VJ.- W-f.' -1 f k. . k r- ,?'J i$fc.,s ' v-w'r. : i.. rt ' K . -V ttr...-'- V 1W it :, fed As"!1'" ii" fc ? - J! -.,t - V it i ! -,; IsfciU' ' & fi vW'i" . ai . )n.n" -" jflfc."'! V. HfaSMaMflt'TMfc'Mtrirj " The Independent Order of Forresters . ' &eld a meeting yestoVday evening. s " . '. Th6 Nacpsari Btage left today heavily loaded rortho big camp in Sonora. Judgo Wm. Barnes of r Tucson lias t gone to the Cananeaa, -Sonoro, to In !' 'spqt thoso fabulously rich vopper do- poyjus. Georgo Mitchell of the Cobro Grando Coppor cotnpany''lwas noted On tho " Streets of Benson yesterday by tho ' Press, returning from Phoenix. Mr. Wolduor, tho genial big nilning man from California, is' prolonging his visit wHh us because of his bollcf that .' t our climate alio viatos his rheumatism. Articles of .Incorporation' of tho East BlstfeoOold Mining company,' with a ( capital 8l0ck..of $2,500,000, wero filed in t "th6 '6ffl,boj?ofiuo county recorder at ' Phoenix last Friday. , Although he( is $ie 'fcrgost' mto-in Arizona, Dell Le"wis appears soVoi'al in- r chea taller lhl3 morning. Mrs Lewis presented him with a bouncing boy last night; Hence this Imaginary additional stature.: Congratulations. )! 'Thorelslittloin policb circles today. iff Tho only court transacting business i was Uufctico'r Johnson," vlibihad Mforo OhimfBfcnry 4Schlutcr, charged 'with: ', ieac.ly assault upon B. Behlonds. The J iaeaxing was continued until tomorrow. v.E.V lurphy, lably of Jerome and .(dioboHd well and favorably known i ivli'oveAfizona as one- of the most' pop- uvWsalberf tden'in'tho territory, ar- r rivdjBisboo yesterday afternoon ald'fi&aocoptcd aosifibn at the Ereo 'Coinagkerohe-wlll concoct bevor- ages to wiko the thirst and tickle the 'palate olhomost fastidious drinks f that will" exhilarate but not intoxicate. VrranKBowmantho well known min-, Infr.mMt-caWiriMdu'ay- from tho Bow' . man-;AilSgUi8 mines hi tho gold camp twelve 'vlles from 'Tombstbna. -Ho , states tfet tho 5-ton mill has been con-, - stantly ri&aing with satisfactory results ' and thoVcjW! W men at w,(rk in tho I inlno oxtractlng'ore and developing the property. Other claims in tho nolgh- '." borhood aro boing developed and con- , sldorAblo rtctlvity.inAn'at district is tho ' result. Tombstono Prospector. Charles A. Overlook leaves this after- noon for La JUpvlta, Sonora, to bo ab- f ffcnt several days, whither ho goes to i 'rcopivo a largp .bunch" of cattle pur- ' chased fortho-frorpose-of fllliug his beef contract .with tho construction cro " i tho Naconari and Gulf railroad, which It is thought wltl; commenso oporation i' within a fow hsoks. The cattlo will be $ lield'in Packard's pasturoon the south ', f sldo of the lino until such time a4 they 'w are-needed for. tho butcher's block. AT" MAGPIEt,M!NSTRELS ; Jfie Event of the Season at Opera House May 11 ' Tho ooterlainmcntto bo gK-e'n at tho Opera House Friday evening, May 11, under tho usplcos of the "Magpie Mln . strol9,"-for the benofit of the Mexican ' Catholipchurchf'pi'omises to bo a swell nffals, and will, no doubt, as it should, roceivotho hearty patronage of tho gen . oral public. . Tho names of those having tho alTair ' in hand is an aasuranco that nothing will bo left' undone to make tho enter tainment a success. Thoso having tho s' aiifalv in charge ars: Mrs. William H. Brophy, President; Mr. George Cole anan, Stagijj Manager; Mr. Gustavo r Hemple, MBSlcaliDirector. The foil oft nfv progranuno will con , ' Btitutc tho';cmng?8 entertainment: 1 mi WU . -' TART I. , 1 Opening,-Chonis, Overture.... s...K!',-3oC!i and Tambourine -,H -'2 Solo, 'Kentucky Babe," JJ. f.. .. .Miss Maude Walsh .3 Comfc4$olo,rf4,,rd Leave My , '".' Hapjy; Home for You,'' i ' .....43?v-f:;,;,.,..v..Mr, Ben Moore ..4 BassJSoiip, The Divers,"..., , .-:i..i .t, v.Mr. Thomas Cobbe '' . 3-Comlc8bl6,-''i Couldn't Stand .' ., to SccMJBaby Lose," w.m.,.v,,, Mr. John Kelly 1 &r-QuakctteiIrs. McMackin, ,. MMiss Walsh, Mr. Cobbc, i Mr? Lavers. V '.7 Sole?, "My Drrnm of You,".... i ....!..,v.!...-.,...Mr. Peter1 Tchaney i8--ComiIgjo',l't!,I,iu Another,"... t.99&;..v-.'-.VtfK Harry Butt S-Solo, "Kinky Headed Coon,"i.. A ."...""..Mrs. Eugene McMackin , v'40 ComW 'Solo, -. I Wish My Rent 0: y . WtfEaldly...y..Mr. Wnltcr Johns '. . f .11 Solo, "Tlie Belle of Honolulu," 1 ....4 '-Mr. Cliftoii Lavers! 12lla8s Sdlo; "'Miilshipmitc,'.'.... r, . Wr. Thomas Cobbc . '.l.V-C'omis Solo, ''1 Pit- Come Back . '. V to f he:cA'.;...;.VMr. CharlcH Burke 14 -CLOSING .CHORUS . . OVERTURE ' BY THE' ORCHESTRA ' ' x 1 Monologifo;.'...-...?...Mr.'Toiii Ho'gan .f-Comlc Sketch .tM.,.. Messrs. Kellvaiul Mooru 4V .3 Rccitatio"u... ....Miss Lou Minor .4Clog .Dancc.,M. ..;,;,..., .Messrs. Harrington and Allison r-fcnttcnf lYir. uimric.H -.c -a-i. v.. . ; Burkeand- "?' y,t.s ..members of the Company ' THE NAC0SAR1 ROAD. The Mexican Government Dictates as to How Roads are Built. The following in regard to tho Naco sari railroad, tho facts, in regard to which aro of interest to Bisbeo people, is taken from the Lord9burg Liberal: Colonel M. W. Wambaugh, chief en gineer of the Morencl Southern and of tho Nacosarl road, is down in Mexico and while gono will make a trip over tho line of tho road to Naeosavi. In Mexico tho government has a good deal to say about tho way railroads aro to bo built. Onti of tho rules is that all bridges must bo built of stono and steel, wood not being allowed in tlie con struction of a bridge, but there is a provision in tho law that oh now roads temporary bridges of wood may bo put in, provided tho railraad company promises to put in steel bridges Mn a certain specifid time. Tho railroad company generally tries to make that time about as far oil as tho average life of a wood6n bridge. The Nacosari company has not yet socurcd the con cession to put in tho wooden bridges, and there seems to bo soldo hesitancy about allowing the company to put in tho wooden bridges for tho temporary purposes. While on this trip Colonel Wambaugh will probably decide whether it is advlsablo to ondyavor to get- a concession to put id 'wooden bridges at onco. It may bo a little more expensive to build a railroad in Mexico than in this country and that is probably tho reason that no more are built' In that country, but when they are built they aro much better roads than some of the cheap ones that are built in this country. Timely Words. Experience has shown that under our present laws it is almost impossiblo ,to wipe small gangs oi criminals out of ex istence When a crime has been .com mitted a sheriff will'go after tho crimi nals. If he catches them it is" only after a long and expensive trip. For making this trip hd is allowed milcago, and' it is seldom that tho mileago pays the ex penses of the trip. ' If ho does .not get them ho gets nothing. Now, sheriffs' aro but human, and whilo many of tbbm put up a good bluff as to the work they have done to catch outlaws, yet but few of them feel ablo to hunt out laws for weeks at a timo and over hun, dreds of square mites of territory. Tho most economical thing for' bqth Arizona and New Mexico to do is to put small forces of rangers in tho field, similar to tho Texas rangers. Their business will bo to run down these small bands of. desperados, and as they get their men, with noadditional expense, the chances arc they will soon clean the country up. Tho rangers from tho t?b -territories could work well together, and it is probable could make an alliance with tho Mexican troops south of tho border. With all threo working together the tough citizen would find this a bard couutry to live in.- Lordsburg Liberals MINING AOTES. J. Wosterliche brought into Benson from the Rincon mountains tho oarcass of a big lion ho killed out thero on Sat urday. It measured nine feet and three quarters from tip to tip. , Henry R. Parton, a mining man from Cripple Creek district, Colorado, was in El Paso, says tho Times, on his way to Cochiso county, Arizona,, where ho has gono to inspect soma claims. Mr. Parton reports that a wealthy syndi cato is securing control of all tho val uable mining properties in Colorado, and that the poor man's chances there aro now very limited. Stratton's Independence mine in Cripplo Crook, Colorado, produced in January 3,300 tons of ore with a value of $275,000. In one day 200 tons of ore of tho value of $250 per ton wero taken from tho mine, W. S. Stratton, tho locator and former owner of the mine, rccoived a check for $5,500,000 on tho 10th of April, being tho final payment on tho stock sold to tho English com pany last March. Tho Mining and Scientific Press rightly 'says: In mining matters tho forco of understatement" is as strong as exaggeration Is weak. To say tho lodgo is live foot wide and tho ore av erago Is $7.50 when, as a matter of fact, It is six feet wido and averages $9, appoals inoro favorably to tho prospec tive bonder or buyer than to assert that tho ledge is twolvo'fcet wido and that tho ore clear across averages $18 and fail to prove it. Mr. H. M. Chapman, secretary of tho Phoenix Library association, announces that the library has just been mado th'o recipient of 117 books, tho gift of Hon. John M. Hamilton of that city. The list comprises volumes of almost every character. Among them aro 'twenty three volumes of Harper's magazines, bound substantially and dating back over a period of twenty-seven years. Dr. George Martin, who nomo timo ago squatted upon a oholce lot upon what is known as tho military plaza at Tucson, has been rc-inforccd by six other squatters, all of whom have built box houses and aro "occupying" the 'premises thus claimed by them. They will contest tho title to tho land, which the city claims Is vested in tho corpora tion. In order to stop further squat ting tho city council has passed an or dinance making it a misdemeanor for any person toX-ntcrupon tho plaza and occupy a lot. thon, - ANNUAL F0W-W0W. The Improved Under of Red Men of the Reservation of Arizona. The hunting grounds of Bisbeo will be alive with Cochio Tribe No. 7 on the Sleep of 12 Sun of Flower Moon G..S, D., , 409. They will scout from tho dpora house at 2 o'clock p. m. ' Great preparations aro boing made' by tho Red Men to make this occasion one long to bo remembered. Tho pa rade will bo tho grandest fraternal dis-: play over witnessed in Arizona. Tho members of tho order will parade in costume becoming tho tribe, and as tho oadcr is noted for not doing any thing by halves, thoso who attend the entertain ment and witness the parado will have nothing to regret. j The Cochise Review is requested to extend an Jnvitation to all visiting, membors in good standing to tako.'part in tho parade. Following is the programme: Master of Goremonies James Farley Address H. W. Studloy Song..., Miss N. Hughc3 Original Poem.....-....B.lFranklin Moore Song ;....;Mr. H. Hanson 'fitiwt.hunnv" .Miss PflttMfi I Song andaDancoi Miss M. Pittroff JKCUUlUg..... .'. J? ouu Highland Pling.......- -. . Miss Petrlekand Mis3 Murray Song...i....ii ;...Miss B. Wittig Specialty ;.. ' Aiessrs Campbell and Anderson fSong i Mrs. J. J. Haxrington Song.. Mr. Tenancy Sword Dance... Miss Petrio and Murray (Music by Piper D. Frazer.) Reading A. S. Washer Song Mrs. J. J. Bowon Quartette Messrs. Hughes, Leggott Hanleynnd Goldsworthy. Double Clog Dance .'. ,;... .Messrs. ,Harringtori and' Allison (Music by 'Hempel and Smith.) 1 Travel into and out of Sonora as on tho increase. Thoso who aro engaged in stage traffic aro doing a "driving" business. Notice of Special Meeting. Notice is hereby given to the stock holders of tho Montezuma Gold Mining Company that thero will be a special meeting of the stockholders held .on the the 14 day of May 1900, at 9 o'clock a. m., at tho office of tho company in Bis boe, Arizona Territory, for the purpose of electing directors, for the ensuing year, and'for the purpose of selling the property of said company, eithor for cash or otherwise, and such other busi ness as may come up. H. Hamburg, R. M.Macoby, President, Secretary. Dated at Bisbee, A. T.,May 1st; 1900. ml lOt An Editor's Life 3'arad b? Cluimsr Iain's Cough Rtjmedy. DurhiK the early partot October. ISIti. I contracted a bal cold which mat'eit on my luns and waf neglected untd 1 feared that consumption haa appeared in an incipient ftute. I.was constantly couthini! and crying to txici bc r.ethinn which I could not, j became alarmed and alter t'tvins ihe local liocioi'a tna oouuht a bottle ot Chamberlain's Cough , Kemedyanc the 'esu t was , immediate improvemo t, and alter 1 mid used three bottles my lunns wer reatoreii to ib"ir healthv state. B. ;. EdwaraPiiblieli er of .the Reyirw, Wyunt, 111. Fo- sale by all druggists. r AUG. G.ESLER NAC0 LIMBER YARD Keeps always on h:tud a eleoted stock of Lumber, oors.dnsh, Moiililms uud liuild lut; AluteriuU Naco, Arizona. O. K. MARKET I FIRST CLASS PHOENIX BEEF, Mutton, Pork and "Veal. Sausage, for eign arid domestic, constantly on hand, j 0. K. STREET, OPP. C4RRTT0'S I A. B ALTER Proprietor City Transfer Good Service and Prompt At tention. Satisfaction Guaran teed. W N. Edwards. Prop. Lcavo orders with S. K. Williams. CAN CAN Restaurant Open Day and Night Short Orders a Specialty Meals at All Hours . . . L. Carretto & Co., Proplctorrs. Mian St WALDORF Restaurant OPEN DAY AND NIGHT OTTQ OEISENHOFER, Prop. A BUSY FIELD, The Systematic Operation of a Mam moth Plant, Tho yard in and around tho Coppor Queon smelter presents a scene of activ ity seldom witnessed in the southwest. Certainly thero is nothing that will comparo with it ill Arizona. Eastern visitors are amazod at the immensity of tho plant, and observe with interest the manner in which business is con ducted in the great copper camp. Men move to and fro with tho regularity of clock work, thero never being a balk or hitch in one department that will in terfere with those in another. Every thing is systematized to perfection, and each department vies with tho other to tho ond that the best results may be had. This is noticeable in and around tho mino, smelter, and in every de partment of tho railroad service. We doubt if there is another concern in tho United states that is so systematically conducted as is tho Copper Queon Con solidated Mining company of Bisbee. W. W. Matiew, Morton, Wis: "1 con , aid i?,-One Minute Cough Cure a moit wonlb ful medicine, quirk and safe." I it ie the onlv harmless rfc-me'.ly hat given' immeditUH results. It. cues cp-iahs, cold?, oroup, brorichitis, urippe, , wh rf'oini: Ci-mih, pnenmon'a and all far mt'and lunir diseases. Its early ueo prp;?nts eotiHUmpflon. Children always ikp it 'and mother-; ndors? it. CoppVr Queeh' store and Biaoee Drutf Co. MRS. M. BLEWETT, Proprietor. BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS For Ladies and Gcntlomou. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods Ladies' Ready Made Skirts Complete Line of Millinery MUN ST., TWO DOORS ABOVE POST OFFICE FOR RENT. 3 foin-rom h'MiBPH, niw,. $15 each. FOR SALE a S 111 Jii'O pumps. 1 bVuiuia I orne-powfr. Bij)i RhhI Estate Co., E. B. ilASON, Manager. Schmiedintr' Jewel y Store. New England Kitchen . . . Open Day and Night Short Orders a jSpecialty Meals served to families and parties. ' flairi Street Whitehead & Marchell, Proprietors. ...THE SENATE... .Ghris linlayson, Prop. Wines, Liquors and Cigars Your patronage solicited. Experienced Mixologists Main Street, Bisbee, A iz. fOMTS 1ERHI1I! Plex Doii(;hni(t8, CalcoH, eto. French Rtstau ant Meals Served In Courses. Thos. Pinelll Naco, Arizona Huvlnu' a Stvnp Mill at Signal Hill, Druiroon Moa tains, custom work igsolloited ut tho rutoof 8 a ton. .1 Apply at N. Angius Store, Bisbee WW Meals 25c and Up Cookimt'thut uives an apmuite. Behrens & Markey Oipo"itc Roiuifl Uo!t. J. B. i MillS General Merchandise Main Street - - Bisbee, Arizona UNION I L. J. Overlook, Prop. Phoonix: Hoof, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Lamb and Sausage of all kinds. . BR;AD, PitSand CAKES On hand or to order. Wedding Cakes ti specialty. BREWERY AVENUE, BISBEE i 01 1 i riLLUno MEAT MAI BfiKFRY CAMERAS FREE Not a tov, but a real Uuffal Electric Campra. Size of pisturo $z.i4. We tecu Kl thi agency lo' 'ths ifjoia or Siuttitrn Ariz ma, and' in order fo hVmcIhc them have lecild ti vo d TV. t "" 1"" Ft I-" I-" wi l erv $10' purchase, oV with Yen premium I I V r JH 1 r ry 'tickets. Ev rj; dollar' worth c jjooi8 lnr v a-W i--i ehaeVa oHjh entl a yo'i 6a' remutn ticket. Alter "you have wcun d'ten ( the e'thev entitle you to a Buffalo Jipctrlc't ath oru. We hiv only limited numbei on hai t and a-lvme you to ee lire one be f ti- Wn- HU.ptvis?xlian'ted., . A . -.'' . , Wa-h Skins, Duck and Pique Suit- just h ived. The vrtticstflnd. che$p est o'bf tui i,n nnvv. here Mexicun Caived Eetlier flc''tf .a, letsihli ottera cin nuy them Ve are iuipoiters of these Koods. Tlia atcounto for thV I6W my pric s. .. Bi Bank of Bisbee INCORPORATED. Directors: BEN. WILLIAMS, J.S. DOUOLASS, J. B. ANOIUS, W H. BROPHY, ' n J. OUNNINaHAM. 1 " Foreign Exchange and Telegraphic Tranters -to 'al? iPitts f the world. Accounts of -Individuals, Firms and Corporations Soliciteii. Matters Intrusted to Our Care will Receive Pro npt Attention. Mexican Honey Agency for New Zealand Greatest of All " Every one in San Antonio, Texas, says that Acker's English ltcnieUy is the greatest thing ever put up lor cougiis, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup and consumption. I have been using' it over four years for all forms of throat and lung trou blcs, and have yet to come across a case where it failed. Wo have four little ones in our family, and neither my wife nor I have ever lost a night's sleep because of throat trou blcsamongthe children. I guess that is more than any other family can say. Acker's English Remedy is just as effective for grown up people as for tho young. It seems to go straight to the place where the trouble hen intiic throat and bronchial tubes and lungs. It. soothes and heals tho irritated tissues, loosens up the phlegm and mucu3 in the breathing passages, quiets the nerves, invig orates the constitution and stops the cough ing. My advice to parents Is to always keep a bottle in the house. It will bo a constant safeguard acainst croup." (Signed) P. Q. Zimmerman, San Antonio, Tex. Sold at I5c. COC. and 21 a bottle, throughout the United SUUi and Canada; and in England, at la. Sd.,:s. 3d., U.M. It you are not satisfied after buying, return tUa bottle to your druggist and set your money back. We authorize the abore guarantee. W. U.-UOOKEH & CO., Proprietors, Seu 1'orfc Azurite GEO. DUNN, Proprietor. Wines, Liquors, Domestic and Imported Cigars Bisbee's Favorite Resort MAIN STREET THE TURF LETS0N & WMMEY, Proprietors. FINEST LIQUORS, WINES, BEER and CIGARS Sportsmen's Resort. i Main Street, Bfsbee, Arizona. I Free Coinagi J. E. Brown & Co., Props. Full Assortment of WINES, LIQUORS AND FINE CIGARS Main Street, opp. Can Cai CURRY & CO. Deulora in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, lioota and Shoes t urcliawinu and Forwarding Almuk-. Cuatom House Brokers. , Naco, Arizona.! Miner's Saloon Wines Liquors and Clgari. B. M. Vucuvich, Brewery Avenue.1 &nS iiij t imMm J iG&fll wm&Fft XUIk I -, tMLir 'r,.V.Vi , 'Offfc&S; WHBftOPhY .'.41.,:..'. ;Pfdi(iU J. S. DOUGLASS ..rvicePf'eildem M. J. CUNN1NQH Art r-'Cohcr Bought and Sold Fire Insurance Goinpany. the FASHION, : courteous: :treatmknt: ii PATRONAGE: : solicited.;: . . MAIN? street; BISBEE, .ARIZONA. CAPITOL Best of tylmvtiquqfe j. arid Cigkrs. Nobile&Twomey, Proprietors. 'M&SL HANINER bsos. & WHITE, 0O WINES, LIQUORS .... -and- CIGARS. r xt m.T, OPEN DAY AND uc v xx. NIGHT ... ... Your Patronage Solicited. Main Street, (can can building.') Tle CAUF0RNIA MARKET KENNEY BROS., Props. Beef, Mutton, Pork, FRESH Vca SaSaiC He Choicn cuts of meat only. FRESH BREAD DAILY. Good, delivered free to all parts of thetovti Upper Main St., Bisbee NOTICE OfJORfEITURE. BI8U , Arizona, May , WO To Frank ISobb, bis heirs rr astiens: You nro hereby not 1 tied that I have expended during the year lt9 f 100 on the Little ary mine and $100 on t do Kiniua mine, situated iu Wurren Mining Ulktrict, county bf Cochite. Territory of Arizona, locr.tion notices of both of which ure recorded in theotficeof the County Recorder, in Hook of Aline. Mil intr Kccords of Coch se county, A. izoun, in ordtr to hold slid clulms unilor tho provi sions of Section U3i of the Revised stututes of tho United States unu the amendtnents th.reto cuncerniut; annual labor upon niln inir elaiins. It ImIiiit tho ainount reii'iired to hold tiateclnims for tho period eudiui: '1j comber 31, lbW. And if within ninety (90) days nfter the publication hereof you f til or refiueto con- rlbuto your pro,io tiott of said expendi tures s co-owner, your interest in the said min ig claims i.) becomo the property of the siibsonbor, your co-owner, who ha mudo the required expctidituro by the erms of sal i boctlou 'iXil. (Siened) GhOKOB EKNARD. Kli st publication May 8, IU a ItlSIlEIv Assay Office All Work Guaranteed Or Money Refunded. Kodak Pictures DEVELOPED AW flWSJtti Offlcc, Nob Hill. ALf . TELLMAN - - Proprletir The Jersey Dairy A. W. STRUnAt, Prop. Pule, Frosh .Millc delivered tonllpnrtsof tho city evnry ovoulnir. Pure Cream l . largw r small quantities. The onlv dairy in Hicr leo having blooded cows. Satisfaction ffuar linteeil. Leave ortlcr at thoStrumm Uoard iStitr House, ".V'jk:i rj.M &&. vf j. T vJ thV.C7i '' -TSfJM. SS m Jj"l 4Wt & :? w, ....V .4K. " '"'.K. .