Newspaper Page Text
fr -MsS,- rs t J ItAti.ROAD TIME r A BLISS S0.UTH8RtJ l'ACIirtO ttAXLHOA STATIONS. NRWMAN 0. K. Street, Bisbee, Arizona. Reliable Assays. UQUUU. '00 n. h. 8:fl) ,-. in. Ha (i. m IOm P at ami ,i iu . .1. in, ....Sun 1'runclwo .....Los A.igclos...... ........ Y;niu ,. Maricopa ....... 1 ucio:. ..,...., Benson . ...... 1.1 P.wo 1:13 p.m. 9;00 p. in. U:V0 a. in. 5-iH n, in. 3:60 a. ui, 1:0 V a. in. U:ta p in. H'Hiltlc ilm . : a. m. to 1 -.A u. :UI 1 M. to U'20 V. M, i u9iai. Ait . MifeS A. lULL Librarian PROFESSIONAL, CARDS. o -.a. -v -a -cj ,t i xuaaj. q Tinner, Plumber and Sheet Metal Worker. Second Ilaml Goods BouK2it and Solil. 18 ill Id a l rAMUU ca i.nm.wllM. ATTftlMfRY J ntLnw. Tombstone, Arizona. Will practlo in uu ttio courts of the Territory, mm "' Supremo Court of tho United States. Office Cornor ith niul Allen atrooi. TIM GRIrF.TH, Proprietor. Finest Turnouts in the City, A RTUHlt FISlv, VIOLINISr. LK530S3 GIV- on ut reasonable) rate. Address Hox ' Vimmx E. ilEiiBVonn, Sum Ifc Hakzaiid, HEKISFOK J & HAZZAKD, Lnwyor, Tucson, Arlzonn, lmvo established uu otllce ut lombatoue with S. A. D. Upton. attornoy at law, and will intend each court term at Tombstone. WILLIAM SOHKI 'SHKK, JUSTICE OF the Peace, Notm y Public and Conyoy unoor. OUioo lit Wallace U'icllng, UUbee, Aria ,n- J- W. UAKHlNaTO.V.-OKNTISTHY IN - ull Ha bruiiolios. Satisfaction gunran tcod. OlMco Shearer Building, illsboo, Arlzonn. SWATM ATI'MINEY-AT-LAW. Mil Drtictloo hi ull the courts of the territory. Tomusione, Arizonu. . ALLEN K. ENGLISH, ATTOKN15Y AND " Counsollor-at-Lav. Ollico on 1-ourth StrootXIombstouo. ArUona. WC. STAEHLE. ATTOUNLYAND COUN- sellor. Tombstone, Cochise County, A. OKO. W. y-'Vl 2 K. WH.UAMS, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notary Publlos Convoynncor. Bills Collected a Specialty. rH EDMUNOSON-PHYSICIAN AND SUIt- Boon, Ul bs, Arizona, OUioo ut his res idence. Shot rr building, noxt to Dr. Harrington's. rMlSTA-R ItKUPKT. PTANO "Lessons In instrumental music. TKACMEIt. Cull ut Del Low Is'. Law OlUoos of LOGAN, DEMOND 8 HAKBY, 27 William Street, Now York. WALTER S. LOGAN, CHARLES M. DEMOND MARX E. HAlillY. NOlt ION CHASE KUED C. HANFOUD, Heprosentod In Arizona by Nortou Chaso dams Hotel, Phoenix., sop5-3m THE FRATERNITIES. PERFECT ASHLAR LODGE, No 1'2 F. & A. M Meets llrst Thursday of oaoh month. Vis Ithig brethren cordially invited to uttend. C. C. Waiinbh. W.M. J.L..HKowN.Sooretury. meet all trains. Good service. Upper Maisi St. Bisbee, Arizona sjfjimmt uwuaKgnrawawi-ywi wiilu and Biillow complexion. Pimnlna 1 .. , '.. ' --' i nnu asm j&iupiona. u you are feelitiR weak and worn out and do not have a buulthv appearance von should try .. .kli s F'loo J'.nxir, It -.urea all 30u Jlecui a wiiere coeap Sarsapar- . at and so iml)pr punnera fal' ; kiiow rg this we :-cn over" Oottlo on po3- tive jjuaranteo. For sale ai llisbee utxis, Store . i.rcr particulars concerning lot on Uni-VL-rcity Ileit-hts at Tuceoti, address Her beit A. Dra'ihman. F21-tf Horses boarded by the week, day or month. Horses ! a. Jyut a stock of Kooda sui.a- noi!)LB J iv.v-iv, j .... be for Christmas presents iii nniiBimii,, bought and sold. Complete hack service. Hacks will! altl-aiTe. d22 2t . Tor Sale A two-room "urnished boufe, good lot, centrrtlly located. Rti.ts for $15 per month. Only $500. at tbisolBce. jy27tf FQ1! SALE A two-room furnished bouse, njar Opera House; a bargain. Apply at tb'3 ollce. seplo-tf Fly's Photograph Galley ..idtMico of Wfii. Harris, liicwtjry t'ul'-h. ral3-tf Avoid assessment iork and have your claims patented beforo Oct. 1st. Geo. 0. Clark, E. M., Howell ave. S15-2w If you want a new hat, neatly trimmed to suit your taste, leave your order .at Mro. Blewett'B. J6-tf Does your watch haye fits or spasms 7 Hinlfle, the jeweler, cures them. At Blewett's. f It does 6eem a shame to sacrifice goods as B. F. Graham & Co. are doing. It i like business suicide. But Mr. Graham says that his other business demands his entire attention and the household oods must go. d30 Stop, Thief of Time, and have you watch repaired. Hinkle, the jeweler, eaves you the seconds. -Blowets shoe tore. alO-lm Anyone wanting tin or sheet-iro work, should call on E .G. Ord Co. Next to the Brewery. S7 tf Rain, hail or snow, that wat-n must ! go. Hinkle, tho jeweler, does ti at at Blewett's shoe store. t A full line of ladies' wool skirts, all colors, just received at Blewetts; all-tf YOUR FACE. Showa tho state of your feelings and 1 bo state oi your healtL as woll. Im pure blood makes itself apparent in a Gold and silver. .7VUold.sllver,copper 1.50 uetiil ww Hi.svr, cop r, icuu tt.w Gold. Sliver. j .OOlCoppi ,40 Gold, er i.w silver & lead i:a Samples by mall receive proraptatten tlon. Highest prlcepald for bullion. Ogden Assav Comp'y. H29 lth 5t Denver, Colo. W, R. THOM, MARBIF 1 (11 TDRTf gunk. TSAK. i JC3k3 Paiges t Veekly t IHtr.te4. INDISPENSABLE TO M55NG MEN. $3 PER YEAR, POSTPAID. ItTD ros 8XMPLS COPT. MINING -Sdffltiflc PRESS 330 MAXXET ST.. SAX fRAKCISCO. CAT. Bisbee, Arizona. Headstones and Monuments a 3ociiii Stoni Cutting or al. Kinds dt witn neatnctis and diipataa. icoye ordeis qi me Blscee Drua stae. AfHES ASK YOUR DRUBBI8T... for a descTlptlTe drcalcr rrgsrdinBT Dr. Nucbnum's German "Health Capculaa" IT WILL INTEREST YOU TURF SAL THE W OON .JAS. LETSON, Proprietor The Home Bakery tie. J. A. S. MILLER, Prop. Is now open for business in . the Duffy building, Brewery Gulch, and is now ready to furnish patrons with the best of Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies At ed-Rock Prices. He will also continue business for a stand, O. K, Stieet, next to the Orb office. time at the old T ANDMARK CHAPTER NO. 0, R. A. M. - Stated convooutlon third Tuosduy In each month. Visiting companions in ood itunUliitraro fratoruully Invited to visit. Z ; V. 11. stiles, a. p. iiiANK J. Guaf, Sccretury, "UKKN LODGE. NO. 0, A. O. U. Vf Mania every Saturday evenins. Vlsltintr broth ers cortUally invited. Wit. (TA.t.'. !. w. Alfred UiKitiej., iteeordeji. it- ", finuiioter. f O. O. I RIS11EB LODGE, NO. 10, MBETii every Wednesday evening VlsltUiiibrpth siseordially invited totl'onil. A. 1. WAr IIN8, .( . G tiitlLli MAUKti, It. - rMPKOYEDOKDEROK RED MEN, COCHISE L' Tribe No. 1., meet every Thursday even ing at tho Opera Homo Hall Ylsitlmr broth- .. n..titlnllv Irivttnil. JAMES FAKLEY, Saohem. 9 SlU ilAUHIB, U. Ol It. Dr. Edmundson, Medlclno Man, To be Hoodooed All Your Life9 We kill all of our own meats under close inspection, therefore in buy ing yur meats f-oiu u-you .ir. t.iKint; n ciiances 01 eatinj; uisiMteeu s meutp, that you aro liable to when buying from parties that ehip$ jreased ineats f om out f.f tow.i, .vln -( .hero is liabln to bo. hoi; cholt-iai or Toxas fevor, and you know nothing about what kind of mi'utF vou? arecutintf Wo hundle-J'tiotliuig onl the beat that money can buy. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1? R. B. KEIXEY, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 25 North Church street, opposite Post Oltice, Tucson, Arizona. All kinds of help promptly furnished. .Your or ders solicited, P.O. Box 37. dl51m G. A. Overlook Union flarket. 7 HOME FORUM Ulsbeo jrorum o, iujo, meets llrst and third Monduy . In eaoh $&M4Me44MXttl!t month. Opera House, 7 :30 p. m. Visiting 00m punlonsalwujs weloomo. H. W. Studlov, Pros. T P. Dovlne, Trons. Win. scriinshor, See. pOURT HOWELL, NO. 11, FOltESrESUS OF v America meet every Wednesday night. A. I'. MitVlE, 0. It. Jamfs Kklly, Financial Socrotury. THE FRATERNAL --,! BitOTHEHHOOD.-IN- . .I.iumli.tu.11 Lnilrrn. No. 63. meets OVOI'l' flr... i.M.I tlilr.l WiMliinsilnvs of the mouth. Visiting members uie cordially Invited. WAI. HUrOHINS, President. Fhed Fuss, Socrotury. Caution Notice. Tucson, Arizona PARK VIEW HOTEL NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSE NO DARK ROOMS LATEST SANITARY PLUflBINQ , MOT, COLD, RUSSliSr AND TURKISH BATHS European Plan. Sample Rooms for Commercial Hen. Corner Pennit.cton and Meyer Sts., "WTH RFID PrnD '' , BT BISBEE ant HAGOSARI ge uici Lme TIM TAFT, Prop. Ti Fridays. Leave Bisbee Tuesday, and Arrive in Bisbee Tuesdays and Saturdays fiftirf At Co flP1- Queen Store Viiicc yhere information can be had THE CT A LL PERSONS ure horby warned against Opposite City Park. "" buying, leasing, or iu uny way seeking to obtain any right, tltlo, interest or control - of an certain mining claims in mo iiuuunu oa Mountains, nceiitly uttouiptod to bo located by J. H.Tlppott and it. V. Duntoti. bald attempted loca Ions are oallod "Sum mit" and Ajonurch", respeetively, und at tempts to approiirlute tho mining ground under the locutions long and well known us tho OUTLOUlv and UUTLO K EXiENSION. Sltuuieu near me iiuunii.ui ,u u.iuh h"' i ol the range between the heud of Kainsuy n. . . ... lltv, und Mapio canyons, which claims wore not Bisbee trade especially catered to. ,... f,i- ln.,uriniiutthedateuf said attemut-1 x J til appropriation by said J. H.TIppett and It, V.Duiiton. ,, Furthornioro, all work dono on said ' ground of tho OUTLOOK and OU?-OUl bXTKiiSlON by said parties aforesaid Is lioreby oialmed und the same will bp tor tho ; benont or snui uu luuu uuu muiu i KlESION mining claims, thciniop rty of tho undersigned, i W -,iul,('i. - - September th, 1S9H -' ' MONTtZUMA HOI LEON LARRIEU, Prnietar. FAIRBANK, ARIZONA. EL Restaurant, PRESTON FLETCHER, P roprietors. A representative estab;, lishment catering to a representative people. otto Good .Fare, Reasonable. Rates, Correct Service, Open Day and'-Nifflt! 1ml li 4 Ai O.! Main Street, Bisbee Arizona. Otto W. Geiseiiliofeji', Prop DORF, nuron in IK M i c i I Ol rOillluo Hm Fresh oysters and all kinds of tjamo in season. The table supplied with- the tart the market affords. ?51StM 5,'i enr' W miBwmim&aSaimummsmm ANCHOR SALOON, r2 Srt. Sid .Harris, Prop. HJT 8 m m IMPORTED WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS.. Reading and Card Rooms Attached. Give Us a Call. teEKyt!fni: Bii Opposite tue Xibrkr ni mimimimi&sm HFSS!RS5ES! Mssm The Maze Saloon $ a. o JH-S HANINGBRgBR O g., Proprietor Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.J?I Bisbee .ssay Oflicc. JfKX lJtICK LIST. Sliver, Gold and Copper, In one sample . $'i.C0 siivoi anua-id .. i:a Silver, iu, Copper or Load, each 1.00 Zinc 2.K Antimony. Iron, L'pmj and ulf 1 t, 1 2 iW Woitramlte , ,...,,, &.U0 All WorU Uuaranteedi If not Correct Money Refunded .... , CASH DISCOUNTS. $ 5.00 worth of work. 5 per cent off 180 " " 15 " 10.00 to $20.00 " 20 " v UwptB hamples by mail or express receive prompt attention. .Sample bags given on application Offioe near the old graveyard, on Nob Hill. SAI P TFI I AM ...assayer.. L,r 1 CLUrllU, Bisbee. Ariznao BESSEMER firs. fl. Crossey, Prop. A First-Class Hotel, Centrally Located. Furnished Rooms. Lighted by Electricity. Equipped After Modern Meth ods, with all the conveniences which contribute to the trav elers' comfort. The Traveling Public is Invited to call at THE BESSEMER. ? -; ? IB K lief-id Beer On Draught Constantly on Hand. Flno ln.portjdnnd Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigar. Tour patronage Respeoslly Ss11pUb4 Dubacher & Muheim. 'Brewery ATenue, Bisbee- Arizona. - .a Cheap CASH Store. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES;i;j Fresn fmiis oi mi Kinds mm mi 0 WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, A AND 4,v' TADionftk"'il-i Goods delivered to all partt of towa. 3 MEDIGOVICU & NOILR IVOuOI u Flayed A n in var u.i - parti i 1 Ou'.l 'ii "' u'b, pai of tho oooy. sinking tit the pitoi tho stomach, loss of appetite, foverishness, pimples or sores aro all positive 'evidence' of impure blood. No matter how it bo--ome so it must bo purified in order to ibtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir has never failed to euro Scrofl ulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonder ful., remedy and- we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee Sold by J. S. Williams & Co. NOTICE. Important f .a ,i 0P :teways $ T. METZ, PrupV. To Whom it May Concern. All persons knowing thomBeives to bo indebted to us aro kindly requested to call and sottlo at once, as wo lmvo dis posed of our business. HiHiiKE Dnuu Sionic, J. 8. Williams Co. Propr's. Risbeo.Oct.O, Lost A small gold brooch, with dia mond center, Lost batweon the resi dence of Lewis Williams and that of Oharlea Olnweon. Finder will bo lib erally rewarded by returning same, to this office. THROUGH. FASi FREIGHT RAILWAyjV Office " tZi? SdaV'U.; AND PASSENGER Sarsapanlla, Ginger-ale,.' r-r - ,S .C. Orders from aboad will-re celve prompt attention f ' cars, wo my overs, latest nuioru I'uiiin in UiUTur Sleepers. Handiomo Now Chair Uare , apeo''P'y ana comtortcoribtned. For particulars nddress. 3 AUItYSlIIltU, R, W.PURTI8, 8.W.F.&P.A., T.F, P. A. El Paso, Texas. El Paw, Texas E.C P. TURNER, .i . G. P. & 1. A., Dallas, Toxas, NO TROUBLE TO ANRVTR QUESTIONS." OTnjrja.gderUr.heoitv of Bisbee will be uellveroa iree without delay, family ord-s solicited. ; jtfii -SOUTHWESTERN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Erpaso, Texas. CHDVir.R The modern . business training school of the iu'-" cioimiw?i -i j. The direct through line fram Arizona ano Now Mexico to all mints in tho ,wo CotrnsKs: Bus'ness and Shorthand nbrU'east ahd-s.iuthoast, f Low altitude SZr. paso? sorvfi.0 J& 3SjM8SS; mercini "w. misinoss writing, apelllng, Lottor Writing, Kapld Calculating, Business Papers and Legal Forms. ShorthandType wrltlpg.OHlc i raining (n Kotalllng, WJiqla sale ng, l.ommlsslon,' Banking by Aotlial HuslnetiPrnotloe. Wk offer the superior advantage of splen. did equipment, and personul Instruction un. dor trained speoIalUts. We prepare student for the bost Position which wn secure. Stu denU "Home" In connection, Write forratea ot?,. B!iSirm be8hs Sentember 1st. B tnblUhedlBWk. - K. i, COOK. Prln'l. ,, i or othor ladies who wish to work Working tot uein spare time at home on mi,' '- o i-ffi t jw.1 ft fc'Kx' 'aJt-e to make plenty ot spenutDg mone w Itartijlcial!y.digest3thofoo4ondnl4 ly, in leisure hours. Send 12c. u-' n Nature in etrengtheriing and xecoa and full direction for work, ami ax ' structttiff the exhausted tMuestito o ' mence atone. Clou. ,,nt anyw w ! "ij?" , A4draaa.WWOOSKBT.CO. (300-S) Boai h itiamclMcV.nt ' Dyspisusia DisesVs what you eat. ton', Mass. Mfg. Dept. m. Walace' . . 1 i HO I 1 1 isbec AqBNT AND BROKER. Arizona af nfTtr rollowna and nurminMitlimim Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartbura, l Flatulence,-' Sour Stomach, Nausea. J 61okHeadache.Gastral(tia,OratM.aM t aUotherjeaulUoflmperfect4lfaatio. - J PrtparcdbyE.C.DtWHtCo..CVMaa. Copper Queen Store. R&prisen tin$ining Prop , w Real Estate Bought 'and Sold. Money Loaned,,and, Invested. Collections Made. J 1 v i , Strtiirti muse First-Class Board 5 ;jPWWvBBJrmTCJMPaP ' ', i ,' i Day, Week or Month. BOARDING HOUSE NORTH OFMASONIO TEMPLE. E. W. Stihjmh? Proprieotr THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR.. WORUb-WIDE CIRCULATION. Treaty sWy;Ili8trtt4. . M INDISPENSABLE TO MlWNa MgH, THREE OOLLaXS .TEA4 rTPAUX MINING AND SCIERTIFIO 990 MarkfV St.. . Rn PsiKiKnv fW ............ v.., , vn.. . . , ZmA llcllsolo ftnUM crMi- Sihiicui wrnf eatfve mM-1 dMlrIn(tatrlptblh rftrJjxKlUoB, wRUge , a1-s TAI-ASX iUiOViO). Baltimore, Mf, 1 MV'WJXS , -k snaEia t??3lpSaMWB-s.-, l . " " '" . ' ''yySM SwC.-