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M 1 ' SKSi& ... ! i . i - i r- -ii nr SHfJr f 1 NOTICE Q1 APPLICATION FOR'U. 3J s PJtiHEitt5Sa3H:yEl U'UW &&! Bus Hist cUvas:iccmiiiotl.itio:ia, nowlj furnished room. Tables tuippHudwltl. tint bVtd the in ikct ttfroHvkvUivo nu.i lut-llVo prlcos. Tho p itromiM of tlie ' public in i ouj(i?t full jyf Aliened UMl satisfaction miniiuiRjed. t ' ' " ' '.'.' - . ' & t. ( f " 'n "' rtsf jjj v?r V. 'vvi? I JJKWp r. BisbectnvdQ especially cilGrecl' T ' t FAX-RjS:vSS rf ii A 5 i-' Sip uuv, Lstaw X -J. - : 'X - V J -! . ..'I I .' - . , . A..... .1 ',.. v ,n . i ' 1x v . . , ' WHWIMlM ni.w HWMWHW.WiM1rtWWWWllWIV IWII lWW W MllAl WH K Vv ' " ,i ' j '.--. r . To all Northern or Eastern points.- Close-com-uect'olis Jii'ads'at Kansas City ami Chicago with a).' '"lllie North'cYu aidEnstcrn line.;. - , ' All tSfcnlft no! rrwr'in'n'itjinK FoHmiUviJarvoy F.-lint llausa. Vull upon .ipilcatiun to F'.-P.s'HOUOIITflNi - v Utml At 101 l'i'"o. Tox. '0T ANT).' v - THROUqiT., ' ' pAST . . FKEIQHT nASSJHtfGGi? .trtliQ OircQt tltrousU linftfmip ArfvyiH :u 1 Now , loith, 't.and Rontbit, ; L? hUitmliV. IVift-c iaii iNoilavjvi.' Jatl'-ifV.utoi-n I'lillmin Huff '(JhaiCurA j"i''nil, rt.fftjaiil comfort yiiaiuin ?p"Hii, niift; , 'Kill p-trtifiil-rj nd.lrt B. H.tUVRRYniK0. ' , .. S. Wl'. IV A., .4 'Kill l.-irtifiil -r-i n'l.Irps". t n . ( toftmaiT V 0JOr0l.lTtl HASAIISt ( ij-i, ie,Mis. . 10,. I'. TITKN'KK, ,' fi. ) A T. A.. Diiilnsi, Tusn, vO TlfOCIlMTO NSW10aQUKSTICN5!." i sW,i r i -"-.V y 'HE delights of an evening spent around a well-lighted read ing table arc not half understood. An illustrated magazine with its wealth of illustrations, its stories of adventure and invcitsdescriotions of .travel which cany you to the remotest :i f trMHirand its instructive . are the first requisites' for your own enjoyment and the entertainment ", and proper education of your children. O- - ;To secure for- you theTbest and most interesting of the great illus- 1 - trated magazines at the lowest possible price has been the aim of the editor of this journal. That we have succeeded we leave our readers ' : to judge. A special contract recently entered into with The Cosmo. , "politan, which seeks to become better known in this neighborhood, has enabled us to offer you a year's subscription to the greatest of the lllus. . .fated magazines together with a year's subscription to this journal, Both Together One &3r .: ' In 'this way y6ii secure your own home-paper and an illustrated magazine at a price that is only about a fourth of what some of the ''Btritedmaealnessenfor. For 'three years The Cosmopolitan has lllUStra.tea magazines ; iy, j rfientele oossessed by am IvTKl daily" we y or X iH'S'JS Julian any iiy r..lysA' ..uinU nf iniian S Q "'j horrors of famine andplague. It was The cosmopoi un0lK?fSnVd fat its own cost a great 'Free Correspondence ftSJJSw which whJ over 20,000 stuHents on. its rolls. Jfwas ;- r . ..- j hct niincrrir nunuc uiiib. aim utov n ,- less SSSSSSfi e5S5i5 ni yi ac.wci . j"i , . 7 . irient SSSWS B 7'??!j!rjlk.5.f.M. a utinp mopSlitan whose enterprise. isways in the lead in advancing the . woitt's civilisation. .jii 'tmtm m -- -w ' "S- ' ,v KLV b& i3 t. W i- .. . , t Tk - Tk U . ndf .- a. J'J1',CS ARIZO'K.Y trt. VVJ :cim vtj7 r j,. 'Curfi sironkosi ab4l.o pbjmlar .Inta Inforii'mlion cljcbrfuHy furnhlti'd AW T. V; .s: l'A.-. 'W Paso, 'IV x SERVICE .nil poiiUf.A. tjie (service. TliroiuP. Hfidsom.i livv. Mnxico ta, lit. uasruiiKcr Huffor Sleopors cnmliinu I. R.MC. fUKTlS, . T..K. A 1". A. K! IMkj, JVxrtS articles for young and old these Yearf or Only $f o monthly, in the world. It was The Hawthorne to India to let the-word Hawthorne cities. It was The Cosmopolite .i,ftrtic 9h i.ti vers ties senoi si and ".jvefies f riof Jy educational -systems, it. is ine ,; ,-. r , risona. . N S. BISBEE AR12 t'7'' United Ct.itc-j Land Ofitce, Tucsen .Ari zona. ( 17th, lSS'J. N0T.CE JS HEREBY GIVEN, That . ... ,t:iaril,,, c I 'ihttty-two.of' ; 1.1... V,.lo,l R of Chapter Six of .Title the Revised Statutes of this Vnlted 'States, the South Blsbee CoppeiHtfinlng and Townstte Improve- ment UiWimr.y, a yorpmauuii, ih. vlptiitlfice adaresste '"Blsbee,' Arizona, ;rr by Ilynn Helm; lis authorized agent,' v.hose'postbfltye'aiiaress fs Loa An- .r,.iD' rnilftt-nl!i.''Vtn.lnllll!r the fOllOW- lnK,'lo,,t! w)fnipffloealons, to-wlt: feet of the Copper Glance kode, cover Ina SCO feet North, 4!) degrees D2 min utes U'esst fibhv thfe dlKcoVery shaft, and 209 feci South, M degiees 52 mln-ute-3 EaHt therefrom, with surface Ciound BOO feet In width: 1.109 feet o! the Callforjila Lode, covering- 10 feet North, CO desiees W&st from the dis ci veiv yhaft, and 899 Ceet South, CO de- Pont therefrom, with surface &roi'ivl COO feet in width; 1,134 feel of the Contentment" Loder coverinpr S00 feet North. 43 desrees:27 minutes West v,-.,v, thP dlacoverv pluift. and 234 feet Cc'uili, 43 degrees 11 -n11nutes East I', vlth surface ground 600 feet ,-.- width; 1,134 feet of the Confldence J-ode, covering 910 feet North. 43 do ;ces 23 minutes West from the dls-fue.-y shaft and 224 feet South, 43 de ices 23 minutes Eost therefrom, with surface ground 600 fact-In width; 1,101 f.ct cf the Comstoek Lode, coveilns 915 .'set North. 43 degrees 25 minutes West "rom the discovery shaft and 21'JJ.oet "oulli, 43 degi-oea 3 minutes East herefrom, with sttrfr c? ground 600 f e .n width; i,300 feet c the Bryan Lodo, ovcrlns 1,040 feet North, 13 degrees' .) minutes West from the discovery att, and 260 feet South, 13 degrees 3i ivlnuios Ess, therefrom, With surfac ground COO feet In width; and 1,000 fee! of tha Modoc Loda, covering 1,140 fee -'outli, 12 dosrcea 20 ndnutes L'astro.n the discovery shaft and 3C0. f--ct No.tb 12. degrees 20 r.ilnu'es West therefrom with surface ground 600 fett in width, all bearing gold, rlher and copper, and -Ituatc in the Glux laud D'stiict, War ren Mining IMstrtU, Cochise County. Arizona, has n-tide applicj.'loi tb.tbJ United States for a. patent for the s i' niping claim, which is move fvUiy dc FOj'ibcd as to mqteo and boundiby,Wt Ofnclal Plat ported on the claim, r.r.' bv the FtaUl Notes of t.urvoy ther of on file In the.ofilse cf tho Ur.te.! Stc-.te? Land Office at Tucron. AUsona. wbl' b Field Notes of survey dpscvlbe til bbufi'darles and extent of 3aid c'aim o" the surface with magnetic variation l degrees 3 mlirilca Ea&t as follows to-wlt: Survey No. 1392. Copper , Cianc ,oae. Ke:;lnnlng ot corner No. 1. bem !;e Noithwcst ctrn-.-r of .location, : Ijio post suuoundcd by a mbund o clones, scrlled 1-1302 C. ,G. 1... wheat- he North end c r.'.er of the Bryan Lt J- .f this sui-,ey bears North 13 degree ,1 minutes 30 cfodr. We-1 47.2 fe nd the lolnt of lnterseo ion of Ui North -en-1 line -of th'.-i loCe and tU North end line of the Bryan Lode Q th3 survey teorr. North 48 degrees 5 nlnutcs, Fast So 5 feet, a--d Unbc 'tateo irlneval rnonument-No. 4 bpa Tortli 27 degrefs ir. min.ites Wc: 117 feet; thence North 45 degreed 3 ilnutes, S'.S feet to lilers-cto Aih lino 1-2 lirys.n 'ode of .h.s 3jrv ' t North 3J degie's 17 m'nu'ea,' 25 5 feet from Corner No. 2 Bryan lod : foresaid, COO feet to comer No. 2 thence South 49 degrees 5J mliiutsu East 1.1C9 feet to corner No. 3; thenc South 46 degrees 52 minutes, West OCO Teet to corner No. 4 identical with cor ner No. 2 of the Contentment Lode of this survey; thence North 49 degrees 52 minutes, West C30.78 feet to intersec tion with line 2-3 of Bryan lode of this Ur-evpt South IS degrees 33 minutes, ' a' ini Dl feet from corner No. 2 of "n- rrt'i lode aforesaid, 1,109 feet to m-nt-r No. 1, the n'ace of beginning. ,'Wy No. 1392. California Lode. lie ' n',' at corner "No. 1, being the 'o-- iv est t-orrei- of location and iden " wl'b corner No. 2 of the Copp -r I "cLo'c of this survey, a pine po3t n1"'! by a i-uund of earth rfnd .ones, scribed 1-1392 Cab, L.; Whence ( r U-.1 Ptnlcs mlniral monument No. 4 0013 North 51 degrees T4 minutes, crt 8 375 feet; Whence No.-th 46 de iC s 52 minutes, East 630 feet to corner vT 2; thenr-e South 49 degrees 52 irin-t--s, East 1.1C3 feet to corner No. S; cn'c Fouth 46 degrees 52 minutes '" 4, COO feet to corner No. 1; thenc r-t' 49 f!-gie'-5'C2 minutes, WfSt 1,103 et to corner No. 1, the place of be inning. ' Survey No. 139?. Cont' l i.icnt Lode. Beginning at corner No. 1, being the, Noithwefat corner of location, a pine ;-oftt surrounded -by a mound of eartli nd stones, scribed 1-1392 Ct. L.; whence Northeast center of the- Modoc Lode of this survey bears South 1 de cree 47 minutes 47 seebnds, East 69.41 feet; and corner No. 3 of the -Bryan Lode of tills survey bears South S6 de grees 24 minutes 7 seconds, East 297.9S feet and United States mineral monu ment NO. 4 "bears North 26 degrees 0 13 minutes West 9,306.1 feetl" thence North 46 degrees 52 minutes. East In tel sectlng line 2-3 of the Bryan Lodo of bin survey at a jiolnt 3.5-2 North '3 degrees 52 minutes' East from 'thp North end center of this lode, and North IS degrees 33 minutes, West 238.62 fest from corner No. 3 of Bryan Lode afore said, COO feet to corner No. 2; theiipe South 13 degiccs i7 mlnbtcs, East 1,131 feet to corner No. 3, ldenticd with cor ner No, 4 of the Confidence Lode of this survey; tlicnce South 4G degree1 "2 minute?, West Co0 feet to coiner No '; thence North 43 degreei 27 minutes, West intersecting the line 2-3 of the Modoc I. ode of thla suivcy, at a point "79 3 feet f:om corner No. 4 of till" lode, nd'Soulli i2 degrees f0 minutes, Etst 9J feet fiom corner No. 2" or tho Mo--nn Tode af i-tr.Hll '-iM 1 in' -if" tlm 'no 3-4 of the tlryiui LoCe " h s sur cv, i-. Tnuth 43 il"grT- 7 m"ii-Jti-c "is't 3 6 feet fron Pornv No. 1 of thlp -jde, rnd IJorh SO dercts IT .rlnute-l-li'.st, i4ij23" foot from corner N6. 3br th 'Iryan Lpile. aforesaid, 1131 feft t' ner No. 1 M,o plnco of beginning Survey No 1392. Copildence Lcde B I'n'nT 'it rornpi- NV. "1 l"-ing tb TnrtlMest corn-r of loca'on, Identic 'h' corner vp 2 of the Conteni-mp" oi'e of tli's sm-vcVi a pine post sur mncled !'v a nui'JTi ' of earth "an ''ones, rcrlbfd 1-1"92 Ctf L ; whenc" ITultcd ' States mineral inonument No 1 bears North 23 degre'ea 56 liUnbteH West S',151 feet: thente North 40 dc Si'e'w '52 minutes, IJibt 600 feet to cp: iit-r'o. V.'ihtKciB. fJcuth U dt'crvoa' S-'. L minutes, East 1,134 f eet'to corner No. 3, thenco Souths 46 degrees .52 jnlnutes,, "West 600 feejt to corner 'No. r thence North 43 degrees 27 minutes, AVest 1,134' feet to corner No. 1," the place of be ginning. ' t Survey" No. ,1392. Comstoek Lode. Be ginning at corner No. 1, being the Nortbwest corner of location, and iden tical with corner No. 2 of the Confl dence Lode of Ibis survey, and corner No. 4 of the California Lode and cor ner No. 3 of the Copper Glance Lode of this survey, a pine post surrounded by a mound of earth and stones, scribed 1-1392 Ck. L.; vhence United Stfttps mlnerrtl mnnnmont Nn & bearH North 33 degrees 38Vi minutes. West 'United States Land OITlce, Tucson, Arl 3.033 feet: then North 4fi rioe-rees 52 zona, October 16th, 1S99. minutes. East 600 feet to corner No. 2: i iiu,n,.n amiii, if ,i 07 minnii.. i East 1,134 feet to corner No. 3, thence South 46 degrees 52 minutes, West 600 feet to corner No. 4, thence North 43 degrees 27 minutes. West 1,134 feet to coiner No. 1, the place of beginning. Survey No. 1392. Bryan Lode. Be ginning at corner No. 1, bMng the Northwest corner of location, a pine post surrounded by a mound of stones scribed 1-1392 B. L.; whence United States mineral monument No. 4 bears North 23 decrees 47 minutes West, 7,- 819,6 reef, thence' North 80 degrees u minutes,. East 300 .feet; whence corner No. 1 Qf the Copper Glance Lode of this survey bearsSouth 13 degrees 31 min utes 30 seconds, East 47.2 feet, 374.5 feet intersecting line 1-2 of the Copper Glance Lode cf this survey at North 3 degrees M minutes, E st 3V feet from corner No. 1 of that 'ode. COO feet o comer No. -; tben.-e Pou'h IS de - err, 33 minutes'East 42191 feet to'in nsectlon of line 1-4 of Copp.-i . U-.ncc Lc'c of tli's h-'rvey at f oulh 4i er.rccs 52 minutes, EAst D7S.2.1 fie rom corner Ne. 1 Copper GlanC' aforesaid, 1,061.38 feet to Inlersec 'on with line 1-2 of the Co-itentmen nJe "cf thic survev at North 46 de- -rees 52 mlni.lcs, Eist C03.52 feet fro;r Nc. 1 of Contentment Lode foiepsld; 1.S0O foe-t fo corner No. 3 of ills loe: t-ence South 8) derpea 17 lnute?. West 244.23 feet to Intf-ccc Ion with line 1-1 of Contentment Loir if tbi? Fun-cy at South 43 degiees 2 inulcs. East 82.6 l'eot from co ner No of Contentment t-ode afor-.sild, 60' et to corner No. 4, ilen'lcat with cor "r No. 1 of the Mcioc Lode of this Ui-vey; thenc6 Notth IS degrees 3? nlnutcs, West 1.5C0 fet to corner No. , the ulacc of beginning. Sv.rcy No. 1392. Modoc Lode. Be--lr.nirg at corner No. 1. being the Vorthwc3t corner of location, and iden leal wivh corner No. 4 Bryan Lode of bis survey, a pine post surrounded by mound of earth and stone-3, gcribei" -1392 M. L.; wltence United Sttitei i-icfal monument No'. 4 beats North 3 degrees 2 minutes, West 9,115 feet id corner No. 1 of the Contentmen. jf do of this survey bears North 67 de cos 43 minutes, Ea3t 317 5 fest; th"nc T'-rth 80 degrees 37 n-inutc-. r--t ?55.77 'et to intci-Fection of line i . -'on evtment Lode of this survey at Soutb 3 dog-.ecs 27 ninut.s, Eacl S2.6 feet rom comer No. J of the Contentment ,pJe afqitsaid, GC0 feet to coiner No. 2 f this lode, identical with coiner No ? of the Brvah Lode rf 'thl3 survey ''lenr'o South 12 degrees 20 minutes -r.-t 3S3 feet to point of Intersection jth line 1-4 of th. Contentment Lode f Uii3 survey at Fouth 42 deifrPCB 27 InuiCB. EaM r..".4.7 feet fiooi corner "o. 1 of the Contentment Lode afore ald, 1.3C0 feejto .corner No. .8; thence "oath 89 t'egi-ees 17 minutrp, West 600 feet to corner No. 4. .thence North 12 defrees 20 minutes, West 1.5C0 feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning. TOTAL AREA OF CLAIM. Total and net area of Copper Glance Lode, 15.17 acres. Total and net area of California LoOe, 15.17 "acres. ' Total and net area of Contentment Lode, 15.61 acres. Total and net area of Confidence Lode, 15.61 acres. Total and-fiet area of Comstoek T.ode, 15.GI acres. Total area Bryan LopV 17 69 acres ecs area in Conflict wi h Copper Glance .ode of this survey. 1.83 ocr..s, and less rea In conflict with Contentment Lode f this survey.. .943 acres. Net area o'- " Jryan Lode, 14.912 acres. ' Total aiea Ilodoc LoJe 20 61 acre-s -,s area in conflict with Contentment u e of -tho sui-'ey. 1.10 r.cren No' ca of :io0oc 'od-. 19 54 ac i s. fJet area of 'his lc cai-i, 111 C ' .1 i' , - . i ; f ot U of the ' v-' ill CM .a ff ("-,, " f!''l -v i. i rt cu ' own -! M's'tij i;i!e m d a n ! K' -e. 10 : DU livt, si n i i ? r. -t. n-"''d v Base and Meridian, Arizona. eii i .1 !. 1 TS l ' lod'-s t e ab i arc r Coop nd f j'lowlnfi de:-t ti'jed ortlo'l na fol ovi: Of Glance In Book 14, at pitfe .1; of V afiforhla. in" Took 14 -t p-r- r. Ihc Contentment," In Book 11 nt pa-re 531; of the Confidence, in Book 11, n oace 557; of the Coirtock, In J Wok 11 tit page '532; of the Bryan.' in Book 11. t page 531, and of the Modoc In Book ,14, at pagei5li6; said book being of th Records of Mines of the RecrUs of '-n-h!se Co.-ntv Arizona Territory. The presumed geneial course or dl rection of the v.K lode, or minaral d uiplt of the abo e descr b-d 'o-b 3 i -vctlveiy is shown upon the -Mat po i on the clMni. as neai'y a- can b" d "-nlncd from pis-ii' !jv 'wi'-n Ii claim beln-; for thp lin'-i r " t o -Ji-lode thereof as li'i-oin bovj re i-b, icspectl'-el-,-, togpth-r wi J tv 'ice groun 1 a' t wn upon 'Iip ci'le' . t ufjiesnld. . - f '"i? otljolnirig' -laims urj: ' - I" in, St. Louis and II inols cl?U.m3 (u i -.veied), Shattuck KeatinT, o. a". "alni'ints; Btickey O'Neill. SUteen- o ne and' Arizona ebilom .('iuriev -No 1S93) ownbd by applicant herelu; K. claim (unsurvoyed), Waddojl a'i i O'llare claimantb; claim, name-' vn known (unsurveyed, Strong, Matht . and Sampson, claimants; Lulu claln (unsurveyed), Gcmeble, Wnd'-.ell a.. Penlng, claimants; Thomni cla'r.i ("" surveyed),' Benn. VlUIama nn Tia ,non, claimants; on all other aides va cant and unoccupied land. Any and all persons claiming ad-vp-iMy the minim; pound, velnt lode, ju-plfrAo' any pirtlon thereof .?o dC' .vtlbv!. sun eyed, .p.KUed and applied i'or. m. hereby ""Clled tjit umbsw nsfyr their 'adverse claims are duly filed as according tp law ana the regulations thereunder .within the Airiio prescribed by law, with the Register of the "United States Land Office at Tu son, Arizona, they will bevbarred by the provisions of said statute. MILTON R. MOORE, Register. Date of first publication, Friday, Oc tober, 20th, 1899. NOTICE OF APPLICATION PATENT. FOR M. A. No. 098. Survey No. 1282. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That Martin Costello. whose postotflce ad dress is Tombstone, Cochise County, Arizona Territory, has made applica tion for a patent for 1,495 linear feet of the "Roy" and 1,495 linear reel of me -wo- mining '.rr, T .. . -i. t i nnnn.. ' UI1U ULilCl llllllUlUlt ovw,.v. ... - . "Warren" Mining District, Cochise County. Arizona Territory, and dc . ,1 j scribed in the offlcl I plat and neb notes on file in thin office, as follows, vbt: "Rov" Lode Clai.u. Beginning at r Corner No. 1, Identic .A with location corner, u pine post 3 feet long 4 inches square, set 1 foot in ground, to bed rqck, in mound of. stones, scribed 1-12S2 R. M. C, whence." United States min eral monument No. 4 of "Warren" Mining District bears Nortb 62 degrees 22 minutes East $.223 feet, thence South 49 degrees 01 mihut?s West 1,495 feet to corner No. 2, a. pine poet 4 feet long 4 Inches squcre in miund of stones scribed 2-1232 R. M. C; thence South 47 degrees 16 minutes East 593.5" feet to corner No. 3, Identical with location corner, a pine post 4 feet ions 4 inches square in mound of stones, cribcd 3-1282 R. M. Ct; thence North W ""06 grees 01 minutes East 495 feet to con.ei No. 4, a pine post 4 fe6t long 4 inches square in mound of stones, scribed 4-1282 R. M. C; thence North 47 de grees 16 minutes 593.5 feet to place ot beginning. Variation at all corners 1. degrees 20 minutes East. Area 20.'5 acres. "Leo Lo.'e Claim. Beginning at cor ner No, 1 identical with location cor aer arid, with 901 mr No. 1 of "Roy'' iode, fciluel In addition to marks al-rea-Vv noticed 1-1282 I.. M. C, whence United States mineral monument No. 4 bears Neith 62 degrees 22 minutes. East 4,225 feet; thence South 49 degrees 01 fi-.lmitv s WVnt 1,493 feet to corner No. 2, IdcrV.lral with corner No. 2 "Roy" Lode, jciibftd, Hi addition, 2-1282 L. M. C; thence, North 23 degrees 50 minutes West 612 feet to corner No. 3, a pine post S feet long 4 inches square in mound of rock scribed 3-12S2 L. M. C. thence North 52 degree-3 22 minute East 1,470.5 feet to corner No. 4, a pine 'post three feel long 4 inches square in mound of stone, scribed 4-12S2 L. M. C: thence South 23 degrees 50 minutes East 522.5 l'eot to corner No. V, tho plae of beginning. Vailation at all come: 3 12 degrees i.0 minutes East. Area 18.C0 acres. Total area of both lod; claims, 33. S3 acre?. In Township ?3 South of Range 24 East (unsurveyed), Gila and Salt River Meridian. The locations of thes" mines ts recorded In the Recorder's of fice of Cochise County, Arizona, on pages 575-C-7 ot Book 9, of Records cf Mines. Adjoining claimants are tin "Wood Chopper," survey No. 1061, 'and "Tip Top," survey No, 1067. on the Northeast, and the "Wagner," survey No. 1121, on uie Southeast. All persons holding adverse claim thereto are requited to present the same before this office within sKly days from the flr?t day of publication hereof, or they will be barred by vlrtui of the provisions of the statute. MILTON R. MOORE, Register. Dete of flrat publication. Friday, Oc tober 20th, 1899. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Mining Aimlip mon Vo '701 v Survey No. 1314. United States Land Office. ruPTo.'i. Ctiilt-i 10,1599 notice is HEiiEBi GivnN. Tha In pursuance of the United Slates Min ing Laws, M. J. Erophy and E. B. Ma son, whose postoffice address is Blsbee. Cochise County, Arizona, have made application for patent for fifteen hun dred .(1,500) linear feet of the Labrador lode mining c't 1m, situated in the War ren Mining District, Cocblse County, Territory of Arizoha',. as described .b.v the official plat herewith posted and b. the field notes on file in the office, of the Register of the United States Land Office, Gila Land District, Tucson. Arizona, as follows, to-wlt: Magnetic variation for a'i corne'is 12 degices25 minutes East. Beginning at corner TsTo. 1, identical corner of location which torner being "TS2ycy WILLI ABIS &. L.u LEI lihifii 8i 1 wm WoJLVtf SeVrtwTtrts One frame Iioupo of two iooiiip, romi-li't Jy finint-linl, m.u Cuibolic i-l.mch; terms very low. Apply to S. K. William?'. ' Otu1 frame house hi three rooms; $15 per month, iiu'liull uatiT. , Apij, ,:o S. K. Williiuns. ' l '" ' " ''"- Olid f Ame hbu&tt ot tlirea rooms, near Shattiuk'n Iumi'mt ya-il; ten dolim-per month. Apply to S. K. Williuino. 4 . Tim Enirlo IIouhp, four rooms; water included: tju- tiyiilenco-M'O. A. Overlook; $15 por montli. Applyttq S. KrWitlMni-. " '- . Oiif ilobe bonne, six room?; rislft. in town: ad.ipud li bu"d 1 Iioufiv' j ply . to S. K. AVilliBiriB. III First cIiuih roonm from 60 conle pur day " in tooms. Good mnnlrt nt 25 cent1-. 1 1 tion guaranlMtl or no vy. ' SAM. t'RIBIUWAXV, Proprlcdai:., iito"ttMia twin i'- K?n i wnsli. a wi.nesi conwi- N.. J u- North 49 degrees 64 mla.i a Klk., 95 feet. A plr.e post ; fpef ong, 4 i uhes square set in a n.ouud f otonth, .me foot in giound to b..rt ro.5..w.rl.od 1-1344 W. C. L. M. C. vaenciv Unl ed State3 mineral monument Io, 1 of the Warnen Mining Distiict. bears "Kout . 57 degrees 48 minutes East 3.9S7.4 foet from true coracr i?oint; thence o ith 54 degrees 25 minutes West, 750 itot to center ot East al"e "ne a plne l" feet long, 4 inches square set in my -nd. of stones 1,500 feet same be.irhvj to corner No. 2, a pine post 3 feet lne 4 inches square set in mound-Qf s o.iis, 10 inches in ground, scribed 2-131. L. M. C: thence nort,h 49 degrees i54 nln utes West, 300 feet to South tiid ten ter a pine post 3 feet higli set ' in mound of stqnes, IS inches in ground, scribed, L. M. C. 1344. 6U.2 feet, time bearing to corner N 3, a pine post 2 feet long. 4. Inches square, .set on X chiseled in be- - t . . IIL-nt jeJ-rbcK, suriouneu uj bcribel 3-134i-LiIC; l.hmh lArfi.Bi dcrreui S3 rnlnutea mounn oi biuuuk. , j r. s Ensh 759ifeet to center of West side lline, a pine post in mound of .nones; 1,500 feet same bearing to conir No. i4, identical with a corner of lot ..ion," a DlHe Dost 3 feet long. 4 inches fl-pure. set 18 Inches in ground, surround d by mound of ston-s, scnoeu 4-i.m u. j. C; thence South 49 degrees 54 ml- :te East 301.2 feet to center end mo:u. .-nt, Identical with location monuuu-l; a pine post 3 feet long,, 4 inches s'iuar set on X chiseled on'a? reef of r.ek, surrounded by a mound of Htonei, scribed L. M C. 1344; D91.7 feet sunt bearing to witness corner No. l; already , described; 601.2 feet to corner No. X." (the true corner) the plac of begta nlng. Area of claim, 20.05J acres. The said mining claim being of record in the office of the Recorder of C" hlse County in Book 14, Record of M.nes, pages 22 and 23. at Tombstone, In tho County and Territory aforesaid, the presumed general course or dlrc-t a of the said Labrador vein, lodo 01 mln- T eral defosit being shown upon tbi llt posted herewith, as near as can de termined from present develop. .- uls. this claim being for fifteen- hvr Ired (1,C00)( linear feet thereof, togethi? yith the surface ground shown upon the official plat posted herewith, tlu said vein, lode and mlnmg premises hereby souslit to be patented, being bo.ided as 'follows, to-wlt: Thero aro r.. ad joining claims. Any and all persons claiming ad versely any portion of said mino or-t surface ground are required to flU their adverse claims with the Rc-,.ter of the United States Land OfTk. at . Tucpon, Pima County, In tho Tc: lory -of Arizona, during the Sixty days period of publication thereof, rr thoy will be barred by vlrtuo of the ! -vis- . lon of the statute. . - , . MILTON R. MQOP.r Regis. Jr. Firsf'l'ublie.i-ion. October 21, 18!W. t T 1 ifii lii" TrtinTV-ScyPMYH YEAR. V WORLD-WIDE CIRCUtyr.'f" iON. tw v ?r.rcs: "vTeektalllus1 - ett. iNPKPENCRl.E.TQ MlNiNG KU. ZZY.'.S 1TR TEATJ.1'.VAU. i4Hwt ec"i' rota. ::,vr"'i w s5fr.nFicrs2", 2.,."r, r"-r.. hN Fnwft'" 1 3IHCEB SEWWB-MIGH1WE is not only the most useful thing ever de vised for the family," , but is distinguished for its beauty assart artistic piece of "fur niture - .. - THE BEST IKVESTHEIT HEART, earning more in proportion-to cost than any other purchase possible. THREE DIFJEBEIT IrMDS, either lock-stitch or chain-stitck BUILT LIKE A WATCH,' l ' at the largest and best-equipped factory In the world, where every machine is carefully tested on practical stitching. SOLO CHLY BY THE SIKGER MANUFACTURING GO. rms in cvurv omr in tmi xm. 'tr; rr p' 33- i.ui' " ftfyff' Ids i II i a- " 1?WE, Frps. tm ..I . i'JJ. III. JIK'NW -s. npviuK. Vhvt lf iit'.ncJ'p-l for frmiliea'' 5-VJ-nlt' 10 '111 1 i? .,.' iiinitr. - &13 ll tf . " . yr S i' ' 1 I- t lr n 4 7 - ct, i J ."1 ''., - tf . && If-. I r -X f fi sSa ,4 -v .-i.' "j& ? SSCW f'