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Ki" .-". -- ,:?& nsr'f, :;, J. vxwk: v-" " m VS.yiUc. .vjr-j?"v Jtf&4Ti T J ' S. i.4 ( . rX? A AA 4' ".' 1 ARIZONA 1ft ?, I .'1 I iiiMnrfTiirTtfliiJi iiii n iiwrticriiiTiirT'iTi IIIIMlim II . Ml 1111 III M MMi 1 WW I Ill ! in '! II miMil IW III I IBM ! Mil Hil I !' HIM Willi IW I WKlWIiJI lllimilii Will Hi ill PI i I I I' mi I h i I in I II" I i Inl i I t I n ll'lll U' I III I il iilil' I II 'i .'. T. , 1 -i ,SL . -c-i' ' i DAILY t 0R3B- . nh &Jif v n MBK BB -H n&.. .v , ffJWgn w. -3J X ... j . . n jt .?:! .j . .. . Af-js .-V.JBI ."! t - r -! . j m ; .'JT ?.?; ill rswm NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR U. 8. PATENT. M. A. TOO, Survey No. 1393. UoLef 4! LOfflce, Tucson, Arl- Ttober 17th- I89s In SfB IS'HEREBY GIVEN, That ThlrtvTnce. of pter .Six of Title lb nTi the Revsod Statutes of CoL xG. States' the South l8bee niAiTt n s UIUI "-ownsite improve- "wntcompany, a Corporation, whoso ' fflt34JrSi3i3isbee. Arizona. by v. HeIm' ,ts authorized agent, Wjose postoHlce addms la Los -An-T!l 1 C,aUforn'a. claiming the fotlow J, ioc,c nilnlng locations, to-wlt. 1 ftft ot tne Atlaff L. coverlne io feet North, 26 degrees 14 minutes f o the d,S("very shaft and 293 ieei South, 26 degrees It minutes East "n. with surface grow M teet in width; 1,497 &wt of the John and Jmes Lode. covering 1.037 feet North, ii lr'e8 1S minutes West from Oms aiseovery shaft" and 420 feet South, 27 degrees minutes Eat therefrom. MCh surface ifrbund COO feet In width; 1.500 feet of the 'Alabama Lode, cover ing 1.225 feet Ndrth, 17 degrees 38 min utes Wst from "the' discovery shaft and . feet South?; 17; deg'i'ofl 3S mjnutes East therefrom'. with1 surface" ground w. ret In wldthV 1.C00 feet of the Alma I , iXjja. epverlng 120 feet North, 17" - minutes west from the discov ery shaft and" 1,380 'feel South. 17 de crees 38 minutes .East ihejeffom with surface ground 000 feet Iji, width; 4.500 ft or the Aflcc Lode. ' covering 3 leet South. 17 degrees 38 minutes East from the discovery shaft a"i 1.120 'cct North, 17 degrees 38' ' minutes West therefrom, with surfni e ground 600 feet In width; 1,284.1 feet'of the Chrlatmaa ' Lode, covering '.590' feet South, IS grees 33 minutes ftasffrom the dl covery shaft and- iol.f feet North,- 18 degrees 31 minutes 'West therefrom, with surface ground 600 feet In width; .!2M.ft. of tl& Six'tflV-TbAn1ode tiov .erln 270 feet South, 18 degrees 51 aiin utes East fromrthe discovery shaft and l.H.l feet North, IS degrees 33 minutes Vt therefrom, with surface ground C0 feet in width: 1.4S2.8" feet of tlw Hmhllton Lode, ya.-ertnB'iQpjCectijouth, J2 degrees 20 minutes Kastfro'm the dtaeovery shaft and ,1.133.8 feet North, 12 degrees 20 minutvs West therefrom, with surface giound 600 feet in width; 1.4S.'.S feet of tlie Agnes' Lode, cover ing 1.2M feet North. 12 degrees 20 min utes West from the discovery shaft, an.l 132.1 feet South, 12 decrees -0 mln- ati Bast t'urfrom wtth surface i ground COO feet In width; 1,252.9 f.eet of the Alaska Lode, coveting 300 feet South, IS degrees f) minutes East from ttt dUcvery cry slnift noJ ?52,S, fee.t legrces 33 'orinTilesV Wt'aC N..-th, 18 d th lefrom In width.; O'Neill Lode, covering 250 II dejtrces 33 mlnuten East"from the discovery shaft, ami 'l,002;O-fetiNdrtlV' VOLUME , with gidundQflfeat : 1.25 ; reeiAfcttckcy 'fWet'South, 'V. IS "tgrees S3 minutes .West , therefrom, 'yKMfi surface' Rtcuind CvO' feet in width; lJrS rcet f the V.Tatprlov' Iiodccuver-v ln,7 1.150 tftf. South. 12 degrei.:J mlnr ut!fEafctfrom the.eiovery'shUft a'nUj 350 fet North. 12Megrees 26 inlniitej: Wst thciefrosn, with surfaces ground a. ..4 l ... 1.141.. 1 rnt aa4 .if thaArl. mvii ir.i iuiii: i.u'ju iccl ul ... ... . t j . 1 - ii,'vvn.(i, -. north so degrees 17 minutes, .isast 600 ona Lode, coverlns : 340 tert-". " feet to corner No, 2. thence South IS d!!ie.Si "4,nUie,B 2!rRiawMwe. 33 minutes. East 1.384.1 feet to ""' "ii "" "c """" ,.(.., I'nsf tiiei'Lirom. wttn sunac. grrtnud 63jJ feet in width; 1.422.2 .feet of the Nellie Lode", covering. ,20 feet Notth, 80 degrees 17 .minutes East from he discnveiv idtnft and', hlli'.2 if-J Jjftath. 76 degrees 14 minutes West therrfrom. with surface ground CC0 ft'tt In ldth: and A.'fVt pi P H r.ti. Lde". covering 900 Uei 'South, SO de-Tecs 17 minutes .West ftom the dl coVci y hat and 0 .feet orfh SO ife irfV'j 17 minutes East therefrom with suit'ace gtound COO feet In width: iN beating gold, silver and I eopmr.- an.l sltur.te in the Qlla Lahd.'Diijlrlct, bar ren Mining District, Cochise County, Ariznnn. has mads application to the T'-t.' 5fitrs for n patent-for the eald jBlnlny clalmr which is more fully tie v . as to metes and. bounds by the Ofiftal Plat posted on the .claim, d by he Kleld Notes, of ruivey thetuof -n n'K In the office of the United Stales Xtu! Offlce atfcTucson, ArixonawWch. Futoy No, 1S93 Atlti LoiU K-,i f nlnv ftt corner No J, t '"Nor tn- - cot.. "f location and Identical with .)?- TrJ.-ng'.e T-i. Surej 11m. hi pn- i st surrounded by a ii ond of stoneb, ji.r' " 1 A J.-U3' 'W. C. bears South 26 degrees 14 min ute t East 100 feet, nnd a pine pof-t stir .m.niitd Ijv a mound of stouts, sjrlfoed I.A. Ij.-IM . 'cin i"i ..l. . l.n.. V, TA 0 de i'3 minutes. East 10 fect an -J ;nhl 'l States mineral monument No. 4 he-ti J,Torth 5 electees 18 ml-tutts. Ea?k BO "i', and bdng the center of shaft of the South Blsbee Copper "1 Inr rnd wnjilt- Imniavement eetn (!! thence "Mr'h 70 degrees 19 rain ut, East 600 feet to corner Ne, 2. "thettt'' South :6 degrees 14 minu.cK. Ti'r-' 1.433.0 IBCl lO ciirn-r iio. f .,n-..i-. go'i h "0 elegree' -? m!tm?s, '.7't 8H ref to corner No. 4; Ihcnre North ii.f 14 mlnu'es, West 1.4!ijM '"t to earner No. 1. the p'a-v of b'ertnning., " rvey No. 139'.. John and' Jme Lr-, Beginning at e o: ner N. 1. beln.e the Northwest cotn-r of location. nir" set In a .round of stones, 8cr!''el 1-13M J. '- J-. Whenc itrtrs mineral tnonumrnt No 4 J.-ai Hj0",h 0 degrees C mlnntca. W-hI 5.S0T ,.' thence North 70 d ?". 29 m'u-"ute- East i4 1. 1 f' '" mrnar N .. 2 "tVnce South : .i.'v:v" -.ilnvticM Enrt 1.W3 fee ' or"'r "rt' :: t',',,s' qn,.M, ; desT'H- 9 nt'ti t' " M' tee. te. enrorr ?."' I: "" N" ' ' Scrret-i 14 nlnuf-v w t ft .. "oornr .So. 1. th p'xer n' inalnir at corner iso. 1. nunc wi C... .vJ.. Mmcr ef location andWen- 2m. ... ...,n n..l .William A. .v j .-rr 7i&fflVh. V minutes, West CQ0 feet to comer No. SvWlng 1.110 feet Jlouth, 73 degrees 21 H4 ll2!" .'0 Corner " h ih' mlttutes West from the discovery shift. X Jftl n-r.:-.rf, T o V an 1 317.6 feet Sort fc ?3-deS ?ln. B ';'j "' ' '" V, : - A .,net ithftwirrnm. I ....lnriV Tand extent of said claim on Ii.. whence United States mineral surveyed) .4t,5 acres. Net area U,rVi,H-n! No. 4 bears North 11 dc-8 .n?as-96 Lode, 15.535 acres. i..., 'nra. rT surv.v unurinK .'... . "T .--.. v.. ,.. .. .vvv , . I" - 1 i. t'nt,ii P!r,t ni foiiou-- '-'rrna 39 minutes West 8100 feet, thence" H Total and net area Sixteen to ij XI ii K - v .,,1. -a .!-,.-.- oft i?..i rAn iff.nft 17.40 nnrfiR. Mk . . "' ' v -vii-i.i . 4iiijiuiu; juci uvv IV Una. tmnrrt. ivh )tajrtl''VJa, xjj,; v.-.nw y-livS 'fr j 3ISBEE. No. 4 Atlas Lode of this survey, a pine post surrounded by a mound of stones, ,'acrlbed l-ia3 Aa.-L whence United I States mineral monument -No. 4 bears North 0 degrees C4 minutes. West 7,200 feet, thence North 70 degrees 29 min utes, East 600 feet to corner No. "; thence South 17 degrees 38 minutes, East 1,500 feet to corner No. 3; thence South 70 degrees 29 minutes, West 600 feet to corner No. 4; thence North 17 degrees 38 minutes, West 1,500 feetto. corner No. 1, the place of beginning. Survey No. 1393. Alma Lode. Be ginning nt corner No. 1, the Northwest corner of location, and Jdenttcal with corner No. 2 Alabama Lode, and corner No. 4 John and James Lode, and cor ner No. 3 Atlfua I.ode'of this survey,' rt pine post surrounded by a mound of stones, scribed 1-1393 A. L.. whence United States mineral monument No. 4 Dears North 5 degrees 32 minutes. West 7.031 feet, thence North 70 degtees 29 minutes. East GOO. feet to owner No. 2. thence South 17 degrees Si minute?, East 1.500 feet to corner No. 3, thence Squth 70 degrees 29 minutes. West 600 feet to corner No. 4. thence North 17 degrees 38 minutes. West 1,500 feet 'tr corner Ho. 1, the place of beglnniag. Survey. No. 1393. Alice Lode. P Sinning nt corner No. 1. being the! Northwest corner of location and'Idon fleal with corner No.' 2 Alma Lode noI comer No. 3 John and James Lode of this survey, a pine pastjwrrounded by. a mound or stones, scribed 1-1393 Ae L., whence Ujilted States mineral mon ument No. 4 beats v North 10 degrees 21 minutes, We 6,910 feet, tlitRce North 70 degrees 29 minutes," Eat 600 feet to corner No. 2, thence South 17 degrees 38 minutes, East 1,500 feet to corner No. 2, thence South 70 degrees 29 minutes, West 600 feet to corner No. 4. thence North 17 degrees 3 J minutes. West 1,501 feet to corner No. I, J tne piace or uegtnnmg. Survey No. 1293. Christmas '06 Lode. Beginning at corncf No. 1, being thi Northwest corner of location, a pine post surrounded by a mound of earth and stones, scribed 1-1393 C. '96 L.r whence United States mineral monu ment No. 4 bears North 14 degrees 11 minutes 45 seqonds, Wcjjt f,376 (l; thence North 80 degrees 17 minutes, East 600 feet to corner No. 2, thence South 18 degrees 33 minutes. East 1.2S4.1 feet to corner No. 3; thenc South SO degtccs 17 minutes, West 52C.8 feet to, -Inter.' ect line 2-3 Alice Lode of this sur vey at North 17 degrees SO minutes, West' 678.25 feet from corner N0..3 Alice Lode of this survey, 60 feet to' corner No. 4. identical with corner No. Alas- ka Lode ot this survey, thence North. J Ih tii'iMc sz uiHititc". we if ,to point of Intersection with Jlne 1-2-A1- tce Lode of this, survey at 514.51 feet "North, "0 degrees 10 minutes East from '01 nor No. 1 Alice Lode aforesaid, (MSkl feet to ". No. 1, the t1co of lioEinnlng. Kujvcy No. 1391. Slxtecn-to-(Vie, Banning nt ti)ni-r No. 1, belnr '1. Xoiihwc-st co;nrr oO Ht,atl6n a'iU t0..ii(',.o) iJdli pmnui- TCn " nf thi I fiC Lole of thin 'Mirvey, a J .- J, N m 9 iUi, - pine post sutioundc-l by a mound at i u Xast oi0 teet la coiner No 4,1 earth and stone, scribed 1-1393 15 t 1-L whence "United States mineral (monuTncni no. .oets norm iv aegreea 31 minutes, West 6,450 feet, thence . .. - - . . . rnrnfr Nn 9. thpnna Smith Sn dpe-rM ."--.----. -'" - --.-. - V..W-. -ci---. North Wept cot location an-l lMli-si jvltfc comer No. 1 of Alma Lode and corner No. 3 Alabama of Ihlj survey, a pine po-jt un'ouuVd by n molin-l of earth and stfi aorlbeA 1-1S9S H. L whence Unltou Sj!jtes3MIneral monument No I 1mmj fStisth 7 degrees 39 niimUrs Wtst .MO" f',et, thenee North 70 degrees 21 mlu ;t;es" Ea.t f00 f.-,k to eo-n?!- Nt. .. Hience Cemtlt 12 tiegreA 20 rnimitfyJ rast S2.8 feet to corner No. 3, thence .Squth TO elegise? 29 minutr West GO'S fi'e't to corner No. 4. t,he,;v,e North 12 Vgree? 20 minutes West MKS fet to Corner No'. 1, the plae-e of heglnninij. iMirvey "No. 1393. Agnes Lode. ? I..i T'h'nlng at coiner No. 1. being th 'orthlWcst foris-T of location hi! identical with corner No. 4 of Alice Lode, earner No. 2 Hmjllu Lode and corner No. 3 of Alma Lode of this sur )fy,a pine post surrounded by amound ' n" - to corner No. 2. thence South 12" n - " r-itnttrs rast US2 S ft fo(;0 it" N ; h, nte South 70 durrcen I ...-...,,,-, wu reel IP eorne-r no LU"n.1' N ,:Ul 12 dcK 2 minute ft . I. . .. . . . 4 -4- ,i-.m I -i i. ft lo corner No. 1, the i -...rm '". k w......u ..... ..... . K... of of pfirth nnd stnnps. nrrlhed 1.139.1 Ac. .-5ry 4o. jj.i. Alaska L.odo. v.gln-itonlllct -jrlih Agnes Lode or this fiur n'ng at corner No.l.belnc- the North I vey. .390 acres. Net area Alaska Lode. V. est lom'r Of lac.lttnn n'iln nne 'ti n mound of earth an uto'n s-rlbrd : IC"! A. Ij whence Vnlled SlJrs '."tutat n'onument No. 4 lais N01IV Otgift 1 nil-ittto 1" Hc-oni's r.9 foil, thTf Airth 80 ',' s 17 ilniits Lat 73.2 ffot to r!n l. "e-rllon with lin : 3 li. r T.oOo of .....-.,., .. .. a..., ,.w..v . ;i nrvr- :u .-.ncth '.7 .'.rf ""nut s f ST' f f, N'o. 3 AlliM Lode jfortppl'' : 'ti.r 0'V f.,'t to " !': No. ?. iheni't' c'i'"i K dcrti-T- 1 minutes l-'nn liR.'i (-( t cornrr :i. 3. tliftiiy ?Aith 0 iVt-m.., 17 ,).n !S V erfj.r.. ,, ,.,n.r Ko i.nce cTPir No ? t-r nut !ln Ul .if.i- I o.l or ni mi " nt "o'Uh i" '.''ri- rj mlmtt.. ' 't '"1.4 fet fiont to 1 o : " l.O't n" 1 for'":' ifurriinP I5" ' f " ' p aca n' "",in' 'urVer' No W? , lV... J!. -lri.Jn,7 (. ng tJt" Niir'h v,.,t "itlon '.-"i J i"!-ul -J . "1 ""! Il,' It .4 r 'I '. .; . it No. 5 A.10 f..v;,. ..f nlV-ui Vreya 01 a en. aoove awenn- 'car North 12 urgr-i. 2lt n,inut. .-V ''" ?. u,e1,,,en"rI , ' ,'V Tr' V6.4 fet. tltner. Vr-ilh A.lcZ '"( I- ""tlow. Title eielmU Mlnntrs .W.I6 f.H 1.. ,M,m .7- f':uul mllt ml a hal.f Soulh lrf itfrsi ,Vn tiit'i l'-c? 1 mi... T.i.' t - Town of l.lsbes, In the said Warren L' ... ,..,. r v, r,, ,. irjlnve: Of tho Atlts txl ' '.( ct :lii!iii HooV 14. pag" 640; of the Join V hi." 11 :nd'l tir itj.Tiintea f.ole lit flMik 1'. Pgs i. of 'i u'- -t.n-in iitrvey. a rim- rosi or tbf r--, ,,,., nv n:o"nd of and ' v,rl U't '-(! K"rJtW ARIZONA, THURSDAY Mineral monument No. 4 bears Nortb 19 degrees 27 minutes West 7737 feet, thence North 80 degrees 17 tnlnutey East COO feet to corner No. 2. "thenco South la degrees .33 -minutes Eust 1252.9 feet to corner No. 3, thence South 80 'degrees 17 minutes West 600 feet to corner No. 4, thence North IS degrees 33 minutes West 1252.9 feet to corner No. i, the place of beginning. Survey Ttfo. 1393. Waterloo Lode. Be ginning at corner No. 1, being ihe Northwest corner of location and Iden tical with corner No. 4, Alaska Lode, of this survey, a pine pott uaounded by mound of earth and stones, scribed 1-1393 W. L., whence United States Mineral Monument" No. 4 bears North 13 degrees 31 mInutc-3 West S316 feet, tfcence North 70 degrees 17 min utes West COO feet to corner No. 2, thence South 12 degrees 20 ' minutes East 1500 feef to corner No. 3, thence South SO degrees 17 minutes West 600 feetflto corner No. 4, thence North 12 degrees 20 minutes West 1500 feet to corner o. 1, the place of beginning. Survey No. 4393. .Arizona Lode. -Be-flnnlng at corner No 1, being the Northwest cprncr of location and Iden- J tuzil with corner No. 3, Alaska Lode, mU corner iso. , watenoo l,ou or tlih suivey, a. pine pet nr-ounded bj ft mound ot jeajtu ana atones, strioett 1-13&3 Ay. L., whence United States Jlinetal Monument No. 4 bears ;horiu l'J degrees 19 minutes West 8936 feel, thence North 80 degrees 17 minutes East 600 feet to corner .No. 2, thence South 12 .degrees 20 minutes East 1500' fee"t -to cornel- Ko. 3. thence South 80 degrees 17 minutes West 680 feet to cor ner No. 4, thence North 12 degrees 20 minutes West 1500 feet to .corner No. 1, the place of beginning. SuiViv' .No. 15UKJ. .Lai-l Chance lode. Hr cinnlDfr at earner No. 1, being 'the Southeast corner of location, being Identical with corner No. 1, Margareta Lode and corner No. 4, Waterloo Lode, of this survey, a pine post surrounded by a mound of earth and, stones, scribed 1-1393 L. C. I... whence Ujilted States Mineral Monument No, 4 bnw N. 15 degrees 3 minutes West 10,414 feet, thence North 12 degrees 20 minutes West 583.6 feet to corner No. 2, thence South 70 degrees 29 minutes "vyest 1433 ftet to corner No. 3, thence South 13 degrees 20 East 440 feet to cor ner No. 4, iece North 76 degrees 14 minutes East 1422.2 feet to corner No. l..Uie place of beginning. Suivey No. 1393. Nellie Lode. Be ginning at corner No. 1, being the Northeast conuy of location and iden tical willTwratr Nv. L JOarareta Lode, corner No. 4 Waterloo Lode and comer No. 1 Last Chance Lode of this survey", a jilne post surrounded by a liiounu" of tarth and stones,' scribed 1S1333 N. L.i whence U. S. Mineral Mon untrt No 4 brar3 North 15 dcgiees 3 .ninutt'S West 10,414 feet, thence b'oiiclil , Uigurs :i" mlnutis W?Gt bOO feet to coinc No Z, thence fc'outh 7b deirrees it i..mutts VCSt 11J2.2 f -f t t tOi 1 f Nosth 76 degrees 14 minutes Esrl4S2 feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning, Survey No. 1393. Margareta Jpd Beginning at corner'" Mo. 1, being the Northwest corner of location and iden tical with corner No. 4. Waterloo Lode, aud'coiner No. 1. Nellie Lode, and cor ner "No. 1, Last Chanc-a Lode, ,y .thin survey, a pine post fc..tiounded by a mound of earth and stones, scrlood l-lttS M. 'L., whence United States Minctat MDUUtnttit No. I beau North 15 desteob'3 minute-', Weft 10,411 leet, thence Koith 80 dogis 17 minuies, East ICtO ftet to couui'.' No. 2, thence Suuth 9 de-glues m tiihiutLS, Witt HO feet to ttntr No. 3, theitte South 8U degietM 7-"iiiinut, We-wt 1-00 feet to joiner No. 4. thence North 'J degrees ,u nUnutusj, 3-ust I.C0 fitt to corner No. 1, Hie place of beginning. TOTAL AKEA Ol'' CLAIM. Tolui uiid t.ot area Atlas Loda, -0 3JS at rw. Total arid net area John & Janus Loue, lO.siO at-tcsJ Total apd nU area Alabama Lode, Total and net area Aitua Lwde, 20.64S Hi'l . K. T-Jfl iid net atca A'ice Lode, lO.Clil acres. rrv,4i -,. nhrl.lmin '96 Lode. 17.4S0 acretu-Less atea In conflict with Alice t.(1 nf ti,i Riirvpv. 1.4S0 acres, and I urea In conflict with Delavin Lode (un- i tr r. . M. . . I UltriSt- I Onel Total and net area Ham Hon Lode. ' 2C0 acres. Total and net ara i.oue, .... -.. . ' I Tptal wu Alaska Loie. HM acrns. ; 1'sit atea in eonlllct with Alice Loile ot this iurvty. l I'aO atics. lewe atea in , lS7r:l nriva m.iv. .....-.. Total and net area Buckey O'Nell Lode, 17.207 acres. Total and net area Last Chance Lodr, 19.C50 hi r. Total and net arjft Vaterloo Lod , j'o'.a and' nit are Arizona LeJc, .c.f. o li.tif'. ' and net ro.. Aiatgareta Lode, !.)iu .-.ct's. To 1. n an i nrt urea N 1! Lode, 1S.0)7 ctc. Net ta of this lo;' e'.I.v.. JOt.K: acrt r. i.i.,; Diiiirict, eto v oui.iy ei u-. .... I - ... . M iis-. nd will. When pubik Ud tir-1 "-I i ,111; ilrsi'rliui: looca ar re- till' .MuVntra Lod In "m.U l. r4igo I'n etJfe-o ATr.Ta Is-,:r BiruTt M. . ! fin,t.n.f ....... . .. Ml ' a,i ts tended ovvf mis section on . ' . ., ", . ' ' "- .,' I . i lit Tin n. Arizona, vrhtili flolil nnlM . ... .n irp nr noii fn m a r. nnt un, :" " 'Kr -',,, T-.fT n .' "v l1,,r,li,(' the boundaries and j;.n Un.v. .-ul J4ildU. ,;,!, magnetic rivlatl.v, aMl d.'groes. ,.,,! j. .ujjja 4i minutes Fsf as foli-iwu. to-v.-lt: .- r - -- - .-urvvy 4i. i" 1 rnwil t Ilia i.O'". EVENING, DECEMBER 7, !M1: of the Alice Lode In Bo6k 14, page ' 558; of the Christmas '96 Loda in Book 14, page 637; of the Sixteen to One Lode In Book 14. Dage 540: of the Hamilton Lode in Book 14, page 555; of the Agnei L.oae inTBook 14, page 536; of the Alas ka L6de in, Book M. ,page 538; of the Buckey'Nell 3pde 'in Book 14, page bd9; qs (the Waterloo Lode, In Book 14, page 559; of the Arizona Lode In Book 14, page 533; and the locations of the above descrjbedAahd following lodes ,are recorded as' follows: Of the Last Chance Lode;ln Book 14, p.ajje ?12; of xue x.cnie ,L.oae."in .upon ii, page 711; of the Margarefa Lode an Book 14, page 710 raid book being of the records ofi mines of the Records of Cochise Coun-. ty, ulzona. The presumed .general course or di rection of ihe vein, lode or mineral de posit of the above described lodes re spectively is shown upon the plat post ed on the claim as nearly as can be determined from present development, this claim being for the linear feat of each lode thereof as hereinabove set forth, respectively, together with the nirfaro ground shown upon the official plut ihcicof. Adjoining claims Are "Triangle i-ja-im," survey No 1019 "Hob frnaH , John Claim," survey No 1020, owned by applicant herein: "Dellvan, Danvlll and Jfyp'-'b.ett todCS" JunsiirveyeuV LmteTl iS.tArizona Coipei and Smelting Co., claimants; "Rathworn Lode" tun sUrveyed, Brophy and O'Haie, clalm dnts; "John P. Jr." and "William A.," stjrv'ey No. 1394, applicant hcrahv clalmkrit; "Magenta Lode" (unsurvey- ed). Thomas Hlgglns, claimant; "Black Warrior" and "War Eagle Lodes" (unsurveyed), Lewis and Welch, clatmMts: "Wales,", '.'Rustier," "Ger many" and "Sister' Lodes" (unsur veyed), Maurice Denn, claimant; "Mar tin Lode" (unsurVeyed), Gemehie, Waddell & Jerrlng; .claimants; "Modoc and Bryan Lt)des," survey No. 1392, ap plicant Herein, claimant; "Combina tion" and "Reward" Lodes, Shattuck and Keating, claimants, and vacant J ana unoccupied land. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the mining ground, vein, lode, piemlsesoraLny portion thereof so de scribed, surveyed, platted and applied for, are hereby notified that, unless their advene claims are duly filed as' according tu law and the regulations thereunder within the time prescribed by law, with the Register of the United States Land Office at Tucson, Arizona, J they will be hanwd Ty the provisions of said Statute. " ' MILTON R. MOORE, '" Register. Date of first publication, Friday, October iOth, 1899. ' -t- NOTICE OF APPLICATION FORVU. S. PATENT. k- M, A. .701, Survey No. 139i I nlted States Land Omce, Tucson, Arizojt'i, October 17, KS9t Soliu .- TTPRFPV ejiVEN. T1 at i.i , ii. . (f el, ipur ix tf Titte T'di t.v -two of the Revised Statutes) of ... iT"w.n ...f.u the South Bisbee i Townsite Im- f.opi)er Mining ptovemeht Company. a corpora tion, whso post office address Is Blsbee, Arizona, by Lynn Helm, Its nuthoiized agent, whoso post office addtcss Is Los Angeles, Callfor n'a, claiming the following lode min ing locations, to-wlt: 950 feet of the Crown IClng lode covet Ing 348 feet South, V5 csree3 West of the discov ery shaft, and 606 feet North, 15 de- gtees East therefrom, with surfaces CtnuadOO feet In width; 934.35 feet of the Iron Cap lode coveting 175 feet South, -IS degrees West from the dls eovery shaft and 779.33 feet North, 18 tie grec, East therefiom, with surface ground 4SS.35 feet In width; 1004 feet of the Raven lode covering 199 feet South. J 5 flegrowi YTt-rt nt the discovery shaft ar.a S14 feet North. 18 degrros 3"ast Ihotifrom with surface ground COO feet In nidth: 1229.6 .f.ct of the Monarch lode coveting 270 feet South, 19 degrees CO mlputes West from the discovery' shaft and 959.6 feet North, 19 degrees 80 mlnutr-s East therefiom, with sur- foiv gtound 60O feet In width; 1210 feet. rt i'.e. Uncle Sam lode covering 340 f. .t South, 15 degnes West of the ells-civyj-y !-,ft and 830 feet North, 15 d.-grr-s E.i.U thrverrom, with nurfaeo riound COO feet In width; 1191.7 feet of " Trann Atlantic lode covering 100 foet Pout". degrees West ftom the lovcry shaft and 1031.7 feet North 1 i ilAH-rnAit Pant l. -..,.,.-, ...f.l. B,t. " "-" 4.,4 V...4..... ,.,4... 04.4 face ground 600 feet in width; 1413 feet of tht South Pol lode covering 270 I feet South, 10 degrees West from the V-, T .vr " .V IV4 f( - 3 1 Tt3 V ktie I 1,11 ' ' It l It II il'JIAlVVV ground 600 feet in width, 1001 feet of , ,, u .. . . ,. 'r 0-n . , l'"l Itl " fc.W I 1 - i'VH S'dt. 18 degrcei "tt from the dls- cfi, htitt And ?Sl feet North. IS dc- glces j-aHt. the r from, ltli sutftict Krouna 429.C6 fe-t in width. 100 feet of t the, LtIla Mack lodo Lowering 110 feet bouthi lo degrees West from the dis toVery shaft and 290 feat North, 15 de gtces East therefiom, with surface cround 532.0- (iW in wteitlt; 00 feet of the William A. lode covarlng 110 feet South, 11 degrees Wtst from the dls covety shaft and 570 feet North, 11 de grees East thereft om. with surface ground 600 feet In width; and 778 feet of the John P. Jr. lode coverltig120 feet South, 18 degrees West from the dis covery shaft and 530 feet North, 26 de grees West therefrom, with surface around 429.5 feet ia width; all bearing gold, silver and copper and situated In the Clla Land Dfstrlct. Warren Mining District, Cochise County, Arizona, has mude application to tho United 'States for e patent fer the said mining claim which ia In oe fullv ilem-tUml hh to niftm and IjeuwH h tho OuVlnl Plat ' , y . . . . . -. . , IIIIMII'll III! AIJII I .111 III t n nw r,;it II I 1 '"" V ' f " ' ' ..l"J ''r: ""' V".' V. glnnlntr at corscr Fo, t. being the S.-ittth W.'Rt cofric of location, n pln rot. In a moinvl of urth and Htom e. rllied lOIJI C. ?. r. r)ni" V. ? w'r.v-dl puvtyo'Cit v,. j Uraro Soul ctK.WM. jairTwt; twsv 1.809 South 78 degrees, 62 minutes.East 532.1 fqet to corner No. 2 Identical with cor ner No. 1 Iron Cap lode and corner No. 4 Raven lode of tys, survey thence North 16 degrees 50 minutes, East 9J4.35 feet to corner No 3, thence North 7S degrees, 52 minutes, West 'E0O feet to rorner No. 4, thence South 12 degrees, 43 minutes. West 950 feet to corner No. 1 the place of beginning. " Survey No. 1394.' Iron Cap lode. Be ginning at corner No. 1, being the Southwest corner of location and iden tical with comer No. 2 Cnown King ilode of this survey, a pine -psBt' ' in a mounu or earth and, stone scribed 1 1394 I. C. L. whence U. S. Mineral mon ument No. S bears South 41 decrees. 53 rn.inu.teis. West 7fS7.S jJfcE, thence .jouui ,b, "52 minutes, East 4S8.3") f'ft to corner No. 2, thence North C dc.;tccs, 12 minute. East 353.24 feet to corner No.3, thence North IS degrees, ? minutes. East 600 feet to to corner No. 4, thence North 78 de grees, 52 minutes. West 436.2 feet to corner No. 5, thence South 16 .degrees, 30 minutes, West 954.35 .feet t corner No. 1 the place of beginning. Survey No., 1394. Raven Lode. Be c'nnin? at corner 'o. 1 h I (g ,t.he Fouthmfcit ewtruea- oX taVitrtion ud Id'en tiral with ce.rier No. 4 Mona-th lode of this fiurve a pine pot surrounded S'v a mpun 1 of stone neiibtnl R. L. 1- ..ii wnence u, a. .Mineral monument No. 3 ?Mi3 South 53 degices. 43 min utes, West 2027.3 feet thence South 71! degrees, 5 jiitnutoi, East .600 feet te corner No. 2, thence North 11 degrees, 1 minute, East 998.1 feet to comer No. 3, thence North 78 degrees, 52 minutes, West 488.35 feet to corner No. 4, thence boutn 17 degrees, 24 minutes, West 1004 feet to comer No. 1 the place of De ginning. - -- Survey No. 1394. Monorch Lode. 'Be ginning at corner No. 1 being the Southwest corner of location a pine post surrounded by a mound of stone scribed 1-1394 M. L. whence U. S. Min eral monument No. 3 "bears South 88 degrees, 44 minutes. West' 1264.3 feet. Wsce South 78 degrees, 52 minutes, East 600 feet to corner No. 2, thence North 17 degrees, 33 minutes, East 1229.6 feet to corner No. 3, thence North 78 degrees 52 minutes, West 600 feet to corner No. 4, thence South IT degrees, 33 minutes, West 1229.6 feet to corner No. 1 the place of beginning. Survey No. 1394. Delia 'Maek lode. Beginning at corner-No. 1 being the Southwest corner of Jocatipn.RnddeJf tlcal with corner rNp. 2, "iRaven" lode anu corner i No. X Monarch lode and corner No. i4. Uncle Samlode of this L suiv.;y, a ptne post surrqunded by a mound of atone scribed -1-H594 tD. M. C. whence U. S. Mineral monument No. S bears South 64 degrees, 2 minutes,' West 2473 feet, thence North 1 degrees 1 minute, East 401.6 feet to corner No. 2, thence Sputh 70 degrees, 54 minutes. East 299.7 comer No. JS. trvetcvi fouth 71 degrees, 10 minutes. "raat2o5 1 f-et to corner Net, 4. lhcnce Squth 11 degrees, 2fi mlnuterB, West 400 -leet to corner N-qu i., thcaice North 70 degrees, 51 minntep Wet 332 9 feet to comer No 1 the place of bgining. Survey No lSt1; Uncle Sam Lode. Pegirftiuwr a. corner No. 1 being the South rttot ccrnsr of location and iden tical with corner No. 1 of the Trans Atlantic lode and with corner No. 2 of the Monarch lode, claims of this sur rey, a pine post surrounded by a mound of stone scribed 1-1394 U. S. -L. whence U. S. Mineral monument .No. 3 bears North 87 'degrees, 17 minutes, West 1854.9 feet, thence South 70 de grees, 54 minutes, East 600 feet to cor ner No. 2,jthence North 14 degrees, 26 minutes, East 1233.1 feet to corner No. 3, thence North 70 degrees, 54 minutes, West 532.9 feet to corner No. 4, thence South 17 degraes, S3 minutes. West 1229.6 feettlo corner No. 1 the place of beglnnnlng.-i- Survey No, lf4. -Trans Atlantic lode Beginning at corner No. 1 being the Northwest corner of location and Iden tical With corner No. 1 Uncle Sain lode nnd rorrcr No, 2 Monarch lode both claims of this survey, a pine post sur rounded by a mound of stones 'scribed 1-1391 T. A. L. whence U. S. Mineral monument No. 3 bears North 87 de grees, -17 minutes, West 1854.9 feet, thence Sciath '70 degrees. 54 minutes, East COO foot to eorncr No. 2. thence South 15 , degrees, 42 minuter. West 1191.7 fi.U, to corner No. 3. thence North 70 degrees, 54 minutes, West 65 feet corner No. 4, thence North, 1" dtjrrccr, 2 minutes, East 1191.7 feet to corner K. 1 the iwire of beginning. Survey No. 1394. .South Pole Lolc. I lieglnnir.K nt corner Iso. 1 being tue Soneiiwcffi corner f location a pine po?t surrounded by a mound of earth rod nto.te scribed 1-18M S P. T whence corner No 2 of th Undo sain lodo and corner No of the Trars Atlantic lode of this Hurvey bear South 14 dogrjfs 2 -lnueH West 319.S fct mi U f?. Mfcwxat monument No " bears North S3 degrees 31 in'iuit West .'170 feet, th nee South 71 dc KrueHi 10 minutes East 500 feet to cor ner Wo.' 2, thence North 6 degrees h minute, East 1448.9 feet to corner No 3, thence North 71 degrees 10 minute West 391.7 tfft m enrner N. 4. thencfl South 14 degrees S6 minutes Went, !' l',u a'il.'J.S feet to corner Ne. 1 the place of orK beginning. de. 1 Purvey Ne. 1394. Bay State Lqi iJCKinning at corner no. 1 oeins mo jsouiiiv.'est corner er tecaeion ana, Identical with corner Na. 3 of the Delia Mack lode of this survey, a pine post surrounded by a mound of stone scribed , 1-1394 B. S. L., whoaoe United Rtntes Mineral monument No. .t benra South 61 degrees 42 minutes West 2M6 feet, thence Nbrth de ,:rtr 44 minutes Hast 6IJ.1 feet ts porner No. , thence Seuth T detprea ."V2 minutes FASt, 170.44 fet to vnrncr vIo, 3. thence routh 71 dcgree.8'1'" nil t Kjyit. 42J..1S feet te cernT No. 4. tieiee -SiiiiUi SO rtrrrppji 16 ml mi t flu V(;nt leOO.S .ft to eorner'-No. -5. thenccji Votth 71 degree II minutes- West 4V t '" f to corner Nc. 1 the plat'o of le- nnin Jt'as Cl.iltn Siry No. 13?X rlno 't ourroundud hy a mnm' of ee-th id Bton.s .-rl!nd 1-15H VI. A. L.I "trrey No. Wi. William A. UHli&ijiwSfmmzttft&l&ilt? 'J ?'' . Xhh .tinning at oornsr No. t. b.-Inr Hi"1 "V. ''- Uftil5JS SZC,, ' rt'lfooarn) ''"th Eaft tiorncr of location nnd . "", "'T,nr.ileil- h VM-Mf 'MtticAl with enrner No. 4 t tlif-vl 1i IT Ii f 11 i) T F I ' f t'Jtf 7i ir " Tfcff ,re"tria;'5''tMY4c Vtn-4" NUMBER 29s "HJnnn"""n"n""""""""""n"""""""""""""" ment No. 4 bears North 4area 14 minutes West 7200 feet, thence fvuth )7S degrees 40 minutes West 00 feet te eporner No. 2,, thence north M Accretf 16 minutes East T91.4 feet te cor ner No. 3, thence North 71 degreee 40 minutes East 6 feet to1 comer Hi. ' 4, -thence" South 26 dener 04"minjiteji East 697.4 feet to corner jK. A -, place of, beginning.-. Survey No. 1394. John P. fx. Led Beginning at corner He, ft fetta the South West comer of loemtiea ant Identical .with corner Ne. 2 Magnate Lode survey No. 1027 and with corner , No. 3 of the Bay State lode of :tha survey, a pine post surrounded Try mound of earth and stone scribe! 1-139 J. P. Jr. L., whence -Unite States Mineral monument No. 4 beam North C degrees 7 minutes East Uif feet, thence South 71 degrees 10 min utes East 429.56 feet to corner No. -$. thence North 26 degrees 14 minutes West 778 feet to comer N. 1, thence North 71 degrees 10 minutes West C feet to comer No. 4, thepce South ,8 degrees 48 minutes West 564.02 ,feet ttp corner No. 1 the place tf beginning. TOTAL AREA OF tCLAIM. Total and -net area Crews King Lee, lTiTJIO icrcs. Total and 9 J70 acres. Tofctl and 1-4S7 acrei. Tout and T6:829 aores. net area Iras -.Gas TjcAo, not ttrca Raven Le, net area iManark Ljtf, Total and net area Untie Sana Leae, 15.983 acres. 'Total uuid jjqt .area .Trams AtlanJ4 Lode, 16.385 acre. Total and net area Senta Peie Le, iu.usy acres. Total .and'setrea 4r tmte Lee, 11.440 acres. Total and net area Delia Maofc Lef. 4.37B acres. Total ana nut re ftf-inta A. Lete, 4.687 acres. Total and net area JeTm !. r. JeM. " 2.747 acres. Net area of this Lede oiatnf. .WJ0 acres. t The surveWbf all fm tkwt 8we ed lodes are identical with er within their respective locations. This oMbb is located about a m(le nnd half Slh of the Town of Blsbee.. In the sail Warren Mining District, said Count of Cochise, .and will, when public last surveys are .extended' over this seotfjnV Lef country,, be mbraced apf rexlsaate-. ly In Township M Seuth. e ' L East. Gila and Salt Rirer Meridian, Arl0. .-' The amended location -et fce nnd .following described lodes an re corded as followsr Ot Jthe Cwn Mtanjr In Book 14, page 61ft; of the Iren Ca in Book 14, page 616; of the Rare Book' 14, page. 61T; -ef tthe frtnYre Book 14, page 618; of the Uncle San la Sqok 14, page 652: of the Trans Atlan tic in iiook 14. ww 615: at the ftanta Pol", in .Bpox 14, i.&2e 6J.9, of the Bay State ja 3JjKJc 14, p&b J518, ctf tins eil 3ic 5 JSeiPfc It. p43rer.p, nd the U- canons -of the .Weave descrtoefi ul I low Ing lodes are recorded as -JpUavg: I Of the William A. ia.Boek 14. affo e!S. ! and of the Joha P. Jr la Hook 14, pair C(J2, sell ot the said hooks being of ths 'Records. of Mines of the Records at J -ebise County Arlsona. 3Tli.e jcosupted .general course ar rection of the vein, lode, or mineral deposit .pf .tlte .above duscrlbed lodes respectively its 'shown upon jthj. fiM posted n jthe filain.iN aV .near as can be determined Qrom presejrj. .development, this claim beilng for tha .Una,ieftt f each lode thctwf as' hfiMfnh(re set forth, respective!., tojiethjr jfMM -two surfaco ground itwrji npem !VM .(Baia plat thereof. Adjolnln.; -claims are: taJkaow Lode" (patented) surrey lfiU, Tnsq rora I.olc'' (unsurveyed), Poarce a4 Rial?, tdairsaf.'.s: "Untra Lode" aa "SucufM ijode" (unatvej-ed), P.vtur J'K.:j , .,-.. ..t,ii.; "Jcsiii Olencalra" (paiiMi.-a; nt-rf f.-S: "Magnate Lodt" ''!i.n.) v.ocx, WW; "Soeith Blsbee Lodc" Vunsurtpycd) South Bls bee -C. M. & T. I. Co., claimants; "Se poy Lodo,". "Lilly Lode." and "Hygeita Lodes" (unsurveyed), Muurjc Dean. claimant; an unsurveyed ehifm, aaaia nd owner unknown; the "Atlas Lode, a cleim surveyed under surrey Na iirs-. au unsurveyed claim, - narae ail owner unknown, and the '"Macotilft Lode" (unsurveyed). Thotnaa. Hlggiaaj .claimant; on all other aldea, vaoaaH nd unoccupied land. " Any and all persona claiming ad versely the mhilt- ground, vein, t4a. jjeatafcea. ejr any. poiiloa thereof scribed, surveyed, plaited and aasAed for, are hereby notified, that. nnleaa their adverse, claltpo are duly fllwd aa according to lAw olnd tho roffu!n.tioty thereunder within the tlnte prescribe by Uw-with the lJuf'ter of th Uwlt ed Statau Land Offloe at Tucsbp. jfc eona, they will ta uarred by t)to ptv vialona of nald. Statutes. Mil, TON lt,JOOHB, Pate of flr'bHeaa-prt.'aws,, rf-, . i": ?1. lf Dii T.Mmztoti f- office kits2tSmi. &$ -fY- - -) ' u. ? "4,I- m Sc4a .tr; - -1 ' ', : -1 1 i - f'ftouJL dP Sar3auaril.l. tM'vTfa! " tV.'lt r-'ij,' -"- -r frrrfc JrY,M '-fca,';lv rtf mmm 4nllrn4l Nr urltf. &?. mwu.f '. m i n,,iw," . .. j tf ",,ii M WJ-, V'j" "''. 4 V v 'a-- ud i ' ' A.f. . i k "Su V I.U. 1 V VJ-J m: yisjf j ftf 'i.'A'? '? .l i-: i.2" . f! ' t ra - tvlT .jfe traSt "t Ifrtn" 4iW r;vv PH- t ?i .Vfc s;-..r5iL '&? S-vV ? iS &R kS ItSffifEfaS M jwaa,1 H i ". w ;?. a-aF-ti'i .- !.. - i,"-'5 . .rs .Ti?P'?' 3wT tv ' v sS'fe-: ' , a Ils - ' ' ' in. 1 1 1 SHBHBSPa.lSa Jvia mMmgmmBwmm i .s443iKg Mt9&Jnrr w1j!ct,rw'?ttstf' tiOTp&ut)?,i?v s 1- z: . &&i&i&'zs$x ;;' M&ri!3ias'i njcacv-y "3vrrir