Newspaper Page Text
Si fteiz. S.S?S wt i &p 2T S,, ...... VtA. vT.N "JV' C 'MM! t'Vtl.KS -tOUTHEMl l'AOliUO HA.llirtL)AU. wd. aiAiiuwa. hound. ""DO it. m San Ifranoisoo 4:t5 p.m., :taJ o. in Los Aniieles 0:00 p.m. ; ... VUwa.w U; J :,.: Aluridoi'tt 3-Ma. in. . ... rii.otv 2:b0i.ra.) . nfinOb l,()t a. 1U. ' ' .'.. t St, :w P m. tlVSl'H j . u. to l :J0 M 2.11 l ' 1 H ji t(.i;oi .j ,li-s' A. HJAii ' Ihr.iin iMiOFESrilO.NAl. OAKLV 1AHER S. IMNS.V, ATTOKKJ , J tttLnn, Mttulixtoiio, Will practio .11 nil tho courts of thoTerrilorj. and In tho iiipi enio t'ourt ot tho United " t-ites. ';l;C'rnortU anil Allmmtrooli. j ".I'Ui U I SK, VIOLINIST. I.KSJNsiilV iiii ut r-r.kou.ible r ito. Vidro j. o H. HA.S. U. HiHtflfOBD, STU K. ilA.:.Al!U, HBRUKOR1 & 1IAZ&ARD, i.av ors. Tuooou, Arizona, have eatulilUtiod ui otiioo At I'ombitone with S. A. 1). Upton. attorney at law, and will attend euon uourt term at Tombstone. U.TLLIAM SCHRI SHEK, tiicttoh rtp i, p Nntm I'lililla and Convey ancer. Ottice in Wallace H'ldluff,.Hlsbee, Ariz nil. J. W. FARRINQTON.-DKNTISTRY IN V ulllu branches. SntUfnctlon g-uarnu-tood. Office Shearer Uuildlug, Ulsbee, An loim. 'PRO. W. SWAIN. ATTORNS Y-AT-LAW. " Will praotlce in all the courts of the territory. Tombstouo. Arizona. ALLEN II. ENULISH, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-at-Law. Ottice on Fourth street. Tombstone, Arliona. WC. STAEHLE. ATTORNEY AND COUN- sellor. Tombstone, CouhUe County, A. O K. WI&.KAM 8, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notary Publlo; Couveyanoer. Ullls Collectoii a Specialty. rR 'edMONDSON-PH lYsiciAN ANuVuit ' KTCon, Bhbes, Arliona, Office at his res idence. Sheurwr building, next to Dr. l'ar-clng-ton'. jOUSTAB HRMPHL, PIANO TEACHER. "Lessone in Instrumental music. Call at Del Lewis'. taw Offioes of L0GAMEI0ND & HARBY, 27 William Street, New York. WALTER S. LOGAN. CHARLES M. DBMOVD MARX K. HARBY. NORCON CHASE IfKED C. HANFORD, Represented In Arizona by Norton Chase -dam Hotel. Phoenix.. sep5-3ra THE FRATERNITIES. bERFSCX ASHEAR LODGE, No 12 P. A A. M UTeeUfirst Thursday or eaonmontn. tis lay o lallv itluc brethren cordially Invited to attend J. Li. UHOWN.seoreiary. T A.SDMARKJ CHAPTER NO. 0. R. , M. htatod fcpnvooJttiou third I'uday in each month, visitlut companions, in i;ood Jln arai f rut nrll Kl IV InVllOd to Vlsill. lfK.KK J. OKAT, Sc0ren,tWl- i. MJBEN LODGE, NO. B, A. O. U, W.. AUbrh C every bat every Saturday ovonintr VlkUiuvbroth- ers cordially invltod. Wja. slvuul. A rt' Alfred Oodfrey, . Keccrder, U. t. J'UABfc", iHuuuclcr. f O. O. F. BIS1IBB LG20B, NO. 10, MEETS every Wednesday ovutlna visitini ra cordially Invited to ationd. A, Vlsltlne- broth id. A. V. Wat- AI1I8, N. G dUILa MAKKS, i. b .............4'......' rUPROYBD ORDER OF RED MEN, COCHISE Tribe No. 7., meet evory Thursday even mg at the Opera House'IIall Ylsltlns broth .rsoordlally invited. Bid Harms, O. of K. Dr. Edmuhdson, Medicine Man. HOME FORUM Bisbee Forum. No. 1953, meets iirst and third Monday in eaoh month. Opera House, 7 :& p. in. Visitini; com panions ultsuys welcome. H. W. Studley, Pres. T. P. Devlne, Treas. Win. borlm.her, Sec. pOURT HO WELL. NQ.jlt. FiRE8TESilS OF America meet every 1Wednelay ni(rht, A. T. -0 WL,t;, C. R. Jamts Euxy, Flnanolal Secretary. THE FRVTEUNAL BROTHERHOOD.- -IN- dnrxnilence Lodire. No. 13 'meetu every first unil third Wednesdays of tho mouth. . ... . ... - euu Ylsltluff members uie cordtully Invited. Wit HUl'OUINS, President. FlUtD Fusdr&Mrotary.-v Caution Notice. , ALL PBlMW'Ufe herby ttfed ojiixinst, "" buying. lusfdjr, oi in any way seekinjr to obWiiu any fivht, title, interest oncoutrql of any lertsialMiJilui claim .In the Huaohu oa Mountains, recently attempted to be located by J. i. Tliett midv, V-jO)unton.. Said attempted locudons are culled "Sum mit" and Monarch", respectively, und at tempts to appropriate the minlnsr, ground under the looatlons ions; and well known as the OU'ILOOH aud uUfLOuK-EX'hNSION, .situated near the summit of the middle peak of the range between thehead of t.amsey and Maple Canyons, whloh olnlois were not, open for location ut the date of suld attompt U appropriation by said J.Jl.'lippett aud It. Y.Duutou. .... Furthermore, all work done on suld round of the OPl'LOOH and OUl'l.OUli KXTES10N by .sftlOi parties aforesaid is hereby claimed and the-1 same will ba tor the beneUt of said OUiLOOK and JUIXO'iH .Xi,NS10N niinlnc claims, jlhe prop rty of the understinied, J n aiUAH'ACU. eptiuber ".t1 189a, . ep'27-lm Played Out. Da! I heli Jui fio,"jS7ns iu vtifToud parta of the body, ainkint; at the pit of tho atotnach, loss of appetito, feveribtinoaa, pimples or sores are- all positive evidence of imoure blood. No mattor how it be -ome so it iiiuat,be pushed in order to obtain good fioalth." Acker's Blood Elerir.liHH never failed to euro Scroti -uloua or Syphilitic poisons or any othur blood diiuases.r It is certainly .a woudur-. iul remedy and we sell every bottle on a posttivo guarantee. Sold by J. S. Williamr Co. NOTICE. To Whom it May Concern. All persona knowing themselves to bo indebted to us are kindly requested to call and Battle at once, aa wo have diH , posed of our business. IJisuicE.Dnoa Store, J. B. Williams & Co. Propr'B. tBiabee,Oct.9, Lost A email gold brooch, with dia aaond center. Lost ostween the resi dence of Lewis Williams and that of Charles Clawaon. Finderwill bu lib erally rewarded by retarfairf jo ,tbfr the. Bisbee Transfer Company, Freight, Baggage and Express delivered f to any part of the City. iPrompt Service anl Quick Delivery. Assayer and Chemist, RCLIABL WORK AT flODERATE PRICES. MmjoL T"U!rsyj vl "'! "' I:otn "'",()r" Mi no evirnined .,,,. rn;i'triH I on. Corrmiioudi'ni' olicuol. All work M-inpMy iitii'i'dul '. P. ODD, -4 Fo offton '-n n . t-.ll 1' v v)- i in i JL firBt class acconu wl tionat neftij MlllPipiS ypTrj the beet tlio mnrkttt.atfoii8 at liv and lot-llvo prices. Tho patromiRO ol the pabuc is i-pectially solicited al U.ttioa guaranteed. a. A- CAfiTANADO Pronrictor. BXKSOK. The Home Bakery J. A. S. MILLER, Prop. Is now 'open for business in the Schmidt building. Brewery Gulch, and is now ready to furnish patrons with' the best of Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies 7 - 1.4. At bed-Rock Prices. He will also keep on hand a supply of Fresh Ranch Eggs, Butter and .loduce. aOCeoOOOOetfOO0OWOOa) ? -i-i villi u inn in To be Hoodooed All Your Lifeg w kill nil nf our onn meats under oloso inspection, thoifiiw in Say- my our jweats f'om ub jou .L..f tiH.t vnu aro Ilfll10 to drefriid mosts I rn t,(i ( town, bjiie ihtrean linbJn be iiou cholera or Toxas fevei, t ,i you Know uulIudk rtlwut what kind of mo.ttE you j fo eating (tr' ..thing Satisfautiou jj'tnnintoed. C. A. Overlock & Bro., Union Harket. btotKo9ita&tyim& PARK VIEW HOTE! NEWLY FURNISHED HOIJSE NO DARK ROOVtS LATEST SANITARY PLUflBINQ MOT, COLD, RUSSIAN AND TURKISH BATHS European Plan. Sample Rooms for Commercial Hen. Corner Pennit.gton and Meyer Sts., Opposite City Park. MOHILZUi HOTEL, Bisbee trade especially catered LEDN LARRISU, Pmistar. FAIRBANK, s ! J'"H'J '' M" 4 Important' THROUGH. FAST bailway ANb PASSENGER The direct through line f ram rlzona north, eat and p- utheant. Low altitude. cars. Nolay-ovoii. Cutest Pattern Pullman Butiar oleopefs ChairjUar". opeoa, aaiety ana comiort comoinca. j t . For particnhirs , address. AEBYHIRE, T..:W. CURHfl, 8. W. K ft P. A., - T. r- & P. A. El P.ic.0, Texas. El, Paso, Texas E. P. TURNER, ti. P. Sc 'I. A., Dallas, Texas, , .0 TROUBLE ION8WER QVKBTIONS," Street, Tucson, Anzoat- Wool. DiMIVCl Coin. f(jndled roomi Tables supp!tetlwiU AKIZONA S& nro titkinc in chances of p.Uuij: dtseiicod ' wnon ouvine irom pnrtii'M wini piiidi on!) tiit . that money can buy. Tucson, Arizona WM. RBID, Prop to. ARIZONA. Gateways 4 FREIGHT SERVICE and New Mexico'ttoall ints in Hit Perfect paasenue I phi vice, Throuul., Handsome New COPPER IS THE METAL. The Cochise Copper Mining Company, Bisbee, Arizona This company owns a ery valuable group of mines in u 1 in Warren mining district; of Cochise, Arizona, lying im unM uel ca.?t of and adjoining tho t n f BUbco, and ad joining tho proDPiij if the Jopper Queen ,Consoli( ' "i'id? t npany on the north. 1ht ' mcr company Uqr been in operation ioi afcoui iwenry 7cars, and emi ' on l 0n men daily in tho opt at of it nmnmoth I mine and amelrr r and as a result has produced ci pt to over 34,000,000 pounds during ti )ear 1898. and the net proceeds of Mich production are reported to lurn ween over $2 000.000, and It has lxen iald by experienced miners who ha 'ftn under its em ploy for years, tin tho Queen mini now has sufilcicit o ? m sipht to keep , it in constant operation for the next twenty years without fuither de velopment. Is it not reasonable to bp'!eo that the property of uir Porhisp company Is fully as valuable when it is within such close proximity to &u h a won derful mine? i The blasts set off in the underground ' "'orltings of the Queen property ran easily be felt and heard at the sh ift of our ri&e, rmf of times tthe concussion La" attractecitssrKea attention. . Tho orlgimP Owners of tbeso' vnl i-1' i abie mines are roCaMSflnesB men, i , and favorably, jdnowao Bisbe'e and j SS'ffliB t?l!eiffrp?r ! .success in every respect. The board jl directors are original owners, and are donating their services to the com pany until such time as the mine .vlll pay dividends. They own the con I trolling interest in this property, and I as a protection to stockholders' have placed their" entire interest in escrow ! for a term of one year. The stock books of our company are ! nbw open for subscriptions, and a lim ited number of shares are offered at j twemv livo e. per nhiirt. No application I for less than 100 shares will be ac cepted. ,, j The company reserve the right at I any time to advance the price of shares I without further notice or to reject any (application for stock at their dlscre I tion. Every cent received from the sale of stock will be expended toward the de velopment oi our property ana tne erection of hoisting works, and ail other necessary improvements, and to make our enterprise a success in every pacuSlte investigatora and their experts or their engineers to closely scrutinize our property. Applications for shares may be made to an,y of the directors of the com pany, or to any of our legally author ized representatives. L. C SHATTUCK, Pres. J. MUHEIM, Supt, & Treas. G. W. HILL. Vice-Pres. S. K. WILLIAMS, Sec. Bisbee, Arizona R. 'B. ivEIXBY, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY t No 2.1 Vfrth Church street, opposite Tout off ,I ii f!or,. All kinds' of hulp promptly t i i I 'r o - , ders policiti'd. P. O. Hot J7. dl5 lm BISBEE aid NACOSARI Stage Line, TIM XAFT, Prop. Leave Bisbee Tuesday and Fridays. Arrive in Bisbee Tuesdays and Saturdays Off !ra At Co Per Queen Store iuvw where information can be bad THE RestPinnt, PRESTON FLETCH ER, P roprietorf A representative estab lishment catering to a representative people. oo Good Fare, Reasonable Rates, Correct Service, Open Day ami ifliM! X. - 1 II T. METZ, Prop'r. js,ce And tVorts lorn BUbee. HA Soda water. Sarsaparilla, Ginger-ale, Etc., Ktc Orders from abtad will re- ceive prompt attention. Oiders for ot IlKbpa will be dellverod free without dt.v. l'umllv ord-r oilcltei' --SOUTHWESTERM UUSINESS COLLECE. El Paso, Texas. The modern business trolnlnir school of tho Southwest wo. CoritSEBt Hits ncss and Shorthand embracing Hook-lcccplnB, Arlthmolln. Com morolul Law.r Jiusluoss Wrltluir, mIIIu-j, Lott-jn Wrliinar, Rapid Cnloulatlnir,, Papers and Legal Fornm, Short hand, 1 o wi Itlntr, Ottice i raltilnjr In Rotalllnc, Wholo snlehiiri CummUtloii, Dauklnc by Aotual llurluossgl'uQtlco. A Wb otforrtlio superior advnntiiijij' d( splen did equipment, mid itcinouttlit&trubtloii un der trained specialists,. Wo prcpnrp stiulonts for the best iiosltlon whloh woMipuro Stu. dents "Home' in connection. Write for rates nt " Fall Terrh IiptIiih Santmnlmr 1st. . Km. tabllshod 1690. R. . COOK, l'rln" Reliable Assays. . Gold 5 .50l;oppo or .i.v Silver 40 Gold, sliver & lead 1.2S oId and silver. .7'i lioia.snvor.coppor i.uu Lend...: 60lG'ld,svr,cop'r, load 2.00 Samples by mail receive promptatten tlon. Highest price paid for bullion. Ogdesa Assav Conip'y Ha9 I th St., Denver, Colo MDHNGTSSS ra111' rfuia TEAR. 1 JJL3C7 24 Pages ; "Weekly t Illustrated. INDISPENSABLE TO 3VLLN1NG MEN. $3 PER YEAR, POSTPAID. M JOBSAMM,! COPT. MINING - Scientmc PRESS 330 MARKET ST.. SAJT rRAITCISCO. CAL. THE WALDORF. . i Main"8trect, Bisbee, Arizona. Otto W. (SeisenliioferFrop. FinesT UU in ub. Fresh oysters and all kinds of eamc in season. Tho table supplied with tbe best the market affords. ANCHOR Sid Harris. Prop. Oi fcj IMPORTED WINES, Reading and Card Room Attached. Give Us a Call. Opposite the Library, Bisbee. '9. The Maze HANINGER IF C ., Tiopiietor, Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Bisbee Assay Office. NET I'KICE LIST. Iler fiold and i oipor in ouo sample. $2. "0 ...d fallvur, Golu uoppT ut Lead oaoh 1.00 Zinc i50 Antimony Iron, Lime and Sulphur, each 2.00 Wolframito 5.00 All Work tinariintcedt tf not Correct Money Kelunded.... CASH DISCOUNTS. $ B.00 w orth of w ork. 5 per cent off 10. 0 " " 15 " 10.00 to $20.00 " 20 " Samples by mail orexptess receive prompt attention. Saniplo bags eh en on application OtHco near tliq old graxoyord, on Nob Hill. A I P TPI I AM ....ASSAYER.. L,r 1 DULrtlU, Uisbee. Arirnao i BESSEMER firs. n. Crossey, Prop. A First-Class Hotel, Centrally Located. Furnished Rooms. Lighted by Electricity. Equipped After Modern Meth ods, with all the conveniences which contribute to the trav elers' comfort. 'Ihe 1 ravelins Public is Invited to cal at THE BESSEMER. fc aaotmaeeooeiai Hi II or other ladies whowishato work Can Earn Lots tf Money Working lor us;in ripare tuno at homo on our cloths. Wo offer you a irood cbuueo to i 'entv of spending money easi ly, in UMsure Hours, bund Uo.for .oii and lull direction Tor workand com-inoui-o atnni'. Cloth bont anywhere. Address WlNOwMCEr CO. v- Bos ton, Mass, Mfjj. Dent. I. W. Wallace AGENT ANDBROKER. . . - Arizona iiibce Represen Hng.Mining Prop orties. Roal EBtato Bouht and Sold Money Loaned and Invested. Collections Made. Strum House Flrst-C3ass Board. u Day, Week or Montn. BOARDING HOUSE NOariioF mason mji em ple. E. W. STmwM, Propriootr W. R. TH0M, -. MU1D ME Bisbee, Arizona. EJeadsl ones ami iJonuiri2ii;c' a S-ecu.ty Stone Cutting or ai. innds done v'd:i neauicoa and dispakn. . m orders oi ins BisDes Drug store. 4.'"-" ,' t.i f f ", r! "t)" ' '' "i" UeiLjt.n "Zi..: ii ui;iw,-i4S ' IT W'll Seasssssr iNTEREST YOU 75st7;'-''??ojss4 SALOON, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Saloon i!Jl".'i U On Druusht Constantly on Unnd.3 Fine Imported and Domestio Wines, Liquors and Cigars: YourSpatronace RespecnIly."Sollo!ted Dubacher & Muheim; Brewery Avenue, Bisbee Arizona. Cheap 'CASH Store. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Fresii Frulis oi All' Kinds fieceivea dqiik. : WINES, LIQUORS, CIGAR8, AND TOBACCOS Goods delivered to all parts of towtn niEDIGOVICH & NOELS Kodol spepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially d g- f fvdaiJsIii Natvira In strength nlng and recon Btructipc tho exniiu i digestive or ffans. ltisthelates 'scovetfddigwifc ant md tonic No -npr tj-cpar&tioB can approach it iu cii-acy. It In stantly relieves and permanently cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartybura. Flatulence, Sour Stomach, NauBca. SlckHeadache,Gastralgla,Cratup,arn! all other results of Imperf ect41f eatiom Prepared by E. C DeWIU A Coqhlt9f Cotjper Queen Store. it, WORLD-V; 3E CIRCULATION. V Twenty Pages; Yeekly;Illustrttc4,.$ IndispensAbu " Mkino Mew. trnHFR .IOLLES tl - TEAR. iSTPATj ) ..u&r m . . mmmm ' MPvt CO M rMf . Mmmft inn srfrnw. prpisr Jj2uSlii-niiSSt Jl9llibloporto?iclrjiar' tiHUertuTSaUcrrJad dutrhiRntripir hn ; - iC3uof ltbsa, sfllfcaoeq Rooms or Foiniies Fire S3 P stiS Dy 1 THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR.