Newspaper Page Text
t ,r,v.y ' X -. J 1 ju y a-ASw vPfl ST 1 iv V w 3fc tV iv RAILHOAU T1MK riJLES iOUTHBBM PACIFIC KAILKOAD. KAtST--OUHD. c.00 n. in. 8:20 a. in. k;C0 p. m 10;37 p n: I'fiHi m. i.V :. in ' 2:S! v STATIONS. weut- UOUNIl. ,San Frnnclsoo. ..Lob Aaeelos.. Yuma .., Maricopa ... .... Tucson .... .... Uonson, . .. ''1 1'iso .. 4 :45 p. in. 0:00 p. m. 11:70 a.m. r.'lil n. in. '2: JO a. in, 1-01 b. m. 2-sn p. in. I'.ictue ilm H ni.TKh, A st MMaMM. ... irv a. u. to L:iK)M. iOh M. toU'SIIV. M. it:v . S.UU r i. ( r m MlSh A. HILb Librarian - PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TAMES S. ROIUNSON, ATTORNEY J at Law, Tombstone Arizona. Will nrnctio In all the courts of tho Territory, and In tlio Supromo Court of tho United Stutes. Officii Corner Itli and Allon streot. '"S&" A 11 1'UHR VMSK, VIOLINIS1'. LKS30N3 GIV " on at reasonable ratos. Addross liox 431. C. A. NEWMAN, Si O. L. Street, Arizona. Tinner, Plumber and Sheet Metal Worker. Second XXaucl Goods Bought and Sold. Reliable Ass - j' Gold Sllve Gold mid hihor & M) (Viliuor. Silver 40 Gold. Ml or A load llOW 11IK1 Mlr. .V ,(l)l(l Lead M'G'ld, 51.00 1.2i (olc,sllver,coiier 1.50 svr, eop'r, lead 2.00 n uht. w ii a in TIM GRIFFITH, Proprietor. Finest Turnouts in the City, Frank E. Hbrxvohd, Sara E. Hazzakd, HBRKPOR A HAiSZARD, Lawyers. Tuoson, Arizona, have estnblishod ilji otnio1 ui mbstu. wrii " A I r"ifun. attorney it law, and will attoiuluiich court tnnu ut i'oiubntono. W'lLUAM SOHR1 vSlll.K. JUSTICE Of ,r tho Peace, Notrti i Public nnd Convey ancer. Ofllee hi Wallace iridium, lluboo, Ai 12 nJ- W. FAttRINOTON.-DKNTlsSntY IN A1" ull'Hs branches. Satisfaction tfiiuran ""'tced. OHlca-Shcarer Iltilldlnff, lilsbco, Arizona. GKO. W. SWAIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Will praotlce In all the courts of tho Territory. Tombstone, Arizona. ALLEN R. ENGLISH. ATTORNEY AND f Villn Counsellor-at-Law. Olilce Street. Tombstone, Arizona. on Fourth r WO. STAEHLE, ATTORNEY AND COUN- sailor. Tombstone, CochUe County, A. r 2 Id WII.I.IAMS, JUSTICE OF.THE PEACE. Hotary Publlo; Conveyanoer. Bills Collected a specialty. TURF SALOON. - .US LETSON, Proprietor The Home Bakery EHBB rYR EDMUNDSON-PHYSICIAN AND SUR--' eoon, llii-boe, Arizona, Ollloe at his res idence SheLrar buildititr, noxt to Dr. Kur-rinrton's. OUSTAR HEMPEL, PIANO TEACHER. '-'Lessons in Instrumental music Call at Del Lewis'. Law Oifioes of LQGAN, DEMOND S HARBY, 27 William Street, New York. WALTER S. LOGAN. CHARLES M. DEMOND MARX E. HARUY, NORTON CHASE FRED C. HANFORD, Represented In Arizona by Norton Clmso slums Hotel, Phoenix., sp5-3m THE FRATERNITIES. PERFECT ASHLAR LODGE, No 12 F. A A. M Meet first Thurbduy of oaoh month. Vis Itinff brethren cordially Invited to attend. C. C Wabmxu.W.M. J.L.,HKOWN.Seorotary. LANDMARK CHAPTER NO. 6. 11. a. M Stated convocation third Tuesday in aoh month. Visiting companions in tfootl standing are fraternally Invited to vUlt. . , TV. ii. STILES, H. P. FuAltK J. Gbaf. Secretary, vUEEN LODGE, NO. 6, A. O. U. W.. MEETS "X, every Saturday ovenlnf. Visiting broth ers cordially lnviteu. WM. UOALU, Jl. Alfred Godfrey, , Kecordor. lrlnanoler. A. 11. C. FUAUBU, O. O. F. niSDEE LODGE, NO. 10, MEETo every weanesuayevemufr visuinffDroth rs cordially invited to attend. A, X. Wat CIXS, N. G tiMIIiB Makks, R. S. - - - rMPKOVED ORDER OF RED MEN, COCHISE A Tribe No. 7., meet every Thursduy even ing at tho Opera House Hall Vibitint; broth. ars cordially invited. JAMES FARLEY, Sachem. Sib Habbib, C. of R. Dr. Edmundson, Medicine Mun. OOME FORUM-Blsboe Forum No, 1958, a-" meets first and third Monday in each month. Operu House, 7:30 p. m. Ylsltin com panions always weloome. H. W. Studloy, Pros. T. P. Devine, Treas. Wm. Sorlmshor, Sec. ,pOURT,HOWELL,NO. 14, FORESTESRS OF '"Alniloa moot every Wednesduy night. A.T.SOSVLE, O.K. Jamfs Eiclly, Financial Socrotary. THE OfRATBRNALBROTHERHOOD.-IN-deuendence Lodco. No. 53. moots evory first and third 'Wounosdays of tho mouth, Yitltitur members 'uro cordially Invited, WM. HUTCH1NS, President JfKKD Fuss, Secretary. ft . 1. 3 ,1 Vk- 4-1 4Tk TifAAIr .In.. -v ii4-li norses Doaraeu uv "" ., uav ui uiuum, m!nera whn ,a --c; -s?ffc.Vv"rr bought aud sold. Complete back service. Hacks will Ploy for years, that the Queen mini . r A 71 i "".icui ore in signt to keep UlCv-L -all trams. LrOOd service, . . , it In constant operation for tho ,,.,. - a- ne.xt twenty years without further do- Uppcr Slaisu St. - Bisbee, Arizona veiopment. I Is It not reasonable in hniiovn tbnt the propprty of thf hU ..imp-ui- i, fully as valuable, wlu-n n is within such close proximity to siKh a won derful mine'' The blasts eet off in the underground workings of the Queen property can l easily b felt and heard at the shaft of our mine, ard of times the concussion nas attracted marked attention. Tue original owners of these valu able mines are local business men, well and favorably known in Bisbee and urroundlng vicinity, who are doing their utmost to make this enterprise a success in every respect The board oi directors are original owners, and are donating their services to the com pany until such time as the mine will pay dividends. They own the con trolling interest In this property, and as a protection to stockholders have placed their entire interest in escrow for a term of one year. The stock books of our company are now open for subscriptions, and a lim ited number of shares are offered at twenty-five c. per Plmre. No application for less than 100 shares will be accepted. me company reserve the right at any time to advance the price of shares without further notice, or to reject any application for stock at their discretion. x'ft. ' ,"'-' WUI- iweiveu irom me saie oi 5j stock will be expended toward the de velopment oi our property and the erection of hoisting works, 'and all other necessary improvements, and to make our enterprise a success in every particular. We invite investigators and their experts or their engineers to closely scrutinize our property. Applications for shares may be made to any of the directors of the com pany, or to any of our legally author ized representativte. L. C. SHATTUCK, Pres. J. MT'HRIM, Supt. & Treas. G. W. HILL, Vico-Pres. S. K. WILLIAMS, Sec. I', -l of. ArVona COPPER 13 THE METAL. The Cochise Copper Mining Company, Bisbee, Arizona. This company owns a verv valuable KSiS1?6? Bituatd ln Warren Samples by mail receive proraptattc mining district, wmntv nt nr.nY.taa i ... :.. .... .r ... w Arizona lvlno- i,T J . i ""-"' uu. iiisntat.iiin.cpuiu lor uuinoil. Arizona, lying immediately east of and V a adjoining the town of Bisbee, and ad- gdC3B A.SS5EV Cosaap'y. niBAhe p,TPerty ot the Copper i429 1 .th st., Denver, Co!o iCueen Consolidated Mining company1 j i-n the north. The latter comnanv lias r- - ---.. . osen In operation for about twen:y years, and employs about 1,500 men I daily in the operation of its mammoth mine and ami na ra,.u . ,. . , u.MU MM u, vjn T I'rouucea copper to over 34,000,000 thirt'i Hitm YEAR pounds during the year 1898, and the , . jiuu liiutetui OI SUcn nrnrinpHnn .nrf. I .,. .. reported to have been over S2 00ft ooo' I A "8" : WeckIy i Illustrated. nnrt I !, 1 .- . T T MiMnvrrwraiiHc JLTAAJL i a! v J' P -. ' ,l I 1 , . . .-" v-.,vuu,v.-, Morses r,""ia.een-m bv experienced TiTrMCOrrrvTC A rT T- . fJJ. 1 J-XOA AJlNv-JaSJJlwli TO MINING MEN. $3 PER YEAR, POSTPAID. SEND yolt SAMPLE COPT. HIKING Scientific pflESS hURTOET ST., SAIT FRANCISCO. CAL. W. R. TH0M, m us m amQ Bisbee, Arizona. IJeadsfcne8and Monumani? n -eii.t) Stone Cutt:r.i o' -j smds done wltaneatncob and diapatcn. Leave onrers a! me Bisbee Druo'siore. P9- ASK VOCi? ' BR'JCfilST . . . for TefT Cex i"? wit i serlplivc oi -i. t nft J)r. !' o !,,3 'Ttrasrr VQ'J ! 1 J. A. S. MILLER, Prop. Is now open for business in the Duffy building, Brewery Gulch, and is now ready to furnish patrons with the best of Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies i At ed-Rock Prices. T-rtj - iu Li-- - -n-."..- r ;" i WAi nnDR v w y v n w h sg. ii O Main Street, Bisbee, Arizona. Otto W. Geisenliofer, Prop. Fines ttu 19 ne. Rooi Parlies Fresh oysters and all kinds of ca-no in season. Tho table supplied with tho best fK' market aTorJd. m.imwnau ij2Uii!JiZJi&;Sjiui:i.-t&iijia I: - .ffnrfvavv wirrcrf?M?U :uiitei'&,Lit&immmh jtiQmms& . a . tvi . . , .S.:'&a ' He will also continue business for a time at the -old stand, O. K, Stieet, next to the Orb office. "iew9"ss eooooeoo Se038&Sfto-ooo Are You Agoing To be Hoodooed All Your Life C'ooiccooott fc ANCHOR SALOON, Sid Harris, Prop. IMPORTED WINES, LIQUORS-AND CIGARS. 1 EM o Ms item Reading and Card Rooms Attachei. Give Us a Call. j fegj - " "'- wtai, u.juci:. gj !mMMmM;:mmmmmmmmm - . . , . - " - n w nruim !!! Il llll II !! MM 1S1I1IM mm , HIIHWIIW 'MSSJJ.S,SJJ1... EAMMGEK I BOS., yiopsietor 500 We kill all oi our own moatf uiuir cln- inspection, therpf re in buy-J in your meats I'm u,you uro taking in eiMncos oi iatinc diseased j nieatB, that you arehablo to whoi) buying from parties that ship urenftci meats fom out ot town, wlierc there 18 Uaple to be lioj; cholera or Texas fever, and you know nothing about what kind of meats you are eating. We handle nothing onl the best that monev can buy.j batisiaction guaranteed. C. A. Overlock & Bro., Union ilarfcet. R. B. KEUEY, S.WPLOYMENT AGCfjCY Try rme Wine; :i?it):v and Cigars. 6 o 0oi0U8i!0toi9g06goooo PARK VIEW HOTE! Caution Notice. any way seeking y rltrbt. title. Interest or control of any certain minlinr claims in tho Huaehu to obtain any rleht, title, interest or control A LL PEItSONS are herby warned asainst .jl buyinir, loaBing-, or in a aoti any ea Mountains, recently attempted to bo .located by J. 11. Tippet t nnd It. V Dim ton, .Said attempted locations aro culled "Sum Srtnlt" and Monarch", respectively, und at tempts to appropriate the milling (.'round under the locations lonir and well Known as Vhe OUTLOOK nud.OUTLOMK KX'i'KNSION, -dtuatcd near the summit of tho middle pouk S .of. tho rancv between the head of Kumtoy and Maple Canyons, which claims were not open for loaatlouatthedutoof said uttempt- jtii appropriation by suld J. H. Tippott uiid . y . wunton, ' Furthermore all wui k done on croiind of the of IT (ink nnd OUT .KXTKNhlON hv Uillii iLfi.r.jfii(l in ' hereby claimed und the sump will b for tho t.nfHt fit -,ilJ nt. i o.Jik uu ! u KXTltNSlON mtuliur t-laliuii, tho prop' rty of the uuderslBliod. .' v blUMl'ACO. September dktli, 189W sepA-lm Played Out. Tucson, Arizona NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSE NO DARK ROOMS LATEST SANITARY PLUHBINO HOT, COLD, RUSSIAN AND TURKISH BATHS European Plan. Sample Rooms for Commercial flen. Corner Pennimton and Meyer Sts., Opposite City Park. No. ) orth Church street, onuoaite ' ?lfl?io Acr cT&rtJ i IT-nnfl. Allb-inrlol awict.. TL-.t,. Post Olhce, ruceon, Arizona. All kinds of help promptly furnished. Your or ders solicited. P. 0. Box 37. d!5 lm BISBEE ul MCOSARI Stage Line j TIM TAFT, Prop. WM. REID, Prop Leave Bisbee Tuesday and Fridays. Arrive in Bisbee Tuesdays and Saturdays UttlCe wT Co ,'r Queen Store Wuero information can be had NET PHICB 1.ISX. Silver, Gold and Copper, in one sample. $2. 0 Sliver aud Gold i.3 Silver, Gold, Coppor or Load, each 1.00 Zinc i.50 Antimony, Iron, Lime nnd Sulphur, each 'J.OO Wolframlto 5.00 All Worlt Ciuaraiiteecl; if not Correct Money Kef iiuuvtl .... CASH DISCOUNTS. 8 5.00 worth of work. 5 per cent off lfl.CO " " 15 " 10.00 to $2at " 20 " flfinflikw.u fimiuuoiii uuuuj On Druusht Constantly on Hand M II Beef on humpies by mail or express receive prompt attention, faamplo bugs, jriven on application Otticouoar tho old truvoj ard, on Nob Hill. ALF TFI I AM ....assayer.. tLr 1 CU,L,iTl, ujsbee.Ariznno THE k C EE M! MONT LZUMA HOTEL, Bisbee trade especially catered to. LEON LARR1EU, Prniator.- (,FAIRBAKi, ARIZONA. PRESTON FLETCHER, P roprietors. A representative estab lishment catering to a representative people. oo Good Fare, Reasonable Rates, Correct Service, Op Pay ami tfiiiit! BES5EMER firs. H. Crosscy, Prop. Fine Imported and Domestio Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Your patronoee Rospecullj1 Sollrlted Dubacher & Muheim, Hrewcry Avenue, Bisbee Arizona. if- A First-Clnt-H Hotel, Centrally Located. Furnished Rooms. Lighted by Electricity. Equipped Alter Modern Meth ods, with all the conveniences which contribute to the trav elers' comfort. The Traveling Public is Invited to call at THE BESSEMER. ?3sOOttC0 Cheap CASH Store. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. M Fioiis oi ill Kinds Men dqiij Dull headache, pains in various parts .of the body, sinking nt tho pit of tho etomach, loss ef nppotite, feverishness, tpimpleaor sores are all positive evidence iOf iuiDuro blood. No matter how it bu- '''omo'BO it must be puniiod in order to Obtain good health. Acker's Blood Eloxir has never failed to cure Scrofl .ulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonder- , Jul.reuiedy aud wo sell every bottlo on positivo guarantee. Sold by J. S. Williams & Co. NOTICE. To Whom it May Concern. All persona knowing themselves to bo indebted to as are kindly requested to call and settle nt once, as wo lmvo ills tpoaed of our business. Bisbke Dnua Stoiie, J. 8. Williams & Co. Propr's. Biabee.Oct.O, ' I . I !l ill Lost A email gold brooch, with dia imond center, Lost Dstwuen the resi- 4. Important GatewayvS 4 THROUQH. . FAST FREIGHT .. -PuniKr (fnni uiflDif? ! UUiill IIUliliU I MM K or othor ladies ln w;Vi to work Can Earn lib oi Money WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, AND TOBACCOS Goods delivered to.oll parts of town. IKEMGOVIC1I NOILS T. METZ, Prop'r.. Office A"J Works Tom TtexasJI fS3 iIpacifiQ AND PASSENGER SERVICE The direct through line from Arizona nnd New Mexico to nil point8 in the north, east and Bouthonst. Low altitude. Porfoct pasBenger- kBotvice Through enra. No lay-overa. UUest Pattern Pullman Buffer Sloopeta. Handsome Now Chair Care. Speod, aafety and comfort combined. J For particular addre8a. ' ARBYSfllRtij: r. w. nnnriR. . s. w. f.&p.a., ... 't:f &P.:Ar Mt. 'if? $& ?( Soda water, Sarsaparilla, Ginger-ale, Etc., Etc. Working for no'in (:ire time ut home on 1 our cloths. Wo olTi-r jou a good clisnoo 1 to make plenty of spending monev f .tal ly, in leisure hours- . id I -c. i '. . and full direction for work, and com monco at once. Cloth Bent anywhere. Address W1N00SKET CO tonj Muas., Mfg. Dopt. Order from abend will ccive prompt attention. re- JCa-OiJors for.tho oitv of Bisboo will be dolivorod frco without delay. Family ordtS Bolloitod. -SOUTHWESTERN BUSINESS COLLEGE. ? - El Paso, Texas. Soma ww" "Jg, tM,n'e "'' of tho ombruoSS-lHrini,.,,leM n'"1 Shorthand einurucintr llook-knni.l.ii. a..i.i...,.i , Builnoss PraotKb. ' """ifl1'1 Actual I. W. Wallace jtfbee AOENT AND BROKER. Arizona uyspepsia uur. OiQe-iis what yow eat. 1 ... ....wiJiguMS the rood and aldi Nature in strengthening and recon structinKthe exhausted digestive o gans. It ia the latest discovered dlres vi?00-S) Bos-1 ant and tonics. No otner repratiot can approacu iv in cnicira. IX jr Btantly relieves nnd permnellyure Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Mstrtburi. Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Jfaveea, SickIIeadaclie,Gastralgla,Crtaip9laM all other results ot imperfect ilfwtioa Reprcscn Hug Mining Prop erties. Real Estate Bought ,and Sold. Money Loaned and Invested. Collections Miulo. Strum House First-Class Board Prepared by E. C. DtWItt ft C., Copper Queerr-Sloic." .THIRTV-SEVENTK YEAR. f 11 - 1 - VVORLDV:iDE CIRCULATION, j j Tvcuiy Pages; VceklyjIIlHStratccLe C NDSSPEN9AP TO f.'KlNG fcjEN. i TIIKEE COLLARS. WE TEAR, t .SimiAJ TUNING AND SCIENTIFIC PRESS, ; ?2C Market Sr., San I-Rfcisco, Cau Day, Week or Moutli. I fi&: Wjt Ii dgnceoUrifUittaUlniJ .that dl WD otfor tho smierl,... n.i . -SSIIWMpwssn .Iuks.-- miusxduZUiiJil3iWl. iurxi, . rvn r '. u-. W&?& lri ""T.' E -.t ?te PI y-s. .. .ArXrWt .Tj?K-J, -V .Ti -r-rfTj, vjb,-i-v.5v c Q - " r . a U-" dV .tSCaiMA,i5S nirn t ' LiirJ. vi..rtiiiiTii . 1 r sum 1 11 ii i.m 1 1 umi i n in i" m SHKBSeSBSs3KtF U ( ' 1- - -