Newspaper Page Text
r Wfi.-.rr w ! ARIZONA DAILY r ORB. tOBllSnKD KVr.UY EVLNING EXCEPT BONDAYi BV 1 AX. VAN W.( HOWE, ., ,- --- r stored v. the post office nt Bisbeo. as seo oud clusa triattelF May 12-1897. AdvorUsine ri will b? mode ""; pptioation to thU oWco. Legal. 1'b'1t"tl "" .conformity with the Territorial Matuws. Beading Notices 1J oenU per lino 10. Btrtlou. forjnser " tyon tu thee col ortaey win uoi APYV?LLV".n ,nnotu louses IUI1IU? .."- UO UOOOpiuu. ammiinttajlons rotating to news or I M uwttoYshould bo addressed to hdltor " CrAU Bomlttunocs and business letters rf addewod to ' ALVAN W. HOWE. Bisbeo. Arizona, - IT, FISHER, KBWSPAPER ATJVKI'.TIS-JL.iii- Agont. SI Merchants' fcxohatiKO, Sail. ' Hruiicisco, U jour iiuthori-sed uguut. Ihls paper U kept on tile iu bin oitiQo. 'WEDNESDAY. APKIt, 25. bir-i(ixa is coilii.ii; homo from South Africa. "Itu not imp'ob.iblo tliat the sloppy "doL'Krel he was y'litulina out 1 caused Bobs to cbuee him off the reaei- ! vation , - -. ' The Senate must fel horribly coni 1 pllmented by the 'liouso's oyeiwhelm 1 ing vbte'iii favor of having Voareru ot "'toga elected by populqi ballut. Foul-Smelling Catarrh. Catarrh is ono of tho most obstinate diseases, and Jienco tho most difiicult to cot rid of. There is but ono Way to cure it. The disease is in the blood, and all the sprays, washes and inhaling mixtures in the world can have no permanent effect whatever upon it. Swift's Spe cific cures Catarrh permanently, for it is the only remedy which can reach the disease and force it from the blood. Mr. B. I McAllister, of Harrodsburg, Ky., had Catarrh for years. He writes: "I enuld eco no imorovement whntpvnr though I was constantly treated with spraya .mu nttsuus, unu inner ent Inhaling remedies In fact, I could feci that each winter I was wont man ine year previous, nan 'Articles of' Incorpotklicn -OtfTH-BIS3KE KKiWS CfirjWFAWY. rfe- iUTvir, s. n. rv iHwMvS. Jtnow all mon by these pi'h&nts thn$ v.;, Spencer W. Olawwrn, Cnar i'f C Wiii'iier1, John A. CumpbiSlI Joseph l' CiiUho'i.i, Star K. Williams und C a, iau'ojU ti:deiit. find citizens t tho 'inrityurt of j'issrfiu, htivo this day voltiiitunlt ihWoctntiMrour soh es together fur thoPi'.rplKnof turning u corporation uudor the la ss ot th. leinioi) ot Arizo a, aiid Me hcifb did ik v. ledge and udoH tho toliowiiitf in tide's ol iuvoiputu. tloa: ABVICL I. .Tho immo of this corporation shall lo 'Ihe Ktsuou iNcua Coiiipuuy, nnd iti pri Dlueo (if ti miMumi iliwbce, CochUe county, Arizona tei ntoi ) lli 05 M principal !. " 1 . ..1.. iiuiu ir: EhSMm&sm AliHCLB II. liutlliu ot tliR lil'.:ll) Kli dlbcaee, and after think ing over tho matter, I saw It was unreasonable to expect to ho cured by remedies hich only reached the surface. I then decided to trv S. S.S., and after a fow hottle3 wero used. I no ticed a perceptible improvement. Conttnuinx MM t j no srsucnu uutiiiu ot tlio ln!:iii urn- POH.3.I jo io kl niiMU'tmi by t tin ,uid coinpuo i io punt, tuit, putiliMi ud ibMio nertspu peiH ot uu mid oolj itmd, n tttiro nnd ' e hcriptiou, und to unil condiii't a ly It was acuoruliieYvSpnperu u uiUoitisbi tnihll0. ...... iuV ii turn muiy uriery ot hu-illii's-i eon- ii Tt brouuhtto my notlo mat oaiarrn w as a biooa iiccted w itl a itniu i ul nvu s d.mi iiiiitlnu it . udvei tUin; i-ntCrpi 1 e. Now that General Duller is ,ljomo ward bound, au anxious public Sv'ould like to know the name of the man"' who will hencofourth run tho Tulga ferry- .ibont. TnK Journal-Minor savs that Aijuia aldo baa announced that B i win Atkitibon wu about to bo elected president of the greatBtatoof Milwaukee, Aguinaldorautt bemTataken; we always have been led to believe-Milwaukee is an island. Per haps Aguinaldo waa thinking ot Cali fornia a Bmali town on tho Southern Pacific, Tub town has a dishevelled appear i ance.theee dayB. Tho eewera are being renewed and extendoJ, and tall, rakish telegraph poles are loomin'ono by one abovdtheiiousQtpps.''i Yith tlieirsptd i ery cross pieces they give the burs? the ivifiemblenco of a bay lull of Bhips. Disbee Vkn't quite as cosmopolitan as New V'otk, but we are liable to.maice Qtiicatro 3gttt if we bold our ga'u ior a few moretCest tVKA P3V Rl AK'lICl.U III. Iho union 't of tho en itul locii of tills coniiiiiuy slmli beniviikd nuo si tt ,!,, ,m nt tho p.ii no of (.no hutulicd (oliui-i pa h. twthe of hioh xhuivs ,hAII l.o P.iM in now. mid the lPiimitnltfi-ot tho . J ! kIiuII bo hold tor Ustiunie mid lenuin mj thrnn,r i in disease was forced out of my " ""."'rr. " ",,",,,,'J ,v oteol the imuoi- iysteni. and u complete cure was the result. "."""' 1"""""'" r w Hoard ol l ladvlsoall whohao this dreadful dlseao to ci,rt.. . lmnHnn tiiAirlnpiil treatmont-whlch hasiiover " lul"lv' anu ijniii oi tu, cominencoinnnt or this ooipoviitlon shall ho tho date ot tl u illini'of thee nrtielcs of incoi poriitiou in tlm 1 LOide.K, ofliqo of Cehc ciimty. Aiionn, mid tliu tcun theicof blmllbe 1 year-1 lie. e i.tler. AHTI0L3S v. 'he 'ff-jlr o thi corporation shall he conuiiOKii D) alio ml or Directors confut ing ot f o ireinlxMs, nhoslmll he stockhold ers of ti o i Orpornlloii. mid tho aid lioiird of Directors nhull Ject from their own iiiuil. her tho follow i'ltrolticnrs.: A Prodcleiit, Vico Pictident. Sccretaiy n' d Trensuret, and n kohoiM luislnoss mnnnser. The other oiiicera and emplojoesof theior porutlon glinll he elected or nppoivted from t imn to titno us the Hoard of l)hu( tormina fci-o lit. or It may be provided ior In the b)-)(S (if this corpmation, and Kiieh olliuers nml ein plojees other than tho Prtsldnt, Vice Pres ident, Seen tary and encrul busiiless man. nser need not bo member of tho Boaidof Dlr ctors nor stookbohlerf.. 'the ltouid of Uiieotors shall adopt b.t -laws which shall dell no the duties of such olhcors, tho time of tho elcctioti of kiioh diie. tors and the time of st( ckholders' meetings tor tho election of ilirociors. und eucL other meotinss ns thd Hoard of Directors hioy deoni proper. , The directors shill bo elected nuiiually and shall hold office for one year and until thrir successors nro elected nud qualiUod; pro vided, however, that the followirt; named stockholders shall bo the directors for the corporation for tho ensuing jcar and until tho annual stock holders' meeting Is hejd f.-r the election of officers, vis: bpenoor W. Claw son, C. C. Warner, John A, (Jumphell, Josoph Chlsholm and C A. Oterlock. AltTICLE VI. Tho highest amount of indebtedness to which thU coi poration s at any time to sub ject iUelf is to he Six Thotuand Dollars. ARTICLB VII. Tho private property of stockholder df this corpotatipu ,h:ill bo exempt from nubil ities, execution or forced sale f jr its corpo rate debts In witness whereof the parties horoof havo hei euuto set their hands und seals this lfetk day of Ap 11, A. D, 1000, In the Justice Court, No. '- prroinot, county , ot CoL'bito, I'orrltorj ot Arizona. Otto W. Geisunholri . plnlutllj', v. Wllliani 1111111). defendant. uni.iious Action lnoit'ht In ill i Jiiktlee Court of No. 2 pieciiiLt, in und tor tuo county of Cuuhiso. in the Tori itory of Ai Uoiia, In tho iiiiino ot the territory of Aruoiiii. t W illiuiit Piit'ip. lelc danr, reotliitf: ion .ire hurul Ml.iniiuiied iiu.t fupuruo tplipucur ill uction o niffht iil.i- on b the ubovt ii .ined P' '"tilt i" tlia Jititl't Conrt f No. - iiiKinci in uiid for the Jjunt ot (J- id! e, in tho lei tor ot Anona. ri uiiswui'io the ooinp. "i hit 1 PsaliJu'i ( Coiiitm Hi l't', in ou i count), within a (U.), ). Utaiv ol the ,m ot boi'viou, ttu' lb- i Mm upon )ou oi thib biimui4k, i: unn,i Mllhill this lllCClllC : hut It si.rvo. Iu ' uMlioti tl U t'r "Ciiu t, ul vitliin tlioioiuit it'll diO; llbfi'it ) -ii ot inn count), mtiu in,); in a i o hm 'i.i iwlihJ ids. lhrs (lion - li u.wu ii."ih"i lui ,, coifi' hcsiuuot -cveatj-o o (& i,itj) Jiolui- lOi bo.ud oOi.l Ull'l l iVl'lt'l tO)OU I,) til above muiiiil pluiutlll in jour M'colul in biuuce and r,pie' in ibb e. LodiUecouut) Ahoiih leiiuot) (lui me th )ear. I'mn if'i ii-n,'Oi tin iiionths ot Ifbnuii) i&t itnj .luiuiot (In jeui tJi;or judhOiellt lv li.ifuiiit in i tulien .ffiiiiist jou. diveii ii.iiici ui) b.iu ut this it . da) of J.iniiar). A. u. A). ' n iu W U MAMS, Juiti.'i'of tht 1 u.t(ot -ulu 1' ticin t i i 5---.T3 . (-grs5g:' B' s."S :W b'o.V-w i'i II ... t. KTOs. done them anyKOod, and take 8-S. 8., a rem edy that can reach tho disease and cure It." To continue tho wrong treatment for Catarrh is to coninue to suffer. Swift's Specific is a real blood remedy, and cures obstinate, deep-seated diseases, which other remedies have no effect, whatever upon, It promptly reaches Catarrh, nnd never fails to curd even the most nggravatetl cases., for . n ! KE A Rlrt I Hi'. ViJV f. fs Purely Vegetable, and is tho only blood remedy jrunranteed to contain no dangerous minerals. Books mailed freo by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Moki Tea positively cures eick head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of tho ekin, producing a per fect comp3xion, or monoy refunded. 25 tts. and DO cte. For eal'e at Biebee Dm; Store. iis33 mtj 33xaaMwu!XMaTEvrEzenf jjcrcorm--. W&sh tho Ms$s& Qm! You Cvin 11 )cu use Gold Dust. It does most of the work. It saves time.inoii ey and labor. toad for fras booklet "aolita BuIm tor Eouevrork." THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY CUap StUsU KiwTork Btttea x!hff 1 ' ftX9F ieyt. rifi WashiBfiPowdEEj fSJOTIC! E I II For Sale. Four fitoro buildings on 0 K formorly tho property of Nick must be cold at once. Apply to S. IC.' Williams, J street, Metz; P. F. 15. Thirkfleld, Health Inspector of Chicago, says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot bo recommended too hiiihly. It cured mo of Bevoro dyspepsia.'' It di gests what you eat nnd cures indiges tion, heartburn and all forms of dys pepsia. Copper Queen Store. , Odn loathsome contemporary the Arizona, Citizen wastes a huap o psychical energy, trying to convince- the readme public of the purity and necess ity of partisau politics. They nro just about as ne.ccss.iry, brother, us, an Africao nicgur'aJetisbism. Every pol itical turbulence causes the aUwy eyed partisan to secret? just a little more bib than during the period of polemical in sanity preceedipg, until anally he is c bigot and a rnonamauiac, no more .a,- soio oi votinc fairly and intelligently tfan Jie is able to eat n cord of wood. Volcanic Eruptions. Are grand, but skin eruption rob life of jov. Hucklen'a Arnica Salv "ures them; nlao old. running and fever sor (, ulcers, bolls, felons, corns, warts, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, chapped hands, chilblains, llest pilo cure on earth. Drives out paws and uches. Only Jid cte. a box. Cnra guaranteed. Sold by Cppor Queen ttore anu Bisbeo Dru Site SPKNCK W.'CliAWSOJJ, UlIAItliES U. WAMNKIi, 1 MM A. AMP13ELL, JOSEril P. ( 11IBHOLM, SlAl.B K. VILLIA5 , C A. UV1(LOOK, Scall eal Seal C.l.11 tsoull iSeal uA 88 TaiutiTony of Arizona, Couniy of, Beforomo.W. W. Vced. a Notary Public in nnd tor the -oouutv of Puna, icriltor of Arizona, on this day personally appeared inponcer W. olavvbou, luirleb C W iner, John A. Campiiell, Charkb A. OvcrlocK Jo seph F. Chlsholm and S. 11. 'Williams, known, to me to lis the poisons wlioto muuob are subscribed to tho forcRoing articles of incorpouitiou, ami each auliuovvl deed to Uw-at M S wlMJiruui C Slu" vnr Dav before yesterday n debate was held in Mountain Grove, M-ssouri, on the aubjeot "Resolved, 1 hat Democratic principals are contraiy to tho laws of God", We thought we wore acquaitted ' V7ith the names of nearly all protnineut republicans, but God in a new one on us. of of the judgos had his -uicucr uisiocateu, another lost three teeth, while n third-had a few of 1m elate fractured. - Two of tho negative debaters siistained b.oken Jimbs. In ehort, it waa a closely contested debate; but the affirmative side won ihe decis ion, rorn which tho presennt may infev in1 'be affirmative side convinced thojudgca of God's preference for a proiectivo tarilt and tho gold fitnndard. 0 leifaoraisl PRESTON FLETCHER. Proprietors. A representative estab lishment catering to a representative people. Good Fare, Reasonable Rates, Correct Service, Open Bay M Night! " &" " --r .-.-wx. -.k-v v ror:- '-:- pee junl couiidi ration thotx.iitexprc'lam Ulven uudor ixiy hand imd Acui of nlhco this 18th da of April, A. 1 . 19 P. x, w' w WEED, Notary Public in and for tho county of Pima. Terrlzory ot Arizona My commission expires on the iMhdu) of llnj. A. D, 1P0I. Taiir.iTOUY or Aitizb a, Coumxy of Cocumx. 1 ss I, i'runk Hare, County Recorder inland for tho county und territorj uforcsuid, do hereby OLitily that the forot'oink' instrU-i mentvvas tiled for rocoidat i o'clock p. m on this. lbt day of April, A D. MM, und dtilv recorded in iiook Ko. 1 ot liecorduof incor porations. Cochiso county, Arizona, at puges its t unu v.u, Witness my hand and official seal tho day and ) ear lirst above w ritton. leul) , i'KANK IIaiie. , , ,. . County Kccoider, First publication April S4, im. To Whom .t Hay Concern. All , irsons ara hereby cautioned not to puichiH-. loiui or lease the c rtuiu miiiiui; claim ut pieboui ki.ovvn us "Lust ito o ot huniiner," nnd huow.ii ns the "Kllu" by prior locution, kitiiato in Van-on Alinini; Dutrict Cochibe county, ierntor) ut Arizonu, vub cjulm has iccetitly been bonded bypuiiiu tiutthe rii'htlul ovvnoisto one 1. W Wullacp Thomas Dwyjeb. J. li. Maiuias, Oiiuiuui Locu' rs. Tlrst ptibllcutlon March 8,.lt00. Mb 7l$ TJENS02T, ARIZONA. First class rooms from 50 cents per day upwards. Fires for families a specfalt' in rooms. Good meals at 25cents. Bar attached to the jbouse, Satishn tion guaranteedJor no'pay. " SAM. FRIEDMA.X, Proprietor.' Take the llf' f J .! j J S J 1 iioulajs;.' & u. I.OIOGEAPM Mluh Wholesale anJ Retail 2il S. A. ain St., Lof A ncaiea Ca V , ? ..- -s . tr-pp- .7; Tfr zfi .f. - si, V Santa Fe Route -o-FROM-o- mm 11 T. METZ, Prop'r. Office Audyorksjom fc Soda water, Sarsaparilla, rf Ginger-ale, -Etc, Ktc Order frtm abcad will re ceive prompt attention.' tTCb-OtJors for thec.v o Hlvbco will be delivcrod free without dt;-.v. Fnmllv ord4' ollclted J& MEDIGOVICH Vholosale and Rotail Douier iu GROCERIES. JDE:isI3!TGl- or "C3 J cv hoi uuaa'w To all Northern or Eastern points. Close com nections made at Kansas City and Chicago with al! the Northern and Eastern line:;. THROUGH COnGIS, TOURIST CARS fiBD PULUM SLEEPIRG All mealo not served in Dinin? Cars arc tiken at the popular Santa Fe Route Harvey Kating Houses. Full information cheerfully furntahed upon application to IJ. HOUGHTON, (Tf-nl Art F.l P.wo. T.;x. or V, II. T P.ROWN, F. (S: P. A. El Prtrto, IVx k9 f-m C.3R' ' i lm , .J- ii n 9 d m m .11 a . s Jf 633 tsiy r T 1 tuamiMiiunimii si &i . mm mMr0 w ia '&W&la A4M1 4p L. C. SHATTUCK, s pnn j "r" SI 111 I IB, li i lis. 32? Agent for Anheuiser Brewing As40catton Wholesale and Reiail. BREWERY AVENUE, BIS13FE, ARIZONA rw?B5MC3",'TEyi RW WMMW 3B.-S!b5n- JCttXnwWM3 crtw cu w4W GAME RECJfllVED ONCK WKKK Poultry. Gexzral Nelson A. Miles has been ox. posing General Bufllngton and other harkatof the ordpanco bureau in their unholy, work of defrauding tho govern aent that has given them their food, their military education, and tho bo dizeneu rags they wear. Theso gaudy cure havo been misusing their positions of trust to forco upon tho country an ex travagantly useless amount of the .dis appearing gun carriages thoy own, or eontrol patents for. A mangy hound will not rend Ihe hand llmt feeds it, but Bufflnington andhia mean-spirited pals ecruplo not to rob tho benificent govern ment that fattena their mean carcasses with good grub and, by paying them for thoit thieving services, eaves them from the wood pile and tho box car, bevond which their own tallenta never would have isised them. "William T. Stead, the keenest, wisest and mosyafrtpf living editors, warns hiB Eaytllah countrvmen ' that Fronch nien, humiliated and resentful over tha insult their uupreparation obliged them toawallojyat Faahoda,-aro ,8toalthily rupanng ior anotlier ayort act from Albion. HetellB terBeiy' and" vividly how England, even weie tho whole French fleet deatroyed, wuld bo at tho mercy of the 80,000 men nnd'400 gune r ranee coum lanu on the English coast. He concludes with these' words: Modern European waw will bo de oided quickly; if war camp it jwould be dnishedbefore wo couid call the re eourcf oar Empire to our aid." if Editor Stead'a conception of tho condi tions boaeaounefnsin tho past. Kbit A ITITT.T.J.TKP.jni? . CAMERAS and Photograph Supplies. Cameras from $5.00 to $25.00 Developing and printing done by ox photojjraphera at lowest prices. Satis faction guaranteed. C. P HART & CO. Copper Queen Pharmacy, Piles up ore N. Aingius, Prop, CHOICE FHIILT GROCERIES, WINES, CigarB, and Tobacco. A full assortment of Candies, Fruits and Nuts. NOTICE Of EORPEITURE. UlsiiKK, Arizona, February 10. 1900. To A. F. Uuucll, his heirs or ussitfiis: iou aro hereby liotilled that we havo'exiioudcd during tho jours I8W, l.d und IbSW -hiue Hunditd IJolIars (tbO.OO) in labor und im provements upou tho "Jusxio1 mine, sltuuto in Marion .NUuiinr Uiitriot, county o$ Co- umD, iuiruur) oi Arixouu, locution notice ot which is iccordid in tho otlico of tLe comity Kecorder. iu Hook of Mines, lUinlnj; ltciorits ol Cochise county, Arizona, in or dur to hold suid cluims iindur tho provisions 01 boctlon 'iiii ot the Kovued tutu(e. ot tho Unind btiitcs und the uinciidinentii-tlieroto' couccriilni; uiinuii i labor upuii luunnn claims, itbeiuK the uuiount rttjuhed to hold said claims tor tho period ciidinir December 31, lbyy. And if within ninoty (W) duys after tho puuucation neieoi )OU tun or ictiiso to con tribute jour proportion ot suid oApeudi tutcsus co-owner, your interckt iu the said mining elumi will become the piopeity ot the bubwulbois, your uo-owneio, wno liuva mude thj ruptured expondlturei by tlio terms oi suid dLctiuii Z3H, P. H. liAUilliNGJON, JLhVlPliLVKi:. i-lrst publication Februury li, IbOO. Attention, Smokers! whcn)ou want a jronuino I?Icxicau Ciijar and a good smoke, call for tho 'L,as Ilos IVacioneto," adoin ftooles For sale everywhere' Experienced Mixolo gists. Well furnieliPtl Club Uoomf- for the use of Patrons. v i Pi a a ' In New and Elegant Quarters AT THE OLD STAND;,, Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. , The Jersey Dairy, McKay & Finlajson, Props.. HAfN STREET. I ISBEE, ARIZ. WARREN LAUNDRY CO, A. W. STRUHM, Prop. Pure, Fresh Milk Delivered Al! Parts of the City Every Evening-, to PURE CREAM : IN LAnGE OR -ivi WlL,nill SMALL QUANTITY V- W at. fy? U PLANT 5ituated in DPPER IC I Cty ) Wallace Building, ( )fflCC ( Bast Entrance. Mk yii '& s.S, Cor. O. K. & Railroad Ave. ALIAS SUMMONS. In the District Couit, Fiibt J uuiclul Dis trict, oi the lei i itory oi urizouu, in uud for the county ot Cochise. Kebuccu A Hughes, plulutilf, vs. lionry P Hughos, delouduiit. Autlou brought in the District Court of tho First J udioiul District oi the Termor) ot Arizonu, in uud lor tho county of Cochise uud tho coiiipluiut tiled in the Mint county ot uwuiiKc, iu mo ouiuo oi ino uieiit of said District Court. ft 1 he lorritory of Arizona 6euds sreetinir to Henry P. Huirhes. to Vou uro hot oby required to appear in an action brouuht uuuiiibt vou bv tlm ,. i........ ... , . . -. "-. - MUUWM uiiuiuu pminiiir mine uistriot Uourtot tiiii Jiiist Judicial Dibit itt ot tho 'leri Itory o? Arizonu, in uud Ior tho county ot Cochise The Only Dairy in Bisbee Having , Blooded Cows. Satisfaction C Guaranteed Leave orders nt the Stiumm boarding house or tins office. FREE COINAGE SALOON J. E. BROWN, Prop. Carries tlio famous fZ4-m, T". JT! una to answer the coinpluuii liluu tbcroln' wltv lrarhf?r Shon ' wlt",ut,juduy,,xch"'ivo0' theduyo" 0 . 7 JCJ' WCI 4k71Up , vicoj utter the service on jou ol this sum" -And- Bath Rooms. Marks & Wittig, Proprietors. Hair Cutting, Shaving and Shampooing Largo, Couvonlont and Commodious Bath Room Attuohed. Every thing First-Class. Main 8treet. - Bisbee uiuus. (it seiveil within thU comuv, .- served out ot thU county but iu this Ulstt lot vyituui twenty uu)s; otnei wise within thiitv duysj, or judgment by deluult will be tukoii uguiust ) ou uccordlug to the prayer ot uia oompluiut. Iho suid uotlonls brought to obtain a de cree ol divorce trom tho bonds ot inutii inony. tho custody uf tlm m... ,..,. .,. dreu uud for costs of this uction. n.'f.Vf '.' V"l.r "iy.,'mLu' ttua. th? ?? of tbmi ' iww wum. b ug tuuirHi U UU1U1U1 UlHtrlitt oi the'lerrjtory ot Arizona, it. awl tot -tto opuuty of Cochise, this &th duy of muroh! Iu tho yeur of our Lord iUWl. ' i,b,e,lJ in .i A; 11. KMANUEL. Cleric i irst publication Muroh 'A. HOWARD & SMITH Nurserymen and florists FINE WINES, ETC. Iuternatioual and Suu Spot Ciffa -ps v gy tjr" nM p Aimi '' n) Kror taitrnwuf mi w wl JSai R. B. KBJLXEY, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Jand would hotter refrain Irom tweakim? P,0?1 Pffico TuC8on i Prance'a nose . -' I 'J1 holPPronptly fu " " ' ' , dera sollciteil. P.O. f No. 25 North Church street, opposite Post Offico, Tucson, Arizona. All kinds rni-tli ii. Your or- Box3". dlSlm FOR RENT. ,-! 3 four-room hoiibes, new, .$15 each. '2 Sun Jose pumps. 1 Beuicia hume-power. Bif beu Heal E tato Co., E. tt. fjASON, Manner. Scbmieding'e Jewelry Btoro. All kinds of Garden Plants, Shade and Fruit Trees. Umbrellas four feet high 50 cents each. A fine line of Cut Flowers, Liberal discount on ordera of $10 or over. P. O. BOX NO 484 Los Angeles, California. BISBEE aM NACOSARI Stage Line, TIM TAFT, Prop. Luuw Iii '-e Tuesday and Fridays. Arrive m Bisbee Tuesdays and Satunhiya Office idS WILLIAMS & HOWE, Props. in it's cliii a Clil Ono frame Iioupo of terms very low. two rooms, completely furnished, near Catholic churclw Apply toS. K. Williams. rfe 'm&2T'X At co ppcr Queen Hturo Where information can bo had One frame house of K. Wllliaiiw One fiauif Iidupp if '. m,.,, ntonth. Apjlvn K Ihe Enisle IIihims i hi m nip Otl'llock, 15 '. " IH.MMll Uudohe buu-e, ix i to S, K..,Willidu e lini I,,,., jiri H.r monu ' i ing wuter. Aurl to S hnttickV lunihei vad; tin lol.aiF pr t.eai itiiiins. water Applv Ay ine',! to .. K (I: near th WiH.m. tcjidem'e ol U.A 6 x.; I 1 i fU, msmmmW - v " ag-frfci. arrrWfcj, , , ,'f7igWTTjgBTy,A"adBfT. i hi i w iime. wra , . TWiMTSXMnuwmjrw, r. jljjp fiifirw wncfMyMrerj nTirni i"f?nii rHi TJXwTfTWOttimm imWifa i "'is v"1"1 iTi H l" aT ti i Tjr. wzx&& swf&