Newspaper Page Text
&& -T 'ft. THE ARIZONA DAILY ORB; ifc "ir"1"! .ow. VOLT7&E III BISBEE, ARIZONA, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER i, 1899. NUMBfiR 29 ' ' "fsv, , -vX .' w t'..t -. -.... itifc M 'r: NV - vioa MOixvonddv jo qioixon 0. PATENT. ,M. A. 790, purvey No. int. TTnlted States Land Office, Tucson, Arl- xona, October 17th. 1899. KOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That )4"a pursuance of .Chapter Six of Title Thirty-two of the Revised Statutes of the United State, the South Blahee Copper Mining and Townslte Improve ment Company, u Corporation, whoo oatffice acfareas la BUbe ;, Arisona. by Lynn Helm. Its authorised -audit, whoa postaftlce addreaa ia Loa An geles. California, claiming the follow ing lode mining; locations, to-wli: 1.4SS feat of the Atlas Lode, covering; 1.369 feet North, :C degrees 14 minutes West from the discovery shaft and 29J feet Bouth. 26 degrees 14 minutes Kant therefrom, with surface ground 609 feet la width; 1.497 feet .of (be John and James Lode, covering 1.057 feet .North, 37 degrees II minutes West from, the Uacovery shaft and 420 feet South, -.' degrees II minutes Kant' therefrom, with surface ground COO feet in width; i,it feet of, the Alabama Lode, cover ing 1.226. feet North', 17 degrees 38 min utes West from the discovery shaft and 176 feet South, 17 degrees II minutes Zaat therefrom, with surface ground Mt feet In width: 1.500 feet of' the Alma Lade, covering 120 feet North, 17 de grees II minutes West from the discov ery shaft and 1.88 feet South. 17 de frees II minutes East therefrom with surf are-ground 900 feet In width; 1,500 feet of the. Alice Lode, covering ISO feet South. 17 degrees IS minutes East from the discovery shaft nnd 1,120 feet Nor In. 17 degrees 38 minutes Wwl therof romwith surface ground 600 feet la wU'th; l.JM.i feet of the Christmas '16 I -ode, covering 990 feet South, 1 degrees II minutes East from the dU eovery shaf t and 'ZH. feel 'North. 1 degrees 33 minutes West- therefrom, with surface ground 600 feet ia width: ,24-M (t. of ths Sixtcen-toOna Me gov orlng 271 feet South, IS d.grees 33 ml.i ates-East from the discovery shaft an.! 1,614.1 feet North, 18 degrees S3 minutes West therefrom, with surface ground M feet in width; 1,482.8 feet of th" Hamilton Lode, covering 3v feet Sotfll.. U degrees 16 mfnutea East from tht discovery' shaft and 1.132. feet North. II degrcea 20 minutes West therefrom.. with cut-face ground (00 feet in width: 1,412.1 feet' of the Agnes Lode, cover lag 1.1S0 feet North. 12 degrees 20 mlu vtes West from the discovery ..shaft. n 212.1 feet South. 12 degrees 20 min utes East therefrom with surfneo ground CS0 feet in width; 1.252.9 feet of the Ahutfta Lode, covering 300 , feet I South, It degrees 13 minutes East frwm the discovery shaft '''und 952.9 feet Nerth, II degrees II minutes West therefrom, with surface 'ground COO feat In width; 1.212.9 feet of the lfuckcy O'Nt-U! Lode, covering 250 feet 8out .18 degrees 13 minutes East from the discovery shaft, and 1,002.9 feet North II degreea 31 minutes West therefrom. wlth( surface ground "600 feet in width: l.lll feet' ef the Waterloo Lode, cover ing feet South, IS degrees 20 min utes East from the disco- e:- shaft and ttO feet North, 12 degrees 20 minuted West therefrom, with surface ground 646 fret in width; 1,500 fed of the Art sonn Lode, covering 140 feet North, 12 degrees 20 minutes West from. the dis covery shaft, and 1,160 feet South, U aegrca 20 minutes East therefrom, with surface ground 600 feet In width; 1,427.0 feet of the Last Chance Lode, covering 1,110 feet South. 73 degrees 21 minutes West fromtthe discovery shaft, and 217.6 feet North, 73'degrefcs 21 min utes -Knat therefrom, with , surfftei ground 513.6 feet in width; 1,422.2 feet of the Nellie Lode, covering 266 feet North. .80 degrees 17 minutes East from lit l'rnvfrv idiaft aifl l.lti'i.'J '-i outh, 76 degrees 14 m!nuteam West Atier- from, with surface ground COO f ei n xl th; and 1,500 fet of the Marga reta. Lode, covering 900' fft South, S degt .'S 17 minutes West from the dls- eowry shaft and 600 feel North, 80 de grees 17 minutes East therefrom with surfn-e ground 600 feet (n width; all bearing gold, silver and copper, and tdttiiite In the Gila Land District, War ren Mining District, Co-hlsc County. Arlr-jna A has made application to the Unlffd States for a patent for the sabs mining claim, which is more' fully de scrl' ed as to metes and bounds by th Official Plat posted on the Claim, nnd by the Field Notea of survey thereof on file In the office of the United State a Office atTacson, Arisona, which Jolcs of survey describe live ilt-sitind extent of said claim on .face with, magnetic variation at - -toss 45 minutes East as follows, - ,y No. 1398. Atlaa Lode. Begln- t corner No. 1, the Northwest I location and identical with -Jo. 6 Triangle Lode. Survey nonce 11 pine post surrounded by ud of stones, scribed 1-A. L.-1391 '. bears South 26 degrees 14 mln i'.aat 100 feet, and a pine post sur 'od by a mound of stones, scribed L.-1393 W. C. ben'rs Noith 70 de- 19 minutes, East 100 f-et nn4 -d States mineral monument No. 4 1 n "V' A. : t r.! f.r." Noith 6 degrees IS mlauUs, Ens'. ' 1 feet, and bring the center of shAft nf the South Blsbec Copper Mln- '".'i Tow unite Impio. uincnt com- ' thence North 70 dcgiws J9 mln- 'Jart 600 feet to rorner No. 2, e South 26 degrees 14 minutes, ' 'i S feet to corner No.3; thence i"9 degreea 74 minutes, Went 630 - o corner No. 4; thence North 20 , ! 11 minutes, West 1.4f-3.r feet tW No. 1, the plac- of beginning. ny No 1363. John and Jamwi Beginning at corner No. 1, being . Northwest corner of location, a vest set In a mound of stones, d 1-1393 J. & J.. whetiM Unltid - wlncral monumeift No. 4 hears 0 'cgrecs 6 mlniite.i. Went 5.807 fr iV.nift orth 70 d grc. m!n- rta M 4 feet to rornr No. 2; - Poo'h 28 degre?s 2. minutes, I .PfO feet to corner No. ?; thenca 1 7t it,'r-es 29 m'ntite!'. West 600 ;o coriur No. 4: thence North 26 ' 1 1 minutes. West 1.493.5 feet to i- No. 1, the place of beginning. vv No. 1393. Alabama Lode. Bc- vln'lng at corner No. 1. being the Not i h west corner of locAilon nnd Idcn tlcni with conwr No. 1 William A. I No.4 AUaj of thta BUrvey, a pm.'. noat surrounded by a mound of stones, scribed 1-1393 Aa.-L.f whence United States mineral monument No. 4 bears North 0 degrees 54 minutes, West 7,200 feet, thence North 70 degrees 29 min utes. East 600 feet to corner No. 2; thence South 17 decrees 38 minutes, East 1,600 feet to corner No. 3;thence South 70 degrees 29 minutes. West GOO feet to corner No. 4; thence North 17 degrees 38 minutes, West 1.C00 feet to coiner No. 1, the place of beginning. Survey No. 1393. Alma Lode. Be ginning at corner No. 1, the Northwest corner of location, and Identical with corner No. 2 Alabama Lode, and corner No. 4 John and James Lode, and cor ner No. 3 Atlas Lode of this survey, n Vine post surrounded by u mound of etones. scribed 1-1393 A. L.. whence United States mineral monument No. 4 bears North 5 degrees 32 minutes. West 7,031 feet, thence North 70 degrees 29 minutes. East 600 feet to corner No. 2, thence South 17 degrees 38 minutes, Eant 1.500 feet to corner No. 3, thence South 70 degrees 29' minutes, West 600 feet to corner No. i, thence North 17 degrees 38 minutes. West 1.500 feet" to '-orner No. 1, the place of beginning. Survey No. 1393. Alice Lode. Be ginning at corner No. 1. being the Northwest corner of location and Iden tical with corner No. 2 Alma Lode and corner No. 3 John and James Lode of this survey, a pine post surrounded by 'i mound of stones, scribed 1-1393 .Ae. L., whence United States mineral mon ument No. 4 bears North 10 iegrees 21 minutes. West 6.910 feet, thence North 70 degreea 29 minutes, Kant 600 feet to corner No. 2, thence South 17 degrees 38 minutes, Enst 1,500 feet to corner No. 3, thence South 70 legrees 29 minutes," West 600 feet to corner No. -4. thence North 17 degrees 33 minutes, Wst 1.500 feet to corner No. 1. the place of beginning. Survey No. 1353. Christmas '95 Lode. Beginning "at comer No. 1, being th$ Northwest corner of location, a pine post surrounded by a nound of earth ::d stones, scribed 1-1333 C. '93 L.. whence United States mineral monu ment No. 4 bears North 14 degrees 11 ninutes 45 seconds, West 6,376 foot, 4.hen:o North S3 degrees 17 minutes. Sast COO feet to corner No. 2, thence iouth 13 dejrrees 33 minutes. Enst 1,284.1 ftet to corner No. 3; thence South 80 degrees 17 minutes. West 526.S feet to Intersect line 2-3 Alice Lode of this sur vey' at North 17 degrees SO minutes, West C73.25 feet from corner No. 3 Alice Lode of this survey, 600 fe?t to corner No. i. Identical with corner No. 1 Alas ka Lode of this survey, thence North is dcu-ref Jtt miintrx, !: SM.'.I fi-( to point or Intersection with line 1-2 Al ice Lode of this survey at 514.51 feet North. 70 degrees i'9 minutes East from '.-orner No. 1 Alice Lode aforesaid. 1,284.1 feet to corner No. 1, the plac of beginning. Horvvy No. 1391. Slxtcen-to-One Lode. Boglnnlng at ennirr No. 1. being the Northwest 1 orner of location and dntlcnl with corner No. 2 of thr Christmas '96 I.ode of this 'survey, pine post surrounded by a mound of arth and stone, scribed 1-1393 18 to 1-L., whence United States mineral monument No. 4 bears. North 19 degrees 31 minutes. West 6,430 feet, thence North 80 degrees 17 minutes, East 600 feet to corner No. 2, thence South H legrees 33 minutes, East 1.284.1 f ! t corner No. 3, th'nce South 10 dr--?-"7 minutes, Wt COO feet to coni'-r No. i. thence North IS degreea T3 minutes, ''st 1.284.1 feet to earner No. 1. th? p'nee of beginning. Survey No. 03. TTriuII'.om l.r !glnnlg at rorner No. 1 l.lng li North West corner of location an I lil-ntlcal with corner No. 1 of Aim:, f. ' and corner No. 3 Alabama Lode y this survey, a pine post surrounded "V a mound of earth and stone 'ilVd 1-13J3 H. I... when'-e (Tnltl 'tatH Mlnt-rnl monument 'o. I ! -1 N'osth 7 degrees 3! minutes West 84iw 'H. thence North 70 degrees ;t mln- itfs East 600 feet to corner No. .', thence South 12 degrees 20 mlitutcy East 1,482.3 feet to coraer No. 3. thence South 70 degrees 29 minutes V-st Cv feet to corner No. 4, then. North t: degrees 20 minutes West 14S2.8 fret to -orner No. 1. the plare of beginning. Survey No. 1393. Agns Lode. Bf ginning at corner No. 1. being the .N'orth West corner of location and Identical with corner No. 4 of Alice Lode, earner No. 2 Hamilton Lode and writer No. 3 of Alma Lode of this sur vcy.a pine postnurrounded by amounV of earth and stonf-s. scribed 1-129 Ar L., whence United Statrs mineral monument No. 4 hears North Jl de crees 39 minutes West 8400 feet, thenri North 70 degrees 29 minutes East 600 feet to earner No. 2, thence South 33 degrees 20 minutes East '1482.8 feet to corner No. 2, thence South 70 degrees 29 minutes West 600 feet to eorncr No. 4, thance North 12 degrees 20 minutes West 14S2.8 feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning. .Survey No. 1393. Alaska Lode. Begin ning at corner No .1, being th North West corner of location, a pinejfsl 'n a mound of tnrth and rtons periled ''W.t A. Ii., whence United Pta-r Mtnnnl monument No. 4 h-nrs Nwlh IS VrrctS' 1 minute 17 recnuds Went f-M fct, thence North SO dgrecs 17 v.lnut'R East 73.2 feet to point of Im tfrssctlon with line 2-3 Alice Lode of his survey at North 17 degree 3S Minutes West 678.25 feet from corner No. 3 Alice Lode aforesaid. v) f-ot to .ornr No. 2. thrncc South 18 degrer V. minutes Enst 1252.9 feet to corner .Vo. 3. thence So-ith 80 degrees 17 mln- ncs West COO teet to corner No, 4, hiKe corner No. 2 Agnes and eor ncr No. 3 Alice Led s of this survey b ;t North 12 degrees 20 minute Wc,t :". I feet, thence North 18 dojuww ."!3 nlntitoH Wept 562.46 feet to point of intersection with Ilno3-4 Allcf Lode nnd line 1-2 Aprs Lode of this sur vr at South 70 degrees 29 mlnuti t. V"t l.49 fct f'om fotnr No. 3 Al ir "J.ivjc jiprt rorr No. 2 .i-i-p ?.i.' .foresaid, 12.'.? feet to rorner No. 1, "- 1 lace of 'fglnn'ng. Survey No. 13i:i. Dtuioy ii'Nh Lo-e. Beginning at corner No. !. V hi" tHe North Wi-st corner of this hi. cation and Jilt nth nl with t-nrner No. 3 of the Christmas '96 Lode of this survey, a pine post surrounded by a mound f earth and stones scribed 1WH BlN.uW'yemaaeenlttd iWtM Mineral monument No. 4 bears North 19 degrees 27 minutes West 7737 feet, thence North SO degrees 17 minute East COO feet to corner No. 2, thence South 18 degrees 33 minutes East 1252.9 feet to corner No. 3. thence South 80 degrees 17 minutes West COO feet to corner No. 4, thence North IS A-r,,;.nn mlnnluu Wait lOTO.. . V "V"" "VC luel lo eqrner No 1. the place of beginning. Survey Jso. 1393. Waterloo Lode. Bo - ginnng at corner No. 1, being the Northwest corner of location and Iden- tlca with corner No. 4, Alaska Lode. of. this survey, a pine post surrounded by a mound of earth and stones, scribed 1-1392 W. L., whence Uiilt.ol Stntes Mineral Monument No. 4 bears mines of the Itecords of Cochise Coun .oith 13 dpgiLvs 31 minutes w-st 891Gty, Ailzonn. feet, thence North 70 degrees 17 min utes West CCO feet to corner No. 2. thence South 12 degrees 20 minutes East 1500 feet to corner No. 3, thence South 80 degrees 17 minutes West COO feet to corner No. 4, thence North 12 degrees 20 minutes West 1500 feet to earner no. 1, me piace ui ucKinmng. Survey No. 1393. Ailzona Lode. Be-! forthi respectively, together with thi ginning at corner No. 1 being Uie.Burface ground shown upon the official Kortnweat corner 01 location anu wen- ., . -..,. T- J Al-.. t .- -. ucai wuu corner u. . aw A.oue, and corner No. 2, Waterloo Lode, of this survey, a pine post surrounded by a mound of earth and stones, scribed 1-1393 A-. L.. whence United States Mineral Monument No. 4 bears North VJ degrees 19 minutes West 899G feet, thence North 80 degrees 17 minutes East COO feet to corner No. 2, thence South 12 degrees 20 minutes East 1500 feet to corner No. 3. thence South SO degrees 17 minutes West COO feet to cor ner No. 4, thence North 13 degrees 20 minutes West 1500 feet to coiner No. 1, the place of beginning. Suivrv .No. 1SIK5. Lat Chai.ce lode. Beginning at corner No- 1. being thei Southeast corner of location, being Identical with corner No. 1, Margareta Lode and corner No. 4, Waterloo Lode, of this survey, a pine post surrounded by a mound of earth nnd stones, scribed 1-1393 L. C. L., whence United States Mineral Monument No. 4 bears N. 13-degrces 3 minutes West 10,414 feet, thence North 12 degrees 20 minutes West 5S3.C feet to corner No. 2, thence South 70 degrees 29 minutes West 1433 fkut to corner No. 3, thence fc'outh 12 degrees 20 minutes East 410 feet to cor - ncr No. 4, thence North 7G degreed 14 nflnutcs East 1422.2 feet to corner No. I, the place of beginning. Survey No. 1393. Nellie Lode. Be ginning at corner No. 1, being the Northeast corner of location and Iden tical with corner No. 1, Margareta Lode, corner No. 4 Waterloo Lodt- and corner No. 1 Luat Chance Lode of this surVev, a pine post su. rounded by a .iiuui.i! of ojuth id stones, scribed j t-1233 N. L Mitencu V S -um- 1 ument 'Jo 1 bears Nortii (U-b'ecs n;lnutus T. c.t lt.-tw f. tmSi-T; Soul!. J dehru.s 25 minutes itst R I..t to corner No. 2, thuUkC Suijr"ftf dvrect 14 minutcu Went 1122.2 f-ct tu corner i No. 3, lliu.'ice North y dej:r ii min utes Last tuo feet to cirntr No 4, thence North 76 degrees 14 minutes r.ust Uii feot to corner No. 1, the place of beginning. Survey No. 1333. Margareta Lode. Beginning at corner No. 1, being- tnc North est corner of location and Idcn ilml with coiner N-. 4. Waterloo Lode, and corner No. 1, Nellie Lode, and cor ner No, 1, Last Ch&ik. Lode, ot thin survey, a plr.e poi wrrounded by a moun.t of earth and stones, sciibui 1-1333 M. 1... Whi.m.0 United States Mineral Muiiuniriil No. 4.b.-aia North 15 deciecb i IlilliUUt, V. cfct i.4l4 fufct, theneu Nouh SO dearecs if minutes, Eiifcl 1300 ttet to coiner Jso. 2, thence iouth 9 degicea -k .unutes, tin fett to i-on.a- No. 3, llieiioc South k degrees It li.lnulefc, West 1500 feet to .orner No. 4, tneiice North degree ., Last tiw feet to (.ortu-r No , the place 01 beginning. Tu'i.iL. AitKA OF CLAIM. Tout una net area Atlas LoUe, 20.3. u res. Total fti.d net arc John &. Jamev 6.e, lv.-aj acic-s. Total and net area Alabama Lode. u.Ci& amc. Total an.: net area Alma Lode, i0.Cl.-i .CTCK. Total and net area Alice Lode, 30.541 HCICS. Total aiu Chrlitmas '96 Lode, 1T.4S0 a !.- !.i.i .ru.l la Ooiif.ict with Allci. Lode of this survey, 1.1S0 aurB, and .!... In lun.llct wlta IJelavla Lode (un- neyt.lj itS .viia Net uieu Chrlst- nas '9C Lode, 15.535 acies. Tutal aim nut uica Slstccn to Onr Lode, 17.4S0 acres Total and net area Hamilton Lode. 20 260 ac res Total and net area Agnas Lode, 20.260 acres. Total area Alaska Lode, 17.207 acres, lees area In conflict with Alice Lode of this survey, 1.030 acres, less area In conflict with Agnes Lode ot this sur vey, .-DC acres. Net area Alaska Lode, 15.761 acres. Total and net area Buckey O'Nelt Lode, 17.207 acres. Total and net area Last Chance Lode, 16.C90 aires. Total and net area Waterloo Lode, 2U.430 acres. Total and net area Arizona Lode, 20.130 acres. Total and net aria Margareta Lode", .a.iiO iii'leu. Total and net area Nolliu Lode, 1S.0OT acres. Net arua of this lode elulm, 301.90C ac-reB. The Buiveys of all the above dsBurtb tft lodes are ldeaitloal with their re spective locations. Thla claim Is locat ed about a mile and a hmlf South, of the Town of Blaboo, In the aaM Wnrrtii Mining District, said County of Co- uhlsc, and will, when public land sur- veiti urv extended over this section of country, be embraced approximately In Township 23 South, Range 24 East, Olla mid Salt IUwr Base and Meildlnn, Arlzonn. The amended loeatlons of the above umt tollov.-lug described lodes are re torded as follows: Of tho Atlas Lode In Book 14, page 640; of the John & James Lode in Book 14, page 635, of th Alabama Lode in Book 14, page (JWK tf k Mm Bed ki Book 14, peg 511; of the Alice Lode, in Book 14, page 558; of the Christmas '93 Lode In Book 14, page C37; of the Sixteen to One Lode In Book 14, page 540; "of the Hamilton Lode In Book 14, page 553; of the Agtles Lode In Book 14, page 533; of the Alas ka Lode In Book 14, page 538; of the HlirkfV fV?All T.ftt& In Dnnl, 1J ' ... " """ " l'b- "9; or tno Waterloo Lode, in Book 14, I pnso 559; of the Arizona Lode In Book I u, page 633; and the locations of the above described and following lodes are recorded as follows: Of the Last I Chance Lode In Book 14, page 712; of the Nellie Lode In Book 14, page 711; Df the Margareta Lode In Book 14, page 7inel.M ,,i, i,.i.. ,i . The presumed geneial course or dl- I rectlon of the vein, lode or mineral de posit of the above dcsctlbed lodes re spectively is shown upon the plat post ed on the claim as nearly as can be determined from present development, this claim being for the linear feet of .,-irh lode thereof as hereinabove set , tilat thereof t " Acltoln ntr claim nr? "Trl.ricrli Claim," survey No. 1019: "Bob and John Claim," survey No. 1020, owned by applicant herein; "Dellvan, Danvill and Hanchctt Lodes" (unsurveyed) Lowell & Arizona Copper and Smelting Co., claimants; "Rathworn Lode" (un surveyed), Brophy and 0'Haret claim ants; "John P. Jr." and "William A.," survey No. 1394, applicant herein, claimant: "Magenta Lode" (unsurvey ed), Thomas Hlgglns, claimant; "Black Warrior" and "War Eagle Lodes" (unsurveyed), Lewis and Welch, claimants: "Wales," "Bustler," "Ger many" and "Sister Lodes" (unsur veyed), Maurice Denn, claimant; "Mar tin Lode" (unsurveyed) v Oemehle, Wnddell ft Perring, claimants; "Modoc and Bryan Lodes," survey No. 1392, ap plicant herein, claimant; ""Combina tion" and "Reward" Lodes, Shattuck and Keating, claimants, and vacant and unoccupied land. Any nnd all persons claiming ad versely the mining ground, vein, lode, prentices, or any portion thereof so de scribed, surveyed, platted and applied for, are hereby notified that, unless 1 their adverse claims are duly filed as according to law and the regulations thereunder within the tlma prescribed by law, with the Register of the United States Land Offlco at Tucson, Arizona, they will be barred by the provisions of said Statute. MILTON R. MOORE, Register. Bate of first publication, Friday, October 10th, 1199. NOTICr. OF APPLICATION FOR U. S. PATENT. M A. 701, Survey No. 1394. ' n.ti St.11.1-s T.and Omce, Tucson, Aiiiona. October 17, 1S99. NOTICE LS HEREBY TVN. That in pinri.once 01 Cliapter Six of T'tle Thh ty-two of tho Revised Sttituto of the United States, the South Bls')ee Copper Mining &. Townslte Im piovcmcnt Company, a corpora tion whose post office address Is Eisbce, Arizona, by Lynn Helm, Its authorised agent, whose post oince address Is Los Angeles, Califor nia, claiming the following lode min ing locations, tn-wlt: 950 feet of the Crown King lode covering 348 feet South, 15 degrees West of the discov ery shaft, nnd 606 feet North, 15 de vices therefrom, with surface jiound COO feet m width: 934.35 feet of the Iron Cap lode covering 175 feet .'oiith, 18 degrees West from the dls--t ery shaft and 779.35 feet North, 18 J-vrees East therefrom, with surface round 4SS.35 feet In width: 1004 feet of '; Haven lode covering 190 feet South. ! degrees West of the discovery Shaft nd 8t4 feet North, IS degrees East hetrfium with surface ground "-G0 feet a width; 1223.5 f.'et of the Monarch de covering 270 feet South, 19 degrees 0 minutes West from the discovery ihaft and 939.6 feet. North, 19 degrees vl minutes Easl therefrom, with sur face ground GOO feet In width: 1230 feet of the Uncle Sam lode covering 340 teet South. 15 degr.'fts West of tho dis covery shaft and 850 feet North, 15 de crees East tlm-efrom. with surface ground fOO feet In width; 1191.7 feet of the Trans Atlantic lode covering 100 feet South, 15 degrees West from the llscovery shaft and 1011.7 feet North IS degrees East therefrom, with sur face 1:1 mind 000 feet In width; 1113 feel of the South Pol lodo covering 270 feet i-uutli, tu Uegm-.t ei iio.n the discovery shaft ami 1143 feet North. 10 dt-greco Kant therefrom, with surface giound 600 feet In width; 1001 feet of the Hhv Mate 1- n cove ling '-' feet South, 18 degrees West from the dis covery shaft nnd 751 feet North, 18 de grecs East therefrom, with surface ground 429.6C feet In width; 400 feet of the Delia Mack lode covering 110 feet South, 15 degrees West from the dls. covery shaft and 290 feet North, 15 de grees East therefrom, with surface ground 632.0 feet In width; "X) feet of the Wllllnm A. lede covering 110 feet South, 11 degrees West from the dis covery shaft and 570 feet North, 11 de grees East therefrom, with surface ground COO feet in width; and 778 feot of the John P. Jr. lode covering 120 feet South, 18 degrees West from the dis covery shaft and 530 feet North, 25 de grees West therefrom, with surface ground 429.5 feet in width; all bearing gold, silver and copper and situated In the Olla Land District, Warren Mining District, Cochise County, Arlaona, has made application to the United States for ft patent for the said mining claim which in mora fully dee i, ! " in motes and bounds by the Official Plat, posted ou the olalm and by the field notes of survey thereof, on file In the j Office of the United States Land Office nt Tucson, Arlzpnn, which field notes of survey describe the boundaries and extent of B4d olalm on the surface with magnetic variation at 11 degrees, 45 minutes East as follows, to-wlt: Survey No. 1394. Crown King Lode. Beginning at corner No. 1, being the South West corner of location, a pine post In a mound of earth and stones scrjbed 1-1394 C. K. L. whence U. 8. Mineral monent No, 1 bears South 3S rftf$rWtt 2C9tit, these South 78 degrees, 52 mlnutea.East 632.1 feet to corner jno. z jaenucai wun cor- ner No. 1 Iron Cap lode and corner No. I 4 Raven lode of this survey, thence North 1C degrees, 50 minutes, East 954.35 'feet to corner No 3, thence North 73 degrees, 52 minutes, West COO feet to rorrter No, 4, thence South 12 degrees. 45 mlnUtcB, West 950 feet to corner No. 1 the place &f beginning. Survey No. lS3f. Iron Cap lode. Be ginning at corner No. 1, being the Southwest corner Of location nnd iden tical with corner NO. 2 Cfuwn Jjlhg lode of this survey, a p"lriB Pout iVi -i mound of earth and stone ftcHbed 1- 1394 T. C. L. whence U. S. VHneral mon- I ument No. 3 beats South 41 degrees, 53 minutes, Wet 2897.8 feet, thenca Tooth - degrees, 62 minutes. East 4iS.2S f-et to coiner No. 2, thence North e degrees. 12 minutes, East 355.24 feet to corner No.S, thence North IS degrees, 8 minutes. East 600 feet to to corner No. 4, thence North 78 de grees, 62 minutes. West 43G.2 feet to corner No. 5, thence South 16 degrees, 50 minutes, West 964.35 feet to corner No. 1 the place of beginning. Survey No. 1394. Raven Lode. Be ginning at corner No. '1 being the Southwest corner of location and Iden tical with "corner No. 4 Monarch lode of this survey, a pine post surrounded by a mound of stone scribed R. L. 1 1394 whence U. S. Mineral monument No. 3 bears South S3 degrees. 15 min utes, West 2027.3 feet thence South 73 degrees, 52 minutes, East 600 feet to corner No. 2, thence North 11 degrees, 1 minute, Easf99S.l feet to corner No. 3, thence North 78 degrees, 52 minutes, West 488.35 feet to corner No. 4, thence South 17 degrees, 24 minutes, West 1004 feet to corner No. 1 the place of be ginning. Survey No. 1394. Monorch Lode. Be ginning at corner N. 1 being the Southwest corner of location a -pine post surrounded by a mound of atone scribed 1-1394 M. L.t whence U. 8. Min eral monument No! 3 bears South 88 degreea, 44 minutes, West 1264.3 feet, thence South 78 degrees, 52 minutes. East 600 feet to corner No. 2, thence North 17 degrees, 33 minutes, East 1229.6 feet to corner No. 3, thence North 7 degrees 52 minutes, West 600 feet to corner No. 4, thence South 17 degreea, 3" minutes, West 1229.6 feet to corner No. 1 the place of beginning. Survey No. 1394. Delia Mack lode. Beginning at corner No. 1 being the Southwest corner of location and ldea tlcal with corner No. .2, Raven lode and corner. No. 3 Monarch lode and corner No. 4. Uncle Sam lode of thlsl survey, a pine post aurronnded ,by a mound of stone Berthed 1-1334 D." U. C. whence U. 8. Mineral monument No. I bears South 61 degrees, 2 minutes. Wort 2473 feet thence 'North 11 degrees, 1 minute, East 401.8 feet to corner No. 2, thence South 70 degrees, 54 minutes. East 299.7 feet to corner No. 3 thence South 71 degrees, 10 minutes, Enst 25S.3 feet to corner No. 4, thence South 14 degrees, 26 minutes. West 400 feet to -rner No 5, thence Korth .70 degrees. 51 minutes. West 532.9 feet to corner No. 1 the place of beglnlng. Purvev No. 1394. Uncle Ptm Lode. Beginning at corner No. 1 being tha Southwest corner of location and Iden tical with corner No. 1 of the Trans Atlantic lode and with eorner No, 2 of, the Monarch lode, claims of this sur vey, a pine post surrounded by a mound of stone scribed 1-1394 U. S. L. whence U. S. Mineral monument No. 8 bears North 87 degrees, , 17 minutes. West 1S54.9 feet, thence .South 70 de- grees, 54 minutes. East 600 feet t cor ner No. 2. thence North 14 degreea, 26 minutes. East 1233.1 feet to eornor No. 3. thence Xqrth 70 degrees, S4 minutes. West 632.9 feet to corner No. 4, thence South 17 degrees, IS mlrfiUes. West 1229.6 feet to oorner N, 1 the -place f beglnnnlng. Survey No. 1114. ?raas Atlantia td Beginning at corner No. 1 being lh Northwest eorncr of location and idea tltal with corner No. 1 Uncle Sam lod and eorner No. 2 Monarch tods holK claims of 'this survey, a pine post sur rounded by a mound of stones scribed 1-1394 T. A. L. whence U. S. Mineral, monument No. 8 bears North- 87 de grees, 17 minutes. West "l8R feet., thence South 76 degrees. 64 minutes. Enst 600 feet to eorner Ni. I, thenre South 15 degrees, 43 minutes, West 1191.7 feet to eorner No. 8, thtnee North 70 degrees, 14, minutes, West 600 feet to corner No. 4, thence North 16 degrees. 42 minutes, East 1191.7 feet to cr-rner No. 1 the place of beginning. R.irrey N. 1351. South Pole Lo ... uv ... " " " ' " " -. - - . 14 .degrees 26 minute West 319.3 leet and U. S. Mineral monument No. I bears North 88 degrees 31 minutes. West 2470 feet, thence South 71 de gree 10 minutes East 660 feet to ear ner No. 2. thenee North 6 degrees 17i minutes. East 1443.9 feet to corner No. 3, thence North 71 degrees 10 minutes West 334.7.feet to corner N. 4. thence South 14 degrees 26 minutes West. 1413.3 feet to eorncr No. 1 the place of beginning. Survey N. 1394. Bay fltate Lde. Beginning at' Corner No. 1 being 'the Southwest eonuf of location and Identicnl with corner No. 3 of the Delia Mack lode of this aurvey. a pine post surrounded by a mound of atone scrlbod 1-1394 B. S. L, whonee United States Mineral monument Io. :t bears Soath 61 degrees 4C minutes Wwt 3930 foot, thenoe North 8 de grees 4G minutes Boat 908.1 feet ta corner No. 8. thence South, 7J8 degrees 52 minutes Hast 17,0.4,1 6ytt to corner No. 3, tlu nee Touth 71 dyrcs 19 mln- utes Enst 420. jS feet to. earnes: Jo.. 4.4 ineni-e oouiu 311 aegrees 1 minnte West 1000.8 fet tp comqr No. 5, thonc North Tl degrees 10 minutes West 0e feet to corner No, 1 the place of be ginning. Survey No. 1394, William . A. .LDdlu Beginning at oorner No. 1, being the South East corner of location and IdonMcal with oorner No. 4 of the Atlas Claim Survey No. 1398, a pine post surrounded hy a mound of Wth and stones aesibad MSM W. A. L., c ' Wawt-av? .erar' m- Beginning at corner No. 1 being tUeTt',,u" 11 mimg 010111 t. .. Southwest corner of location a pine 1 premise,' or aHy portion thereof s d rost surrounded by a mound of earth I scribed survcyivl, platted and xfUSt and stone scribed 1-1334 3. V T lor- ar k"-bT tn.wi that. urIim whence corner No. 2 of the Uncle Sam ' " advre -ialm re duly Jlled lode and corner No. 8 of the Trans- j accordlug to law--and the rogulnllA.M AMontt !.! of thl nrriT hour Soutk ' thereunder within the time- pj.aribod meat No. 4 bear North 0 4rw M minutes West 7200 feet, tkeac 'Sth 78 degreea 49 minutes West av feat V corner No. I, tbeace aorta U degree' 1C minutes Xaat 791.4 feat t - hr No. 8, then? 'Nrth Tl aegr 4 minutes Eaat 6 feet to .comer N. 4, thenc South 86 aegreea' 14 aalaatejr Eaat 687.4 feat to rar H. 1 tfcar place of beginning. Survey No. 1394. John P. Jr. Ld. Beginning at corner No. 1 blni th South Weat corner of locatloa Identical, with corner N. Maaaiat Lttde aurvey No. 1027 and with eoraar Ho, 3 of th Bay Stat lod ; thl aurvey, a pin poat enrroufcded by & mound tit earth ad toa iwrlbe 1-1394 J. P. Jh L.. whenc Unite States Mineral monument N. 4. bear North 6 degrees f mlhutes Baft MM feet, thenc South 71 AagYeea 16 aaiai' utes EMC 426.66 feet t corner !. V thence North II degreea" 14 'mial West T78 feet to- corner N. C, thaat North Tl dViree It minutes West feet to corner No. 4; thence 8outh f degrees 41 minute West 664.11 feet to ccrner No. 1 th pice of begtsafasv TOTAL AREA' OF CLAIM.' Total aad aei alraa Crown Klag LIav 12.110 acres. Total and set area Iroa Oo L4y 9.S70 acre. Total and set area Rare Lt 12.467 acres. Total and aet ara Meaaraa L4 16.829 aorta. Total and aet ar) Uaete L4j, 1S.9S3 acres. Total and aet area fraaa Atlaa Lode, 16.38S acres. Total and aet area 8aa Ple L 16.669 acres. Total and aet area Bay State .LWe 11.440 acres. Total and aat area Sella afaok Lode, 4,679 acres. Total aad aet area 'William A. . 4.617 aerea. Total and aet area f aa P. f r. Loae, 3.747 acrea. Nat area of this Lodo elalsa. lst.s7 acrea. Th surveys of all the aboy aeaeri ed lodes are Identieal with r wit! a their Teasecttr location. Tala elaiaa la located about a anile aad half stout a of th Towa of Blsbee,. I th salt Warrea Mining District, said Caar of Cochise', and will; whea pabH teal surreys are extended ever' this secMo. f eeuntry,"e embraced arxlmat l'y ia-Towsia! at South, Baf East, 'Gila 'aad altQlTr-Ms aoal Meriilan, Arltona. -,;.r y - - Tha ameadet lceatlosw f taa aao aad following described lode ar re corded aa follow: Of 4ae Crowa Baa; In Book 14. .page ! 1 the Irca Oa la Book 14, page f ft- Rt 1 Bwk. 14, iage I t the Monarch t Book 14, page CI the Uncle Sara i Book 14, page St 3 tae Traaa Atlae tie in Book 14, pa- 316; f the Bcut Pole, In Book U. y-nje 619; f the R State In Book 14 nam CIS; of tho It Mack la Kk 14 page 662, av. cations Of tho askto dowcrlbei ax lowing lodes ar rcorded as il. '- Of the William In Seek 14. )age S. and vt tlae Jtfhs ?. Jr. la Bok 14. jm 662, all f the said hooka beta? f th Recordii of Mines if Ike ncra ot Oa chlse County ArUona. Th picsuaied geatral ccarac di rection of tha vela, lede, r atlacrsi deposit of Ue above descrlbiea" Jcdco respective) la abowa upoa tac alat poatcd oa CicclaUn, as aear aa'oaa b dctermthed from present developaatac thij claim being forftae linear feet' of each lode luvieof. aa hereinabove at forth, reapatlr.-lr. togeUer with I6r aurfaea groua ahawa tn thalcMi plat throf. ,.- . 1 . A-.JoiiilUB 'alalaes a: -Waka Lode"' tpAteatB4) avey .UU, 'Taaaa, locr. L4!"-vaacar(;d), i'ari a A nuu. (:; '"Iwi LuUc" aa. .uaa .-:' iUtvfttl YiU .t.. :!. i..M'nnr. i-JK ciLaeutja' ,,.. ai " 4arar U: "U.igaa.U t.3uc' (ei '( .vfey lost; sis UIbUc ACc' iingurrcyed) South BU-bee-C. M. A T. 1. Co., claUuaats;- " poy Lode," "Lilly Lodo." uud "Ji-ea-Lodes" (unsurvoyed), Maurlee Dean, claimant; aa uasurTcyed, .elaiaa, aaia and owaev unknowa; the "Atlaa Ljide.7 a claim surveyed under aurroy vto. 1393; an unsurveyed claim. Miaaie tuli own anknowa, and the.' "Mamm Lode" (unsurveyed). Thomaa lUgglii. claimant; oa all other side.. ;vartt and' unoCvupled land. Any and all percosa cWmlnj ad- - .., ,.j. Uy Ui ifJtii the Urglser ft ! I t- ed StMea Land Office at Tucson. Ail- soua., they wlll'be barred by Hie piw vaacaa of said Qtatutca. j MltTOJf B, M.OORE. , , Itegtsta. tef. first BubHcattom, VrMay, Aa. tober 3vti '1W9, IK T. IVlETZ.IProp aw. Sodn water v " e" S .3.r.3ttpariJ f. f Gifcule,' i,u.,'lw. i Ql&fnjtiwpl aiowA fvwll fc- Oi-itor-t fur tlioelty .' bUbtt- lli U dellrcreil free vitlioat dels. ComU yu aolleltcd. ' . v" 1 ml 1 iSK ja n WM v 1 .'"? l!!BaBlsa3BaWSIIrw.Tyi9Cc5'v2S . 1 '.- -" ' --?ii-!. ..v . 1 -., ' 1 S5P"f! c . TCmrMnMtmimm: p-r . v h'i. I mi i I iphBiin ..i ii ma at n. ..m w ji p , 'lb ti. rT-iian"giin rr -tiW1t i i .iJni nnf-Tm- --."- . - --..- - - .---- . ,i- - . 2 . . , . . .,