Newspaper Page Text
r& H", i-j't I 'tt '. ' ' " ' - i r w l V- " 1 .V 5f 5 ffr U " , , ;Nf "CATION FOR U nMutet US. flat to colk ehyUVo -cmig. ap ,. nrVT " HB Lt cl:m ao-om.nwIMrt', rt.AvJv ft, , ,.J .,' r TjbliH Bupplindwill. ' Li'"'"a StBt.eB La,ld 0". Tucaou .Art-, slnn,nK- llie) ; n .. br..a a ij,j !,,;, 0 ltf Vri v f,,jU''C """J -l ,' " '- iliektllifliiit.feMihrKnt luv.-n) !,(lV, lM Tho iMlrona'aol the ! f , mmW6',1'1' 1M ,s;y No. 0.'. Comatock Loda. Cc-f - atatute. state, mlnuM V nu mcnVTf! :M'","V M I ' -PUblic.i .VuMlv M.lhMtcl .! -.,',.... . . .'... , ' i J:U. 'J13 HEllEDY GIVEN. That f ?in ng at corner No. 1. being ,thy -JILTCN R. MOOUE. Wanen Mining , V' i"1. " 11 i 5 V i -.'J "-""vtiw.-l'i:yV!lTa:.- "i-iico oi uwipter Bit of Title ' mv est corner of locationami Men- - . Uejlatec. decrees 4S minulo Eiit s - . W i" '4 JS'-A. i'AS'fA.S .iivi i'.-ft.vv ., J hi.-.ty-tft-o of the Revised StatutcB o -alwIth tftrntr ?,"o. 2 of the Corifl- te of Jlrst ptibliouKon. Fvidayn;. .froiitrue.i-tir.n,i,7.i, u ' i,,4t K Jjli . -"-''-'.. ;,- j. Ul.iii;. . . i - . . v f Klil1aiB'SB . I3HI ai mv .i iu "! 4S v v-Hrri-t'ri'M w , i Atf7 A "i X t T Bisbr.e trade ospack! 1 v caterod" lo. - - ji "F 3 a la-ssg Ely FAIKlg "?r!)!.olor. .RISJONA. i . v: : ts lake.tho: xSS: ?. N. ;. M.0 l Ai-' ' ,.;. 1 - r'-frr-.r- ? . Sa' JV- ll... ." h-: l 'i .! uNi V.S. I u iul K 4 '"KV1!" ' "T .-: "7.. ,. .C vcs '. .- .. -v-'J. a-- ,'. -v; v t io an iv-.;in :ri jil''iis I'ji.r'i .the JCiri::::r ..axl 13!. uturu .t 'tT t , " ,(M II 'w I . . Close. com- o' ' Vitli iK '-jnoiKfl' ' FjKi),rV ! Ui:W."ii.-.'.-..' i i . Pi.ViiiHuuoii ' ijj&fa a.pfrcjttiV.i f, ' i CS!tf JIHD PDLLHU SLEEPINJ t- on at tho popular Santa" i cneorjuuv furniHhmi (i.-nl V. c:--. ' .' .-. - h invr is ji:v J. l'jHi. IVv .4 ::.jfKoAVN,,v..v . a().'T 1H lK ,V.. JflROUGJI .t4. jortaiit. Gateway f o pi'.mOiiT 4 T k.J M . J .j 'V , ,.- . - -..-j. .. - .. 1,; ,f " ' " ' f& X . . . - :. c A: sedv. !s&W$h- -- ' ,; u&!jr ynv 4i f ifeuS JaOTil ' &m iiii kSfcTt'v " ' 4 I Coi-per Unlncr anil Townslte Imurove- J xut-nt Company, a Corporation, whoss 1-i-s.t wince is BIsbec, Arinma, bj L..;t-n He!n. Us apthoilstjd agent., whobtf jioatomce address is , Los An Ctv'ts, CaHfornia, elaimlns the follow ing jo le mining locations, to-wit: 1.109 feet of the Copper Glance Lode, cover ing SJO feet. North,' 49 degrees C2 ,mln ui.s Wqst from the discovery shaft, and COD feet South, 49 degrees 5g min ute a East therefrom, with aurface ground COO foot In width; 1.109 feet ef the" California. Lode, covering 210 fet North, CQ deije West from the dis covery shaft, tnd S99 feet South, 50 do green East therefrom, with aurface Sjpmid 600 foot in wid'th; 1,134 feet of I le .Contentment Lode, covering 800 feet Nprth. 43 degrees 27 minutes West from tho discovery ahaft, and 314 feet South, 43 degreea 27 minutes Haat therefrom, with surface ground 101 feet In width; 1,134 feet of the Confidence Lode, covering 910 feet North, 43 de grees 26 minutea West from the dis covery shaft and 224 feet' South, 4 de grees 25 minutes East therefrom, with surface ground' fiOO" feet in width; '1,134 f eetpf the Comstock Lode, coverlnfc 915 ,fcet North, 43 degrees 25 minutes West' from tho discovery shaft and 219 feet Sbtith, 43 degrees 25 minutes East tficrefirim, with ajrfaca ground 600 foet fn, wWth; 1,300 feet of the Bryan Lode, leoverfng i,-040 feet North. 18 degrees S3 minutes West from the discovery ah'JVf t, n-nrt 2C0 "feet South,-18 degrees 33 minutes East therefrom, with surface ground C00' feet in width; and 1,500 feet of the Modoc Lode, covering 1,140 feet jBouth, i2 degrees '0 minutes East .from the discovery shalt and 360 feet Noith, 12 degrees 20' minutes West therefrom' with surface ground 8C0 feet in width; all bearing golU, siher and copper, and sltua'cdn the GllaXand District. Wa; ren Mining District, Cochise oouutj, Ariaona, has made aiy.iyf.Uon to the Vr:tel.lS,.tCS for patent for ,e sMI mining cluhn, which is more fully 4c- aciiDeu n?,to metes ana oounus oy me 'Oll1c!(il.'Pla,ti pasted on the( claim, and by the Field NoteB of burvey thereof, 'onflle'ln the office of the United States Ptand Ofllee nt Tucson, Arizona, which Field Not-s of survey describe th bb'.'.ndarlos'andc -tertf'f Said cla'.m o: tirfnra.wlth :n',.sn:lIcivailalIo::i - J nits i;aoi aaiouuw?, OP APi'LlCATION PATENT. Ton M. A. No. 60S, Survey No. IISS. No. 4 of the California LoJe and c'or- ui iMa J of the Copper Glance Lode. NOTICE 'J- ihls survey, a pino jiost surrounded hy a inounil of- unrMi ii otn,,,.-. scribed l-u-fe Ck. ,L ; ..vhence United ptates mineral momimnnt Nn a lion.-o North 33 deKreCB 38 minutea. W(.st Tlnlf'! Rtritns T.anil OiT3jo. Tupann Ar!i -. . - .. ..-. w-...v.U -.. -r -.w..r ---- zona, October 16th, 1893. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIEN. That Martin Costello, whose postofllce ai dless Is Tombstone. Cochise Codnty, Arizona Territory, has- made applica tion for a patont fpr. 1,495 linear feet of the "Roy" and 1.495 linear-feet of the "Leo" mining claim-, bearing topper and othdr minerals, .situate ip the "Warren" Mining District, Cochise icuiiaea -west- 7ia rt ... center cf cnU tide' -Jin e. a pine p.Jit X, "1" '"" l"',3 sjuftreU.rnjo.ind. the tl degrcts -J nil i'o-w'lt:; .-AND- ' v , 1 . .. pa.--; :nv . v.- The direct thru:"Tliri lr i n Wt.t . t i i I it. . t .;'. x'.7. '. ' . . noTiu, east nnn -otii )"!. M xio i t ) nil SHUVICE idimh I'l the north, past nml -oih i')"!.' Lt.Wi'tjrnnj.T ivjt (iii..'ii" iviiv '"'iroifuti cars. Ko la? ovi'i :' lT,iv ,A.i. ji IVWnu,!!'i'f.r U-vori - tinKims Now For mHMl.-c TMn.'Sj-' ,, .1- .-f'-: ' ''"' ' s , " A F. DAiiiiY iri'w:-; ,,,....:..- - u. v,;.rrnTi$. v 173: 7tT.f,Tf -i vr'-J-l- - T , . ..,;.. ,. f1 aaaaWBBafa'JvKB.- X 'uwiuwi.mMy? ?MBBm 1 fTaVfea aw nm 'i TlTTn aalaam ii TWfh i M ' ,iii JaKaWSEiaffiKMI K T CMMOWtlttll HAWIIII THE delights of afl.eVenipg- spent, around wejl-ligfited read ing table arejribt.blf understood. An illustrated magazine with its wealth oMHustrations, its stories of adventure and . lore, its descripUonToitravelwhich carry you to thejeraotest ends of the earth, and its-instructive arfidesJFdr young' and pld these. -are the first requisites'for'your own epjoyment and the entertainment .wd proper eduation ofy6u'chldren.' ?'";-., .. To secure for you.the'bestand- rnosfi'rjfffesting of the great illus Hrated magazines at the' lowest possible-price has-been the aim of the editor of this journal!.. That yre-have 'succeeded .we leave our readers to iudee. A special coht'ract';recehtly,enteredinto with The Cosmo politan, which seeks to-become-Better known in this nejghborhood, has,, flabled us to offer youVyear's subscription to trie greatest of the Ulus. . . .. . . tl till' "'.'ill ' .... U :-i:A U!e .'ftMrnol WWa magazines tugcuicf wim ycarsuuatiipuun w mw vtmt WO Zl 3 J t s- i" -w ,:. In tfats "way you secure your owo home paper and an illustrated magazine at a price that is only about a fourth of what some of the ttptrated magazines sell for, Fo three years The Cosmopolitan" has mdisputcily claimed that it reaehed the largest clientele possessed by any periodical, daily, weekly oriftionthly.'in the world. It was The .Cotmopolitan which sent Julian Hawthorne to India to let the world kow the real horrors of famine and plague. It was The Cosmopol itan which, established at its wH..egst-a(great4Free Correspondence Vniversity which now has ever 20,000 students on its rolls. It was The CosmoMlihnwhich,offerd a prize of $3,000,for the. best horse lev carriage and prliwforbastplaHS for public baths, and best arrange- ment of sewer and pipe Jsysti for cities. It was The Cosmopolitan" which set th presidents f grata schoote and universities seriously fKscuseinrthe defects ef xfttiRg educational systems. It is The Cosmopolitan whose Mt1ritt fc always in tktf Had in advancing the WW's fiviliiattt. - ' mmwui J iwiw wt-'. . I 8nthTnfirfhir(lBftparfnrnnliX L'U' Ilk! Ill IU UinUI UIIU 1 Ul lUI Ulll U K ,m,-" " --"".r." -" - IT ' IHE WEEKLY RB Afam f'ujvey No. 139). Copper. ,.Glane. Lori'e. I Beginning nt corner ls'o. i. belru. the Northwest tirner"'of location, a nlrid pdst'psiirrounfled' by a'n:oun.l o:. rst6n6s,(.?crlbed.llC92-C. G. I(., 'whence TtHe No'itl. end cnter'Vjf 'the Bi an Lode or inis survey oears North 13 degrees) 31' minutes, 30 , seconds, West 47.2 feot '.ml "'tfie i;o!nt of inteiscction of tho Ntfi,yiciiJ J!r,j or tlilH':od und the North 'end llm of Ihe' Bryan Lode or rli Biirvey bears North 46 deerees 5-' mimuci. ICust SC 3 feet, and Unlie I Stales mineral monument No. 4 bear. N'ohtli 27,degiets 13 tnlnr.tus V.'er. i,ii7 re;; thence .ort.i 46 deqriofeB . minutes, Eas..S"...' feut to' .Intersection With line 1-2 Bryan'Iude of th's suivey it North .SO. degrees 17 m"nu'es, Ejnt 2:5.5 feet fiom corner No. 2 Ijryjtn lcxle Uforraaid, 600 feet to corner No. 2; Ihonjce South 49 desrees 5J minutes, Cast 1,109 feet to corner No. 3; thence South 46 degrees 52 minutes, West COQ feet to corner No. 4 identical with cor ner No. 2 of the Contentment "Lode of this survey: thenqe North 49 degrees 5l' minutea, West 530.78 'fpet to intersec tion with line 2-3 of Bryan lode.oH thj survey at South IS degrees 33 minutes. Cast '494.91 feet from comer No. 2 of Hie Bryan lod.e nforasald, 1.1U3 feet to coiner No.'l, the PTace of beginning. Sur'e No. 1002.. California Lode. Be lnninw at Corner No. 1." "belnsr tiie NorthvctcornorAof location and'lden Mcal with corner-' No. 2 of the rCoppcr' Glance Ldc'e of thls'survey, a pine P3t lurrnunded by a mound of earth and stones, scribed 1-1392 Cal.. L.; whence (Tnlted Slates mlnqral monument No. 4 bears North CI degreea ;4 ' minutes. West 8,375 feet; thence Ntrth",.4Ct,.(e: grccs 52 minutes! .East 60fr f eet to cortW No. ?; hence South' 49 degrees 52 min utes, East 1,109 fcetto corner" Np 3; thence South 4GdegreeB 62 '" minutes, West- GOO feet to corner "No. 4; thence North 43 degrees 52 mlnutes,sWest 1,109 'feetto corner No. 1, the place of be ginning. . Survey No. 1392. Contentment Lode. Beginning at corner No. -1, being the Northwest corner of location, a pine post surrounded by a mound Of earth and stones, scribed 1-1392 Ct. L.; jvhence Northeast cqnter'bf th'e Modoc Lode of this survey bears South 1 de gree 47 minutes 47 seconds,,. East 6M1 feet; and corner No. 3 of the Bryan Lode of this survey bears .South Sf de grees 24 minutea 7 seconds', East 97.98 feet and United States minera'f monu ment No. 4 bears North 26 degrees 20 1-3 minutes, West 9,306.1 feet; thence North 46 degrees 62 minutea. East i.b tetseetlng line'2-3 of the Bryan Lode of thla survey at a point 3.52 feet KorCh, 46 degrees 52 minutes East from the North. end 5enter of this lode, and North 18 degrees 33 minutes', West 238.G2 feet from corner No. 3 of Bryan Lode afore said, 600 feet to corner No. 2: thence South 43 degreea 27 minutes, East 1..13I feet to corner. No. 3, Identical with ear ner No. 4 of the Confidence Lode of this Biirvey; thence South 4G degrees 52 minutes, "Vest 600 feet to corner No. 4; thence North 43 degrees 27 minutes. West Intersecting the line 2-3 of the Modoc Lode of thiB survey, at a poipt 579.3 feoY from, corner, No. 4 of this lode, and South 12 degrees 20 minutes, Hast 393 feet from corner No. 2 of the Mo doc Lode aforesaid, and Intersecting Una 3-4 of the Bryan Lode of this sur vey, at aouin w "egress a minutes, TCnst 82.6 feet from corner No.! of this lode, and North 80 degreea 17 "mlnillea. East 244.23 feet from corner No. 3 of the J'UOu leei; tiience North 46 degrees 52 minutea, East 600 feet to corner No. 2; thence South 43 degrees 27.. minutes, East 1,134 feet to corner .No'. 3, thence -outh 46 degrees 52 minutes, West C00, feet to corner No. 4, thence North 43 ucgrees 27 minutes, West 1.134 fept to corner No. 1, the place of beginning. Survey No. 132. Bryan Lode. Be ginning at corner No. 1, Ixlng the Northwest corner of location, a Dine post aurrounded by a mound of stones scribed 1-1392 B. L.; whence United Statea mineral monument N. 4 bear. North 23 deureea 47 minutes West, 7. 819.6 feet; thence North 80 degrees 17 minutes, East 300 feet; whence corner No. 1 of the Copper Glance Lode of this survey bears South 13 degrees 31 min utes SO seconds, East 472 feet, 374.5,feet intersecting' line l-.2-of the -Copper .Glance Lode of this survey at North 46 degrees 52 minutes, East 85.5 feet' from corner No. 1 of that lode, 600 feet to corner No. 2; Ihehee South 18 de grees '33 minutes, East 494.91 feet to in tersection of line 1-4 'of the Copper Glance Lode of this survey at South 49 degrees 52 minutes, East "578.22 feet from cornefNo. 1 of tho Copper Glance Lqde aforesaid, 1,061.35 feet to Intersec tion -with line 1-2 of the Contentment Code of. this survey at North 46 de jrreea 52 minutes, Ejst' 303.52 feet from minor No. 1 of Contentment Lode '.foresaid, 1,300 feet to corner No. 3 of Mils lode; thenci South SO degrees 17 minutes, W.;-Ht 244.23 feet to intersec tion 3-ltn line 1-4 of Contentment Lode if "litis survey at South 43 degrees 27 nlnutes, East S18-feet from corner No I of Contentment Lode aforesaid, 600 feet to corner No. 4, Identical with cor ner No. 1 of the Modoc Lode, cf th's S'srvey; thence North IS t degrees 33 minutes. West 1,500 feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning. Survey No. 1392. Mddoc Lode. Be ginning at corner No. 1, being the No:; coiner of Ice. tljn, and Kle'i ilt-al M,i(h corner No. 4 Bryan Lode of this survey, a pine post surrounded fo .1 mound of earth and ptoncs, serlbo-1 1-W92-M. L.; whence United State relnerlil- irrfc:iair.ent No. 4 hqais North -'3 decrees -2 minuti ?, West 9,113 fcr uin . cchs,r No. 1 of tho Con'cntineni Lode of tills survey beais Nth,C7 tit Trees 4i.mliuites, Kast"v'17',j.fe;t, h r.c North SO de.ees 17 n lniite. Vast 3".ri.7". jlept to in?ei section of 11:. q 1-4 of Con tentment Lo.'.c of this susvov South II decrees :.7 mlnut.'s, 1.- .'. feet 'rom coiner No. 1 of the Oonvntmeht J-ode aforesaid, 600 foot lo c-in-r Nu. l' of this lode. IJentlcnl u'.th comer No' ! ot the L.r'nn J-Oi'e ct thii iri'o hence Po-ith 12 dcfiee; 1'0 minutes East 93 feet to point of Inlers-ctlo'i with l$e 1-4 of lhv Con'entmont Lole if tl.(s suivey at South 4J dorroes 27 minutes, rait 3M 7 foo fio-i corner No.-l of tlvj Contentment Lbf.p afore aid, 1.CP0 foot lo cm nor N. 3- thenoo -outh SOVafier-s 1! minutes, Went 600 feet to cortier No. 4. thence Noit'i 1" lefrees 20 minuter, West 1.510 fet to corner No, 1, the place of beginning. ' TOTAL ARI"A OF CLAIM Total and net aieaof Copp Lode. 13.17 aire, and net area of C.t!iforni Lode, 15.17 acres. ' Total and nt area nf ('on'e.ilrr"'i T.ode, .15.C1 acres. . , Total and net, aiea of " "W Lode, 35,61 acres. Total nnd net area of Lode, ifi.f.l arres. Total' area Br'an Lo:1 17 Si acr 'ess area In ccnlHct wl h CoppT G'ani t Lode Of survey, 1.83 ccr s. nd Un irca In conflict with Contrfifment Lo ' of this survey. .94$ acres. Net area 01 Bryan Lode. 14.!,I2 acres. Tjotal area Modoc Lole CO 61 nt less aiea In conlllct with Contentmen" Lode' ot th'a survey. 1.10 acres N area of Modoc Ipde, 19.54 acres. Net. area of this lode claim, 111.6 2 acies. The surveys of all the above de scribed jodes are Identical with, or within their respective locntlons. This claim Is located about a mile and a nuH South "of the town of Blsbee, in th' said Warren Mining Distilct, said County pf Cochise, amf will, when pub lic land surveys are extended owr thU section of country, be e:i braced ap proximately In Townsr'Mo 23 South, range U East, GUa and Salt River Base and Meridian Aiizona. The amended locations of the aoov and following descil'oed o,Us ro 10 jcprded as follows: Of t e Coppci Glnnco In Hnnk 14. nt pairc 3 0: Ot the California, In Bool U,, ot pfg 0D . Uic Contentment, In Book 1 1 . t p'd 531; of the Confldence, in Boil. 1'' page 657; of the Comstock, in Boo't 1' at page 532; of the Bryan, In Boo'r. 1 at page 534, and Qf the Modoc in Ttoo' 14, at page 556; said book being of t'i Records of Mines of the Regret- f Cochise County, Arizona "Territory. The presumed general course or di rectlon of the. vein', lode, 'or mineral dp posit oCthe above described lodes re spectively Is shown upon" the plat poit- ed on the claim, as nearly as can be de termined from present development this claim being for tllo .linear feet of each -lode thereof as hereinabove set forth,' respectively, together with the surface ground shown upon the official plat aforesaid. '.. ' .'iu.v..3 X..,VJ Lcl?L JiU.V.AL'H.. ...I.. ,. . 1 corner No. :, a phi,' j-ost 3.fU l,il ' 4 Inches b(1ut,re sot in mouni of W,pa.A I --!. ij . " r: tliepce north 49 dtirreaa i ml .'. ueirWest. 300 toH to Eout'i ,.... ter a' pine post 'J'i feet high , -.; rtl rnound of atone.?, 13 Inches In S:dau scribed, L. M. C. 1-I44.;-r-i 2 , ,e", 7,ut bearing to corner "N'a,'e pt't i . ieei long, incnes sjiiaie,. st op .X '":" chiseled In bed-rock, sui-muniicd by t,'. " mound of stones, scribed i-'.u,.Lic " i th&nce North 64 degree :;' :,.lnutta- y iuBi, iwj reet to center or We,t'!iliW Una n nf- -. . . ....c, a iic uusi in mounu n st'iflrw" ', ;.'- County, Aiizona Territory ,' and de sciibed in the offlc' 1 plat 'and field 1,500' feet same bearing to comer Jo' " notes on file In thi3 ofllce, as folloCvB, 4;,rdentIcal;M'ith -a corner of loc4; i.i .- v'z: a P'ne post 3 feet long, 4 inches atj's' -"' -Mt "Roy" Lode Clai i. Beginning at set 18 Inches In ground, eurrouni : l,yV ' corner No. 1, Identical with Ideation Wound of sfono9.'si-rihii i.iiu.i . n ... . C.; thence South. 49 (Ipptpph ci t-ii-,..i ... .,.- .. ,-ww -.'.... W ' ' Glance corner, u pine post 3 feet long" 4 Inches square, set 1 foot In ground,, to bed rock, in mound of stones, scribed 1-1282 R. M. C. whpnee United States min eral monument No. 4 ' of "Warren" Mining District bears North 62 degrees 22 minutes East 4,225 feet, theno South 49 degrees 01 minutes West 1,495 feet to corner No. 2a pine post 4 feet ion's 4 Inches square" In mound of stones, scrlbfrd 2-12S2 Rs.. M. C; thence South 47 degrees 16 minute3 East 593.5 feet to corner No. 3, Identical with location corner, a pine post 4 feet long 4 Inches square in moundc of stones, scrrbed S-12S2 R. M. C; thence North 49 de grees 01 'minutes East 495 feet lo corner No. 4, a pine post 4 feet long 4 Inches square in mound of stones, scribed 4-1282' R: M. C; thence North 47 de grees 16 minutes 5935 feet to place of beginning. Variation at all corners 1J degrees 20 minutes East. Area 20.25 acres. "Leo Lo.'.e Claim. Beginning at cor ner No. 1,' Identical with location cor ner and with corrrr No. 1 of ."Roy" lode,' sciibed in addition t marks -already noticed. 1-1232 L. 'M. C, whence United State3 mineral monument No. I bears North 62 degrees 22 minutes East 4,225 feet; th'ence. South 49 degrees 01 minutes West 1,495 feet to corner No. 2; identical with corner No. 2 "Roy" Lo scrioed, in addition, 2-US2. L. M. C. thence North 23 degrees 5,0 minute West G12 feet to comer No. 3. n plnf post 3 feet long 4 .inches square In- mound of rock scribed 3-12S2. L. M. C: thence Noxtli 5 degrees 22 minutes East 1,470.5 feet to corner No.i4. a pine ppst three feet long 4 inches Jyiunr' I" mound. pf stone! scrl'-'el 4-12S2 L. M." C : thence'So'uth 23 degiees 50 minut?s East l!22 5 feet to corner No. J, the plare of beginning. Variation ot all jcorncrs-i iz degrees ro minutea East. Area 1S.G0 acrer. -H Total area of both lode claims, SS.S3 acres. , In Township 23 South of Ranir L'4 East (unsuiveyfd), GIl.innl Salt River Meridian. The locations of thpo. mints Is recorded fh th ; Recorder? of fice cf Cochise Coirity, Arizona. ' "n pa?cs 07.V6-7 o't Book 9, of Records of Mln A"dJo!n!n c'aimarj'.s are the "Wood Chopi'tr," si rvey No. 1"61, anl "Tip -Top," survey ,No. "67. .pn Ihf Northenst. aril the''"Waqner," sairvey No 1121. on the Southeast. ,, All persons holding adverse c'a'niF thereto are' required to present the same before thld office wlihln titty days from the first day of publlcntlou hereof., or they will be barrel by virtue of the provisions of the statute. MILTOffr' R. MOORE. Register. Date n-f.firsi pullcationi Friday Oc tober ;cth, 1S09. ' ' r , & Eaat 301.2' feet-to center'end monumen '-''t "' Identical with .locatlon'l,mWuo"et,t; Ji' ;,-c '.-' pine' post 3 feet long. 4;ihrhes.3if!:. ..:''";! . -set on X chiseled' on a reef of 't.- ... - ! surrounded by a mound 'of ViS ..... ... . scribed L. .M C.1J44; S91.7 feet a'.m-... , ' Dearmg to witness corner4o. 1, Mrta described; 601.2 feet to corner. No l (the true corner) the plao "af bj;t.n ning: . , . ,. s - Area 6f claim, SO.0JI acre3. ;"The said minim? claim being of rccri in' the office of the Recorder nt Cofn s County in Book 14. Record of MlneV pages 22 and 23. at Tombstone, lniih County and ' jTerrJtory. aforesaid.' tft -, " presumed general courae-or dlri.'t.fn ,',:. the said' Labrador, vein.-'lode oYi.-.ln-eral -deposit help ahowa-upoh trrin-N' posted herewltri, as near tra cwn' iV.l. termined from present rfoVelof-i'V?,. .fhls-'clalm being for fifteen h'in'l--i (1,500) linear feet-thereof, togethor'wii'. . the surface ground shown upon Mh official plat posted herewith: the V i 4 vein. lode and mlnlnc ptvmina liwi sought to be patented. pelnj? botirt?.' aa follows, to-wlt: There, arenuf. joining claims. - . " Any and all persons claiming aJ- A. veraely afr'pSriTon of "said inin"'"""" surface ground are required Mo" h. ' their R'lvcus with thp Res?..vr of ft? United" sTates Un OfflV ' -.t" Tucson. Plnm County.-Inrlhe-"'iVt 'c vy ." of Arizona, during- the slac'ty .'u i period of publication tihAWf..s.r -ili.-i' w'ni'be barred, toy virtue rfrn:sjro?!a lo'ns'cf tire'stqtute. Jv:-' .r- c ( if ' MILTON 'It: firvn-if-' " ' . k " ::. SR-vN'Jr." ' a '. v. , - -1i us . I'lrst ir.ii)ji.M'iou''.'OciohW iiritrts"' "IT! I1IIW ! II I I II I I M ? '. ., mimtf: lU4uM.'iaTC Y; T1 '9&&tf$u 5--3obME3 a. a-s : ..MVf-,,r?x-" I THfaT.Y-feVENtH VAtf sJ rtLeiiiiVii .... . J ' i 'J k'. i s 11 tj-t f.-i.VonLO-WlOE circuvai--qn. ' j 2?t !TvTySa?es; Wcikly;JJu?ri- ,:k. t-- t iNni'srrNSAGLE TO !lNrNO-.'-fK.5 ' NOTICE OF iOTWA" r' UATFNT,' ' " Mufi ' p ilictimt i Survey No. '3'4 ' ' United Stales Land .Ofllfe; ' ' ' , . ' 'I'fVr.iS'' ( f " ' ' NOTICE IS IIEnKBI-'G:1. IN Thf. ! In pursuance of the United S.u'is MIu- , in L', M. J. Brcphy and l:. B. lla-' son. whoso postofllcc adJreis i'.Bisba;' , Cochise County, Ar s ma. n-nJe I application fqr i!.T,fcnt for fi,f:aen U'in died (1.500) 11. tar fee' of Ihe lJlva io. 'ode mlnlnc; c il s f ate- , th . '. ren Mining "pl.ttrlc. C.ic ". Territory of Arizona. !' u f n, . the olficiiil plat hercMith.iJO:' d :! J- the field notes on (1 c in the H!. the Register of tl o Uni'ed .A'jtcT ' Ollice, Gila Lmd District? Tj. Arl?onn. as fo'lpw o-i 1 Magnetic variation for' all ( 12 degiees '5 inlnuv :i r " ' Bclnn'rg at c rncr o ' CO I 1U.1 Of lOCM'l ill i . iTlZ, 0UARS PKR TEAS. p.SJPAIT'.-f ' " JMfkt CO" C,.i . ' jA ' : KIS1HG AHD SCfESflFM5:?BF4 ;; ti. o:J) 'f.'Acr ?TjiRij?iir',,OM. I oIKGtR SEWlWB-HaGHlfe i t is not only 'the most t useful toihg.ever de vised for .the ; family, ' but is distinguished for its beauty as an artistic "piece of fur- nuure..r. '5 'J .1 'J i r- 4 . .r ! ', J8E BEST INVESniEVT.tie EARTI - fearning "more j)V oroportion "to " cost than' any , other purchase possible. ' . THREE DIFFEREKt WX't either lock-stitch or chain-stitch. ' v DBILTtKEAWATM, V at the largest nnd bestroquippei factory in the" world, where 1 every machine is carefully, tcstid on practical stitching. , i OLD ONLY f THESIXGERMANUFAGTUrWGO rrocs ut mrr in tmc wku. -. ! 4 -r,""!' v iVitrr, " t i -. tf Bryan Lodo, aforesaid, 1,134 feet Jto corner' No. 1, the place of beginning.. Survey No.t1392. Confldenao Lode. Be ginning at corner No. 1, being tho Northwest porner of location, Identical with corner No. 2 of the Contentment Lode of this Burvey, a pine' post sur rounded by a mound of earth and ntonea, scribed 1-1393 Ce. L'.; whence United States mineral monument No. 4 bears North 29, degreeji "5G minutes, West 9,161 feet; thence North 46 de-' grees 52 minutes,. 'Eaat 600. feet to cor- The adjoining claims are: Comblna tlon, St. Louis and Illinois claims (un surveyed), 'ShattUck, Keating, ct. al. claimants; B.uckey O'Neill, Sixtecn-to One and Arizona claims (Surey'No. ,1393) owned by applicant herein; Ke ftlalm (unsurvcyed), Waildell and O'Hare claimants; claim, name un known Munsurveyed), Strong, Mathhw and Sampson, claimants; Lulu claim (unsurveyed), Gemphle, Wnddell and Perrlng, claimants; Thomas claim (un surveyed), Denn, Williams and Han no'n, claimants; on all other sides va cant and unoccupied land. Any and all persons 'claiming ad versely the mining ground, vein, lode, premises, or any portion thereof so de- Dcrlbed, surveyed, platted -and applied .' nr " tiL One frame lionso of two roome, ci'ini l'ely nu terms very low. Apply to S. K. William. rnfizl- ". m'.4- Ik POB DSES One frame house of three rooms; $15 pei" montli. K. Williams. N , One frame Iioubo of thiee room?. nutt i k month. lo S. K. W Mm n . The Enjjlo IIoiifis four roiim-; wnn1 Overlook; $15 pr month Appli Onu luiohn house, pix iooiii: 1 1" '' ' to S. K. WiIIihii a. it war Jfe. 2t iwei .awtk'.tgr 37 jotf -awhereby noUfled that unless i HFinisi jL!Hi!;.L ) lit. ( JiKNSivX, Alii. First class rooniH from 50 conta por ilny upwanls- 1 toi fgu'1' a y i 0 in rooms. Gootl menls at 23 contR. Bar attnclu'tl to' tho .Itopgr'. tion guaranteed or no pay. u ' "' SAW. FRIEDWN, PrvHeU;f '. viao ' . . '.' HVB - ' i'si r ' ' ' - " ?iV'A i t -' t' r f T'J6"' ' "i' 'a S -". ' IP" ' -Mm 4&BM& " .iK . . ;- '. m s . aiTMBML ' cnaaci . .j I - v,,"fci '.fr ,ag bh ' t 'WtlSfflE tilt .' wt .. . f: rtt - . ism i . '. . & Am ' '19 , , fjB f " ai TKrarw , -i -: - . -sa