Newspaper Page Text
ieavauwnaasaSSSSScSSSS Vh Mkmk&kmmkkki. T S Local Brevities Ccmtnj Attractions? XrillC "Ihe Burglar." J. of l meet tonight. .. jYtftut Ashlar lodge meet tonight. Just received, a new lino of shirt waists, at Blewett's. N20-tf .WJst lias become of that. local tele jiltcne company? i'jof. Ricketta left yesterday aft'oV noon for Kacofttri. - . 'FOR RENT A good furnished room. A-pply to Mri; G. Lewis, or at this office. CaH, on 0. l Hart it Co., Copper 'Queen Pharmacy, for ph'otogiaphio sup--pTlea. '. ' ft2l.n .JHyou Vnt a now bat, neatly trimraod 'to euityoar taste, leave' your order at MfbVBUwatt's. 'A "carload of Jarge iron pipiugfor the Eaeosari Mining company was shipped , to Naco today. 'FOR SALE A two- roona furnished lioute, Quality liiil ; ooif location,. A p. plv nt this offict. MO-tf Joe Caraaellowas givbiMien days by: J ddge Williams this niorniug'for' being ctrnnk and disorderly. Coa 0 Keefo baa Ronei 15 the Cannon eat and farther Cobre Grande" litigation saay bi lookad for. WjixTED-Firat mas boaae Cook, cap able of managing private men for men. Address P. 0. Box 258, Bisbee. 3-28 "Pedro Caatsllo and Jose Frerquillo were arrested last evening on a charge of ighting and disturbing the peace. '. Wanted A eitua'tion as dining Kxim girl, chasaber maid or as seamstress, by oapabla woman. Apply at the Norton House. tViKTin A first class carriage paint 'er; apply at B. F. Graham & Co. office 'Oalymen ablo to do first class work 'seed apply. Gaktshtzr FoVjctfAK WhtB position. "Capable of taking full charge of con ,'atructlon gang on any kind of buildings. Address Box 221, Bisbee. mhl7 3t Yon can make your wife, sister, sweet beart or mother-in-law happy by buy ing her one ef those pretty collaretta at Blewatta. M20-.f Vf. W. Pardon, an early resident, of Tosabatooe in its ejirly dva, haa located in Naiee and will 'make hii future home thert. Six titindred Itead of cattla wore paas sdyiierday at 8an Bernardinti for J. 'B. Slaughter. Tub Cattle willbe' put on his ran jetherc. ' ! ' Thef Des Gabazes Consolidated Mining 'Coeapany' in Cochise county is shipping 'aiverai carloads of ore eiicH week to the aaaelters at El Paso and Silver city. Some marvelous.eilver discoveries are ''repotted bear the Colorado river, north ' of Yuma. Specimens taken to Phoenix 'pre the richest ever seon'iri that city. Through an oversite of. the reporter the band concert given on Sunday even ing'by the Copper Queen band was not 'mentioned yesteeday. The band has 'received new membdra during the last 'week and the bora are makingexcellent progress. The band 'now will compare 'most favorable with "any in the Territ ory. "The lies that blamed Orb published about ua," said one officeholder to an other, ''Is enough to drive a man to drink." "Yes, that's so," replied the atnur, "but still we have no cause for complaint." 'Why not?" asked the first in surprise. "Well, it might be much worae," waa the reply. "It 'might publish the truth." His Life Was Saved. ' ; Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen oi Hannibal, Mo., lately bad a wonderful 'deliverance from a frightful death. In 1 teillr.g of it he says: "I was taken with ' typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia. 'My lunvs became hardened. I was so. weak I couldn't even sit up in bod. .Nothing helped sae. i expected to soon ' die of c&naumptioa, when' I heard -of Dr.' King's New Diacove. y. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it, and 'jiaanow well and strong. 1 can't aay ' !& BaHch is tyr'pialae." This marvel ous medicine, ie .the surest and qulokest ' we in trie werkt or all throat and lung 'xodble. Regular iIm 50 cents and 1. 000 Trial bottle f tee at Copper Queen store ' nd Bisbee Drag Co. ; every bottle guar anteed. "The Inoreaaed aetlvity in mtaing in itoor'ihern Sbritfr haa made itself felt at NacoNvhere baaineta ia picking up greatly and atrangera are conatantly 'conalag and going. Miuj boat Adtima 'O. the Naco hotel has found business so rafbing that he will at oace begin tho 'erection of a large two-story brick hotel. Yolcaaic Eraptlenj. dare grand, but akin eruptionr rob Ufa f joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salv. "ures tbeaa; also old, running and fever so- i, ttleers, bolls, felons, corns, warts, cuts, Wttitae, burBSuecalda, chapped hands, 4lUaiins. Best pile cure on earth. Drivee. eat pains and achea. Only 25 -.eta. ft f . Cure, guaranteed. Sold by Oeer Qaeen iter aad UUba Dru Monthly Report.of the Bisbee Public School. To thb Onn : Gentlemen, Herewith find', report of the Bisbee eepOl for the; month of January, 1900. " 8. P. V'ciiEA'B BOOM XlKAm-3 8 AN'dO. Total Enrollment.-.': 1 Monthly enrollment 12 Daily Attondnncq 10-63 Cases tardiness . MRS. DYER'S ltOOM flH,IE3 U ASD.,7. Total enrollment , . -V 40 Monthly enrollment. . 35 Daily attendance; 33.2 Cases tardiness......... -..... 1 miss meuriman's boom obades 4 and 5. Totpl enrollment. . ' "M60 Monthly enrollment ? -53 Dally attendance .05, Cases tardiness 3 MISS davim' BOOM (in.DKS 3 AND 4. Total enrollment. . r. 'SO Monthly cnrollu. en'Ur. . . . . . .' 52 Daily attendance. . , ."46 Caeca tardiness'. . . . ".... .'. . . 7 Mrss howk's boom ait.K 3. Total enrollment 70 Monthly enrollment . 7d Daily 'attendance........... 50.4 Cases tardiness..' 14 miss' hill's boom -grade 2. Total ' enrollment .V.'.1?: V. .". ...... 00 Monthly enrollment 67 Duily attendance ; . ... ;'. .... .62.05 Cases tardiness . ..J '. . ;.. 0 MISS WARKIKO'S ROOM GKADKS 1 AND 2. Total enrollment ; 60 Monthly enrollment. .'. ?; ....... . .73 Daily attendance . '. . .Vi ; '..'.... 1 .. . . . 66.5 Cases tardiness. . . 3 .. :'. 1 miss btowb's room gradb 1. Total enrollment. ...'... ."! Monthly enrollment 103 Daily attendance 72.05 Cases tardiness . . 14 " SUMMABT TO?. EKTIBK SCHOOL. Total enrollment . . ..;..'. '., 534 Monthly enrollment .470 Daily attendance .393 Cases tardiness..... ;...... 57. I aim greatly pleased to report that our tardiness is less this month than any month einco I have como to Bisbee. My room has now run two months with out a single ease of tardiness. I hope the pupils will take pride in seeing tliat this record is continued until the end of tp'e yeer. The attendance isSOS, and. still shows no decrease. I hope parents will make, an effort to help us hold it up until the end of tho year. In regard to "supplementary reading" Louis Soldan, suporiri'tendant of the St. Louis schools, has the following to say in the lending Illinois school paper: "The importance of supplementary reading is recognized by every rereon familiar witli the progress made in schools in "the last ten "years. When the child baV teamed the elements of reading his progress becomes rapid, if reading1 matter 'so selected that it will iritere8t'the child is given to him from time tb;tim6f'for sight "reading, so that he may applyr practice tHat.parto! the art of reading which he has ac quired. He becomes a reader Uy inclin ation1' and acquires a taste for good read ing, which will enrich his life. "Supplementary reading matter ha? a peculiarly humanizing influence on he discipline of the school. It is customary to have at least two classes iu each root, and very often when the class that is studying seems tired and disor derly, the givi g out of supplementary books that entertain and instruct re stores the disciplhe of the room with-, out any effoi t on the part. of the teach er. "Reading has for its highest purpose the eponing of the: Whole spiritual uni verse to men. It brings him into con tact not only with foreign lands, but with the great minds of the present and the past, and with all matter torn porn' orete.nal. It makes man, more than any other art he can acquire, the heir of all the ages. Through supplementary reading the child's horizon is widened at a very early age. He is brought into contact with the great world in which he has to live his life. As an educa tional agency supplementary reading is therefore; of great importance." Much more can be said, but here are given some of the reasons why tho B'sbee teachers are so anxious to secure .such books for tiieir various grades. Respectfully, - S. P. McCbka, Prin. Pub. Schools. A cigarette ia said to have soliloquized thua to' a fiend in' Phoenix the other day: "I am not much of a mathema tician, but I can add to a man's nervoua troubles; I can subtract from his physi cal energy; I can multiply his aches and pains; I can divide hia mental powera; 1 can take intereat from hia chances of future auccoae." Am Editor's Life Saved by Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy. During the early part of October, 1896, I contracted a bad Cold which settled on my lungs and waa neglected until I feared that consumption baa appeared in an incipient state. I was constantly coughing and trying to expel something which 1 could noi. i became alarmed and after giving tho local doctor a trial bought a bottle of "!iimbarlatu Cough Remedy ant die it-uitn.o nnniuaiatu improvement, and iirl n-Viused three bottles mv Iuuku r-M. "rod to Ueir healthy atate. K. v. EdwA is Pabllah erof the Review, Wut, i.. Fr sale by all druggiata. ' "Thou Shall Lie" IN, ,T,ni9 CASE ONLY, ,-1. This town is a paradise, No other lik8 it in Arizoco., Everything booming. People lull of buBinc's'j. The only town. Come and see. Those are tho kind of answers you should uiuko when you ro to sorao other place and people ask-you, as they .invarhvuly wUV;!'Well, how's thiugs down yoaY "wiy'?"'' Don't give them the same did atorotyped answer, "Very slow; nothing- doing At all." You kuow if you say it, ai.d it hurts your town just so much every time you utter such a remark. G ve even if it is the tlowuat old 'cm a fill place on earth. That's the way to get people talking About your town. By no means tell em' that there'a no. business, and if they want to get off the earth to come down to your town and die iu peace and quiet. . .; . House and Senate. Washington, March 27. The. l.ioae met nt noon with the purpose of pro ceeding at once with the" bill making appropriations for tho BU'pport-l6f''the army. Before this was done, irjwever," a number of 'pension bills passed Friday lastin cotamitleeiolvtbo, wholes were dispoeed'of Rising to the question oi privilege in senate today: Senator Hnnna rekdt'an article from the Washington Star of Fri day last in which a etntment waa made that a republican member of the houae told n reporter of that paper that the Puerto Rican tariff bill would pass the senate because a deal had been arrang ed to raice Urn campaign funds for the republican'pttrty. Hanna said he did not believe miy member of the house made the statenVont and that he wished to denounce the .statement aa i a deliber ate andmalicious"-liei.i' ''-itui.'.; trio . YOUR FACE-o Shows tbe'state of your feelings and the state ot your health as well. Im pure blood makes iteelf apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Erupions. JLf youcare feeling weak and worn out and do not have a hedthy appearance vou should.vtry "Ackers Bloo Jinxir. It 5urea:, all Diooo aieeae8. where r.neap Sarsapar iilae and so called punners fall ; Bnjbs mg tliia we seu(everj- bottis on s pos itive guarantee. For sale at Bisbee .Drug Store- i.'. Queen' Restaurant. The nbpve wellknown restaurant ha passed to a new management apd-'wil," be conducted by an experienced and thoroughly competent caterer, assisted by cooks and' other employees of the yery best order. Both food and service guaranteed to be first class. NO ADVANCE, IN rBICES. Board by the day ....,...$ ,3L 00 ' ." " week ',". 6,00 " . ," ," month.. ,. ?5 00 The management solicit an appreci ative patronage. ,, A. J. N. ABMSTBONfl,, M9-tf Proprietor and Maagrj . Notice t , .... , .. ! i ; n ;. -!' . Ki a All per&ona knowing tliqmselves to be indebted to Preston Fletcher,, the former proprietor of- the ueon Restaurant, are hereby requested to caiat my offise im mediately and settle such accounts, the same having been assigned to me for collection, with instructions to take im mediate' action in the premise's. ' 8. K. Williams, r MJ9 . Aasigneet. FOR X Ray ExaminatiDiie, .,, Chronic Diseases. All BUrgica and inflammatory ' Eye anu Ear Diseases, "' f,F ' Lenses, Glasses and Spectacles guar anteed right. ; Catarrh in any of its forms, Sbo D. A. CLARK. -M?JD'.. Physician and & 'eclalfat, '" Bisbee, hea.l of Mam atrept.klu JpsGeneral practice, calls attondwH , all hjurs. u Go to O K Livery Stable, ii you want, ' ood driving teams. For Sale. Four store buildings ou O K htrcl, formerly the property of Nick Metz; must be Bold at onee. Apply to . S. K. Williams, J. P. FOR SALE. For Gash or on easy I payments an upright Evurot piano, nearly new, oak ca; Apply at thu office. M. 24th. - , . .; . .m ' 1 .- ; - -y.'tr. For Sale. ''uri ' Brown Leshorn eggs from full bloods, for 6ettini: of 13 egs, $2.00. Addrdss-P. .0. Box 475. MltMm Law.' Offices of L66AN DEMONS S yARBYr ' 27 William Street. ,tyaw Torlt, WALTBlt 8. LOOAN. CHARLES M. DBMOND MAltX JCHARHY, NORTON C11ASB RtprcMHtfdjo AriwM by Norton Chase dasHte, TBeeBlji., sepe-Sn .MM & SMITH. , Nurserymen and florists AH kinds of Uanlon I'lanlr, Sliado and Fruit' IWh.' Unibr' four fett Mv.h 50 cents e.i&ii. A fine lino of Cut Kluwp'?. Liberal d.eo'nnt. ouo'di'i of $I0 or owr. "P.O. BOX NO. 484 n L6s Angeles; Calif orriia. JOSEPH M. O'CONNELL, ,- -ATTOBNKV AT LAW OflicQjh Wallace Biiiluinir. . '-. vV Conveva'nclng and ofllce work of nil kindic j t.""''. ' .U")' isotlce of Ai:;licnHon for Sutcut. Mini as Ai)j)HcuilojiXo. 707. Survey JJo. )S80. :"' 4-.. --tjKiiji-pgxATirsI.ANDOri'ica. Wt ''' ?XvjiSpie, AuizoNA, March 0, 1D00 J vNotice lah'tueby given tliat ill iui-miric(,'of uie uimea fttnTgs mintux l.'uvi Hartlnu I'.ttr wii'jq posi't-jo naarcbi uuuee, v. alii' f Co-Iilw, tr rritoiy ! in tin.' ofleUi plat county, Arixii.:a territory, in tloh torn, untnt for '150011 A . . - "!-" if ... T Vjurtzitf atrip lotto,' attuate mining- ill -t riot, county of of Ariiouti, n: ilc.crlbei Ih.-H herewith pcteil, infd liy tJis lloiil ur. pa on HIo IirUirofUue of tlw llcl ter of tbiUiih Lund Dixtfirt at, territory of Aii zon , m foltowa. viz: . Surrex fc'.o; ISSj-Quurtzl Strip Lodo. Hici'inH'ff At cor. No 1, tho SB. cor. identi cal ylth oar. oflof atlon. a pine pot 4 indie sqiutrc, V4 f-ct lonir.setl foot in thtionnl, Surrounded by a mound of stones, Invctiilicd 1-1380 Q. S, L.V-Wheuce U. S. M. M. o, 4, hvav S.BSdeir.K mln E, 613" feet; wlioneo u.t ne pos4 inches sir.iate. 3j j feet lone "f 1 'fo-.t In tu sfroniit, surrounded lv n nionn of kfbiie'bear S. 51' deer. Wiulii. II.- 91 fet.1. in crihrd fl. M. 1-1S80 Q. S l.,lio other bearing available; thence N. 21 dr;. It iniu ., vria t.inn II ilnirlSnln. K.. 15'J feet to Intersect. on line of quarry, 20- feet ucep ut Intorkootion: ! 583, fee; to interaction of line i 4 "Mamlo" I lode, a patent claim, atirvev fto, voi; a pine post inarlta this IntersecTlou. cor. ttt. 4 Mu tniii.lode hear N. 44 don. 37 mln. W. 17.t f-ot, b.lU Icet- to. center of road riliiiilu ueuriy li. & V.; roi'd lincf nter of ennyon 1ci.-mvu ns 'JVuiibttoiio canyon, wlilch run. lieai !.. l..u:id V,'.,and Unbaut l'JS feot wid at thU point; ll:." teet to small wi.slu'2 fe.t tkui. U feet vel 'o; 1479 8 fuet'to cor. f!o. 2. tha Si: cor. of clali.i. u plue poV 4 inches stiunie. c,1. lent onj,-, sutlS'intfies m tliu (.'round, mum.iiii led jlji V- uxuund ',ui btoits, hiticribod 2 'iii Q. .S Jj.onhcuce original location cor. I.t'itrs N. 24 dejMWiinhi;'B41-Jeet, sama in'ft 'vtne post 4 luc7ie.Vmare. JO iiiolio aiiovt. lite triound. ijirtor.lhed fcisajjy. S L. U. M.. when.-ti a rook biulu-i.ut of' the mound, 1 foot i'lut(:Wliie!;'u X)Z-1S80 B. 14.. bea.-j Ii. IB decaW. 221-feetfdiis corner. was imlic.l into pnrnVel thu end lines; thence .N 57 d-u. 20 iniu. vy.S'Variatiou ll dec. 45 mln. li, 0Uft-et to noitU;eml center, a plno povt 4 iiiehex, square, set 12 Inches in the ground, iucuriUod YSHi tj S. L, wheuco thu original loom ion I moiiti i out bears N. 2 idee. B. 22 feet, iv)5 Iret to 23 f i-ot wide, 2 foot dvep, treunral course' south 2 dear, west, liii.ft feet focor No. 8, the NW. cor. of claim, identical With cor. of locution, a pine post 4 Inches square, 4 feet Ion?, set 12 inches lu the ground surrounded by a mound of stones, inscribed iKttUO.Q. S.L . whence a rock In place 2x2 feet.Uvol jnrith the-ground, chiseled (XI 3 B. B'1380 Q. S. L..bcurs N, bidet,". K. 9.4'feet; thepceS.SSxIeg. 02 intu.W., variation 11 deg. 45 mill. E., 632 feet to iiitorsectioti oue-story frame houso, said uouko h.ts N. 71 deg. W. and S, It deg. I'-., and point of intersection is JS.5 feet from NW. oor. of i oiino. t.72.3 feet to raiddlu of road, runnlner ne.tily .me B. and AV whieh runs through canyon known a Tonibstono canyon: this canyon is more or Jest gradual iu clopeon either l.le and a line of intersection cannot be deiiued on this Inorthl sidoof canyon; 802. 3 fetto intersec tion ot u.iirouerty not claimed by Quartiite TStrlli lfJi UJ. tm in emcctiou is marKed oy a 4 Inched wiliaret nine nost set In a moun id of ston.'i; liiu NE. cor. of said unclaimed prop erty bears S. 7a deg. i. 'J .3 feet) 1143.7 feet to south intersection of same property not elalrood byvQuartuito Strip lode; course of intersecting into t. 73 den. .U min. Vf. 23 feet u 4 inch pino post marks the Sointof interdicting linns, llu feet to cor. o. 4 the sw ciu'. of claim, ident cal with eor. of location, a plno post set on solid rook, post beltig.,4 inches sqimro, 3 feet long, sur- rounded by a mound of stouea. lnser! 1D be,d 4- 1S80 Q. S. L., whence a rooU in place 3 feot by , foot 3 inches above ground, ;chlseled X b.b. 1S80 4 Q. S. L. bears N. 18 dee. U min. B. 37,4 feet; thence 8;m i!o. 20 mln.JS., varla- tion 11 ueif. a,iniu. a vj iwb (.u intersoctin? lioundary line of quarry, 0." feet deep at this point. It0 feet-to south end center, a pine post ,4 inches square'.set on solid. rook, in scribed 13SUQ.S. I.., Identical with location, 204 ftct tocpr. No. 1 place of beginning.' Total nrea... ......-; 8.65 acres Area In conflict with Survey 1082.. .454 aores Area n conflict unsurveyed........ .40? acres Net area.. ..;.... 9.18 acres Varjatlppll deir. 4mln. B. , .The.docatlon of this mine Is recorded in the office of the County Kecorderof Cochise oounty. Arizona territory, at page 001- of j;oolt,12,.Kecords of Mines. . ,,.- -ATjolnlnsr claims are:ThUciaita'iabotliid' ed ou the.eust by the ' Mamie,1' on the itotj north tunl youth by Unsurveyed lands. 'Any and all persona olafmliig adveraely uny portion of said mine or surlaoe ground are required to file their adverse claims with the Register of the United States Land Office at Tucson, in-the1 territory of Arlsona, during the sixty days period of publication hereof, or they will be barred by virtue of the pro visions of the statute, l MILTON R. MOORB, Eegiater. Firjt 1 1 !U;. i U m.. iJ)i. From a Pastor "I am the pastor of tho Baptist Church at PortJcrvis, N. Y. nnd sometimes am called upon to take part in evangelistic work away irom nome. aot long ago I went to Sandy Crock, N. Y., which is swept by the 41ainp- winds Rronir Lake, Ont tario. Here Icontractcd '. a bad cough'.and be came so hoarse, that I 'tataBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaB could hardly preach, lo my congregation. It was not only distressing In a bodily sense. but extremely embarrassingto enter the pulpit in this condi tion. I had I heard nf A Mr. I er's English Eemedy and, after service, I bought a bottle and began takingit. Thonext night my throat was nearly well, and I delir-) ercd my sermon" without difficulty. In a few days I was thoroughly cured. I conceive it to ; be my duty to benefit mankiud physically as . well as spiritually whenever I can, and am .chuUo write-these words, in praise of this rand old medicine. Those with sensitive throats anutnosewnocaicn com cosuy suouiu certainly take AokortfRlish Remedy." ( (Signed) Bxv. zilv Terry Sanford. Bold at Oc, cos. and fl a Doitlt, throughout the United (Ultra nnd Canada and in England, at Is. W., to. td., i.d. UyoaarenotwUtncil after boylnft. return Um Dottle to your druggist and got your money back. IP mtthoHte the above guarantee. W. U. HOOKER it CO., Proprietor; Hew York. For Saje Chrop. , Newspapr delCvery roitto In Biibee. Dally dellyery alrwdy 160 copies. Ap ply to "W. i. KiBWyji - - ml2w I. BBBBaiaalBBBBBBBsBBBBflHlla'ri 'i'VHi miim if SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBImmmhhJI I SttjP B. RQraMill&Co K. Livery and Sale Stable WHlWtWMt fr0O t 2S Are Closing Oil! Our Stock of HOUSE FJiNSHl Consisting of Furniture, Carpets, Linoleum, Rugs,.' Granite and Tinwdre, Lamps and China Crockery Ware, at APiishlngly rjall and faj ev vinced '' " v.iianu ujco-vimen. Corner O. K. Street a;id Railroad GRAND Monday, April 2. 1900 Finest Stock of Millinery Goods to "be seen this -side of Chicago. Hats all trimmed in the Late9tiParisiauC "Styles. ." v - i' . .-v Walt and eeo onr goods before purchneing eleewhcre It will da; ycu. ' siore Hi Neici's iii iit oi ii ia riRS. PITTROFF, Proprietress. BOOT and SHOE STORE MRS. M. BLEWETT, Proprietor. ;,' Full line of BOOTS,. SHOES BndSMPJ?ERS.for Ladies nnd'GcnUekw; Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Ladies' Ready Made Skirts. Complete limine .of Millinery.. - " 0.,'( MAIN STREET, TWOlvDOORS ABOVfJTilE'PO'ST OFFICE, 'i- THE AZIURITS GEO. DUNN, Your Trade ..... Everybody Trio Leading Sporting; Resort of Bisbee..; Fine Wines, Liquors and Xigars.j , .P9'i,Attgndn. , Evprvthinr Snimrw- -r IEXSOI & WHAIJEX, . Prqprtcts. C. A. NEWMAN, tinner, Plumber and. Second Hand Gaodi atf in ar e etaflJir?l-SLI I Sft.ttiftaB2ftiliIsKMli I CAN CAN k Lunch Room and Short Order i Restaurant: GMd Cooking, Prompt Service. OPEN.DAY AND NIGHT. L Carretb, -Prop. ir-i- ott .fiiaboe. Aristna i2S Jaai wll...w-- JBaMajsjlM S bW1Wb1bw4BB I -rjJi j-rt. ' .Low . Prices- k ' Avcnuq, -. . , Bisbee, Arizona- Krtf4 lOOl Millinery Opening f-? ;Hcr T ihzc s it I 4 i. i - Proprietor. Utttrt Solicited: . t .T t Wdconte; . t I " I ! , . tj ' -t ' . f .v. A -9 JL ,.iC ' ,'. r jr yn O. K. Street Bisbee, Arizona. Sheet rMetal ?rlgr.4 Beagbt imd 8 ?-" -ft fcfl' v;' . ?c A'it' $ v: v'V' ,3 a v. y " J S5-S s Td v 3 "fejp&pi- rr ., f.'filf .' 'i svryr.?jLit?'Trr caawejer r xr t& -r- i.',',,cr: f&EX5f&&y&54&- f SV yc..r t i-j"L-a.zr''t.-r-J,i & v.A'.. V z ,. . ' - - .V