Newspaper Page Text
war " ' uwwwHMBfflaBiitrJiiraBSBBB .. - . ..v.vrv -w- -K.aasge,. - ... stZh'ZZ .l u O ;. I .. - A- A '.' . r L '-tl j1 :i?.?v ..;j' a. ' t -?i.V X Nrf.1 ?M' Ini'.jr V 6sSX &$ ? M t-.w. :-..ry . .-yt ?---a , . . . t , ', 'A, ... ,. X .,.. ,, ,, , , , , . , , iB SJ it.-.i, . ,, i ... , ,...,. ,, ' ' ifl VJ i mfihttA TrfAi. rrtmminv: . ."-"T: " W Z a 1 "'I - 1 Bisbee, SOuTHBHK FAOiriO B&ILBOAD. viast- STATIONS. WHBT UOUND. WIMD. $ a. m. 8:38 a. jo. ... San Francisco..... ,,,...Los Angeles,...., ......... Yama ..-. .. Maricopa . ., "lucsor. Henion ... hi I'.uo 4:15 . in. 9.00 p.m. UV ft. in. i-i turn. i:'M a, m, 1-01 a;jj p. In. 3;0O p. m lift" i i 2l m ' .ou.c Unit nKBt(tS!t.A!!t t.ilrnt ' M A. M. to 1 :A M. ' :..i '. ji.uu- v, m. uar .00 ! 'I. vO J t Al AllSt) A. Hlfiu. Librarian PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 't AMISS 9. ROIIIXVO, ATl'OMts'EY i J at Law, Tomliiitoiio, Arizona. Will pruotlc in nil tbo court o? i net Territory, und iutho 3tiDremo Court Of 1 li nUhtteflfStiitos OUica CoVnor Ith uu i Allen streets. ar ruHii rislt. viomit. r4Kiis6NS,aiv. ' on at reosauable ruto. Address Hox 4Ji. .tn VilANK E. IlBRBrOBD, SkTII U. IUZZA.HD, M a HKRlLKOtt A HAZZAKU. 'CJawycrA, Ttionon, ArUouu. lmvo etnl)lUhed .ft,u olflco at with S. A. 1). Upton, attorney nt law, nua will attuuiluuuh court form fttTombhtoiio. WILLIAM SOHU1 S1IER. JUSTICE OF tLe Ponce, Notiu j lnl)llo und Cotivey anoor. Ofiico In Wullaco U'ldtnc IJwbce, Ariz D- '. W. FAHHINGr A IJKMUU JNl tell its brunohs. s.iiwtlpji BUbu tel. o -iiioaret Uullatiu;, Uitboe, An- I 0u-. EO. W. SWAIN, ATTORNEY-AT-l.AW. Will iinintun in nil the OOUlth of U10 ,1'eVritury. Toinbutono. Arliona. A N It. ENGLISH, ATTOKNEV ANU niutUor-at-Law, UQ1CQ Oil f uuttu strcut, Tombitono. Ariaoua. x Vj. STAtfk;E,. ATTOKNEY and COUN W iiellor. Totobntouo. CouWhO County, A. O Xt. WXUUIAMS, v D JUSTICE 6"F THE PEACE. Notury Publlo ; Convey uueer. BUli Col lected a Specialty. rvU ' BDMUM l)SON-PH YSICIAN ANU .nUU V ceon. UUbeo, Arlaona. Offloo at bin les Idenco. Shot rt UnlldlnL', next to Dr. ur rlniftou'n. OUSTAR HEMIEL; PIANO TEACHER. (-'LeMons in Iiutniuieutal music. Call at Del Lewis'. t . Law Offloei of LOfiilN, DEIOND 5 HARBY, 2 William Streot. Now York. WALTER & LOGAN. CHARLES M. DEMO VI) MAKX il.HAHKY. NORCONVHASE KUKD C. HAN FORD, , 'Rrprei.entctl in Arizona by Norton Clmt,o larai Hotel, Phoenix.. sep5-3m THE FHATKRNIT1ES. PERFECT ASHLAR LODGE, No 1'2 F. A A. M Meets firit Thuraday of eaob mouth. YU 'Itlni; brethren cordially invited to attend. 'C.C.Vabjikb.W.M. J.L. Hi.owN.&ocretarj. T ANDMARK CHAPTER NO. 6. R. - stated couvocutlou third l'uosd XI. uy in -each 11101 ttandiuu -each month.- VUltlu' cotnpauloutt m uood diuu are Irateriiully Invited to vi-it. V. U. sriLBS. h. x. J. Ghav, Seeretury, 'AUEEN LODGE, NO. tt. A. O. U. W.. ilEril'S ;, every Saturday eveuiutf. Viaitimr broth mm conflllttv lnvltoil ." Wu. OUALfjJ M W. lfrod Godfrey, , Recorder. H. C. fAjmy. ttlt.minlnv - r K: - - T O. O. P. BISBEE LODGE, NO. 10. MBETa u every Wednesday evening Yiitlnt;broth jr cordially luvltod to attend. A. if. Wat 'uxd, N. G Euilb Marks, R. S. rMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN, COCHISE Tribe No. 7., meet every Thurday tvou4 tag at the Upora House tiail v tsiun uroin- rs cordially Invited. JAMES PARLEY, Sachem. SlD HAUBis, C. of R. ., Dr. Edraundson, Modlolne Man, UOMB FORUM BUbeo Forum No,''l'Jia, Ai meets first and third Monday iu euob 'mouth. Opera House, 7 :3U p. m. YUitlnj; ooui ipanlons always welcome. H. V. Studley, Pros. T. P. Devlne, Treat Wro. tocrlin.her, Sec. pOUUT HOWELL. NO. 11. FORESTESRS OF America meet every Wednesday nlcht. A. T. aOWLB, O. It. jAtirs Kxixy, Financial Secretary, OTHE FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD.-IN-' dependence Lodge, No. 53, meets every Urn uad third Wednesdays of the mouth, Ylsltlnir members are cordially invited. WM. HUrCHlNS,.Presldent. Fhxd Fuss,.Secretary. Cautioii Notice. of unv certain mlnlneuhtlins in the Huaohu yea Mountains, recently attempted to bo 'located by Jk Hj lippett and KK V. Duntou. JSald attempted lot's. ions nro called "Sum alt" and Monarch", respectively, and at tempts to appropriate the mining; crptind under the locutions long- and woll known us the OUTLOOK aud OUTLOOK EXTENSION, ltuated near the summit of the middle peak ot the rauiro between the head of Ramsey stud Maple Canyons, which olalnw wore not open for looatlonutthedateof suld attempt d appropriation by said J. 11. ilppett and R. V.Duuton. ",, Furthermore, all work done on said ground of the OUTLOOK and "OUTLOOK BXTKriSlON by said parties aforesaid is hereby claimed anil the same will bn forthe eiiotit of said OUlLOOK und JUl'LOUK V kY't VKQTnM ..,l.ll.. I.Im.. .1... ......n ,' V the uuderslcned, J ..&... iu.vy.1 luiuini, vii.i, inu ,iui wa W. JlUAlfJO September Zhth, 1899. sep27-lm Played? Out. Dull huadauho, paind in various parts cf the body" sinking at the pit of the stomach, loss of appetite, feveriBhness, pituplusoreoreaareall positive evidence -of imDtiro'blood. No matter how it be omo so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elcxir has never5 "failed to cure Scroti uloua or Syphilitic poisons or any other .blood diseases. It is certainly a wonder iiul remedy and we sell every bottle on positive guarantee. Sold by J. S. Williams & Co. , NOTICE. A T Whom it May Concern. All petBona knowing themselves to be indebted to us are kindly requested to call and Mttle at once, as wo have (lis ipoied of our business. BisiiKKDnnu Stohk, J. B. Williams &"Co. Propr'e. Bisbee.Oct.9, Lost A email gold brooch, with dln vond center, lost between the roal t4eaoe of .Lewis Williams and that ef Charkf Glawebn. Finder will b lib ra.ljr rawardtd by returaK far .to ,4Wl HNtV Bisbee Transfer Company, Freight, Baggage to any pare 01 ine Pro3jiit Scrvics sand wlck delivery. Assayer and Chemist, REUABL VORX AT flODERATE PRICES. Mininc piopttrtuw i-hceiJ on corii niion. Iin-" eximined anil reported on. Oorrpoiidancu aoliuito !. All work promptly attendtd to. I. P, WOOD, 144 Pennington Straet, Tucson, Arizona- F01 iwrlv of C -no & Wool. IVnvr. 0 lo. -' - (iib. iintsf acioD -intioneiijowly (urn. I rooms. Tables suppliedwitl. tLt NPt tho rnnrkot uffordB, at hvo an ' ot-, i prices. The patron ie of the 'public is respectfully aoljpitetl atid enttJ:AQ'-ou tfunrantecl. A. A. CASTANABO,' ;ropriiitir. .t . . The Home Bakery J. A. S. MILLER, Prop. Is now open for business in the Duffy building, Brewery Gulch, and is now leady to furnish patrons with the best of Fresh Bread, !& w At ed-Rock Prices. He will also continue business for a time at the old -taud, O. K, Stieet, next to the Orb office, , To be Hoodooed All Your Life mmmMM ann y iffi We kill all of our own meats ine vour meats ffom us you meats, that you are liiibln lotlitjn buying from p.irtios tlirtt ehip dre?Pt(J mnatp t om out of w n, unre i-re is liaoif t no noc cliolera j or Texas ft'vr, and you know nothinK about what Unit! of meat? youj uru eating; W handli tm'hinit onlj the best tliat monov can liuy.j satiafawion uunrnnlen'. C. A. Overlook & Union ilarket. MXW44yMWt4)WJWJ4 1 PARK VIEW HOTEL Tu NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSE NO DARK ROOMS LATEST SANITARY PLUHBINO HOT, COLD, RUSSIAN AND TURKISH BATHS European Plan. Sample Rooms for Commercial flen. Corner Pennh.Rton and Meyer Sts., OppositaOity Park. MONTEZUMA Bisbee trade especfally catered to. -LEON LARRIEU, -Prnistor. FAIRBANK, 4 Important THROUGH. FAST 1 SrailwayPv ANb PASSENGER The direct through line frm Arizona north, east and southeast. Low altittulo. cars. No lay-overs. Latest l'attern I'mitnan Butter aieopeis Chair Care. Speed, safety and comfort combined. For particulars address. ARBYfHIRE, .. til TA P- Is A b. w. r. r. a., ;.-3j. El Paso, Texas. . .rjuw . E. P. TURNER, u v ' G. P. & '1, A.i Dallas, Texas, UNO TROUPLH TO ANSWER QUESTIONS." -ki and Express delivered uy. Cakes and Pies ilk tinder, close inspection, therpfoie in l)uy- arotakui n) chances of eatinir diBoaied. v - '- I I 1 ona WM. REID, Prop AR2ZONA. Gateways 4 FRF!' nr SERVICE and Now Mexlco!to all points in the ' Perfect paasonw I sorvicr e inroiiizii H'' NOW 1 I Han Isame rt p.. w. cuuris, T. ! & P. A. , EM'880, Texas COEPPR 13 THEMETAU The Cochise Copper Mining Company. Bisbee, Arizona. This company awns a very valuable group a mines situated in Warren minlug district county of Cochise, Arizona, lying immediately east of and adjoining the tqrn o'f Bisbee, and ad joining the property of the Copper Queen Conaoli lated Mining company on the north. The latter company has bren in operation for about twemy yrare.' atift employs about 1,500 men daily fn the operation of its mammoth mine and smelters, and as a result has produced copper to over 34,000,000 pounds during tea year 1898, and the net procefds of auch production are reported to have been over $2,000,000, and It has been said by experienced miners who havn been under Its em ploy for years, that the Queen min now has sufuuent ore in sight to keep it In constant operation for the net twent yeais -without further de velopment Is It not reasonable to believe that the proper tv of the Cochise company Is fully a vdlinble, when It Is within such close proximity to such a won derful mine' The tflast 31 1 off in the underground workings of the Queen property can easily be ffit it.d heard at the shaft of our mine, and of times the coscussion has attracted marked attention. -t.i "wners of these valu al il business men, -!' and favorably known In Bisbee and surroyjding vicinity, who afftj doing fhqlijitniost to malto this suceess in every resuccL The board . directors are original owners, and are' donating their services to the com pany Until such time as tho mine will pay dividends. "They own the con trolling interest In this property, and 'as a protection to stockholder? have placedjtheir entire interest In escrow for a term of one year. The stock books of our company are How, open for subscriptions, and a lim ited number of shares are offered at twenty five e. per nlmre. No application for less than 100 shares will he ac cepted. The company reserve the right at any time to advance thp price of shares without further notice, or to reject any application for stock at their discre tion. Every cent received from the sale or stock will be expended toward the de velopment ot our property and the erection of hoisting works, and all other necessary Improvements, and to make (our enterprise a success In every particular.' Weodnvite investigators and their experts or their engineers to closely scrutlplze our property. Applications for shares may be made tony"g the directors of the com pany, pr to'' any of our legally author ized representatives, .... o C. SHATTUCK, Pres. r J. MUHBIM, Supt & Treas. G. W. HILL, Vlce-Pres. J , S. K. WILLIAMS, Sec "t Bisbee. Arizona fe. B. KEUEY, EMPLOYMENT AGCNCY No. r9S N - "!hureh ft nnpnsite Al! kinds Vol r or - 1 P'JHJ OfJicfcLTucson, .iriiona. rf i Hp prtirii'tl Tnrnishcil den e(ilfoit'd. 1 O. Box 37, ulolm JBISBEE aM IAC0SARI Stage Line, " TIM TAFT, Prop. .LeaVe Bisbee Tuesday and Fridays. Arrive iu Bisbee Tuesdays and Saturdays lift irp At Co "Per Qneen Store v"""w Where tnformatli Ion can be had THE Restaurant PRESTON FLETCHPD P roprietors. t:K A representative estab lishment catering to a representative people. OttO Good Fare, .Reasonable Rates, Correct Service, Open hi and Wilt! H T;METZ, PropV. Oi t , . , , ttid Works Tom u,u- .. - Bisbee., , 3oda water, Sarsaparilla, Ginger-ale, Etc., Ktc. Orders from aboad will ceive prompt attention. re- CSSb-OiJers' (r the citr of Uisbee will be ttahvnrod iree witbout dtiav. .Family ordr oilclto' ' --SOUTHWESTERN BUSINESS COLLEGE. v El Paso, Texas. - the imxlorn business training soliool of the intim.t t ''.H8ks: Hits ness and KhnrMmnH oinbij,,, ItoSklkS "ln,?,Armetfiro?Si nr. ml taw. UiuIiims "" VrltlnB. Spenft iB, l,ptt-r Writlne. UniililPnln,il.l..i. lt..Jt..i.L 1'iii.ers an Lecnl Forms. ShnrthnA T.TZ rjt! suWi ine:, y'lnsn lriilntnr In Kctnlllnir. Whole "5. '0.n"n.,M,on. Bmikln. by Aotnil llUklut' ' ruuuce. r tflr the superior ndvantaee did c(iiuiniout. and Personal Insfri: of tplen- ruction un tlei ti in., BpoclulUts. Wo prenarn tn t....t. for b 1 . - position which w'c?.!iU(,i'"' drut' InconntctloV.. vr7"iLu- ptt.. L ''I'i bo8lns September 1st. K" tablUaod UW. U. li. COOK, Pri'i tm boulns Httn.k. ',uAr. 1 twiiifflRnnii " mri -ouun nuniw Reliable Assays. Gold .60, Silver M! rVvi.rvor. ilMl ""yer ,. ,o Uold. silver & lead. cti," ' " 'TT CT"fl'"- .. ..y- Gold and silver. .7V(?oi,sllver.copper 1.50 Load 50 G'M.svr, cop'r, lead 200 Samples by mall receive prompt atten tlon. Highest price paid for bullion. Ogden Assav Comp'y. 1 4a 9 lith st Denver,' Colo. natxt maih. year. JrlYL3v3 24 Pages : Weekly t Illustrated INDISPENSABLE TO MINING MEN. $3 PER YEAR, POSTPAID. SXXB Ka SAMr-L COPT. ' MINING Scientific fRESS 330 KASQT ST.. SAX FBAITCISCO. CAL. THE WALDORF. Main'Streef, Hiebee, Arizona, , to, W.iGesciiiiofer,'Fron flu MUM io Biie. ii if Fits or Pies Fresh oysters and all kinds of name in season. The table supplied with the beet the market affords. MB ANCHOR SALOON, j Sid Harris, Prop. I 119 m " tl ra m VI 1 IMPORTED WINES, Reading and Card Rooms Attached. Give Us a Call. Opposite tlic Library, Bl3bee. .?. p, The Maze HANINGER FECJ., FrcpnV Qr Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Bisbee AssSy OOicc. NET VMLIC12 LIST. Hilvfir. r..l(l nml t ntttier. In ARAUtnnl. 1 A. A Slhoi. Gold. Copper onuad.cooh l.W ! Zlno. .. . JJte . Antimony Iron, Lime and Sulphur, each luu woltrainlto .. ' All Work Ciiun.MiltcUj it iiot Correct Money Reinnded .... CASH DISCOUNTS. ' $ 5.00 worth of work. S per cent off 18. 0 " " 15 " 10.00 to ?20 00 " 20 " " Samples by mail or exnress receive attention. Sample bag's given on application Office uear the old graveyard, on Nob Hill. Al P TPI I AM ....assayer.. lr IDLLrtlll, Hlsbee. Arizuao 1 BESSEMER firs. n. Crossey, Prop. A First-Class Hotel) Centrally Located. Furnished Booms. Lighted by Electricity. Equipped After Modern Meth ods, with all the conveniences which contribute to the trav elers' comfort. The Traveling Public is Invited to call at THE BESSEMER. -M. 8 ttttttttOOGeOtt)fifttJertt80rtttf FAB WIS or other ladles whoCwishyto work Can Earn Lots 4 Money j Working for usjin spare time at homo on i o'tr cloth" Wo offer voti a good chanco I to make plenty of spending money wiai-1 ly, in leisure hours. Send lUc. for .loth i and full direction for work, and coin mencentonce. Cloth, Bent anywhere. I Address WINOOSKET CO. v300-S) Bos-. ton, Mass., Mfg. Dept. I. W. Wallace AOENT ANDBROKER. - ' -' - Arizona isbec 1 r Representing Milling Prop ' - erties. Real Estate Bought iand gold. Money Loaned and Invested. Collections Mado. 1 r 1 " . -J V - Strum House First-Class Board, u Day, We or Mouh. BOARDING HOUSE . -' NORTH OF MA80NirlEMPLE. . E.-.W. 8wM, Aqpri.'r W.. RiTHOM, ilEOl M Bl9bee, Arizona. Headatcnesand Monument a Sie:.uj Stone Cutting ot aL Kinds done witn neatness and dispatcc. Le orders oi ilie Bisbee Drag M. LADIES ASK Y0DR DRU9BI8T... for a desefipllte elrcolar rcEardluf Dr. fiuebcum's German Health Catwulaa" IT WILL INTEREST YOU 11 .LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Wm tns. Saloon IMElM Ml Viwe -:..jrtil ri ' Oora-wtlo Wines I iquors and Cigars. Yourlpatronaco Rcspecully Solicited Dubacher & Muheirn. Urowery Avenue, Bisbee Arizona. Cheap CASH Store. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Fresn Fruits oi mi Kinds mm mi WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, , AND TOBACC04 Goods' delivered to all parts of tows. MEDIGOVICU & XOCL9 m m yspepsia uurd. Digests tvhat you eat. Itartlflclally digests the food and alfij Nature in strengthening and ritiim OfrilfttnfTli aThailltdd AlmmmUmr um. g His the latent diioewedd I w ant nd tonic. No other creDaratloi can approach it in efflclesey. It in stantly relieves and permanaatlyeurM Dyspepsia,' Indigestion, Htartbunr, tfiatuience, .our bwmacn, aMM. SIckHeadache,Ga8tralgia,Crafaip,aBi All other results Of imperfaetdigaklo Prepared by K. C DaWrU C. CHi. Copper Queen Store. c 1 nn. w -- THIrtTYgEVENTH Y1AH.. .- 4- -fj -f 4 WQRUWID1 CIRCUlATlON.f Twenty HrcWtekly;Ilhtritt.f I N0I8PEN8BIE TO MlWINO Mt ' XESSX DeLLfcXStgniYJtAX, lTTAXV MIKINeWD&ClEiTlFlCrtISS,. ! 220 Market St.. UANNtNCtsco, C -uWvwsywwWwwi.rKw t -....f.. .ll-T,,,.f..Tf- YMX?iSTZWi UIKK1 MBKBflflBi)' Mllsble persons of amelinicwcTiav37'aiaa desiring a trio tc the f'lurls Kspofltlon.v-tkaoo alsjysnircxr?ppMii.itiriiiaWl mm amtmmi Knrlnl h dLriS2B3nmm j mmm r 1 r I 4 . t r S "w ." &2.iL, ) . mm &:&. v; j 0, V" " V 14 ?i? iltSl- -zr ,i'j 1 l,K-;V : i'! ; ! . SBCTSSSfA V'.;l WO'V m. i t . ifji .i k i .1 i7v" T -1