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tor Jia'M'A I AILY ORB. y v im. ri' ;. - ;---. JiWI. fclSlFI.. ARIZONA FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 2, rgoo. number 46 VOLUME IV W V "- I' " -- EUQ D A k First gi , - A HANDSO.MK Mil OF T Men s do I Sta The P.ettiest and Ever Shown Here. Nattiest Sifts IK HAS N RELIEVED ARIZONA NEWS. Interesting Items Culled Irom Our Exchanges. on 50 cents to $1.25. Fully uo-th :fl to $1.75. Covert Gtois and WD Igpfiff iifiohaina Buller Has at Last Re lieved the Starving GarrisGn. London, March 1. 'neat mu uiasai wia caused throughout Euglan 1 b th1 leceipt of a dispatch fiom Bullet a. noiincing that the re! f of Ladysmi'.u rroved t0 bo' unfounded ,,i In nil the latest dosusus and cblorings. It will d jou good to see thorn. fc lnil11RPi1 Carries everything in tho Drue and Chemical Line, and. we are constantly adding new aide line lines to our stock. Ow noxt addition will be Wall Paper, Pain liB I Glass, Samples now leady for se eotion. Perfume To sweet for anything but your handkerchief. Candy Saroni's Gold Babel in oiiginal packages only. For the Literary All the late and popular Novels at popular prices. For the Workingman A workingman's paper, viz: The Los Angeles Daily fleraid. The .a ii -a WHOLESALE AND RKTAIf PKAU KS IN Pianos Organs. OK-frO OCXfl'frC-M Write for Catalogue. Pianos on Monthly Payments. Office--i21 1-3 South Broadway, Los AiircIcs, Califronia l i The California Market KENNEY BROS, Proprietors. -Fresh Beef, Mutbn, Por1 7aal, Si 11153, Etc. Choice Cuts of Meat only. ' Fresh a Bread Daily. V ' frV Goods Delivered Free to All Parts of the Town. Upper nsalu fcji., uisc. M 1 n James F. Trotter, JUrfed'StateslDeputy Mineral Surveyor and Civil Engineer SURVEYING! IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. had heon accompli"'! wis r Cived at the wn olh at' 10 o'BIVlv thu -X riu ig It sud that JLri jbumlonflid. -iU' ttie, Natal cubweonr and a composite regiment, enter. Li dysruith last nijlU. Later. Buller telegraphs today at 5:10 p. m. as follows: "J havo just re turned fiom Ladysmith. Except for the email rearguard north of S'ipriso hill, tho wnolo enomy has retired in hot ho-te. South of town the country id fn;e from thou. The Lidysmith garri son was reduced to one-half pound of meat a day. supplementing the rations with horses and mules. The men will need nuistiiK before they are lit for U.e Held." London March 1 General Buller's re lief of Ladysmith came in the niche of fine. Dsspito tho cheerful heliograph repot ts, tho oeleaeuered garrison was in dire 6traits. Only the belief that le lief was ure this time enabled tho gar rison to ho'd out. Privato repo-ts show that the gaiiiaou was not only short of fo d, but tho water was poison, being nothing less than sewerage from the Boer camp. Those who escaped fever or dysintery are in a wretched physical condition. For a long time the garrison subsisted on horse and mule fl-sh. La dysmith ha been in siege vnbout four in j i'hs. llohef has been costly, both in i. (in and Measure. Somd idea as (o fe obstacles .with wl.ic'i Buller had to uonteiid Uiu i Jienso coMipinddt one can deso tbe their Ji(Ii ul t es. Jli tije after n t j i ses like w ivci oi the sea. Each can on infitaled by the entmy and until one is taken it is impossible with the keenest scouts to know what fortune lies beyond. 1). C. Giegory, a minor, was bitton by' , ,i hydrophobic skunk while in camp on Civecieek, fifty miles from Phoenix, on J'misday night. Helms gone to Chi cago to take the Pa toar treatment. DoWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve is un- ualed for piles and skin d.seascs. It is the original Witch Hazel Salve. Beware oi all counterfeits. Copper Queen store and Hiabeo Drug Co. The leported find of fabulously rich platinum ore in the rim rock south of t lie Grand Canyon of lL Colorado, has Competent .inorolosjists hai I of the metal in sa MrB. J JR.. Millc Pjt., wrtes, "I tl Hazel Salve tlio i ' t fiut' a traco i of the w-.Mc I wton IInmiHoii, Do Witt's Witch 'est salve made." Vf,r V ' - ft "b . AjA r "J J! to "7' iwrW4 v " A Sale .. CIV f It cures piles and heals every thing. All fraudulent imitations are worthless. Copper Queen store and Bisbee Drug Co. Report comes fiom the Bradphaw morntams that Abner Ellet, owner of the celebrated Dream mine, ha- recently discovered ore which goes $25 oer tori in gold. The mine was located eight or nine years ago through a dream of Mr. Ellet, bnt it afterward fell into the hands of other parties. Ifot floding any ore it was abandoned and again located for M.. Ellet. He now enterta ns great hopes of realizing Ins dream. Prescott Courier. W. S. Philpot, Albany, Ga., says, De Witt's Little Early Rises did me more good than any pills I ever took." The famous little pills for constipation, billiousness and liver and bowel trou bles. Copper Queen store and Bisbee Drug Co. Word comes from Harshaw that a rancher by tho name of Soto has myste riously disappeared fiom his home. Tho last seen of Sof was about twenty-five days ago, when ho was leen on a burro near his ranch; the next day his burro returned to the ranch, but the rancher up to iast Sunday had not been seen, The Vidette says that parties have been searching for tho mining man, but no news as to his whereabouts has been learned. Ueo. Barbf, Mendola, Va., save, "Nothing d d mepo mu Ii tood as Kodol jfiP i? & H! .x, An advanced sale of Sbirt Waists, as it were. ", . $ They're last season's waists of course,' but """ we've about fifteen dozen we want to close out. Probably half of these are waists we sold at from 65c to 85c and 90c. These shall go at :50" Cents The balance are Waists we sold at fr, $r.2J $1.50 and $1.75. These we've marked .to sell at from, each 75p to $I.2 ( -We've so arranged them that "the whole assortment is before you, and the waist's tbat suit .your fancy tho best can easily be picked out. i 'The new shirt waists will soon be in and-we doa'fc want their beauty detracted from in. the least by, any of last season vaists, hence the reduction. Washington, D. C, March 1. Tho bill providing a form of government for the Terri orv of Hawaii was passed by tho senate today 'vithout division. Mr. CuMom has had charge of the measure. Mr. Clay of Georgii delivered a care fully piepared speech on the Philippines. He favored the adoption of the Bacon resolution, declaring it to bo tho poluy of the United States to turn over the elands to the Filipinos as soon as a sta ble government could bo established by them under tho protection of this coun try. At tho instance of Mr. Foraker tho PoitoRican tin iff bill was made unfin ial.ed business and will be considered as soon as the conference leport on the finuii'iul bill ehalf havo been disposed of next Tuesday. .onicc ini Waiuict A.uiiUUiK Kliht ftinri,lccr. (j LC C.L ? A F K , 'S'l? :. 8. JV puly Assaying at Current Prices. Proesso iiS-h))! of ilim, Unrsitv Missouri. 71V W. C. READ a Hnphsep isihIipp Pm UUhlmj illlllRioi y!l IN ALEX PARVVOOD LUMBER FUniMISHED IN WAGON LOADS CARL'iPDS OR CARGOES DEALERS Puget Sound Pine Humboldt Redwood tATHS. SHINGLES. SHAKES, MOULDINGS, WINDOWS, DOORS AND'.ILL WORK. . Q. Vllcij, J isbec, 'Arizona. Naco, Codlisc Co,Ar 1 Washington, Marcli 1 Secretary Root lias mttde a Kxntve denial of the pub-lilit-d Kput that lie ib worried at the i i ") i n lal O I" '1 i ' 4 t" military operations I the jPhlllppines and hm cabled In in to make an imme diate report on tho Rituttion. the sec ruurv said in it on tho contrary he wai sitisfied .with tho situation. Tho offi cials are confident tho backbone of tho insurii'ction is broken and there will be no further hostilities on a largj scale, and hat affai.s in tho mchipwlago will bo in fairly good shape bv the time of the arrival of the Philippine civil com mission. To Whom It May Concern. Notico is hereby given, to all pereone, that Khza Jano Keating, known as "Ida" Keating (my wife) having left my hoi and board without my consent and contrary to my wishes, I will not bo re sponsible for bills of her contiaction, nf toi today. Dated at Bisbee, Aiuona, tins 23d Aayt.f Fobnmry, A. D. 1900. John' Keatijjq. what you eat and always cures dyspep sia. Copper Queen store and Bisbeo Drug Co. t John Dirr, Posyville, Ind.,says, "I never used anything as good as One Minute Cough Cure. We are never without it." Quickly breaks up coughs and colds. Cures ah throat and lung troubles. Its use will prevent consump tion. Pleasant to take. Copper Queen store and Bisbee Drug Co. W. A Cogshall, who i8 in charge ol the Lowell observatory at Flagstaff, Is vi-iting the southern and central part of the territory to make tests of the atmos phero at Phoenix, Tempe and Tucson. Obs rvations will bo taken at the Lowell observatory at tho sarao hours. The object of these teste or observations is to deiermine as far as possiolo the extent of the disturbances in the air between tho higner and the lower altitudes. Republican. "I had bronchitis every winter for years and no medicine gave me perma nent relief until I began to take One Mitiute Cough Cure. I know it is the best cough modi 'ino made," eays J. Kuntz, Corry, Pa. It quickly cures coughs, colds, croup, athma, Grippe and throat and lung troubles. It is the childreiii' fuvoritoreuied). Cures quick lv. Copper Queen store and Bisbee Drug Col. McCord left last cvoning tor W iihington, D. O , vhere ho goes to aid Arizoin to become a state of the 'Union. C l Mi ('o has a largo and Snfluontul ollicial acquaintance there, and as his hoart is in the work, hi services will be of incalculable value to Arizona in her efforts fir statehood. Tho Colonel, in speaking with a Gazetto reporter, before leaving, said that his visit had "no po litical signifi-anco whatever," and that he only went to give Dolegato Wilson a lift in his battlo lot Arizona's admis sion. Gazette. "I think I ould go crazy with pain woro it not for Chamberlain's Pain Balm," writes Mr. W, H. Stapleton, Hormino, Pa "1 havo been ufliicted with rheumatism for sovoral years and havo tried remedies without number, but Pain Halm is tho best medicine I have got hold ol" One application re lieves tho pain. For sale by all ding gists. F ve more than their cost's worth of senrice, if you're not too particular about style, the -They'll Dyspepsia Cure. One dose roheved me, j am wear a a few botths cured me." It digests! ' ' difference between the waists we'll sell ihis season and thosewe offer now will be more than compensated , fot ill the difference in price. t00CO0CM000tC0OOOO9800 Merchant Tailoring By proxy is really the way wo do it. Not very many tailors could afford to carry bucU a lino of piece g.ods as we show samples of. Our samples a?e not the line Of.ono house only, butot seven, and they humbor up into the thousand!. We take your measure.'and tailors ot a vast experience make up the gar ments. The result is you receive a Buit perfect in' every detail of make-up, of goods of your own selection and of a fit but ther?s no question about a fit. That's guaranteed absolutely. Better place your ordei before the spring rush is on. Boys' W Of dark colored outing, plaited back and front. Thov were thirty-five cents, but for somc reason you didn't buy them readily' at that price. Peihaps you didn't know about them. You not only know about thorn now, but the price has been reduced to asc eacn. Flaked Beans Ever hear of them? Probably notfor they're something quite new. It's tht principle of flaking oats and other c reals applied to vegetables. In addition to Flaked Beani'we'v Flaked Gieen Peae and Flaked Rica at the grocery counter, 20c a packag. Carved leather Goods Hand carred leather belts with cinch or buckle fastenings. Alio the graduated, hand caryed belt with dog-collar buckle. The dog-collar belt is as popular tkU year ii last. From 75c to $2.s9 arc the prices, Besides Belts, we've a line of purae, card en-j8ABd t n cates, ali of carvoi le.iUi' r. In poes, tho finger pu'g is the newest conceit. Tho next time you're nr tin jewciry counter asV t see il.orn. Ladies' Ties t n A new lot oven preUier thaa the last, if possible. Embroidered or frinjtei ends, light and dark colors. Some'hare Persian effect borders at ends. They're) very new and very stylish. -f 0ovofrofroeeeecco fHI COPPER QUEEN STORE. ii II . 3v. "ms $ ' Pi J rajR. tu.i.".a. s -j1- .? r'-f-.". .. iMimzrrt?: vr .V-ivTWj'TM :3r,'.S3S.' wrpiif?? HBSSB5SPS?PSW?fia JBrtKfitBBBBrKa3ZS?S6JTR53W' 1."- . " " w&t".M2i;i''rX'&l&llMiim&. ' . "" '. T . . is W i75Ui-JWWUiSfta KBassa85Peft35aBtis& .-. -. -frvssrw&sTOaiiWHS . .: .i .ss5ssssws8s