Newspaper Page Text
1 -VOLUME IV 'V -' v'r " "' . V ,'bISB'EE, ARIZONA, TUESDAY :fcVENIHG,' APRIL' 17, 1900 ' ' ' - ... I ;:NuMBE'R84 '' -; 1 'sTii&i.","3 " An Uitusuul .'Ml. ... I I - : .. :;,;'jlri8fiBeiitaof Facts aniMoir''8 i c ,? our. ,?v.,-H v r . ' I J New .The B&irjsS a peculiar stove, always, doing a little .heller than any other stare, always giving) a Little more for a littl Less than any one else. Yekptish peouliar .store. It stands by itself., . ' $y. .' - ?;.;; Lbn&some landmark The savings' 'that this store jyioreprorioimcca ana empnavw every owj: a - 1 . . - Silks Poulania- inado iti Lyone, Franco. Cannot bo boncjht elsewhere wider .75 cents a yard. -.. gt,;.-; Ourprice;65C "75 patterns to eelect from no two alike. ' Pure IndU Silks, the heavy quality jure weaves, worth 75 rents. Oiifprice 65c 'Extra heavy guaiitVHlack 8atin Radame, fully 'wortli'1( 65. a yard. Our price $1.24 Pure Taffeta, all shades; not the 'flimsy kind, but the $1.25 quality . anywhere. While they Ia?t$i.iO Dress Skirts Tba Fashionable Cropotna and Pluida Our Now York buyer closed out. q lot'fat CO cents on the dollar. ir.WekJ. now quote them at Eastern whiefv sale prices ffo.11 $4.35 up; ."' worth less than $6.50. ' v ; Ladies' Worsted and Wash Goods ! . la "every weavUHM8inpble. Tlio - 'here. From a. "White Lawn at 90 cen a .jard. , ' 'V ' ; '.. 4 . . ' ' ': ' ' .flenVs , Wetar . tjafkair fk-jrs3T "' 8ntr Tf -n-kwar' w ms n'is.ecstenojira. li.BT4j;?f?,r' 35 9tyifa7of'Ur(derwear, from 70 cents. aiealt5'to;iUnVSuramerSilk'at,$3.'i.i Fwacy half o- i' ovory crtncoiVab! deacrpfion. NejjirKo?a;and Suit.ley 8hirtb from 50 cents sp, none worth leas than 75 cts. It will pay you to aett our hues c-t goods hefore purohaainsj elsewhere. We guarantee a saving on every article b ught of us. ' sfcts We Now Have Our OlxaaaaupQ.grri.e, W. C. READ Cochise Inter Is' f'i!--DEALfeR8 ' Puget Sound Pine Humboldt Redwood -4.ATHS. 8HIIMGLES, SHAKES. -MOULDINGS, WINDOWS ?'' .; DOORS AND ILL WOrK.t, l, , f O. Address; Bisbee, Arizona. Naco, Cochise Co Arzna ' m ,i' if V I The California Market, ,' KENNy. BROS, 7 .'-Frias'a B33f, .VI-4tt)a, Pori,- V-jal, Simw, Etc. .-.. Choice Cuts of Meat only.) . Fresh Bread Daily. , in - 9 JQopfi JMvared Free to All Parts of th8:town. Goods on iheiiidgdfgeponomy. affords; the vvfilio 'grows - uA j. . -v. . ., Wrappers Jnat in, positively the prettiest line over shown. No bulk numbers, but -atrietly up-to-d"ite". Percale wra.r 'PrH with flounces, nicely trimmed, at. 7Gt cents up to $2.05. You will positively save .rom '25 cents to $1 o'n everv" one bonnht.from us. Cn-jrtft. jfv, rpc Opi 1 11 V.pCO In Black Foulards, Stripes, Taffeta1 and Veneoian Cloths. Prices in reach of all, from $3.40 to $7.45. no higher; fully worth one-third more Royal Worcester- Corsets, pro-.' modistes the most per fect made; from $1 up to $3 50. Millinery .Pattern Hats, Toques, rotjgjf.rfind ready Braids and Chip -Straws-for the Tittle ones as well. as the. grown people. Children's Trlmmed.LeghornB from 95 cents to $2.45. Ladios' trimmed'Uata from ?z.46 to $0.50. Aleoa full and complete line of Millinery Findings for one-half; of any other prices offered. clioicast - lineof White Goods ever, shown 8; cents. to anv,Imported Organdie at Samples Oxford Vicunas, Oiiting Flannels, Fancy Vestings & KlueSerges which rule extremely pop ular with up-to- date dressers. W.e show everythlns: new anu b j ;tib. ffiaiioxi ALbx jDarwood LUMBER FURNISHED IN WAGON LOADS CHLOlS ;-H &AGOCtS Co. IK- YM 1 ' ... j.i 1 . j. ' Proprietors, of tlie Universe. ?xchanBC!- ' . '.. .: ..- . m- A . v :nr 1 . 1 j j 1 . ' v. WT ' ' W r -fi : , . , ESSE) The Bryan democrats liaye decided to welcome 'Admiral Dewey Into the demo oratic party. 43uch is the position of ficially outlined Iiuui-'isiiie of the demtf cratiu'presti bulletin. ,Tl)etlroflui8 club held a banquet "in OHii:ftRolsrFrt'ly evearnR.- Dmo-. cnltic appakorp nf 'hnI-nal reputation 4Jel1.ve1eU.addres.8ej.,. l'Tsentimnt 01 Urn meetinnwaa hostile to trusts and iuipriuIiBm. Krom. the inner sanctum of tlio Nat-.1 ijbijal Democratic Committee comes word that the running mate lor Mr. Uryan has been .selected, and that it -is" no other person than ex Gbvernor Robert E. PatteiQn..otJennijylvanla. The secretary of the treasury is. authoiizi'd to dtBianate banks in 'Porto LEico, the .Phill' pines as u?o.T- ernment depositories. .Tlaiff authority, waaonly-coritened after .a spirited de bate in the house. ' tTfce M Morgan, Austfalii" min has yielded gold 997 fine. The p'ur?8t gold so far found in nature was taken.. frpnv the Pike's mine, Cripple Creek. Colo., 'in 894-r999 fine. Gold has been found in Calaveras rand luolume counties. Gali!drn(a,!.994'fine Silver Belt. George Frederick Williams, of Boston,' who is mentioned for the vice prebiden' tial nomination of the democratic party, i a blue-eyed, light compiexioned, well dreBse'd bachelor of 44. His father, a German, came to America as George Weinigman, but changed the name ito Williams. v ' ' "" c One hundred ladies of' Washington city .have subscribed $25 each to pur chase a sourenii to be presented to. Lady Pauncefote, wife of the British 'ambas sador. They have selected a diamond sunburst coating $2,500, . which they will hand her in tne'spriog to remind her of their regard a'nd'sffection. The territorial democratic, convention, held at Albiiquerquo laot'Moiiday olect- x '?chcatca to too natjoutt convention ana instructed for Bnfiw'AtBai'rnJiirs! iug the Chicago platform, direct votti of peoplo for election ofUnitcd States Senators,, construction of Nicaragua Canal, foriFuerto Rico, home rule tor Phillipines, trusts against In priulism war taxes, and Government by Injunction. YOUR FACE. Shows the state of your feelings and tbe-Btatejotyour health fas, well.) .Im pure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and- Skin Erupions, : If you are feeling weak and worn dut and do not have a healthv appearance you should try -rii.Ku a uioo .uxir. it curea ail 01000 jieeaL-B where caap Sarsapar iaat aud so caller, purifiers fat1 ; Know lug this we sen every oottle on a p66 tive guarantee, tor sale at bisbee iOrun v-Jtore. - -'Notice. - All persona kuowin 'tnerd3efVfl;tohe indebted lio Preston Fletcner, the former proprietorof tbe"J2ueen Reataurant, are hereby requeslicl to call at my office lm mediaiely atursettle'sucb accounts, the eame having been assigned to me for collection with instructions to take iin meM.kte action in the premises. B..K. aViixiams, M19.' Assignee.. rci Mi VI V N. AxigiuS) Prop GHOIChJILT GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS Cigars, and Tobacco. A lull assortment of Candies, Fruits and Nuts. Cor. O. K. & Railroad Ave. The-Jersey Dairy aA. W. STRUHi!, Prop. Pure Fresh Milk Delivered All Parts ol the City Every Evening, to PuRE'CREAiu 3MALt OUANTITV The ifif Dairy in Bisbeo Blooded Cows. Havin .X Satisfaction Guaranteed Leave orders nt the Strumm boarding house or this office. - We m M S VUU VVIUIlAUl Geo. T. JVIilner, surifrintendent of the Zonia Copper compa'.fy and also'of the Pel Norte C'uppur crinoany,' .is in town today to purchase n mw whim, for the latter company for the, development, of; its property JoirnaI;Miner.' .,!1;f Gleaneo .ti.:tIio b.ver, pnrifv thn' blood lnviocate,tthuibV'.jf by .nping DeVYm'a Little EiJlV Rier.v " .The'sa faaioUs iltle pills; prdJiMHteCopplir Qlieostore uid bikbee i',JHCtfl. t C. L. Gofja is refwrted io hnvtr thru clti s near Iron tyirinjjij which vhavo all the ear marks of bon?tza(t. 1'iie fedge is i said, to be 20: feet wide, anil assa'yivaluesi clearacro8S it' of 49 per ton. 'The ore carries gold, silver, and .tioppdr.Jou.rnal Miner. H. 'Clark, .Chaunceyj Qa., says De Witt's Witch Ha2el Salve cured him of pilea'thatbaU. affected him Jor .twenty yearB.,- It is(also a speedy. cure for skin cfiseaees. Be.ware..of dangerous counter feitB;M'C6pperSpueenfstoi;e1,aodnBi8bee Drug co, ";;". , ., v;"' r- At Quartette.a 20 stamp mill' is., be'ng erected to. handle the ores from the Searchlight district. They will have in connection) with the stamp mill a com plete cyanide plant. They' promise to do all the custom work in. that vicinity a d will.put in. fifty stamps, if neceesa ry. Yuma Star. "I think De Witt's Litile Early Risere are'the best pills in the world," says W. E. Lake, Happy Creek,. Va. . They niove ail. obstructions of the liyer and bowels. Act quickly and never gripe.' Copper Queen store and Bisbee Drug Co. ,0 , t S , At Charles Gracey's mill on the Arl-' zona side, of .the river, ten .fltamps are' running ongood ore with good returns' an;d it ria expect that ttie capacity of the mill;wi,l:l increased soonl They an no uik orefrom tho Klondike cl-iim and dSveldping other claims ji3Jacen C X um:fi tar- 4prlehlj8-ilaaaUtchftrtl80- AcktSr's English Remedy in any case of couhe.-cold or croup. Should, it fail to give lmmiiato -relief money re funded. 25 jts. and50 cts. Sold by J. 6. Williams&Co. Mr. W. E. Defty, manager of the Maricopa Copper company, arrived in Pbbenx Yesterday morning from biB catnp'"thirty miles from Wickeriburg. Mr' Defty B&ya tbat the principal shaft is .nqjy'doVh 380 feet vertically and he thinks that a tich body of ore lies in store for future development. Repub l.can. J. 1. person, Prothonotary, Washing ton Pa., oays, "I have found Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure an excelieut remedy in cate'ol'atoinach trouble, aud haVe deriv ed 'great bonfflt from its use." It di- uests-wiat you eat and can not fail to curei' Copper Queen store and Bias bee Drug Co. t During the tria. of an Indian for kill tnjfjjStebeionging to tho Ohiricahua cattle pompany, a sister vof Apache' Kid was. , placed on the witness t-tand at Solqomnville. She lives on the Sau Cirlqs v reservatioi with her husband and is.tbe mother of a papoose. Her husband was the dtfendani in the case. Captain Nicholson, who aaw the squaw, eays that she reeembles very much in face the famous Indian .outlaw who has; been' Aunted in Arizona for.many yeats. lteplibbfiftu. "No lainily can affoiU to be without Ono Mir. ote Coueh Cure. It will stop 4 c4Un& end euro a oi!U quicker thai any other ro.edffclne," writljaC. W.WultamB, Sterli, j; Run, Pa. Inures croup bron chltis and all throatJand lung trouble and p"fe vents consujnption. Pleasant and hdfmlew. Copper Queen store aud Bisbed'ij'rug.Co. The new .working shaft ..of the Ray Copper, company, is nojVfdown.400 ifeet. It is it,oro all the way down and the values increased Xrom jhe top to ,the bottqw, und it ie all- -oncentratingore. The slftt, ut sunk, was unuxually largu .lor aqingle compartioent shaft aud the' compajiv-is now preparing to enlarge it; to a double comntrrtmeut by upraising the bottoms A new up-to-date steam hoist will bejUBtalled instead of a gasoline hoist, astheJormer is aflr and steadier when lteomea to opcratiug a doiiule-compttme'ht shaft. Arizona Blade. - ;. ' !i W. H, ShippXan, Beardsley, Minn., under oath, saysi he suffered from dys pejsiaxfor tweuty-live voars. Doctors aud jjig't'tog "g but littlo relict. Fi nally Jie used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and now .eats.Wbat he likes nnd as much as he JYft and'jlib' fuels llko'a lieW'iniui. It (Jiuests what vou eat. Conner Oiifttu 'oro'and; His iiee Drug Co. ,t - ... "- - IF Jrf-JT a "' ' SR t -y ' '- Nir A ' .. wis i- ..:'' sS u Jfet" jv. , RVl WPi ? ii :aa j'f ": " t ' v 1 3 M..' ' - C- Unnsual in its value for Drie.' 1 u l. i. ;i, t, a. 1. .l.J good for anything like what this one;8clls.'for."- - f ; ' '.. w Bias cut, full gored patterned, after the French corsets trimmed at tap with'rieep lace, run through' with bapj?. .ribbon, four .hook, l2-inch clasp, of Ir; quality 'sAtm.'ih'arab and black. '.'JT-l' V jrpu would experience a weircflttinTg "corset try. this one. It will oeat ytm less than 'au'ch.'a corset ever coat you bVore, $1.25 a pair." THE COPPER US Bank INCORPQRATEBI. Directors: , BEN.vWILLlAMS, J.'S. DOUGLASS, ., J. B. ANQ1US, I. f ' W. H.BROPHV, ,., n: J. GUNNINOHAM. ForelgajJBxchangt; andTekgi;aphic Transfers to all Jrte of .the Accounts of Individuals, Firms -and Corporations soliciteC Matters intrusted to Our Attention. Mexican floney Agency for New Zealand The Zellner Piano Co., "HOLESALE ANdJrETAIL DEALERS IN Pianos & rajri. Write for Catalogue urn. -' Pianos on Monthly Payments; 00aMOOH Office--i2I 1-3 South Broadway, Lo AtiKeles.'CalKrtnla. Bisbee Drug Company. Carrice 'erytbingin the Drue and'Chemlcal'Lindand we are constantly-adding new side" line' lines to ourstock. Our next addition will be , r Wall Par r, Paints, Oil ami 6lass. ready forjeelection. Perf umeTosweet forany thing butyour; handkecjiief, Candy Saroni's GoldJJLabel ihoriginaljpackagesjonly.j For theiLiterary All t&late and t J . popular joyeis at popular ipnees n ForthetWorkingmanASworkingnian'spaMr.tvfeir The Los Angeles minitiR: Euifineer fiPO C7CX ADk' VJ,UV $ w Assaying at Proasso ioSohvat Mla3( Unlversitv MtwqtffJ, w K We've nover known acoriieaftITfi QUEEN STORE. of Bisbee Officers; 'tiVH. BROJP.HY,.;.., PnwMjMt J. S. DOlJaLASS......VicePrel . . ; At: j.-'cunninqh An ch;r world 4 Ci; iii 1 are wi ece:ve Proapi i v.. - u Bought and Sold Fire Insurance Company: ooponimr vi :'k t rf- L1 ii t- ! S iv K V- tJ ! -lT? 1 Vi'&A ft X' nywy S ft iJfi fit? ?-: ,i .,, c .;. Daily Herald. .?o; -Amx: rry Current PHcmi y -?Z? 4: