Newspaper Page Text
- V sdM2 -&.. . ' V cf. 14 fe Ir m . O - -C r (V . , 4fc jn 4r4 jJr r t w.. .. A1UEOH A. K A U I) TlMElOlUb ?!4i5gA,tinB IteTTTSed from Our xs vt T . WV1 " - J! if norm f y ' South j; 5 ward. Wftlfl, ""'MB TAHLR ? No. 1 1 1II1SB, i. o . a Mixeii. ': ! ? Flr-t- ' g ' yt. llrt. QilWU I iiilTjfc, -UU . z o J.v...tilo- J ' b..i C;:5 b J- 7,yj 7 .i .v? W 7f 110 Don 8.8 ..4.4 3J2 Nnej liiiiftioii. i i. l-:W JcKu'u W H 1BMJ nuniujv .U li.2 Wiuer lTu k 3D 1 1 fi -V l' Clnu lesion i 4 11 it o S Ar .1 uiiui.uiv i.v , U 11:23 ,7.o'Lv...r'tilrbiiuK..Ar'lU o. llil .0,...Lonw.iitloii...7.l 7 ll.w 7! . k' .Laud M 10:10 b:.u ..J.S Al. . Heu.on...L .0 iua.0 , , 1 . neltlc Time. rii5K Statlou Sto.M on big- l. ltltj. Vua.lAlti. hunoi iiiteiwlout. SOVTHKKN I'AClFtO KAILHOAU.X STA'UONS. WtB !. 1I0U.NI t"W a. ni.l San FiauolKu ..Lo,'Ai.;;dlo4: IIIUU Mnrii'Oi i 1 lit Mill 1)1-1. Mi 4il5 j,. in. U.00 p. in. 11 0 n'm. a-8.0 n. m 6?A' p 11 lli.jl IV U lt " 1 ;a7 H. u Vuoiilc time. s ti. .. m , . so n. iii. 1 i ui .i m - ui F.S. ', At., ilimkon. - t ti iioiiri. i M 0 1'. M, to 5 0(i i ! 6 r v VHt.H A lil.I l i! r.irl ui PItOFEtJSIOKAL OAUDS. JrAMKS 8. HUUINSON, ATTOltNBY I at Law, Ulsboeo, ArUona. Will iiiuatlca n oil the courts of tho l'orrltory, ami in tlio Supreme Court of tlio Unltod htiUosj. ATIXUHUKISK, VIOLINIST. LKSSOJJSOiy'- on at roasounblo rntea. Atldresa Box Si. JlSi.HK E. IlKKKFOUD, SBTU K. HA-4AHU, ' -- m 4 iik a tt I rt li i 11 n "lawyer. Tiichoii, Arlzoua, have ustabiied un olhco at Vomlutoiio with &. A. D. Uiitou. - nttornoy ntlnw, and will attondeaoli court ei in at Tombstouu. tirlLUAM SCHttt SHKB, JUSTICK OF . the Peace, Notoi Public and Coin w- anoer. OtUco In Wallace U'ldlut:, Ulsbeo, Ariz T-nU. J. W. FAKRINGTON.-'DENTISTRY IN .--' all Us bi.molics. Satisfaction tuuiun ted. Othce Shearer Uulldiiic, IlUbee..rI- soua. . ' ... . ,. ... . ... . fTiO. W. SWAIN, ATlOKNEY.vVT-IAW. " Will iirootlce In all tho courts of thd Territory. Touibtoue, Arizona. a"m!kk""""knoV.1SH. A'll'OltNlil" AND - Counellor-at-Law OlUce on'lXjurthJ Street, Tombstone. Arlzoua. WC. STAEHLE, ATTORN BV AND COUN- tellor. Toinbstouo, CovhUo County, A. (Ml j i2. i ' ,XI X. TVH.I.IA3IM, s. 1 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. -irj I'libilciCoiivi'jftnccr lillisCollwrtnd cialtj. -rW Ei)MUNDbON-PHYS.Ct.N ANI Sb'K- -"fePaW'Srw ": iuxtoirH. fOSTAK HEMrr.L, PIANO TKAfHBK -1.0isoiik ib Iusuuuteiital inusio. t t..l at Or 1 Lewu'. IHE KKAlivMllL.b. ipbHFKOT ASIILAU LODGE, No 13 P. & A. M UeotKllr&t'lliurSdiv ot euch mouth. Vin Itlnz bretliien cordially luviUnl to utteiid. J if. A.Swekt. W.M. J.L. BuottN.beoretaij. TANDMAKK CHAPTBK NO. 6, K. A. M. fck.nt.til .,,iv.imttlii,i t.lillil TllnikiliiV ill each mouth. VUitlni: coiiipunlons in ,:uod KaudlnK uro f ratoriiulo luvitett to visit. J. U. PKI1CUAUD, H. P. Vbadk J. Okae1, Societal, r --UEENLOUGE,NO.e.A. O. U. W MhblS ti , every baturday evenliitc. YUltiiiif bi'otli- im cordially mvltcii. u. ijualiji, jj. n. Allrcd Godfrey, , Uecordor. H. C. Pkaskh, Tltiuucior. 'T O. O. F. niSHEE LODGE, NO. 10, JUJErS eTeryWodnoBdayovenliur Ylsltliujbroth neordlaU) Invited to attorn!. A. 1'. Vi'Ar kihs, N,G Gmil, Mahkb, 11. S. TMPROVEDOKDEU OF RED MEN, COCHISE Trlbo No. 7., meet every Thursday ocu tog at tho Opora House Hall VUltiuir broth rs cordially invited. M. CHEN TON, Sachem. .A.Maukey, C. of H. Dr. Edinuiidsoti, Modloluo Man. fc - I in tTMB FOUUM-nUbce Forum No, 1958. -limeetR lit st und third Monthly In euch -., month." Opera House, 7 :'M p. in. VUttlm.' coin- paulont ulwu) welcome. H. W. Stuilloy.n'ios. ' T.VPM)ovliio, Ti eas. Win. bcl liu-.hui, boc. rsOUT-f Iinwifi T, yn K ?0K"ST""!W.q OF Amerlcu niti i mvlt VWilnewlnv iiitf'it a r v i . jAltrs Kbi.i ' iiuiiii nil .jeer tur. BISBEE a?4 NACl, AS Stage Line, riiTI TAFT,'Prop. Leave IllHbe Tmiluy and Fridays. Arrive in iSiHbWTuesdnys and Saturdays 'Office At V tIt v .. . , jil,,ro till! '( 1 l It' I I t ' I , 1 Ml fSosis ,$. " Cnt Roses ofIT ktiids 'for sale "jFat 35 cents per tloiun. Special Wjjjw .Mies -given to festivals and .parties. Paiticular attention given to shipping ordertr. Flow yjjttt' -'ers carefully packed', j 3IBS. J. O. DUaNTttATt, Capitol Addition, l'lionnix, Arizona, ; Jj HOW1AND & CO. I JPHQTOGRAPiilC SUPPLIES. A AVholesale and Retail. t- dpll S. Main St., Los Anueles, Calif.V Ol Arizona news. TOi'fii'flS.; v t " Exchanges. Coupei iii nice ro m greftt demand now bin like ,si..U uiuioa'tlioy muat bo devclnj.rti io Miitk, ii jrothun prospect pruvs. Ju.. , . n.'i-l, flodndon,Mo ,heal- ,(l .. Mii'uiiitjiar titeen years and leui-d lin pill-no! Ioiik standing by using lVWiu'o Vuuli lliuol Salvo. Itouieaall sKln diaeaFoa. Coppor Queen store. J HuddtMt proprietor of Kuddoi's (..till hii.i Oihter.ilouBe, at Sun Diego, iiinv.d in ftiiuee bumiuy, and will take charge of tliu iiilinary part of the uiia iiitjuuKUKUiSjltanquet. Millioii8.of dbllais, is the value placed Mih. Uiid, liaiiisburi;, l' on ue life ot iiur clalil, winch she saved irom cioup by the use oi One Minule (niuh Ciuo. It curesiall coughs, colds and tin oat and lung troubles. (Jopper Queen stbre. . X s Tlie- -itinh' ineinhPrs o' tl '.nftitute i oi .Minn tM.iiKiuetrsi will ""!) nncii i . i he 1 1' on b.ituiuny iutn . J he st-ite- tut nt of O " vi Ui 1 iliMjit papi is the tiniu would pA-ia that city on yuoterdny, was an cirui. i. it H lll , Is lol Pvhptvia ' HI w ill li,j --i w lai u eat it ui nil !uini Ol dj ppepsin and stomach trpubles. E.K. Gamble, Veiuon, fex-.tiiyn, "It relieved me lioiu ihe slait and umtsd nie. It is now mv eveiiastluj; fuend." Coppei Queen atoie. l'il'-J'aso won the last tfiimp with Tnc sou by a score of 4 to 1. They played in Phoenix yesteiday and today and will play the final name totnuTOW. Dono van, who played heie ret'tiuily, is play ing rihr field for the nine. "If you scour the 'orld you will nevei find a remedy equal to One Minute ('( ;h Cure," says Editor Facklerjdf (he Mica nopy,Fla., Hustler. It rurd hie family of La'Trippo and. paves thousands ft out pneumonia, bronchitis, croup and all throat.and lnng troubles 6oppor Queen store. J Wood is bollini! here at $5.50 porconl. In the winter it will doubtless advance i to $7.00, as utnial, andiT cases of a few days of continuous bud v,weather it may Ko hiclipr. jThe VPlow Boy Preai-hor," Rev. J. Kirkman, Belle lsiveIli-ays'After suf iferinn fioin bronchial or )miK trouble for ten vears, I wastuied hv One Minute i uu,h l ure. It is. all tint i i nine I i i it .mil." Il iMiri-s mut'li", i"l i-, lirippo land all throat and luiij; troubles. Cop K- " "ore ; x Chief Justn-e Baker of Phot-nix w.ihii paBSunirer on the iiiconiine train ilen!nv. He frfine on hval hucines connet'ied with tlieCobreGrunde liouble and lelurued this wtek. Piesident Kinij.Farmer's bank, Brook lyn, Mich., has "used De Witt's Little Early Risers, in his family for years. Says they are (ho best. These famous little pills cure constipation, billiousness and all liver and bowel troubles. Cop per Queen stoio. ,J. II. Slnuuhtei and daughter, Miss 'Ada, earno in esterday from the San Bernardino ranch, and will return to morrow. iMr. blauiihtoi will ship a t ain load of cattle to C-ilifurnia from Don Luis toirorrow. "I wish to express my thanks to the manufnctuieis oi Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for having put on the market such wonder ful medicine," says W. W. Massingill, of Boaum nit, Texas. There me man v thousands of mothers whose children have peen saved from attacks of dysen tery and cholera infantum who mnst also feel thankful. It is for sale "by all druggists. 0 Professor George A. Tredwell departed last nutht for Now Turk. wheroliH wan I i H 1 the pron till u i ( hi ( j, ( in o i i ! it i ,nn w Inch inc'u 1 all of itu isuini owui'l hvdreene in the i ( nioiiiitairiK m bnu it This' i com i tii lias liwn iikiii p, nttt d nude I the Mwtt ol Mi AH o, w 'iii t) is Hitnnttei. to r be the um!v i-.ift wa u oporn'c in thit1 countrv. It uihiiren i ural title, whuli bouiu-of tho oihci cou.panikio opornting in that country do not possess. In re paid to Ihe Cobra Grande matter, a gen tlemiin who is interested in tho matter said last evening: "There has 1 eon a g' eat depression in stocks of all kindiin , Wall street in tho last two wojks. Cos- tello has been pinched bv Uih condition i of the market, and he has asked for an I fiYtii.iut.i.. nr .....n ... ,!. .. . .1. . .. i- "ivuoiuiiui 1,1 HI U IO UlliO U,l till SIOOK which is now in escrow in tho Phoenix National bank. 'Ihorj is no doubt in my mind but that ho will have to have it in .ouler to carry out his part of the contract." Phoenix Herald. During th winter of 181)7 Mr. Jamoi Reed, one of tin, lading citizens mid merchants of Clay, Clay Co., W. Va., struck his log against a cake of ice i i such a manner ai to bruiso It seveiolv. It became very much swollen and pained him so badly that he could not walk A-ithout the aid of crutches. Ho ah tieated by physicians, also used noveral kinds of liniment and two and a )mf Kalloua of whisky in bathing it, but noi nothing gave any relief until hu bejau using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This using uuainouriaiu u ram uaiin. J his brought almost a complete euro in a week's time and ho believes that had he not usudythis remedy, his log woild huve had to bq amputated. Pain Balm ii unequaled for Btra.ns, bailees and rheumatism. For tale by all dnu 0 8. ,0 IUM iajmmamciexiftrKiaiitw) - Wash (ho Dishes Quickly J You can if yvu tise Gold Duat. It does most of the work. It eaves tiine,mou ey and labor. Bnd for fre booklet " Oolds HaUu tut Housework." J THE N. K. FAIRBANX C&MPANY Chlapi Si.LobU NcwTork Boston Main Stieet, iTHE Otto W. ac-3cs;lofc; Finesi ia is M. Fresh oysters and all kinds of eame in spawn. The table supplied with the best the market afford. to.ri. (i, ANCHOR m tea Sid Harris, Prop. j IMPORTED WINES, heading and Card Room Attache . Give Us-a Call. v Opposite ttie Library, JSLsbce. 1 Bisbee trade especially catered to. LhJi: LRRIi:U, Prp.wLor. FxlIRBANSi ESasbec Assay Ofiice. wi.r I'juti. J-ir. iivor Uold and ( o ,pi r in one umplo f 0 biivtn uud Ciold... 1.25 Silver, Gold, Copper or Lead, euch 1.00 Zlno 2.50 Antimony, Iron, Lime and Sulphur, each 'J.00 Wuliramite , 5.00 All Work Cititiranteedi If not Correct .nuuey Reluuacd,,,. CASH DISCOUNTS. $ 5.00 w orth of w orlt. 5 per cent off lO.i 0 " " 15 " 10.00 to $20 00 " 20 ' Samples by mall or express receive prompt attention. Sample bas ivun on application Otbce uoar the old graveyard, on Nob Hill. AI F TPI I AM ....assaybr.. 1-r 1 L,L,L.flU, Hiibee. Ariuao T H G 1 firs. fl. Croshey, Prop, A First-Classj Hotel, Centrally Located. Furnished Rooms. Lighted by Electricity. Equipped After Modern Meth ods, w ith all the conveniences which contribute to tho truv elois' comfort. The Traveling Public is Invited to call at THE BEbbEMEK. Vi?i0:6feaTcrjCljSjfr(jftJt. W. Wallace : : A(jL..," AND BROKIZR BiSJCtt A., i-'oua Representing Mining Vr; evties. Real Estate Bought und Sold. Money Loaned and Invested. Collections Made. Stru Si First-Class Board Day, Veek or Mouth. BOARDING HOUSE IN REAR OF MASONIC rEUPLW Mas. A. W. Stkumm, Prounot FAIRS 11 or other ladies who wish Can Earn lots of Mi Working for us in spare time athmneon our cloths. Wo offer you a gwil clnnef to make plenty of spending immey easi ly, in leisure hours. Send 12c for eloth and full direction for worl hi I cone monce ntonce. uiotn sent mi v ' s loH- Address W1NOOSKET CO. ( too, Mass., Mfg. Dopt. Si sC "(C J,4Z.Xthsi37 X" WALDO RF.4 BiBbee, Anzonn. te I5f teilis ci Parries m m SALOON, U '.Ml ST4.V CO LIQUORS AND CIGARS, gj 3 A tyea ARISONA. r n lies Beer On Draught Constantly on Hand. Fine Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Your patronace Rebpecully Solicited. Dubacher & Muheirn. Hiowery Avenue, Ulsbee. Arizona C2aeap CASH Store. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Fresh foils oi ah Kinds eeceived oouy. WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, AND 10BACCOS Goods delivered to all parti, of town. MUM0L5& FLKTCHER, 1'ropiietors. A luprebeutative ebtab lishinent catering to a representative people. OAO Good Fare, Reasonable Rates, Correct Service, Op Eay aflj Hi<! Vi T. METZ, Prop'r. Office A'11' 'oi'"l t'oli"tono w ltiilio', Arizona. an; o n Soda water, Sarsapaiilla, Ginger-ale, Etc., Etc. Orders from aboatl will re- ccieprompt attention. --OriloiR fortlmcltyof HIhIiop will be ,i , ,,i rlco 4.I.I,,.,,. ,ii,. r.ii.. .,.!.. i fe Kjb ? S Ji $ B s L J St q III siy tiditeui psi&H 't ., ..Hvwv w.,. . 4UU1IIJ U1UUJ HritviL Take the Saata Fe Route -o-PUOM-o ZDESSSTO- or IXj F-AS Tq all Northern or Eastern points. Close con nections made at Kansas City and Chicago with all the Northern and Eastern lines. TOURIST GARS All meals not served-in Dining Cars are taken at the popular Santa FeKouto Harvey Eating Houses. Full inloruiatiou cheerfully furnished upon application to F. B. HOUGHTON, Genl Au't El Paso, Tex. mpoftant JOUiH. THROLUH. AND PASSENGER 1 lie direct through line from Arizona and New Mexico to all points i tHa north, east and southeast. Low altitude. Perfect passenuer 6ervtc8. Thro'itK cars. No lay-overs. Latest Pattern Pullman Buffer "Sleepers. Handsowe Her Chair Care. Speed, safety and comfort combined. For particulars address. B, F. DAltBYHIRE, R.-.W. CURTIS, S.W.F.&P. A., T.F. A P. A. Li Paso, Texas. ' El Paso, Tal. E. P. TURNER, G. P. & T. A., Dallas, Texas, 'NO TROUBLE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS." HGUTEL Has first class accommodations, newly "Ie'"-1'' - jiuhiu MH-i 1) t ai 1 - A. 1 C tr riN iEXSON 0 (pi U ULltillllL iliiL uil BElSO, AKIZONA. First class rooms from 60 cents per day upwards. Fires for families a specialty in rooms. Good meals at. 25 cents. Bar attached t6 the . house. Satisfac tion guaranteed or no pay. SAM. FRIEDMAiS', Proprietor. HAKINGER-EaoS., Proprietory Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. The Old Made Youn G Weak VliJj Sir ong The Sick Made Well- DY THE USF OF ' A i i i. ILi ti A WONDERFUL REMEDY LI FJ3 ITSELF. PERPETUAL HEALTH BYTHEIR DAILY USk IO ONE NEED BE SICK. riioy vll out un KN' to nit MHiiiivr oi uiseiiHci iiesiurt viinlHtt:ive IScvi'I.1te lo- er nud lincrjjy to All, KllMlircH oflc1jr Klopt UNca u.v vicora SO Tablets 50 Cents At di Uiru'ixtR, or seat bj mall on receipt of price b) KO.YAL TABLET CO! aiH i.nfaetlc Ac, DRTROIT, - - MICH Stop, Thief of Time, and havo ou watch repaiied. Hitikle, tho jov.vUn-, savea vou the ECconds. Bluwetj shoe store. , iilC-Lii VV I Sfn Tahlafo uTH Immih era 81 w r UND PULLMAN SLEEPING or W. E. BROWN, T.F. A P. A..ElPaso.Texl Gateways 4 TAST FREIGHT SERVICE furnished rooms. Tables BiipnlierfwitV 1 , - 1 1 , itroxae of tha iit truanm't i. VJS, FiOirIetor AitlZONA m IIUIL in BISBE& ' LRS. M. BLEWETT PKOfHlhi'UKK A FULL LINE 0 Boors, K and Gears funishinas m City garber Shop And Bath Rooms. Maries & Wittig, Proprietor. dnir 'uttlnir, Shavlnjr and Shampoolh. Ltzo, Convenient aud Cotsuioilloilt Hath Rooms Attar lied, b ,r j - thlnjf Kint-Clans. Miin Strt'ot. Bisboo Attention, SinokersI Wlidujou want u sauuiue Iticxiciju Cljrar niid a cood .moke, call Tor the MuJl"a ''"-t tvt tatv-evorjjoU oi SI 88 II if i w -H T.... w .- a -i -. ,w."i"llc w r,, rrormji 3?S3SS5SBi tj ' ifc n i z-i IK.-1 -TL.Ai,-fl. 'ML' . .irtrL I rrvii