Newspaper Page Text
t: e ARIZONA DAILY -) SB PH'HVI HV"S KVfcNINH RXOK"T I"V. WV ALVAN W. HOWS, litem) nt the mt nffluo nt Hlsbce. a no nnd cIum iwitwr Mny 12, 1BH7. AdvertUliur rates will 1 matlo known on pplleatlnn to tbi "- I-pl imli'lniulotw Jt"oo.iformlty with t Stntutoi. fteadlmr Notice 10 cent par lino for each lu tertion. ToAdvbktishus: Cuts Intended formsor tlon la those columiH must lie on metal btwe gr they will not lie atwvpted. Qonunuiilcatlotu relating to newt or edl f irinl matter should be addressed to Editor C0r-All KonxlttapfW wl business lottoii ,fcJ be rtddressoTi to T)lii')fL. Arizona. PFISHBR, NEWSPAPER J-VTSHItR. NEWSPAPER ADVERT1S- JLl. In A'srent, 21 Merohniiti Exohanice. San. hrntiAison. is our iiiunurifu.i tuuMi. - puner Is kept on tile hi hU otfioe. iiPirolWKo. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 24, 1891). THE DEMAND OF THE WEST. In the course of wmitt remnrks at the tecent ieaion o the lational Irriutt?on N Congress Jud'e W. II. Stilwell, of Phoo Dix, eaia; "Conuress has been making appropri tionsfor ,riyers -aud harbor iuiornve ients. Bat excepting the uppropriii- r unwhiuh congrosH hus rondo for agri cultural college tho fanner lias received comparatively little consideration. A rtroug reason why the federal govern ment Bhould; attend to the distribution of its waters is that in many cases res vrvoirs would have to be built iti ouo state' for the purpose of conserving and , holding water for distribution iu another state. The federal government alone is io a position to do such work. I am iu favor ui the government retaining its public land, eellin;;' it aa it has always gold it io the liumeseeker; conserving the water so that it may be distributed to the Irrigator for the lowest possible price and the profit to be realized from the cultivation of the soil (secured to the home builder rattier than to corpo rations formed to sell water to farmois.'' It requires a better government and a stronger nation to preserve peace than to declare war. Peaceful conquests iur. aish the most glorious pages, of history. Thk assignment of Hear Admiral Sampson to the Boston navy yard will net him a total of $7,71)5 per annum, counting shore duty pay and allowance. Admiral Schley at sea, without pel qui files, will receive $7,500. 1 ubbk powerful eyndicatee in the City of iMexko are uuguged. in a merry war over Btreet trausportatiou. Due of them Vm .Ai... -.n...( ...,nll... mi li'nli'-ili ..nil I the third a South African syndicate. When such a tight comes to pass aver age people are like a crowd ut a uog tight they are reluctant to spoil sport. Tub Secretary of war deed well in Caking steps toward a teorgauizaliou of the army vwui the purpose ol making it a mote perfect piece of governmental machiiieiy. The main thougut to be kept in mind in lhe,contuui plated re forms is thai special services require special men, and that tliu more Inglily the staff and line othoers are specialized the belter wni be me lesulis for tue areiy. A TitUKK statement never was made than tltat receully published by the McLeansboro, Ohio, Times, whoa it said: "There is prodperity in the couu- ;MV. but unforiunatelv it la confined to t'ho men with money. Tno-je without it ' have seldom, as a whole, been wornu otf Eveu if they ue employed, the coat of living is so great, so disproportioued to -lite scale ol wages paid Ihui they dud it 'almost inionnibie Ut muKe etuis meet. Theie men begin to anxiously ask wtiat ' is to become of tlieui." To I'KikVKNT poverty all must have an .even atari in the race of life. Lauds must be free, tools free uud money free, j ''But there will be pour people slill," 'wjll bo (Mill. So there result ,litt. huwever, from defects of .Iiumauchaiacteruudphvaicaldisabiliiy; i and these it is the bounden duty of so- (Ciety to make good to fur as may be ' done. All artificial hindrances to equal- ,ity removed, tho natural may be pro dded against by social arraignments aiade iu accordance with the Uoiden Kule. The Masier went about "doing f ood." Tnai id to say, rectifying tue Cvlls that had resulted fioiu natural clauses; iiindrances, lameuesi and nick iiets. But. Ho aUo ''fed the hungiy." Duirni; the winter of 18D7 Mr.-James Ueed, one of tlio leadlntc'citizcns aud ' iiieicliHiits of Clay, Cfiiy Co., W. Va., struck his leg against a cake of ice in s'ncli a manner as to bruise it severely. It Lecame very mucli swollen und pained him sj badly lu could not walk itliout the aid of crutches, lie was treated by physicians, also used several kinds of llutuidiiL and two uud a lialfi jruluns of wuUky in bathitiir it, but 3,.,i.i.,u -., mr.iui.. n i i Ulothug gave any relief until he began uauiKuuHiauunaiira r4iu uaim. This brought almost a complete cure in a week's time uud ho believes that had he not used tthiH remedy, his ley would llavu hud to be amputated, l'ain Balm is unetpualed for sprains, bruises and rheumatism., For tale by ull drug IfetB. Ov i , Eczema ! , The Only Cure. I Eczema is more than a skin disease, and no akin remedies can cure it. The doctors are unable to effect a ctu-e, und their mixtures arc damnpmg to tlio most powerful constitution. The whole trouble is in tho blood, and Swift's Specific is tho only remedy which can reuch such deep-seated blood diseases. Ec.oTia broVo out on my dauKhtor, and cou- tinned to spread until her head was entliely covered. She was traateil by several Rood doctors', but (!rsw worse, aud the JSSeSJ &t vsly 'vi: &X dreadful disease spread to her face. She was i'S uj;en to two celebrated 51 i two celebrated HSWSa siftlnrs. but re tf.jfi&$J;&ffi$g lobcnollt. Maiiy-K..---.- r i health s celved no 1 patent medicines were taken, but without re I suit, until wo decided to tiy S. S. S.,nnu b- the time me iirsi ixuue wa lin'.s.ieu. nnr nt an m gan to heal. A tlojen bottle? cuivtl her cnin- filotely and left bur skin perfectly smooth, tin nnv sixteen) earo old. and Iim a sr.AKii I i'.cpnt growth of h.ilr. Not a sign tit the dreadful disease has ever returned. H. T. 8hoh"., 2701 Lucas Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Don't expect local applications of iaps and salves to cure Lczema. Thty soans reach only tlio surface, while the di seaso comes from within. Swift's Specific tmvo is tho only cure and will reach the most obstinate fuse. It is far ahead of a'l similar remedies, because it.cuies cases which are beyo.-d their reach. S. S. S. is purely vegetable, and is theonly blood remedy guaranteed to contain no pot ash, mercury corner mir.ei'iil Books imylu free by SwitiV-Speciuo Company, Alitlta, Georgia. , " " TT "SOUTHWESTERN BUSINESS--COLlS-'tE. El Paso, Texas. The modern business training iohool of the Southwest. wo CoursbS! Bus ness mil Sh rthond embrueliijt Hoo.t-Ueenliiir, Aritumoth'. Com niorclul Law, Uusliie-s Writing. t;elllne, Letter lVrltlii(;, Knpid CiUcuUitlni,', liusiness Pupers and Legul Forms, Short hand, Type wrltlntr, Offleo I raininsr In Kotnllln. Whole sulolny, ominlsslnu, liunUIn by Actual lluslnes-i Practice. Wt olrer 1J. hitjiorlor atlvimtae or spien did otiiilpineur, ntirt peroiinl Instruction un-" dertraluo.npcoiulUis. we prepare students for tho best po-ltioiu which wo secure. Stu- donts "I'lime" in connection. Wrllo forrates eto Pull Tor in beirlui HOiitetnbnr 1st. E tubllsheliajil. U if. COOK. Prln" MRS. M. BLEWETT PKOPKIhTliKSS A 1'Vl.l. LING OF BUS. 8133! OKI feill'S ffflllSfflim 6TJ! BISBES aid MCflSASI ine, Stage T 3 JUJLl Tlltl TAFT, Prop. Lea Biabee TueMlay and FridayH. Arriveiu BiSbee 'luoe-iayf and Satnnlays Office Al Coirjier jjueeu ftor 1, l .1 I II l tlflt.Cbl 1 I CI W fm cosh OiUIb! N. iLizgku&i Prop. CiiOIJ .'MILT 630GERIE3, RISES, U300R& Cigats, and Tobacco. A full assortment o' Candies, fruits and Nuts. Cr. O. K. & Railroad Ave. nnr 1L, Mrs. Al. J. Blair, Prop. A complete lino of the lates stylei of Fall and Winter Goods Junt Arrived. Pattern Hats of tke Latest Besip. Hats trimmed to order a specialty. Call and inspect my goods before purchasing elsewlieru V. G. MEDIG0VICH Wholesale und ICetuil Denlur In GROCERIES. Poultry. GAME UKCEIVED ONCK j WKKI Llfi!!0:3. SIU33 GlQIfS OilH TOlEISCOS Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartlfldrilydlgests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon- gtructlr,R the exhausted digestive or- n8. It is the latest discovered 6 I dices t- ant and tonic, jno otner preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieved and permanently cures. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, SlckHeadache.Gastralgla.Craiupj.and 11 other results of Imperfect digestion. ffrtitarad by E. C OeWltt Co., Crjleaao. Copper Qusen Stere. tt WLBfelf ca'k iitsjsuo'xtj.'x.i BISBEfi SI i ll SMI MM OU mW 4fe ISO 0 I COWHK IS Tllii METAL. The Cochise Copper Mining Company, Bisbeo. Arizona. . This cnmniinv nwng n vrv valuable group of mines situated in Wan en ' mining district, county of Cochise, Arizona, lying Immediately east of and adjoining; the town of Bisbee, and ad joining the property of the Copper Queen Consolidated Mining company on the north. The latter company his been in operation lor about twenty years, and employs about 1,500 men dally In tho operation of its mammoth mine and smelters, and as a result . hilfj nrnilllnorl nnnnn. tn noon 14 flilfi flflll ' pounda during the year 1S9S, and the net proceeds of such production are reported to have been over $2,000,000. and It has been said by experienced miners wno nave oecn uuu&r us em- ploy for vonn that thA Ouppn mine yeais, inai we iueen mine ow has sulHcient ore In sight to kqcp It in constant operation for the nexl twenty yara wjlhcut furthe.i U.v next twenty years withcut furthe.i velopment "Is it not reasonable to believe that the property of the Cochise company is fully as valuable, when it Is within such close proximity to such a won derful mine? The blasts set off in the underground workintra of thn Oueen nroDerty can easily be felt and heaid at the shaft of our mine, and oftimes the concussion has attracted marked attention. The original owners of these valu able mines are local business men, well and favorably known in Bisbee and surrounding vicinity, who are doing their utmost to make this enterprise a success in every respect The board Ol directors are original owners, and are donating their services to the com pany until such time as the mine ii!l pay dividends. They own the con trolling interest in this property, and as a protection to stockholder have nlnrpf. their entire interest m escrow for a term of one year. j The stock books of our company are now opcu iur, cwiu a. iiiu ited number of shares are offered at ten cents per share. No application for less than 100 shares will be ac cepted. The company reserve the right at any time to advance the price of shares without further notice, or to reject any application for stock at their discre tion. Every cent received from the sale of stock will be expended toward the de velopment ot our property and the erection of hoisting works, and al .. ,, in,Isn.liio onrl ,, other necessary Improvements, and to make our enterprise a success in every , particular t( particular. We invite investigators and their experts or their engineers to closeiy scrutinize our property. t Applications for shares may he made to any of the directors of the com pany, or to any of our legally author ized representatives. L. C. SHATTUCK, Pres., J. MUHEIM, Supt. & Treas. G. W. HILL. Vice-Pres. S. K. WILLIAMS, Sec. Bisbee, Arizona. v City garber Shop -And- Bath Rooms. i Marks & Wittig, Proprietors. Hair Cutting, Shaving und Shampooing Large, Convenient" atid Commodious Unth Rooms Attached. Every thing: First-Class,. Main Street. Qiftbet- Attention, SmokersT When you wint n genuine HCiixican Ci:ar mid a trood --moUo, call for tho t,as los IVucioixee)," pc'tin oboiis For sals ovi-y vi'i Cut Hnaes ofall kinds for sale at lii cents- per dozen. Special rates given to' festivals 'und p.irties. Parliciilar attention given to shipping orders. Flow ers' carefully packed. j MiJS. J. O. DUKBA, Capitol Addition. Phoenix. Arizona. loses Roses ii 1 1 in si 1 Idffilflt HI IMJW.l sen aa i m r i iu i :sniai iiuiB r mi i ua UllllU 1L ill lUiLlllLni UUUiMilll Incorporated Under the Laws of Arizona. CAPITAL STOCK - - $5,000,000 In 5,000,000 One Dollar Shares. Full Paid and Nonassessable and Carrying no Pjrsonal Liability. OFFICE OF THE COHPANY: Room 4, Bryson Block, LOS ANOELES, CAL. PETER JOICNSON, Fiscal Agent for Arizona. A pjjJicatioa iOT Ml Ini: ApplloHtion ht. iVi, Survej N. '83-1 U. S. l.umi ()flro, Tuc , .. A, Worn;, I ' i.i vi 12. M.'i. i Jiotleo Is Imroij );ir Hint III DUtsuuuoo, ... ...v uiiiu-ii .HrlU'l .lilllll'U I.11WS, WUIHII ioit.ll.). nhoo p'i,tk tiit'. i.ildreM, Is Tomb- toiii', (.ocIhm Co nt. il i)l.i 'J'e.ri!.r.v, luis mudo upnllcnrio . for piitci.r lor IW3 tt or tho "Hoirtt.v.'.ir" nii'l u .is fort ct the 6i..OBiot" vi-iiis, oi ii-ii. Mt.u.tfd Ittth.-' wan on J:ifciii..- t oiliKc i,.t:it), ..'i ii,J of Ariioiin, ns .;.,. btd b) th oU'firtl plr.t ii. rtMli poitod, H'.d !) tho leld tiothjoi lllnin 5io ,ll!. o tie '.ttrl,t.T ol tin itt',.1 ,, ,,( t- I". S. Ii .1 :ici- 'Ha Ui.:.i bnl.c. ut i.i -sou, in ,uu, in- :ol- uv.!., 117- , i,. 7-UTtuit"r ;!'- V;,,.; nu.ui-ii ,t, n..-riiui -... is ....".. iVIP''-,J v.: '-' ' M- No. ,.. '"- I ;.' rf n',?'" w!"i tofjt0, ra" , I'litj.-i lent iny;;i,4 incur mii,hp in muiiu.l oi ..''!" liisoiihe.i a-liw H. Jl. C;. I lien.'e h ltj ., , ,. ..,,,,,,,, iuii m -- - - .. .I.. M. rvt " .. . - a ... .. MU, V. I'olnower" mid "Sim.ttler", u pluo io.t, 4 feot l.lch ! li.'clifs s(niuf in uinuiid ol &t nc lusoeibiv l.,.. . M.i .. li8b.Kll.bleitio(oiiMi Iw. 3 Thence N. 35 den. 44 mlti. K. 1511 iW't to corner . n 4. u iiuio post 4 ftvi ioiiu 4 inches m.iiiuc in mound ut stone. Then, v K. W vte fort topluco of beginning-, ucies. 11 nun. V,. 4m!) Coiitiiiuiutc lb.lli "Stnoirlor" ' Him Hejrliml'ur. nt corner No. 1, luVntirnl with location eurnur und corner No. 2, "lielllovt m". m hoiico U S.M.U. 0. 4 In . N. lOdttf. lbmln. I ,r4 O.iUoot. 1 uuiice S. 21 il... r.'Jmln V.14tC feet to comer No 2, u pine pot in uiouuti of t-tono, iiiseribotl 2-.'Jji S. M. C. Thence S. F.iJ dr-j It niln K. 'o corner o. a, n pine post 4 It. lonif 4 ins miuuio In iiioun:! of xtono, iiioiib'(l U 1..-3. S Al. . r hiiiK-e N 21, dor rJ miii K 14W ft. totornor N . 4, identi cal with iociilioii roi imr uomur No.3"i!ol llowor," uuirl-.od ifi iiddition. 4-lifJ S. M. C. 'Uiemo N. M "det?. 11 mill. W. 601.8 fe t to corner No J, tho pint-cot hcKitinluK. (-'oiituiuiiis: la IS not. nous Total net i.ica. SliS) ih-i-On. und loiin- i : u portion of the ii,iirt(r of section In towiioliliiz ,houtliot iune2i. J.ust inei-'iiiHii '1 ho iocul io of this mine t reroi ded in the or the (Jo tin'. lticoidrr of Coi:lilt.e C uuty on p."t,'t-s 14 und 48 of book 14 of MlniiiK Loilo Cluims. .M'jolultiK ehtiuiunts .ire the Cop. Q. Con. Minins-(Jo. on tho Nouth-wet 'SwoeiStuUu, Joiiii linuly ct ul. on tho not tli-wet, uud IhoiiKib ll.'Kt;in- on ihu north unit r.oi th-en-iC. Any and all pori-ons cluimlntrudiorsely nn portion of nuid iiiiuo or sill fiii-e ground nro lcquircd to Uh' tholr ud.erso eituuiN ".ith the Kcciaer of the United fet;ite Lund OtLco ut Tucson. Pinm fJoimtv. in tlio Terriloj y of Arizona, the sixty duy ueriod of K?h ubllcutiou heieof, oi tlioy vkid bo buried virtue of the provision of the btutute. AlIliYiiN K JIwOKK, P.earister Dulo of first publication September 19 Notice oi Application Patent. r. or Milling' Application No. 680, Survey No. 1S81 1 U. S. Lund OlEco, Tucson. Arizona, j Septembers. lbW. j Notice Is hereby In piirsiiuitco of tho United Staus Aliuiiifr Luws, Alurtin Costello, whose postomce addiess io lombstotic, Cochise (J.'unlj, Arizona Ten itory. has mude appli cation tor patent for loOO feot of the Huttie .. uuchester Mininij claim, situated in tho Warren Mining District, CochUe County, 'itrritory of Arlzouu, as dcaiibcd by tho oil.uial pint heiewith posted, and by the field notes on hlo in the oriice of tho Kccitei- of tho U.S. Lnnd OlUee. tiila Land District, of Tticoii, Arizona len ttot-y, ax follows, vi: lieyiimintr ut coiiioi t,o. 1, identical w th corner 'ooiition, corner ulo h.v oi ner o. i S at! nor loo.o, a iednod post, 4 tout high ( inches siitiai e, in mound of stone, inso.ilied 1-lSol II. M. 1 I;., whence tlic L. j. uiiuertil mouameiit no 4 bears N, 53 iter. 30 nilu. b 5 VV tnet. Thence t? 4a ile:. 1 mill, 1 mill. V. vur. 12 20 K. WX) feet to comer No. i, u pine p-isl feet lush 4 inches sipiure, in mound . t stone in n rlbod 2-1361 H. Al. .M. C. 1 bonce S. 41 tlt-tr. E 10 iniu. h 1500 foot to corner 3. a piuu post set in leduo ot rock iu a mound o stone post is 4 ieei liijjl. 4 in. he-square, luscubutl 3-lb81 11. U M. C Thence N. 49 dtif. 01 mm. COO feet corner 4, u p. he post 4 tcei hitfli 4 Indies siniai'H iu mom d ot stouo iuiiihel MS81 H. Al. Al. C. Thence N. 41 de;r 111 iniu VV. 1500 feet to place of boyinnintf. urlatiou of all cornel s, 1 i dcif. 20 in u. b. Coinainiiirf tuentj and si.xtj-six tniuiliedth (iO 60) ucies. and forming a poriion or thu tpiartm ol sec tion iu township No. 23 b. of i'aiit;e 21 K. iiusiirvoed uiiuidiaii 'the location of this mine is lecorded iu the o.hce of the L'ount j Uecortler on iut;o 0 of book 1 , Cochise County, Aliona, ivecords of Alines. Adjoining claimants are: A portion of the north-cat bouudury is the south-west end line of the 'V liquor uud i op claims patent No. 11-1; the ivoy chiim udjoiu t on the uoith-ttuit ut a point about il2 miles south of the town of liisbeo. Anv and till nyrsons olaimlntr adversely any portion of said mine or surface u'lound are required to ille their adverse claims with the rvegister of 1 he United States Luutl Ulhcu at Tucson, iu the Tuiritorj ot Arizouu, tluiiuu thosixtt da.ts period of puhlicatlou heicoi, or they will be burivd by virtue of the pro , Uiou of tho statute. AilLl'ON K. MOOKK. Heqrlstor. Date of llrst publication Soptor.wer 1W. The jersey Dairy, A. W. STRUHM, Prop. Pure Fresh Miik Delivered All Parts of the City Every Evening, to PURE CREAM IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITY The Only Paiiv in iiit-beo Blooded Cows. llavin Satisfaction Guaranteed Leave orders at the Strumra hoarding house or this ollice. Nilice i THE PORTLAND . . ii, sili is - iiiu INCORPORATED UNDER Capital Stock $5,000,000 In 5.000,000 One Dollar Shares. Fully paid up aud forever non-assessable and carrying no personal liability to the holder. r.OAun or C. E. E. I. Collins, C. A. OVERIOCK, C. A, Overlook, President, Asa Bar.aby, Tieasurer, Coneolwated National HOME OFFICE AT A limited numlier of shates are now bf tnu offered for sale at 10 cents per1 phare. Applications may be made at any time to the SereUry, and no applica tion for ley than 100 shares will bo nreipteil.the Company reserving the riht at any tiraH tu atlv.tnct the piice of'itwk without tioffrlV A 1 ft- S3 M I MW rlPPP KS Sll ZtxsWVMW maSiV Ht!Ci 'i7StV'i'Bj7(lTr. iiTtrt'i'.'-mr'irtir1 &c trf-ijQBas3iaa-aabaaA id ifls el lis, Liquors l in Agent for Anheuiser Brewing Association, Wholesale and Retail. - - - BREWERY AVENUE, - Experiencetl Mixolo gists. Well furnished Club Kooini- lor I lie use of PntroiiH. XL A Fines Wines, Liquors and Cigars McKay & Finlayson, Props. HAIN STREET. WARREN LAUNDRY CO, PLANT Situated in CitY ) Wallace ( ffPP """' oiweo'g FREE COINAGE SALOON J. E. BROWN, Prop. Carries the fatuous FINE WINES, ETC. International and Sun Spot Ci?as W.4 A. JOERSS, Stationery, ;, Wall Paper, News Depot. i wi tt IN STREET, Xr3!SIIiZE2 WIIXIAMS & w oi Lots HI i Houses looked after in the absence of the tenants. Bents collected. Terms reus-onablo. We now have the follow ing bargains to offer for ca-h ; don't delay if you want to buy, or borne one else will set in ahead of you: A four-room furnished houee. centrally located. Two two-roomed houses, rinht in town. One two-ioomed house in Brewery gulch, near old graveyard; otheiwise. . , , uilding lots, already graded, :5.00 up, in Brewery snlch. One lot, ( hlhuahua hill, graded and f;iceu ; 37x100 foot f00. Ono home ami lot, Bieweiy Gulch. Good location, near wagon roaa. A .otir-room house, largo yatd, chicken and out houses, together witu ana room, adone $400. " ..,,. office in nnBAHRK BniLDiKG '?-'" -. f,r!fifiM Tmifnnifn nn m mi k f- V v n v-v .w --. s-v W THE LAWS OF ARIZONA. mrmcrousr Cumminui, Asa Barkabi-, a. II. CAStrnEM., in OFFICEnHt C. K. Cummings, Vict President and Secretary, Edward 1). Collins, General Manage" DEPOHITOUVl .v Bank, Tucnon, Arbrana. a? BISBEE, AltTZONA. - I.J i. '" rrssssf HBS L. C. SHATTUCK, Prop. BISBFE, ARIZONA. In New and Elegant Quarters wAT THE OLD STAND. L ISBEE, ARIZ. Sk vv I Building, East Entrance. &. ?V trQO ch x4 "?i t, .THE JEWELER.! BISBEE, ARIZONA HOWE, Props. furniBiio.1 1 ME W Estate Office ii m ??SS?7tSS m y . ,. MMMWIMMKMHK"'. Jty A.te li. ji ASrrvacs- . rwr3as?frww- v)S'i?1K,w?i i5xf& WmiJBU9lUK&xrEB3&!SS5 -r "vtJcrr.ssx'i ysa. ' uif&n t-ikji i . imA'w.fc r-.-WT., IAtA I. .WMwJ