claims. Adjoining claimants are the Cop. Q- Con. Mining Co. on the south-west (Sweep-Stuko claim).' John Brudy et ul. on the north-west, and Thomas Higgins on the noitli und north-east. Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion of said mine or surtuco ground uro required to tile thtdr udveise cluinis with the Register of the United States Lund Oaice at Tucson, Pima Comity, in the Territory of Arizona, during the sixty dujs period of Eublieution heieof, or they will bo barred y 'virtue of the provision's of the statute. MILTO.NH M-lOKb, ; Keglstor Date of first publication September 19. Notice of Apilication Patent. for "1 Mining Application No. 680, Survey No. 1331, J V. b ui 1 Oil Th ii n In . i . , lOllli'i llflt Is 1 I 1 Hi 1 .1 --llllll 1 uk T III I . il fctnte H ii.i- I ' v il i ti i i-i I!'), Ikiv i tojliv.u u Itl f-- i loiiiii'unt , C ulnse t unti, Aiizon i lenitou n i mile appil-j outiu'Wlur putt lit. toj IwX. twt ot rli' Uaitie ' Vliuicliost1! .Mining cluiui, situated m tho i Wai n Vilnius iistnet, Co(1hm loiinti. Tor un oi V Inun as ilpsiiiiitd to the oik u plat I 1 1 w Hh i;siod nut In ilili il noli- in hie i I. niiueoi inc lui tu the" s. i u i -i .. nu i i ui in m t of UC-nli )U i li riltofi a t,ii , ilegir.iiiug ut cornor. No. 1, Identical comer location, corner ulso S.W. corner Io. 4 Wagner lode, a redwood post, 4 teet high 4 Inches square, in mound of stone, inscribed 1-1381 H. M. M C. whence tho U. S. mineral monument No. 4 bears N. 58 deg. 30 miri. li 5.t)5 feet. Theuco S. 41) dog. 1 mm. W. vur. li 20 E. (XX) feet to corner No. 2r a pine post i feet high 4 inches suuaio, In mound of stono in s -nbed 2-1381 H. M. 41. C. Thence S. 41 deg. E 19 mln. 1500 leet to corner 3, a pine post set in ledge of rock in a mound or stone post Is 4 feet high 4 inches squat e, inscribed 3-1381 H. .VI M. 0. Thence N. 4U deg. 01 mln. 000 feet coiner 4, a pine post 4 loot high 4 inches squuro in mound ot stone iucribcd 1-1S81 H. l. M. C. 1 hence N. 41 deg. 19 mln. W. 1500 feet to place ot beginning. V uriution of ail corners, 12 deg. 2J in.u. b. Containing twenty and sixtj-sU muidio-lth (A) 00) acres, and forming u portion of the.iiuiirter of sec tion In township No. 23 h. of rungo 24 E. uusurveyed meridian The locution ot this mine is recorded in tho of the County Keeoider on page 20 of book 1 -, Cochise County, Ai izoua. Kccords of Mines. Adjoining claimants are: A portion of the nortli-eust boundury is tho south-west end line of tho Wagner und Hope claims putont No. 1121; the Hoy ciulm udjoln-f t on the north-west ut u point about ln miles south ot.the town of lushee. Any nnd ull persons claiming adversely any portion of suid mine or surfuce ground uro required to hie their ud verso claims with tho Register of tho United Statos Lund Ulhco at I'iicsou. In tho Teiritorj ot Arizonu, during thesixt duis period of publication horeol, or they will bo barred by virtue of tho pro visions of the statute. MILTON It. MOORB, Ueglster. DateFof, first publication September 19. SONORA STAGE cni'AN't . ARRIVAL AND DPAflTUnE OFTAGts -pai t t in 1 1 1 mi t Vi i i it i.u Caim- Mf. Ill i 1 1 ni luexlny iwsiluy 7 u.111. 1 Thtirsdnj 1 11. III. ! Mil inluj HI r A iv ins Hotel iiisbcn. at 7 u. iu. . ) 1 hut mIiu s and .itiiiii.i ,,i ,. ' 1 illl itlslKO to 1 .1 I .ill ! ' 4 I ) a. J. .mi La Mo.ila Ut Lt i-a.iaao.u a.iJ ictiirn $a.00. 15 pounds bngguge allowed. Lxci&m of bag.uge or freight, lOo por pound SONORA STAGE CO. W. R. THOM, IfllE fil STONE OITl ItlHbee, Arizona. Floudsloiies and Monuments a Specialty Mono Cutting of all kiudB-dono iihlientnoHs und dispatch. m mm oi mc BisDee Drag ime. ' fl 11 N. Anius, Prop. CIJ01J' tJIIILT GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS ' Hjvn nud Tobacco. A full assortment 0' Candies, Fruits and NutB. jtjlieu NUB mm llnah Otnm uiw m mm Cor. O. K. & Railroad Ave. MILLSNERY i The New Fall Hillfnery is now Ready for Your Inspection v . The nuuiher of Pattern vantage to be accrued from entirety is too evident entirety is too evident to be Till- COI.UvcTION INCLT'DTs Velvet Hats and Toques; Velvet Trimnted fiats for Hisses, and. Children's Trimmed Felt Hats; Also ...The Popular Qolf Hats Of which we have made mention before. v The Ladies of Bisbee are invited to inspecHhis showing. sporting ... Goods i HE opening of the Hunting Season draws near and with it conies thoughts i.sli'ut'j of ohi oii1p'ts,--a stituy yuiv o (he many wants til l v Sport OC( OSLO! . there's 7naicuiJxelivSjiorUn4,GooflsStojieJhat does j tot carry, so satisfactory astock of these Goods as you'll jh 'I rttht at our hardware counter. Take Gutoo for inbturioc every new wi inkle in loaflr ing, shell ejecting or facility in safe and rapid discharg ing you'll find here, always provided it has sufficient merit to warrant it a place in a stock that has nothing, but the very best. Hunting Knives, Hunting Coats and Leggings, Rifles, Shot Guns and Revolvers of the best standard makes. Ammunition of every Sort; everything in fact that you've a right to expect here and'. All at Fair Prices. t&WAfV' (avi'Mtramn UfaUWUUID TAILi-NJADE OOWNS. Not to Early, to Think of Them.-- mHIS IS TO TELL OF TWO KlNDSboth equally ,f good from every point of view whether it be that of Style, reliability of Ma'erla1 , cxeeVcm e of Workman K'hin f- ''i,s.v of Price. One is a Ch criot Serge, in nun an,! black- Jacket -.v.m.lhas fly front, with two rows of three buttons each; over ""' 1 Qftnt . .aiifo.hi.fl. throughout, iifilh silk. si.eevRS a.ra lirtlif, ' jittinu,jlurin'i silently ut t'ie and cd'Jod with three rows of sUiohin, the lining is of taffeta silk. Skirt is tight fitting over hips with three straps at placket; panel effect edged with three rows of stitchii'ig, Price is $12.00. The other is of Cheviot Serge also in navy and black. Jacket is tight fitting and lined with tafieta silk. -Skirt is plain, but hangs prettily and tllai makes it asatis- f actor f skirt. Price $8.00. " mvi WI) I fih Store f Hals is limited and the ad- seeing the ;is.sorttnent in its mentioned. of New Outfits or replen-t ? , 7xiivn&!<si4ta tii i,riinnrTTT,,,TKTi. , TX iliiiliiij vl-lii.IJ,Mli ivr-!: bottom is scalloped OPPER QUEEN. 'KZ& ?,i ?'3U ??Zi -$A ifr 'J it 'Vi 1 if' .'-. - Vi r. ,1f rs rawS k--rjmiTmms