Newspaper Page Text
jT'v ' iigilSSSf ;, -'--..'. i ".jwv , r .' i.f , ,-t :rfi!i -V "A cat VAaHK-g:SfaJMW,H '" !. .. .A - "& C.iJEWGS5- y -? . ' ..F" "1 -V ' . . &- j. L JL . -" -" ir "xW " .'. ' $ awBr'aKairV "" ' ... w,ibju - -. - - 'affifflffilPr3iwtt- Twsjiraafcv . . .i. . - : ' ' "'.... " SbS if 'Jfc v.- ifl THE ARIZOINA DAILY UKB. 1 - : - - , ... jm . ii b" at i i f&tra vVOLTJME IV 31SBEE. ARIZONA, THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 22, rgbo. NUMBEB63 M 11Ai i7irn II IS NOW fiXEO.; AR,WS- ' t . ' I W r " I y v k. M Inturestiag Items Culled trom Oir 1 V A liAll J puert0 RicQ Bm pached Exchanges. , . s T A rT sa3-te Up Masterly Inactiv- x , IP (l , " ', v H H M m I ':-a5aSg4 it"V in Africa ' dieitui I'l.outbootheidayof typhoid ' ' , .g rM p 'JjL ,iiAfe iS "; - o 'pneumonia Ho waa about 30 years old. r-Bra j-?v g -r - The prettie t Birectfrom tho ?fl?lieyH5uiktafctWfe"cU,i'c' t of thTi-choJcs en Hxir, fauisOShttnter tops, and bailors in chip braid, Basket and Milan Braids, all shades -and styles. it.' ,t 5e'60ar40-cent Sailors k Positively cadnot der 7; cents. vind6wsi" Give f Be sure a-d see our latest style Ladies' Belts. .. The California Market, KENNEY BROS, Proprietors. Fresh" Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Sausia, Eta. Choice Cuts of Meat only. Fresh Bread Daily. 4 Goods Delivered Free to All Farts of the Town. '$' .- 'I Upper Main St., Blsbec. tf JM -. - i James F. Ur?fed States Deputy Mincraj .y" SURVBY1NQ IN ALL Ofllce In Valincu nulltUn V. C. READ Cochise Lumgiei3 Co. -DEALERS 'IN- Puget Sound Pine Humboldt Redwood LATHS. SHINGLES, SHAKES, MOULDINGS, WINDOWS DOORS AND ILL WORK. .0. Address, Bisbee, Arizona. i:), ): 5J )) ". We Now Have Our iffw MCla-Q,rrxpa,g-n.e, tlxe 1a,ilor- IA. JOERSS, Stationery, Wall Paper, News Depot, mnrriv ..... SS2ga52&W5fzy &5ffi2fv3m?Krzjriri ?& fl .iiv1 t itilcst. cvr sliowu 'liere. E.u'.m aud Europeaii mar H i ! be duplicated anywhere un Now on exhibition in the show you the correct ideas. Trotter, Surveyor wud Civil Ensfineer ITS .BRANCHES. rtJsliee. Arizona. ALEX DARWOOD LUMBER FURNISHED IN WAGON LOADS CARLOADS OH CARGOES Samples of Oxford Vicunas, Outing Flannels, Fancy Vestings & Blue Serges which are extremely pop u!nr yvlth upto date dressers. We show everything,ro,ivarrel1 - . dun cu'u on ti new ana siyusn. (mi tit .THE I V evador: rRl& EErtf-l&X jSjKAJ3 a 3T J? el Aiajlii iP5S vr'. -r jvSJ? 5ifc3f?Nft-SfViS- Washinfrton, March 22. The confer ence on the i u-'rto U mi uppr jpnation bill havo njieed upon a oomprartiifle meftBurd. The senat.0 conferees receded fium the fienato amendment Uinlting 1tho appropriation to revdniie collected on Puerto Runn importations until the first of January, and restored tne clauw in the house bill applying to futrfre rev enues reading as follows: "Together with any further customfa revenues col lected on importations from Puerto Rico since January 1, 1900, or that shall hereafter be collected under existing law. The provision in the senate amendment specify tnir the .purpose for which money shall bo used is retained but an addition is made i.e"la'inii spe cifically that it snail be for the aid and rslief of the Puerto Ricans. London, March 21. Seve-al telegrams have passed between Presidont Kruger and the British government in addition to the Salisbury-Kruger correspondence already published. The office received a dispatch from Pretoria yesterday. The contents of these communications can not yet be obtained. So far as the mil itary situation ia concerned there is practically no change. London, March 21. Tho Cape Town correspondent of tho Daily Mail, tele graphing March 2G, says: "I hare juBt returned from ItloemfoTnt'iri, where I loaned that no further movetnqai1 iQbaoto tut Uimo rUelcST as negotia tion are proceeding. I should not be surprised if the war collapsed quickly. London, March 22. The only news from South Africa showing activity on either side comes from Warrenton, north of Kimberly, where desultory fighting occured all Sunday resulting in tho retreat of the Boers towards Christina under Sboll fire. Tho pro gress of this column towards Mafekiag hau either almost ceassd or is forbidden to be mentioned! in tho dispatches. Nothing new tpmea from Oo'onel Plumor, and Matching appar ently etill awaits relief. , Before his dtparture for Baltimore Genoral Hainei said: "The present commissioners report will not only de cide upon a practicable route for an isthmian canal but will demonstrate conclusively thst tho ionte selected is the most feasibb one that could have been chosen. We have at present about 300 eurvyors in the field. They are going witj tho greatest care over the Nionratff. route, tho Panama route and all fie other routes suggested by former surevors. Besides this we have a numlir of exploring parties out in the hop of discovering sites that havo been Jthsrto overlooked. JtUN'sql 'acoh, a tall blood India. i of r Clwt:w trjbe, voluntarily retui ued to "je ,i . ii H-rutory wek to pay tht ritvmy of death after wan lenun Iwased according to In- 18 own wo uiiinoe It tsdobtful if there is an American within fo vair. dom.iin of this republic who wold voluntarily return under a convictid te pay the death penalty. Thiuie lould be a law against the offering unreasonably heavy rewards for the a 3ft and conviction of crimin als. As rule, the dotectivo is strictly in for'th money, and his efforts are directed ward scoring a conviction and gettr his reward regardless of the guilt or loconce of the party accused. Evidence a easily purchased and the poriurer always reauy to swear at tho dictation f the dotectivo. Innomnt men havifton been convicted through the unset uloui use of 'large rewards. ilcanic Eruptions. Are era but skin eruptun rob life of joy. pklen'a Arnica SaU ures them; alld, running and fever eo , ulcers, bet felons, corns, warts, cut bruises, Bis, scalds, chapped hands, chllblaintfBett pile cure on earth. Drives oj pains and aches. Only2i uxs.ratKiiW"'7",TV'"T"'CF'-'Jvra P ' - 1 ! "' 8. 1 1" IV . .'r.. ;. w. ..uuiiiu, oi IIIO douriiui-i'iiiior ui g I, f jaa? pSeB has ordcrfd a tvpo sottin- roa-hmp, in ! " ' -" w KS prooosel to issue an up-to-datp M n, lev paper Au attache of the Globe Timoa ofTice wanta lofure eixtot'ii smalrboyj with sudors to clip tne tails off the sco-pions in his room. 'DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve is un equaled for piles and skin diseases. It is 'the original Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. Copper Queen sforo and Bisbee Drug Co. t Manager Norton, of the long distance telephone in Arizona, baya that tho line between Tucson and Florence will be ready for business by next Sunday, March 25. Tiie lino hetween Florence and Phoenix will be ready by April 8. Mrs. J K. Miller, Newton Hamilton ia., writes, "I think DeWitt'a Witch Haz-1 Salve tho grandest salve made." It cures piled and heals every thing. All fraudulent imitations are worthless. Copper Queen store and Bisbee Drug to. $ Cards are out announcing the mar riage of Mr. 0. C. Johnson and Miss Laura Pck in Yuma, on Wednesday evening, March 21, at the Methodist Episcopal church. The contracting par ties are among Yumaa most popular young people. W. S. Philpot, Albany, Ga., says ' DeWittJs Little Early Risea did me more goid than any pills I ever took.", Tho famine little pills for constipation bilhousiaiss and liver and bowel trou bles. Cppar Queen itoie and Bisbee Drug Co. 4 t v S.iperosor J B. Freeman, of Gila ecit'ruv us 8 ld iiiH Salt Hiver ranch -iJ m'lit tie Pascoe proper ;y ul Whe,uH' Ids and will hqreaftor re3ido at thatphce Thu Sait ftVdr'-BettlortooC loses one of its oldest and best cHieus by the transaction. Geo. Barbe, Mendota, Ya., aays "Nothing d'd me 60 much good as Kodo Dyspepsia Cure. Ono dose relieved me a few bottlta cured me." It digests what you eat and always curea dyspep sia. Copper Queen store and Bisbee Drug Cp. t Col. McCord has purchased an im proved pump in Washington, to be util ized on the McCord & Leitch farm west of Phoenix. Tho governor, by the way, has managed to securo the services of a cold storage pump and is using it to transmit a cold chill up the spinal col umn of Arizot a'a Jat executive. Experience is the best teacher. Use Acker'siEuglish Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give iamiiato relief money re funded. 25 ita. and 50 cts. Sold by J. fJ. k Co. On the first of April the Pullman com pany wDl come into the possession of the Pullman cars on the Southern Pacific roads. The Pullman company has paid C. P. Huntington ono and ono half mil lion dollars for his interests in theeo cars. This will probably result in a better class of cars being put on the lines of the S. P. "I think I ,ouldgo crazy with pain wore it not for Chamberlain's Pain Halm," "writes Mr. W. II. Staploton, Herimno, Pa. "I bave been afiheted with il'euuiatism for soveral rears aud I "" uibtl tuutudietj witiioui number, bat Pain Balm is the beat medtciue 1 have got hold of" Ono application i levee tho jam. For bale by all drug gists. F Deputy Sheriff Joe Olnoy, of Metcalf, ia reported to bo in Now Mexico on the hot trail of Ygnacio Marques, who io cently inflicted a fatal wound on Miso Polonia Vigil, of the same nationality, at tho Rock Hoiue, on Chase Creek, wheio she died last week. The fugitive is ruling a horse stolen from Charles Kippler at Gold Gulch. Copper Era.v "' .md bionchitis evory winter for yea s and no medicine gave mo perma- njnt reiiel until I began to tako One Minute Cough Cure. 1 know it is tho ben cough meduino made," says J. Kuntz, Corry, Pa. It quickly cuiea coughs, colds, croup, asthma, Gnppo and throat and lung troubles. It is tho childrens' fa vorito remedy. Curea quick ly. Copper QUt.ou 8toro nd Bisbeo Drug Mrs. Chailos M. Smith illmi 1. wi. ncsday moinbg at 8:30 o'clock, after an illness of more than a year with pulmo nary trouble. Mra. Smith waa 27 yeara of age and had lived in Yuma for die past two years. Uesides a he.i srsn.' , ssffiw ;? -v ' ftfiaiSitfSSa&6 -, yu . 1- ..sjvtfi ,wr & St. it-.l.i.-' -,4-. , For Surveyors, Prospector?ffor 'hunt ing or any continuous out dooi uw, the, boot ilhutiated here is particularly adapted. Heretofore we took orders for these boots and had them made up, causing a sometimes inconvenient wait. Wo have them in stock now inall sizes. It is made o? a good, durable, Russet"" Leather, high cut lace, 10 inches high, heavv sole, Goodyear velt, bellows tongue. Sole Leather Sole....- $5.50 a pair Elk Skin Solev Bluclier Style $6.00 a pair I til COPPER Um Bank INCORPORATED. Directors: CEN. WILLI AMS, J. S. DOUGLASS, J. B. ANQIUS, - W,, H. BROPHY, n. J. auNNnsariAM. Foreign Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers to all Parts of the world. Accounts of Individuals, Firms Matters Intrusted to Our Care Attention. Mexican Honey Agency for New Zealand The Zellner Piano Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERSjjJlNJ Pianos & Organs. Write for Catalogue. Pianos on Monthly Payments. Office-. i21 1-2 South Bronda',, Los AiiR.les, Caii.'-onin Bisbee Drug Carries everything in the Diug and Chemical Line, and wo are constantly adding new Bide line lines to our stock. Ou next addition will bo Wa Paper, Paints, Oil and Glass. bamplea now;ready for selection. Perfume To sweet for anything but your handkerchief. Candy Saroni's Gold Label in original packages only. For the Literary All the late and popular Novels at popular prices. For the Workingman A workingmau's paper, vk: 1 The Los Angeles Daily. Hefald. Minliif; GEO. C nut r" vJ -i j"1 !TineT,, AStif&iiPiiSSSPrTMJMStfri QUEEN STORE: of Bisbee . Officers: p.J ' ,... V. H. BROPHYi.;.A.u.KresIdeiit J S. DOUGLASS: Vkc President 'A J. CUNNINfJMAn Cashier and s Corporations solicited. will Rece;ve Prompt Bought and Sold FKo Insurance Company Company. U.S Deputy CA AUK STi t3?v.-. . Aft $1 Em Si. 4h jiv" 1 WSMTVS- .'V ; o. i l x ..ev' . t.jLiF- r.:j- i sj "ita. . V .M,i ! i - r ' KSfK