Newspaper Page Text
.1 rn 4 . - ij-j j' 4 -' ' ' VJSLwT .Vf-lj'-ij ,P , ,t i PtMM wiin i mf iwww Local Brevities ?gffR)B:!!R! , CtSsiBg Attraction?, ApriU-'The Burular." . J.'lVJiiadiley, oL.Bt. LDui?.t3 a Bte bee rUitor. . A. youm,' jnaaof -8lwd;reUwy ihfwdd marry a sirl ofimnll trntter JjiBt received, a nc'iV liuo of shirt iwiatB, at Blewett'8.. M20 tf FOB RENT A uood fu'ii'.ohed room. Apply to Mrs. C. Luwii, oi at thia office. '" Tfce btst.way to Imorovo njwotnan'8 itvto omra a nqona on .luunu put a good man in the hwiw' . 'Oall on 0". P. r(.u 'A Co., Copper Qn Pharmacy, for. .,iogiailHo aup- AJUtV kist, a little Uw a,u little ring, ltk'!:f!ndeL A, littlo ju,.a little law, adloltWWuk-arvk-iAded. . It you want a new Is.. ,. nearly trlminod taojt your .taste, leave- yow order at 'Mr,u BJewjet'Sv f ,. Jtt-if "I;ie ricb"-Nid a three-ball thinker, "at veniOB,beaue it is deer. -! eats njU'.ton becafleeitdsh tfht'tp;'''r,r F0R.'8ALr-A two room furnished kax, .Quality Hill ; roo I location. Ap peal this office,-. . jlG-tf No decliod haa'be'eu.ulujded down as ytt by tlie" eupremacoiut regarding the MMMOtahip codtrovarsy. ""The Eaateri Sunday Micini: company oM advertised for bids for driring a 5(P loot tanel on their property. ( Scott Vhlte has gone to the Cananeaa c biuineM connected with, the Green Consolidated Mining company. W; AiJMteelh oi. the, UUea Lumber cecnpany, as been in BiBbeo for the past few days on busintsa eomieoted with that firm. 'Who U whistling in school?" said tfee teacher. "Me," maid the new i Hholar. "Didn't you know 1 couli KhitUe?" Oahpxnthii. Fomema.v wants position. Ctapable'of" taking full charge of con struction gang on any.kiiid of "buildings. Address Box. 221, Bib bee. mhl7 3t Bditor'HowB.of the OfiBrand V. B. N. Greaves' It! t this afternoon for Pearce, W4 will return Sunday afternoon by ripy. oi Tombstone.-- Al: Brockman left today for Nacosari where he goes to' take charge of a gang pf masons in the employ of the Moct- esama MlaiBg.cQEapany. WAUxxDHoueej furnished or unfur niahed, convenient aadto accommodate 18-or 20,for megfiA. Addtees P. O. Box "Do the subjects of Dahomey keep the fianday?" waa asked of a misdioi.asy.. "Ytsand everything.elw they..iau lay tlwirlMUidson.'." 'You cntrmakeyour wife, sister, sweet beartor .raother-in-law happy by buy lag her one ef those pretty collaretta at filewettf. i ' M2IKI "Here, James ia a letter fof you from tfce dead letter office." "Sure then its ftora my dear old father, who I had kea expectia' would writ 3 nae; he's dead for a long lime," replied Pat. Dpnty. Sheriff Graham has gone to Tacton pn business connected with the U. 8. court. He took with him the Mexican mescal smuggler and Quong IAisg, the Chinaman who has been or dercddfHrted.- A, H. Danforth, superintendent of the Mejctesaaaa Mining, company, of Naco eftiiycame up yesterday from that place ftad left thls'wornlpg for the east, where no win remain lor a mouui vor pi weeks. " k ' '. 'The' Mexican woman' who was knocked down few "day a ago byWeaiino in ihe railroad yards, ia sloWly rcorering from tb-effeete of her fall. No bones were W6kn, blither body waa' bruised 'up eeaalderabljr. The maa-Md by aaietake been pub lished Mtfria4NleaUe4f po ttte. edi ler lor aa juwJegy. "inis paper, ".said the editor. ,' 'never, takes back any thing. If yen Insist. that ,y pa have bten miirep- ' dbseated, why, we'll put jrou among the otrina m. wr ext uauo. xuac win aqnare U." . "the local tribe of Improved Order of Bejel Menmet last night. A number of :mbere' were present Several appli cants for aaesBbership were balloted for aad admitted. The meaa-bership of this aWefhl brolharhood is rapidly 'increasing M the people 'learn 16 appreciate ita intentions, . and its great value aa charitable organization. i .His Life Was Sarci. " Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent -itUon of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it be aaya: "I was taken with typhoid fever, thai raa Into pneumonia. My lunes beeame hardened. I was so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. KothlogiesVed-me. Xexpocted to soon j die of oeaeppytiooirhea I heaW of Dr. kyugKewIi0Tiy. Oa bottle gave gaeatiaaM. t mlmd to oat it, avid aaa now-d M string. I Vi ay k.eWart and ejajsiTpit Wlato WoAdfe all throat adlf ,BwWw!W'BfW ., . - - , aek..JU?iilarMa4 ,3p0 , ral bottle fiee $t & tot a4 BtsWe Jhtf fm SUPREME COURT. Moti,Qas Heari.m.a'Numb'er of Cases Wednesday. There ta a brfef seasior of supremo court yesterday, occupied mainly with the hearing of motions. In the caaoof Utter ve. the Toriltorial Loan commis sion, u niotiou for continuance to June l,vas triuited. This is the so-called Bitun countv bond i-aso. At the Janu-a-w ry session of the court Cierk 0. D. Hoorer of the district court for Pima countyi was appointed to take testimony in thevtetritory in relation to the case to be submitted, along with other ovi-dunce-. from the east. This has not yet been received. A-motion to dismiss waa granted in the case of. M.JD. Kochford et al, appel lant, vs. Morgan J. John, appellee, Mohave- eouuty. the application of the United States attorney to file briefs waa granted in the case of .Jim Wells, appellant, vs. the United States, Pinal county. The caee of.i'raccisco liarc'ia, appel lant, vs. the territory, from. Yavapai county, raavcontinued to June 1. Gar cia haH uetfti convicted of' murder and is under sentence of death at a time which la long eiilce A stay of execu tion was granted at the instance of the Mexican Consul, Garcia being a citizen of Mexico. Iu the ca6e of the Walter 0, Hadley companr et al, appellants, vs. D. W. Oumuim:3 et al, appetites, from Pinal cuun(y,n motion to affirm on transcripts was denied. Thuii litigation involving tnu Mummoth.osine and mi 1. The caee- of' Lewin Wolfley vs. Gov ernor Murphy. and the Territorial Loan ' AArtn tviloalntt ntai un t-tm t fns4 Vatkii t I. can. Scboorl Blcctlon. Election for school trustees takes pjaco tomorrow. Every person, male or female, of the age of 21 years or oyer, who is a citizen of the United States, and who has been a resident'of the dii triut for 30 days immediately preceding the day of elect ion, and who is the parent or guardian of a child of school ago residing in the district or who nai paid a teiritorial or county school tax during the pieceding year, is eligible to election to the otfice of trustee, .and shall be entitled to vote at such district election, provided that eveiy. woman Qffering to vote at such election (who Is otherwise qualified un der this section) and whose husband or father ia or waa a citizen of the United Wtafes, shall be treated and considered as a citizen of ithe Uutted States for tho purpose of voting jit such election. With the arrest oi Matt Burts by Dep uty. Sheriff Grover the sheriff's offise has rounded up all but one of the tough est gang pf outlaws that has been in, this country for some time. While train robbing has been their chief game, they would not have stopped at taking hu man lives to further their ende. It ia said the body of the man found between Cochise and Willcox sotno six months ago was a victim of the gang. The trial of the men at Tombstone in Jut e prom ises to bring out some very startling facts, it has not yet been fully deter mined whether the men will be taken to luoeon and tried on . the United States charge first or on that of the ter ritoty. The preliminary examination of Burts will be held in Tombstone the early part of next week. Grover and his prisoner are expected to arrive at that place Sunday or Monday. The election of school trustee ihich o:cura tomorrow does not seem to stir up any ex- Itement in our little ourg. So far we have heard ol no one but John S. Williams as a candidate. Mr. Williams hns been serving on tho board for a number of years, and the present condi tion of our public schools speak well for him. The citizens and taxpayers of Bisbee can find no better man to fill the position than Mr. Williams. Beside being a father and having direct per sonal interest In keeping the standard of bur school Vpto lis preson't hlgfi'fat- ing, he ia'pOBeeseedof the requisite qual ifications that recommend him for con tinuance on the sdh'oil boaid. Aa Editor's Life Saved by Chamber Iain's. Cough Remedy. During the early part of October, 1806, I contracted a bad cold which settled on my lungs and was neglected until I .feared that consumption baa appeared In an incipient state. I was constantly coughing and trying to cxpei something which i could not. i became alarmed and after giving the local doc tot a trial bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Cougn Remedy and the result waa immediate improvement, and after 1 had used three bottles my lungs wero restored to tneir healthy state.--K. S. Edwards, Publish er of the Review, Wyant, 111, For sale by all druggists. F NOTICE. TVWhom It fluy Concern. All jMMsna are htmkr cautlonm! nnt tn lnursajir,OMl or torn tho certain mlnlntr oinHn-iir(rwBT r.nownu "sm Koo of auaMwr,"aui' Klnun ."'ftl.'bynrlor looatiaa..altui. 1j CoeUfeeouut) ui-i. . ,u .... ,n. . claiai Am rMw-jy w.'.f ijo.-u,, wpsn not the rightful tKj iHtoutio .. . W)Jj 3. jjwtnct. Mlltl ante "jew. Thoma ixfea ' 3. it. .Vi.4, OrijiuolJUTegAjjrij IN f BliHfjoa ffTh is, m. The hom ia aftor midt.ii(ht when, in tho moat fashionable quarter of tho city, the aumptioua hotqe of one of the beat known editors Ins been forcibly en tered by a burglar. 1 ho inmates peace ably slumber, unconscious of dnngerj au out a little tot ol sis years, whose acute ears have discerned a noise unus ual at that timo of the night. Too in nocent to be couscloua of danger she leaves her room and, enteringthe fam ily sitting-joom, suddenly confronts the burglar,, who noiselessly aa poaeiblo is eecunng the family silver,, when to nis" surprise he becomes conscious of the littlo oue'a presence. With piMol in hand' approaching the chird and alert for an ouU.ry, hii surprised ear8 are greeted with the exclamation, "Don't be afraid, Mr. Buiglar, I won't hurt you " Following thia is one of. the moat effective scenes of Mr. Augustna Thomas'-famous play of "The Burglar." Bisbee opera house, April 4 , YOUR. FACE. .,. - SUov8-the state of your ieeringa and the state Wyour healtl. as well. Im pure blood-makea itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples audi Skin Erupioris.' If you aro feeling yyeak and worn outkand dOk.-not havo healthv appearance von should 'try a .Ktt i Utn. .uxir. It -urea a!i oiooo Jisra: s whure fiv.ap Sarsaoar niasr ana so calJert purmeri'ai'; know mg thia we sen every oottJe on a poa tive guarantee. For .aie at Bisbee xru& Store Notice. . i All persona knowiug themselves to be indebted to Preston Fletcher, the former proprietor of the Queen Restaurant, are hereby requeated to call at my office im mediately and settle Such accounts, the same having been assigned to me for collection, with inaiructioue to take im mediate action in the premises. S. K. Williams, M19 Assignee. FOR - X Ray Examinations, Chronic Diseases, All Surgica and inflammatory Eye an-Ear Diseases, Lenses, Glasses and Spectacles guar anteed right. Catarrh in any of its forms, . Ste D. A. CLABK, M. D., Physician and 8 ecialist, , Bisbee, hea 1 of Ma n street. JDaVGuneral practice, calls attended all h urs. Go to O K Livery Stable, if you want ood .iriving teams.'' , t Volcanic Eruptions. Are grand, but skin eruption' rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salv "ureB them; also old, running and fever so i, ulcere, boils, telona, corns, warts; cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, chapped hands, chilblains. Best pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Copper Queen itora and BtsboeDru Sva FOR SALE. For Cash or on easy payments an upright Eyeret piano, nearly new, oak case. Apply at this office. M. 24th. For Sale. Brown Legghorn eggs from full bloods, for setting of 13 eggB, $2.00. Address P. O Box 475. MlB-lin II IM u Wednesday, April 4th One Night Only 1 The Big City Show! Mr. Gut Thomas' Suocwiful Comedy Drama, the Greatest of American Plays. Am produced at the MadUon Squur Theater, New Yorli, The Burglar A Drama of Intermingled Laughter and iearg. Presented with a great Cast of Popular Players unde the Direction of W. W. C.aij? Pr.'ces 50c, 75c and $1, or higher, if beat. A FULL LINE OF CAMERAS and Photograph Supplies. Cameras from $5 00 to $25.00 Developing and nrintlntr dotin hv at. I photographers at lowest prices. Satis- muuuu guaranteed. C. P HART & CO. - HOWARD & SMITH Nurserymen and Florists c All kinds of Garden Plants, Shade and Fruit Trees. Umbrellas four feet high 50 cents each. A fine line of Cut Flowers. Liberal dieconnt on orders of $10 or oyer. P. O. BOX NO. 434 Los Angeles, California- JOSEPH M. O'CONNELL, ATTORNHY .AT LAW Office in Wallace Ruildlin;. . Convevancing and ofiice work of all iJtinda. t' II. " ' Asthma's Clutch t . . . .'.jThe sufferer' from Asthma ia" constantly (whi-iiiik, guspint;, uucKing ana clearing ttho throat. Whcrt a storm approaches, 3&hen there is a cloud of diwt when a room is ocms'swept, or when thqrc i3 a bad odor, brlathing fje comes most difficult. Often it seems as though someone waa clutching, the sufferer by tho throat with a terri blcgrasp.Tho choking sen. saMon is al nu st unbear .able, rhe vi ." irouniesomo- times lasts only a fev minutes and again Bahgs on fpr many days. There is only ono safe thing to'do, and that is take -Acker'a English Remedy for Throat and Lung Trou bles. Juit what this'inedicine, accomplishes lsltown by the following letterfrom Mr.N H. Andrews, a prominent resident'of Spring pld, Ohio, who writes: . m , ' W. II. Hooker & Co., New York : , 'Gentlemen. it affords meagreatpleaaeira to assure you that I have received both im mediate and permanent relief from throat, bronchial-and asthmatic troubles by using Acker's English Remedy, taken strictly ac Cbrdlng to directions. It is a blessing to tlumanity." Bold at He., Wo. nnd 81 a bottle, throughout tho United SUltc and Canada-; and In England, at Is. 2d 7s.8d., CiiCd If you nre not satisfied after ouyins, rotnrnthe BOtue to your araggui ana get your money oucn. y We auihorkeJhe above guarantee. W. U. BOOKER & CO., Dmprteton, Xcw York. Mfbtice of Application for Patent. Mhiljij Application No. 707. Survay W. 1S80. 5f" ' Unlted States Land OyriCK, ,, Tucson, aiuzona, Maroh 6, 1900 JJotlco 1h hereby given tbutin iiuruauco of the United States ininliitr laws Martin O'ilaro. whoso iost ofilco address a HUheo, Cochiio county. Ai-lzoim tocrltory, has nuulouppllcu. tion for a patent for 1500 linear feet of tho Quartzlte Strip lodo, situate iu tho Warrou rnlnlrii." district, county of Cochise, territory of Arizona, as described in tho oiliciul plut herovith posted, and by the Hold no en on uio lntneotneo 'or the Keguteror tneiilln Land District at Tuoon, territory Of Ari zona, as follows, viz : , Survey No 188j-QuarUite Strip Lode. ;Mlecitininc atcor. No 1. tho SB. cor. identi cal with cor. of location, a pine post 4 inches sciuure, oij ttet loiifir, set l loot in tli? eroiinu, surronuded by a mound of stones, inscribed I'ltSO O.S. U.. whence U. S. M. M. No. 4. bears S.B5dee.Umin E, Bift'i feet; whence aplno tKst 4 inches square, i leet loner, set 1 foot intho srouud, surrounded by a mound of stones, bears S. 51 dee. &8 mln, E. 91 feet, in scribed B. M. 1-1380 Q. S. L., no other beaitncs available; thence N, 24 dea. U niib. it.. Varia tion 11 dee 43 tain. E ,' 150 feet to intersection Htfe'of quarry, 20 feet deep at intersection: 583. feot to intersection of line 1- 4 "Monilo" lode, a patent olaim. survey No. 1082; a pine post marks this Intersection, cor. No. 4 Ma mie lodo bears N. 44 dec 37 mln. W. 47.1 fnet, 890 feet to center of roud runnihs; nearly E. AiW.j rood is in center of canyon known as Tombstone canyon, which ruus noarly E. and W.J and Is about' 125 feet wide ut this point; 1U15 feet to-small wtili,2 feet deep, 6 feet wide; U79 8 feet to cor. No. 2, the Nis or. of claim, a pine post 4 Inches square, 9 feet long, bet 18 inches In the ground, surrounded by a mound of stones, inscribed 2-188-1 (J. .1 11 . whence original location cor. bears N. 24 Jet. 44 mln. H 41 feet, same is a pine post 4 incites square. 40 inches above tho ground, inscribed 2-1880 Q. S L, B. M., whence a rock in place. S Inchon out of the ground, 1 foot square, chiseled (X) 2-J380 B. U., bears ti. 18 dec, W. 221 feet this corner was pulled in to parallel the end lines ; thenoo N. 57 deer. 20 mln. W., variation 11 deer. 5 min. K., .8 3 feet to- north-end center, a pine pot 4 inches square, set 12 inches in the ground, inscribed 1880 Q. S. L' , whence the original location monument bears N. 24 dear. K. 22 feet, 105 feet to center pf wash 25, foot wide; 2 feet deep, K'iieral course south 2 dee;, we.-ft, 1V2.6 feet to nor. No. S, the .N W. cor. ol claim. Ideutical with cor. of location, a pine post 4. inches square, 4 feet long, set 12 Inches in the ground surrounded by a mound of stones, inscribed S-1880 Q. S. L . whence, a rock in place 2x2. 45 mln. E., 63i feet to intersection one-story, frame house, said house sets N. 11 deer. VV, and S7. deg. 1 ., and point of intersection is lf.5'fect from N W. cor. of house, 672, feet to middle of road, running nearly due E. and. W.. which runs' thruusrh canyon known aa jTombstone canyon: this canyon is more-oi' 'lest gradual in slope ou either side and a line Ul-'liilOIDVUVIUU VHUUUV UV UOUUDU Ull IU1I aaja -ui vmmj vs f vw. muv v v .via mw tion of a property not claimed by Quurtxtre' Strlo lodel. this intersection is marked by a side of canyon; W4.8 feot to ,4 Inches square pine post tot in a mound of stones: the NK. cor. of said unclaimed m-on- erty bears S. 73 deg. E. U ,s feet, 114S.7 let to. souin 'iniarsecuou oi same property mac claimed by Quartzite Strlo lodel: course of , Intersecting line M. 73 deg. .9 mln. w. 2J feet from SB. cor.; a men pine post mams the point oi intersecting lines, no xeet to cor. No. 4, the. sw cor. of cluim, idvut ral with cor. of location, a pine post set ou solid rock, post being 4 incites squure, 3 feet long, sur rounded by a mound of stones. Inscribed 4 1380 Q. S. L., whence a rook in place S feet by foot 3 Indies above ground, chiseled X li. H. I3W v, o, Uj ucnrs n.ia uag, i nun, a. 87.1 feet; thonco S. 57 deg. 20 min. E., varla ,l ,i .,r . Jl mln. K 90 feet to intersecting . i cf quarry, 0f feet deep at this ,.. 1 L loot to south end center, a plue post 4 inobes square set on solid rock. In scribed 1380 Q. S. t,., identical with location, 20u feet to cor. No. 1, place of beginning. Total area...., ' ' A" acres Area In conflict with Survey 1082.. .454 acres Area in conflict unsurreyed .60i acres Net area........... ,....,,.... 5.589 acres Varintlon 11 deg. 4 mln. B. The location of this mine Is recorded In the office of the County Recorder of Coohlso county, ArUona territory, at page 601 of . ook 12, Records of Minos. Adjoining claims are: Ihls claim Is bound, e'd on the east by the ''Mamie." on the west, north and south by unsurveyed lands. Any and all persons clnlmlng adversely any, portion of said mine or kurtaco ground are required to file their adverse claims with the Register of the United States Land Offloe at Tucson, in the territory of Ariiono, during the slaty days period of publication hereof, or they will be borred by virtue of tho pro visions of the statute. . visions o. v JULTON K moORB, Register. Flrstt jU5 li'u. !. bsHbsbsV JjJ Bbs&V aaSiaal f iS-Mar mKA f US " ' For SaleT Four itoro bulldinga on O K streot, formerly the property of Nick Moti; muit be sold at once. Apply to S- K, Wxu J. P. B. R. Graham & Co i-:t4Q444e4sywnrt 0. K. Livery m Sale Stable ;.':m.m "ULXi.eral frcV4 Are Closing Out Our HOUSE rftm Consisting" rf Fnrniture, Carpets, Linoleum, Rugs, Gran'te and Tinware, Lamps and China Crock.r-y Ware, at - -f : -" ' l Astoitishihgly Low Prices ! Cull and be convinced,. Jj ' , . Corner O. K. Street and Railroad Avenue, . - Bisbee, Arizona. i BBSBBsmamwSsmammmmwmmm grand iirai1 i -.'-. "" milhnerv Opening Monday, April 2, 1900 Finest Stock of Millinery Goods to be seen this side of Chicago, Hats all trimmed in the Latest Parisian! Styles. Wait and see our uoods before purchasing r Nemeck's Ptiotoan ore i ' .BISBpE. BOOT and. SHOE STORE MRS. M. BLEWETT, Proprietor. Full line of BOOTS, SHOES and SUPPERS for Ladies and,, Gentleaaen.. -I . deritlenten's Furnishing Goods. " 1.." . Ladies' Ready Made Skirtsv Complete Line of Millinery.. MAIN STREET, TWO DOORS ABOVE THE POT OFFICE", THE AZURITE GEO. DUNK, Proprietor. t Your Trade Solicited. Everybody Welcome. I siVHHKHIiH r LeadiiigSiporting Resort oi Bisbee. - 1--. r. ' ' f". & . Fine Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. x Polite Attendance. Everything Square. UETSON & . WHAUEy, Proprietor - t- - . f C. A. NEWMAN, Tinner, Plumber and Second Hand 2eod9 CAN Lunch Room and Short Ordw Restaurant, Good Cooking, Prompt Service. OPEN DAY ANDINIGHT. L. Carreto, Prop. Mala Street Bisbee, Arizona wi:vm ZSiiectore. Stopk Cf i9gilc& i GOODS elsewhere. It will pay n Haiwflk i Ml! HE (lJiljU riRS. P1TTROFF, Proprietress. 'I - fkW - ? v r ;- .. -,, . . ....:::. '. vr O. K. Street, Bisbee. ArizQWU- Sheet Metal Worker. k Bought and Sold. CAN I , in & r U I "! )1 . M copper QneaaPaarasaay, HklMHtw.- s