Newspaper Page Text
SBSE tssssaa fffisJS3a2 ' Hi- i- t fc -!fe;-. 'Sffi52S6aii voting; Contcof the Coniicg Fair. ' I ' . ' .fe ' rr -. V f r-TT MB B. F. iiRAHAM & CO m fY '--N. jr-- -r. I nrii Rl"AV5"SAC P t'ollrownu Hnijhe leudmit hatuies ot J LICflt rV tho tinK contckUJie coming Chuich ..? Fair: ' ' RH'1 l. v n S S t n W h j M -A V!! m WWWWWS-jtffeirtk? i One handsome, hand painted,1 satin y ' CO MING EVENTS. . sofa pillow, tlio gift of one of Di&buo' w . -. IVHUtll (MUSIC) KJ lUUHw w -.j ,..--w Tlte following dates have been set for ' popular gentleman in liisu-o. the Opera, House; WHOUvSAIV., AND RETAIL DK.'.I'RS IN Aiethodist Fail Djcemhor 12 ami 13. ftUoa JkCaily itt J'Dear lloail oil Two diver spoons, piet-onted by a pioiiLur in Uiiboe; to le voted to lho ! mosl'popnlar t'cntlemun in liisbeo, over JreUnd December 14. Musquerado-U.ill Djccuibor 15. Barney Furgeuaon in UoCarthy'd Mis haph Decern ber-22. Band Dane it and Cake Walk Doc. 25. Subscribe for Tiik Oku. A. 0. U. W.'meot tonight. . Km feet Ashlar Jodge meets tonight. Up to date job-printing at The Oiro, Tucson is to have'ti city (-)cctiun ere i . : -s ' JUI.S. - 'J ! - t Local newsis exceedingly ecerce these days. Seth Leavenworth and wife are stop ping at the Besemer. John Hostad nnd wife are egislored, .at the Bestemer from Sonera. M:uk Shearer loft this morning for jPho.'iiix, where he gotis to take in the tcaruival. Folding bedd at B. F. Graham & Co's ,from $16 up to $85; a fine line of them now roady to be fdiown. Sl!)l Charles Granville Johnston left this morning for Tombstone, where he goes ' to attend court. WANTED A position us nurse, or'os housekeeper', or in restaurant, by a com petent lady. "Apply at Onu office. n23Gt One of tlte features of tho American' exhibit at Pane is to be a display of petrified wood from northern Arizona. Manuel Martinez was sentenced to 90 days in the county jail for appropriat ing several articles from a fellow citizen at Fair bau k. A. C. Champagne, the fashionable Tailor, will clean and press your old suit making it look as drossy as if new; aIsor dying at tho lowest pricey. All work". guaranteed. 031-tft?? A number of the grand jurors will leave in tho morning for Tombstono to bo on hand at U o'clock Monday morn ing when court .convenes. -, Acker's English Kkmldy Will Srqu a cough at any time, ami will cure tlte MCTet cold in twelve hours, or money .refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. For sale Bisbeo Drug tore. P. H. Whitney came in yesterday from the Sulphur Spring valley on his wny to Tombstone, where ho goes to eervi' as a grand juror. 0 K Liveiy Stable will Le restocked "tfih a complete line of new' buggies,' uic, carnages, 'bunkboards, moun tain spring wagons, tiaps, everything to make, a first liveiy stable, in a few-days. 1 X. J. Judge will ehip a tiain load of cattlo from Don Luis station tomorrow to Gilroy, California. Tho cattlrt were purdiaeed from Ge-irue Spindlu mid others, and wert- gathered niong the San Pe Iro. ACKKlt'sJtVSl'Kl'al.V T.VULKra AKK SOL1J on a poaitivt guaiantee. Cures hem I burn, raining of the food,; distrecs aiter flftyyearj of ago. Three (anions "Dolls" Fii et, second, and third prizes. The first puzo is a. inngulficent Buebunen, thiity-two inches tall and dresied in white satin bridal costume; second aud third pnxes are of J propoitionuto value. Ono Quilt Lob Cabin Quilt lined with pink brocade silk, contains thirty block, seventeen numes to tho block, in- eluding that of tho governor of Arizona, idso the governor of New Mexico, as well us tho names of over live bundled, Ureat nnu small) citizens of Bisbeo, Vombdtono and Benson. Thi3 cortainly will l-i a valiiabld prize !6 the fuitUHato winner. Tho cotest is open to all; ono, dime lopresents a vote. Those desiring to tmtef thoso contests inti3t give their names to somu member of the Ladies' Aid Sociotv. Votes may bo solicited from now until the laH evening of tho Fair; contents to closa at 9:0 p. m. Plan os CXv r .'7 T Vt t , .JJ Write fr Catai uo Pianos on Monthly Payments. Oh"ice--j21 1-2 Ssuth Bro.iilw.iy. Los A'.slis. Cilir oaij. A Description. The Hange News has tho following description of tho body found in the Sulphur Spring vallev, mention of which was made in the Oan columns : " "The man -vas about 5 feet 10 inches in height and would weigh ii: life about 170 hemnds. Tho'huir was light brown, inclined to sandy, Tho mustache was nut heavy aud sandy in color. Tlio f ico als'o had. about a .two weeks' growth of beatd, Complexion light. Ho appealed to be about thirty yeaisof age. The.e was "np.mark'by which the ulenfity of the body .could be estatdnhsd, except that the middle flncer of the right hand had a defective nail, probably from tho effects of a felon. This finger was re movud and kept for pmposee ol identifi cation. Dr.,Aiton thought the man had been dead about six weeks." wwirian 53 1! D B 3 ;i wi . a III IfQSiOBwSi Aik WPMIMMOWlliruWWJt!Mllll amiM iJUMWY'i ,4?ft ft 55 0 ' $ 51 PP M P iM Hum "i i uGiiiii d i y scss sn-'-n-nM' ,vmmrn n&iMtjn We now have a complete line of th, I neat Style' of L id u Iv-. k wear, Ivnliefl Woolen Wjihh1, Skirti.-Glniva, "e." l-'.t.l of ii 1 ; and Shoe. Gents' Furuitrhiu Gooi'.i, T);s, Notion-1, c MRS. I. BLEWETT'S BISBE1 BOOT ANI Wjjpr'iMrrvjif.i-ytBtnwwnriw YOUPv FACE. Shows tho state of jyour. teel'ngs and he stato ot your houltL as well. Im pure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Erupions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appearance you should try j Acker's Klood hhxir. It cures all Dlood diseafjs hero cheaj) Sarsapar illas and so cailed punners fail; know ing this we sell every bottle on a pos itive guarantee. For sale at Bisbee Drug Store. ri mrn Ci'iinm.! ii OQUi iiilSM: Jji231iZ?y?"r,'-TJ- -l-. .r. t.i-M.ji ri .. S. K. WilliaitM is tii'i au-en. n:i" is authonzil to attrud ti llm r.-iftiii; of hontC"), 1 oMeiinng of t':n- -u:d ton!" other bnsinc th ic ni.-y be of iiiteiOfi tO J'lI'ttM CidiiLW. olli if Was it Indians? 1 Theodore IJampe, who resides near Buoker, sends us tho annexed rather startling intelligence: "During Tuesday' nlght'tho wires of my paBture fenco were cut nnd five hordes stolen, ono of tho remaining an imals being wounded Two of the stolen horeea broko away and returned the fol lowing afternoon, but tho thieved got away With tho other thiee. Followed tlte tracks through very rough and steep ground to fhe head of Pi ie.a canyon, the trail evidently leading into San Simon valley. On the tiuil found one horse killed aud meat cut. off Indian lashion, two stiips from the neck, ribs from one side" and part of the hip. Nsar the hoi so ino.Ri'aaiu tiac!;3. It seems that two or thiee liidiam were tho ihiews. Itanga New a. Notice to Friends, ani Ihr Public Being compelled, 0:1 nreount of my piofe floiial erigat'emeii'.H, to be in at- eating or unv form of .yep3paia. Ono ten Uni.B ,, the Di.tuciCoh.tdming little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 Ua 8lUl1K in Tombstone, commencing ct-j. and 50 ctti Sloie. 'Master John IlankinsMns tendered a For sale at Bisbeo Dm on the 4th (Vty of December, 1899, I will Jlhvdly attend t' any btitmH fiit:ud- 01 the puhliti may hayi iiijanyof the de- Burpriee party at' his home on Nob Hill i P-1"1''"" ul tl11 comity government 01 last evening, by. a number of hia young.'" TumlHtono. I will leave heio for friends. The evening waB spent most To:,,l'atone ( ll0 count-v the 2d njoyably in various games of amuse-' or 3(1 of l)er'"';- Any person desdr jneDt. .., I iryj to seo me befoio 1 leave will find mo I in myollico on 0. K. street, or at mv Call on Alfred Paul whon you want a ' sidonce, the "Brophy Cottage," low fine suit or overcoat". You can buy a e aV(,nn0( back of-.the Hotel Bessemer, suit or overcoat for $20, fit guaranteed. Oiiaklih Giianvillb Johnston-, Also cleaning an.l ropairinz done on, Attnmnv .!.. Does your watch have fits or spasms? H inkle, the juweler. cures them. At Blowett's. Procrastination is tho thief of time I So have H inkle, the jeweler, catch the hief. Blewett's ehoo store. t To arrive, at O K Livery Stable, a car load of first claai buggies of all kinds, built to order, for B. F. Graham & Co. Anyone wanting tin or sheet-iron work, should call on E .G. Ord Co. Next to the Biewery. S7 tf FOlt" SALE One six-rdoin noiise with bath nnd water connections ;d)est lopa-. tion in town. Also ono rxtra'lbt. Cap tent house at $'J0 per month, luq'thm of Otto Yon Kanel. u27-tl For Sale A two room !urnibhed house, good lot, centrally located. Ki uta for $15 per month. Only $50J. at this ollice'. j27tf FOR SAL.5 A two-room furnished house, nar Opera llouae; a baigain. Apply at thd olEce. seplo-Lf Fly's Photograph Gallery opposito icsidonc'e of Wm. IlmriH, Bieweiy gulch. mlo-tf Avoid assessment woik and have your claims puented befoie Ot. 1st. G.wi. C. CJaik, E. M., Howell avo. S15-2w If you want a now hat, neatly tiimined to arU your tTtsteljavd vour oider at Mrs. Uewett'8. JG-tf WAN rED Siluition atcleik or Kales lady, by one who is -vll ai:-UAinied heio nnd ih I'oughly compjrent. For address ipply at this office. Ol-tf (So to O K Livary Stable, i, ion want jood driving teams. f For galvanized iron tanks and oanl teetis of all sti!e3 go toC. A. Newman. Maps of Cochise county for sale at LhiH office. 25 cents each. if. For cold air flues, roof pi itc and guttering, call on C. A. Newman, mldif ftSSwewelI5ffiiivEa wasSam KX2BxtiRKS& rjT , -.t House Furnishers, Funeral Directors O K Livery, Feed and Sale Stable : : Blacksmith Shops, Harness and Saddle Shop 1 tfv-?l"-.65'-4v WE CADK V A GENERAL L!NE"OF House Furnishing Gtfods, Furniture, Carpets, Linoleum Rugs; Granite and Tin Ware, Stoves, Lamps, and china crockery ware. - NEW HOflE AND NEW ROYAL SEWING flACHINES JjPT" Corner O K. Street and Railroad Avenue. .Slsloee, -. T. O. K. Street, . A5AJ V7 -i-AJ- ,.. Tinner, Plumber and Sheet Metal Worker. - Second Hand Goods Bougnt and Sold. r. A NF.WMAN St JLJX A full line of Indies' wool skirtd, all As n cure for rheumatism Chambei-! colors, just received at Ble olts. all-tf Go to B. F. Grnhtm & Co. for Fuini, tuioand IIoii'-o Furnishing oois. t abort notice. Shop at old stand, in Can Oan building, with Teitgan, the shoe- muK9T- . wu-ti Jlnin'a'PainBalmisgainini.'a wide repu- Felix Ypwoll, and George Baxter will tation. D. R. Johnston, of Richmond, leavoin tlio morniuz for Phoenix, whpro.. Intl., ims beentioublol with that ail- theygo to enter the double-hand iiiiners' ment since 1802. In speaking of it h F0 RKNT. Fuinisho 1 rooms; ap- drilling contest. The boys have a rocd says: 'I never fo"und anything thar l-'y t" Mis. Hodley. Apply on pretnifccs record here and may be dopended upon would relieve mo until I used Cliamb.'.- , " Sll-lf to make a good showing in l'hoonix. Iain's l'ahi 'Oalhi. T ae.n like magw I Oo to K. (. Ord Co. for tanks aud Walter Smith, alsoof our city, ?oes with with mo. My foot was swollen and pun- I piunibi:.. Njstdoor tawioi Biewery. the boys and will enter tho single-hand mg me very much, but one ood appli- j S7 tf contest. If Cochise county does not cation of Paiu'lJalm tolieved me. For! U. F. Gruham & Co. will have two capture the doubla-hand drilling contest eatoby all drugaist.s. D 1 carloads of Furniture and Fuinishin we are badly mistaken. - ' . ' goods in next w.'ok. T My son has been troubled for yeain ' 'rliat Throbblusllsadachs. j Go and see those new steel folding with chronic diairhoea. 4 Sometime aun ' Would quicklVTevTo'i.if von iHl. l)eds' nt 1J' R Grn"',m Co'j. fnriutinu I peisuad'd niin to take somo of Cham- l)r. lc;- Now'L'fo I-illi. rho'iuandi of j 8tri'' yIU"u" berlain's 'CoUc, Clmleru and Diarrhoea fcnil,reM luw puivod their matelik-s1 Rain, hail or snow, that must EernedyO After UHii.g two bottles of tho ,.rU f. xhk ami Nervous ... go. Ilinkle, tho jaweler, does 11 at, at 25-.-ent size he was cured. I Kivo this 'Jhev nn5c p(ne bind an I mio.u: lu-uvj'd Blowett's shoo atom. testimonial, hoping omo one Simla, ly '.MI' b,ii, ,, V(l, hciilih. E.ivio FOR RKNT.-Three-ioomed Iioiihl-flUctcd-taay lead it, and be benefitted. t,k6. r.v them. Onlv 25 eentr. unnd l1.,..,.inn: l!? nr .,, , .....! Tl.iiiinin.l!..iw,ir.J!i.iirai?n. I?.n. ,.!.. M r . i '...,. ., ' ' """, ('"J''' - - f .-.,-.. , - - . . iu ( iuiii.y 11 11:11 11 not uuiuii. . omu ny thiu ollice. Dj nliarugrfUM.. -v- , i 1 Copper Qu-en Company and llijbeo 1 '..Jl If you find the way to our dentsl pari rs ri!'t now it may save you a lot of expene aud pain a year from now. So iw people aren't very mii'di noujerue I ah 1 it troubles that aro a year in tho d' " but a year will II .' around i:i a veiy ni.iri time. It's noillier expensive nor pii'i f ul i to have littlo cavities in tho ttwli filled. You'll hi ohlicod tor Hie hint. D. W. IC. ClIAMIIKJia, Chisholm Buildup. - 1.1 my ii . mm s if iB ill m ijiii 1 si. : No ti . . f -.plication for ratciit TIM GRIFFITH, Proprietor. Finest Turnouts in the City, Morses boarded by 'the week, day or mouth. HorseS" bought and sold. Complete hack service. Hacksnvill meet all trains. Good service, .... Upper Main St. - Bisbee, Arizona iiinitig Application 2o. 701, S.i.-voy No Viii. U 3 Offloe, Iiicjom, Ariuo:i.t. NOTICED howlv ylven th it'm piii-siiduee nt tho IfnilO'l ijl.iloi .'liniiiir Uuui,Uiu Coii1.oi- yucon Consul dutcd Mitiin,- coinimu. , n uor- porutlouo ri ii.sjJ 11.1I0.' t.u l.uv! 01 tiu i Mute of Kov X01U, liy itnujront, Koo 'iVll- f lining. ,vli3j postollica iuliiivt.1 is UiiLo-, f Coelilnocuuata". VWo:m, hm mutla uyplio.i- J rlon lor pa out tor H3I lineal- tuet of t I Giin itj lo.lo muiln0' cl'ihn, Ut:i.steil I.. tlit " Vmiii-iJii lii.-.iiny; ill ti-ict, Cot-li si luauij. I . leirnorj 01 aiiuua, U oout-:it-u- i. ;iio ottioi ti il 1) hoio.vitli Mt-d uiti! I ti.o I Hind nuleiu'i no in tiiooill.-vof tlulti.jiti ot tlie U ft LnuJXJJu-e, tJlla Ii:ut ilkri'!, TURF SALOON. .JAS. LETSON, Proprietor' Tnusoti. A 1 iiu i. .is toliowa. to- it : Mu'ii.lki variation tur ul. vm i.'io. li dccu'cn lu li.tiintL-v Lust. 1 h.-rtiinii.i- tit 1011101- No 1. iile itii'ul irlth th.i uust con o-' iiiOiiiini'jat f tnv? ti'jt.n.j.i fun' ;u liii'i t-7! Col pnt- . 1 own I0J0 l.i ..iir- fhe Home Bakerv 'SlMf i",Tr3t"rS? Flayed jTUut. 1 Drug Ktore. Stop, ThiHf of Timo, aud lmvo'you watch icpaited. ilinkle, the j-nv.lor, ifeavos you the secou !. IJIewett ihoo store. rtilMm vejCiiJ, 11 inni ii i fi.vt iu a, 1 nun r. Eiiuuru, yei .. In; .if -i in t.'m tfinu.ii ni ii inoiiiKl 01 iitnur, tii-ribcd 1-13J1, xvl.cuct) U S v il lN 1 lioui-s it il iUtOo, Hi imiiiltoe L 'Ji S tost. 'ihoiioj ti it ilcirrwii, 43 miiltes ti 5.'i fc 1 to -, a uluo jioxt S leol Imi,;. -i iiurlics ,'i'i no. M.t ill tlio irioulut. mil. iiifiiifiH (.1 .1 1 t.. s-rihml J'iJL Tlwuiio li Ii Ujroe, W HimutoiW 011 lino 3-2 biiroi .no YiJ, lit otlioi- J.iliujitliaii In to lOii 7 leoi, to iM.-iidi- r j :'.. iiloim i'ul v, itli i.t. 1 nor iN ". hurvoy- lrU u, in o ii Juhn.itliiti l.j,lu, ixiid i-oius.' LNo.u, .'j '.'I U .(!-. Sun l-ia; 11 itii9 putt in mwoini ol tton u rmul il 1 .ii (J, iio 'i U Ji 11 C . 1 i.iia a-ijj.. Tliuuo U ti'itloretf 0J iniii.i?-. A" ou li-m 6 siilNny Xj en, liii'i in ., II t-' enrnur :io 1, a (tin. m : . nn: 1 1 ei h'llllll-?, t,.1t U llllll.'. .11 t'l ..v. .Ill -.1 .lit 11101:11:! o! sto,.ii tii-i- jh. --. - 'lill-llOO.N II rlr.ft'tfdJ, Ii i.i.llilW 'f 5.; fot. to coruui- ;. 1, 11 pi.10 po it iVst i i, 1 illL'llijtii.ll o, ..It ii l-l'.M 1!. llld -.u .1. iili 1.1.1 1'i.i ... s-.iiii mii :i e't "f.iii 'i livil :- ,. 1 i;r .'.. i I'll... v . V. .1 1 1 11-iMllH, S l,OII'lll.l ..If, .. . uoruor h 1 11 , pino 1 .. .u ..10 ....I ji . ,.1. Tlisiiwa u .! i.-.u-o. 1 ....1 nre "V'o 1 1 -,.. - S SIM V:v .Nil it , 1 to I.t i.i.'.Jm I iCIut. 1 . .11 No ?, U .1 . J. . S I. IOI Ulllf. .ll'-llvJ ii t I. L l t t- llll-ll "a 1 tl0 K"Ji: ' ' K11 111.J...... 1. NtOllO pOl ...1,1 I-. til Tlieiiuv 1 i.'ni ki cos, IT it: ill lien 15 11 8 foul to co. ilk :..j v, u pmu pj.t J luu: tonj, t innliOJ miim'c, of II inutii. in tie riii.iiuI itji imiiiin! ia. an) o ixn-lu- (I -a JJl I'lieiit-.i . n ui .-j.ij, 'i nuii.iioj Ia on lino ti r. uroi lut (..- .(DUJiiU.itu ! uo, IiX ?ioSt tt. iioinoi No 'J, 11 pltio post in iioiin.i ot ..tunc suriltDil . 1 1 . 1 ., .n.j 1 111.1l 'J'.'t-H i'iinnue ' )l il.-,;i'fO, 4J miimto 11 .111 5-3, Hiurej a.i a, tzuiaon in.i .oile, ilj icot to iu. in i' :i.j l0. 11 piuu ivjt in 1110. in 1 nt !.tO!l3 1 .-lOl.i .u-iJil Thotuu i i i 4rcii, '" iil'imtcn h o:i!!'i, C-'i, Co nmrVn- , -i bile, - A ii t, to uai 11. -r a 11, iiiwiepi A 1 mt loiu.'" untie, h t I.! lna..i.i. ii 1,1 M'-ii ni.iiiii.l u, btOIlUl. KJl. .-l!. llmnj n h,". ihv.i'' 01 0i li'.h-iilctf E MT.i. fort tOCO UI'1-aN.I1, llW PIIU-OOJ lllll.llll,i Tot'iluir.t 11 r u.f, Liiipi it.i mile, o.jZ dm. Tlu .i.l i.) hi ij I'lit.m i-i,; ot ic-ohI Ii tlio oitu. if ii'.o imi llm of Co'liWo I'oiiui. UV i'oiuiwtdiio .1 tlu ciuntj uuU and torn tori ii.iku-m , hi tio.ilv i., 1'uk I)'. lU'oont Ot .iii..i'., tlin 1-tOt.iniiuil uaiurui coiiim) o. di ico ,iu .! .I11 i.uiil Gail I to ludo r.nniii; Oa'llhll lialllj: HII.MI Oil tllrf plllt p.iatn li4iotitn,iii. ww 11. run bo iletii: iiiincil tio., prison 1 1I01 1 imu.uiti, tin I'lidm lining: lo n i"t ii-;rro. 11 muicitvn h i-'t ii o t.i our i. xo 1, unit 1 1 li',r oo, J uilunuii f ojj ii-o J. A. S. MILLER, Prop. Is now open for business in tlte Duffy building, Brewery Gulch, and is now icady to furnish patrons with the best of Fesh Bread, Cakes and Pies At ed-Rock Prices. He will also continue business for a time at -the-laud, O. K. vSLieet, next to the Orb 'oftice. "'"v Kn''w'-',ryrwinifZTSr'r'f.iz f"t- .j- Z.rr.ra'asajep: j.Are You Agoing; I To be Hoodooed All Your Life? m mil 11 it iiimim 1- ?!.--' fcj. - -i Church Notice . aF7 ." ' I Tlii'l ft.n ..I....T. . .I.TI.. fc...t .. 1 i i t '11 - -v a. j . ..... . . . efthoUody. -.nfcmC tlfecpitof I'liffVyyiJlir tl..Ari,.,na Mission, will 'pr,.,,!, i-u-ated ; m, IHxW wiih'fm- l to.tJ' touiaeh, .Mi el .ippo.lte foVri.,.,- k. xto .Me'difKliHt dmu-h (hall) tamor-' nit..... and v,.ry n-ly ;nMu - 11..',-'iV'.'eby Vjh.'" V bS p'u' V' '" jlniple9 or -mo are a. poiitivo o 1 1. urn kit morning and cvimuiik. Conininnionl a itMiauraiu; unit le.wmit.i.. .i.,t,. ,Jsllir I. .. .0 im iltmw, tn-lt: nf Imniiri, 1.'. ...I. V at ...-I.... 111 i.....r f .i.., , t. ' ... ,,r'1"l". 'M'I"J On tlio no. wi !ii ill V.i Sii).t; suiirN loflo - "". . ...... ., .-- -ri " awiiiiiui-n.-.ii. hh.iiik inn iiiorn-,in p.'itini or oy letter, to il. J. O'l; .ii.n mii-toy tfo .oiiti-n vnto imte, COinoeo it in Ht'tw n'irilte.1 in or.t- ,,. m.;'h-h. Sun, i; Hu'ind nt Ifln. m vit.'. .. . Uio.c.i I aim i.imi.-,um.u i 0,1 mo . . . ...... "I"" ' .N.UItl, ..l,. Ill Kllrltj Ml JIJ lUMllll'I-JoJlU ittlll'l l (i OUlliin tro.M Ji.'ii.ui. Ai.Kui's i.. nt, A I iriu hmtrd. . lu tin t'o un.e toun Uun.u id To Rent: Eloxir Inni . v t uln I tu ouro s..,- ul Olous otjaS'i'ij d'tu: liot-.jiis pi- aiy . .1 r blcod (JlwHiidUly a wpndeVi ul remedy and o rfeli every bbttlo on a positive guarantee. Sold by J'. S. Williama & Co, - Kstpeth'tu'i is tho heat teacher. Use . Aeher'u ICiiylhih Ueniedy in any eaHe of cough's, colds or nlmp. Hhould it fail td kIvo, imii)u(litut relief money re-1 A 'rKO sunny, wtdl-vetitllated 100111, funded, 23 etB. aud 50 cts, Sold by J. ! suitable for ollice. Howell ave. lioxt to S. 'Wllllatas &" Co. ! Chamberii' drtal parlors. JD21 . oppar outh all ted Mliiliitr ( 1. n ... . All) m.'l 1 !' OIK-vlllllllill.r I (lit kilTy mo i'Oi 1 1.1 ! -t t " n itin.i (.lulu or i.uriaou v -j-i it mid ro.pii'O.l liitlut, iiitvtu m 1 1 11.. ? m nil mi) iiuHtoi-,il iiit ij Luntl r.i-o .a la "Kin. fn tin lo.'i-itoi, o iViiznnii, tli- iKi) iliMPJi-iiil . pub j ...i .,1 . t ) tit . -Nill Do I1.11.. Ii.w III no III 111 1 ptOVlMDIII ol tlio StUlHt. .iif.lU.i. IC, MOOKe.'fiHloi-.ICr:, Hi, t tiiivr 1 ii'iiu'rttirru -e.itiift- si, .si We led nl' of our own meats nn.ler 'loe insncelion. therefore in huv-3 inj ymn inoata from u you aro takunr 11 1 cluncesof eatinifdioeased 4 meatu, th it you aro Unfile to whn hiiyinn from parties that nhips dre1d uifu-s f um out of town, wheiptheie is liable to bo hog choh'i i or Tox-ir f. vor. and von know nntliinar i' irlut kind of meat von nreettiu;:. Wo handle nothing onlj the that money can liny. i ' Satitfaotion guaranteed. " C. A. Overlock &' Bro., Union'Ilarieei. 4t4tort4444MittQtiyXW4toe44Q1Vi4 j THE AZURITE GKO. S5JNN, Proprietor. N. (JA1 Your Trade Solicited. Everybody Welcome, ai 54l 11 $ tUt til 1 if, '' -Ja :-m .m s r y &fc . 3 M I IT k m ' 19S i3!Sigi$!l tttt Vtf-RTPSSliM3