Newspaper Page Text
sS5 V: .,. ... .,- .-,.( - VJWW-' if "" -.' ,v. i $1 if1 t VV'. '-M X v, .-v" ,'.. ' l Ay A' --' .-'' - V. t v v. t-y-'.ii .-YW.5 4 mm IRIZOM DAILY ORB. PBBUBHBU KW.StY.KVKNiNa EXCEPT SUNDAY, BY- JfLVAN W HOWE. Atiteved at' ths post offrie at HUUjee, ai. eo oni oIom multor. May 12,1897.. Advertising rates will b. mado known on wplioatlon to tbi ottw. Losral publications Uonfornu.y with tL Territorial btatutea. Reading Notfoeal- jjihh lcr Uik lor oauh In tertlon. foADVimsBUS; Cut Intended for Inser tion iu -.hose ooluvtnx mustbo ou metal baios o they will not bo .v-'ceutedi CominunUatloufr-rdatlnff to newg or pdt Serial matter should be addressed to Editor Orb. Mr-Alf Remittances amT business lettws ofcouWJj,M4rwoii to ALVANWHOWE. ; ' "' Blbeo, Arizona, T P-.FJSHER, NEWSPAPER ADVEUTIS Xixlae A&pat; atiMwcbunts' Exchange, San, Aranoivcov U our. authorized agent. IhU paper li kest-onhle In his utllne. -.T Hi u MW pit liar; MAiiuu-sa. On and after Monday nextti.ia paper nnderth editorship aniPmnn aeeneot of V R. N. Greaves, a well ' feiown ispa'Per nitwsyd ,u,, w,lt,'r It will be tlio object of tho manugeuidut , to produce -a. pajyex promoting we nignr at interests o1- this , tti audi county, and furnishing tho beat., results to our advertUersaiid. pafrons Mini renews Hill ta V specialty. CirreDondaiice from all points-of ihe.:countyia earnest ly, solicited . , RUBLICIT'OF ASSESSMENTS. Chicago is to try the experiment of publicity in the reformation of the as seasment list.v Thocj.unty board has ordered j the publicatio:r o4 the assess ment list of tM'city in the newspa pers. Each taxpayer will have his name printed in the list, with the as sessed value of his; holdings. L real eattte, each, l(ftyUl bedescribed. Tho point is made. that wi:h the mb- lished lists before them persons who pay real estate taxes can discover how tho valuation ot their own propertyvcom.-- pafea with the valuation of the reat es tate of .others. Generally the u arlcet price ot proportv in any given street and bjockjs. fairly well knbwn. Vhen the assessment lists are published the tax payer cap compare ttho valjutlon iof; Jim own holdings- with tli.a of others in the aame neij3joorhooi, "and discover vtiiather or not be is bvefaseeosed. Much of thHicom plaint 1-imt has boen ade about taxes has been caused by a kelief tliat valuations were not uniform-. Most taxpAyerB believe that their prop ejrty ia overvalued flfid tha. they art paying more than t eir share ot taxes. Th.e.publishcd lhts will not only reveal where there are inequalities of aaseai- 1 nontD. hnt will olnci fnn vinfft mnnv nor. f WMVMWW, .. .. M.wv v ....WW w W...J rw. ens that, comparatively, tneir own vai- uatiens are not excessive. And further, l will show wherp inequalities do occur, and their correction may follow. Statehood is asain deferred and Ari- sona with her peerless advantages will be rompelje.tojvorry alone for a while longer m mo cawxory oi vaBHais, wiine Tesa favored atates in population anil wealth enjoy m tho prerogative! of ialehodd. -- Th news :ihl't Texas has run 'tho Standard Qik)ny-ontot buBibeaj Wiitnin uer, Mcora,- is lonowea py tno unouncementtn'at Rockfoller has g'ven $100,000 to Welleeley collegOi. But the Denver Time expresses, the confidence that Texas won't worry about little tb.toflUae that. VR Maud S.?la gone, ufjtie famous 'old oUer died Saturday morning near New ' "Jerk city at the breading farm of John H.Stroltzr just lacking a few daya "of being twenty-seven yearB old. Though Iyer record of. 2:08 has been lowered VJ by five seconds by Alex, and many otlijjr -. trpttere, have equaled or beaten Jer ' ' A jark, abe will go down in history,, ap '"J the most famous horse'df'lier'goneratfdn4. TpaArfterican SmeTtTngsmd Refining e-apaay la a coniolidation-of fourteen seelUng and WflflfogltorWrh-. Its -Vet fi,scal, iridroUh let pro xne captutl, Jljejco-Bpany ia $05,OC0, fiOO, one-haljf,. 7. per cent, commulativo Pfelerred and one-half common; it has Mia 7 per cent on the preferrtd stoqk. dpnng the year. The company has a prking capital of about $7,00000 and proposes to,bfi9g;tb amoiwt'to tiO,- Thkkb has beenapotber lai .increase in the gold raMrye-rhedrly'-i. 'ahd a quarter rainionB-Twhicl bring, the' fctft.jwo hundred aad forty-flv6 and a'i UfU' milHons, or more than ninety-live Millions in excess cf the amount ro quired to be held by the treasury under toe new law which the nresident hn jt tinned. Thd general receipts con- t,BfUt0Jru, )arKly I" emcees of , the ex- , me aurpiiai lor trie week, being SlWewbly over three millions and the prplMior the date more WKj. ' .""." OI UlllllUUtl. il ferr D0W a8 " ino auP'us for tho year wtyrald be at least ten millions greater MM the eeoretary of tho treasury esti 'fijl it lj December.. Tte Cruel Knife! It is absolutely useless to. expeot a. Borgical operation to our cancel; or any other Wood tfsease. The cruelty of such tareatment is illustrated in the alarming number of deaths which re sult from it. The disease is in tho blood, and hence can not bo cut. out. Nino' times out of ten tho surgeon's knife only hastens death. My son had a most malignant Oanoer, tax Which tho doctors said an operation wa3 the oniy nope. The oper ation was a severe one, as It was neces sary to out down to? we jaw bon e and crape It. Before a great while the Cou rt r returned, and be gan to grow rapidly. Wo gave hlm many remedies without ro. lief, 'and anally, U7ou tha advloe of a rnona, decided to try S. S. 8. (Swift's Speolflo), and wltln tho fiAMnd Knftl tiM began to Improve. After twenty bottles had been taken. Iho Canoe rdttappeared' entirely and he was cured. The euro was a permanent one. lor he Is no w seventeen years old, and haf never had a sign of the droadful disease to re turn. J. N. MURDOCH, 879 Snodgras3 St., Dallas, Texas. Absolutely tho only hope for Cancer is Swift's Specific, v y C C Cfor tyPoThe: as it k tho only remedy which goes to the vory bottom of tho blood and foroes out eVQry jtracq of tho diseauo. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetablo,. and contains no potash, mercury or ether mineral. "''?' Books on Cancer will be mailed free to juij. address by tho "Swift Specific-Co.,-Atlanta, Ga. "I think I would go crazy with were it not for Chamberlain's, pain Pain. Balm," writes Mr. V, H. Stapletdn, Hermine, Pa. "I have been, afflicted with rheumatism for soveral years and have tried remedies without number, but Pain Balm is the best'medicmd I have got hold of" One application re lieves the pain. For sale by all ding gists. ,. , F v. Moki Tea-positively cures sick head ache, indigestion and constipation.- A deligbttul herb drink; Removes all eruptbn of the ekin, producing a per fect cowpiBxion, or money, refunded 25 eta. and' 00. cts For sale at Hisbee Drug Store. "I. ha t dyspepsia for yearB. No med- cine was so effective as Kodol' Dyspepsia. Cure. It give mo immediate relief. Two bottles produced marvelous results," writes L.H'. Warren, Albany, Wis. It digests what you .oat and' cannot fail to. cure.' Copper Qnen store and Bis boo Drug Co. t F. B. Thirkfield, Health Inspector of Chicago, eays: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cura cannot be recommended too highly. It cared me of sovere dyspepsia." It di gests what you eat and cures indiges tion,, heartburn and all forps of dya pepsia. Copper Queen Store. I j HOW(LAKX) &. co. f TOfiRAPMC.-DBBLffi; 5R " 'Whdleeale and Retail. ?211 S. A. flip St., Los Aneeles, Calii(. surviiyipNSv? In tlio Justice Court, No2 preclnot, county, ot Cochise, Territory o. Arizona, 1 i Otto V. GeiBonhofer, plaintlff.vs. William Pump, dofenduut, summons. . I "Ant Ion brouirht in tho Justice Court of. No. 2 precinct,'. In and for tho county of Cochise, In the Ten ltory of Arizona. Iu the name of the Territory of Arizona, tJ William Pump, defendant, greeting: You are hereby summoned and required to appear in action b ought against ou by the' abovo uained. plaintiff in the Justice Court of No. i precinct, in and for the county nf nnnhlm. In tho Territory of Arizona, and' ;auwor'to the comphtlnt iilod In huld Justice Court at Ulsbee, in ta.ia -oouuty, witnin uvo idays, exeluslve of the dar.of service, after the service Upon you of this summons, if served within this preclnot: but if served without this precinct, but within the county, ten days;, lfserved out of tho county, tlftoon days; Iu ull other cuses twenty uys. This action is brought against, you to re cover the sum of Seveuty-one (8.1,00) Dollars for bourd sold "und delivered to you by the above iiiaroed nlalntift at your special in stauceHuul rdquest lnlsbfco,Coohibe county, Arlzouu Territoty, during the years 1HVU and IB99, betweeti' tho months of Fobruury, I8U8, and June of the year lsUH; or judgment by defo.ult will be tolten against you. Given under my hand at Uisboe thts22d day of January, A, D. 1UU0, S. K, WILLIAMS, Justioo of tho Peuce Of .said Pieolnct. 'V . ' - . - LJ L ADDLES All styles of Saddles made to order. HARNESS Made-, to order. Re pairing of all kinds in leather goods. CARRIAGE Trimmlugof'all kinds neatly und promptly done. .. . - PISTOL Holsters, ,Guh Scab-b,r.- and ah kinds of k'HMK'i casus made to order, in tact evory iMii In the leati'r luu". o '""r oi Wat ira' m h t,."e. " h& vrf- J. H. rin ;.s vi Co. 5 AStiPKJj7 I 4Ji. m ' ir H.i.iai DENTISTRY. To My Patrons and Friends. Notice is hereby ;given that, on and after January lt'1900,iny buainePB will be .conductedon a "strictly cash basis, 'lnitiani'urat.ethiafiyptem, I will, for a limited timp, offer my 6ervirea to the public at the following extremely low rae of lees: il'.injie Amalpam, fl tip; Gold, !fa up. Attitiel'tl teeth, on Vulcanite. .10 up. Crowns iorcplnin, $3.50; Go.d, .5 up. T-ridpe work, per tooth, $5 up. Olher fees reduced in proportion. Secure your appointments early in order to avail youreelves of tliia unpre cedented offm. Sutiaiaction guaranteed. Consultation and.advice free. Dr. J. "W. Faiihincton. Parlors in'Shpure Building, Hit-bee, Arizona. - dSO-tf For Sale Cheap. Wuwapapor "delivery routo in Diabee. Daily delivery already 150 copiea. Ap plv tc W. D. Kitisry. ml2wl Wanted A aituition as a nurge or !ioti8ekeeper by a capable woman. p- Mrs. A complete line of the lates styles of Fall and 'Winter Goods Just Arrived. . , Fate Hats oi iiie Latest Besip. Hats trimmed to order a specialty. Call and inspect my goods before purchasing elsewhere City garber Shop -And- Bath, Rooms. Marks & Wittig, Proprietors. Hair Cutting, Shaving and Shampooing Large, Convenient and Commodious Bath Rooms Attached. Every thing First-Class. Main Street, Biabet- Roses-Rosee. Cut Roses of all kinds for sale " at 35 cents per dozen.i Special rates given to .festivals and parties. Paiticular attention i given to shipping orders. Flow ers carefully packed. MRS. J. O. DUNBAR, Capitol Addition, .Phoenix, Arizona. r" "&, Angins, Prop. CHOI! FAMILY GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS Grgajs,and Tobacco. A f ull'assortment of Candies, Fruits and -Nuts.. Cor. O. K. & Railroad Ave. V. & MEDIG0VICH Wholesale and Retail Dealer In t F QROCERIES. GAME RECEIVED oncb WEEK Poultry. Liooofs. wines Giaars ood li atiliifioUicc. (2"tf UiuUU nionrr iiiiiuirnu ornni mil lilll.liliuil OIUHL M. J. Blair, Prop. n iop m iw 111 ll ll ilG I 1011 MINI m . Incorporated Under the Laws jf Arizona. CAPITAL STOCK ' ln.5,000,000 One Full Paid and Non.Assessable and . ing no OFFICE OF THE COHPANYt Roomie, Brysonl Block, LOS ANGELES , GAL PETER 0 JOHNSON, Fiscal Agent. forAtizona. FOREST LIEU SELECT.ON. United States Land Officb. Tucson. Auizona. February 7. liXW ) Notice Is hereby L'lven tnnt B. J O'Kollly, whose po6t office address is Nnco. t o-lo , county, Arizona, has ninde npijllc-i to i select ui.drr tho act of Jimp 4 lbVl. taU, I 36 tho following dosorlbo I truct, what will , be, when HUrvoyed,' the north half of the southwest quarter of bectlon 18 Township 2 Wn 'tlneitThf ty day. from the date ' of tho first publication of tills notice pro tests or contorts against the selootion on the ground that tho land described, or any por tion thereof, is moro vnlu-ble for its min erals than for ngrrintilturul purposes, will bo received utul noted for repi.rt to tho Com missioner of the General Lnud Olfio. , ml MILTON It. MOOliE, Register. First publication February 15, If. FOREST LIEU SELECTION. United States Land Oifiob, Ti'cbon, Auizona. l'eiirunr' 7, 1100. ( Notico Is hereby gioii that li. J. O'Keilly, whoso post office address is uco, Oochiso county. Arizona, bus nnu'.o application to ke Icct under tho act of June 4,.lb97, 80 Stats.. Stt thp following described truet, what wi 1 be. when survnjed, the southeast quartor of Sictloil 18. Towu'.hlp 24 otith, rnngo 24 east. Within tho next thirty duy from the dale of the llibt publitutioii ot this ii(.tioe pro tests or coutot-ts against tho seleotion ou the u round that the lund described, or any por tion thereof, is more valuable for its miner als tlmri for agricultural purposes, will be recoicd mid noted for report to the Com mis&ioncr of the (lencral Land Office. MILTON It. MOORE. Register. Frstpuhll ation February 15, IPOm. i NOTICE OF rORfOTURE. h. , BlhUEK. Arizona, F bruary 10 I900. JjTo A. K.lMiic-ll. his hoi is or a signs: Vou arb hereby notiticd that we hfve. oxpetided during the jenrs 1897, 1 93 mid lb'J'J hreo Hundred lo!!(irs (S.00.00) in labor and im pi ovemeuts upon the "Jessie' inino, situate in Warren Alining District, county ot Co chise, Territory of Arizona, location notiro of which is rocordfd hi tlio oillco of tho (?ounty Hecorder. in nook of Mines, Alining lU't'nrile of Cochise county, Arlzonu, in or der to hold said claims undur tho provisions oi Section 23-4-of the Kovht'd tatutes ot the Uniti d Stutes and the amendments thereto concerning unuuu i lulmr upou mining claims, it being the amoutit required to hold said claims for the period ending Decembers., 1RU9. And If within ninety (00) days- after the-l 'publication hereof 'j'ou fail or refuse to con- J ,,. ,ln .'m.M .....rn.,mn fT BHIH OTIWIIlll. tures as co-owiic!r, jour Interest in tho said mining cm in will become me property oi the subscribers, your co-ownert, who have made the required expenditures by trie terms of said Section .324. P. H. HARRINGTON, I.EVI.PEKKY... Urst publication February 12, 1900. ALIAS SUMMONS. In the District Court. First Judicial Dis trict, of the Territory of rizouo, in and. tor the county of Cochise. Rebecca Hughes, plaintiff, vs. Henry P. Hughes; defendant. Action brought in the District Court' of tho ,First Judicial District of the Territory ot Arizona, in und for the county of Cochise, und the complaint tiled iu the suid county of l.ochUo, iu the office of the Clerk of said District Court. I Tho Territory of Arizona sends grooting to Henry P. Hughes. i You nio' hereby required to apiiear in an action brought against you by the above named plaiu iff in the District Court ot the first Judicial Drstriit of the Territory of Arizouu, iu aud for tho count ot Cocliise, and to answer the complaint filed therein, j witl.ln ten days (exclusive of the day of .ser vice) after the service on you ot this sum- inons, (if sarved within this county; or if ervod out of this county but in this district, within twenty duys; otheiwisewithiu thirty auys), or judgment by delimit will be taken iguiust you uccordlng to the prayer of said ouiplulut. The suid action is brought to obtain a de- ree ot divorce from the uouds ot mutri iiohy, thr' custody of the three minor chil li eu and for costs of this uction, Uivbir tmclor my burnt und the seal of the 1st rift Court ot the First Judicial district r the Territory of Arizona, in and for the onuty of Cochise, this 25th day of .uuroh, in he year of our Lord 1800. . , ISoul A. H KMANUEL, Clerk. Frrst publication Murch 23. . "' rhe Jersey Dairy,, A. W. STRUflM, Prop. Pure Fresh Milk Delivered, to All Parts of the City Every Evening. PUREClREAM IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITY The Only Dairy in Bisbee Blooded Cows. Havin Satisfaction $$ Guaranteed Leave orders at the Strumm boardin? liiouBo or this office. NOTICE. Tlio nnrtnopshln hnrntoforc oxlstin ' Under tho firm namo of J. & Williams & Co. tbw ' day dissolved by mutual consent. A,, out- (. i .41k. AniKiilntu nn lli . I & K. Williams for collection. Dated J miliary 18, lvw. ISlgdedJ JAS.S.WILLIAU& Attention, Smokers! When you" want a genuine Mexican Cigar .and a good smoke, call for the 'Juas Dos Kacioncs," adeln Nogales For sao everywhere. . - - $5,000,000 Dollar Shares.. Personal Liability Wamh z Dishes Quickly I You can if you use Gold Dust. It does most of the work. It saves Liniciuon ey and labor. 8nd-for free faooklst "S.lda RbIm tor IloascvrurU."' THE U. K. FAIRBANX COMPANY Cnlp SL Louis KiwTork Boston WW m hi M BENSON, ARIZONA. First class rooms froin 50 cents per day upwards. Fy-es for families a specialty in room., i rood meals at 25cent?. Bar attached to thejhousc. Satisfat tionjguarant ell or no'pay. --t -.-, SAM. FRIEDUIATi. Proprietor.; Take the Fe uciUlSL -o-FROM IDtt2ssX2TGr or To all Northern or Eastern points. Close com nections made at Kansas Citr and Chicago with all the Northern and Eastern lines. HIES, TOURIST GARS All meals not perved in Dining Cars are taken at the popular Santa FeRoule Hitrvey Eating Houaea. Full information cheerfully furnished upon application to F. B. HOUGHTON, GimiI Aet Bl Paao. Tox. or St Louis leer Hall, Bgig.iis-'ii.irarfliKiy' "rar1 " ' ma jjT"- - - - li oi ia Lifluors i Hi 6 Agent for Anheuiser Brewing Association, Wholesale and Retail. - - - BREWERY AVENUE, THU SENATE. Experienced Mixolo- Kiata. Well furnished Club Room for the-use of Patrons. In W O Fine Wlnesy Liquors and Cigars. OMcKay & Finlayson, Props. HAIN STREET. WARREN LAUNDRY CO, PLANT Situated in (My WallaceBuilding:, FRfiE COINAGE SALOON J. E, BROWN, Prop. -i - Carries th famous' Sills: "VlTret ELNE WINES ETC. ' International and Sun Spot:Ciears Real t u. :WDLLIAHS: & s i in 1 ill!! One frame; house of two rooms, completely furnished, near Catholiclchurch terms very low. Apply to S. K. Williams. toe One frame houso of three rooms; $10 per month la ading-water. Apply to K. Williams. ... .. ' .T, i.l5V One frame house of throe rooms, near Shatt'ick's lumber .yard;.' tea aeUIt-per' month. Applvto S. K. Williams, itisn. tnnr rnnmn water TheEtiuto House, four rooms: water Overlook: tl5 ner month. AddIV to adobe house, six rooms; right in town: tS. K.William .'. il W Route o EX AND PULLMAN SLEEPING CAR! W. R. BROWN, T. F. & P. A.. El Paso, Tex !n L. C. SHATTUCK, Prop. BLSBFE, ARIZONA. New and Elegant Quarters -AT THE OLD STANDI EI5BEE. ARIZ-, .. i. East Entrance, m oiwipoo-to' odflO xmm-smAmSBmmam i i l ,; ;- . ti j i:. i " .v TI-islszeTvW 'MJtej HOWE, Props. inb'.uJed:, Jiear.the-.resideBoe f CAv a. K. Williams. alaptedfo boarding '" ma ;;C ill HE niiinu pTCi T ' L.'"" U" . ... Estate Office" 5?. :p , tr '" Mi, & ?r 56"- i? w- M. $& ' $ -! ',-Ai . ' ' ' -' .- '( - .IB v f ? I"' . ' If ' ,- - M- T yQ " : f: 3 . mmm "Am ' -. "tB ' , ' ""S ;k ' ' - hsfe' m r W5 ikAMwa. '& ..rC a-.v;