OCR Interpretation

The Arizona daily orb. [volume] (Bisbee, Ariz.) 1898-1900, April 16, 1900, Image 4

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94050505/1900-04-16/ed-1/seq-4/

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LqcaU Brevities
t , Coming Attractions
My 1 Vfoy-'Lv 'dnue, by Copioi
Queen Hand. .
April 155 ami 14 Nwlson Jovenilo Vrtu
dewllo Company.
r. p. i
Jno. Mc'.uro, of JJaco; was oviv fiom
. Mo border town vtstpiday.
Queen Pharmacy, for photogiaphic Blip-
iJios. F21 tt
, Sheriff Scott 'White waa in town yos-
, Jerday on tnuitiess. " .
'x. Kliuo baa moved his storo build-
int' from Montez'uoia canyon to town.
Lee Bolero, a business man from Kan
Baa-City, U leistered at tno Norton.
I. W. Wallace, deputy Assessor, has
commenced the assessment of this town.
P. P. P.
Fred Hodberg is about to leavo for
1 Capo Nome tof try hia fortune at the
gold fields. ,.
Just received, a ttew line of shirt
waists, at Hlewett's. M20-tf
Km. I Murks left this morning foi
Globe, where ho coos to attend tne grand
l'P lodge of the Odd FollowB.
P. P. P.
The hint heard of the Tombstone jail
breakers waa when they left Mescal
Springs going toward the Sonoita coun
try. If you want a newjhat, neatly trimmed
to euit your taste, leave vour order at
Mrc. Blewett's. JO-tf
SPECIAL 8ALE of Milinery gooi'e
by Mm. Pittataff, near Nemeck'a Photo
graph gallery.
P. P. F.
B. J. O'Reilly of Naco waa in the
city yesterday, viewing the Easter Bon
nets. E. G. Norton retumed yesterday from
Tucson, where ho had been engaged aa
& juryman foi some days.
The planB for the company's new
Hotel have been approved, The old
buildings on the sito have been torn
down and work will commence at once.
P. P. P.
Tho Copper Queen Band will give a
grand ball on the night of Tuesday, the
1st of May. Thia will be the May Day
The Easter servicer at the Catholic
church was attended by a large congre
gation. The musical program was es
pecially, fine.
L. Sabarzo, t.ie La Morita customs
officer, returned from the City of Mex
ico on Saturday, why he has been for a
number of weeks on business connected
with his office.
James Cunningham was to lay brought
before Judge Williams, and was anxious
to plead v guilty to tiie pharge against
him, alleging that he waa intoxicated.
His hearing ia set for tomorrow after
coon. Otto Korb, Grand Chancellor, K, P.,
Boonville, Ind., says, "DeWitts Witch
Hazel Salve eoothea the most delicate
skin and heala the most stubborn ulcer
with certain and goid results." Cures
piles and skin disease. Don't buy an
imitation. Copper Quscn store ana
Bit bee Drug Go '
WANTED Position as cook in pri
vate family or boarding houee, by an
experienced cook. AddresB
Misa Mary Bogiila,
Box'478, Bisbeo, A.clV
P. P. P.
A most charming variety of Easter
bonnets were worn at tho church festi
vals yesterday. Tho fair wearors dis
played the most perfect taste in their
choice, and tho decorations of the altars
were accentuated by the lovely parterre
of flowers adorning the Easter hate
that were in evidence throughout the
congiegation. ,
Mrs. M. G. Lobdell, representing tho
boston Dry Goods Store of Loa. Angeles,
will be with Mrs. F. W. Sherman, at
tho 8 to we house, on Monday and Tues
day, taking orders for hoi firm. She
carries a full lino of samples of wabh
goods, silks, wash and silk shirt waists, 1
separate skirts, tailor suits, underwear,
kid gloves. ''The lady will visit Bisbeo
every six weeks of the year excont Au
gust and September, date and notice of
her comingf being given in these col
JP. P. P.
An Editor's Life Saved by Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy.
During the early part of October, 1896,
I contracted a bad cold which settled on
nay lunga and was neglected Until I
feared that consumption hau appeared
iijan incipient statel I waa constantly
coughing and trying to expei something
which 1 could. not. -.Jbecame alarmed
apd after giving lho local doctor a trial
bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy ano tho-result waa immediate
improvement, and after! nadused three
bottlea my lungs wen restored to tnir
heal th v 8tate.15. 8, Edwards, Publish-
Ml tbe ltevlewr WyantrIll. For ate
jtffiHJtotf.-''' F,
liaitJr iiXtircises.
Library Hall waa filled last duiIU by
an appreciative amuonce, wnicn iwi-
nod with pleasure to tno Easter exer
else1 o! the Uisbee Sunday School.
lho teachers had evidently worked
1 ! v anf &lo llktlh natnn nil till!
hard to train the little ones, and the
latter-showed that thoy had beon faith
ful in their, practice and that their in
structors' efforts had not been in vain.
Special attention waa given Ed in
Orton when she so biavoly took hor
a ck aibter'a place, and thus prove i het
self, although so youn;, "A Little
Uelpor. Following ia tho programme:
1 Opening choiuu, "We Come with
Song," ebon and Sunday School.
'2 Reading of Sciipturus by Ida Noi
'S "The Cruo'fixion," the choir.
4 Prayer, J. G. P.itchanl.
f 6 Exorciso recitation and song, nine
little girls led by Mrs. F. Harrington .
6 Recitative cantata, 'The Gates
Ajar," Mrs. Crouch and class,
7 Recitation, "Little Helpors," Edna
8 Recitation, "On Easter Morning,"
Emma Graham.
9 Exercise by eight boys, "Beautiful
Flow era of EaBter," led by Mrs. Har
rington, 10 Recitation, "Tho Children's Of
femur," Yida ttcrimshor.
11 Song, "Am 1 a Soldier of the
Cross." Miss Lizz'e Schiniu'a class.
12 Motion, exercise and recitation,
primary class, Misa Ai. E. Hill.
13 Recitation and song, "Your Mis-
eion," six little girls, Mrs. Hurnngton
14 Motion song, the little tot's pri
mary class, Mies M. E Hill.
15 ChoruB, "Hail yo the Conqueror,"
the choir.
10 Recitation, "The Prince of Life
is itisen," Annie Hays.
17 S3I0 and chorus, "Glorious Dav."
Miss Harrington and choir.
18 Chorus, "Victory," by the chair.
19 Recitation, "iho Modern Cain,"
Miss Frazee.
20 Solo, "So Bhall it be in the Great
Day," M-8. N. E. Ferguson, accompa
nied by Prof. Heinpel.
21 Chorus, "H ulelujah," choir.
22 "Praise God, from Whom all
Blessings fllow," by all.
Misa Eila Pritchard prostded at the
organ in all the exercises.
A Bold Robbery Committed in Broad
At about the hour of 11 o'ciock yestc
day foienoou the residence of George
Berk" was broken into and burg arized
by an individual who give? his name as
James Cunningham. Berk was at work
at his regular occupation and during his
wife's presence at church the house v. as
unguarded Upon her return she was
immediately apprised of the buiglary by
a broken window, through which the
unwelcome visitor ha.1 made his entiy.
Investigation showed the absence of an
overcoat, a guitar and a purse contain
ing $7.60. The police were immediately
notified. A brief search disclosed the
circumstance that the bnrglar bad sold
Alfred Paul, the tailor, an overcoat, and
had disposed of the guitar to Kline, a
Main street storekeeper. Tne overcoat
brought him $5 00, the guitar $1.00. On
this evidence ho was arrested, and the
eoleu purse was found in his possession.
His pockets a eo contained lour hand
kerchiefs, a pass book on the Dtroi.
Copptr Min.ng company, and money fn
silver and greenbacks to the sum of
$11,35. Although the cuiprtt waa pos
sessed of a large and obvious jag, the
evidence of hiB guilt is so overwhelming
that an extended eojourn in the territo
rial health resort on the Colorado is
among the possible events of Mr. Cun
ningham's future.
Destructive Fire
At an early hour yesterday morning
the residente of Naco were dismayed by
tno most iestructive fi-e that ban
occurred during the thrivimr bur'o
enort existence. Tho fire consume 1 the
"uockwe" wnrenouMe, and piob.ihly
dustroyd much of the valuable maciiiu
ery aud fu-nuure contained in the build
ing. '
lho first news of the fire ruraortd the
losa as approximating $50,000, but prob
ably less than half that figure will cover
the damagu done, llowovar, if (he con
flagration waa so ox endive ai to min
the entire amount of oxpouaiiro mining
machinery stored iu and about the
burned structure, tho loss will bo very
great. Tho fierceness of the blaze mav
be gauged oy the fact th4in.bjx.car on
the adjicont railroad track was con
sumoj. a teaniHter who had been
- ...
Bleeping in tho b ddiug is reported as
W. W. Muiiew, Morton. Wip : "I con-
Bidder Ono Minute Cough Cure a most
wonderful medicine, quick and safe."
His the only harmleea remedy hat
elves immmliu,., l.. It cum,
... . ...
eouRhB, colds, croup, brooch lis, Rrippo.
Yvlirvlnlti .lllrtl, (iiioitintnU anil nil
....v.,.,., v. 'ilk., I'HUUIUUII'M ,.., ....
thro.t ai. lung dircusep. Its early ueo
pievsnts i I'Mimption. Children alwnyr
llko it iiim i ut en undorao it. Oopi
Queen stoi tnl H.-uc 1' lu Cj.
G. A Mei .f, die e.ittlo man, te-
turned to tothn- rti i a visit to
I in tbo Hichuc&
to hlfi rauh
rf ri1
.- .Mrjr .Trfj j- h . '4 '
Aticutiou ie,uolicaus
, A meeting of the Republican count.
'central committee Cochiso county 1
. i,e. nv c-ulleu to b held at liislioe o
the uveniu of. Fn.l..y tlio 20th day t
.April 1100. i'lio imfMing ia called fu
' l .. At
tnu purpose ol eiee.i.i' a cliaiinan t
serve for the rumaii ler of tho term ;
aiiauge for our i , csentation at tl
turruuiial convent 1 in Phoenix Api
$ th, and loi Hi transaction of sno.
business as m 1 propeily cm u.i b-nre
the meeting. J.o. v. Campuki.l.
Secretary, Re). 1 ,hcan County Central
Committee. April 10th 1900.
X Kay Ex.'ii.i.utijne,
Chronic Dis-uase..-,
All Surgica anil in 1 inimatory
Eye an Ea Disea es,
Lenses, Glasses .111 1 Spectacles guar
anteed tight.
Catarrh in any of its forms,
D. A. CLUIK, M. 1).,
Physician and P ccialist,
Uiiibee, head of .Ma u airuet.
)Geiieial practice, calie attende 1
all h uis.
iVl P.
"1 think 1 tould go crazy hith pan
wero it not for Chamtwi lam's Ham
balm," uitles Mr. 11. Stiuieton
11 ermine, Pa. "I have been alll)cit-i
with rl um itiain for several veaic and
have tried remedies without numbt 1
but t'a.n halm is the host medicine 1
hfve got hold of" One application re
lieves the pain. For sale by all di le
gists. P. P. P.
Mrs. Wright and Miss Blanche Wnghi
of Missouri, wife and d ughier of Judgr
Wright of B'ebee, ai rived here I.ihi
week and intend making their 'mine 11
t'io fiittue with u Miss Blam.li i
well, known in Bisbeo, as nh visile 1
hero several mont.ie, and especially tin
young folk ate pluaed to see her will,
us again.
C. Cunroy, the ha'o old mlnum ex
f i-ert, is again in LSibOeo ou a biiet tn
from tho Canaueaa. Co.nroy confident U
avers that the Canani'a 'lining compan
baa a great future ahead of it. Ml'
Greene, the company's manager, ui ivi .
at Cananea a, few davs ago Iroin Nov,
Messre. Whitehead and Marchell t.iv
opened up a first class nil irt order hou
in the old Queen restatii tut under til
name of tho "New Engiunu Kitchen,"
whore they will be plea Jed to tee al
thofce who wish to enjoy a ,oocL whole
some meal. Tho reputation of the
gentlemen as iir-t ul.t-a caieters in w I
known to the Bisbce public and i.uo !
no introduction fiom us. ihey receiv
their meats from Ka'ititiH city, and v r
dtiy receive a large, cuum nu.unt ol
fieeh fruits and wgutahlep hoin inebai
River valley. Even thn mat is n
tho market will bd served m ioannarjl
prices. Call aud see th 11 and yon
will uot eat tl uiheie.
K '
GEO. C. CLAltK, K M.
t V, MlTCilliLl
Assav Office
Exauiinations and n.
mi mi a propet tiei?. Defc.
fot dl cinds of mining
1 iii.hIh 01
nl mini!
cate; 60
made in
cents a
(Jna ftiveand quntitittii -made
it any iiiinoial ut)tta:
Surveys for Patents
Ariz na and Mexico.
Her Husband's Story
" My name is E. J. Spron.e- and my address is 16 Bondman Block, Troy, N.
Y. I want to telLhow thinklu I am that my wife's health has been restored to
her. About a year ago she can lit a dreadtul cold, which settled in her bran
chial tubas and lungs. She ttr-
tainly had bronchitis, and I think
consumption, too, and wo de
spaired of her life. She had a
tightness and soreness in tne
chest, and it was difficult for her
to breathe. There were darting,
sharp dull and heavy pains, with
constant coughing and expectotat-
ing Each day bho was, worse Qta
than tho day before. 1 - -'- f
! aricnrl ir rr A,lar c 1? '
1 oofl. WKV.ii.r..,I a
edy, and did so, but my wiu iuo
bhook her pead and said- Ano'hei
dollar thr c Qay.' She cook
im nmrr c,r,,wf.r nnH mi
, the effect was nuRioai. Tn less
th.n anhour tc-i- us u remark-
able change, htm got letter tt
one ', and in a sn -rt tuna ahe was
enliiely well ai.d strong again. The euro was permanent and there has bee
no relapse. I don t know what Acker's English Remedy is made of, but I am
i swo it contains somct'iinr tnuttortiiies
"ifo is ln b.utt.er ?om rH JIsalth ow
happy M'o is for her recovery, bhe tells everybody about Acker s English Rem-
, Ay ftml s0 do I for , bcl,cvo u t0 ba our A t0 (ho bUc to hol yeTy Buf.
'. .. .. .-... .. t .
ferer who hai throat and lung ttoubles.
for croup, and has saved tho lives of hundreds of little ones around in this
vicinity alone."
Sold at 25c, 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout tho United States and Canada
and in England, at is. 2d., as. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying,,
return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back.
We authortit One above guaraite). Jl". . UOOKER & CO., Prvprittort, Ktw York.
-".tA : . .
His Life Was Saved.
Mr J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen ot
Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wondenui
deliverance from a frightful death. In
tel!i-.gof it he save: Ml waa taken w-th
typhoid fever that ran into pneumonia.
My lungs becatno hardened. I was so
veak I couldn't evt'n sit up 'u bed.
tattling helped me. 1 expected t 8 m
te of consumption, when I heard of !r
ang'e Now Dihcove y. One bottle g i
.rent relief. I continued to n it. n id
um now well and strong. 1 can't say
too much m'ita p a so." Ibis marvel
ous medicine ia the an re it and qute'ess,
, ..,, ,.1 . .... 1 1..
e. worm ior nii inn, 11 u 1 mm:
le. Regular size 50 eenH ah.I ?l. 0
i.rci-fr; !!.'';::;,
...1 - .
For Sale.
Brown Legghorn eggs f rom full blojN.
for sotting of 13 eggs, $2.00. .Address !.
u. Box 475. Milt-Inn
Go to O K Livorj Stable, jt o want
vobd driving teams. ' I
Notice of Application for Patent
Miiilnc Application vo. 7C7 Survw N'o 1JS0.
Unitkd hAiLs Land OrvioK,
lUCgoN, -vHIZOKA, Muich .!) (
Notico Is liBicby ien iliu In pin i.aM. o of
t j Unlleclstuto-, mlnliiK mus.Mirt uO'r ,-,
wliuiu post ullico mliiiotj-. is His ec, . i,tui-u
count, Aiizouu toi iitoo, litis limdciiiiiiii a
tion toru iiutent tor 10W) hneai ttutot tlio
Qiiartzitf btrip lode, altntite in the .Huron
inlninii dUtrict, county ol Cocliie, ten itoo
of Ai izouu, u.. clcsci lliod in tliu olnoial put
horiiwitli piihti.il, uiul lO lliu liulcl oca on
tile 111 thi olllco ol thu Kt-L'i-torot tliuxilu
Laud District ut Ijicvon, .eriitorj of Aii
zoii , us follows, viz;
bin vey No 1S8 Qual tzito Strip Lodo.
Hotriiitiiiit; dtcor. -o 1, the St. cor. identi
cal with cor. of locution, a puiQ 1 ot 4 int lies
squ r o, '& Itet lontr, set 1 foot In th Kioiind,
sunouccded iy u mound ot stones, msoiljcd.
1 1SU) Q. b. I.., whence U. S .M. M. ,o. 4, Ik ui s
cs wilot'.Hmin K, (14tJi loet ; whence u p na.
post 4 lnoi.es buuio, teot Ioiik, set 1 loot
n thu Krouml, sin lounucd hi u mouiijof
stones, bears S 51 dejr. "8 mill, K. Ml feet, in
scriliud U.M. 1-1380 Q. b. L., no other hc.tt mis
uvuiluble; thence N, 24 dee. 44 miu j ., v riu
tionllil a 40 tutu. L . 150 teet to mtcis'tioii
line ot niiurrj.UT teat ueep at iiitPisei'tion:
iS, tea to mlorscotlon of line l I "Muu.it.
lodo, u patent ciiiim. survev .No. Ii82; u puio
do. I in irks this intersection, tor. (o. 1 Mu
.uie ludtj lieuis . H ileg. 87 mm W.ii.iifet,
stOtcet to, center ot load riumtiitf ncurlj L
iV W.j load is in tenter of cunjon linouu us
lomDs one ciiu.N on, ulncn runs neail) a.mul
oii', vt Id ii;e)ie.i ill the loiu d. sin i anul.d
03 u u.oiuul of stones, uisCiHied i .Jd i-i. I
I. . uhume 01 i(;iiiiU loeuti u coi. Ltur . 21,
de 11 min. 14. U tt-ct, sumo is u pmopost4'
tuclie Milium, 40 inches m.oe the t;. ound,
nisei ibud i-iSsO Q. S L. li. il., w hence u rock
in place, 5 incliq out of the uiouutl, 1 foot
squiuo. chisolm (X)-1330 U.K., beats N. 18
dt;j. W. '-1 ieet this corner wus pulled in to !
prtiuhcl tiie end lines); theuco N. 57 dctj 20
min. W ,vuii at ion 11 tleij. 45 miu. L 6 i ieet
to noith end teutei, u pine po-t 4 ineiiosH
s'piuie, set 1- iuuhts n the erotiud, liiscriiied
iiS Q b. i. , w hence tin. oiiKinal locution
moiiii cut bo.ii s iN.VIldet?. JJ.tert, 105 it et
to centei ot wusii 25 feet wide, 'J ! dtup,
eiierul course south 2dc. et, l.'.'.B toet
tutor, no. s, tlio .nw. coiol cmiui. identical
with cor. of locution, u pino post 4 inches i
stpiurc, 4 feet lonir, set 12 inches in the ground
-u. lotuidedby ainoiiiid of fatones, iiiseiitodl
ieet ieel with the Kri,uv, c htseled io
1380 y. b. L. bears . im.oa. J,, ku uct;
theneo M5 iieu- w min. w., uu uiou.u de'.
r miu. 11.. 6S1 fett to inteiseution one-story
iruine house, ilid liou si-ta h.T ilc,;. V.
anil S, 7 lcrr. ., and puliit of iutei section is
iJ.5 lect tioin iVV . cot. ot que, 61M teet to
iiilddle o! loud, l uuniiiu neu ly due 1J, and
which inns' tin oui.'li., cuii) on known us
louiDsione cun)ou: tnin cau)oii is i.ioro or
liss hi mluul in slop"oii clthpi side mid u line
ol imeitcttiou cannot bo dehued i.n this
Lfiorih side of cuu.toti; 0i!.3 loot to uitorsee- I
iioii ol ,apropeit) not cUinud b) Quartzite
uip lodej. this in eiseitiuu is mut ivcd by a
I inch sJ square pine post et iu u uiotiud of
stoil ! ihb Mi.coi. ,,1 a d unclainicvliiiop
oi t) beuit,b. li deu L. Q.J ieet, lUo.7 f-t to ,
Viuth intersection of samo pioport) not
claimed by Quni tzito Strip lode; e , ir.soof
intoisctiiiff lino .7Jdcg. a nun. w. 3 teet I
iiom ilJ.'cor. ; u 4 inch pino pot nun lis tho
point of intorvctiiiff lints. 147 fet to cor. i
Jxo 4 the fcw c r.cit cluim, ldqnt tul with I
co' . of location, n pine post sot on solid ron!;,
pot beiiifr 4 inches square, A f"t '.inj, sui '
romidfil l,y u mouud c! stones, insc ibcrt 4- I
fJSv Q. b.JL)., wheiuu u look in paioo 3 ft-ct
li) lo''t u inulies ubovq iriound, t in uled
" it likiO 4 Q. b. L , bears N. IS det;. 14 nun. .
37. lfuit; thence b. B7 der. 20 tnin. D., vuiiu
tion 11 degr. 45 min. h IU teet to intf r-.eclitig
riouuduiy line of nuariy, l ftct deep ut this
point. 1 0 feet to south end ceutei, u piuu
lio-i 4 incnes sipiuie set on solia ro'U, in
set ii'Od lli-H) Q. b. 1.., identical w ith location,
2J ftettocoi. iV. 1, place ot h-u. inn.:.
lVtui itreu , ... .tifci ucies
Kiou nicotilllct with Survey 10J2 . -4il uoies
Aieu in conflict unsuieyed, k acres ,
ct urcii O.iaJucrea
, Via iutioii II det;, ii luin. E. j
Uhu I cation it this mine is reconled in'
thuotlituof tno Conn j Kecotder ot Uochiso
county, Aiizouu teititory, ut puu bUl of
Look U, Kcoords of Mines
Ad).iiiilnK clunns aie; ihiclu.mis o.ind
ed qu Iho easi by lho .iiunl .'" on thu west,
uoi 111 mill south l u nurvoM'd 1 lids.
Ai v ui d uli pel siiuseluiiiiiiii; inversely any
analVKTl' t,VJ'' ' k"''' n'"001 "imnte ground ure
3 ( iiiiuil-cd ;o lilt, their uderse t laiius w til the
Ueisti'of the United btutes Laud Ollico ut
I tiii'son, in tlio tot i i or) of Arlouii, during
:i I tho si,iy dnjs period ot iiibllcnti .n hereof,
oi th) will lie banc 1 b) virtuo ol tlio pro-
Msioiis ol the statute,
i ' All lih 1. MOORE, Reiiister.
1 ii 4 publication Mutch 1J. lOOe.
Wrt 15 'l-iC-!;? IslT St, -Trim
m wmShJ
the system against tuturoattacits. My
nn cver. and you can t imagine how
My neighbors say it Is a suro specific
B, F. Qrah
3 B1S3P
1 v' tr . n -j
t-CJ V XL 13
i.1 '
" Ci."V-- 1
t I
J4wv. rttn um uf
'SWet-e tt
T!k H Y
6 9 v.
B I5'j
Xhf A . S t J. i
Are Ciosio Out
Our Stock of
S.U(!HfefiOA .
s -s , I?
v !o
S rt
" hV 1 -
Coiidisiing f !;n 1. tur ,
Rugs,, Gmn.u aud Ti
China Crockery Waro, nt
Call 'int b I'oi.vineed.
Corner O. K. Street and ailronJ Ave
jf-- T.. - -i
u -
Monday, April
Finebt Stock of Milliner Goods t6 be seen this side
of C"1cag'). Lats all trimmed' in the Litest Pirisi in
Styles. , -Aw
Waii and "ee nr .ro da before pu fliasmi; ilpv ere. If will p-ty y u.
im mmmmmi
flRS. PITTROFF, Proprietress.
mKJ.. ill. DLCYVC1 I, frOprietOr.
Full line of BOOTH, SHOES and SLIPPERS for Ltdies and Gent eaen.
-, ., , . , ,
Gentlemen's Furnishinff Goods.
Ladies' Ready Made Skirts.
Complete Line of Millinery.
GEO. DUNN, Proprietor
Your Trade Solicited.
Everybody Welcome.
Leading Sporting
Resort of Bisbee.
Fine Wines, Iquors and: Cigars;.
Polite Attendance. Everything Square.
LETSON & WHALEY, Proprietors-
Tinner, Plumber and Sheet Metal Worker.
Second llutiil Goods Bought and Sold.
i Lunch Room and
1 Short Order
h Restaurant.
g Good Cooking, Prompt Service.. g
Of (II hN IA AM" "'"
a& L. Carreto, I rop
f. .Maui Street
- V04 r,trf
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"'L5. O
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Car ets, Linoleum,
aware, Lumps and
Low Prices t
- tie,
Bisbee, Arizona,
2. 1900
lit 01 m -te
O. K. Streei
Risbee:, Arizona,
riv.-.j'j." j'
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