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Eff2&! ggsBsaflgEEMEaaaiga 33SM8rtM & ?" t b - T-r. -rasr smsmmmsmi , I , . ( r r ' " . - 'I J" M. ' Iter .. 4 "; ,. .',, . - v - 3 .-W"' .'!"' :?i li--. ,' .. x- J v c-.;. V "MUf m$ in .j.y.iM-l'i;,r; - , mrci m irtQ'W -'.Bl n h Saflret class accommodations, newly furnih-l rooms. the boat the market ationis, nt live aim let-live price. public is' rwwpcci fully milioiteil and satUfm'.tion guaranteed. - W ' " r" ' Tablu tfuppHedwitl. Tim )ilroitaue ul the AKfZOKA HMfaamaMMMMMHMtai NOTICE OF APrLICATiOH FOR . S. PATENT. 1 WiHKiNnUliBB. . Us A. . Survey 3 ISM. -J V .- I. .. ,r- I lief i )L I'Sl&ls & mmllmi wssrr PT3PrtST Bisbce. trade especially catered to. h LEON LARRIEU. Prnieior. i - - jr ' ARIZONA. TEJlJl ..I u-i l -I AIRBAKIw, Take the Santa Fe f " Route vf.i t o -IrUUM .. aka KTcS- on; taiai ..W J-inJ' .. ! 4Tp all Northern or Eastern points. Close com nections made at Kansas Qty and Chicago with all the Northern and Eastern liuu. i cars w nm msm carj i10k All meals not serwd in Dining Curs are taken at the popnlar Santa .Fe Route Harvey Kilting Houses. - full iuiorm:tiou cheerfully furnished upon application to " ' 'J ''f. b. HOUGHTON, or W. P.. RKOWX, ,, . , Geul Azt lil 1'ubo. T-x. T. F. & V. A.. Kl Paso. T-x ii i i .. I., . . i ...,.., I., . , . .. i , 4. Important Gateways 4 THROUQH. FAST FREIQHT TEXASB 1 J PACIFIC j? H-. , S- v- JAKD PASSENOER SERVICE .' T,be direct (hroagh lino from Ariiona and New lCaxies to all polnti in the north, rant and aoutheaat. Low altitude. Perfect panenger terrice. Through cart. Kolay-OTers. Latest Pattern Pullman Buffer Sleepara. Handsome New Chair Cars. Speed, safety and comfort combined. . For paitienlars addreta. 9,nV. DAHBYHHiRE, i:, 8.W.F.P.A 4.: El Paio, Texas. ",. a. P. & T. A., Dallas, Texas, V - "HO TROUBLE TO ANSWER QUISTI0N8." ; b.;w. CURTIS, T. F. & P. A. 1 Paso, Texas -rr. ' vRKMto sgES nRL -fl rMisttPsTTTsiK' I fls A BBBHssBsHEtUBbssUaHsslHEBBBBBH JJv JV iK SB sIbbHHbuAb iiiiii .siiiiDiiiiHtBSPIIiST r Br OljK'fl jHTHIB iSjHiiHKVvalsl9ia I Mr K" JRKSjPnM isBllWiBiisiiiiiiiiiBiiiBiBFsra! V . a ml t aaa Yikp s7 j4 a4.1TaJl MAftAlHSsl VHHP V IBS' tHRfrfll 1 " i"" " w r jii 1 HE. delights of an fvcninj; spent around, a well-lighted read ing table are not half understood. An illustrated magazine .; WVU 113 WMHII VI MilUWIU)lwiiwv. ......, .. H a ! P A t tl- .ua. akka In At A. MAMniaf . . love, IB descriptions or travel wnicn carr yvu w uic inuic nds 'of the earth, and Its instructive articles for young and old these are the first requisites for your own -enjoyment and the entertainment ind proper education of yodr children. Ow.. e- To secure for you the best and most Interesting of the great illus trated magazines at the lowest possible price has been the aim of the editor of this journal. That we have succeeded we leave our reader to judge. A special eontnet recently entered into with The Cosmo politan, which seeks to become better known in this neighborhood, has enabled us to offer you a year's subscription to the greatest of the illus trated magazines together with a year's subscription to this journal, BiTogeMneYearforOnljfl set J I! 4' ?'?? . ' '" '' ' y'"': i '-:' bH4 fi '. , f In this way. you secure your ow kome paper and an illustrated magazine, at a. price that " only about 1 fourth of what some of the illustrated magazine sell for. For three years The Cosmopolitan hae tndisputedly claimed that it raaehtd the largest clientele possessed by atty(feriddlcaliauy weekly r monthly, in the world. It was The Cosmopolitan which sent Julian Hawthorne to India to let the world kiow the real horrors of famine and plague. It was The- Cosmopoi Itari which established ?t Hs owb eost a great Free Correspondence University which' now has ver 30,000 students on its rolls. It was The Cosmopolitan which offered a prize of 3,000 for the best horse lev carriage and prizaefor best plans for public baths, and best arrange went of sewer and pipe syfltam for cities. It was The Cosmopolitan which act the preside f free scheole and universities seriously ffecustinrtka defect f iMMar educational systems. It is The MMOpolitan when Mfcrpria always in the lead m advancing the MJk,vw,,. Cnltud 9ratrvLnd Office, Tuceen ,Ari z'bnA, Octoir Kin. 15?k N11T1CK IS HffiriKBT OIVEW, That in purauance of Chapter Six of Title i Thirty-two ( thf lleviscil Statute or the United Stte. thu South Dlabee Copper lUnins ard TwiiaitImprove ment Company, a Corpo:tln, whoa rout Office addrese la 13 bee, 'Ationa, by Lynn Helm, lta authorUed ajent, wliuso postofllce aildreea Is Loa An teles, CuMfornla. clalmlugr the follow Intc lode mining locations, te-wlt; 1.109 feet of the Cepper Glance Loda, cevor Intr 900 feet North, 4 degree 12 min utes West from the discovery shaft, and :00 feet South, 4ft degrees 63 min utes East therefrom, with sarfaoe ground 00 feet In wldtfci; 1,10 fet of .he California Lode, covering 219 feet North, CO degrees Wet from tke dis covery shaft, and S6? feet Suth, SO de trreea East therefrom, wttb surface ground SOS feat In wldt; 1,1M feat of the Contentment Lode, overlap 0 feet North, ii degree. 2? satautee West from the discovery ht. fcsid -Ms feet South, 42 doffrec iX sr4nuofl'- Vast therefrom, with surface groad 0e feet in width; 1.1U fset ef (ha Qaqtilence Lode, coverlns 910 feet North, it de crees 26 minutes West from the dis covery shaft and 224 feet South, 41 de crees 25 minutes East therefrom, with surface ground 609 feet in width; 1,134 feet of the ComtJtock Lode, covering 915 feet .North, 43 devreea 28 minutes West from the discovery shaft and 219 feet South, 43 degrees 25 minutes East therefrom, with surface ground 800 feel In width; 1,300 feet of the Bryan Lode, covering 1.01D feet North, 18 degrees 23 minutes West from the discovery shaft, and 260 feet South, IS degrees :: minutes East therefrom, with' surface trround 600 feet In width; apt 1,590 feet of the Moiloc Lodo, covering 1,140 feet South, 12 degrees 29 minutes, Eost from the dlecovcry shaft and 3W feet North. 12 degrees 0 minutes West therefrom with surface ground 608 fevt In width; All bearing gold, silver and copper, unci situate In the Gila Land District. War ren Mining district, Cochise County, Arizona, has made application to the L'nitetl States for a patent for the aah: mining claim, which is more fully de scribed as to metes and bound?, by tht Ofllclal Pint posted 'en the claim", fend by the Field Notes of survey thereof, on file In the office of the United States Land Office at Tucson, Arizona, which Field Notes of survey describe th. boundaries and extent of said claim or he surface with magnetic variation a' ;l degrees 4S minutes East, as fallows '.o-wlt: Survey No. 1392. Copper Glanc- Lode. Eelnnlng at corner No. 1, beln, he Northwest corner of location, s line pot surrounded by a mound o: stones, scribed 1-1392 C. G. L., whenc he Nnrtii end center of the Bryan 'Lod if this survey bears North 13 degree? ;il minutes 30 seconds, West 47.2 fei nd the point of intersection of th.- North end line of thl lode and th. North end line of the Bryan Lode ol this survey bears Nort U degrees 5' 'nlnutes, East 85.B feet and Unl'.ei "tates mineral monument No. 4 bea:v N'orth 27 degrees 15. mlnutea Wes . ;,117 feet; thence North 46 decrees J ninutes. East 85.5 feet to Intersection with line 1-2 Bryan lode of this surrey t North 80 degrees 17 mlnufes, East ,:5.5 feet from corner No. 2 Bryan lode aforesaid, 600 feet to corner No. Z: thence South 49 degree 53 minutes ICast 1,109 feet to cdrner No. 3; thence ottth 46 degrees 52 minutes. West 600 eet to corner No. 4 Identical with cor ner No. 2 of the Contentment Lode o this sur.vey; thence North 49 degrees 5: ninutes, West 530.78 feet to lntersoc ion with line 2-3 of Bryan lode of thlr urvey at South 18 degrees 33 minute art 494.91 feet from corner No. 2 o' he Bryan lode aforesaid, 1,109 feet to orner No. 1, the place of b"gnuing. Survey No. 1392. California Lode. Be Mnnlng at corner No. 1, being thr N'orthwest corner of location and Iden leal with corner No. 2 of the Copp.' Glance Lode of thl survey, a pine por-t surrounded by a mound of earth an ' stones, scribed 1-1892 Cal., L.; whenc? United Stales mineral monument No. "tears North 31 degrees Zi minutes West 8,375 feet; thence North 46 de jreos 52 mlnutesEast 600 feet to corner No. 2; thence South 49.degrees52 min ites, East 1,109 feet to corners No. X 'hence South 46 degrees 52 mlnute West 600 feet to corner No. 4; thenct Vorth 49 drrrrees 52 minutes, 'W"st 1.10' feet to corner No. 1. the place of be ginning. Survey No. 1892. Contentment Lode Beginning at corner No. 1, being the Northwest corner of location, a plnr post surrounded by a mound of earth and atones, scribed 1-1392 Ct. L.; whence Northeast center of the Modoc Lode of this survey bears South 1 de gree 47 minutes 47 seconds, East (9.41 feet; and corner No. 3 of the Bryan Lode of this survey bears South 86 de grees 24 mlmites 7 seconds, East 297.9S feet and United States mineral monu-, ment No. 4 bears North. 26 degree:i 20 1-3 minutes, West 9,306.1 feet; thenct North 46 degrees 62 minutes,, jEnst in tersectlng lln,e. 2-3 of the Bryan Loie ot this survey at a point 3.5:: f '.H .No-1 ' 46 degrees 52 minutes East from " North end center of this loli, .tidN r t8 degrees 33 minute?, W-s. "ZSSZ ' from corner No. 3 of Br rri Lo-le -tto. said. 600 feet to corner No. 2; lb i South 43 degrers V7 mln-ite" K"" ; '.' 'cot to corner No. 3, .loiii ,' v.-ltb '' ier No. 4 of the Con'cru'' Loe ' 'iN diirvey; thence South !5 le: r 2 minutes, West 60 f.;t t. t; thence North 43 dcj;r-,e" West interscctlnir tho 'l' fot'oc T.odo of this fin- ev, T'JS feet from cornor Kr. I minutes;. .Cast 1,U fit to eom- Ne. ft. .thente South 46 dsgrees fa, uilnuros; Weet 00 feet to comer Ne. 4; thuase i North U degree .1 mtnates, Uet 1.14 Vcet to crner e. L Ue e';aa; b i ginning. their adverse olalms are duly filed as according U law and the regulations thereunder withi the time prescribed by law, with the Register of the United atate Land Office at Turson, Ariaona, thoy will b barred hj the oreviituus ."urvey No. w. Comatock Lode-. Be- d statute, itlnniug at corner No. L being the MILTON It. MOORE, N'orthwest corner of location, aud lieu- ! Register. ual with corner No. 2 of the Conn- Date of first publlcxtlon, Friday, Oc- .tnce Lod of thl survey, and corner tober 29th. 1199. N'o. 4 of the California Loie and cor- ..... .ier No. Z of the Copper Glance Lode NOTIOH OP APPLICATION FOR ,C this SHrvey. a. ptu post surrounded , PATENT. y a mound of earta and stones. , scribed 1-lsK Ck L.; whence Unlil J M. A. Ne. 691, Surrey Ne. 1232. states mineral monnmeat No. 4 bears ' Norm degree minutes. West J.033 feet; thence North 43 degrees ii imiuicB, .k soo fwt to cornw No. a; .. fffU'f eiYiltasiitm $l35B3&4fiZ!. .rnv ' ml'i'i ?, oi '' ;l nil1' ".is t.. r.d ttouth 12 "tr i'p ir'.-njte 1 X) foot finm comor V.i ' "t f- ' doc Lodo- afdresaid, and interseqtinpr 'Ins 3-4 of the Bryan Lode of this s'ir- vsv. at South 43 dearrees 27 minutes East 82.6 feet from corner No. 1 of this lode, and North 80 Begrees"s17 minutes. East 244.23 feet from corner No. 3 ef the Bryan Lode, aforesaid, 1,114 feet to corner No. 1. the place of beginning. Survey No. 1392. Condence"L'ode. Be ginning at corner No. 1, being the Northwest corner of location, identical with corner No. 2 of the Contentment Lode of .this survey, a pine post sur rounded by a mound of earth and stones, scribed 1-1392 Ce. L.; whence United States mineral monument No. 4 bears North 29 degrees 16 minutes, West 9.151 feet; thence North 46 de grees 62 mlautes, East 600 feet to cor- utence bout r degrees 21 minutes. Kast 1.134 fat to corner No. I, thence South 4t degrees Sf minute. West 600 'eet to corner No, 4. theaca North 41 legrees 37 minute. Weal 1.134 feot to orner No. 1, the pbaca of beginning. Survey No, Mto. Bryan" Lode, Be ginning m (erner No. l, Ving the Northwest eorner ef locattoa. a Din post surrounded by a mound, of stones scribed 1-H jj. l.; wkence United States mineral mempraeat Ne. 4 hear N'orih 23 decrees 47 miiiutHs West, 7. ?19.l feet; thence North 84 degrees 17 minutes. East 800 feet; whence cornor No. 1 of the Copper GlaaceLod. ot this survey bears South 13 degrees XI min utes 30 seconds, Bast 47.2 feet, 374. S feet Intersecting line 1-2 of the Copper Glance Lode of this survey at North 16 degrees 52 minutes, Eist 85.5 feet from corner No. 1 of that lode, 600 feet to corner No. 2; thence South 12 de crees 33 minutes, East 494.91 feet to in tersection of line 1-4 of the Copper CJlance Lode of this survey at South 49 lesrees 52 minutes. East 78.22 feet 'rom corner No. 1 of tho Copper Glance r.ode aforesaid, 1,061.38 feet to Intersec tion with line 1-2 of the Contentment Lode of this survey at North 46 do frees 52 minutes, East 203.12 feet from orner No. 1 of Contentment Lode foresaid, 1,300 feet to corner No. 8 of his lode: thence South SO degrees 17 ninutes. West Slt.28 foet to Intersect ion with line 1-4 of Contentment Lo!e f this survey at South 43 degrees 27 ninutes, East 32.S feet from corner No of Contentment Lode aforesaid, 60C 'tet to corner No. I, identical with cor ler No. 1 of ttic Moloc Lode of this survey; thence North 18 degrees 3a minutes. West 1,500 feet to corner No. I, the place of beginning. Survey No. 1392. Modoc Lode. Be lnnlng at corner No. 1, being the Vorlhwest corner of location, and Iden tical with corner No. 4 Bryan Lode of his survey, a pine post surrounded by mound of earth and stones, scribed 1-1392 M: L.; whence United State nlneral monument No. 4 bears North 3 degrees 2 minutes, West 9,115 feet nd corner No. 1 of the Contentmen L.ode of this survey bears North 87 de :rees 43 minutes. East J17.S fest; thT.c .Worth 20 degrees 17. minutes. East 355.77 et to Intersection of line 1-4 of Con entment Lode of this survey at South 3 decrees 27 mlnuti-e, Eat H.i feet ,'rom corner No. 1 of the Contentment ro.'.e aforesaid. 600 feet to corner No. 3 of this lode, identical with corner No. "3 of the Bryan Lode of this "survey: ' hence South' 12 degrees 20 minutes, East 393 fpet to point of Intersection vlth line 1-4 of the Contentment Lode f this survey at South 43 degrees 'Intites. F.vst 554.7 feet from eorner ."Co. 1 of the Contentment Lode afore- aid, 1.500 feet to corner No- 3: thenct 'outh SO degree 17 minutes, West 600 feet to corner No. 4. thence North i: defrees 20 minutes. West l.COO feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning. TOTAL AREA OF CLAIM. Total and net area of Copper Glance Lode. 16.17 acres. Total and net area of California Lode, 15.17 acres. Total and net area of Contentmen! Lode, 15.61 acres. Total and net area of Confidence Lode, 15.61 acres. Total and net area of Comstock Lode, 15.61 acres. Total area Bryan Lode 17.69 acres 'ess area In conflict with Copptr Glance Lode of this survey. 1.88 acr-'S. and less irea in conflict with Contentment Lode of this survey, .948 acres. Net area o 3ryan Lode, 14.912 acres. Total area Modoc Lole 20.64 acres less area In conflict with Contentmen' Lode of this survey, 1.10 acre. Net area of Modoc-dofle, 19.54 acres. Net area of this lode claim; 111.6.;2 acres. Te.e surveys of all the above de scribed lodes are identical with, oi within their respective locations. Thl claim is located about a mile and a nai South of the town of Bisbee, in th' ,aid Warren Mining District, sai.1 County of Cochise, and will, when pub lie land surveys are extended over this section of country, be embraced ap proximately in Townsr'ip 23 Sou.i range 24 East. Gila and Salt River Basi and Meridian, Arisona. Ti(e amended locations of the abow $jid following described lodes arc re corded as follows: Of the copper Glance in Book 14, nt page 50; ot tne California, in Book 14, at page 530; of the Contentment, in Book li nt page 531; of the Confidence, in Book 11, a! page 557; of the Comstock, In Book 1 1 at page 532; of the Bryan, In Bool; 14, at page 534, and of the Modoc In Boole 14, at page 556; said book being of Hi- Records of Mines of the Record;) of Cochise County, Arizona Territory. The presumed general course or til rectlon of the vein, lode, or mineral de posit of the above described lodes re spectively is shown upon the plat post ed on the claim, as nearly as can be de termined from present development this claim being for the linear feet of each lode thereof as hereinabove set forth, respectively, together with the surface ground shown upon the ofllclal United States Land Office. Tuoaon, Ari zona, October 18th. 1899.' NOTICK IS HEREBT GIVEN, That Martin Costello, whose postofflce ad dress Is Tombstone. Cochise County, Arisona Territory, has made applies-" tloft for a patent for 1,495 linear feet of the "Roy" and 1,495 linear feet of th? "Le" mining claims, bearing copper and other minerals, situate In the "Warren" Mining District, Cochise County, Arizona Territory, and de scribed In the official plat and flel : notjfs ob file la this office, us follow::, via: "Roy" Lode Claim. Beginning a. oorner No. 1, Identical with location corner, a pine post X feet long 4 Inches square, set 1 foot In ground, to bed rock. In mound of stones, scribed i-1282 R. M. C. whence United States min eral monument No. 4 of "Warren" Mining Dlstrl&t bears North 62 degrees 22 minutes East 4..'25 feet', thence South 49 degrees 01 minutes West 1.495 feet to corner No. 2. a pine post 4 feet long 4 Inches square In mound of stones. scribed 2-1282 R. M. C; thence South 47 degrees 16 minutes East 593.5 feet to corner No. 3, Identical with location corner, a pine post 4 feet long 4 Inches square In mound of stones, scribed 3-1282 R. M. C; thence North 49 de grees 01 minutes East 495 feet to corner No. 4, a pine post 4 feet long 4 Inches square in mound of stones, scribed 4-1282 R. M. C; thence North 47 de grees 16 minutes 598.5 feet to place of beginning. Variation at all corners 12 degrees 20 minutes East. Area 20.25 acres. "Leo Lode Claim. Beginning at eor ner No. 1. Identical witty location cor ner and with corner No. 1 of "Roy" lode, scribed In addition to marks -i ready noticed 1-1252 L. M. C, whence United States mineral monument No. 4 hears North 62 degrees 22 minutes East 4,225 feet; thence South 49 degrees 01 minutes West 1.433 f,e,e.t to corner No. 2. Identical with corner No. 2 "Roy" Lode, scribed, In addition, 2-1282 L. M. C: thence North 23 degrees 50 minutes West 612 feet to corner No. 3. a nine post 3 feet long 4 inches square in mound of rock scribed 3-1282 L. M. C: thence North 52 decrees 22 minutes East 1,470.5 feet to corner No. 4, a pine post three feet long 4 inches square in mound of stone, scribed 4-1232 L. M. C; thence South 23 degrees B0 minutes East 522.5 feet to corner No. 1, the plare of beginning. Variation at all corners t2 degrees 20 minutes East. Area 1S.C0 acres. Total area of both lode olalms, 23.85 acres". In Township 23 South of Range 24 East (unsurveyed). Gila and Salt River Meridian. The locations of the mines Is recorded In the Recorder's of fice of Cochise County. Arizona, on pages 575-8-7 or Book 9. of .Records of Mines. Adjoining claimants nre the wood Chopper." survey No. 1C61. and "Tip Top." .urvey No. 1067. on the Northeast, and tiie "Wagner." survey No. 1121, on the SoutheMt. All persons holding adverse claims thereto are required to present tti same before this oniee within sixty days from the first day of publication hereof, or they will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the statute. MILTON R. MOORE. ReglstflP. Date of first publication. Friday, Oc tober f0th, 1SC9. in a wash, a wIIubai corner Ne. 1 bears North 49 dgreos 54 mlastea west, H feet. A pine post i feot leng. 4 iu. senate set in a mound of :utg, ve foot in ground t bod-nScJc scribed. 1-1J44 YT. C. L. M. C. waence Uaite Statee mineral monument-No. 1 ef tl Warren Mining District, bear South degrees 48 minutes East 1,987.4. f from true ooraar point; thence Soutt. 54 degrees 25 minutes West, fat. feet to center of East side line, a pine post 1 feet long, 4 inches square set lit mount) ef stones L50 feet same bear)n U, corner No. 2, a pine post 8 fclVt lou8 4 incites square set in mound of etonss, 10 inches in ground, scribed. ,ri34 L. M. C; thence north 49 degrees 4jil" mfn-Htes-West, 300 feet to South er4,cen ter a pine post S& feet high',;iet In mound of stones, IS Inches ln'feifoumL scribed. JL. M. c 1241. 601.2 feetj jiame bearing o corner No. 3, a pln post 3 feet long, 4 inches square. tL oh. X chiseled, in bed-rock, surround)!, bya mound of stones, scribed 3-134ULUG; thence North 54 degrefea U uiiuutea East, 750 feet t center of Wefi tde line, a pine post hi moun-1 nf sto'nesi 1,500 feet same bearing to eoriiir No. 4, Identical with a corner of lui!jtU4n. a pine post 3 feet iong, 4 inches sqtUre. set IS Inches In ground, surroJrtJi by mound of' stones, scribed 4-1344-iIi.' M. C; thence South 49 degrees 54 minute East 301.3 feet- to center end moaiirent. .ldeatlcul with location monument; -a pine post X .feet Ions. 4 Inches styiire set on X chiseled on a roef of rec'a. surrounded by a mound ef sU;ic. scribed L. M C. 1344; 591.7 feet same bearing to witness corner No. i, already doscribod; 001. J feet to. corner itk I (the true corner) tiie piaoe ef begta nlng. Area of claim, 20.0:9 acres. The zald mining claim being ef re cere" In the office of the Recorder ef" Cochise County in Book 14, Record of .Mines, pages 22 and 22. at Tombstone, in th County and Territory aforesaid, tk? presumed general course or direction f the said Labrador vela, lode or.ihln eral deposit being shown upon the ptat posted herewith, as near as can io de termined from present develop:?., this claim being for tlfteea hundred (1,500) linear feet thereof, together with the surface ground shown upon "the official, plat posted herewith, the ta'.t vein, lode and mln'ns promises' herefty sought to be pa'tn'el. being bounded as follows, to-wlt: There are ue aii joining claims. . Any and alt persons cjairning ki vorsely any porthm of said mlne.vir surface ground' are required to lie their adverse claims with the Register of the United Stat LMid Ohio" t Tucson. Pima County, In the Territery of Ariz ma, during the sixty cayS period of pnbilca'ion thereof, or they will be barred by virtue hf the prvfis leas of the statute. MtLTON H. MOORS. Register. First ?ultlic4 fun. October 21, iSr. f &$mtti&r? hwmm&msm 5 tsi&iSffl3&S5BBmstt pitfej yff t7- r i i avl-PUri.rLliiTi e v i t &&&! I ' THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. 4- WORLO-VIDE CIRCULATION ; Tranty Pages; Weekly;IllttstraWl: j Indispensabls ro" Mining Men. T3?.ZX?XHXA3tS KE.TEA2. fSTfAS XtMtJL CO-ICS PUS. MIHIHG HD SCIESriFlO PRESS, NOTICE FOR OF APPLICATION PATENT. Minii)j Application Vo 703. Survey No. 1314. United States Land Office. TtJfros. ()i utr in. If:p0 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That in pursuance of the United States Min ing Laws, M. J. Brophy and E. B. Ma son, whose postofflce address Is Bisbee. Cochise County, Arizona, have made application for patent for fifteen hun dred (1.500) linear feet of the Labrador lode mining claim, situated In the War ren Mining District, Cochise County, Territory of Arizona, ns describe b the official plat herewith posted and b; the field notes on (lie in the ofilcu ot the Register of the United SUtes Land i Office, Gila Land District, Tucson Arizona, as follows, Magnetic variation for all corners. 12 degrees 25 minutes East. Beginning at corner No. 1, ldent.enl corner of location which corner bulng , 220 Market St., San F wagfip, Ciu J i vm wtmtm is not only the most " useful thing ever de- " vised for the family, ' but is distinguished for its beauty as an artistic piec of fur niture. TIE IEIT Ml ESTIEIT 11 EAITI, earning more in proportion te cost than any other pufchatii possible. TIKE D1FFEIERT IMS, either lock-stitch or chain-stitch. HILT LIE HATH, 5 at the largest and bsst-squippsji factory in the world, where every machine is carefully teste! n practical stitching. ei eavr a-r meWEBMIMFICTIillieie VK WM tt Wsrl M j Ap.-fc.. .-. iyy ta4fS Nuv .j4tWrr W t"J .- Seal 3 tw cw Bl'i a- k is ia in WILLIAMS & HOVvS: tii Mi i m iiii rv' M. .A- Ma One frame house of two rooms, complc'cit- in ; terms very low. Apply to b'. K. Williams. ' POE EE1' nl. tfMH..Kt .. .,..'.. . Odo fraaie house of three rooms; $15 per month, iiu-indi ! aujoining claims nre; uouioinn- j Williams. uob, at. louis and Illinois claims (un One frosne Iioush of three rooms nnr Shall tvk, surveyed), Shattuck. Keating, et. ul. month. Apply to B. K. William, claimants; Buckey O'Neill. Slxtcen-to- . The Enule House, f.iur rooms: w.-u.t miu-Ij ?mv Artzona claims (Survey N... Overlook; S15 per month. Applvm.s K. W-; 133) owned by applicant herein; id- One ariobo houce. fix nwmi itulit m " --n: !,. ciaira (unsurveyed), Waddell an ! O'Hare claimants; claim, name un known (unsurveyed), Stronjt. Mnthl-is and Sampson, claimants; Lulu c , (unsurveyed), Gemehle. WndK'i i. . Perring, claimants; Thoniao cltt!:. surveyed), Denn, WilllamB an-. !Li . non, claimants; on all other .vOcti cant and unoccupied land. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the mining ground, vein, lode, premises, er any, portion thereof so de sorlbed, surveyed, platted and applied toS. K. WilliHriB. eniei nJr u , Wl ikMl nil URfifcU ULI. 1IVZ- east W7 AOtttNd. , 1 v "?" l.- . . - itir-: . . First class rixuns froia 00 cents jht ilay upwards, -.i-'iicf for j,n.. in rooms. Good mcala at 25 cents. Bar atunliril tn nhe J..k tiof) mwerawlcetlor no pay - hH Bdbbh i MM j ' T' BeH laaafl f-l li, llIM iH - MM iBhbmVbiI InHIH ImUM iBaaanBB ii ., ISBBrI ttummm . . 1-. I C3HJ IQRmH null is r ttv;- m Baaafl i . M HI .... ..ii-l'' . i Bra ' B4 4 H!kfcjMtiahrriS2i ' r n jl -Li - . -- - - ilWeTTIh laiftTaJiTlnilisBiTn ft'T1 ii'"" ll Ml I'm li TTlTliTii i MTilit