Newspaper Page Text
i?1 ,v r Vt. ' ' ' ' ' i ! r i-, ,, V y Local Brevities bouscrlbe for Ihk Oku. Up to-date job yiilntinj? at Tint Oin,.l 'lhere areva number of cattle buyers jiu our city at prevent.. Supt Ben Williams is expected homo jm a lew days from hia Califoriiia trip. - Deputy ShorifE'Bid Mullen is in town jlboklng for witnesses ami jurors r Edith Anderson was fined $15 for (flffhtiniJ by Judge Williams this tnotn- Finnciseo Cunincho was Kiven 10 days .',fr hoiiifi drnnk. aiid diaorderlv t'his tmu3 ikitii;. v Lo far the four prisoneiB who. escaped tfroiM the Tucson jail hhvo not been np lJrt..euded. Sf.-.rtiu, Costello lias returned to the bounty scat after spending several days Jin ourcity. a F. MGuild, professor of metallurgy at thexuniver)ity at Tucson, is a Bisbee visitor for a few days. Dr. E. G. Curlelqn has returned from a hunting trip in tho Chiricahuas, He Tf".oit8 having afitstclass time. Jack Con ley left this morning for.his claims near Solomon Springs, where he, goes to complete the assessmentwork. . ITrank Graf has- been excused from serving as serving as a grand juror at the coining term of the dtstiict court. Folding beds at B. F. Graham & Co'e i my oflico on O. K. street, or at my from $10 up to $85; a fine line of them residence, the "Brophy Cottage," flow now ready to be sho.wn. SllMf ell avenue, back of the Ho'.el Bessemer. Ilrfl. C. C. Warner ,has so far rec&v. ftrcrt from her 'recent Illness as to be ble to be around again, much to the joy , 'of her many friends. A. C. Champagne, the fashionablo Tailor, will clean and press your old suit making it look as dressy as if new; also 'iiyirg at ibe loos,t prieeu. All work guaranteed. OSl-tf j Mrs. N. E. Furgeson and son are ex '.pected soon from Phoenix and will make heir future home in Bisbec,- Mr. Furge 'son being the proprietor of tho Bisb'ee 'drug Htore. Ackku's Ekolisu Kemedv Witt Stop cough at any time, and will cure -the worst' cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25. cts. and 50 cts. For Bhlo Bisbeo-Drug tore. Nothing has been heard oi'Jurnay, the young man who took the Bhots at Relden a few dura ago. Keiden is rap idly improving and is able to bo out, his right hand being done up in a eling. The following witnesses have been enbpoenaod before the grand jury in tho "UlcFarland case: T. C Amsden, C C. M. Neil, Paddy Veil, Walter. Smith, A. W. Howe. Dr. Carleton, John McMillan. ) K Lively Btable will be restocked w'itii a completo Jine of new'buggies, J euicys, carriages, buckboards, xioun- tain Bpiing wagons, traps, eveiythina . to mako a first chits" liveiy Htabloin a j few days. ,. Nuco, the new town' nine miles f'oni,, !, V.V Bisbee, on the border is rapidly build- ' ' " ' ,l,l,,,,v ink "up. There are no lesi than eight ',"' "" ls!," bnildliiL'H nnw nnnpr i'iuiutnitiiui i.J ' ''ill. Iiiiui, ; ..-,, w-w.... HWW.V.., V..W dumber yarde supplying tin necessaiyi material. Ac a cine for rhemii isiim (Jhambtn- Bob Johnson and Mis Jessie Davi- ' l"1"'8 ,,,M" l!,llln is ""' -i '' M'l" efe joinell in the holy bondi of wed- ' ,aU""- 1 .JoHton, f Uichiuiiii I. lock last evening at the rewdeooo-ot the bride in Tombstone canyon. The cou pie have the best wishes of all in their Hew life. Mine owners who have neglected to tio wsessment work this year are now hustling for men. Miners are Bcarce, and owing 'to activity in all mining cir-rle-i: no doubt a number of claims will be jumped tho first of the year. Tho dance givon at tho opera house by the cenif tery committee on Wednesday eveningv was, a ,inosU agreeablo affair. The committee did everytliing possible i : their power io mako tho affair a suc cess. Afllfu'H TlvOPI..l k Tlllt.OTa lilt? uriin ..........., .. on a positive guarantee. Cures heart I Money back if Mot cured. Sold l.v I burn, raising of the food,, distress aftencopper Queen Company and Dished J ! riumj ui ut JUiiu ui i;oiepqiu. WHO littlo tablet (jiVes immediate relief. 23 cts. and 60 ctB. For sale at Bisbee Druu A delegation of Good Tomplars wilt Madison district, six milei eiit of the city tomoiiow uiuht toanangetoi Ibe urgnuiKatim of u lodge in the dn- mn. J no maiier nas oeen talkwil oi fur beveial months, aud the friends of oustiatioii to their joyous feelings ami the movement JivinKin that section nnw "eiiiiinenia in the matter. The lanrh think the time is ripe for the oiguniz - ern living upon this grant have our sin lion, ft is probable that a date will l.o ll'u' eoujtMitulaltoiH r.tiou ibe teiunmi tlxed for the Qrgnnlzatiyn on toniuriow -""' ('nH ma'tei , anil it comes totlu'in nightv und the details arranged. l'hoe- " a rogulm Thanksgiving (ffeiing. uix nopubliiMii. ' Piospectoi: Call on Alfred Paul when you want a ' fino suit or overcoat. You can buy a suit or, overcoat for $20, fit guaranteed. Also cleaning and ropait ing done on short nolhe. Shopat old Hand, in Can (.ill buildillL'. w'ltli Tellium ili. uli.w.- . - 1 -...., ... - ,.,,", ' ."r """"""'"y. Aftllltetetl may tead it and be .bonelltted. (imtiinmil li 1 J 1 1 . 1 .' j...r . .... 1 1 juiuiuiia v. uuncri.viiejii;oejyt,iiorlBalo ,,uker- :"',- . f 30i y. Ir" "'l ' m.t started ..tu.y located ;aU Wt ttllll i, ' ijr l': Z ,. . . .,Jtv" lioni word brtniht into Naco by 11 eow- nituro and everv ueee-iHiii v.- ,...,,.., . . poitmi homrtitli the .ml -ln lol uml i- .My fii.VlutiTbeen troubb-d fur v.-hi- ,,.. .im k. .. V1...1 i.u t,...i .. n . ; . , . ., . ,LMmi '-'iUtdito tor lll( p,,..,,.. hcti-b h...n;iH t.. i... ,,au i.ed ..iii.,., li- li..f,.,. c. -. oy nhon ued that he bad iUlht with leslauniiit; rent leiw.niuble. ''i .,;,.. .uudcl i.M..i.i-, to- in Mllil)ioii(. I.a.ihoui. Snin.-ttn.,-.. , )Ullll.,, ,, ,,,, klllt.d ,. , . porjon or t,v letter, U) It I O'li, l " H. m tl. I,j.;c ..iUi.-...rI;a Io.l. I iu'IS'iiii 1 d 1 11 111 to lukit Riimu uf f'l. .. 1 1 . , .... ; "-hit, 11 11. j, ij nun, y inrie; bit tjinuwii i.ntp lo.!-, t oppor , 5 , , ' '.' ' " ,WKU8n"IH ol l'I,',"'-,liieNi. niid nl-i the mleri mule, rim NO-jf , , , . Ci., 1.j.U.(i..i..ihvh.umI), u d on thu j.,i, bul.ilnV t olie, C.h.di'rn uml liinl . 1 ,.,.,. ,,,.,.,.,. 1U 1 1 "u"' "' ' mo mi firutli.T J h 1 tlmn lod, all H,.,,,,..!! , i:, , , ,. , ! lOvMiuV ill too fine Was iimler )io II Hit- ,-ia, ,. ,.j ,h,. Uoppor y .cOiiCoaoll.lnlod L'-,-:ent . l.o u,h ou.ed., 1, v,. ,.,-, 11U1.4.11P. ,;..,. .tJl...'T . To Rent. ,.- V'.-'v'. V.' r.t0!".i. ?x "' ?"w ujr ui, urunniBio. ij The Can'aneas. Sheriff Sivdt White, seoiotniy f the Green Confeolidated (Juppe company, returned jesterday from .1 vNtt to tho fcoiirpapv'd properly in Stmoi.i. He le- J fcfirls the camp a scene of ureal ai ivity. New buildings are nouir up in every patt of tho camp and caipenters havo their hands full. A liumhoi of bn ldings now under way cannot bo completed at pteeentou account of the nun aruv.tlof lumber, there beinn four cuh at Naco consigned to that place. The smelter is turning out the usual supply of copper matte ami tliu output is sent east as faBt as possible. Since tho Mexican courts have given V. C. Greene and his party full contiol the camp is ussuming amoie btable condi tion;' and the people are muuli more en couraged over the outlook. Other properties in the vicinity of tho Greene company's mines are being opened up and smon othor einelters will be blown in. " Notice td' Friends and the Public. Being compelled, on account of my professlohul engagement, to be in at tendance upon the District Court during its .sitting in Tombstone, commencing on tho 4th day of December, 1899, I will gladly attend to any business friends or the public may have in any of the de partments of the county government ort in Tombstone. I will leave hero fof Tombstone (the county on the 2d or 3d of Decembji. Any'nerson dosh- ing to seomo before 1 leave will find me . Ciia.lus Ghanvili.k Johj&Wkv, "Attorney ax law. From Deputy Sheriff Mullen, who came hi Wednesday nij;ht, the- Oub loarns the additional particulars tegard- ing the Huding of. the body of a man in the viciriily of Peaice. The body was found at a point west of tho lailroud track abortt midway between Willcox and Cochise. Theie were no clotlies on the body, and the head was filled with larjieebot, while one side of the skull had been crushed in by a blow from a club of some sort., -Tne remains were those of a white mini, but it was impos sible to make any further identification, as tho bpdy was bauly decomposed and animals had gnawed most of the flesh from the bone A pair of overalls were found about two hundred yn-ds' from the body, butr nothing was found in them to give the slightest clew as to tho identity of their unfortunate owner. Grand Jury List. The following ii tho lWt of grand jnrois that'will eivoat tho December term ot the district court, which con venes oiMouday next: A- oriett, Henry Aston, F. B. Austin, A. G. Cuny, Frank Graf, J. N. Curtis, G. W. Baron, Martin Costello, P. II. Warnekros, L. O'K .I.-. Ri S. Hunt, C. B. Lnuicis. " A. Howell, G., I1"" - fi tioubltM with that ail- nient Hiii e 18G2. In spcukiiitr of it he sas: "I never found nuything,th it would relievo mo until I u.d Chambci lain'o Pain Balm. It acts like maic with me. My foot was swollen and pain ing me very much, but one good appli cation of Pain Balm' relieved me. sale by all .druggists. D , Tho,t ThrobbingHcadache. Would quickly leavoiou.if you u-ed Di. Kind's New Lifo Pills. Thousands of xnlleiuis have proved their matclile-M ni'Jiit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. , 'J hey make pure blod and stionn neivoa 'and build ud vour liHitlth. !! m . .. m . ... ,KOt lry U,cm (J., y .,-, eL.tq. DriljJ Store. j . ,. ,T . T ,. . ! A dispatch to several parties living at ruirnaiiK last evemni: trom Tucson j '"""1 that tho lloquillaa land grant had i ,KH'" ""own out or 1 ejected by tho l'"'d Court r.f Tucson. Upon the f-twuth of this the citizens of Fait bank ' mumi uiuts iih-bhhs " kivh iiim uem- A report was circulaloi on the stieoiH Wednesday night that a doad man had 'been found between La Morita and Naco, but more recent developments piovo the lepoit to be groundles. An Oiiii rnnriilm . win) viitpl 'nm i.niu. ' , - - w., j.,v0.- nliu H.,l. l.ueo.da.loH-isMalioned aim-,. two miluiJ fr0IIl Nlc0, ftenl ovcr ,() 10 'place of the supposed b.tltle ground but I1-I j.-i-. tVII k'IHLLI I lliX . (( I I l I n t II Mill" "I'llMlM V 111 II III , ;, f . , , . 1 AY ft 1 V, rl WHOLESALE ATD Pianos & 1 iV 1 t Write for Catalogue. Pianos on Monthly Payments'. Office--j21 1-3 South Broadway, Los Angeles. C.iiif.o ii t. lm nUllllaVb dro immm J eft o now luve a complete line of the I i-eni cile8 0l Lulie? NTeck wear,Laiif Woolen Waists, Skirts Glovvs.erc." Fall lute of Hoots anjl Shoes, Gents,' Furnishing Goj'is, To3, X)tion, etc. IBS. I BLEWETT'S BISBES BOO! AMU SHflS SI031 YOUR FACE. Shows the state of your, teel'ngs and he etato ot your healtL as well. Im pure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Erupions. If you are feeling weak and woin out and do not have a healthy appearance you should try Acker's KlooJ Elixir. It cures all Dlood diseases wbcro cheap Sarsapar illas and so called punuers fail; know ing this we sell every bottle on a pos itive guarantee. For sale a, Bisbee Drug Store. Does your watch havo fits or spasms? Hinkle, tho jeweler, ouies them. At Blewett's. f Procrastination is tho thief of time! So havo Hinkle, the jeweler, catch the hief. Blewett's shoe stora. , f To arrive, at 0 K Livery Stable, a car load of first clas buggies of all kinds, built to order, for B. F. Graham-& Co. Anyone wanting tin or sheet-iron work, should call oirE .G. Ord Co. Next to the Brewery. S7 tf , FQl SALE One six-room nousewith bath and water conilaoMons; best loca tion in 'town. Also one extia lot. Can rent house at $30 per month. Inquire of Otto Von Kauel. ' a27-U For Sale A 'two rpom "urnished houte, good lot, centrally located. Rents for $15 per month. Only $500.. at this ofiice. " jy27tf FOR SALE A two-room furnished house, njar Opera House; a baigain. Apply at this olEce. sepl5-tf Fly's Photograph Gallery opposite residence of Wm. Hams, Biowery guli-'h. ml3-tf Avoid assessment work and have your claims patented before Oct. 1st. Geo. C. Clark, E. M., Howell avo. S15-2w If you want a new hat, neatly trimmed to emt your tasto, leave vour ouler at Mrs. Bewett's. JG-tf WAN TED Situation as clerk or sales lady, by one who is well acquainted heio and thoroughly competent. Foraddiess apply at this olHco. 04-tf Go to O K Livery Stable, i ,jou want good driving teams. f For galvanized iron tanks and oaiit teeno of all sies go toC. A. Newman. Maps of Cochise county for enle at this ollico. 23 cents each. , tf. For cold air flues, roof plates and guttering, call onC. A. Newm.ui, mlOif A full lino of ladies' wool -kirts, all colom, jiibt leceived at lilo ein. all-tf Go to U. F. Graham & Co. for Fiuni, ture and Hou&o Furnishing j:oodd. t FOR RKNT.-Furmshed rooms; a I'ly to Mis. llodlev. Apply on piemwei bll-tf Go uE. G. Old Co. for tanks ,and piiituluiig. Nextdoor eufelol Uiewory. S7 tf i'. F. Graham & Co. will have two il,,adi of Furnituia and Furnibhm Jioods m next wvek. ' ' ' Go and see those new stoi'l fold'in- lied.-s at 15. F. G rahain & Go'ji. fitrnituiu ftOU SiH-lf Lain, hail or snow, that w.t:i. must go. Hinkle, the jewelur, dovi u at, at Iin wcti'a iju) aioie. f I"lil KKNl'. Three-ioonicd houf. good location; 12 per uioitih; apply at this ollico. Sll-tf Stol' Tl,if of Tim, an I havo you Wlllcl repaired. Hinklo, the jeweler, 8a,,va you the seconds. I5I. wets ikoo Ht,m'' alti-lm I"ll! IM.'V'I' i'p n. ...... , ,11 H.MjU i inn . intr. A l.irifil htlnnt ....n . ii . suitable for office. Howell 1 aT0 nexto & H H C-" tt'fc .F2k 1 hi mi ffi " y 7 RETAIL DKLKRS IN 'Orsrans - p S. K. Williams is the njciit. and in autiioiiiSt-il to attend in li'e icntiug of houwe'i, collecting of ie:iti.tml to all othei liu-inc!14 that may be nf interest to Julian Cardiinii. , nl3-tf If you find the way taour dental parlors right now it may save you a lot of expense aud pain ayear from now. Some people aren't very much .concerned about tronbles that are a year in the distance, but a year will fly around in a very bhorfc time. It's neither expensive nor pain ful to have little cavities in the teeth filled. You'll bo obliged for the hint. Dr. W. K. CiiAMitKho, Cliisholm Building. No ti ce cf Aplieatlou for Mining,- Appiicatlou No. 701. Suivoj No 1831. U S Lund Offico, Tucson, Arizona, Octoljor2i, 1899. NOTICE is horoby clven that In pursimtica of tho United Stutos Minim: Luws.tho Coppoi Quuuii Cousoliduied Mining coiutmii, u oor porutioti ornatiid 1 tinljr tha twvi of the htato of Now Yorlc, by iti ujjent. Hen WiU Hums, whose nostolSce uddroj its liisboo, Cochise county, Arizona, hui niiule triplica tion for patent, for UM iinour trot of tho Cnpiitu lode mining: claim, tatuuted In tho V. alien mining dl.trlct, (Joch o county, leiritoty ot Ailzcnu, ns dennubcd b tho oUiuiii plat herewith ported nnd l,y tho Meld notes on 11 o in thootiiooof tholtt'iclstor of tho U Lund U.lico, Gila land district, 1 .niiiklo vuuutloii fur iiii coiirsjs. 11 di-jfiecs 4U minuies'lJiiNt. i uiitfinuliijf at Uo ner No 1, idotith'ui with the cast ceutcr- monument .1 tho locution uiitl oil liue-4-3 troupor i-iown I6de (ii..Hnr- Kjwll, Pino 1 3 feet lo ir, i inohos ailiitire, kCt Is inthod in tho t;iound with inouild ot sfona. kuribed 1-lJJt, hence USM M h 1 boam S a) deji-ees, ui iiifnutes li 'M)l.S fvo:. 'lliouo S 11 dosrreo!., IS niimitoo K 5.5 feet to i'uiiiar .No. 'J, a i.iue ).;t 2 itut lonir, 4 iiichcf h(u.ue, set 1.2 in tiio (fioimd, with nioimil ot toi.c, boubcd 2-131. ihunie S Ml decrees, 1U niiiiute-i W on line 3-2 niuoy o ViU, lltotliur Jolimtthan lodo, ,i.'. i ; foot, to ooinei' No ii. iHonti- c'ui withuouior iUii!, hiuoy .No il.U, I'liotlior Joliimtliuii lodo, and cotiiur .Ny 0, muvey No I'll Li .i-lobuin lodo; it piin pdi-t m inuiind Of aioiit.' no i tbod 11 J .d C, No i. U b V. U Ao 0 and A ii-t. liiouo N 81 dorfi eo.l)u miniito A on lino 0 5 wiivt-y Ha U71, Utio.u ham, ii lent, to iMrner No 4, a pi ii lo t i . : 1 Initios vtiuaiv, ut 1- melius in th tri iiand with iiiomi l ot "touo mi luiM-: ilioiuoN llilu'iiev .J ..ii.i..,.cm 1 5.4 foet, to ton. or No :, a pine po-t 3 fc-t !)n, 4 inpli-s bi; h, et I- in iux in niu kioiind W llll 1.1 illll.l t 'oll i . I HJ.I ) -iJJl Jli, ii (i jl ilo'r u, .' J ji.i iiuio I', on linn C-Sn.. i .M.'JJ', dill.' !' ' 'If, i.. lo I to cui h-v .no ti. a, puioV"-' i.i ..ion nl .! 'onu all Hid I II il j .S I - a I I --.-i .t I Thtai n . JJ dcfi o "j - " iii.chW on I nr 2- uiiiil'J Su ', cniu !. to . ,1.1 . , . or .Nu . ii ,i:i... lMit - t'JJt' i u" lm !i.j i.a.itu ft 1. nu'hoo ii tliu y ii in. i,uh .in ma of btOIIO M.lllOll 1-&U liiuucoh uil liitc, IT adiii.tts h 11 8 feet to loiiiiji hu i). u I'iiil' .i-.l J li'oi lon, 4 Inolioj siiiaie, nt 1- naif.-, in ihe Kinuml Witil 11101111J ot Jtonu srf-i 1 .j d S-12JI I'hinoo . aI diuieL''. - 1 iii..tod K on Una tl-3 hiiiM-j xo flJuoldo 1 iJ u I ill-, aa .iotto iuiiiui iu H, a pllio ikmL 111 ino.niil ol i.ilio Bi-i ib d 1 O H V xo .1 ui.d y-i.1.,1 1 Iu'.il'h N 51 dttfito. !. iiii.iutoi. !. mi lino 5-J, sin vm.v Hit 3U. OoiaOii ti u ;tnl , li 1 ii ot, to !,. usr .No U, u puiu pist 1.1 iiinniid of ktoiiv- .I'dlied IlKi lhti ioo b b iWiet"-, lii'ininiltf. 1. on lino 0-1, t.nitpcrd'UMii la. us lift in finiit'i' .o 11, II illll) pOt & ffilt ijli ,1 llllhlh Mll ili, Krt i iiichu-v. 111 tin) t'louiiil with mound of ktoht,M i, J U'l tl ll-w-i tamo . S iuvh os 01 111I1 ii';n i; "i7 .1 .'cot, toon 11 i'Mi I, ihu iii.u'0 l ... u'n iiii- lotlll II till lilt HltU, Ltipi itll lll'IC, I) Ml ill) I n 'I In mid lumhi.r tiuiiu li.unj: .. . u uid 111 the o.iivi' uf lhti iivo det 01 ioihi o loumy lit i'linilirtului ill tliu count) ulnl and Kji 1 i toti hlvirevii I, ill boot 11, l'uju 0 , Kiunls ot iiio, tho piosuiniid Kfiiorul coiu'( or diioc iiiii ut ihj mi.iI Liipiito In In lainiiiir olulin li.iii:r shiiuu on tin pi t ixthtcd lioie 1 Ui. a 11. far iiunn uc dutei .11 mod nun! lirosuin dovuhiiuiii'iiU. thh cjrtlm tmiiij; lor U 1 j ilti iiai. 11 .intuitu 1. '."i" liuit to cirnoi' o 1, a ui " I tih'ji m, I? lidiiutos WJ icot too.Minii' Wo u om dU iii'ij i.lialt total sill- i.ijo c (iiin.l 1111) le.liliied to lie tlmir. rsr- ! uum.imi riuiint. w itli 'no ,rtor ot tii u jj l.iuiil llii-u ut 1 110.011. in Ui.) loriitoi) of Ailuim, dining tlej i.i.ty tlaipuilod of pilbllu'ill in, hoioof nrth.) ulil ho liuiiod by ii uio ui tliu lirovUluns of tho Statute. iVl!l,iO,V It. MOOKcffutei-.UK, R.vwf Ufhl ytTbt(iH-Uetobi;i 24, IU9 B.-R QRAHAM & CO; House Furnishers, OK Livery, Feed . ; and Sale Stable : : Blacksmith Shops, Harnes'st5 and SaddJe Shop T XT' 0trOi-XA, "W13 CARRY A GENKIi.vL LINE OF House Furnishing Goods, Rugs, Granite and Tin Ware, Stoves, LaniSr '! and china crockery ware1 NEW HOflE AND NEW-RO?A SEWING Corner O. K. Street rneru. ii.!ireet aud Railroad Avenue a a,newman,tS Tinner, Plumber and Second Hand Goods Mb iff. U i Sf lis, -K: ; -. ZJZ. i ' . TIM GRIFFITH, Proprietor. Finest Turnouts in the City, Horses ''boarded by the week, day" or month.'- Horses bought and sold. Complete hack service.' Hacks will meet all trains. Good service. . . '.... Upper Main St. Bisbee, Arizona j- TURF SALOON. 5JAS. LETSON, Proprietor ' ' The Home Bakery J. A. S. MILLER, Prop. Is now open for business in the Duffy building, Brewery Gulch, and is now ieady to furnis"h patrons with the best of Fesh Brecid, C&kes and Pies. At'ed-Rock Prices. 71? He will alstf continue busiacw for a time at'the old stand, O. K. Stieet, next to tho Orb office. oooooocoocochvv ? A r A wv!u To be Hoodooed Ail Your Life? Wo kill all of our own meats under eloso inspection, therefore in he.-; mj; yum iiiimii cum uiyou ar in iiu' in en Alices ot eAtitnj tliseaMSd meats, that you are liabldxto wii'i buviuR from i)artie that rhip dressed tniMte f om out of town. ubie there is Habltfto bo hoi? elinlur or Tos-is f.-.r, and you know nothing about what kind of rar-ats yom aro eatin Wo handle uothiuv: oui U10 best that inoner can buy. Satisfaction Kiuinintccd. C, A. Oyer lock & Bro.,v; Union ftoJaria(4900i)l0M THE AZURITE GEO. 2'UN, Proprietor. Your Trade Everybody $ Funeral Directors . A, Wf r. w v 44 y Furniture, Carpets, Linoleum, Mi HACHINES ., . t - tp - j - -,v.-- cEa.S POO. -T. Street. Arizona. Sheet Metal. Workers Bought and Sold. A. ff A fia:tocaio riarki. "4 Solicited. t MAAAH Welcome. wSS 2 kS lJbBS$. m& sa Mi m V-f -"iM & c ''I t " -""p-t 1W& l J 4 r IS , I T'' ? wbwu w .W IVUI I11UIJ Hanars-gentSI ptfUrt. ittzzzzz if" -l MssSBms! - ,a