Newspaper Page Text
!ONA DAILY ORB- .TIIJU8UKII KVt'HV KVhNt.VCl t.CKT,HONlAV. ,IV ALVAN W. HOWE, rl ut thf posoJtkjo at HUbee. ai (eo- mill pIum inBT.rnr ur i isji. LortUlnir rnti will be made known on ijfimtlou to thU office. Lecut publication, tfiifurmity with the Territorial Sstntivtos. (a,? Notices w cents per utioior oiwnju- s.,. i& SFt I' 'fivvliTTaEna f?itta hitaniliiti for llirier lit tliose ooljiimiu. must be on metal buses WJ Will I1UIUV UUUOJlVlt. unrniilcatloiis.relMiue to news or edl- linattorsuouia-be uuuremiea to miliar ' I 7-AH Kemlttanc Atul lottera !il be addressed to . I' 2... , ALYAMJY. HOWE. , Hlfieo. Ariaona. . riSHEK, NEWSPAPI2K ADVERTIS-, nc Airetit. tX Merchants' Exohanke, San, cSiOo-, in our nitthorUctl utfenti ThU i' tKoit nunie in tun okioo. n ' H t.'1 filKTii lour wara in process two in Sa,-?fih A nmritMi. mm ill 3.iiitli Afrit, nnfl in ilie Philippines the telegraphic f.tchee ane interostitiit. il Mr cl Wise Co. ONDAY, KOVK.MHKtt L'tMSift). is of pur buck yattin and alleys ijkfft little up. What ia t ho er with using boiuo of thu hobos are now vUitimr our city? Start a ganj:. sui.valdo ia at last up axuinat some- that ia puiely American; it's the rican olunteer that "ail hell can't AaJoiiK aa he was fijjhtinjfGen- )tls typewriter Agjiy hat! smooth g, but ho has trouble in the rear, lout and on both sides now. f: mout reliablo roporla whicli have received Irom Capo Nome indicate. the gold deposits in that quarter urn out to be t Icnst aa rich as .found in Klondike. Happily, too, ape Xouio tli,;i;inuft arojin Ameri-irritory. fte sbEl Paso Tmiea eirys: "The mis- cd chivalry of Aiizona haa turned HaH looee on the country to hold aid rob people at lifer own sweet The men who took an oath to find uict in accoru with, -the law and Ividi'iice, and tlierrjdidn't do it, vfd tt-rve u term iu the -Arizona pen- !& 'V, lut it crn nM b ewred hf pi-r, KMhw and inhaling nixturM which reach only the surface. Tho cRnenae is hi she bloi- ami osn only b rv&ehad ihrouch tho blood. S. . Sis tka twly roraedy which on hsYsanyKTeflt upon Gatanh 5 it ure th disease forma tietly ami forever rids the system ol every traos of the vile complaint. MlM Oeio Ot, o Moi,tnnllr. . OUo. writs: ""I iras ut fllctsu ( interior rlh Catarrh, anil nn one can know the laHorllij it productw bettor than I. fh sprays ana vrashos ; rescrJ'il 7 tli doo- tors rtlUvcd me only P fVVtiV temporarily, and -' af VXIW? tHongh I used them ofiitaiilly fur tu yar, tho cUsposr had a firmer hold tluut ovor. 1 tried a number o4 blood rcmcOlos, but tholr mineral Ingredients Mttled In n ybonra audgayc rao rheumatism. I van In a ).mntabla condition, and after ox haustlnR all (roatnieut.-wasdeclaradfnournblt. Seeing B. 8. S, advertised as a cure for blood dUtasea, I decided to try it. .A3 booh tm my lystcm was under the c)T?cUt tho medicine, I bocau to improve, and after UVIng it for two months 1 was cured completely, the dreadful disease yraj eradicated from my sys tem, and I have had no return of It." Many huvo lieon taking local treat ment for ypni'j, and find UiemselvM worse now than ever. A trial of -iTW. -i?..S er a r"jaaEr V; fFJ Frwa R 3 mfo 0W4WI lHUJLJti.UW will prove it to b tho ritrht romedy for Catarrh. It will euro the most ob stinate case. Hooks mailed fwo to any address by $wjrt Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. 1 m ,ry. v'. -I mining resources of Cochise y aro being rapidly brought to the , There ia not a week 'paesea .but eight to ten mining locations. are Bed. Each location moans that jvivorth of work, haa jbeeu done on :laim. Scarcely a day pacscs but VV-Jsonie prospector brings nto Ills '".' feces of quartz, on'copper stain, e lias lounu in ttie mouniama oi mnty. Tlicrc? is uo business that greater returns or has "a more ,'g future than our mining in- SHE 11.181 1 Mr3. M. J. Blatr, Prop. A co ai pi o to line of tho lutes stylos of Fall and Winter Goods Jusf Arrived. Pattern Hats of the Latest Desiffu. Hats trimmed to order ar specialty. Cnll and inspect my .goods before purchasing elsewhere n N Angiusi Frop. Pile w m .ax KHJUULY.(i$RIE8, WINES. LIQ008S. Cirt'.8,-'Snd'. Tob'a'ccp. A full a8sortment .ofCiiridlnsFrnita and uts. Cor. O, K, &. Railroad Ave. mi M 7j s I WW 4.' , i ft-h T"f ,' . elections of last Tuesday show a d Democratic victory,. They have d Maryland, ftlississippi mid lai. Af fXpci'toS.vtho lU'imbli- --SOUTHWESTERN BUSINESS COLLEGE. El Paso, Texas. Tho modern huslnoM training ohool of tho Southwest. two UoiMMRfl; ltm'no and Shorthand (inbrnclnir lloolt-hreptnir, Arlthnictle, Com tnerclnl Ltiw. Unships Writing, Spoiling,. Letter WritiiiiT, Unpld CiOvilltitlnsr, Husinoss Papers nn;l Legal l-'orms, Shoittmnd, Typo wrltlnsf, Oific i'rutiihii; l:i Kotaillinr, Wholo Kiilittn:;, ' otmibwUiu, liiinklii; by Aotuul Itusiiie-i- rr.vrii-c htri it'll Ohio, wlitlt) tUoy mado a1 V u oiler tin- u:nriirni1vnntago of wplen I. .. , i, r . " 'i ,, d't oqiiipniit. nn.l In frii''tloii mi ll! Ivuniuiiky wllifli h:n plai'ud ,it.r trft(ui-i! stiiUiIiM-H ! tn- .' iidi;nts .a:e in (.nulit, i-i i ,it may lie H.-j,ltlM,;(' ,ll(l...(.0.,.1(,,n, ,.;,.il(, furi. Sll .- )i(miim '.i tunc niron'riTiiun. v. run itir i'hios fur the li'viHlalure in decide eo ill Mil liohitnt M-pti.inbnr lt. K- --r -i- j..lllif.,..t. a, II .....,? "., ... .. lllllllKllf.fl l..Rl. It II . ... ..-i. , ,. !i r thu"umocratii-.or llepublic.ana Lkelliu giiberiiatUttAl chair; 'Hry- wu state Hlnnds by him. Colo- it II. t OOK. Prln'l. ; -i y:iv.. n vn: . . . .... &a 'it Dcmmuitt'ij., Takon all iu " t iJ):a.lfi;timi of lastfweok was, a de- -flA'Al'rrhM (inA (llrtrn ;&0eu,cratic victor 4M ijURnSHflfl flffl Jdeath of James Vuiley at TucsoijVvivl,! Jiju !, i)HlUl) 01UI U ' fr&MteB of the Arizwa pioneers are MKO, Id. iJLJtli YV iiJL 1 ''-?; thinner, the old. men who blazed ,,.1-ails are fust Ifbijc gathered' to ,,. i.itlieiH. Much is'Uue to the men .'.. Siotieored the waV. to this eavairo r I thirty years svo. How little people who today in Arizona en- the blessings of modem civiliza- inaidei- their cosf.' The hillsides' ona are d..ttud' with uumatked , telling more plainly than word's t press tlie privations ana strug- Arizona pioneers. The palace dc6 along whorejyears ago the reome mule and x teams wended' ', immtous way. The whoop of, .Vvl llan a iicani no more in me land, tikA?1; and the mulu team have gtvon 'f&h wu" t'l'Pi'cd modern railwayn, j J9fil lorcbotttutle reigned supreiue to4- Vi.: i III n iriilivmiu liiiiuli nt -liilil ud civlliz'alion,r4.biisy wlilil. Wu 'iiitkiul for Hie chango. let we u Kl bo thitiikflil tor the brave lone j:o wlio brought about pjivllcoiit change." m -. ,'). ' .-.i.d t 1 4 ysii :: PltOPUIKTttESS A FULL LINK OF ecois. 8te and Gsnrs Fufnisiilogs (Ms V. G. MEDIGOVICH WholoKule nutl KntAll Dinter lu GROCERIES. .', . 'Poultry. iisstis. lies Kc nail iGSacciis. BISBEE aMlACOSJiRT Stage" Line, YVla tinmnnnv rktvnA tv v.n r1iir,Kla -." ,.--, -... ...w imuimu j (jfuup ui tallica MCiui.i.-u in VriltTOll miln; district, county of Cochise, Arizona, lying Immediately east of and adjoining the to'wa of Blsbeo, and ad Joining the property of the Copper Queca Consolidated Mining company on the north. The' latter company haw been in operation for abiSVit twenty years, and employs about 1,500 men daily in the operation of its mammoth mine and smelters, and as a result has produced copper to over 34,000,000 pounds during U:e year 1893, and the net proceed of such production an raported to have been over $2,000,000 and It has been said by experlencec1 miners- wno nave been under its em ploy for years, that the Qtifen mine now haa sufficient ore in sight to keen it in constant operation for tho next twenty years without furthsi de velopment Is it not reasonable to believe that tho property of the Cochise company is fully as valuable, when 1t i3 wll'hin such close proximity to such a won derful mine? The blasts set off In the underground 'workings of the Queen property can easily be felt and heard at the shaft of our mine, and oftimes tho concussion has attracted marked attention. The original owners of these valu able mines are local business men, well and favorably known in Bisbce and surrounding vicinity, -who are doing their utmost to make this enterprise, a success in every respect. The board of directors are original owners, and aro donating their services to the com pany until such time as the mine 'will pay dividends. They own .the con trolling interest In this property, and as a protection to stockholders have placed their entire interest In escrow for a term of one year. . The, stock books of our company are now open. for subscriptions, and a lim ited number of shares are offered at ten cents per share. No application for less than 100 shares will be ac cepted. The company reserve the right at any time to advance the prlc9 of shares without further notice, or to reject any application for 3tock at their discre tion. Every cent received from the sale of stock -will be expended toward the de velopment ot' our property and the erection cf hoisting works, and all other necessary improvements, and to make our enterprise a success in every particular. We invite investigators aud their experts or their engineers to closely scrutinize our property. Applications for shares may be made to auy of the directors of the com pany, or to any of our legally author ized representatives. L. C. SHATTUOK. Pres. J. MUHBIM, Supt. & Treas. G. W. HILL. Vice-Pres. 8. K. WILIJIAMS, Sec. Blsboe. Arizona. i)-irtitUce a U- utity, Arizona Ten itory. Iiun nuule niipll- ut il ror piitont loi- lJiiOfent of tho llnttio ...(in! h'-ster Mining r-.uini, nitnuieil in the. rtiiriiMi Mining LUufrli-'. Cm hi no County, .orttory of Arlnonii, 113 descj'ilii'ii by the 11 i-lnl plat h'-irwlth po.-tel. mid t.v tho Held t. t . on hie in tho office ol the IU'Ei-ter of tin U, H. Lnnd UUift, Oiln Land UiMrlct, of !i;r 011, Arizonu IVrrltory, tiwfollo.-.s, U. l!('jrIiiiiliiK at corner No. 1, ;'oiiHa..l w th ,0 i.uriQctitluiit corner iib,oS.W. corner INn. J Wiigiiui lode, u rudwtiud pofct, i feet hiifh - tiii-heii t.titi(ire, in liiound ot sioiu-. ins,: rib oil I iiiXsl U. M. M (J., whetico tho U. ,'.. miuornl -..onuniont No. 4 boars N. 58 div. 30 111I11. K i 05 Kit. Theme S. 4a doir. 1 lnin. W. var. VI W , im foot to corner Ho. 2, 11 pine past 3 feet h'-ah 4 Inche siiuaro, !n mound . f stone in- .....I....I 9.1!IHI II II U n 'I I t: II .!.. V (.-i .Kt. -"'. -. .... .-. ., . iiviiku 1. 11 ur)j,ii .J niln. 15 1500 foot to corner 3, a pino post Kl'I III ibukb o rui.-ii iii it iiiju;ki o none pi st U 4 feet high 4'lnchcsiKiiiiat-c, inscribed S-1S31H. M M. O. Thence N.i-J il tr. 01 tnin.1'. GiX) feet coi ncr 4, n plno post 4 foot high l iuctipM situure in moiu.d ot stone incrihed iSl 11. M. M. C. Thfiito N. 4i tletf 19 min W. JT00 fent to place t.f beglnnli.g. Vuilution ! of all corners, VI dog. 20 m 11. ii. Coutiuiilns twenty and Mxty-six huudrecUh (liO iJ-i) ucieu, mill forming a portion of the quarter of m?c- ' tlou In towimhlp No. 23 S. of range 21 Ji. ; iinsurvejed A 's. R, meridian ' '1 lie location ot this mine is recorded In tho otfioe of the County Kccordor- on pajjo .0 of book 1 , Cochise County, Arizonu. Records or Mines. Adioiriliiir clnlnmnts nrc: A portion of tho uorth-enst boundary is tho south-west end line of the l njrnei- und iopo rluitns patent No. 1121; th? itoy eluim mljnln-i t 011 the 'lorth-west at u lioint about ll- miles south ot the town of iiUbe-o. Any" and ull person's clntinliig nilversely any portion of said mine or Mirfuco ciouili! uro reiililred to lilo tlieir lulverso ciiilinn with the ttegisteroi the United Stutos LoiulOfticoat fucKon. in thu Territory of Arizona, diirluff tho sixt.i days period of uulilk-atlnn hereof, or they will ho burred by virtue of the pro vlilom of tho itntuto. MILTON It MOOKE, ltejristef. Date of first publication Sent., I , 1899. City garber Shop And Bath Rooms. -Marks & Wittig, Proprietors Hair Cutting, Shnvluir and Shampooing Largo, Convenient aud Commodious Bath Kooms .'. ttnehed. Every thing Fh-st-CUtss. Main Street. Bisbee Attention, Smokers! When you n'.int it genuine luvvlcan Ci;var and a pood ntol:e, call for the Las ro Kanjiones, adeln Mogul1!! ' n naetf' The Jersey Dairy,. A. W. STRUHM Prop. Pure, Fresh Al'.lk Delivered to All Parts of the City Every Evening:, The Best Washing Powder. Ask Your Laundress to Try It i" i.'j - iii 1 ESSE nm .) THE PORTLAND . . I T t i T i! irm yfmnnnymhAn TnnmA 1UBJIH 1 IB fimr H! Ill III it lfc 111 Incorporated under the laws of Arizona. Notice oi Application Patent. for Minlns Appllcatlop No. 631, Survey No. 1233.1 U. S. Lund Office. Tucson, Arizona, t-cptem erl2,18W). J Notice, is hereby clven that in imrtiiianoe of the Unitod States Miniuir Laws. Murtin CosteJlo, whose poftutiico nddross isTouib stoiio, Cochieo County, Arizona Territory, hnn inado application for pntetit for 1JC0 ft. of the. 'RclHower" and 1158 feet of the "Sinojter" volnu, or deposits, situated in tho Wurren Miuluy Wstrict, Cochise Couuty, Territory of Arizona, as descrihtd by the oiHciul plat herewith posted, and hy the held notes on file iu tho otiico of tho KctjUter of tho Kcfister of the U. S. Land OtJieo, Oila Land i. li-trlat, at Tucson, Ailzonn, as fol lows, viz: "IJoiUowor" Claim Regtuiiln;; corner No. I, a pine post, 4 leet loin;, 4 iuchoi siiuare In mound of Muno, iuscribed 1-1283. U. M. C, whence U. S. M. M. No. 4 boms N. 43 dee. 20 min. K. 8971 feet. Thonco S. 32 dtc. 14 niln. V. 1MK) fret to corner No. 2. a pino post, 4 feet high, 4 inches square in mound of rr.olt. iuscriliod 2-1283 It. M. C. Thence H. Mideir. U mill. E. S00.9 feet to initial Mon. of "Helilower" and "Smogler", a pine post, 4 feet high 4 inches square in mound of stone inscribed I. M. H. M. (!.. 1283.601.8 feet 10 corner .No. 3. Thfiico N. 23 deu. 43 min. B. 1511 feet to corner No. 4, a pine pout 4 feet ion;; 4 Inches itquaro in mound of stone.. Thence N. 53 tleir. 11 min. W. 456.U feet to ptuco of bnulnuinc. Contiilnlinr 18.23 ucrcs. "Smotrlor" '"IMm Reelnnlnc at curnur i'o. 1, Itli'ntieiil with locution corner and corner .no. 2, 'Helilower". whenco U.S.M..M. No. 4 brs. N.40deer.l8inin.H.S O.Gfeot. I lituwo S. 21 deir. 52 min. NV. line feet tocornor No 2, a pine nof-t in mound of stooo, inscrilied 2-12S3 S. M. C. Thenco S. 50 dcij. 11 min. K. 10 cornor No. 3, a pine post 4 ft, lonir 4 ins. square in mound of titiiue. inscribed 3 12W. S. M, U Thenec N 21, der . !ii min. E 14SC ft. to corner N.i. 4, identi cal with locution corner unit corner No.3"Met ilowor," murlied tu addition, 4-1283 S. M. C. Thenco M. 5J dejf. 11 min. W. 001.8 fe-t to corner No. 1, I lis place of besrinniiiif. ('outainliiKr 18.10 net acres T.itul not area. 30.3'J ucres, und form ing a portion of the quarter of soation in townshlp2 , south of range 21 East, G. & S It, mi'i'idinu. '1 ho louutio 1 of this mlno is recorJod in the oilico of tho County Kc-cordor of Cochise County on puses 145 und 10 of hook 11 of MIuliic: Lode. Claims. Adjointnir claimants are the C'np. Q. Con. .Mi ni nc Co. on tho soutli-we-t (Sweoii-Stuko cla in). Jol.n lirudy et. nl. on the uorth-wost, and Thomas UiiL'giiis on the north aud north-east. Any und all persons tilaiminguilveelynny portion of said mine or surface ground aro require) to tile their adverte elMnu with the Ucgister of the United states Land Oilico ut Tucson, Pima County, in thu Territory of Arizona, during the sixty days .period of publication hereof, or they will be barred by virtuo of the provision-" of tin statute. MILTON It MUOIIK, Register nDato of ilrst publicatiou September 19. Ts'-i Capital Stock $5,oo-:j,ooo xl 5,000,000 One Dollar Shares. Fully paid up aud forever non-assessable and carrying no personal liability to the holder. . t noiKu oz iciRUcroRSt Tl &WW C. A. OVEELOCK, E. D. Colm.nm. C. E. COMMI.'03, A. H. CampbblIi, Asa Harkabt, OI'-FECKJIB: ' -v '"' C. E.'Cummings, Vice-President and SocroUfy, Edward D. Collins, General &I:iti:ijr'i C. A. Ovkklock, President, Asa Bahnauy, Treaeurer, EI08!TOrtVt .. ConEoliduted National Bank, Tucson, Arizona. HOME OFFICE AT BISBEE, ARIZONA. , A limited number of shares are now being offored for sale at 10 cents per share, Applications may be made at tiny timo to the Secretary, and no Applica tion for less than 100 shares will be accepted, the Company reservinj th-i right at any time to advance the price of mock without notice. wyr St IfWII ifPPP Pull L IMUw . PuT null L. C. SHATTUCK, ProR.jv SI ;-1 lwrm f . m 1, : 'M s-r'Jr iffeiitafc, '-'im ' - ' ' t"-,jI&8 ; y . , Ji'isSm -i 'fa? im Hill -. tk 5 i&tiPmww '-zM JBJfe if -V39I .if; iff- iWW ajf.-i "; Mhv- 1 . '' 'Vj iS3ISr2i.- -. . tS, jK - taSfe,' r- , vi SB.AS'' ", r? ll3 i .""-' t ' IM J4'' -'.' I 'mm VZF n m I fc, li is on j j 11 Cl 51 1 ; f I ! VI ? ?v3r4 !. Agent for Anheuiser Brewing Association, Wholesale and Retail. - - BREWERY AVENU6, - BISBFE, ARrZONA. i"r?2! '"tffjti .,-.; fcu ' Vjv-'Or rTiTT'p espi"THr A. rj Experienced Mixolo- yistn. ft ViVll furnislii'd Cluli KooniH for the use M of Patrons. g In New and Elegant Quarter' , .AT THE OLD 'STiiJD? STl XP'ftMfJBI CH fti u 11 is PURE CREAM in u.riGE on n SMALL QUANTITY The Only Pair'v in Rifhfo Hlooded 'Cows. Flavin Cut Roses of all -kinds for sal,e at "5 centB-per dozer. Special rates given to feHiivnls and parties. I'aiticular attention irivnn to shipping orders. Flow ers carofully packed.' MBS. J, (). DUNBATl, Capitol Ailiitioi), PlifvniT. Arizona. ISilP'l Satisfaction Guaranteed Leavo ordera at the.Strumm boardinK t&Zu?lX?Wl house or this ollici-u "' iAKxiuflc ltcllfthln ncrftonaAfnmrfli&ni(-nl nrlnrfintlremtDd drstrliiK n trip to tho l'arls KxpcMltlon, with cuod lUSCOlW, iJrtlllnioro, Aid ae; 1 BE I iuilliuilL irflUI p II 1 a ii 11 111. LtrlaiVsPain Balm Cures Others rtmo Wwo Tllei!,..v iWu. Fri,lav8. way wot nonr Arrive iu Uiabco I ut'idays and Katurdaya I ,ifo has bei-n lining Chamberlaiii'fl OflftCC At tn ppr ijueeu Ntoru ulni. Willi jrooil ivhuIU. for I vw,uv '" Mf-r.,.ntlnn cnn'bo had. r that has pained her continually , i vt-iirWe liavo tried all kiudd liulncatjutfTttl dooiord without ru nny Item-til from any of tlium. y W'O uaw an mivertieernent of! iliuinti and thought of uaint' ii ni. tliil uitli thu; beat (1 uutiitfac- hlio Iiiik iiseil only one buttle and iil.h'i- swll. Ai.oLi'U L r, .Miuioi ivtir, . u, bor mi e Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what yon tat. Incorporated Under the Laws of Arizona. CAPITAL STOCK - - $5,000,000 s In 5,000,000 One Dollar Shares. Full Paid and Non-Assessable and Carrying no Personal Liability. ujttitila. iN ?Z&teX'i"SS OFFICE OF THEiCOHPANY: BiructinttMio extmusiea aitreiaive ol i ni? la-, i inwt.'ao.-. v4 of-. San gun. It iathelntPBfcdiscovercddlgesV If Hif tU ni'Lili aii's.i Pm:itf m run tiat-aiid tonic. No other preparation ' i. '.,.. Mrlituiiu vuu uuiiuauil IV III CUlUltlUt. A IU ofttflflw niilntfAj ii.. MnMMHMAnlU.ii.Mj o.o Pnl.Mai, ,, have oXfifi in,on," Hea'i'tburi I at hi i'.ihd, but thle in now dono Flntnlonce, Sour Stomach, Nausea, ilh, and through Pullmau sfrv-iBlckHeadache.Gastralfila.Oraiupi.and Room 4, Bryson Block, LOS ANGELES, CAL. F.KTER JOHNSON, Fftscai Ajnt tor AiiaWM.- Fines Wines, Liquors and Cigars. MeKa' & Finlay.soxj, Props. ,iiT.iv'.niiMi,T.. ip & v- j;--i, nAIN STREET. BISDEE, ARIZ. WARREN- LAUNDRY. CO, 4itA "if vVf. HUP .!' '(? PLANT r jLzZ Situated in txIJ nn t A H ii i u r m i Office j Enst Entrance. eooatooBtPtiootni t i nntB09e 9oo- "i .;V FREE COINAGE SALOON J. E. BROWN, Prop. Carries the famous Sills: "TelTret -rislo FINE WINES. ETC. International and Su"S?ot Cigars --s: ;"8i2.l!i1iSiIiiillS I A. JOERSS, .the jewels:. ...v... lim . '- .A i ' $$& Sm fflsSlm k Stationery, Wall Paper, News Depot. INBSTttlU.T, - XJISnEE ARIKONAi aHW am Jails to New Orleans. mWEE?fi2WX!2 iiliHiifrfllWSfISS Copoar QtuauStoig. '" ' 7Jm$mi, VVc ' fc5"i imsm&sms S' o..u i-T-.- "L. .O m --U. h P!fr'TSir-ijaVr!rtKT! 'J ... . - - -i ii ' ii him I IS q l H hi II II m n iin m , n 11 i j ' ' - -r ' f Ay,,,rs,r-r MfKIjBij"- - . - i-t " vi - " ,t-."-- "-saico- t rM vm:Mi.itm (-,. v a. - r "; -v.