Newspaper Page Text
M AM f .,.yy fc y" ' d a j . - - .f,r.; j .-. 'rf f r ' . ., - , VULTIMEiV 31SBEE, ARIZONA THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 29, rgpo, .pl UMBER 68' tar '' - WALKING SHORT NSfS IMS. ARIZONA NEWS. .- , -y - 1 f :;-) wN. f ' - ' - , - Mi ' ',- K- 1 J .. , -. Interesting Items Culled" troia Exchanges. " Our BfehJJ.;' u - -a .....- -. vy' ''oi ", . ; .. it.. "5, BiienHenfloD. of Facte and -.v.-jr.- VW-mmTTm 'V -"krv ? '- .,T? v.-v - . . . .. , - f" : p- ! ; ' - ' -" i&43w v. "" , ' & '' ; 2 ' '- '" f " -, ."' -' " - -4- ' V' " ' , " v' , jsSaaiP . " -'-..... ,7"""" "T1'"" "' "mij. -'' vjar.' : ''' T' ' ,.' i - . W i1..' :-'- ft,';,isWOT,jSfsujBHKW,'r', i ir"TF"SjF - S OrPSt 3. ' 4" TSifMBBtiB9WHri ,;fcwi? WrHlwiti '.-.,".'-: v-.w- ...,.,. ..V"- - " " 'VVT, - J -,.-.-, f - . . T" , . .:-jjk!- yifjr . V ..rS If-'' i -:- ,.tvvim ' 1 .. t 1 .- ' ' r .- ' - r? . " - t ' m r; a - . V't-sn ADIHfJA.OAJI v nPR lj m '. b - w v i :t- 4 vft Jr A m ; m w k. m Mr m m "x" L- ' ---------- , -. "' " ' '' ! "im".'m ' J-"" -" 1 '- ' --' - r- .. 1 - -- 1 iMiiWiMJJiwi ii'i 1 ,'-- j ,-, 1J. ' EKSMCSSS11 .-.TT " - ...... - - - . - - '' -- .j , M 11 i 1 m - - ! ' far - - a ; AM t..f ..J ;. iv't-p&l - , . ,' -ttj n v. m Th& prettiest Direct -from" the kets; -'. ;r- " ' They embrace ttie choicest of the clioica-Sen Hur, Xam O'Shanter tops, aud Sailors in cliip braid, Basket' and Kiilan-Braids, all shades, anci stylcst '' uttf-. Isee ffiif 40-cent Sailors! ...-.;; ' , Positively, cannot be duplicated anywhere un ' der 75 cents; Now on exhibition in the show "windows. Qive you the correct ideas. Be sure a d see' .our latest style Ladies' Belts. The California Market, - ' KENNBY.-BROS, Proprietors. Fresh Bsaf, Mutton, Pork. Vial, $113153, Choice' Cuts-'of Meat only. Fresh: !'r V, 'i Bread f Goods Delivered Free to All Parts of the Town .-. Upper Main. St., Blabee. James E i: -,.' Ur;fedStates epttty;.Miaera SURYBYINQ IN ALL f&iHSfrirfca Tttiiidmur yi: WC. READ v" 'h J& Cochise Lumber -DEALERS IN Puget Sotind Pine Humboldt Redwood Iff IN. .j ipTHS. SHINGLES. SHAKES. MOULDINGS,. WINDOWS 17T , DOORS AND. ILLWORK. fif. OAddress, Bisbea Arizona. Naco, CochlSC Co Arzna. y-: mwMv u We Now Have Our m n m T-i"r Mivwwi't'm:mvm'.w s i A J0ERSS jH w ; ill ?, i t f h r i, " - ' - HI ' H 1 : HI Stat - Wall News '.,, -. .. I 3 j ..r -: "i i t- "j "- t j -' IN STUEliT, DMilnRl and nattiest . ever :siiown. liere. - . Eastern and European niar? 3t; Daily. i 1 Trotter r:" - Surveyor and Civil Engineer ITS BRANCHES. kiinbce. Arizona. ALEX OARWOOD LUMBER FURNISHED IN WAGON LOADS CARLOADS OR CARGOES Go. Samples of; Oxford Vicunas, Outing Flannels, Fancy Vestings & Blue Serges which are extremely pop ular with upto date dressers. We show everything n$w and stylish. f W-hiJ-ii? rtiWVJ.d.Wii. Z IP Eg V.THE JKWEIiER. bnery? Paper, Depot. 11X0I1EK, ARIZONA mwMmamm of tlie Universl . r. Wut-hinsjton, March 29. A 'WrtMt ton al epiiodo occurred at (h6 hivesiigulion 'of tlielOatio labor troubles tliia morn- mi; when Mr. Chcnoy, a'tomey to the Stated Idaho, took offene at a Btate. - mont nf Tinnrt'fiflhtativii LentZ, tbat the .eWtdaaaMea'TTere-JtvJngwtthrtltsr.eptti" table "wojue 11. Hesai'd: "I 'hqrl'Haek' at,jou tint Hta'toment." Tfpro jvaa ' Fcene of wild confusion ahd.'the lie w8 passed and threats made to tjhrow At t rnoy Cheney out of. the windo,tbnt. peace' was fijally restored. Governflr Steuuenbergiis'Btill vesufvinK. Tlie amendment off red by-Ford to. the Alaska civil code bill ..relating to mining for gold under the waters of Ca po Nome, was agreed to, but no fur the progress was made with the meas ure. Nelton of Minnesota resigned from the committee on Indian affairs and was succeeded by Bard of California.' A successful ffojt was then made by Foraker to fix a time for a vote on the orto JEtican tariff andgovernment bill, oh next Tuesday iafternoon Demgt agreed to at the suigestion of Proctor of Vermont. A bill authorizing 'the adjustmenfofJ the. rights- of Betters vn tho'Kavaq In-, diah reservation in Arizona was passed Frankfort, Ky., 'Marcli a'9.- This af- tornoou W. H. Cultoii, v.'p waived ex amination and ivas lieid to tbu cir.cuit court, went to tne Jpat nouji,. wue Ite waa tu couleroncw with the attorneys Ibr the pfoSucUtion tor over two houra. Cultou'n friends, who urn in his confi dence, say that his statement Wiw,n0t m the nature of aconfeslon, but they ad mit that he gave the prosecution such information as he had .which had hefer toforo not come out. - -. - i Washington,. Maicfiia.-"'!'' gre89 was made Ijy the senate' todity with the Puerto Kiean tariff and govern ment bill. It was under discussion for neatly thiee hours, but the g.eater part ot the time was- 'consumed- in the consideration "of 'a free coinage amendment, offered by ' Mr.- Morgan. ihe mendu.em is null peuai ig. Auunv, N. Y., ilaicha9. A bill re pealing tne lldrton boxing law passed the senate today and now goes to the governor (or his signature. Wasuinuton. Maich 20. Alorg'i'uV free silver amendment to the Porto liico n bill was ueleated in the senate. Frankfort, Ky., March 29. Tliere wuro no developments today in connec iinn uh miwii'Cts hind on tlie chargu.qt being accehroiy to th? mOrdei of Uoebel. P'l-toiia, .NUruii W. United SfaVj Cuna il U;j uud nia tcurutury h-vegotie to Kiooiibtadt to make uejts'uurv ar liiiikjtuenti lor U(iited;Sutebrepretjul- aiious in tne Free State. " A dispatch', from the Boor headquarters in Natal announces that tho destruction contin ues oi coal mines iikely to be useful to the Biitish. The Dundee colliery has been blown up, , , Pretoria, March 29. General Joubort ditu last nl ht -t 11 :30 o'clock. He had been suffering' from a stomach com plaint. The town is plunged into deep mourning. . ... Ab thus far arranged tho national .con. vontions ol the various parties for JUHX) Will meet in.,thlo order: Tho two! biauches of the" populist party will boh vene ou May 0 the "middle-of-the-roaders" 'in Cincinnati and tho fusion iats in Sioux Falls, S..D.; tho republt taus in Philadelphia on June 10; the prohlbitionista iu Chicago on June 27," aud the democrats in Kansas City on July 4. W. J, Burke, editor and proprietor of the Neudles eye, is in Prescott for the purpose of organizing a lodge of United ModcniB.'a good raternal insurance or gafiization. Courier i r Do Witt.s Witch Hazel Salve is un. equaled for piles and skin diseaEes. It is th? ordinal VS itch Hazel Salve. Beware - .jtot all counterfeits. Copper Queon store RiidJBjfltwo Dru Co. iHtr.UL Bros-huvo connnoncod worli on iliqfo'nfrw fire-proof buildlug to -be; oreptttl, p)i,th.a stito of their fonner bnsi ne9 block. When finished, it. will be .oneot tne most'sutisiantialbuildings'in ai'ij'inj.-i-Jjr omenews. ' .Experience is the best teacher. Use Apker8 English Remedy inany.fase of qughs, cold or croup.- iq, .give .JuaiJiate" relief "Zffit&ffitQ, funded, i.) Jt'a. and 50 ctsV Sold by J. S. Williams-; Co. Professor- Jamis Douglas is expected hero within a day; or two to consult with Superintendten,t E. H. Cook of the United Globe mines, and it is ex pected tha airangemeutB will be made for the early resumption of smelting, says thi) Silver Belt. The connection at the 600-level botWeen,tho Gray and Hosier mines will be increaied. . Mrs; J. Miller, Newton Hamilton, Jba., :wr'tes, "I think DeWitt's Witch . . . V I Hazd balve the grandest salve made." Iti cures piles' and heals 'eWj- thing. All (fraudulent 'imitations are'i'-worthless. Copper -Queen tatore-aud Bisbee Drug Co. fr, "-' Woik ha3 been commenced on the A. ifc'U.-extension north from Ohloridaalid thought it will be continued until the Colorado'rivei is reached, says the Mohave Miner. Camps have already. DBeu 63tHblished nd men .-are arriving daily to work on. t lie graile; Tha com pletion of-tbis line of road'to a connec tion with the Oregon Slmrt Liho would (OL great balfe&ito Mohave-- county andjSOuth.M n ;.ev.ida. JV. S. Pmlp t, Albany, Ga., says: Df Witt's Little Early Risers did me more good than any pills I ever took.", 'Jjhe famous little pills for constipation billiousness and liver and bowel trou bles. Copper Queen store and Bisbee Drug Co. i .Married Jn Prescott, March 21. 1900, by Probate Judge Hicks, Joseph D.'ew and Mre. .Fiaunie Plummer, both highly ,iepeuted residents of Walnut creek, this, county. Joseph Drew is a wellknown hunter of big game, and, withoutdoubt, Considers his last catch the best in his career. The friends of the happy cou ple can do found all over Arizona, and all wish thkm all possible happiness 'and success. Courier. Geo. Barbe, Mendota, Va., says "Nothing d:d me so much good as Kodo Dyspepsia Cure. One dose relieved me ; a lew bottlt.s cured me." It digests what you eat' and always cures dyspep sia. -Copper Queen store and Bisbeo Drug Co. f William Imus and John Harris have several men at work ou one of the old mines in little Cottonwood district, east of hackoerry. At the depth of ten feet Lthe, ore bearing strata bad inci eased from six to eighteen inches. This or gve an average of 50 per cent lead and 7jj i ounces in silver to the ton. The vein matter is over thirty feet wide and it is believed that ore body will soon fill the wVolp veiii Th" .' ,- hum urhonir Mohave Miner. i( John Dirr, Posyvillo, Ind.,says, '1 never used anything as good us One jMinutu Cough Cure. Wo ro nevet (.. n . ., r. ..... without;it,",Quickly breaks up coughe nfd colds. Cures alt tiiroat and lunji B luug troubles. Its use will prevent -consump tion, neasaut to taKe. Copper tjueeu tore and Bisbee Drug Co. . - Supreme court convened yesterday .morning with all the members of the bench present. Court adjourned after noon until today without transacting any business and engaging iu chambers upon the consideration of cases iu which opjnioriB.nie.tobe handed down at thu time. It is hardly likely that any opin ion Will be ready to day. There are .itjyeral coses of importance pending, among them that of the Halderman biuthers of Cochieo .county, under Ban- t.AruH nfil.sf h fi-kf. mil!... ll'Wl."! .1,1. , V . -iiiuv.. , ."J ad bronchitis every winter for jy5r&'-d Qo modicinogave me porma vRtr relief until 1 began. ,to take One MiniUq, 9agh Cure. I know it is tho best cough mediuiuo made," Bays J. KunJz,.,Cprry, Pa. It omcklv cures coughs, colds, croup, asthma, Gnppo uu luiujjv nuu lung trouuies. It is the chUdrons'-favorite remedy. Cures quick ly.- copper tiueen store and Bisbee Drug MilHrijery nin You are Cordially' iiittted, fa tfife 1 first showing of Pftern ; Hats, rionday, Tuesday mid Wednes day, April 2d, 3d and 0t: See "Store announcement. THE COPPER ISs Bank INCORPORATED. Directors: BEN. WILLIAMS, J.S. DOUGLASS, J. B. ANQIUS, W. H. BROPHY, n. J. GUNN1NOI1AM. Foreign Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers to all Parts of the world. x ." Accounts of TndividiMls, Firms Matters' Intrusted t Our Care will Receive Prompt Attention. ' , Mexican Honey Agency for New Zealand The Zellner Piano Go,, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Pianos & Organs. cconmaoMCoi Write for Catalogue. ' .44,''".".-' Pianios on Monthly Payments.' .Vsn . -" i Office-i21 1-2 SotithJBroadway, Los Anjreles, Callfronla, Bisbee Drug Company. Carries everything in tho Drug and Chemical Lino, and we are constantly adding new side line lines to ourjstock. Ou- next addition will bo Wall Paper, Paints, Oil and Glass; Samples nowjready for selection. ' ., .. - ; Perfume Tosweet for anything but your handkercliief. ' Candy Saroni's GqldLabel in original packages only.. For the Literary popular Novels at For the Workingman Ajworkingman's paper, vlci '-, The Los Angeles Miuiuir Entflucer. GEO, C.CLARK, & Assaying at CurrentQPricr ' Proesso in,School oLMlnes, Uaireriltv MiseourL "" 4f ft . -. News" ioMArtherrv ' I' Sort fc . . , QUEEN STORE. X- "i of Bisbee . -s. . , '. V . ' Officers r . , i ., - .., , , ... n - r-j.J.iv,, t , v i. W. H. BROPHY ...PregldeBr J. S. DOUO LASS...... Vice Preshk-i M. J. CUNNlNaHAn..... Cashret 'ariaf Corporations.j'soiicited'. T--. . . Bought and Sold Fire Insurance Company. w All the late and popular prices. a ,'i l: , f. ., Daily Herald. .:. vy I! ,' v r II a .1 3 If 7 ' . si . .. - Bf ', .1 ' - j j s t t . t H 4 " (. -J , a &-nitAf x V . .