Newspaper Page Text
ftV '-VVr-jt.21 ,. C.3 - - B- H hJ k?V'Wl &; feJ ,MY -,J i 'V ;A-a Js-V ,-,. rf,,, UlU,.., u jHt. '.,., i, 1. 1 i. liwli M1P !'! I i III i i i ii ... " ' ' r .. ji i' i i " ... V . ) iH&$ .. ft;,- a a iTi' J Ma . A -f J Irk ; rc-i J r?R i 'v T '-! IS K.'u CV,f ? i t-'i J& a rfwiig Jlr Wfi .-":'" KAiutMAD TIME TABLES HOUTHIHN PA0I110 KAIIiKOAD. STATIONS. WBBT DOUND. 4:00 u. m.... B:iO k.,ui.!.. ';00 p. io,i.. ttptf p.iu.'.. Sun Vvauclseo'. ..Los AajtolQ.. ..,.. Yutnn ... Maricopa ... , 4t43 p.m. ,9:00 p.m. , lii?0 a.m. , 5-d a. in. , 3:f0 a. in, , 1;IH ii. m. , y:eS p. IU. i.JU u. ui. aucsou ......... i;J1 a.m.!.. UoitMin :3 p.m.t ...Kl Paw.......... i;jU u. in , Tucsou . Pucibu 1'ltno. F. S. AVsusiaa. Agt Utmsou. Library 10:00 a. M. tol2:00 M. :00l M.tuVtSOr. U. lourH. .00l M. tdH.OOT.M. Miad A. HILL. Llbri.rtnn. PROFESSIONAL OAtt'DS. J?5. -ffiJESSSS! aSSSSL w hi nil tho courts of the Territory. nnU In tho . Supromc Court of thoUnltoil Mint"-, Office Curnor 1th and Alien stroovv. AurutiKviss,TiOLtNKr. I'Ko-Jpjr," PAK R. Hbhsford, Sbth E. Hazzaho, HKKKFOUIJ A HAZZAHD. Lawyer-, Tumoo, ArUonn, i nnVitmi mi oMco at Tombstoti with s5. A. "'."I'": attoi-iiny nt law. ami will wttuntleacli oourt term at loinbvtone. 1X7H,MAM SCHRl 'SIIEB.. JU?" OP W tho. fence. Notn. PV"C ".Vui'lr'i; ancer. Ottfcs In WalUw inOjxtf. IMsbcf. Aria DKNTISTUY IN M i teed. nM... qhmiror lUlllditIL'. lllWo, Ari-. I aonn. -f. EO. W. 8WAIH, .AXrouh-Ai-i.A. Hill uructlce lu mil tne coarn ui irrltory. Tombrtone,- Aruouu. ALLKN "B.""BH0istiV' 'ATJXJUNKY AND A. Couullor-Ut.Law. OHice u VourtU Strout. Tombtone.,Arlxoiia'.- : Wvii STABHLE. ATfOKNEY ANU U JUfl- Mllor. TombitonO, CochUo county, a.. T S; ir. wiuiabs, t JUSTICE OFTHE PESCE, otiiry Public; Convey anoor. BIUh Colleotoil aculalty. D'""k' ' UDUtlNDSON-PHYSICIAN AND SUIt .... Si.i. i i.n. 11MI1.H nt his rc- Idencei Shearer building, next to Dr. rluKtou's. ITCOll. 131BI1W. , ..... .,-- Far- nU.STAtt HHMPBL, PIANO TJ t.on .In Intrmnoutol wiw'.o. lll LkwU'. TK.WHSK. C;ul ut Law ODloe of -' iOG'AH, DEMOND S HARBY, v. ' 37 Willlora Street, Now York. MAK.V .K. HARltY. , m M K CON CHASB KUED C. HANFOitD, Itertrosented In Arliqua by danulIoUsl. Phooulx., Norton Chase topj-am THE ATERKIT1ES. DEKFBOT ASHLAR LODUB. No U F. A A. M AluatuHritThuridayot ouch month. YU Itlrn. brethren eoruiniiy uivivim tu uiw". F. A.SwmaT, W.U, 4, it. UHVW.oouiuim j. T ANDMARK CHAPTER--NO. .,,. -A. Lt C...,.l .nnvrnrtliwi lllll'd llieUIy M. In each mouth. ,Viltlnc compnnUimi in twi J3AMK ii,', , "luEES I.ODuiT SOS, A. O. JJ V Mi. Mo 2 ert.rr Ratuidy .vf.nlnc. VUitiiJT I'MrtU l.r. ..1 ' .v twi. VM W '.a'4, i AUrtM Uudfrtiv. H,oo..rJer. il. C. ? I'innucier. I. o. o. V. 11ISBKE IAJDae. .M. 10, MliMVf, every ' r Wednetday venlnir v Mttine orpm- racorillully-Invited to atien-J. A. x.' wai- KB, M.U., KUIIiX UAUKB, iv. o, rUPROVEDORDEROF RED MEN, COCHISE A Tribe No. 7..moet every. 'Thursday ovou tot at the Opera House Hall 'VUlting broth r. cordially lav.lted. Q; ,,,,, .A. MAHKiiY.C.ofR. Dr. Edmundton, MoJlclne Man. rTHUIt VORtIM Bfibee Pornin NolOM; XI moeU tint and third in euon month. Oiera House, 7:30 p. m. YUltlnf com panions alway welcome. - 11. W Stiiillov, Pre. T. P., Devlne, T,reas. .Win. Scrlnnhor, Sec. COUltT HOWBLL.NO.. 14, FORKS TIJSRS OF America meet every Wodnoalay nljrht. A.T. SOWLiJ, 0. It. Jamits Kxlly. Financial Soorotary. THR FRATERNAL BROTH EUHOOD.-IN- dcpvndfliico Lodeo, No. 53, mootJ oVery dc nun inini neauesunys ut mo muuiu. YlsHlue inombrs are oordially i-ivitod. ' WM. HUrOHI.NS. President. Jrsd VV3, Secretttry. Caution. , Notice. ALL PERSONS are herby warnoil u?nliiBt -"- biiyluc leasiuir, or In uuy wuy koeklne .to obt.i'.ii iiuy risht, title, Interest or control of am certain milling clulms In tho Hiinohu ea M'limtalns. recently attoiUitd to be located by i. H.TIppett and .: V, Duntou Said Httetnutnd loouttotis arj oil led "Sum mit" and Monarch"; .reipootlvely.'and ut temiitw ttt Appropriate -the. mluwiir Krouuil undoK tho locntiiu lonr n:l wMI Known its theiirrmok ivuitiyTLo it ek.ksio.n, ctttlttt'ixl lif vr thii liiimmit of tlit -uiiltllo pouic of thy ru:u;t botwceli the hnl. or IwunMsy and A'npli'CaiijotU,. which livlun tvoru not ..noil for io'Htiou lit tliw'ditto ii;ii.l httt-injit. d tij.propr utioii b 4ui J ll 'ip.'uit hi I It. T 'iimtoii. ... . Furiliurmoi-w, .all wurli ii:i m op nnid nf tlm O0XLUUK nnd 'II, . fl' KXIKvSlOM by suld, parti u ,."-.! .. hereby ufaiined und tlie urr.u' wil.i ). for the bennht of said OUU.OOU and' tnLO'K KA'lr.sioiv iiiininv. clulm. the p-op rty ol the Mitdurslcnetl, Ji VV.'.tf . VAP A CO. Seplumtiul- i'lth. 18'jy r;p-J7-Jlil Played Out. Dull headache, painsin virion prt. r of th' Jio-Jy. sinkinR at "ti".f . pu of the tS d .i 1 atoniAiih, loss ef appetite, fi'v-irishn w, pimiikaor sarc.sareall uohu.vj cvhlenct of iniwitro-blood. No uiattor Iioa it.he conin !o it inuet be purWiod in order to ' obtain' good health. Acker's .Blood Elcxir has never failed to cure Scroll ulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. Uiscertainly a wonder ful reiuedy and we self every bottlo-on poaitiva unarSntee. Sol'd by J. S. WitiMtn- A Co. .'NOTICED To Whom it May Concern. All pereona .'Powin? themselves to be .inflr'iicd to us are kindly requested to call ii'.l settle at once, as Wo have dis pov;J of our business. ishkiI !'i, Sip.fc, Wilh me A (Jo. I'ru.n's Bi-'w' Ml., I,.r A Hliik.ll olil brim.; , with illa tooiid center. Lost- Ummivii tin- ic.1". deiio! of Lewis Williams 'mul that of Ohailei. Clawson. Finder nil! be lib erally reward! by returning snmo to fjrff M. nK. J. w. l'AIlRINMXON.-DENTISTUy I!fc U UIi iw bianchc'iSuUslBortanMiuaij.-, rr - Has flr8t o1m.y arrnniiuodini'ius. m'wly thn t):.. market alToi-iln. ;t live pnhlh' i ! JUENSOS eoifnlly Boln-ited n.l Hiuuinuumi Kuuiameeu. A. A. CASTAKA'OO, Proprietor. .V: J5 UK vjy 13 VJJ t: WB &tt .j -yn .iv SllTO l d 11 Bisbee trade especially catered r r r? U u FAIR' IKK, l U..- ...fcA.,! ..Jfl. - Take V ie-c Li. i r t Ri -yjyni-o- .r ? . ..-SM. CT "'fc '"l UeMsJ .tlJ , T.o all Kortli:'-ii or Knstern poiuts. nections made at Kansas the Kurtheru and haytern &m, Tosmsf m - All meals not Ht'rvtl in riiiiiurCarB ra taken t the popular Santo FeKouli'Harvoy Katiiiir i!i;u.:.;;. lAtll infonnatioii cheerfully furnislietl upon application :o , f. n. ii)i:;kvn or v. it. bkown, "ionl Aai Kj I'.is.i. Tt.x. T. F. A 1". A.. Kl Tao. Tex 4 Important Gateways 4 THROUGH. FAST . AND T ho direct through lino from oi tli. east anJ wuuimst. liow H:::-iiin. ciih. Nolay-overe. Ln'ai i'attcrr. 1'allman Buffer Slccpsro. IlandBome New Clair Care. Spaed, safety and comfort combined. For particulars address. b,:k. uarbyshire, S. W. F. & P. A., El Paso, Texas. E. P. TURNER, G. P,. & T. A., Dallas, Texas, "NO TROUBLE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS." .jrifiz iv wtnSf JfirT1 "Jf 277wtNiEVViBBBB)BBBHBBBBBBBBBBBB S MPTRIC4T lilt T SMMOrOLItAH M'tAtlKl ....... BTOoaHR de irhts ot an eveninir 4k ing table arc not half understood." An illustrated magazine with its wealth dtHlIustratfons, its stories of adventure and iftv ;fc rlAwrint inns of travel which carry you to the remotest . ends of the earth, and its instructive articles for young and old these are the first requisites for your own enjoyment, and the entertainment and proper education of your children.' Q '.'-- 'i To secure for you the best and most interesting of the great illusr. trated magazines at the lowest possible price has been the aim of. the editor of thjs journal. That we have succeeded we leave our readers . to judge. A special contract recently entered into with The Cosmo politan, which seeks to become better known in this neighborhood, has nabled us to offer you a year's subscription to. the greatest of the illus. rated magazines together, with a' year's subscription to this journal. BothTbgether OneYearforOnlySv .so r?-"- v In this way you secure your magazine at a price that is. only uiustratea magazines sell for. for tnree years l lie tosmupum" uridisputedly claimed that it reached the largest -clientele possessed by ntitr nrlrviiVal rfdllv urAlr1tf nr mnntblu in thn wnrlti. It W2S 1 I1C 'Cosmopolitan which sent Julian Hawthorne to India to let the world know the real horrors of famine and plague. It was The Cosmopol itan which established at its own cost a great Free Correspondence University which now has over 20,000 students, on its rolls. It was The Cosmopolitan which offered a prize of $3,000 for the best horse k carriage and prizes for best plans for public baths, and best arrange- . mart of sewer and pipe systems for cities. It was The Cosmopolitan which set the presidents of great schools and universities seriously tfscussinirthe defects of existing educational systems. H ,is T w wmopolitan whose nter.irise is always in tk& lead in advancing the t WtrM'S Ctvirkltrtlt) it-rmtfl, , ir'-y,gtfteg ? ' - ' THE WEEKLY ORB furnished roorne. null let-live prices. Tablua auppliedwitl. The patronise of the ARIZONA to ON LARfilEHV Prpietor. , . ' ARI2SON A. Wtr'jyW""WW"l" D iioute Close com- City and Chicago with all hne. . - m mm sleeping cars FREIGHT PASSENGER SERVICE Arizona and New Mexico to all points in tho Tartcct pacenaor aorviee. 'through b.;w. CURTIS, T. F. & P. A. El Paio, Texas. k i . 11 Mli, t'-k? soent aronna a wcn-tiucu iu- own home paper and an uiusiraica aoout a fourth or wnat some ui ur m:SBEE ARIZ?. Articles of Incorporation . ' .-OF- ' ' ; The ntsbce Went copper a&tntair company. Know nil men by these nrcsents thnt . ' Daniel limes, H. Jovne. Goo .no L. Cole, C. J. Alien, K (iilinnti, J,.l. L.onei jfnn, J , If. fSoyti tou. P. E. Weaver and A. S. Kobbins. all of the county of Los Atigelos, State of Califor nia, h roby associate ourselves together or the purpose of becoming- Incorporated un der the provisions of Chapter 2, Title 12, of the Revlsnd Statutes of the Territory of .il zonnand do hereby adopt the following ar ticles of Incorporation: I. The name of this corporation shall bo "The nisbee West Copper Minluc Computiy." AKTIOLB II. Tho n'nmosof the Incorporators of this corpoiatlun are Dauiel Iniien, H. Jevn. Geo. L. Colo, CO Allen, E, Oilman, J J. Loner ean, J. F. Hoynton, 1'. E. Weaver and A. S. Kobbins, all of, Los Angeles county, Califor nia. AKTIClEIII. . Tho principal place of business of this cor poration shall he In the city of liisbce, In tho county ot Cochise and Territory of Arizona. AHTIOLK IV. Tim erminrnl nature of tho himlnneii nro. nosed to be transuded by this coruoration Is audsha 1 be the buyinar, selling, leuslnar.own ' ii'i.', holding, posessing und operating of mines, mils, mill sites, real estate auu per sonal property; the construction and opera- , tion of mills und smelters for the milling, j smelting, retlning und reduction of ores und mineral, and the piirclinse iinH sale und the gonorul dealing of and in ores, merals and minerals; to acquire., own.-hold, sell .ind deul j in personal property and niuiuuuiidUe, and ! genrrii'h to own, 1 'd u-(pure und deal in any property and to do or transact un thin:? ii-seMiry to encage tn and carry on and , tniujant goiiural m in in ft. milling, smeltiiiij ,'nintidb.o bi.sluess in connection wtth i kiich minimi .ifid miilttic tus.osi, ana to' houl, acquire, ou.i. mil ieil any proportj, and I do n:iy act or tiling nccessury for the carry- ' lug ".it and cnjinglng In any of said forog-o-lug linns oi butdnuv. abtiolb v. Tho amount of capital stock authorized, by said coriorntiorilg and shall Iip four inilllnn fdollurs ($l,rxw.WW), to bo divided into four minion u.wu.u.u shares of the par value of one dollar ?1 00.) per share, and that time when .uud conditions upon which it is to be paid are a follows: All stock issued must bo fu ly paid for in cafch or property upon Issu ance. an:l shull thereafter bu uou-assexsublo Tor uuy purpose whatever. ABTICLK VI. The time of the eommencemnnt of this corporation shall be'tlie data of the tiling of the.e articles ot incorp rati'-n for record in tho olllce of the County Recorder of CochUe county, Arizona Territory, and tho termina tion thereof shall be twenty-five (25) yours .thereafter, uulessthosume tie renewed pur suant to the laws ot Arizona before the ter mination thereof. ARTICIil VII. The affairs of this corporation are to be conducted by a board of nine (It) directors, to bo elected annually on the ilrstTuesduvof October of euch year;' provided, however, thaf. as kooii as practicable after the filing of these articles of Incorporation the stookholl ers shall elect a board of directors, who shall hold olllce till the first Monday in October. WOO., or until their successors are elected ami ininlitlod. Each ktoekholder of this corporation, in all elec-.ions tor dircctuVs uud other uioo tloiis.'and on the consideration ot ull ques tions at stockholders' nicotines, shall have the right to vote in person or b, proxy the number of shares owned by him, as given on the books of the company, each uniro of stock being entitled to one vote. Tbu o'Hcers of the su.d- corporation shall be a President uud Vice-President, who shall be directors of suld corporation; u general mauugcr and secretary uud treasurer, uud such subordinate oflleois uud assistants us ma) bo deemed neccssury. All officers elected by the board of directors after the annual election of said directors, and shall hold ofUce ut the will and pleasure of slid directors. Vacancies in the board of iltrncto it shall be filled us may bo provided in tho by-laws. AJ1X1CI.B VI. 1. Tin hicitcst, amount of indebtedness or II- tth..''y iirw.ih-t the enriorAtlon is ut auy f ii. tk iiti. c- : . " uttir'n. of one"n-.rtt-urtxl ,,.. ..,. i tU..i, , Jt'. AllIICLE IX. l'he private property of th tocUliodon ..' this corporation shall be exempt fro all i .rporat debts, jund tho stooklioklumof thii corporation ure hereby exempted from ull liability for any debt of said dorpOrutioh. AKTICI.K X. This corporation shall have an of Ceo for tbo transaction of Itj biiilncs's In tho State of Culifornia. at the city of Los AuxehM there in,- and said board of directors may nicer uud truiisnct the busiue of said corporation it said city, and tho annual meeting and elec tions muy ho held thereur. AKTIOLB XI. Section I. The board of directors shall have the power to make, udopt und umutid by. laws for the government of tho utiutt s ol the corporation. Section 2. The board of directors shall have .the powor to borrow money, execute corporate notes or bonds of tho corporation, and to iteoiire the payment of tho same by mortgage on property of the corporation, or in any, other manner de.-ignuled by said by-luws. AKTIOLB XII. Tho corporate stock of this corparation 'hull be fo' ever uou-UKM-aMahle, und each c-eitlacuta thereof shall Ktuto upon its face the number of sh ros lnpi esentc-d thereby, und that the same Is forever iiou-uussublo. AIlTICI.K XIII. These articles of luorprnttou may be amended at any annual nicotinic ol the stoek holdt rs, or ut any special meetiug of the ktockholders called tor that purpose, by u mujority vote of tho stock of thn corpora tion then issued in favor of Mich amendment. In witness whereof we havo heicunto set our hands and seals this 21t day of Ootober, ISB9. Daki)!!, Imkeu, f?eal1 1 1.. IK V.N li. LOCBI Gko. L. CoLa, Seal v E., Seal J. J. Lonkko.vm, Seal J. V. ISeal (I i A r t r , I P. K. W a avb li, jrfealj A. t. KoHiuas, .Seal State of California, i I coil ty of Los Augolus. j ' Heforo nip, Harney Sturdnva'it, a Notary Piblle ! aul fo. tli'i'-n'i "f .. Angf'i-a Stjite of ouIlfo..!.-i. o.i thlH d ,y, porsonally appeared Daniel Ini o-, H. Jovne, Geoige L. ' cole, c.c. Mini, I.. Gilnitin, J. J. Lonergun, J. P. Kovuton. 1'. -. Wuaier uud A.'S. Ucb- : bins, persouaby lino wn to mo to be the per-, eonfcwlioso names uro subscribed to the loro- KOing instrument, irid acknowledged to mo tnut tuey execur. u ne sumo i-jr iiiepui 'u-e ; 1 JI 1 !.... . I.. 7...1.. ... . f i fx.i.j 'GIvl'u' under my hum! ouU seulipf iofuco thU,'23d day of October. lbW. (Scul.) Hai'ixkvStc-kdzvaht, Notary Public In uud for the county ot Lo Angeles'. -tate of culifornia. My commission nxpires on thJ22aUi-of April. 1101. Intern :l Ilovonu" stninp,, Klltd and rrnonleil ut i-np est of A. S. ' oh- f ui.... i.....v...i -. Iu... ... .- .. ... :.. l.HAt.. I jt . Inco: point ions, pu o f.O, I5J.1 2. J. , j fUi.HR V.aXV, 6 unity Recorder. I py ". n uoi.i'.hv. Lciuty. Fii'sii-pulfheatiiiii 0 i. :i. 18. 9 J)o you want . oti new? If'in An i't old. 'vateh good impaired by Ilinkl.' tin ji-weler. in I'.lmturt'rt (hoc sioro t IVM"MW j uat run fM 80 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tradk Marks ncataNB. COPYRIOHTS AC. Anyone sending- a sk.tch and dMcrlptlon may quickly ascertain our opinion fre. whether aa Invsntlon Istirotmulypntentabla, Commumra. tlous strictly eonfldontu. Uandbookon Fatente aont free. OUlutt nailer Tor securlni psttnta. I'Ateuts Ukeu through Blunn k Oo.HOtMTt tpteuunoiKB, vriinout cnarga, in tn. Scientific HmcrKan. t i A handsomely tlhurrntwl WMkly enUUon of nnr MnUlle lournaL VMrmstcts. 4rms. U a rtai t four mouths, IL Sold by all nawsdaalan. SSI Ijmljra wmw&wzMW .ppi'w,wMsrjBjiti vftppiaivvvvartfv Reliable Assays. Gold .Silver Gold and sliver. Lead ..MlCopper $1.00 .40 Gold, silver & lead. 1.25 .73 Gold.sllver.copper. 1.50 JO'G'Id.svr, eop'r, lead 2.00 Samples by mall receive prompt attor. tlon. Highest price paid for bullion. Ogdesi Assay Comp'y. 1429 16th st Denver, Colo Mf ttTaO scffiimFia r TgttTT.anrTiT yA. Jf JJCl33 2Pees j "weekly Ulustiated. INDISPENSABLE TO 1VI1MNG MEN. W PER YEAR, POSTPAID. bkxd oa samk.b corx. MINING Scientific PRESS 339 HJJtXXT ST.. SaJT PSASCISCO, CAT. THE WALDORF Qtt. in fines an ne Freeh oysters and all kinds of i?ame in season. The table supplied with the beat the market affords. K!Mt0 d1 1t?rto fa ANCHOR m m m Sid Harris, Prop. 'l IMPORTED WINES, Reading and Card Roonu Attache J. dive Us a Call. Opposite the ijlirary, Bisbee. rsMmmwmm LEKittiiBiiiXiiEus: he Maze HANINGER BROS., Proprietors jFine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. 'W'U'.'JiU -- Iftisb'icc Assay Ofiicc. XF T IItICK LIST. Silver Gold iwtff opper, lnonosumplo .82. 0 Milvei ;' t ';,,1 -a Stiver. Gold, Copper or Load, each....... l.u) Zinc 2.50 Antimony, Iron, Lime and Sulphur, euch 2.00 Wolframite .-. 6.00 AH Work Onarnnteeaj If not Correct .ilouey Kefuudccl CASH DISCOUNTS. t 5.00 wortk.of worlt. 5 per can off 16.-.0 " " 15 " 10.00 to SMOO " 20 " samples by mall or express receive prompt attention. Sample bugs given on np ppiicuuoii Nob Hill. Office near the old graveyard, on ALF TELLrM, ...ASSAYKR.. Bisbee. AnUuao S BESSEMER firs. IT. Crossey, Prop. A First-Class Hotel, Centrally JLoi-ated. . Furnished ftooma. Lighted by Electricity. Equipped After Modern Meth ods, with all the conveniences which rontribule to the trav elers' comfort. Tlie Traveling Public is Invited to call at W& tUStiBiiAlEK. r fin ii rr( III! oilier Iftliis or oliier w:sh t Can Eara Lets ot Mmj 'oikwilt for Ufl'ill apiuotime lit lioineoli t t ." i 0ur cloths. We offer you ll BOOil fliuliCl' ! to make plenty of fpending-tnoney eai- , 1y, in leisure tiourt; Send 12c. for :lotli , and full direction for work, and com mence nlonce. Cloth Kent, any where. "Address AV1S008KRT CO. 3l-S) Bo- ton, 'Mass., Mf.T)e.l't. i . T J 1 KXf( ,' VV VVU-liilW AGENT AND BROKER. Ari:u:ia Ilidbcc Representing Mining Prop . ,- erties. Heal Estate UontfliC "and- fold. .. -. Moiuif. Iipanad and Invested. "" -Golleotii.ttA Maila.. Btriiw jy) H r t v Q 'Va a frstCJ.t& Bonii Day, Week, or iMourtu. UOARDINti H0t!SK' t ' i . i. .' : i ; r .XT. PVwv-y. rrnvV wr. 1 4 FliiLO r W, R. THOMj f Bisbee, Arln Headstones and Monuments a 8pial Stone Cutting of all kinds da with neatness and diipatok. LeovG orders oi me BisDee Ba siore. ASX YOUR DRUISIST... ?..iwu.5a for a descrlpUve circular icRardlaz Dr. Nusbaum'a German -'Health Capsulas" IT WILL INTEREST YOU 11 n Street, Bisbee, Arizona. Geiscnliofer, Prop, lor lies nm waf gatamsajfissa SALOON, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Saloon repp-va MiElM Ml On Draught Coiutautly on Hand. a Kino Imported and Dimwtk Wines, Liquors mmI Clgstr. Your patroua'Utcujly SollottcJL Dubacher & Muheim. i Urewerv Avenue. ZjUoaa,. Cheap CASH Store, CHOICE K Frcsn Finns oi A.M11.Y GK0CEUIK6. MM Mb hii v. i :.::. Liii;ua. iCi.t.HS, . - AND - TOUACC05 Good, delivered to nil parts of towjo. BXHDXUOYXCH & NOail-tJ THK rt. 4 NICIIOI & FLETCHER, Proprietors. I A reprsotit.ii'ive esjt Ushment catering. to a representative peopie,:- Good Fare, Iieasonable Rates, Correct Servie ' Oi Bay- aii NtgJUl .j. -.'- -.U l."l l A: HOWLAjST) &.CO. A We , 04 ,t- ,rrf 'f'sm -'l.N" : ,'ntv .. -f'V - W'V p rry-ftCVENTH VEAR. v V"OR1.0V10E CIRCULATIO ; . vc.'i'y J-iijcs; WeeUlr.niustrat'.M, NrtPcfrtASE Jo Mining Men. x, ' d. i ,, .I, mi i . i i -1 - V V "MWif, 50X.IAR5 SSR.YKA3. l?STVAU. v , , s.mIk 'co"s riwc. . MtRlUfl Rim Gf.lEMTRlf: PHRSQ " KfTrtfl., N??iS9is&iit; ..'OJ-.V A. Ir3 i ;fhoto5raphic suppljis! -$ Wholosale and ttrtsil. v 11 ,S. Mtiu St , I.j ,' .-t -- j .t - ; w '- r f JMSsS5i5jaBfleiamii mwm&mmmi'': w.aiIsB6TiaKCH:.-i. ' ' 222H2a335pw-' m sm: xy& 3-- . iitt" 1 " 7 -i Ssv?l ,".-! 'V? m 80 TSS sw! SfUe03t I T.?Jt E '..'fV VJHKk rvvs sv siMS2 'CTi.-itiJ'.'SK m,- "."-. .." 'Mil m