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7 " V: ." v?-r ,&a?:ci k :n. iv-w$ ' . '- fcaes :'"-) v; astiFi ....?' &.&& fLtaS!'' . iTV iC..'' At." W i m JJt T- ,.jr &. .M r A& , -v5 . , fQ4 sa& SK t 'w ARIZON ILY aiastt vVtLWME IV bISBEE, ARKO , I AY EVEN IMG, P Is otSj 1 1. 7 tgoo. H '' $fcu sr Wl ;? v- ri&j&l y .. it X f. 4V latiHl. , JHE .GREAT Anniversary Commencing Ifltfefr &n& Ending ' Thursday, April .See Circulars for Prices. ''THE We Now Have Our . v'i . , nrti sm A ea .C2L&aaa.pagr:ci.e, t-to-e Tailor ''';liiSJFW.C. READ m Cochise I -DEALERS Puget Sound Pine Humboldt Redwood 4U-.THS, SHINGLES, SHAKES, MOULDINGS, WINDOWS DOORS AND ILL WORK. F O'f Address, Bisbee, Arizona. NacO, Cochise Co, Arzna J r The California Market, KENNEY BROS.JProprictors. Frash Baaf, tfiitbi, Prk, 7n, 3 imp, Itz. Choice Cuts of Meat only. Fresh Bread Daily. -r 4 ' ., i .aSfe!,Delivered Free to ' ',X'xir OTnlu l&b. fa j " '," ' " M J i-SOUTHWESTERN ..UjlNtoS COLLEGE.. El Piso, Texas. The modem biis(uo trutnlnv school of t tn South wtut Ivro Cot'MHB: Hua nes and Sinn thuii.i amlirnfilnsi Hfink.kfuiDlnir. Arithmetic Com- tnerolul Law. Uuslnesi Writing, Spclliux, Jitter Wrltinir, Mnpid CnloulntliiR, Utmliierfs Paper and Legal J'ortn. horthund, Tyie writliu;, OUlcfi lralnlnjf In Kotnlllnir. Whole lalaWi I'omraUilon, Uunklni: by Actual Butiueas Practice. W oflur the Miperlor atlvantaRo of spit-n-dld qulpmont. and per.onutitiRtructloii tm der trained spevinllitt. We prcparo ntudenH for the belt position whloh wn secure. btu dcats "Home' lucou.itctloii. Write for rutov ate. Fall rtrni boatm September 1st hi" .pl.k?d 18. K. ". LOOK Prln" Roses Cai'RoeeofalllkliHlBfor sale atS5Jcent8 per dozen. Special rates Klven to festivals and tarries. Parth'tilar attention given io shlpping.onieis How er cwrjfally packed. MBS. U. O. DLrJSri5Alff typifcl AiJitlon, Phionix ,rlsoma Hoses "! "- " Wkp! 4 r - 911 That's all. FA Samples of; Oxford Vicunas, Ou.iag Flannels, Fancy V-stins and Bine Serges, which ra le extremely popular with up-to-date dressers We show every th;ng$ new a d stylish, ALEX OARWOOD LUMBER FURNISHED IN WAGON LOADS CARLOADS OH CA RGOES y i ii All Parts of tha Tovva. $ St., Bisbec. EMPLOYMENT AGNCY No. 25 North Church street, oip aito ' Post Office, Tucson, Arizona. All I; nds of help promptly furnished. Your or-, ders solicited, P. 0 Bur 37. d!5 lm GEO. C. CLA RK, E. M. southwestern C. W. MITCHELL Engineering AND Assay Office Examinations and reports made on mining properties. Designs furnished fur ail kinds j,of mining and mining plants. Assa s maic In Dupli cat t 60 .e its a metal. Qualitative and quantitative analysts made of any mineral mibutances. Surveys I r Patents in Arizona and Mexico. SHORT HIWS SE1S. - Plague infected rata'havo been found at Brisbane, Auckland and Melbourne wbarves. The treasury department has com pleted arrannotuonta for theiretiietpent of I'orto Kican money and the substitu tion oi Aiaertcau currunuv. The uoithw.iri tnoi-cment of iiomTexaa hean about two eol liar than usual and la sail t bn active thja nionUi . ;! The navy department Aiaa ecuurcd a steamer to carry wheat anJ food sup phea collected by charitable organiz.i tionM in New York to the plague and famine sufferers id' India. 4 f he conferee!) on the Hawaiian gov ernment bill hvo agreed to that feature of the house bill r qnmnjj tha the gov ernors, judges, etc., 6hall be citizens of Ila.uaii. The Kansas City Stockyards company has recently increased its capital stock three-quarters of a million dollars, the incieabe being the coat of projected im piveiueots. D. N. Stickney, of Laramie, Wyo., hab imported from Canada four car loads of pure bread shorthorn cattle, including t io Imported Guardsman, sire of St. Valentii e, the famous show ahimal. ''homas il. Hih, is buck itom Mexico, where ho purchaeed a find bunch of yearlinc bteere, mostly vhite faces, which vvill be delivered in Puebio about (he liist of May. Mocker Herald. Wm.'Kin.! vho scved in the 55th congiess from he state of Utah, was auoru in as a repieentative of thai state to succcod Brijiham H. Bobe.'ts who was denied a seat. Gamblers from all pares if1 he counti y are apparently making Kansas city their Mecca, the word having gone iorti that tle new city government is to toler ate a wjde open policv. The supreme court Tuesday rofused to rant a wit of certiorari in case of Onerhn M Cat ter, convinced by court martial for irregularities while in oharuo of eilcmeeriiig work iaGeorgiiii Temps today pablisneil "a long ar iclo on the Turko-Amerl an fitnation, re viewing the circumstances in a manner quite friendly to the United -States and expressing confidence that Turky will pay the indemnity demanded by the United Slates. G'Orgo B. Loving lias given out the tnloriiutiou at New York that the pre liminaries of his bi' cattle syndicate have all bean arranged and agreed upon, and the deal will be closed' up during the next 30 days. West Texas Stockman, A spucial to the P ess iiom Lover, Del,, sayd: Pesident McKinlev is be lieved io have set a day during the coin ing lortnig'it fo a conference witi the leadeis of both the regular and union republican factions with a view of bring ing ihern together. In t speech last night Smith Curtis, mlniatiir of mines ot Uiiush Columbia said that the government had loun'i that tno law excluding Americans from the Canadian gold fields at Ailin was a mistake, and having discovered a flaw in it had doclaruJ it to be inopera tive. The vote on the Quay case was taken at 4 p. m. Wednesday. The resolution which declared Mr. Quay not entitled to his seat was ilrst laid before tho sen ate. Mr. Chandler moved to strike out the word "not," and on that the vote was taken. Quay lost. The vote with 33 to 32. The vote was then taken on l the rt'solutio leular ng Q lay not en entitled io a seat, foe lesolution a carrb d mt by u ot l 33 iu32. YOUR FACE. Shown tho state of )0ur teehnuB an. the state ot youi health as well. 1m pure blood makes llnoll apparent in . pale and sallow complexion, Pimpk ami Skm Lrupiono. ii you are feolin weak and worn out and do not have uealihv appearance vou should ti a iu b Mloo adxir. It :ures a o.oou Jtet-aua whtre i-.ap Sarsapa mat. and so caiux "punli'a lai ; kiil uig"Uil8 we sbn eveij' oditt- on i .live guarantee, roi sate at tiisb jjrtig rftore. W. W. Mauew, Morton, Wit : "Uo etd Ur One Minute Cough Cure a uio wonJb.ful medicine, quick and sale. It ia tae only harmless remudy iln gives immediate results, It cm. -cubs, colds, croup, orouchitid, impi cough, pueumon'a uud h l-t (tt uud lung dift'uoa. Its euiiy u piev.nts coueumptiou. Childn-u uiah like it an i motuoia endorse it. l'ii Queeu store and Uiooeo, Druy Co. Just leceived. a new line t pIji waists, at Blowott's. MTO tf AKiZfJftA haw, Interesting iltemRQullcdS'lrom Our 5i teobaitteSiJ Tho Verdo Queen Copper 'company, near Jerome, i3 pushing iorward the 'i , ' . "-rna soon is v the blood invigorate the body by using DeAVittV Little Ealy.Klsere. Thefce fatnoiih little pills alwhyo'i'tct'promptly -Copper Qui'en storo knd Btaycr'igCo. fhe direotora of the Black Hills Cop per company have ordered an advance in the price of the company's stock to $5per share, to take effect May 12 next. lleview. Fsperitnce u tho best teacher. Ubp kiT'a Enghsii Remedy in any case of ii v 1 c, ecid or croup. Should it fai to gne .aiineJiato relief money re fii'id'l. 2i zta. and SO cts. Soid by J. v. WilhamB.VCo. t John Roach is in Pepcott. He and Mr Mi t ileton re milling ore fiom the Mohawk mino-on-lPine cjeek. They are nulling ten tons a day. Tho ore plate- $lf a ton in gold. Tho ledge is four fret juide. The mill and mir.o aro run iy lite men. Courier. II. ClrtGt, Chauncey, Ga , Pay,? De U iu'h Vuch'FJnzel Salve cured hUa o pih s thai had affected him for twenty U i" &'30 a speedy cure for skm di-ca'-e. Bi'wareof dangerous counUr fcts Copper Queen store and Bi-ibeo Drug Co. There are ome very promising copper tlaima ireported among the new discov- pife-m the inta jCJahnas. The ore, bodies ai sa'J to be large. The moun- tans are a oi ita,bwtrjjasure of wealth anu offer tl.o Lest fiell for prospectors in tiie teintory. rStaf,"' ' t. "I think Du Witt's Litil? Early Risere are the bett pills in the world," sajs W, U. Lake. Happy Crek, Va. They moyjnll obstructions of the liver and bovpl9V - Adt qtfickl; and never gripe-. Copper Queen htore and Bisbee I'tug (o. i Martager Chas. S. Wood was'at Lords burg with 600 stock cattlo which he will ah,ip from that point by rail to Colorado ranches oned by tho Turtle Cattle Co. The' Turtle company will continue to gather and ship until every hoot owned by them is off their ranges in Graham county. Herald. J. 1. Carson, ProthonoUry, Washing ton Pa., eays, "I have found Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure an excellent remedy in caseof stomach trouble, aud have deriv ed great benefit from its use." It di gests what you eat and can not fail to cure. Copper Queen store and Bi3e bee Drug Co. . t 'Sam Barkloy made the trip out to Helvetia yesterday. Mr. Barkley re ports the smelter working and the ore bins filled to heir utiermost capacity. Tle ro4ds(arein finecondition and thete seems to have been a plentiful supply jf lain qut that way, but moro won't hurt, hi says, Jitisen. ,'No family can affoid to be without One Minute Cough Cure. It will Btop a oougli and cure a cold quicker than any other medicine," writes C. W. Williams, Sterli g Run, Pa. Il cures croup bron chitis and all throat and lung t-oubles and preveuts consumption. Pleasant and hairnlees. Copper Queen store and Biabee Drug Co. t Mussrs. Fisher, McBride nd Stvens icsterday. shipped t wont) -eight Here i rd bun to L i Junta, Colorado, 'lhe Utile ot tU Silt li.vor valley tngh-grade cattle has ex,i.e i.led far aud wide, and numerous letters aio daily arriving ask ing abo1 t oiii uioodud cattle. Gazette. Artiejei ol incorpouuion of tue Majj udt Gold Mining and Mil mg company, a ith a capital stock of $2,000,000 were aled in the olfice of ths county recorder yesterday by Boston paities. Articles ,vi io also tiled ot the Amoncati Oil coin any, lormed for operation near San linniordiiiu, Cal. Phoenix Herald. W. IL bhipuian, Boardsley, Minn., , ndor oath, say ho -juffercd nom dys- i.-tia-tor twenty-live veaie, DoctorB hi dieting gave but littlo relief. Fi ady l) used liodoi Dyspepsia Curn and eats what tio lliios and as mucli as .- u ints, und ho feels like a now man. digusiB what you oat. Cupper Queeu no and Biaoee Dru: Co. illiam Holmes was in town yoster- ty from nis mines in tho Turquois die- i Mr. Uolmea aud hii aasociaius, r,s. tionry l-'itchaud W. A. Store U, have jual bonded eight minus, iihu as tlie liolmei gioup, m the ..riguonu, toC, M. Kubeits.ul Colorado i o is to do cottdUerablo doyolopmeut w ork. Prospector. Special Sak 7 OF ' Waists Commencing Tuesday, May !sf AND FOR, THREEDAYS we shall sell ' Boys1 Waists cheaper than you've ever bought equal quality for before Forty dozen. "Mother's j7rieud" Waists nearly al. ,f which were received but a .week ago,- have had their prices deeply cut. The Waists are perfect in e-very-T-espect in quality,- styleu and make which makes the price sacrifice all the More ' unexplainable. If you need Waists now, or will need them, 'come Tues day. The special prices will prevail until Thursday, May 3d, but 'the saving is so great Thursday may be too late. This week's Store News gives full details. THE COPPER QUEEN STORE. IS Bank INCORPORATED. Directors: BEN. WILLIAAIS, J. S. DOUGLASS, J. B. ANQIUS, W. H. BROPHY, n. J. GUNNINQUAM. -r Foreign Eshange and Telesrraphic Tr2&fcrrt air ?, oi '5, Accounts of Individuals, Firms Matters Intrusted to Our Care Attenticm. Mexican Honey Agency for New Zealand WHOLESALE AND Pianos & Write for Catalogue. Pianos on Monthly Payments- ooocofleciosolMSO Office--i21 1-2 South Broadway, Los Angeles, Callfronjs Carries everything'in the Dru and ChemicalJLine, and wo are constantly adding uew aido line lines toour.8tock. Ou'" next addition will bo Wall Paper, Paints, Oil and Glass. Samples now ready forseleotion. Perfume To sweet for anything but your hanflkerchp.. Candy Saroni's Gold Label in original packagesjfrnly, ' For the Literary All the late and popular Novels at popular prices. For the Workingman A workingmanVpaper, vtVt' ' r The Los Angeles Daily Herald. Hisiing IJiiKinccr. GEO. C.CLARK, $k Assaying at Current; Price Prooseo in School ofMin of Bisbee v Officers; W. H.IBROPHY .frcaMaa.' r' J. S. DOUGLASS VlcePrHdt M. J. CUNNINQHAri Cah:Orvs rorlil. vand . Corpn3ttonssoHeitc4 will Receive Prompt i-.i. Bought ind SotHi Fire Insurance Company. - t WmM lf RETAIL DEALERS IU; Organs $?&F oi U.S. eay Sktrvcjr. ntyorsdv Iissmtrt. "ifciU "AV s ' 4 , 'v-r - s -m ftw i c!-!1. "i VAtfcVi;ti 'rtsssi0im V :jx.!l,-. viTstfsv;-, SgSl 5S!WV.5,!-?Ws,-' SLS?5iBaffCT'- 1 fr. a8KtrdBy??'jtw,)i:v., -r .. - v x- iv.zir rrJjiz. r sr, tu- r r-zystr&sxsi mmm &&MJWfc$tJ - & wis v . jrs - i -' ap'rfff r73$'vj-:' -y ?