Newspaper Page Text
,' 4 . .iV .to ,.M IU' S .. - . , ... ""'". v.'iJ ,.., ,,. ,, , .- , "V ' n" i'?i"l. fc.. i- , 9fc c ;a "iSj . Affl i ARIZONA BAIKYORB;' ':,;' ' s V- B , rWms m - :: ;' inn tSiKsA.- ,:., t- aa'-1 , i ' ''Hi ., 7-1 .. "'"-.a -i j ," - " 41 "W11' . ' r I VJfl VT,. ,r. ."V 'if. V0LT1ME III -. . w r- : : J ' - . '' :'rf-V.' . Thi5 Space! We will have something starttinsr' .ourKiext issue. Main St., Opp. Ailffins Urocery Stdre: Bisbee Drug Company. ." JCeeps tra "hand a large assortment of PURE DRUGS, HEDICINES . AND CHEMICALS Also a full line of the leading Patent .Medicines, No tions, Toilet Articles -and Perfumes. Physicians Prescrip ons, carefully and accurately compounded Bisbee Dray and Baggage Co. ' Rtiraiiure, Baggage, Freiglitand Express Delivered Fjcoiuptly . . Q:., .,rr. , , rr: :...., : o Cluims Jfprbre4sge or an fftittti-tf to "promouy atceed, drs u Hi be qui'rkh' and fully paid. qtrrk!r OffiRd at FlnndferalfyonfeM'ZLiii. Streat Orders left 'with the Clerk .TW"- 33L Broorcie - - . 2vgr. MWUCMI1V Bisbee' Transfer Freight, Baggage and Express delivered to any part of the City, Prompt Servieaiitl Quick Delivery. THe California Market, KENNpY BROS, Proprietors. Fresh "Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Sausag3j-J3tc. a .itChoice Cuts , of Meat.tonly. , Fresh 4v e- iGoods Delivaro-l ree t) Li. a!ri 'i't'VI1"." "'? IJ'JJ. ' ffW" Assayer and Chemist, RELIABLE WORK AT HODERATE ! PRICES. Mining propertiei pl-ysml im .comtnission. Mines examined ..-,.. and roportod in. Corrosponilence solicited. All work I proiuptlylitleitdfd to. . tpP.:W0QDt 141 Pennington Street, Tucson, Arizona. KormTlr of CnoSt Wool, Denver, Colo. James F. tUnited States Dep-.ity Miuaral SURVaVINl IN ALL v -9.V Wi xygfs.'.wjgw SJuaiR;r GEO. C.CLARK, jr. "" Aefiayitt at'Ctirrettt i-fice, rufvBr' pMioel ef JffptV; ,3ISBEE, to liotikin unci ruay pa L k.j. "r'A. will receive' Prompt Attention? "i.- i4fw-r t-f Company, Bread Daily. , --. All Farts of tha Town. St., CIsbcc. Trotter, Surveyor aad Civil-Engineer IT3 BRANCHES. nlntijrv. irlf.nnn, - rirj . .'W'j'.iti.'.jj. jpf 'vmss" V. , r?:T Wttl Ct:y iL- ARtZONA. THURSDAY ass This Ariiasseeting'is' here called to belheld at. the Opera House this (Thursday) even ing, in whicti" the general public o Bisbee is interested. Let thet be a full turn put of the business inen, miners and Ihe peook generally. The object of the meeting will be ;madeJcnovn upon theassem- bhng ., of the .people. Copper QueenBand m411, be in attend ance, erybody turn out. ; & WX-NVCiTIZESfS Mok iTea positively cues 8ick iiead ache, iiidigestion ami count! pntion. A delightful herb drink. Romoyes all raptwii3 of the kin produoiiuj a per-, feet' comriexion, o'riyoney refunded: 25 eta. ond .50 els. FoV; aaie at:Biebee Druit Store. ' " , To Whom It May Concern; Notice is hereby given that on the 14th day of November, 1899, the annual meeting of the stockholders of the . Co ll ro Grarulo Copper Company, fo'r the election uirtffreclftrH? 'was held in the office of said company in PhoenixvA. T., and that at Htich election the follow- ' - inn named persons were elected Diieut ors of eaid company, viz.: E. B. Gage, J. Henry Wood, Anrelio Melgarejo.W.M. Adumaon,Con. 0'Keefa;that immedjatOi, ly upon the adjournment of said stock holders' meeting, at the, time and place mentioned, H meeting ot the Directors was held in the office of said company for the purposed organization! and that atcBurli rhoniing the following nnjrned officers ver elejtted by the" Hoard of Directors, viz.: E. B. Ga-jp, Prehident;, Amelio "Jleljiftiejo, "Vice President: J., H.flrv Wvul .Qdr.(fi p. .Iifif Tmuuiifu. J "M" vjinvyu; ..!.. .MAnuici ' p (VKvvU; .'ipefintendent; and that - :iid Bna-.l nf Directors of nid com.- Pwyj;eitlja.orrf Wully eler("d, artliJ. ne'i mm h-um,, iin-,'! ;f iJnecioWtttttt oillcori. " Nojit'fc Uifr pivii; tj)ator,jie 5i5t day of Nbveuibe'r,' 18)9'fui inTfTm-tion order was issued out 'of thu District Court of. Maiicopa county. Arizona, upon the order nf" Webster Street, judge f( Mid com t mid Cliel Justice of the "IVrtiioiy of Arixon.t, ;n tho cause epti (Ifd t'ht Tiii-iitorr of Arizona on chm plaiiit - U. '". Ainsworth. Attorney GuiiimhI no i elation of K. B. Gage, J. Henry Wool, C-nn,- ,0'Keete, Anrelio Mfluarfjo and W. AI. Adaimon vs. M'il- liam W Gret-in', George Mitchell, Georiru A. Tread well, Scott Wniio and Win Wylie, by whicli injunction order the sniil Greene, Mitchejl, Tieadwcll, White aid Wvlie were restraitied ftoni aetun: a and tioldinu themselves out to Ui Hif directors orottlcers of- tlie Cubic Grand Copper Company, and from in any man ner interfering with or attempting to interfere with the prouerty ami i-ffects of said company, and from exercising or ntte'inpting to exercise any of its rights and franchises, and trom inter fering withthe acts and doings of E. B. Ginre, 'Jf, jHenry Wood, Con. O'Keefi', Amelio Melgarejt and W. IM.Adnnison. or eitjier or any of them, as directors and.otlicej'a.of said company, or in the e.xeicinesof the rights and friinchi.icsof eaid corn'pnw-ontil the f!w said cotlri. drl . BISBEE MILiiIRT , M'rs. AI.'J. Blair, Prpp o A complete lino of the latea styles ofiFnll and, .Winter , Goods Just, Arrived,. Fate Hats of tie Latest lesip. Hats trimmed to order a specialty. A . ' Call and Inspect my goods bafore purchasing e!swhertj The Jersey' Dairy, A. W. STRUin, P;"'.p.. ' Pure; rrsAli Milk Delivered to All Parts of the City Every Evening, ' PURE CREAiluMSMT n.r d:ilv- fHir?'t.i IUmIiw.! tfavin illo.ide't Cown. - ' 4&tisfiictioa 4 G-tiarahtqed; j ySJenvo ordor..ut tin' StruiHUi Unfimn,.. '" hiwu'OT'iiiioffiuv. s? EVENING, DECEMBER 7, -jg ARIZONA. NEWS. Interesting Items Cnlled Bxcbanges. trom VOur .- .i a The Tucson Cltlsten ia autiionty ;f.'r', the statement that Scott Wito has. hied hls"re8igntion wtth the hoard ofeup-r- vieors as sheriff of Cochise county .'.o take effect the tirstday of January, 190 C'l George Nolnnd, Rockland, 0., as:, "My.' wife had piles forty years. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve citrfil Her. It is the 'best salvo in America." It healK everything and cures all akin diseases.' Coppo. , t Tho building boom continues irj Je- tome, nna costi onct, concrete o?ul stonwVetrtjciortftv' aro- beinsr-crected. throughont tho town.- JeroiOoia bound to double' in sizo naidoot- a year. Je rome Hustler.- ' -. Dr. W. Wison, Italy "Htil, N. T., batbi "I heartily' recommend Ono Alinnte Congh.Cure. ! It gave my wife immedi ate relief in suffocating asthma "Pleast ant to take, jever fatia todtiickly cure allounlis, colds, throat .and lung troubles.- Copper .Queen atore. ' Work on.-ihe Gold Cliff '-'mihes, a Pearce ifl to be resnmed. Trie company have arrange to. do soma extensive work, and a mining superintendent from Colorado will take charge of the development work.4 . . - . . - "I wouldn't .'be without DeWitt'c Witch Hazel Bnlve for anv consirl'era- tion," writes Thomas B. Rhodes.rCen- 'terfield, O. Infallible for piles.tcute burns and pkin iipeases. Reware of counterfeits. Copper Qnepn stored i The old MorgartCilv ten ptnmiv mill fortv-eiirht milen north, west trom Phoj nix haf started un.on some high grade ore rer.ntlv extrscted 'rom the rained worked by T. D. Rennitt, and oth"eVs in that ricJi mineral district. Star. Dr. H. IT. Haden, Fummit, Aalahnma pav: "I think Kolnl Dvspensia Cure is a Rplejirlid tnedictne. , T nneBfilv i. nndmycbnft'donP4 in;i"t crowfliwith con tinued ush.m If diceste 'bat you est -ni'l-qnicklw eiri( ,A"pAo!!ft,nd ind mention. Covir Uuoer otoro. J . );.' B.-Evsnss Judithr of'th Colorado ironrWorksi has left Arieona 'for,.! nnrnt! 10 lenvpr.- r. xvaus, i?ucce! fullr fiiinerin.t.endeil th" ereption of th" Val Vorde smftttorj ono of tliebe,t planlf nt its kind in the west, Fosays tho P.-ei-cot t Prospect. Yon never know what form of blond poison will follow constipation. Keop the liver clean hv ning DeWitt's Little Early Risers and von will avoid trouble They are famous little pilla for cdnitip' tipn and livera'nd;rjiowel?'tro'nble.'4Cop per Qheen B'Orp. J C. E.-Eichefterger, of the Tyson dis trict. Yuma county, i pushingdevelop ment work' on'the" old Apache Chief pop per mines. The result po far ha ber very satisfactory. Several new bodies of o have bnnn'enconntere.d, some of it assaying aR htgrr as $100 per ton, in cop per and-gold. . "J. 1). Bridges, editor Democrat, Lan caster, NjH.,sars: "Ono Minute Couch Cum is the bft remedy for croup J ev,f ".?i.v Immediately relieves and. cure? copgh", colds, croup, asThma,' pneumo nia, lironohitip', gripp and all throat and lung troubles. It prevents con- 4Jumption. .CopoerQueen store; . t Ilnn. GcorcpOtncy of Graham eoun tr, is in Phoenix. He snvn (rrabain new way. Rnrd is building up str prisingly whi' XJlitton- and ot'r min ing centers are on a boom. Mr. Olney reprePPn7ed.'G'rahflni''count"j; in the last council and did it in amnnner that was hiBhlv,,cre.dita'liJe to himself arid hiscon stUuency. btar. , :l had dyspepsia flfty-seyrui ynrr anil ne,ver found permanent reliej till- I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cnre.-'tiNow I am well and fi-el'llk'u a new man," write S. J. Fleming, Slurray, Neb. It is bt best digestnnt known. Cures all forms of indigestion. Physicians everywhere prescribe jl. C'ojper Queen, stoio. I j Appropns of this foundry prnpositlun we c suy Ihn there, is a gogd-oppninir hero for' mall .plant. Prices generally run ,hK;i, mi.J are about as follows: Iron from !0-jS 41or ton. nik-abxtt lS-per'tiiii, Ubor frim 3 to i'7 perilsy en-tings ! ccnts'tolO rent per pound. heikiiulH of rn.ting will vary mtr.l . The main di-iniu d w'lll tonie fromqti.itit null and smclt.-r. Prospeot. L'.(ripiic, im'VMi3 nftrr'nffeetf, srrn. allyil.'Mtro.v It.mi.isnd.i of peopl. f mir' bfqufi-.kly fur by n- ifi'iiiM CMih.Cti:i,.h?fttiv Minedv Muit. miorf itnnwii n-.t r,..,,n. ,. .... . . 1 .. .-.-,.,,,- . ' "''" ciji.ih, croup. 'trojiijliitie; nnninionia : . , ... . . tl,f..;il 11,. . , - in ,,. ;.,,. , a,i. V 'It .IIS-I , - . ( '19 - k IHl gsam'jff ' "i ','"! j. j, m tm u ma ' Q-tia For -Vn . Wf I WIS -'VrCiS'K The Furniture Room Until Christmas Mil he the storm center of interesk) Not that the holiday spirit, imbued, by holiday good will le lacking throughout the rest of the store, butths Dolls, the Games, the Toys, Everything thatappeals 1m1.. childish hearts, ivillpe in the Furniture StorA. Boxes and Cases are being opened and their c&m' tents made ready for you; The toy world grows apas but we shall, have more to tell of this shortly. omiHMMiiimHiiniiimMiiDiH LINENS. For some reason or other trie approach of Thanksgiving Day turns feminine thoughts linenword.' We are no better prepared now, than at any time, for we endeavor to have our stock always com plete. However, this is so, opportune time to tell of Linens table linens par ticularly, v 1 Bleached, Damask, 65 ' inches wide,1 35 cents n.yard. Bleached Linen Damask, 1 50. inches wide, 40 cents a yard". Bleached and. Half Bleached Linen Damagk i F'.ouu und Geometrical de signs, C5.cents to $1 a yard. Two examples of. superior quality tV.,;..ii i;...:(-.t W w t - i, - u"u,M,li "-"" . - wide. One,, design is carnations strewn, ou a finely dotted' background.; the other Urge pansies "on a groundwork' of due.-satin-jinished tkmask; lt25 and ; il.&OcyarJ r , eefivoly, Linen Kapkias from 75 cents to $4,501:"" ""'". i. comnierewi won. , - : . r an unwanLlcndoner .of nrtces and a a dozen Tray Cloths, stamped or plain, hem med or fringed, oval shaped or square. Doilies of 6very Bort and size. ( SEPARATE SKiRTS. No matter how cheap the skirt, un leii's it hangs properly it is hot worth. the price. This tells of skirts that have that "hang" about them that marks liheui coneut. 'I hey are little priced, top.' Three examples:.. ' Black Brocadcil Skirt... (1.75 Biack.Woi.eted Serge, tight fit,- . ting across hips uud back ''' p locket at side. .. . . T. 4.25 G ray-Worsted Seige .-....-4.60 SOUVENtR SPOONS, In 'the iKJwla of which are embossed views typical of liisboe, also "Bisbee, AriRuna." They are pf. sterling' silve." ami come in two elies tea and'-cofftu: Neatlv' packed, as'.'we'll pack them for Vou, they'll be welcomed, as souvenirt hy your far-away frieuds. (1.50 and l oa' h. . . .)' f .7 - -- J3L . . A Hxx I A &l &. YV CS. 1 W ihiuk it is. It will furni. li many a liixr $ a help to solv ing what to give. Chri.tnias is so near that perhaps a kin, or two will be welcome. For instance: Rogers A A Silver Piated Tea Spoons $?. a dozem - Rogers AA Silver Plated Table Spoons.... 4 a dozem 1 A dollar more on a dozen would be nearer the real valu$ef these. - , ' Carving Sets, from $2. a set to $28 for a five-piece set- pearl handle,, with' solid silver trimmings., ' ' . ss; mstutrmmmsmiiffi I llF llltl 1 B SB I Ilia"' If tf-I I Em enlt7.Y -' -f . sWkl A . . WCS-S? r. ' 1 SJIBJBJ Bjp HMsM flsHk bSS f i" U)a - - - - agsMfe (l JDBBBBBBBBBBBr BBBBBBV BBBBBBBBBBBBr 1BBBBBBBBBBBB1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBr BBBBBBBi .' ". Vr. iir.VJk'VJ' m nwHBirr - .-saa bbbbbbi -ibb hb - v x .ew NUMBER if News wB',f --' -it&" t'? . : 4W5fcWM4i6n'.,2?l" '-' r..-2i-" AMmIMIMhAjILl.'um .... . . ' - -v-i' Mm 'ri 'jf.-. ' am' ntis . PAJAHAS VS. NIOHT SHIRT, The same old straggle the suppla-' irig of the old by the new. Night shirts)' hve the advantage of seniority yod'ssi' always worn them. Pajamas will ereav tually win, however, because they ar so much, more comfortable.'. While the conflict is on we Bhow'botV'kisids laa. partially. Night shirts in Mistia kU Outing Flannei from 75 centra cartKiaV up. Pajamas, in Madras PftsiiieUtSl and Flannel, $2 to;$4 a saife MADE TO YOUR A1EASURB CLOTHING. Thore'K a satisfaction in havingclotkw made to your particular measure and ! B,vterIaUo your PRrtierHr liking. W.S ""-',, n,t iL.t;.,, rL.'j.;.! :i -:.:c on your part whatever, and the mate rials' tocliooso from are practically a- limited, the satisfaction is complete. Tno woolenB markbt reflecis the gea t.l .!. I .1 .., ,. I sc:ireity of material. t Wa atarted the demon with eorne 3HI , or moui samples, but erery day or so we rx . ' i list of "outs," which !o.nm your asiortment to select from. ' it Vorcrcoat feather now. J3m IvHit over tha samples yand ,gef pricsfl any wy : A Troaaers from f. $4.0f ' Muitrflfrom.'. ..,.... 14.0. , . U vercaats t tu,k x 14.08 - " '- s If you're fniiiilfd- with r4dy-Bas4t ilutiiing, we'v.i u ak that comss at J tinar bnng pcrfo'its ready-mads cloMi .nc oan Iw; , .tln's Ha:ie trmtt.-. . .F 50 to f lf.fl ' Men's Overcoats from 7.W t UM Bova are well carod for, too. , , Reefer and Box Overcoats from s4bm 4 to J 2 years. t Yestee and Reefer Suit to fit boy ti 4 to 13 years. , Three-piece Slits, consisting of lltir vest, knee pants ami mannish cms Mr boys of 9 to 13 years. ., Don't neglect tho iitlle ne. t JL . . . . 1.1 llrlt- tU M. tD J saic place yp m c -,.. : riVATB T&y Sbs? am& iwmi , t '. t ifMi Jl:1,.l ' M BBKail3 x A fc fl . . " -"