Newspaper Page Text
3tf j& -Jl I 'STt 'jaws v Rt W-V-mif-! j -,--- li.'. Tie"- USS "., & Local Brevities f j SijbFcribe4for Tim OriJ.. Good Templars meet tonight. Xo western mall urrived Sunday. Up lo-date job i rintiiiK ut IjiKOku Tne.tuikeya will soon net it lu thu neck; . , ' i "How would you likojo be.tlia wood u j Tile coal and.wood . inoticliaiiU tire do Uiu the business these .daya" ,jt, jl Ml'sB Luuibo llowo is conlliied to lief' bomu with a severe attack o; la jji ipp.c , White piquo ilcitta at mlnml'. prices, ut iliwwed's. ' lit WAITED A position by young lady, in a tna"ll family; leftreiuii-d fiiuiiehedi Apply at this office. Ul'S-tf Mike Welch, mther of James Welch the ouBtom houto ollieei, is a liisbee visitor. The price of coal la advancing!' and will Continue to do so until euld weather is 'iVcr. , ... - i v Frank Hill hua gonotpitlic, Cananeas' where helbia eucuicd ,;a' jtosi(ionr with the Cobre Grande company. S. K. Williams? is (Ice auent-, and is auihorized to attend totho ..ntiuK p't houses, collMinilf'orientaaiid tbill otherjbuftiicsV-that .may bA! iJtMiiUer'ea't to JutianUardinas. p ola-tf i " - 'j i i A. C' Champagne, the; fashionable .Taitor.tWI clean an(di,u!sH& your old sui j ..u..'itLk...iJ... inn..icn lakingit look as dresayaa if now ; also, l ..... i . :(. ah ....i. Iving l the lowest prices. AH work . ;., '. .-.-r6i .f uaraiiteeij, 031tf Our iHStclian3iaro -receivjn their holiday goods, arid will aoon have one of the largest diapluya over seen in the, jsouihwt,- -i " ' 0 K Livery Stable will lo restocked with a complete., liue of new buggiesj fureys, carnages, uucicooarcis, aioun- i :iiain sprins. Wagons, traps, everything- !,;to make a first -clasa livery stable, in a iS'?ew ''"' ' l " ' V",! Dr. Carleton, Avho is Hpenilltig a l6y. -jt y&ya hunting near Wliitewatoraucceetl-' t,.f I'd in killing tkruo autilope one day last. HVweek. " : ! Call on Alfred Paul wlien ypu vwant n ft,.tifine suitor overcoat. You, can bay, a yultor overcoat 'for $20, fit guaranteed. SlVlao cleaning, and repairing done on pv'hort notice. old, stand, in Can. -wan building, with Teitgan, the sh.oe- pnaker. O30-tf 0y ' r . 'l The maid of honor contest haa not ret caused much air among our people. jtoJ8 Cochise county. to go without. a fair 4yf;naid to represent us in Phoenix? JKJU XaGripi e, v: ttli its after effects', annu- girAlly ifestroya tl.ousanils of people, it kw nay be quickly cured by One Minute a"bough Cute, the .only. remedy, that pro- a7Afjucea lmmeuiato results in coUglis, ". ...,l.l, .......... I, ..,....!.;.;.. ........;...:. i .VlMr, IU1I, Ul VllUlllbir,. '4fUUlUUIIIil niiii hro:;t and luu t uud luiii. troubled. It will tne- r, n coutfuiuptiou. CopperQ'Kvnstot'o.t Midi..,; l.i an iu-.u cut from M, rent to I Accoi fHiaaii, wnich ni()Uiirs in the tews, II my tie.iu.veth' has boen re.' nove.t as "O.jtbtur ut Custoin.i ut No- ules. i 1 At'KKU'd hNUMHll IIkMEDY WlLL STOP Jtft.i cough at a:iy time, and will, euro the RjgWvoi st cold in t el ve hours, or money Refunded. 23 eta. and SO.ctB. For sale pisbeo Uruu tote." ted Frank GiM, R.'S. Hunt "uml 1. II. fe(.Vhitnoy have been drawjp, oti.-the grajrli". WMury 'in l,,'lj c'y . D'eiuy Shesiff SMirahatn has three mdre summona to 'Jaervo. The jury ia drawn to report on 4A ,A.r..l.l' TV... ... M..l. .... !..!. I AiiuKi ii;n rucibiv7ijr uuiua aiuK iiuuii ajche, indigestion and constip delightful herb drink. .Iter palioii.-' A moves .all i1fjruptlonB of the skin, producing a per- kgct complexion, or money refuifdud. 25 i,.Jta. and 50 cte. .For sale at Hieber fysyrug store. . Bislnje will bo, quite well .represented the Plioenix carnival, a nuuiber hav- jng fiiiiiiillfd their intention of taking the festivities. Ackku'b Dvst'iti'siA Taiu.hts ark-sold li a positive guarantee. '.Cures heart urn, raising of the food,, 'distress after! I'jating or any form of dyspepsia, One ' ttlu tablet gives immediate relief. 25 -j ts. and 50 ctH. For salo at liisbee Drug tore. . YOUR FACE.' Shows tho state of your ieel'nga and c tt,iio ol your healt), up well. lin. in e. blood makes itnelf apparent in a ale anil sallow cojuploxion, Piipplea ml Skin Erupions. lf'you rtro, feeling eak and worn out and do not lm'vo a I'ulthy aiipearance you should try cker'a Vilpud Elixir. It -cures all ioo,l dlaeaaea wlire cheap Sar6apar- InajUml 10 called pur.iuera fall.i know ig this wo aoll uvury bottloToiv a rjos- ivo guarautei. I'lir 'sivlo at HisbeeA quv; .-ii.iro. . tljo Indies AM Pointy ofulw .M... K. i lurch nro wmki.i,' niilif-illy iitnl hiuw brtllilly ;i liii-ir . irirch f;iir pr, . hich id to tnki' .l,u-u Doivli.hfT 12" 1. ;'ih nntl jifili.ip- l,ii- M1J1. El.u o.-jl'tit. lIlIM Olltup'lM! l- t..l'.tlnf (1111, U to pny k't'iilitnco on tlm accluty'dcfiitruh lotf, it-11 .1 MUtablo liuuiltrlti will be erentcu. lio work is worthy ami should cont end itself to tho community. All Jelp a Little. Removed' to'Naco. . Froui Collector of Oiisiotus Jaun Welsh, who was in this city yestordm , an Orh reporter learned that the voi' of reiabvinn the American custom hou.-. toNaco would he completed today, Tin business for the present will bo conduct ed ittono..of the rfloius of the Coppei Queen store building and until the nbw building is erected. , - TheMesicau tnidto'mhousij.will bo ie moved in the course of the next law weeks, or ua soon as the building which ia now being builtis comple"u)d. The removal of lie custom houses t- Naco nwifis much to ua future.. Al tne traflic which lias lief e'tuforo oV'ly way of La Morita willtgo to Ntco, an. the fact of the custom house ueinn a Kfaco will 'stop "to a t;reat extent tin petty smujjijlinis of cikjarn, aillCdrawi. work, etc., that haa been Koing on a that point lor some iimo past. Main who had intended iu buy their wiu , Lsweetheart ortnheia Chriatwas presents of, drawn workun Mexico will now nut have the oppoituuily to bring n across tho .lino as they have in the pa t, and by paying the duty on if the'y win nt.s.tve auyijlinn to bpeakiof.' ' Notice -to Friends arid "llie Public. Being compelled,, flnacjjount of m nlolotoiuintl eiigagemeut!, to he- in ai telidauca upon tlier Disti lot Court dui iu (US.iiiiuJigiU'' TomUslojie, ccjCrimemit;, 61r'th4'th'diiy'b7jVQuiUfrriS0(J, I wilt gladly attend toraai'yoi'usintad frieuda oi the public niayliavtf -in any of the de- ' partnuiutBof- the- county government oi '"' lombajotie. i -will led,ve hero foi , - , - . lombatoue (the couiiiy-teul ) on the Hu , ,, , .. , .,. - - ' , . 'or 3d of December. Auy person desii- . . ,,.,,.,, tieemo beiurcl.lL-ave" ulll tlnd uu in ' uiy othce on O. K. street, or at m lesUience, rho'Brophy Gotlaa," How eU'avonue, back ofihe iioierjJessomer. CiiWLi-'d Giu.vvwj Johnston, ' .. - -V-'M,:- Cariival Maid of ' Honor . .ThoCarnival Ajso'ciatioir'aredesiroBv of deeming a inaid'of l0.m)r. ffum eitcff, ciiuitty to attend . nnd'aMdhiVtiie queea in Wading the formal social aff.iira that oc djr during the'carmyal . "Ballot boxes and blank ballota havi been placed iu the ..lruj store "TUf p'roceefld 6f"lho'vote, at rOceuta per vote, will be devo.ted to defraying tho" ex peiisea of tliu favored lady, so that she shall bj uuitdr no expanse wliitevor. Jack Stillman has been pluce'd in' har,'o of the balloting' ami .will.'" see that everything ia correctly managed. The ballots will bo counted every after' J noon at3:30 in order that the result. nray be published every evening. The result of the balloting a'o far, is: Mjss Kdith toviT15, Miis Dolla Burr 5. . That Throbbini'Hea'd'acae... ; , ' ' ' , , Vould qu'ckly ,l.eiv4: yuu.if you' " u'aa; UitJCiuuVXew Life Pills, l'liousanils o ,. t --,. - , . ' ,. KMumpjfctsJ'avv iir.uVji.i.. tlutr- match c.- :'.iv,K . . V .; i;. ,.- ,.-. tn ill ln Mii aiiit .".iViiih lleadacliKs. ht;,lrtk.tiH1-;,'! ,Wm..I ueive. J'lliitK.i u((iiM,ir;ld4 ip iut rii.'i. ti." iftiCo.' 11'v. tlieiji. , h l..)4ii.vV-2 iiat-y to :o..--ciln'th' Vioiiev Hack if mil cured,'. -old l Cuppoj. 'Queen Company and Bisbe Um Sioie. ' i A grand Mai-queiale and Priaiu Bal will be giveirnu MitufvenitiK of leceiii ber 15, 18'J'J, by Le-li'e T. Case, at tin 0,-eia House. There will bo two prize? one tor -ladle..-"' and one fqr gejiilemep Ladies prize yiU cousiHt of a full aet ol dishes. ofi50 pieces, iorcehun, hand: jBuiuoly decorated. Gentp prize, $5 gold pi.ce. These prizes will be awarded to' parties best representing tlfe character .they, t chose. Judaea will beaelected from' the' audience, y the audience. Everybody go and comj ote for the prizes' Admission, $1 for gentlemen.- Ladis, in coftunn , liee; siiect.iiurs 50 td , . . s i ' '.ii' Used by British Soldiers in-Africa." Gapt. G. G.Denutajn is, well known all over Africa ai commander of the forces that captured'the fau.ous rebel Galishe. Under date of. Nov. J,' 1897, from Vry- burg, Bechuanaland, 'he writes: "Before starting on , the last campaign 1 boulit a (tuantity of GhamberlainV Colic, Choler. and Diarrhgea Remedy, which 1 uaed myself when troubled wttii bowel complahit, and Imd vivcn lo mv men,, in every crtso it Droved most bonu- fidal. Sold by all dtuggista. N The Copper (Hioen company have a force of men at work ttmberin'g liiid' sinking the comp.un'a well at Naco. There is. at present about nine, feet oi water in, tho well, ami tvso piiuipH, a btoam and ono run by a. uas'wliue' on glue, have their utmost power taxed to'. keep. the. water down sutlicieut to allow the men to continue sinking. Jess Fisher was in from the Sail it iiajruviO'ratteh yesleiday. 11 ieoftc noUiin startliil.j. Irom that end of tl e county.. Ho .went do.v.u to Naco last uveituig to receive a number of Mexican Ciiitle 1 hut Mr. Slaughter Had. purchase! i,,itr .M.iluleiia nml uto o,,,u inoii-ln .ictiM-i-tiK cottony.4 iiibccCasli Fruit Slore.. Now fr.iit etoro in town: opened in the Wnll.tua huililinj.'; jroo.l Htock itntil luir piicud. A .-ili.ue 01 ji.itrou.t.M u a.. licited. Gixiuou UoiiFhixoiiit, 5,?ty proprietor. 533 n a WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Pianos & M0ftIO0Oe0MOO Write for Catalogue. Pianos oil Monthly Payments Office-.i21 r-a outh Broadway, bos Angeles, Califronia. FodinR,bed8at.B; F. Grahdm & Cd's. tiom $IQ up to $85; a fine line .of them now ready to be ehown. Sl-tf Doe8 your .watch havo fita .or Bpaama,? Hinklo, the jeweler, curea them. At Blewett'a. .'. t To arrive, at 0 K Livery Stable, a car load of first clns busies of all kinds, built to order, for B..F. Graham & Co. Anyone warning tin or sheet iron ! work, --should call on E .G. Ord Co. , Next to'tiio Brewery. - S7 t'f ' n .. .. ... .!. 1 , Procrastination ia tho thief ot ttmell , . , . ,. . . , ., , hU...mL. , , . FOR SALE Ouo six-room notisewitii bath and water coriuee'iona; b.;st"looa tiou in town. Also one extra lot. Can rent house at $30 per month. ' Inquire of Otto Von Kanel. 27-tt For Sale A two room "urnished house, good lot, centrally located.' lli-'.ta for $15 per month. 'Only $30t). ,it thisoflice. jyLtf FOR SALE. 'A two-room fiynialiftl hoi'ige, . near Opera House'; a tmrKmn. Apply at this plTce. seplo-lf Flys Photograph ''Gallery opposite regidonee of Wnii.- Harris, Brewery gulch, : ' 11 1 1 3-1 f "' Avoid assessment work and have your , . , . !, . claims patented'befOreOct. 1st. G. C. Clark, I5,.M.- Howell ave. . Slo-2w If you want a new hat, neatly trimmed to suit yotir -taste, leave' vour order at itrB. Bewett'a. JG-if WANTED Situation as clerk or sales- lady, by one who ia well acquainted here ' i . - tiiiu uiu:uii)$iiiy ijiupcicni.. cur iki'iikhh apply at this ollice. ' "' '"" 04-tf Go to O K Livery Stable, i; you want stood driving teams. .. , -1- For galvanized ..irori-tanka and cant teenb of all aizea uo to C. A. Newman. ....1 .1...... .!.!.. ..n.... . I., ...l.l- Maps of Cochise county for sale at this ollico. 25 centa each. tf. For cold air flues, roof plates and guttering, call on C. A. Newman) mtCtf A full line of ladies' wool skirts, all colore, just received at Bio vetts. all tf Go- to B. F. Graham & Co. for Furni", J lure and House FiLruiahing tooda. t FOR' RENT. Furnished rooms; ap ply .ta.ilra. Hodley. Apply on premises A1 ". " ' " "sl'Mf Gp toE. G. Ord Co. for tanks and plumbing. Ni.-xtdoor i-ustoi Unwcry. ' V - ".,.S7tf ' B. F. Graham & Co, will have two carlcada of Furniture and I'uruifiliin ooda in next week'.. .. ? Go and see those new ateel folding iicds, ut B. F. Graham & Coi.. furniture store. $:u-tf Rain, hail or snow, that wai-n must o. Hinkle, the jeweler, dou'a u at, at 'iJlewett'd shoe store. t FOR RENT. .Three-roomed, house; .rood location; $12-. per mouth; apply at this ollice. Sll-i'f Stoji, Thi'f of Tin, an I have yon .vatch repaired. Hinkle, tl ; ' er, ".a'vea- you -the ouotida.. BlevreU .ih to jtore. , , .,. , alti lui FDR RENT," AT ACO--l--4.iiijtlinK, centrally located; sizj, l.OxSO, with fur niture and every necmsaiy reiiuiaito tor a restaurant; ieii,treaaonalih'. Ajtply in person or tijr letter to.l). J.O'lliiiu.Y X'i-tf ' N no, Ariz. , . ..-T".7rV'. f, " . To Rant. A larre sunny, w-ll-ventilatrd room, jiiitauii tor otlico. Howell ave. next io. Ui.unbera' denial parlors. yl . if yOU (in(j thefwny . , , to our denttilpurlotst right now it inoy Bftvo you r Ibrj'of oxpetiBO kind p;iin nycar from now. Sotne neonlo 1 run' t. very much noiicerned about onbli'3 that am a year in tho diatanco, nut a year will fly around in a very short time. It's neither expensive nor imin- ; ful to havo littlo cavities in (he teeth filled. You'll bo obliged for tho hint. Pa. W.K4 0ha,mbw, (SMa.Uqha, Bt-ldim ? .'"-.''rK ' ""WA.: WWS'JSP a a Organs. Spain's Greatest Need. . Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, upends hia winters aAiken S. C. Weak nerves had" caused severe paina in the back of hia head. On using Electric Bitters America's gretaest Blood and Norvb .Remedy, all pain soon left him He says tins grand medicine ia what hia country needs. All America knows that it-curca liver and kidney trpuWe', purifies tl,u ,,loo(, tonM D .the-stomach, strengthens the r.erveaVputa .vim, vinor ,-,.,. , and new lite into eveiv muscle nerve ami organ of tho body It weak,,, tiied or ailing ou need it;' -' Ev.ery boltla guranteed, only 50 eenta. Sold by Bisbee Drug Store and Copper Queen Store - , : Notice- of A pKlcation " S'atli'rtt. . ., ;., fur , , , .lining Application No. 70l,. Purvey No 1331. ' if S Lund ollico, Tiicaom Arizona, October 23, 18M9. NOliUli Is heroliy clvon tUat u.insuuiice.. Oiiuuii. Cousdl daiLd .Niiiiins cotniuiiy. u uor- Watloiioi.iiiUj I a.i lor thj lawi ,vf tjin btuto of Mew VorK. Ijy its urenr. lion W il- Hanrs. who.-u posioiiice uddros- u huw Couliise couiiti-. nz(imi, hu mtutc hppltoti- ' ilou' tor imitut for ivu lineal- loot of ttio Cnpi'ito lmlo miuiiiy claim, nitimtrd 111 th.o jWurruii nulling di iriut, coin'ily, Terrho'ry-o: Aiizcuu, us do5.i;rirjil bl,t!iw othc'itil pint bert'with poted uml by 'the Hold note) on lie in ttiootiii'uof thoRcgutor of th'o U .S Lund Odit-D. Oila laud dutrict, Tuc.on. AcUou.i. uu loliowj. to-wlc: Alanuvla vai-iatiou. tor all iroar. 11; duurcc'lU mliiutua liayt. , ' oegiiiiilii,; uc uoi-nor no i. luoaiium wiui i tun oust Minor niouuiiiant ,i tho locat on i null rin litiri l-.i I .m.m.i- I rriM-n itxtiu lli.Btlr r ' i. ., .i -. .. Zt t . I.. .. I I..nI...TJ YVod), a pine po.t 8,,oot lo e, I '-.-.ctiu1 kpiui'tf,.ii3t li InMic'n in tne t'-.i-'- .'ta. lnouiiu ui kiunr.'hui'iuuu i-idot, vtioiix:v ki a .vi Al N j 1 bcur. X-'il tiC'ru, IK niiuutoii KVl.M lent. TiioucH S 14 degri'epj, 43 uiiiiutcs F. S.5 foet to corner .So. 'i, u pine i.ont.. ! U-ot loii,,' 4 liifliea Kiutuo, kft H 'iu ' tlifi Ki'uiiud, wi,th luoiind ot litoiio. bribed 2-1334. Thenue'S 01 (Icerocs, 10 minutes W on line '8-a survey No UiO, Hrother Johuittliaii lode. Uii.1 loot, to corner Ma 3. ,. iilenti cut with eoi-nui' Ho ', Kiirvoy No V.U, tiiotho. Joliiiiitluin lodi, anil L'oi-nor No 0, survey Ho U?l Ui.cle Sum lulls; u pine post iu mound of ttono buribod It J .u C, No Z U S il C .So ti and a-iaai. Tlieuot N 85'deree!i,W inhiutcii W on Hue 5-5 survey No U71, Uncle auin lodo, 43 1 foot, to corner Ho 4, u piuu pot 3 loav', 4 iustius t.ciuiirc, &ut 1'- indies in tlio.uM'otiud with mound ol' stone sciiutd 4-i'J3l Theuco N 14 decrees, 13 inlniitos Y 5,4 feet, to' corner No b, a pine pO$t S fecC iouir, 4 ilieliuSiicpiuic, set Vi mchqu iu. tho . ground with'mo'iiud otiiioliu sui-lood 5-lsot. ., . 'llion'coN 07 tl.'HT-t's, 3'J niluuioi E an'liue 6-2 kiii'vu)' o Jrtj', .Suiit'Ua lude, -Jd!.5 feet to no t), u pi no pot in mound of (tone iovltiud S jl U .No ;! Uiul o-i'.Ui ' Tliciico iV.derofs, 2t.iniuuttiAV 011 li'iie 2 3 iiiiivey Ko'Viif, 6uui'i!iolode,li3.4 IftO-cdnier Mo 7. u pinu po.t 4 lout, lon-, 4 mulioj equnrej set U iuoliys iu the urrouiul witli mound of stone suriticd 7-13J4 ThunCu -N 75 di trtcs, 17 minutes 12 11.8 foot to coiner f.o , u piuu po-it S Icet Ion;;, 4 liiuhtis Miimie, set 11 niches in U. uiound witn inoiiuu 01 slono surtbou 8-iWi - . Tlicnoe S bt deiue., 2, uiitiute K on line 6-5 sui-vx-y no i4U lio.du.i Gute l.jdo,2i0 ofeet to corner No U, u piuu poi.t in uiouiul of tone kurlbcd u ti M (J .so .1 tiud l-13al 'I'licuco N St 'deiriccj, 4u liiimrtL's E on lino 5-a, ktirvey No BID, GoUlou Unto lode, 4fa feeti to eoi-riMi- No l), u duo poof 111 mound of stone ki-rjbud 1U-.J .4 ' Tinmen 6 ' ilvuieen, )(! miiiutrs li' on If us C-:, coin;u( (JroH'ii liali,'2 luet, to corner Ko 11, ti piuu puat U lout Ion;.', 4 iuctuKi llltll'0, Sut i'i iiicUox in tin, ifiouud with uiotiiid of btouui, buriocd il-U-,4 .-, 1'htnuu n W Uui-. ut, 07 minute E 517.U feet, to corner So 1, U10 plueo ot liti;iuuiu 1'utul tiud net itt-eu, Uuprito lode, 0.U7 uores 'I ho stild mi ui ii- claim ticiiii; 01 record in the uslicv of the locortlor ot CochUe county .it loiniibtouo. iu the county mid mid toril tory iifoi-oiitiJ, in uoolt 11, i'nifO 01, Kecoids of .'.iims, tm presumed uouurul coiii-ke or dii'cutiuu ot tho kiiiii Oii'prlto lode iniiiiuc t'ltinn tii-iii" blntit'ii on I In' pint ptikted lnuv iili.ii near u, euu lie detet'iuiuetl troui pretiui dav'uloiiiK-uii. tltU claim tminir tor r no 1; iintl a fjdt'ui-fi'li. If miiuiiu. A' 8UJ feot touoi-iior No &.ii-,iiu iit-ov'oo siniit total 1421 iiimur fe. I llurcol, to'ilifr Willi tho nVRftii-u iroiinii mi 1 '. :t upon the oiiLjIiil pint posted here v. Mil, 1 110 -.uid vnin loitt mid iniu lu ii'um:nt! heicliy oui;tit t. i putuulvif U)jn liouuut-ii u i.,iu.t, io-.ii: , i . Uu iho liortli Oy n vo .soJ Sunrise lodo, survey n !iJ (M.-u liiiio to...-, (.'oppor Crowu Inile (iiu-iti f L-.U, i d on tun A0111I1 1 sill to No -JI0 l.i-uili.,1- J. .tin laun lj'ln, nil cmiuied oy tin: Copi.ur (J. men Con,olid.iled .Milling Couipiti.t . Any und nil ner oim clitiuiliur uilversoly .nil port ion of aunt mini..,,- e.itim or sui'iuca u'lound tire iMtlulicil 10 If 11 their ttdvurat: cuiiiiii, with this KujfUtoi'ot the U S l.iintl lIHt-n ut Tun-on. in the Territory Of Ai-uomi, tliirui;,' lli,' sixty itu)i period of puiilitiutioii, licrcot or tii.y will bo liutrcit iy viitiio or th.i provisiuioi of the Stntuto. MU.IO.N It MOQttii, Krij.Mer. .' 1'iite of Hr.t publication -October 1.4, IBJ'J Serviceable Fall Slothing I In cou.tftnplininx 11 change of clnthiiit: our advantages to clotho j on should not bo over looked. With the choicest nud twclli'fit assortment of fabrics poatiulo to utiaiii, together with uur JtrljstiK cut and flnish, our .production! place the wearer amnriK the well dresHcis. I'ricea consistent to tho values. fj-i C7 1 III i iampape, B. F. Q RAHAM & CO, House Furnishers, Funeral Directors OK Livery,-. iFeed ., :.,-, atid Sale Stable : : ( Blacksmith Shops, Harness and Saddle.Shop . fi k WE CARRY A GENERAL LiNS OF House Furnishing ' Goods, Furniture, Carpets, "Linoleum',' Rugs, Granite and Tin, Ware, Stoves, Lamps, and china crockery ware. NEW HOriE AND NEW ROYAL SEWING HACHINES Corner O .. K. Strett . ' and Railroad Avenue. G. A, NEWMAN,: .Tinner, Plumber and Sheet Metal Worker. .. 9econtL Hand Goods Bought and Sold. 1 mmmmmmmm4immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmMmrmmmmmmm Pit li Hi "l f TIM GRIFFITH, Proprietor. Finest Turnouts in the City, Horses boarded by the " week, day or month. Horses bought and sold. Complete hack service. Hacks will meet all trains. Good service, .. Upper Main. St. - Ersbee, Arizona TURF SALOON. -c JAS. LETSON. Proprietor Tle Home Bakery J. A. S. MILLER, Prop.' Is now open for business in the Duffy building, Brewery Giilch, and is now ready to furnish patrons with the' best of Fesh Bread, Cakes' and Pies At ed-Rock Prices. - i He will also continue busiues34b a dine at the: old stand, O. K.. Street, next to the Orb mce. 'ui'R.muji 4ogwoaf"gWf'tc')oaarC9(KOg 9 ! etioB It? 9 K' That all of the best Meat and Bread i; C- i A. Ovenock & Bra, j Union ! 'J0t'KsJiffti)o?Jfgif.tiiaMOl'lM)1 9 v THE AZURITE G:0. iWJNN, Proprietor. Your Traije Solicited. JEverybody W$lcanw. .SisToee, &.. Tm O. K. Street; Bisbee, Arizona. tt 1 people in Bisbecbuy their I of lpBaa . . f1arlet. IK 41 vt$v . ?!" ;v - tp - ij iV ' ,.4'! W. iwBt,', " Tt ."w-IP. .S ", -4 . ?H Y4 V 1 V&E' ffi ii' aT.!. "'- ?.- "?? , . J,Mli.--)kvyY-Trr,-' -aMfirfrj-jfVj'attinicfciiiri'Ziv-v0 -iv -r--v.,TS3-tvt nnSW4fi3iHr&&rS5(W' - C - -f -? '::". , - Tross?i??