Newspaper Page Text
mwj?is mj-v-raWt .:'M-,-,3:,'.r-jrr--.a-, v ,-. -,, .;-!.:. ;-V'V-' - .... - - a-...l ,.., jMSA-i'jiXA w.. ,- . :-r.' -'. ?"r - &Ar'&5$EBX i liMWiirmiii in 1 ii r --..-.- ':::aa - fc'jBBBBBiiMM-j---M-M-M-r'-6-MM---B- ' ?J"t'?'fftiit ijP 'Il, '' ,u ,'i--"jwri & ffiV J I rxi I!Mfcj f Local Brevities tfTOWWWTO'! f&becribp.for This ' rb. Odd Fellows moot tonight,. Up-to-date job prim i at TheObb. Real estate transfers in, Nacp are quite brisk. No road overseer has been appointed qp to today, Don't forget thj? dance at the opera bouse tomorrow evening. Wanted Jne or two. sets of books to keep. Inquire at Oi(d. office. jl03t A number of strangers are, noted qn oar streets jduring the paBt few days. WANTED A girl to. do light, bouse wirk in small family. tf Frank Bopp has been called east on account of the serious illness of one of his relatives. For Rent at Naco Butcher Shop, Slaughter House and use cf pasture; tools for Bale. Apply to ,w ja4 Mrs.. L. L.JFike. Eleven car loada of railroad iron was passed through the Mexican custom house at Naco yesterday for use onho Nacosari and Southern railroad. A. C. Champagne, the fashionable Tailor, will clean and press your old suit making it look as dressy as, if new4also dying at the lowest prices. All work guaranteed. 031-tf A small cave has been encountered on the hill back of the library by the miners doing development work for the Copper Queen company. The roof of the cave is covered with lime crystals. Experience is the beat, teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cod or croup. Should' it fail cto givo im dilate relief1 money re funded. 6 eta. and 50, cts. Sold .by J. B. WilUajia k Co. v' vThe annual meeting of the stockhold - ers of the South Bisbee Mining Com pany will be held at the offices of the company at South Bisbee. on the 10th. Acker's English Remedy Will Stop a cough at any time, and will euro the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 cts..and 50 cts. For sale Bisbee Drug tore. The work of laying the foundation for the vault for the Bisbee bank was started this morning,. iTho bank will be open for business about February 15 th. . " The cattlemen's convention, which meets at Fort Worth, Texas, on-the 16th, has secured rateB for all who de jire to attend at $14.20 from El Paso and return. Tickets, will be on sale on th'o 13th and 14th instants. ' Moki Tea positively cures sick head actie, -indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a per fect complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. For sale at Biebee Drug Store. , No word haB yet been received from the Supreme court in regard to the ac tion taken in the Halderman case. The people of CocHise county are interested in this fair and are. desirous of seeing the murderers receive the just sentence of the court. It does seem a Bbame to'sacriflce goods as B. F. Graham & Co. are doing. It is like business, suicide.. Bui Mr yrab'am ' says that his other business demands his entire attention and the household goods must go. ' d30 A justice of the peace not a thousand miles from here,.recently warned jdry men summoned to his court as follows ' "I wish to put everybody on notice that if they come into this courtroom while I am sitting on this bench drunk they bad better look out!" Graham & Co. have too many pic-'1 tures and picture frames on hand to sell, worth from $3 to $4.50 each, so they decided to give them away to their customers. See their advertisement in ' this paper. It will pay you to look at . it. . . d30 j. Having a Great Run on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. ..i I. i'i ' Maria'ger-Martin, of the, Piorson drug Btpro, informs us that he is having a great run on'phamberlain's Cough Rem edy. He sells five bottles of that medl clna to one, of any other kind, and it ' gives great satisfaction. In these days of la grippe there is nothing like Cham berlain'a Cough' Remedy to stop the cougb,hel up thesore tnroatanci mngs and give xeliefwitbi.n avary short time Th'o sales are 'growing, and all who try tit are pleased' with its prompt action. South Chicago Daily Qalumet. For sale by all .druggists. , . J Tkat ThrobblngHeadache. Wowld quickly leave you, if you used Dr King's New Life Pills. Thousands of suflerers have' proved their matchless merit for Hick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and .strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Mosey fcack if not cured. Sold by Copper Queen Company and Bisbee PrkgStore. lUbee Fruit Store. V Huuikgfor many. calls. . Come again. fcare earthing new each wtkrd29 European Copper Market. Mr. Jesso Lewisohn, of Lewisohn Bros. & Co., who are interested in Ari zona copper mines, is not at all alarmed over the present weakness in copper. Mr, Lewisohn, has lately returned to New York from a trip to Europe", and in responso to the question as to how cop per looked in Europe he said, as printed in the New York JournaLof Commerce : "In France the volume of business is boyond-the capacity of manufacturers, to huulle it. In Germany it ie enormous, and iu England as good as it can be. In France the consumption of copper has increased (?) over 75 per cent in two years. The French government Ib now preparing for the introduction of tele phone service throughout all the coun ties, which wjll.mea'n that millions of. pounds of, copper will, be' required A manufacturer estimated to me' that this work alone would take 12,000 tons of. copper, or over 25,000,OJO pounds. Be sides this there is an increaaingAdemand for copper for street railways and vari ous other purposes throughout all Eu rope. Orders navt recently been placed with German locomotive builders for 500 locomotives, which will call for 5000 tons of copper, or over 10,000,000 pounds, the German manufacturers estimating ten tons of copper for every locomotive." In addition to the foregoing statement Mr. Lewisohn said the only thing lack ing in the copper situation,, at the pres ent time is confidence that prices will remain firm, and then adds:, "The for eign, market, of course, haB fought the advance in copper from the start, and the moderate decline in prices recently have encouraged them in continuing their position. It is not surprising at this season, which is always the dullest of the year,, that prices .should fall off a little, owing to attempts by small pro ducers to make contracts eaYly. But' every pound of copper that is now be ing produced is being used, and when the spring demand sets in agaiu it seems that prices must go higher. The in crease ih, production this about 10 per cent, which is the normal in crease at steady prices;.-when, in fact, prices have advanced 30,per cent." L., A. Mining Review, An Up-to-Date Shaw. The "Uncle Josh Spruceby"comnanv which comes to the onera house. far nnn night, Friday, January i2th, while old in title ia the 20th century attraction in every respect. The play has been r&- written and added to. The specialties are all new and catchy. All new scenery is used and many startling mechanical effects are introduced, including the sensational saw mill scene, the most re alistic piece of Btagecrafteverattemnted. Included in the twenty people carried for this production is a splendid orchesT' tra of twelve eoloista, which adds im mensely to the show, and a program of high class and popular music is one of the features. One big band is used in the street parade given at noon. Watch for the Hayseed band. a Newspaper offices in Arizona, New, Mexico and Texas are, admonished to look out for a smooth-faced, eleek, hum,- ble, fairly well dressed' man, anywhere from 50 to 65 years of age, who professes to be an experienced journalist. He is always talking about his "environ ments." A little experience with him will disclose that he is environed-and saturated with fraud., deceit and rascal ity. He passed here under the name of "E H. Bennett;" he may haye others. If he should call on you kick him out of your office without listening bis plaim- blestoryv Pass him around. San Ber nardino Transcript. There is a young man in Bisbee who would Jike to be adopted by some good hearted Jamily. He has been tenderly raised, was brought up as a pet, and does enjoy a good meal and easy life. On next birthday he will be 30 years of age. Should any family or individual feel it their duty to;, take a child to raise Buuucnuo imu one junuer particulars may be had.. a this office. But there are many such who feel the disappoint ment as the New Year has passed, of not being taken in by some kind-heart-, ed lady who would take care of him in the future. There are more people who marry for mony disappointed than these1 who marry for love. A quarantine has been placed on Mexican cattle for a period o.minety days. It is reported that there is is to be a change of time on the S. P. in a few days. The ferry boats are again running on Main street. J. V. Vickera has returned toTomb- stoue. The justices courts presented a blank today. How is this for winter weather? Closing . Out ! 200 Fine Hats, worth $3.50, at $1 each. 200 -pairs Fine and Heavy Shoes at less than whole sale price. 2000 Cigars, 25 in box, 50c per box. New Store 1ZZ. Gil 0 ffliBJ J U n o IM BtEWETT'S CHRISTMAS GREETING riammotli Display otHollday Goods. FOR' THE GIRL$ there are,Dolls by Hundreds! Dolls in Silk.c Dolls that sleep, Dolls that', cry Little' Princesses all. Blonde Dolls, Brunette. Dolls, Doll Cabs, Doll Buggies, Doll Hais.-Bounets anu Hoous, rianos make music. Bring the Little Ones to the FOR THE GROWN FOLKS a Great Display of Neckwear, Endless Lines of, Shoes and Slippers, Hats Trimmed and Untrimmed, Velvet and Celluloid Boxes andCoilet Cases. fCome to t4ie Evening: Illumination See the Great Menagerie in Colored Lights. DENTISTRY. To My Patronjj.and Friends. Notice is hereby given that, on and after January 1st, 1900, my business will be conducted on a strictly cash basis. To inaugurate this system, I will, for a limited time, offer my services to the public at the following extremely low rate of lees : Fillingir Amalgam, $1 up; Gold, $2 up. Artificial teeth, on Vulcanite, $10 up. Crowns Porcelain, $3.50; Gold, $5 up. Bridge work, per tooth, $5 up. Other fees reduced in proportion. Secure your appointments early in order to, avail yourselves of this unpre cedented offer. SatiBtaution guaranteed. Consultation and advice free. Dr. J. W. Farbington. Parlors in Shearer Building, Bisbee, Arizona. d30-tf 1 Notice to Water Consumers. All persons having exposed water pipes an.their premises are hereby re quested to cover the same to prevent freezing. By order of Bisbee Water company. N23-tf To Rent. A large sunny, well-ventilated room, suitable for office. Howell ave. next to Chambers' dental parlors. 021 . Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold, on a positive guarantee. Cures heart burn, raising of the food,; distress after eating or any form of .dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts. and 50 cts. For sale at Bisbee Drug Store. Seldom indeed do the people of Bis bee Bee such priceB and such sacrifice in furniture as B. F. Graham & Co. are making to sell tbelr enormous btock. d30 A full line of ladies' wool skirts, all colora, just received at Blewetts. , all-tf FOR BENT. Furnished rooms; ap ply to Mrs. Hodley. Apply on premises 811-tf Go to E. G. Ord Co. for tanks and plumbing. Next door east of Brewery. S7tf Bain, hail or snow, that watn must go. Hinkle,. the jeweler, does, at Blewett's shoe store. FOR RENT. Three-roomed house; good location ; $12 per mouth ; apply at this office. Sll-tf Stop, Thief of Time, and have you watch repaired. Hinkle, the jeweler, saves you the seconds. Bleweta shoe store. alG-lm FOR RENT, AT NACO 1 building, centrally located ; size 16x50, with fur niture and every necessary requisite for a restaurant; ront reasonable. Apply in person or by letter, to,B. J. O'-Reilly NG-tf Naco, Ariz. S. K. Williams, is the auent; and is authorized to attend to the. renting of houses, collecting of , rents and to all; other business that may be of -interest to Julian Cardinaa. ol3-tf If you find the way to ourdental parlors- right now it may save you a lot of expense aud. pain a year from now. Some people aren't very much concerned about troubles fhat.aj-e a year in the distance, but a year will fly aroundin a very short time. It's neither expensive nor pain ful to have little cavities in the teeth filled. You'll be. 6b!ied for the hint. - Dr. . Wi K-, OnAMBitiLM. Ohlibtlm Building. ' ' o.-W'j'frXNie-w '. -. j 'Jfe. " , -?.( .KKv ;: SI Santa Glaus iereJ eWwoowo&m$ Make the. Little Ones Happv cno THE BOYS there aro Steam En fjines and Boats, Trains of Care, Made Eantt'rns, Guns, Drums, Soldiers, Wag ons,. Musical Toys, Iron Toys, Tin Toys,- Books, Games, Blocks, Horns,. Horses, lops Carnival. AH are Welcome. ,zre' Crippled by Rheumatism. i I Those who have Rheumatism find tnemselves growing steadily worse all the while. One reason- of this is that the remedies prescribed by the doctor contain mercury and potash, which ul timately intensify the disease by caus ing the joints to swell and stiffen, Eroducing a severe aching of the bones. . S. S. has been curing Rheumatism for twenty years even the worst cases which seemed almost incurable. Capt; O.K. Hashes, the popular railroad conduotor, of ;Oolumbla, 8. O., had nn expert eice with Rheumatism whlob, convinced hint mat mere ia omy una r, cureior inaipuuuui uib ease. He says : "I was a great Bufferer from mus cular Rheumatism for tiro years. I could set no permanent relief from any medicine pre scribed by my physician. I took about a dozen bot tles of your S. S. 8., and now I am as well as I ever was lnmy life. lam sure that your medicine cured me, and I woujd offering from any mood disease." Everybody knows that Rheumatism is a diseased state of the blood, and only a blood remedy is the only proper treatment, but ft remedy containing potash and mercury dnly aggravates the trouble. S.S.S.frLBlood ' , . beings Purely Vegetable, goes direct to the very oausa of the disease and a per manent cure always results. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed to con tain no potash, mercury or other dan gerous minerals. Books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. 1 1 jsjt X -nL nL nL X l- il nL -X" X vm HOWLAND & CO. SMTOGRAPHIf SUPPLIES. If Wholesale and Retail. h I. "J211 S. Main St.,Xos Aneeles, Califlf , ' !f- R 'f;VTvVR r '" "j 'T -j j T" "i , ! f flEN WANTED. The Cananea Consolidated. Mining Company wants two hundred laborers to work on railroad grade at $2.26 Mexi can money per day. Apply to -; C. E. Tyler, j Room 12 Angius Hotel. Stuart P. Johnson, Engineer. One Night Only ! Friday, Jan, i2th DAVEU LEVIS' r hf Bid PRODUCTION Uncle iosh Spruceby "That Funny Old Farmer.". ' Big Band J Grand Operatic ' Concert Special Scenery and Mechanical Effects. The Great Realistic Saw nill Seene! UP TO DATE SPECIALTIES. Watch .tor tie Hayseed Bat Parade Dally fat Noon, Beats on sale at Bisbee Prog Store I Ha X m n hil .. nsa GK3,EMpssaB "rp r3"18'1" fcA-...- j B. F..Graliai'n Ritrniture'' For Housekeepers "".!-. InBUbee. tUI It the clmnco of their lifetime to set- V k . " L B39? Elegant Furniture, Carpets. Stoves ond Crockery ' 'SSrA ''$ FOR ALMOST 1" W T5 "TJ With every $50 worth of goods bought. . JT 9 1 l of us we -will give you an elegant Pic V JMt- ture Frame, or Picture and Frame, .",.;, :- Yqu can get the rest for cash or credit ifyou want them?.. ' . What we want is to sell them out. Odd Commodes and Dressers in broken lots. Just the. .";.'" thing where you have not much room, and they are sold,, some of them away helow cost.. ;f. Remember these numbers on each thing advertised as,. , everything marked is without a duplicate.. ";f Read This Slaughter in Prices I $$$?, Remember 'ferV the number ,.T" , No.. 86 in a Hotel Tresser, glass 12x20, an-. - tioiie finish, sold, for before at- Xo rp11q nnw ntR i.oik" $,, -- , No. 6. is a combination Commode, antique finish, glass ., 5 4Jr? , 1 33x23, sold for before at $12, sells now for 7.50fY l Or with Bedstead No 88j sold for before at " , . $16, now sells at 10.50 'Wl JNo. 153, Uresser, sold for before kt.o-.ot 11 jl-mu. oj.oy2 sweii top cheval Dresser, bevel French glass, an ele- . . " gant set, soM for before at $20, now sells at itf.oo' No. 852, three-piece set, 23x20, glass bevel, carved top, . f ash, sold before at $22,501 sells now at l6.5o . v -. No. 8io, three-piece set, swell front Oak, bevel French glass, Cheval Dresser,, sold tor before . , a at$27o sells now. for 3L5O, . No. 282, an elegant solid Oak, three-piece suit, bevel glass cheval Dresser, Bold before at $30, sells now at 23.S&V "' No. 153, Single Dresser, Mahogany finish, sold before at $16,' Bella now at 1 1.0 2 No. 123. Solid Oak Bedroom Set, good as the best; it's a Bbame to sell it at this p.rice; sold before at $37.50, sells now t. . .- aB.W " '"''.',' ' No. 963), Fine Oak Set, too elaborate to describe in a small space ; sold ,' beforeat$35, sells now at TrjUtol't - - , All of our goods are marked in plain figures.. V folding: beds ' . - Such styleB and de6ignB as are seldom seen in Bisbee. We have alM'tomsv" f'; ";" - of the ordinary kind- These goods were bought while prices were low be-Xi . , fore the present advance in manufacturers' price. v V-? . Remember, plain figures are marked on everything in our store ask for ' r'??K the number, and we will Bhow. it to you. Remember the number. No.--2 is made to sell; former selling price $15; selling price now $10.00 ."' No. 29 ia Neat and Tasty, with raised caivings in panels; former Belling f price $10;-sejling price now 12.00l . No. 29 is an Oak finish, with Bead Moldings; a strong piece of furniture; ' ';,,'' formerselling price $17.50; selling price now 14.00 t No. 30 is strong and well made; beautiful Oak panels, with' mirror on top; us. ... n- en . -.ii! .:.. ..-. . -life ?" luriuer HeuiiJK price u.uu,. BciuuK irim uo " -.- ." No; 37i8 0nehalf swell front; magnificently carved, Bevel Plate Mirror', t,. ( twp BhelveB on top; former selling prico $24 j selling price now...... l8.5) No. 3fr is an Upright Folding Bed ; large 18x28 Bevel Glass; thia waa cheap before at $30; selling price now. .. 20.00, No. 40. This ia one of the finest folding bedathatever came to Bisbee; it is an upright, with large French Bevel Plate Mirror; solid Oak;, . ;f. an ornament to any borne; cash or credit; former selling price ", & $40.50; selling price now .....t. ..;....' 3''J '''fk. No. 41. This offer is away below cost, as few people can affor1 as expen- "it.' sive an article as this is, but it's dirt cheap at the price. It is a: ,- "'& Combination Folding Bed, Wardrobe and WritingDeBk; two Bevel '. Plate Mirrors ; two medium and one largedrawer; in fact,.a whole bedroom set in one ; former Belling price $85; selling price now.... 6oa- -;.-v, : . ' t. :-. Remember, Cash or Credit! Weare Going to Close Out this Stock Of Carpeta, Bedding, Sewing Machinea and Baby Carriage. We are .- .busypiarking our goodB down, and'will give you more bargains a faat'aB we doit. B. F, Graham && ',? . mm'wf:4., ' ;.'i '"". f t'SKft' .H & CoWare 'goinff'o'utof. the" .JSibP5' Business ?' NOTHING! MMl W-i F7 . - . f-." , at $i5, now sells at... Il.OQ. e x. -i -, j ,..,, lroni kjslk. carvea . " 'mm :W&W -. 1 ii ' ls J m saa a Kani" fr l ? '.'. .- ,y MWMZgMBX SflXvS4