Newspaper Page Text
A ARIZONA DAILY ORB. PODUSHEn Evr.UY EV1S.NINQ XXUBtT SUNDAY. BY ALVAN W. HOWE, nrorod ut the post often at Hlsboo. as soo- otid qlftsi-mattur May II!. 18'JI. i . ' ' Advertising rates will bo nmdo known on ppliout;ou ttrtliL.oilicJ.jjal uubllo.Uions i conforniKy with h? Territorial btatutos. Heading Notices l wonts per lino lor each in sertion. oAuVEiaM3mts: Cuts Intended for Inser tion Hi tlieso colutmis miistbe on. racial ii.isos or thoy will not bo accepted. Comimiuli-utlons roluting to uows or cdl torial mutter should bo r.ddrosed to Udltpr Owi. XfAII Kerulttnnces"nnd business letters - should be nddrosSod to - ALVAN W. HOAVK. " n,UJoe, Arizona, LP. VISHKItV ifcttSI'APBK JDVKUT1S- Ins Apjnt. il Merchants' KxohntiKe, Situ. Francisco, Ms our authorized agent. This paper U kept on lilo In his MONDAY. APillL 10. "With this isauo of the Orb, 1 retire from ila management, having beonDii nected with it biuco its firt issua in Msy 1896. Thoeo of the many friends and cittzenB of Bisbee who have kindly asaissted in its Bcription and advertise heartily thank of their confidence and support to my BuecosBor, Jose'ph Chisolm, who is not a stranger rfo tho Bisbeo public, will hereafter bo tho mildin; haul of the Orbs shining light. -. Again thanking our many natrons for their pat favors wo wish them continuous prosperity, which we believo is destined for Bisbee and Cochiso' county' in the immediate future, i Yours Itespetfully . ; Ai.Vah W.Howe a r- frirto public. With this issue of the Orb begins an attempt orf tho Mt of thif'BiBbeo'News Company" to inaugurate a new era in theMocal'newspape'r industry. Although oilr" foWh i'sthbthlrd iargest.'andTndus- trially tho most important of Arizona'd muuisipalitiea, yet heretofore theiohas been no sincere effort toward supplying Biabeo with a news medium commeu- Burato with Bisbee'a standing in the commonwealth. That this inexplica- bla condition shou.d not bo ascribed to a lack of enterprise on the part of Biabee itesis attesteiihy.thp .cpntidaiAca.dia- plaed byjh9;iropreson,tativ9 citizens who have formed tlio above mentioued --'. ,.r-i.. corporation tor the purpose of estabhs -ing hero a newspaper that will repre sent tho richest county in tho T.easure Territory. ,Tbe ontojrprising citizens and public spirited "business men who have niacin BiflhaQwliftt-itw t WirH' wmauwr.Tgsilgf that Huch a venture mav not attain success without their good will .and heanty co-operation. No pub lic institution cau bo better or worse than the community it represents, and to which it is a logical sequence. Tho world estimates a community's indus trial worth and iutegriry by tho enter prise and moral tonoof its piesB. There foie it is the community's self interest, as well as duty, to make the index by which it isgraded-a favorable one. Not only will tins journal endeavor carefullv to record all occurrences of moment within our imniediato environment, but in a few days,one of the great press association's (with whom tho Orb's new managers are now negotiating) will be supplying thefjoaders. of these columns with telegrapllfo'rtewa of th'e doings nud events of ifnporf throughout tho world. The OiuiNvlH havo no radical policy other than to promote, in so far us it may, the interests of its patrons; Jo plead for universal recognition ot tho vast undeveloped resources of our coun ty, and to adiitajcadeayorto the Ter ritorial Ps M jfirj$atehood. Jlut as a pierequisite to this it "is needful that all of Bisbee'a people show them selves as enterprising as those who are undertaking this venture. That thoy will do bo is tho firm trust of tho pun's preBont owners. Sixty days from dato this paper will discard its present orbicular title for the more mundano'namo of "Tin: Cocuihu REViEW.'tscv - - Our attontlon bus been attracted by the spasmodic gyrations displayed of late by that 'lmge, Tho Tombstonb Prospector. It see toe the anfomiBate4 newapaper'a .attack of mental colic lias been superinduced by eomo imaginary change in tho Ons'a policy. We would advise tho Prospect or's brainy editor to calm' himself and continue todevotohid time sololy, as in the past. Jo the dissemination of esoteric knowledge coneerning tho largo and va ried assortment of patent medicines that have mndu bia paper famous; to supervision of tho BhortC'Uloaeed wire in tho world, and to Inciting God to kill the devil. -" Thk house recently voted on joiuj res olutions'for a constitutional amenduiont to provide for thoeiustiou of United Statei senators by direct vote, and the minority resolution was adopted) mak ing it compulsory to elect senators by direct voWT-TUat'Stheer'ng news. The rottenness of. state senate dealings have too long dltgracad the Giunt Republic of tho Occident. Judging by tho tenor of rocont nowu fom Oom Paul's nock of the' Woods, it will take the men of Albion at least a Jf.ujchmen (or the. point oToathi. , ' I ., i,,. ,i.:r al,u jXniTOWBSjao VOUAOUSana re jioikuml ur mld: ui o w iuu support b their BU.b hhAJo.n not rVnhoiir trouble. Don't turo. . u ..r soil nil kinds ot ii-eroflumlUe. .mid hone u aDiitinuauea 'and moraurv'will add to your dlsabu- .,t .ho Tomtura ot Arlzoi . und the ,o 1 Oh, the Fain of Rheumatism! Rheumatism often causes tho most in tense suffering. Many havo for yeara vainly sought relief from this disabling disease, and are to-day worse off than ever. Rheumatism is a blood disease, and Swift's Specific is the only cure, bo causo it b tho only remedy which can reuch suoh deep-seated diseases. A few yearu ago I was trtkon with lnflnmmv tory Rheumatism, which becawo so Intense that I was lor wceia unablo to walk, I tried several prominent physi cians arid took their treat ment faithfully, but was unable to' get tho slight est relief. In fact, toy con. dltton seemed to grow worse, tho dlsoase spread overmyentlro body, and from November to March I suffered agony. I triod many patent medicines, but nono relieved me. Upon the advloe of a friend I decided to try 8. 8. 8. Hufnm nllnwinc me to take It. how ever, ray minrdlan, wno was caemisv. n lywd tho remedy, and pronounced It frco of potash or mercury. I fef t bo much better after taking two' bottles, that I continued the rem edy, and In two months I was oiircd completely. The cure wag permanent, for I have never since had ft touch-of Rheumatism though many times exposed to damp and cold -weather, f , ,1' Bleak- M. TlPrEIX, 87U1,'Pp'wetifo"n Avenue, Philadelphia. Itv and comp etely destroy your diges- IT' A Fop Dlm UTheUiUUU will nnr nflrfeotlv and Dermanently. It is guarantoed purely vegetable, and contains no potash, mercury, or other mineral. B oks mailed tree by Swift Spoclfio Go., Atlanta, Ga. Moki Tea positively, cures sick head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. i'Removos all nmntinna nf fhn nkin. nroduCinCT a D6IT- , , J .. .,,ij or feet complexion, or money refunded, lit tts. and 50 Drug Store. cts. For sale at Biebee For Sale. Four store buildings on O K street, formerly the property of Nick Metz; must be sold at once. Apply to S. K. Williams, J. P. F. B. Thirkfleld, Health Inspector of Chicago, says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot be recommended too highly. It cured me of severe dyspepsia." It di gests what you eat and cures indigos fton, heartburn and all forma of dys pepsia.' Copper Queen Store. $ olcanic Eruptions. Are grand, but skin eruption,' rob life of joy.' Bucklen'B Arnica Salu ures them ; also old. running and fever so i. ulcers, boils, telons, corns, warts, cuts, n lui rfw""' anila. j. fTjllHUIlUllS Best pile cure on earthT D-iv. a out pains and aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Copper Queen -ton1 aim Bisbeo Dru S "8 SADDLES All styles of Saddles made to order. HARNESS Made to order. Re pairing of all kinds in leather goods. CARRIAGE n? 'lrimmingof all kinds neatly and promptly done. PISTOL Hpletors, Gun Scab-liaulr- rt'i't ail kinds oi leathei i'iipbs madeto order, in laut every thing in the leather line. Shop in 'iu oi Waters' Sfioe 8 tore. J. H. Hughes & Co. City garber Shop -And- Bath Rooms. Marks & Wittig, Proprietors. Hair Cuttlncr. Shavlutr and Shampoolus I.arce, Convenient and Commodious Hath Hooms Attached. Evory- thlnirl'list-Clais. Main Street, Bisbee a a W. Aaigius, Prop. GHChr rMlLY GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS Cigais, and Tobacco. A full assortment of Candies, Fruits and Nuts. Cor. O. K. & Railroad Ave. . A FULL. LINE OF t-n cm. US and Phcr ,h Supplies. Cnmeras t .1 53.00 " $aS .00 Developiu, . i i.ituu photographer i J - t oy ex- Siitis- itiotion guarani".' :CO. I fiS'f&r if H 1m . " " i . -i i- - ments, ide3ire,to Uvp&dment tilth doctors-thelr potadi " '-A""""' aoVebtfu.u ir Tl? Jl., ttp store! rouuici) oppor Que6n Plinriinii'! of Incorporation of the . Guerrero Gold Minimr and milling Company of iiitibce, i Arizona. I KNOW ALL MEN BY I'HESE PRESENTS " Unit wo, the undersigned. James F. Jrottpr. George C. Clark, C, V. .Mitchell y. . listaurooUs, proposo to organize a oorpoi'iitluu under the laws of the Territory of I'lzoiiu, nnd for that i)tuioiod. mnJie, slk-ii and uukn wledure, uceordinar to law, iiurt adopt the following articles of Incor poration: AKTICIili I. The name of tht corporation shall lo "Tho Oui-riero Gold .Mining nd AiIiiiiik oni pany," nud its prluelpttl pi.ioo of trui.mot up l)ii.lncss shall bo at i0cu, Ariioim, uun tlu, Clt.x of ov Voi It, 1 the siu o ot ftov- 5f,rk, with oflious at noli othu places, to be do-' iKiiatcd by thu lioard of im-uuvor of ald uoinpu..y AKT1CI.K II. Tlir naturo of the bililnuss to lie tr.niv.ut- eu is to purcbu o, louve, own, eouirol,, opciuto or soM, ti iiiitfei ordipoe liuiui's, niiiiliifr property udn uilnliiii Ut;litt; iio to purchase, ucqu it, own, !, control, tli, transfer or dispose ol water and wuter lights, timber and tiaiUer imhts, ores luiu-t-rals, metals or oils, aUo to inanufaoiure, purchase, lease, ucquir.-, oun, control, or j operate reduction work, siiiolio or smelt-1 ins and all other minim; inauhiiery ami appllaucus ucc.ssury the eto, and .,-a, oloo- i trio lly lit unii povtui plums, ami all p .tent oi patimv riKhti, and ui iiim there.o ap ei"-' tuiuin; Iso lounu oieb;also to pui chase. , acquire ieae, ow , cd.uoi, nnproVe, inau- i auo biitidn me or disno-.ii of land , ten. moats l ami, uuU all kinds t propertj, public ot Me xico, umi to1 purciiuso,, own and sollfithinviistjc.v. A TICI.E III. Tho amount of tno c u tal took slmltbo Two Hundred und Kifty Lhousuii t)oll:ir (z5U,n, 0.00), divided into two Huudrea slid tiltj Thousand ia ,UO0) shares, ot the u-' laluoofUno iiollur (l 0 ) aeh, hiph cap ital stock bhull bo paid 111 upo cull f the hoard of Lilrautors of th.s eorpoi'ut.on and it shall be f orevor tioii-asaessahiu, una ach certihcate, when issued, Shad state 011 lis ' f aco the number ot hliarus epresentod thereby, and that the samu is lullv paid aud forever uoii-assessablo. 1 ARTICLE IV. The tlme of the conimoncemont' of 'this. corporation shall be the ifatoofithevlliiniot j' J Uit'ioles ot incorporation in tho tte- Border's otlico of Cochiso county, Arizona nud the terms thereof ahull bo twenty (J) years therealtor. ARTICLE,, V. The hljrhpst amount of indohteduoss or li ability to which this corporation shall at nny tiinjSubject'ltseIf, shall be the-sun of Ono Huudied Thousand Uol'ars IflOu.Uu.CO.) ARTICLE VI. The affairs of this corporation shall bo conducted by u Iloaid ot ue ( ) Directors, iO ie olected by tho S ockliolde' of tin) cor poration ut the ai.nuul btuclihoidors' meet ing, wlnuh shall bo hqdtu the oitiee of the Cumpa j, to bo designated by the d rectors, ou tho Ur t Monday ulterthe ilr&t luciduy m January or each ear; and unt.l tho'noxt annual meeting ot the stockholder' the ult'ai. s ot th s corporation shall be conduct ed by the follow. ii liuurd oi JDiiectors, namely . J umes I , vi otter, Uborge , til rlc, C. W . ltchelll W. y . hstabrouks and I) v. Win. li. Chuinber,." '., ARTICLE VII. n The officers of this corporation shall be a resident, Vico-Piosideut, oeiieral jianuuor. Secretary und Trt.urer," und such othor uuicen as may be.provided fjr by tho. hoard of Direotorb e ' tlUv.r-VIII. Tho privao property of stockholders of thi corporation shall be exempt truiu li abilities lor its corporate debts. I . v iTNIi-aWUlUiEOi!-, the parties, oie of have hereon. o set their hands ami souls, this mb. day of .uurch. A. t). 190 . , s. Jamks i.TKoi:.r,i;. Ueo.:oi; C. U."auk, U. MlTO liLL, W.W, uSXAB..ObKB. T3RRIT BY OP AniZONA, County of, j ss Before me, S, K V illlains.a Notary Publle.tu and tor the said u uuty ot Cochise,- .crritory of ArUoua, ou this dtty personally appeared James . Trotior, Ucorge C laru, u. W. .. ltchell, and W. n . .stuoroons, known to me to bo. thu persons whoi-o names urn subscribed to the lorcgoinir nstru ir.ent uud ackuoivl deed to inoitliat they oxecuted the sa e tor the purposo, and con siderations therein expressed. Qlvon under my hand and seal of office, at Disbeo, Arizona, this .All day of i.uaruh. A. U. 9 0. iS. K. VVlLiAMri, , No.ury Publlo lu and for Cochise county',' Arizona Terriz..ry My commission oxplros December 15th, A. u, iyo. , , i- Kjsoorpeu's OpyioBn , Tombstone, coohisk Co., a. T j Filed a d rcoorded ut tto request of W, W. Estebrooks, a, a. jj. x) o, ut'i-p'. m, Hook., sjicorpurutio.-is, puco .. r ' I tu kk Haw?, Cou ty nccorder . lOo. Internnl Itevoiiue Stjmp cuntolod.' ' Flrsi pu jlicatiou April U, w0. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. lilBUEK, Arizona, K bruary 10. 1800. To A. lMJanoil, hib liensor u.biirusi iou uro hereby notihed tJmt wo huvo expended iliu-int.' the J oars lbs?, 1 lis and 10U-J . liroe Hundred dollars (JSJiAi.Oo) in moor and lm piovenieutu upon tiiu "Jesjiu' iniiie, situate lu Wurren Mining ul.trict, comity of Co chise. Territory ot Aiizfniu, louaiiou uotiuo ot which Is record d lu the oiucu ot the Comity Iteqorder, lu liook of Alines, .uinlni: Hei-ords oi Cochlsu county, Arizona, In ol der to holu said claims under thu provisions oi Section of tbeltevlsed tututesui the Umud Mutes und the amendments thereto iintinulllliir ..,...,,.. I I .. I...M ....... ..t........l...... JV..W .... M.-uu....UM.. IIIU IIIIUIU UUIIilK It lielni.' thu amount reiiuiied to iiold said claims lor the' period eiidiutr tlecem'ier 'Jl, And If within ninety (TO) days after tho puultcutioji hereof nu lull or relUkO to con tribute jour liroportlon ot said' expendi tures us co-owner, your interest )n the said nilninir claim will becumo the property of tho. btibcoribers! your co-owuers,'Who huvo made tlio i eiputred uxpenditiirus by tno terms of suid Section tlH. . P. H. HAUKINGlON, LnviPiiUity.. ulrst piihiloatlou Kebruury U, IWjo. ALIAS SUfYlMONS. Iln the District Court, First .in : .'.!.' mot, ot thu lorrnoi- ot.u.i,,.. lor the comity ot Cochise. Keoeccu i. HiiKhus, pluiutllf, s lluiihes. delondunt. ' uud' m ury P. Action broutfiit in tho District Court m tho i'lrst Juuieiui J'Utrlet ot the I'er'rl.oft OI Arizona, lu uud lor the county of Cueajg,' und tlio voiiiphiiul Uled in tlio said CArn.j , t-uuliue,,lii tlio othoa of tho Clem u mU" District Court. Tlio lerrltt.ry of Arizona senus trreotluu- u. Henry 1'. Uuiilies. You mo iieu,iy required t j appear In up aotlou uualtist juu uj tW-hbovu named pluiu itf.lutho Dlstriot . om tot tiiu First Judiclul District of the lei'ulory 0l Arizona, in uud for tlio count, ui Lujalse und to unswor tno eoniplaliu ulou tliureiu' wltiiln ten days (uxelusie of the uuy ot sor vlco) utter the service on you ol tins sum mons, (it served within this count ; or if served otit of this county nut in this district withtil twenty duys; otherwise within thirty days), or Judgment by dotuult will be taken against you accordliu: to the prayer ot uiu complaint. The said notion Is brought to obtain a flo or ce ot divorce troin tho bonds of matri mony, the custody of the three milior uhil dieu uud for costs ot tbUuettou. Ulveu under my hand. nud tho seal of the Disti lot Court ot thu first JiidiclulTJlrtrlat ot the Territory of Arizona, in aud for the county of Cochise, this 4th day ot March, in tho year ot our Lord 11W. ISoalJ A.H. imANUECClerk. First publication March '&. Articles SUMPIONS. In the Justice Court, No. 2 pr olnot, county of Cochise, Territory o Ar'zotm. , Otto W. Go'senhofer. plaintlir. vs. William Pump, defendant, suiiunoin , .. Aotloif broucht In tho Justly Ho-irt of No. 2 precinct, In mid for the county ot Cochiso. in thoTor. itoryif Arizoiiii. in tno iinmo or mo ""'i, ui risnu t William Pump, neiemmii', Krepmiff 1,sr: k, eipi t R1 tyo. K lust' You are lioreoy iii'iiui'i'iHii .11 1 re to apnpar in aetlou li ou.rlitu int !,. iilinvn named ulaiutitf in the Conrt f'No. precinnMu an-l 1..." thecoun 01 I" .nh e. in tno territory or ti-'zono, ui answer t tho oonipfalnt tliid a .hi Jiuti Cimit at Ul.hup. u said coi -t., within li' days, Hxclusivo of 'tho d r irvioe, afm, thw oervifo upon you of tli sinaniuns, 11 served within tins precln? : nut if.sorveti wltiiou- thlri ! prtiflinqt, I111 within tho county, ten days; If served out of t'm county, litteen days: In all othor cnioi ty Jays. This fiction s or uurlit cover he sum of Sovonti-i to- bo rd sold and duliv ubovo numcd plaint 1 11 at stance and request In Hisb' nst you . '5 LOO) Dollars 10 you ,iy the air special in oihlse con it, iars I'n a, .1 ' 'ruar i-.a jiidjfinout 0 Arizona noty. uurlui IKW Pt'twtuii the months and J unci of the jour : tielault will lc rukon aai.- .1 under ! linn a Oct, .t Jjuna j 1. J. l'.k). i. .. 'I list I Ml t.f f l.l" P0l.'f f I 1 .'( e jn. j & , NOTICE. To Whom t riiiji (Concern Al' -i.oii-. ur luireh.irv. l.oiiil . lu'i-olo I'iiutionrl not to ifu e the i tain iln mitf i ixvu as ' ast . , oi el. inn ut pit'ci'ii ,; Mini ei,"ani niio in tin' . .a i i iiriof luuaiioii, hitnule l.i uireti .uiniiit;. . l lot. ui-u'bei-oiiui). lerriiury ot Arizona. Mii cl im has I'fcontly beou bonded li i.u ne not the rifht! ill mill istooiio .. W Wu Thomas Dwyuu J. H. Mathiac Oriental uioii . f First pul. Mention .Mai t .8. ltWO. - . l.UUA.N i.O '1. TliCBAM SlIrTL.o , .. Wnoipsale an.. Retail - :.- A. vn M., I or Atntttie,, Cu'iif .f. r si -T- .Tr-.Tfr.-ri '-Tr: -t. sr. Y V. G. MEDIG0VICH Whotsiale and Retail Doalor In QROGERIES. - HAM15 JiEcilVlSO "f'g,, Potsltry.- ',,'. Mm. uses moors. dno.ToiKiccos. a, HOWARD & EfrDTH wserynien and florists A Ukuills f Garden Plants, Shade ami Fruit Tiet'e. Uiubicllts' lour feot hikili ott'ci'iits i-iteh. A flue line of Cut Fluwuia. Liberal dii'ount on orders of $10 or over. vft j P; O. BOX NO 484 Los. Angeles, California. ME MILLINERY M Mrs. M. J. Blair. Prop. A complete line of the lates styles of Fall and Winter Goods Jtint Arrived. Pattern flats of iMatest Design. Hats triranied to order a specialty. Call and inspect my goods before purchasing elsewhere The Jersey Dairy, Ai. W. STRUHM, Prop. Pure, Fresh Milk Delivered Ail Parts of the City Every Evening. to PURE CREAM IN LARGE OR It I SMALL QUANTITY The Only Duirv in Bisbeo Blooded Cows. Ilavin Satisfaction C$ Guaranteed Leave order's at the Strtimm hoarding hoiiKu or) tins ollico. Attention, Smokers! ' 'i- when you want u couuino .. Mexican Cljnr ' and a j.ood moko,cull for the 'L,as UOf. IV is ci ones," uiUId olrales For sulflovorywhoro loses. Cut Rosea of all kinds for sale ut 35 cents per dozen. Special rates given to festivals und parties. Particular attention given to shipping orders. Flow ers carefully packed. j MBS.' "J. O. D UNI Alt, i Capitol Addition, 1'lioenix, Arizona. loses pmvrr-wvut&vzrrm t rmm-rxrMXm.!rm,mrwj U,IL. , .1wJJ jTn ,,.. . r ., u IWsBa SBbg SXIsB8& ijiai&kyflf You can if you Ss I use .Gold Dust. ' M1 It does most of ! 1 a tne .oix. it N & &nv3 r5 l B . &j&5 ftbryL tea-iTK-j 'k'eim l saves time.mon- w 2n r AJSjk Mr-L. eya,,diab'r' -Mf ' 1 S,nd ter fr booWct-" Oolden Itale. X: j tlkfe&K . I fu,noaWor.." j! "K f I . st.uu.s tM BMtM rMMrQWDBi. fli UHiinjJ i3LiiiitHL hUilL BENSON, ARIZONA. First class rooms from 50 cents per day upwards. Fires for families a specialt' in-rooms. Good meals at 25;conts. Bar attached to the jjhouse. Satisfac Hon guaranteed or no pay. SAM. H?5t5EOMAX, Proprietor. Take the aJrcn&riceiAaLatvSnin&aSl mZT Santa Fe - To all Nortlierti or Eastern points. Close com nections made at Kansas Cit' and Chicago with al! the Northern and Eastern line:?. COMBES, TOURIST MRS All moals not 6irved in Dining Cars are taken at the popular Santa Fe Route Harvey Rating Houses. Full information cheerfully furnished upon application to B. HOUGHTON. G-.1 Wt Kl Faso. T: 58 Kfi lit: 5U9 Msau -wiL MR.'i4UtMAii U Agent for Anheufser ' ? flip onS aaz-a -pw- ...... j r -i ' ' n ny-if ifr. U lUd u Wholesale and Retail. JlUniMSftV AVCNU13, ft a. Experienced Jlixolo- U'iats. Well furnished Club Roomp for tho Ufco of Patrons. o Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. McKay & Finlaysou, Props. HAIN STREET. VVARREN LAUNDRY CO, PLANT Situated in CitV -) Wallace ( )fflce ) FREE COINAGE SALOON J. E. BROWN, Prop. Curries thu famous 'Ills: "relTret TXTliislrey . FINE WINES, ETC. International and Sun Spot Cisr3r3 P i liLtl! WliLlLIAMS & i It's Ml . POE SALE. Ono frame house of two looms, comple'.ely furnished, near Catholic church; terms very low. Apply to S. K. Williams. :fo:e3 bbt. One frame houso of throe rooms; $15 poOnomb, la ' jding water. Apply 8 One frame house" three rooms, near Hhatt ick's lumberyard; ten dohar per month. Api.lyto S. li. Williams. Tho Entile House, four rooms; water included I: near the residence or UA Overloek; $15 per month. Apply to S. h. Williams. Or.-1. bo honFe.cix rooms ;2right In town: boardiugjuouae.. A- &. to S, K.iWllliame. Route o-FKOM o mJJm cAz,uJLsbJ HUD PDLIMH SLEEPING 6S3i or W. R. BROWN, T. F. Ac P. Kl Paw, Tpx L. C. SHATTUCK, Prop. is, in oi li. Brewing Association, BI5BFE, ARIZONA. In New and Elegant Quarters AT THE OLD STAND. DISBEd, ARIZ. v. -nf lk 71V I. Building, East Entrance. 55S HOWE, Props. IE MI PJ PU Estate Office r f fi t -. & " ''i 7-r-- ,fc a X If 4 v fisdi! -V- .',v; ?