Newspaper Page Text
COOHISE EEV1EW : SATUKDAY EVENING, AUGUST 25. 1900 74 ' k .' union meat market 1 and BAKERY L. J. OVERLOOK, Proprietor PHOKNIX BBRI'.Yenl, Mutton, Porlc, Jg l.nmh mill Sniln.qi'd of nil Kinds yf vt BREAD, PIES AND CAKES W On hand or to order. Wedding Cakes a Specialty. BREWERY AVENUE, BISBEE Fletcher Transfer- Good Service, Prompt Attention Satisfaction Guaranteed PRESTON FLETCHER, PROP. Leave orders with S. K. Williams. OF OT UL 0 UtL H MRS. M. BLEWETT, ProprieTor. BOOTS, SiiOESAND SLIPPERS For Ladles and Gentlemen. aeMnrys Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods I Ladles' Ready Made Skirts I -Complete Line of Millinery j MAIN ST., TWO DOORS ABOVE J0ST OfHCE iiliifl Plant situated In Upper .Mule Gulch. City Office, Wallace Building. J. B. ANGIUS & CO. General Merchandise Main Street - - Bisbee, Arizona T"e CALIFORNIA MARKET KENNEY BROS., Props. Beef, Mutton, Pork, FRESH Vea Sausage Rc Choice cuts of meat only. FRESH BRKAD DAILY. 'Goods delivered free to ull parts of the town Upper Main St., Binbee WALDORF Restaurant OPEN DAYAND NIGHT OTTO W, OEISENHOFER Prop. IS ' ri. a , ? Tii ' L.i- - .-ci CIHJVIG. Ecud model. Jkctch.1 V."T',, r ' ji-lcnptcntaUHtT. Book "nw& .... .. ..ii Ti'n iT.icnraiiEiLi i uh.jlui.k. iv .'. t t-im ctcr ofarcd to Inventors. ..--..-- . - , , -.,, .-if iV.VEIta or 20 YEARS' PRACTICED .,i -s r-.i.ssrs rcuricD through them, i . "i.;i;dM al, bound ndvlw. i'niUifulf --2&L . " A, SNOW & CO. '".. ' r-rtTEfT LAWYERS, '' ''1 - ' .-..' - yVASlilNQTON, D. P. (' wiritc thire 00ffVov Tne J. H. Jack Lumber Co . . AGENT FOK THE STUDEBAKER WAGONS, BUGGIES, CARTS, ETC. Prices Reasonable. Bisbee - - Arizona Hole in the Wall JEWT, STORE C. M. Ilenket, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler Main Street, Bisbee. BISBEE Blacksmithing Co. T. A, TATE, Prop General Blacksmithing, Horseshoe ing a specialty. Above Floodgate. Stage Line. Leaves Bisbee Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 7 a. m. Arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays . and Saturdays. Bisbee r Mliuartcrs at Greene Con solidated Coi.jer Company's Office, Rooms V. an i 12 Angina Hotel. Cananea Headquarters, Greene Con. -Ccppcr Company's Offices. .nil - - - Rents r.niwtoH PROPERTY LOOKED AFTER MONEY LOANED Bisbee Real Estate Co B. B. rtASON, Minagcr M, lo and Mia 1 Extensive Alterations aro now going on in our Mam mouth Establishment. Now store spncn is being tiddcd, and remodeling throughout is also a feature. It is our aim to moke this store strictly up to dute in every particular, and the Incoming- Fall lines, so ex tensively purchased from New York mid Chicago markets, will surely bring It ou a stand ard with large eastern houses. Further notice regarding our progress will be given from time tq time. I "the; fair" 'Q&.'WV.'V I. W. Wallace : : AGENT AND BROKER. Bisbee - Arizona Hevresen ting' Mining Prop erties. Hfnl Estate Boudit and Sold. Money Loaned and Invented. Oollt'ofinnn Made. Jlrs. 11. E. Bruton Cleaning and Dyeing By Dry Process Dreftsumkiug a specialty. Sutta'actiou ni.iruntccd. Near Ratb's BIcycIs Shop, Tombstone Canyon. OKO. C. CLAltK, K. M. Southwestern C. W. MITCHKM Engineering AND Assay Office Examinations and n-porta made nn fniilnir properties. DesiiiilH furnished for a ' kinds of mining and miiliup planif. Assays made in Dupli. cate, 60 cents a metal, Qmt-itriivu and qnnutitaiivo niialypue iniidf ii atiy mineral Hiihtniirep. Surveys of Patents In and Mexico. Giaconovicli & Co. Groceries Wines, Ltquors and Cigars. Fruits and Confections. -BREWERY AVENUE AUGUST JOERRS Watchmaker and Jeweler Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Spectacles, Stationery, Wallpaper, etc ltepntrinsr Neatly Done MAIN STREET, - BISBEE, ARIZ. CHAMPAGNE, THE TAILOR. Garments made by us have the Style, Fit and Finishc- That Well-dressed Gentlemen Appreciate. BISBEE and NACOSABI Stage Line, TIM TAFT, Srop.' Leaves Bisbee on Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Arrives Bisbee Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Goes through from Bisbee to Naco sarl in a day and a half. Office Al cikPir Qe" Htore VSIHV'W Whnr Infnrtnntlnti cmn bp linrf. Brick I am propared to supply any quantity of first-class Brick on short notice on board cars . . Correspondence Solicited W. C FERRIS BF.NSON RIZONA BISBEE NACO W.-M. LIGGETT, Proprietor Arrives at Bisbee at 11 a. m. Leaves one hour after arrival of A. & S. E. train. T.rnvp Nnrn at Q;30 a. m. Trip each way made in one and a quar ter nours. V. G. MEDIGOVICH Whnleiiule and Kettkll Dealer In GROCERIES. GAME RECEIVED ?,S Poultry. Jouofs. i ines ciqofs and toducgos. JOS. SCHWARTZ PRACTICAL TINSMITH Rooflnjf, GutterliiR, Hath TiiIik, SlnUn and lnuivy Shf-ut Iron V'rlc of all docriptlon. All work ku rnntoed Soliool llouso Hill. Telo hu eNo 82. B. O. ORD CO. .mm, Plumbing Cornlco and Sheet fletal Workers TKLKl'HONE NO. 9 omo amd siiof ext xo bubwsby m TRANSFER FRATERNITIES riTs MKN, COCHl.xJh. Tribe No. 7.. at tho Ojorn Hoiibo fTnl) Vis iting brotlisrs cordially lnvi 'tcd. James uampbcll, Suchoni John Munch, C. ot K. Dr. Kdmundso". Medicine Muu. WARREN CAMP XO. ?, " WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, meets every second and foutth Monday t the opera house Vi- tlnsr members cordially invited J A. MILDER, O. C. F. V. JOHNSTON Sec. PERFECT ASHLAR LODGE No. 12, F. & A. M. Meet first Ihursday of each month. Visiting breth ren cordially invited to attend. f! JT WiWiru W At. J L. Brown, Secretary T ANDMARK CHAPTER No. 6., L' R. A. M. Regular Convoca tions third Tuesday in each month, 8:15 p. m. Visit Inp com panions in ood standing gladly received. V. R. STILES. H. P. FnNK J. Ghaf. See. QUEEN LODGE NO. 6, A. O, U. W., meets evpry Saturday evening. Vis iting Lruthern cordially Invited. Alfred Godfrey, W. M. Richard Humphrey, Rec. H. C. Fraser Financier. BISBEE LODGE NO. 10, I. 0.0. F., meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting orothers nii-lnllv Invlfprl tn atte id. Wf ALFHED G0D7B&r, N. G. Emile Marks, R. S. THE FRITERNL BROTH E'lHOOD. Idependenct Lodge No. r3, meets ever tirfit and third Wednesdays ot the month. Visit ins members nre cor dially ii.vlted. JULI. MILLER, president. enriTni. b.f.graham&co. u I LIVERY and I SALE STABLE I A Flrst-Clnss Driving and Saddle 5 O Horses. The O. K. Livery Stable is Kf the largest and best equipped in Ariz. O FUNERAL DIRECTORS CORNER O. K. AND RAILROAD AV. 5 Clieap CASH Store. Choice Family Groceries, Fresh Fruits of all kinds received daily Wines. Liquors. Cigars and Tobacoos, Goods dollvered free. MRIklCOVICH V: MOUU-Ii SUMMONS. In the District Court, First Judicial Dis trict of the Territory of Arizona. In and for the county of Cochise. Louise II. Prie.t, plaintiff, vs. Ernoit W. Priest, defendant Action brouifht in the District Court of tho P'rstiJiidleial District of the J'orr tor) of Arizona, in and for theCou i.y of v'ochlse and thocomplilnt HIpo In tho said Coun'y of Coohle, in tho olllce of the clerk of 'uid Dlstr ct Court. The Territory of Arizona sends groottng to ISrnest W. Priest. You ure hore'iy required to appear In nn action brought against you by tho above named plu' titiil". 1 ouUe & Priest, n the District Court of tho I irt Judicial District of tho Territory of Arizona, in and for the County of CnciiUe, and to uus'ver the com plaint filed therein, within ten da s (exclu sive of the day of service) niter the service on you of thU summon, ( f served within this county; or if served out of this count) but In this district, within twent) diiys; otherwise within thirty duys.) or judgment by default will he taken iigninstyoii accord ing to the prner of said compl tint. 4 he said action is brought to obtain a de cree of dlv rcn from 'he bonds of nmtri mony tuul for general relief and for con1s. Given under my ham and the seul of the District ourtof the first Judicial District of the-Ierrltory of Arizona, in and for the Cou i y of Coohlse, thL IWd day of June, in the yeur of our Lord one thousand nine huudrcd. A. H. Emanu l. Clorlt. First Publication Juno 27. JflOO niriri ! whiiii Miiirniinriinr ririi - -t nr APPLICATION fOR MINING PATENTS Mining Application. No. 717 Survey No. 1410. U. S. Land Oflice, Tucson, Ariz., July 12, 1000. Notico is horoby given that tho Low oil & Arizona Copper Mining and Smelting Co., of Bisbee, Cochiso county, Arizona Territory, per F. C. Fennor, at torney, in fact whose postpfileo ad dress is Bisbee, Cochise county, Ari zona Territory, have this day Hied their application for a patont for 1350, 5i0, 300, 750, 1257, 1257, 1000,420, 1300,1319, 1455, 1300, 1300, 14G9, 520 linear feot respectively of tho Galena, Helen, jjowell. Desplaiu, Auburn, Dolmar, Minnesota, Boston, Dea Moines, Har rison, Danville, Hunchelt, Dallas, Do lovlu, Higgins veins, lodes or deposits,, bearing copper and othor metals. To gether with surface ground 000, 250 124, 503, 550, GOO, 00 322, 600, 000, 600, 300, GOO. COO, 340 feet in width respectively on each. Situated iu the Wurren Mining District, Coun ty of Cochiso, Territory of Arizona, and designated Ly tho Held notes and official plat on file in this office as Survey No, 1410.approximately in towusbip No, 23 south, ranco No. 24 east, on i nsurvoyod lands, Gila and Suit River baso and meridian, Arizona, Baid survey No. 1410 being as follows: LOWELL LODE. Boginringut cor. No. 1, the N. W. cor., idontical wilh location and with cor. No. 4, survoy No. 1120, a pine post 4 in. eq. i' ft. abovo ground, surrounded by a mouud of stones, scribed L. L 1410, whouco U. S. M. M. No. 4 bears N. 7 do-?., 44 mk. W, 2127.5 ft., thonce S. 73 doir.. 4 min. E . 124 ft. to cor. No. 2. idontical with location and on lino G-lJ Ualona loao or tms group, at s. oo aog., 48 min. W .660.8 ft. from cor. No. 1, thonco S. G5 dec., 48 min. V, 301 ft. to cor. No. 3, idontical with location; thonco N. 73 deg., 4 miu. W., 2 5 ft. to cor No.4,whonco original location boars N. 73 dog., 4 min. W. Gl ft, thonco N. 47 dog. 22 min. E. 251.5 ft. to cor. No. l.tho placoof beginning. HELEN LODE. Beginning at cor. No. 1, tho N. E. cor., idontical with location, a pino post 4 it, toug in. sq., sot i- in. in mo stones scribed II. L. 1410, whouco U. S. M. M. No. 6 bears N. 2 dog.. 24 min. W. 2514 ft., thonco S. 18 dcg.,17 min. W. 184.05 ft. to intersection lino 1-4 I Desplaiu lodo at N. 77 deg., 44 min. W. if B&&, I iZi w HF1I " 257.3 ft from cor. No. 4, und at intersec tion lino 4-5 Galena lode at N. 47 deg., 21 min. W. 248.3 ft. from cor. No. 4, 1G9.9 ft., same bearing to cor. No. 2, idontical with location, thence N. 61 deg., 51 miu W. 30'J it. to cor. No. 3, idontical with cor. No. 1, Desplaiu lodo of this group, and on tho oast end lino of Senator No. 2.survoy No,1120,thonce i A'. 18 deg., 17 min. JbJ. 169.9 ft. to cor. No. 4, identical with location and with corners No. 5, Galena lode of this group, No. 3, Senator lodo surrey No. 1120, and No. 2, Senator No. 2, survey No. 1120, thence S. 61 deg., 51 min. E. 309 ft. to cor. No. 1, the place of begin ning. GALENA LODE. Beginning at cor. No. 1, the N. E. cor., Identical with location and with cor. No. 2, Morning Star lode surrey No. 1331, a pine post 3 ft long d in. sq., set 12 in. in the ground, surrounded by a mound of stones scribed G. L 1410, whence U S.M.M.bearsN.28 deg., 01 min. W. 2135 ft, a main road to main shaft bears due north 12 ft, thence S.47 deg., 21 min. E. Gil ft. to cor. No. 2, the S. E. cor., identical with location and with cor. No. 8, Morning Star lode survoy No. 1331, thence S. 65 deg., 48 min. W. to cor. io. l or tne Auburn lode of this survey, 961.8 ft., same bear ing to cor. No. 3, identical with loca tion, thonce S. 52 deg., 28 min. W. 353.7 ft. to cor. No. 4, identical with cor. No. o or tne Auburn lode or tuis group and at intersection line 3-4 Desplaiu lode at S. 31 deg. 11 miu. 30 sec. W. 132.78 it. from cor. io. 4. tnence si. 47 deg, 21 min. W. 248.30 ft to intersection line 1-4 Desplain lode at N. 77 deg., 44 miu. W, 257.3 ft from cor. No. 4, and at in tersection line 1-2 Helen lodo of this survey, at S. 18 deg. 17 min. W. 84.95 ft to cor. No. 1, 582.30 ft, same bearing to cor. No. 5, identical with location and with cors. No. 4, Helen lode of this sur voy, No. 3, Senator lode survey No.1120, thence N. 47 deg, 50 min. E. 350 ft. to cor. No. 6, identical with location and with cor. No. 3, Lowell claim of this group, thonce N. 65 deg., 48 min. E. 961.80 ft. to cor. No. 1, the place of be ginning. DESPLAIN LODE. Beginning at cor. No. 1, the N. W. cor., identical with location and with cor. No. 3, Helen lode of this group, a pine post 4 ft long, set 12 in. in the grouud, surrounded by a mound of stones, scribed D. L. 1410 whence U. S. M. M. No. 4 bears N.3 deg., 47 min.E. 2682 ft., thence S. 31 deg., 11 min. 30 sec. W. 229.42 ft. to intersection line be ween Buckeye and Senator No. 2 lodes at N. 64 deg., 30 min. 30 sec. W. 51.66 ft. from cor. No. 7, Buckoye, and cor. No. 5, Senator No. 2, survey No. 1120,757.5 ft, same bearing to cor. No. 2, identical with location and with cor. No. 2,Buck eye lode survey No. 1120, thence S. 77 deg., 44 min. E. 302.40 ft. to cor. No. 1, Minnesota lode of this survey, 563.30 ft, same bearing to cor. No. 3, identical with location, thence'N. 31, deg.,11 min. 30ses. E. 762 ft to intersection line 4-5 Minnesota lode of this survey at S. 7 deg., 20 min. E. 91.25 ft. from cor. No. 5, same bearing 98;70 ft. to intersection line 3-4 Auburn lodo of this group at S. 18 deg.,7 miu. E. 74.96 ft from west end center line, same bearing 217 ft. to in tersection line 1-4 lode of this group at N. 70 deg., 29 min. E. 89.73 ft from cor. No. 1, same bearing 624.72 ft. to cors. No 5 Auburn,and No. i Galena, lodes of this group,same bearing 757.50 ft. to cor. No. 4', thence N. 77 deg., 44 min. W. 257.30 ft. to intersection line 4-5 Galena lode of this survey (see Ga lena) 563 30 ft. same bearing to cor. No. 1, the placo of beginning. AUBURN LODE. Beginning at cor. No. 1, tho N. Et cor., identical with location and at a point on line 2-3 Galena lode of this group at S. 65 deg., 48 min. W. 434.30 ft. from cor. No. 2, a pine post 4 ft. long 4 in. sq. set 12 in. in the ground, sur rounded by a mound of stones scribed A.L.--1410rwhence U.S.M. M. No.4 bears N. 23 deg., 7 min. W. 2G89 ft, thence S. 18 deg., 7 min. E. 550 ft. to cor. No. 2, identical with location, tnence south 71 deg., 33 min. W. 954 ft to intersection lino Boston lode of this group at S. 7 deg , 20 min. E. 123 ft. from cor. No. 4, same bearing 1257.10 ft. to cor. No. 3, identical with location and with cor. No. 4,Delmar lodo of this group, thence N. 18 deg., 7 miu. W. 38.67 ft. to intersec tion line 3-4 Desplain lode of this group at N. 31 deg., 11 min. 30 sec. E. 98.-70 ft. from cor. iNo. 3. same bearing 115.61 ft. to cor. No. 5 Minnesota loie and cor. No. 1 of the Boston claims of this survey, same bearing -231.32 ft. to cor. No.4,idontical with location",thence N. 50 deg., 58 min E. 427.15 ft. to cor. No. 5, identical with location and with cor. No. 4 of the Galena lode of this survey, thence N. 52 deg., 28 min. E. 353.79 ft. to cor. No. 6, Identical with location and with cor. No. 3 Galena lodo of this group, thence N. 65 deg. 48 min. E. 527.50 ft. to cor. No. 1, the place of beginning. DELMAR X.ODE. Beginning at cor. No. 1, the N. E. cor., identical with location and with cor. No. 2, Auburn lode of this group and fully described thereunder,wbence U. S, M. M. No. 4 bears N. 22-deg., 01 W. 3233 ft., thence S. 18 deg.. 7 min. E. 600 ft to cor. No. 2 identlcal'with loca tion, thenco S. 71 deg., 83 min', W. 14.20 ft. to intersection lino 2-3 Har rison lode of this survey at S. 28 deg., 48 min. E. 24 65 feet from cor. No. 2 603.31 feet same bearing to intersection line 1:4 Harrison lode at .S. 28 deg., 48 min. E. 7i.24 ft. from oor. No. 1, 1073.31 ft. srhjo bearing to intersection line 3-4 Boston lode of th"is,group.t.N. 7 deg., 20 min W. 318.60 ft. from cor. No. 3, 1192.41 ft, same bearing tq intersection lino 1-4 Des Moines lodaof this group at S. 23 dog., 48 min. E. 124.91 from cor. No. 1, 1257.10 foot samo bearing to oor. No. 3, idontical with location, thence N. 18 dog., 7 min. W. 600 ft to cor. No. 4, Identical with location and with cor. No. 3, Auburn claim of this survey, thonco N. 71 dog., 3 min, E 303.10 ft. to intersection lino 3-4 Boston lodo of this survoy atS. 7 dog., 20 min. E. 123 ft. from ccr. No. 4, 1257.10 ft., samo ooariiig to cor. jn o. l. uio place or be ginning. BOSTON LODE. . Beginning at cor. No.'l.,tho N. W. cor., identical with location and with cor. No. 5, Minnesota lodo of this sur-. voy, a pirn post 4 ft. long, 4 iu. sq. sot I 12 iu.ln too ground scriood li. u. mu, whonco b. S. AL Al. No. 4 boars N. 28 den.. 30 miu. W 3280.40 ft. thonco N. 7 deg., 20 miu. E. 91.20 ft, to inloreotjtlou I lino 3-4 Desplain lodo at N. 31 deg., 11 min. 30 soi-. E. 7G.20 ft from cor. No. 3, 1000.70 ft. sumo boating to cor. No. 2, identical with location and with cor. No. 4, Minnesota lode of this group, ' thence N. 70 deg., 29 min. E. 78.4 ft to I long 4 In sq set 12 ins In the ground cor. No. 1, Dallas lode of this survey, i surrounded by a mound of stones 322.90 ft., same bearing to cor. No. 3 1 scribed D M L 1410, whence U S M M i identical with location and with cor. No 4 bears n 3 deg, 14 min W 3857 ft, No. 2 Dallas lode of this survey, thenco thence n 70 deg, 13 min E 163 ft to in N. 7 deg., 20 min. W. 318.00 ft. to inter- tersection line 3-4 Boston lodo ot this 1 section line 2-3 Delmar lode of this group at n 7 deg, 20 min w 431 ft from i group at N. 71 dog., 33 min. E. 183.79 ft. cor No 3, GOO ft samo bearing to cor No rrom cor. jno. a, 4.H it. samo bearing to Intersection line 1-2 of Des Aloines lode at N. 70 deg., 13 min. E. 163 ft. from cor..No. L 937.60 ft. to Intersection line 2-3 Dolmar lode at N'. 71 deg., 33 min. E. 303.10 ft. from cor. No. 3, 1060.70 ft. samo bearing to cor. No. 4, identical with location, thence S. 70 deg., 29 miu. W. 233.17 ft. to intersection line 3-4 Desplain lode of this group at N. 31 deg., 11 min, 30 "sec; E. 217 ft. from cor. No. 3, 322.90 ft. same bearing to cor. No. 1, the place of beginning. DALLAS LODE. Beginning at cor. No. 1, tho N. W. cor., identical with location and with cor. No. 2, Bob & John lode survey No. 1020, a pine post 4 ft. long 4 in. sq. set 12 in. in ground surrounded by a mound of stones scribed D. L.- 1410, whence U.S.A1.AI. No.4 bears N.2 deg.,17 min. W. 4321.3 ft., thenco N 70 deg., 29 min. E. 244.50 ft to cor. No. 2, Identical with location and with cor. No. 3, Bos ton lode of this group, thence S. 28 deg., 18 miu. E. 853.C0.ft. to cor No. 4 Des Aloines lode of this group 1326 ft. same bearing to cor.No.3,identlcai with location, thence S. 70 deg., 29 min. W. GOO ft. to oor. No.4, identical wlthjoca tion, thence N. 28 deg, 48 min. W. 31 ft to cor No. 5, identical with location and with cors. No. 2 John & James sur vey No. 1393, No. 3 Bob & John survey No. 1020, thence N. 18 deg., 00 min. W. 1280.80 ft to cor. No. 1, the place of be ginning. MINNESOTA LODE Beginning at corl No. 1, the N. W. cor., identical with location and with the south end. center Desplaiu lode of this group and with cor. No. 2, Annie lode survey No. 1021, a pine post -4 ft. long 4 in. sq. set 12 in. in the ground surrounded by a mouud of stones scribed M. L. 1410, whence U. S. AL M. No, 4 boars N. 5 deg., 21 min. E. 3394.50 feet, thence S. 5 deg., 30 miu. W. 568.30 feet to cor. No. 2, thence S. 9 deg., 00 min. W. 594 ft. to cor. No 2, identical with cor. of location and with cor. No. 5 Triangle lode survey No. 1019, thence N. 70 deg., 29 miu. E. 1UU.4U it to cor. JSo. 6 bob & John lode t ,X , , m . , 11 miu. 30 see, E. 76.20 ft. from cor. No. 3, 1060.70 ft. same bearing to cor. No. 5, identical with location and with cor. No. 1, Boston lode of this group, and with west end center Auburn lodo of this croup, thence S. 70 dec. 29 min. W. 300 ft. to cor. No. 1, the place of be- ginning. DELEVIN LODE. F?-1:. M ?LE identical with location and with cor No 3, Dallas lodo of this survoy, a pine post '4 ft long 4 in square sot 12 ins in fbo ornnn S,,, iw mnJ f the ground, surrounded by a mound of stones scribed D L 1410, whence U S M M No 4 bears N 10 deg, 57 min W 5497 ft, thence S 28 deg, 48 min E 937.70 ft to cor No 3 Dauvillo lode of this group, 1469 feet same bearing to cor No 2. identical with location and with cor No 2 Alice lode survey No 1393, thence S 70 deg, 29 min W 85.49 ft to Intersection of Christmas '96 and Alice lodes survey No 1393, at S 18 deg, 33 min E 475 ft from cor No 3 of the Danville lode a claim of this group, 600 ft to cor No 3 identical with location and with cor No 1 Alice lodo survey No 1393 and with cor No 3 John & James lode survey No 1393, thence n 28 deg, 48 min W 1469 ft to cor No 4 identical with location and with cor No 4 Dallas lode of this group, thence n 70 deg.29 min E 300 feet to north end center identical with south end center Dallas lode, 600 ft same bearing to cor No 1, tho place of beginning. HANCHETT LODE. .Beginning at cor Jo l, tne n w identical with location and with cor, cor No 4, Harrison lode of this croup, a pine post 4 ft long 4 in sq set 12 ins in tne ground surrounded by a mound of Btones scrihed H L 1410, whence U S M M No 4 bears N 161 deg, 42 min W 5044.50 ft, thence S 28 deg. 48, min E 1436.b0 ft to cor No 2, Identical with location and with cor No 2 Danville lodo of this group, luuuvt: i iu ueg, ig mui rj -oil, to cor ni oa wnenue original location bears N 76 deg, 13 min E 210 ft, thence N 17 dog, 50 min W 1381 feet to cor No 4, identical with location and with south end center Harrison lode of this group, thenco S 76 deg, 13 min W 300 ft to cor No 1, the place of beginning. HIGGINS LODE. Beginning at cor No 1, the N W cor, identical with location and on lino 2-3 Harrison lode of this survey at S 28 deg, 48 miu E 173.32 ft from cor No 2, a pine post 4 ft long 4 in sq set 12 ins in the ground, surrounded by a mound of stones, sorlbed H L 1410, whence U P M M No 4 beara, N 21 deg, 42 min W 3987 ft, thenca'N 71 dec, 30 miu E 340 ft to cor No 2' identical with location, thence S 14 deg," 09 min E 54.40 ft to in tersection line on north end Bengal lode at S 82 deg, 40 miu W 91.10 ft from the NW 'cor of that claim 51G.G0 ft same bearing to cor No 3 whence orig inal location oears N 81 deg, 30 miu E 80 ft, thenco S 71 deg, 80 min W 221.00 ft to cor No 4 ou the west side line of the unsurvoyed Bengal lodo, whonco ...n!nnl lnnnilnn liAnMn G 1 rl er ?fl VM I r I i'.VKi""1,"" " ". A U,.VX' W da it,tnenco i aeg.aomiu v oo 11. to cor in u i, iuu ptuoo ui uvgiumuL;. J)ANVLLLE LODE. Beginning at cor No 1, tho N E cor, idontical with location, a nine post 4 ft long 4 in square set 12 ins in the ground surrounded by a mound of stones scribed D L 1410, whouco U S Al Al Vn A ln n IRrlorr Wl ,,,!, W rf25.40 ft, thence S 28 dec, 48 min E 19.50 ft to oor ivo l iiancneti iooo oi mis survey, i 1455.80 ft, samo bearing to cor No 2, Idontical with location and with cor No 2 Hanchett lode, of this group; I thenco 8 76 deg, 13 min W GOO ft to cor No 3 Idontical with location and with cor No 1 Christmas "00 lodo survey No 1393, thenco n 28 deg, 48 min W 9S7.70 ft to cor No 1 Deloviu lode of this sur vey. 115580 ft same bearing to oor No 4 Identical with location and with cor No 4 Des Aloines lodo of this group, thence n 76 deg, 13 min E GOO ft to cor No 1, the placo of beginning. DES AlOINES LODE. Beginning at cor No 1, the n w cor, Identical with location, a pine post 4 ft survoy io. iirzu, and cor. o. a xnangie uook jo record or mines, pages 43, 44, lode survey No. 1019, 600 ft same bear- 45; Dallas lode, book 15 record of mines, Ing to cor. No. 4 identical with location pages 39 and 40; Harrison lode, book 15 and with cor. No. 2, Boston lode of this record of mines, pages 46, 47 and 48; group, thonce N. 7 deg., 20 min. W. i Galena lode, book 15 record of mines, 969.50 ft. to intersection line 3-4 Dos-1 pages 48 and 49; Helen lode, book 15 -plain lode of this group at N. 31 deg., I record of mines, paces 45 and 46: Des- a idontical witn cor or location and with cor No 1 Harrison lode of this group, thenco s 28 deg, 48 min E 74.24 ft to intersection Hue 2 3 Delmar lode of this group at a 71 deg, 33 min w 603.31 ft from cor No 2, 1300 ft same 1 bearing to cor No 3 identical with loca I tion and with cor No 1 Danville lodo of this survey; thence s 76 deg, 13 min w I 600 ft to cor No 4 identical with loca tion and with cor No 4 Danville lode of ! this group, thence n 28 deg, 48 min w i 853.30 ft to cor No 2 Dallas lode, 1175.10 ft same bearing to intersection line 2-3 j Delmar lode of this group at n 71 deg 66 min 04.69 ft from cor JNo 3,0300 ft same bearing to cor No 1, the placo of beginning. HARRISON LODE. Beginning at cor No 1, the n w cor identical with location and with cor No 2 Des Aloines lodo of this group, a pine post 4 ft long 4 in sq set 1 ft in the ground, surrounded by a mound of stones scribed H L 1410, whence U S M Al No 4 bears n 11 deg 12 min w, 3793 ft, thenco n 76 deg, 13 min e GOO ft to cor No 2 identical with location, thenco s 28 deg. 48 min e 24 65 ft to intersection line 2-3 Delmar lode of this group at s 71 deg. 33 min w 14.21 ft from cor No 2, 173 32 ft same bearing to cor No 1 Hig gins lode of this group, G96.32 ft earn bearing to intersection west lineunsur- i veyed Bengal lodo at n DO deg, 45 min ! w G17 30Yt from cor No 4 nanchett lode ot tnis survey, 1319 50 ft same bearing to cor No 3 identical with location, thence s 76 deg, 13 min w 300 ft to cor No 4 Hanchett lode of this group, 450 ft same bearing to cor No 4 Hanchett lode, GOO ft same bearing to cor No 4 Identical with cor No 1 Hanchett lode of.this group, thenco n 28 dejf, 48 min w 19.50 ft to cor No 3 Des Aloiuea lodo of this survey, 1245.23 ft same bearing to intersection lino 2-3 Delmar lode of this group at s 71 dee, 33 min w 603.31 ft from cor No 2. 1318 50 ft same bear ing to cor No 1, the place of beginning. The said mining claims being of re cord in the office of Recorder of Deeds as follows, to wit: Das AfnirtPS lnrliv t I. irr ' . . . :.l plain lode, book 15 record of mines. page 3; Auburn lode, book 15 record of mines, pages 40, 41 and 42; Delmar lode, book 15 record of mines, pages 43 and 43; Boston lode, book 14 record of i mines of Cochiso countv. naco 7ft3: Hanchett lodo, book 14 record of mines of Cochise county, page 795; HigginB lode' book 14 record of mines of Co- I book Tl recor'd "of minT pace S nanvifie iod T,onE 10 ! nf I "$?. ffliJiJ S hTiof ! $ minS ?nif ilodA I r. I 9.1 HllUeS, page 154. At TOmbst( mines, record Tombstone, in tne county ano territory aloresaid. The presumed general course or direction of tho veins, lodes or mineral deposits of tho above de scribed lodes respectively is .shown upon tho plat posted on tho claim as nearly as can bo determined from present development, this claim being for tho linear feet of each lode thereof as hereinabove set forth re spectively, together with the surface ground shown on the official plat afore said. Ths said veins, lodes and mining premises hereby sought to be patented are bounded as follows, to wit: On tho north Black Jack and Sena tor lodes.survey No. latter 1120, Copper 8ueen Consolidated Alining Co., owner, u tho west Senator No. 2 and Buck eye No. 1120. Alartin Costello, owner; Annie No. 1021, Bob &. John No. 1020, John & James and Alma No. 1393, the South Bisbeo Copper Alining & Town 8ito Improvement Co., owners. On the south Alico and Christmas '90 No. 1393, South Bisbee Copper .Alining & Townsito Improvement Co., owner. On the enet Rathmoon & Bengal, Bropby & O'Hure, owners; Morning Star No. 1331. Copper Queen Consolidated Alin ing Co., owners; Del Norte, Higgins 4 Fenner owners. , . , i ., .. AREA. Net area Lowell lode .S07 acres acre acres acres .592 acres acres acres J"," Sia w Tth Total area Helen lode 1.1S3 snrenln cnnllict with Detnlnlulode .297 Less area in eonllict with Gulenn lode .297 Net area Helen lode Total oren Desplain lode... Lets oren in conflict with Suntor No.2,snrvejU20 Less nren in conflict with Bucheye survey No. 1120 Less nren In conflict it h a pnrt of Auburn lode conflict Less area Jn cnnllict with Galena lode Less area in eonllict with Auburn lodo and Boston lodes T.t-. nrpn in eonllict with 9.267 CSS .691 .7M acres .371 .077 ncr Boston lodo only CIS Less nren In conflict with Minnesota lode .322 Net area Desplain lode Net area Galena lode Total area Auburn lode.... 12.174 Less nren in conflict with Boston lode J&ii Net area Auburn lode... . Total area Delmar lodo 17.315 Less area In conflict with Harrison lode 65S Less area in conflict with Des Moines lode... 1.319 Net area Delmar lode Total area Boston lode 7.6S6 Less nren in conflict with Pelmnr and portion of Des Moines S.S30 Less area In'confllct ith aores acres 6.69S acres 17.179 acres acres aores 11.631 acres acres acre acres 15.S3S acres acres acres acres S.P29 acres 12.il0 ncret 10.463 acres 19.060 acres 6.250 acres - acres acres 1.6U acres 1P.S40 acres 17.210 acres acres ncret 14.S40 acres Net area Best Des Moinrs lode only... on lodo... yetnren rufl8 lode Net area Minnesota lode,., Net nren Delevin lode I Net area Hanchett lode .... loini aren mggins mcie .. o.i.a Less area in conflict with Bengal lod unsurveyed 1.615 Net area Higgins lode Net aron Dnnv'lle lode Net area Dps Moines lodo Total nren Harrison lodo 17.510 Lessnrenln eonfllctwlthun- v,xffifi&: Z.70U Net area lode claim Magnetic variation, 12 E. 157.191 acres throughout. Any and all persons claiming: ad versely auy portion of said Galena, Helen. Lowell, Desplain, Auburn, Del mar, Alinncsotn, Boston, Des Aloines, Harrison, Danville, HailChctt, Dallas, Dc levin, Higgins, mines or surface ground aro required to filo their ad vorso claims with tho Register of the United States Land Office at the Territory of Arizoun, during the sixty days period of publication horeof, or they will bo barred by virtue of the provisions of tho Statute AIilton R. AIoore, Register. First publication July 10, 1900. J 1 TfS" n ii -31 'S' J J - -V, & g r i-yfe5SL (".(tl"f.. . - ' f 6. Wwn!rairjsrvsvrinivT .