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fanv nrnitWffwrmuMi iroC COCHISE JREV1EW : WEDNESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 29. 1900 J B.F. GRAHAMS CO. 1 LIVERY and SALE STABLE First-Class Driving and Saddle Horses. The O. E. Livery Stable Is the largest and best equipped in Ariz. FUNERAL DIRECTORS CORNER O. K. AND RAILROAD AV. i ?36ii UNION MEAT MARKET and BAKERY l . I. nVRDLOCK. Proprietor w i A r W PHOENIX BBEF.Veal, Mutton,, Lamb and Sausage of all kinds BREAD, PIES AND CAKES On hand or to order. Wedding Cakes JK v A a specially. y) BREWERY AVENUE, BISBEE 1 ! Fletcher Transfer & Good Service, Prompt Attention Satisfaction Guaranteed PRESTON FLETCHER, PROP. Leave orders with R. K. Williams. HO MRS. M. BLEWEn, Proprlefor. BOOTS, SH0ESAND SLIPPERS For Ladles and Gentlemen. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods Ladles' Ready Made Skirts Complete Line of Millinery MAIN ST., TWO DOORS ABOVE POST OFFICE I II CD MIT Plant situated in Upper Mule Gulch. City Office, Wallace Building. J. B. ANOIJJS & CO. General Merchandise Main Street - - Bisbee, Arizona WALDORF Restaurant OPEN DAYJND NIGHT OTTO W, QEISENHOFER, Prop. 5KSSSSSBSSSSSSSeSSee! fi.7LJJu.rj i -jmmMi ' nwi ll-.Uii DTomirllTtinicnred. OliKOFEE. 6nd model, sketch' or photo for fro nratton paUntaUiitj. Book "llow (io ukud u.ts. ana i ori jnrawauinaxnuio-JiarKs,-; JFEXB. Fslreit terms trcr offured to inrtnton. JPATEWT LAWYERS OF 38 TEAKS' PRACTICE. .,20,000 PATENTS PROCURED THROUGH THEM. I J All dullness oon&dentiil. bound advice. FoltnraK litmoi Modems ehirjei. f iwriwf-i K KSTVT-ITUT- 9. nr I to w t&mj xjl a sji PATENT LAWYERS, Opp. U. 8. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. P. f eoo9ooogDo0wtti)giivw j The J. H. Jack Lumber Co . . AGENT FOR THE STUDEBAKER WAGONS, BUGGIES, CARTS, ETC. Prices Reasonable. Bisbee - - - Arizona frMM4M(WOOOO4l Hole in the Wall "; STORE C. M. Ilcnkel, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler Main Street, Bisbee. BISBEE Blacksmithing Co. T. A. TATE, Prop General Blacksmithing. Horseshoe Ing a specialty. Above Floodgate. Stage Line. it id i I lie in XfJt1??' Wed"vJOS. SCHWARTZ Arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Bisbee Headquarters at Greene Con solldated Cupper Company's Ofllce, Rooms 11 and 12 Anglus Hotel. Cananea Headquarters, Greene Con. Copper Company's Offices. Cheap CASH Store. Cholcn Family Oroceilei, Frenh Krnlts of all hind reoolved dally Wines, L. niinm, Clgari and Tobaoooi, Good delivered free, MKDIGOVICM & NOBILU 1 Extensive Alterations ure now coin? on in our Mam mouth listiibliilimeiit. Now store spacr Is being nddod, nud remodeling throughout is also a. fentutu. It Is our aim to make this store strictly up to dute in -eiy particular, aud the Incoming Fall lines, so ex tensively purchased from Nw York anil Chlctigo murkets, 111 surely bring it on u stand ai I witli eastern houses. Further notice regarding our progress will bo given from time to time, "THB FAIR" '?v''VViV.-VVV I. W. Wallace : : AGENT AND BROKER Bitibvc - - Arizona liepresen ting Mining Prop erties. Real Estate Bonirht and Sold. Money Loaned and Invented. Pulli'cHnns Mnd. firs, n. E. Bruton Cleaning and Dyeing, By Dry Process. . . . Dressmaking n specialty, v Sutls.aotiou guaranteed. Near Rat b's Hicycls Shop, Tombstur.e Canyon. OKO. "C. CLARK. & M. Southwestern C. W. MITCH ELI Engineering AND Assay Office Examinations aud reports mnde on mini.'te properties. Desikna furnished for n 1 kinda of mining and milling plante. Assays made in Dupli. cate, 60 cents a metal. Quuntf tive and quantitative analyses made oi anv mineral piihotHnres. , Surveys of Patents In Ariz na and Mexico. Giaconovich & Co. Choice Family Groceries Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Fruits and Confections. BREWERY AVENUE AUGUST JOERR'S Watchmaker and Jeweler Dealer In Watches, Clocks, Spectacles, Stationery, Wallpaper, etc. Repairing Neatly Done MAIN STREET, - BISBEE, ARIZ. CHAMPAGNE, THE TAILOR. Garments made by us have the Style, Fit and Finishs That Well-dressed Gentlemen Appreciate. BISBEE iff NACOSARI Stage Line, TIM TAFT, Prop. Leaves Bisbee on Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Arrives Bisbee Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Goes through from Bisbee to Naco sari in n day and a half. fi"ff?rf At -'Jper Queen Store V7IIICC Where. Information oiiti tip Iii4. I am prepared to supply any quantity of first-class Brick on short notice on board curs . . Correspondence Solicited W. C. FERRIS BENSON ARIZONA BISBEE NACO u W. Rl. LIGGETT, Proprietor Arrives at Bisbee at 11 a. m. Leaves one hour after arrival of A. & S. E. train. Leave Naco at 9.30 a. m. Trip each way made in one and a quar ter hours. V. G. MEDIG0VICH Wholesale and Retail Denier in GROCERIES. GAME RECEIVED $kek Poultry, Jauors. 'floes floors ond Tobaccos. PRACTICAL TINSMITH '. Roollnpr. Oiittorlnu, Until Tub, Sinks nnd heavy Mi-et Iron W'-rk of all clonorlptlons. .Mi worn en riuitoed bcuool lloUko tit II. Tole ho e No 31. e. a. ORD CO; Plumbinl Cornice and Sheet Hetai Workers TELErllONE NO. 9 ' OfffXC ABU DUO KtXX IO B8&WX8Y Bricks 81 mm FRATERNITIES IMPROVED ORDER OF RED -MEN. COOHW, Tribe No. 7... moot every Thursday cciiing ut the- Opora Homo Hall Vis iting broth :rs cordially invi ted. James Cumpholl, Sachoiu John Munch, O oi R hilmundtiou, Medic) no Alan. VSARUEN CAMP NO. 9, WOODMEN OF THK AVOKLU, meets every second und fourth Monduy at the opera house Vis iting members cordially Invited. J. A MILDER, C. O. V. V. JOHNSTON Sec. PERFECT ASHLAR LODGE No. 12, F, &. A. M. Meets first I'huraduy of each month. Visitlne breth ren cordially invited to attend. n n. Wamker. w. m. J L. Buown, Secretary T ANDMARK CHAPTER Nn. 0., '-' R. A. M. Regular Convofa tions third Tuesduy in evrh month, 8:15 p. m. Visiting com punions iu food standing glndly received. V. R. STILES, H. P. Frank J. Gkai Sec. QUEEN LODGE SO. 6, A. O. U. T"., meets every Saturday evening. Vis iting brothers cordially invited. Alfred Godfrey, W. M. Richard Humphrey, Rec. H. C. Fraser Financier. mnA, RISBEE LODGE NO. 10, I. O. O. "KSfcl - V.. mppt every Wedncsduv evening. Visiting brothers """ cordially invited to attend. Alfbed Godfuey, N. G. Emile Mahks, R. S. THK FRATERNA1 Lods,'C No. S3, ineetK everj tl rut and th Iril Wednesdays of the month. Visiting members nro cor diull) invited. JULI. .MILLER. President. Rents Collected PROPERTY LOOKED AFTER MONEY LOANED Bisbee Real Estate Co. E. B. riASON. Manager Notice to Creditors. Fstato of Patrick Cunningham, deceased Notice is hereby glvpii by the um' rsitfncd. administratrix of the e&rnto of PatiicK Clf'tilnglmm. dnceas d, to tho creditors ot and all iernona having claims UL'ulnst the na d deceased, to exhlb t thmn, with thenec--ssao vouchnrs, within ten mnnthaf eriht first piibllo tlon of this notice to the Mild administratrix at Risbco, the same lieliif the place for th trans etinn of linsinoss ol said estute, in said county of '''ophise, JUilA CUNNINGHAM. Adm nlstratrlx of the Estuto of Putrloli ( unmnuham deceased. Dated at Bisbee, A T this first day of June, 9)i . First uuhltoa Ion .Tunn iAW. SUMMONS. In tho District Com t, First Judloial Dis trict of the Territory of Ailzona. In and for the.connty of Cochise. Louise K. plaintiff, vs. Ernest W. Priest, dofendant Action hroiurht In the District Court of the t"rst Judicial District of the Teir tor) of Arl7oiia, In and for theCnu y of Ooohise and the complilnt fllecl In tho said Conn 3 nf Cochlco. in the ofllce of the clerk of aid Dixtr otCoutt. The lerritory of Arizona sends greeting to Ernest W. Priest. Von are hereby required to appear in nn action brought against ou by the ubove named pui'iititf. I onise K Priest, n the Ulstrlet Court of the I lrt Judicial DUtrlct of the Territory of Arizona, in and for the Com. ty of Cno'ilse, and to uns'ver the com plaint filed therein, within ten da s (exolu sive of tho tlaj of service) niter the service on you of this summons, ( f served within thin enmity; or If served out of this count) but In this district, within twentj dys: otherwise within th'rt? days.) oi judgment by default will he taken against you uccord lug to thepraer of said compl int. i he salfl action Is brouuht to obtain a de cree of dlv rce from 'he bonds of matri mony nnd for general relief and tor oot. Given under my han and thot,ealof the DMrlcti oiirtof the rlrst Judicial District of tho lerritory of Arizona, in and for the Com y of Coohlso. thl. 2Hd day of Juno, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred, A. II. EmaNU l. Clerk. First ubllontlon June 27, J900 APPLICATION P0R MINING PATENTS Mining Application No. 717 Survey No. 1410. U. S. Land Office, Tucson, Ariz., July 12, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the Low ell & Arizona Copper Mining und Smelting Co., of-Bisbee, Cochise county. Arizona Territory, per F. C. Fenner, ut torney, in fact whose postofllco ad dross is Bisbee, Cochise county, Ari zona Territory, have this day filed their application for a patent for 1350, 510. 300, 750, 1257, 1257, 1000,420, 1300,1310. 1155, 1390, 1300, 1469, 520 linear foot respectively of the Galena, ilolon, xjowell, Despluiu, Auburn, Dolmar, Minnesota, Boston, Des Moines, Har rison, Dunville, Hanciiott, Dallas, Do levin, Higgins veins, lodes or deposits,, boaring copper nud other metals. To gether with suifaco giound 600, 250 124, 503, 550, 600, OP 322, 600, 600, 600, 300, 600. 600, 31C feet in width respectively on each. Situated in tho Warren Mining Distiict, Coun ty of Cochiso, Territory of Arizona, and designated Ly tho flold notes and oiliciul plat on tile iu tint ollico as Survey No. 1410,npproximutoly iu township No. 23 south, ruugo No. 21 east, ou unsurvoyod lands, Gila and Salt River base and moridian, Arizona, said survey No. 1410 being as follows: LOWELL LODE. Boglnning at cor. No. 1, tho N. W. cor., identical with locatiou and with cor. No. 4, survoy No. 1120, a plno post 4 in. 8q. 4 ft. nbovo ground, surrounded by a mound of stones, scribod L. L 1410, whenco U. S. M. M. No. 4 boars N. 7 deg., 44 min. W, 2127.5 ft., thouco S. 73 dog., 4 min. E., 124 ft. to cor. No. 2, idoutical with location and on lino 6-1, Ualona lodo of this group, at S. 65 deg., 48 min. W. ,660.8 ft. from cor. No. 1, thence S. 65 deg., 48 min. W., 301 ft. to cor. No. 3, identical with location; thonco N. 73 deg., 4 min. W., 25 ft. to cor No.4,whonco original location bears N. 73 deg., 4 min. W. 64 ft., thonco N. 47 deg. 22 min. E. 251.5 ft. to cor. No. l.tho placoof beginning. HELEN LODE. Beginning at cor. No. 1, tho N. E. I oor., identical with location, n pine post 4 ft. long 4 in. sq.sot IB in. In the ground, surroundo' by a mound of stones scribod If 'L. 1410, whonco U. S. M. M.Ko 1 bears N Bdeg, 21 min. W. .2514 ft., thouco S. 18 dog.,17 min. W. 84.05 ft. to iutorsoction lino 1-4 Desplaiu lode at N. 77 deg., 44 min. W. n im m KliKli I Phi "porotnry. 257.3 ft from cor. No. 4, und at intersec tion line 4-5 Galena lode at N. 47 deg., 21 miu. W. 248.3 ft. from cor. No. 4, .160,0 ft., same, boaring to cor. No. 2, identical with location, thence N. 61 aog., oimiu w. awn. to cor. ino. a, identical with cor. No. 1, Desplaiu lode oi mis group, anu ou rne cast ena lino of Sonator No. 2,survoy No.ll20,thenco im. i aeg., 1 min. Jbi. io.y tt. to cor. No. 4, Identical with location and with corners No. 5,. Gulena. lode of this group, No. 3, Senator lodo survey No. 1120, and, No. 2, Souutor No. 2, survey No. 1120, thence S. 61 deg., 51 min. E. 309 ft. to cor. No. 1, the place of begin ning. GALENA LODE. Beginning at cor. No. 1, the N. E. cor., identical with location and with cor. No. 2, Morning Star lode survey No. 1331, a plno post 3 ft. long 4 in. Bq., set 12 in. in the ground, surrouuded by a mound of stones scribod G. L 1410, whence U S.M.M.bearsN.28 deg., 01 min. W. 2135 ft, a main road to main shaft bears due north 12 ft., thence S.47 deg., i mm. v. tni ft. to cor. No. 2, the a. E. cor., identical with location and with cor. No. 8, Morning Star lode survey No. 1331, thence S. 65 deg., 48 min. W. 434.3 ft. to cor. No. 1 of tho Auburn lode of this survoy, 961.8 ft, same bear iug to cor. No. 3, identical with loca tion, thence S. 52 deg., 28 min. W. 353.7 it. to cor. iu. tt, identical wun cor. mo. 5 of the Auburilode of this group and ut intersection line 3-4 Desplain lode at S. 31 deg. 11 min. 30 sec. W. 132.78 tt. from cor. No. 4, thence N. 47 deg , 21 min. W. 248.30 ft to intersection line 1-4 Desplain lode at N. 77 deg., 44 miu. W, 257.3 ft. from cor. No. 4, and at in tersection lfuo 1-2 Helen lode of this survey, at S. 18 deg. 17 min. W. 84.95 ft. to cor. No. 1, 5S2.30 ft, same bearing to cor. No. 5, identical with location and with cors. No. 4, Helen lode of this sur voy, No. 3, Senator lode survey No.1120, thence N. 47 deg, 50 min. E. 850 ft. to cor. No. 6, identical with location nnd with cor. No. 3, Lowell claim of this group, thonco N. 65 deg., 48 min. E. 961.80 ft. to cor. No. 1, the place of be ginning. DESPLAIN LODE. Beginning at cor. No. 1, the N. W. cor., identical with location and with nor. No. 3, Helen lode of this group, a pine post 4 ft. long, set 12 in. in the grouud, surrounded by a mound of stones, scribed D. L. 1410 whence U S. M. M. No. 4 bears N.3 deg., 47 min.E. 2682 ft, thence S. 31 deg., 11 min. 30 sec. W. 229.42 ft. to intersection line be ween Buckeye and Senator No. 2 lodes at N. 64 deg., 30 min. 30 sec. W. 51.66 ft. from cor. No. 7, Buckeye, and cor. No 5, Senator No 2, survoy No. 1120,757.5 ft, same bearing to cor. No. 2, identical with location and with cor. No. 2,Buck eye lodo survoy No. 1120, thence S. 77 deg., 44 min. E. 302.40 ft tocor. No. 1. Minnesota lode of this survey, 563.30 ft., same bearing to cor. No. 3, identical with location, thonco N. 31, deg.,11 miu. 30 ses. E. 76 2 ft to intersection lino 4-5 Minnesota lode of this survey at S. 7 deg , 20 min. E. 91.25 ft. from cor. No. 5, same bearing 98.70 ft. to intersection 'line 3-4 Auburn lode of this group ut S. 18 deg., 7 min. E. 74.96 ft. from west end center lino,- same bearing 217 ft. to in tersection lino 1-4 lodo of this group at N. 70 deg., 29 min. E. 89.73 ft from cor. No. 1, same bearing 624.72 ft. to cors. No 5 Auburn,and No. 4 Galena, lodes of this group,same boaring. 757.50 ft. to cor. No. 4, thence N. 77 deg., 44 min. W. 257.30 ft. to intersection line .4-5 Galena lode of this, survey (see Ga lena) 563 30 ft. same bearing to cor. No. 1, tho place of beginning. AUBURN LODE. Beginning at cor. No. 1, the N. E. cor., identical with locution and at a point on lino 2-3 Galena lode of this group at S. 65 deg., 48 min. W. 434.30 ft. from cor. No. 2, a pine post 4 ft. long 4 in. sq. set 12 in. in the ground, sur rouuded by a mound of stones scribod A.L. 1410, whence U.S.M.M.No.4 bears N. 23 deg., 7. min. W. 2689 ft, thence S. 18 deg., 7 min. E. 550 ft. to cor. No. 2, identical with location, tnence south 71 deg., 33 min. W. 954 ft to intersection lino Boston lodo of this group at S. 7 deg , 20 min. E. 123 ft. from cop. No. 4, same bearing llio7.1U ft. to cor. Jo. 3, identical with location and with cor. No. 4,Delmar lodo of this group, thence N. 18 deg., 7 miu. W. 33.67 ft to intersec tion lino 3-4 Despluin lode of this group at N. 31 deg., 11 min. 30 sec. E. 9&70 ft', from cor. No. 3, samo bearing 115.61 ft. to cor. No. 5 Minnesota loie and cor. No. 1 of tho Boston claims of this survoy, same bearing 231.32 ft to cor. No.4,identical with location,thence N. 50 deg., 58 min E. 427.15 ft. to cor. No. 5, identical with location and with cor. No. 4 of the Galena lode of this survey, thence N. 52 dog., 28 min. E.; .'153.79 ft. to cor. No. 6, idontical with location and with cor. No. 3 Galena lode of this group, thence N. 65 deg. 48 min. E. 527.50 ft to cor. No. 1, the place of beginning. DELMAR LODE. Beginuing at cor, No. 1, the N. E. location and with cor., identical with cor. JNo. 2, Auburn lode of this group und fully described thereunder,whence U. S, M.' M. No, 4 bears N. 22 deg., 01 o ,r? "' til?TnceoB,-Jlb W 7 u?1?- 600 ft to cor. No. 2 Identical with loca- tion, thence S. . e 71 Anr, 91 wt.. V, 14.20 ft to intersection line 2-3 Har-, X"'! """ rlson lodo of this survey at S. 28 deg., 48 min. E. 24.65 feet from cor. No. 2 603.31 feet samo bearing to intersection lino 1-4 Harrison lode at S. 28 deg., 48 min. E. 74.24 ft. from cor. No. 1, 1073.31 ft. snmo bearing to intersection line 3-4 Boston lodo of this group at N, 7 dog., 20 min W. 318.00 ft. from cor. No. 3, 1192.41 ft, 6amo boaring to intersection lino 1-4 ues Moines lode of this group ; nt S.'23 deg., 48 miu. E. 124.91 from cor. . No. 1, 1257.10 feot same bearing ito cor. No. 3, identical with location, thence ' N. 18 dog., 7 min. W. 600 ft to cor. No. ' 4, identical with location and with oor. ( jno. .j, Auourn ciuim of this survey.) thence N. 71 dog., 33 min. E. 303.10 ft. to intersection lino 3-4 Boston lode of this survey at S. 7 deg.. 20 min. E. 123 ft. from cor. No. 4, 1257.10 ft., same boariug to cor. No. 1. tho place of be ginning. BOSTON LODE. Boginnlng at cor.TTo. 1., the N. W. cor., idoutical with location and with cor. No. 5, Minnesota lodo of this sur voy, a ptno post 4 ft. long, 4 iu. sq. set 12 tho ground scribed B. L 1410, whonco U. S. M. M. No. 4 boars N. 28 deg., 30 min. W 3250 40 ft, thonco N. 7 dog.. 20 min. E. 91.20 ft, to intersection lino 3-4 Desplain lodo at N. 31 deg., 11 min. 30 soe E. 76.20 ft. from cor. No. 3, 1060.70 ft. Hiimo bearing to cor. No. 2, idontical with location and with cor. No. 4, Minnesota lode of this group, tlience N. 70 deg., 25mm.H. 78i ft. o cor. No. 1, Dallas lode of this survey, 322.90 ft., same bearing to cor. No. 3 j identical with location and with cor. No. 2 Dallas lode of this survey, thence ijn. y aeg.,u uiin. w.aiB.uu it. to inter - section lino 2-3 Delmur lode of this ; group at i. u aeg., M min. .u. i; tt. from cor. No. 3, 431 ft. samo bearing to intersection line 1-2 of Des Moines lode at N. 70 deg., 13 min. E. 163 ft. from cor. No. 1, 937.60 ft. to intersection line i ft to intersection line 2 3 Delmar lode 2-3 Delmar lode at N. 71 deg., 33 min. of this group at 8 71 deg, 33 min w E. 303.10 ft. from cor. No. 3, 1060.70 ft 603 31 ft from cor No 2, 1300 ft same same bearing to cor. No. 4, Identical bearing to cor No 3 identical with loca with location, thence S.70 deg., 29 min. I tion and with cor No 1 Danville lode of V. 233.17 ft. to intersection line 3-4 I this survey; thence 8 76 deg, 13 min w deg., 11 min, 80 sec. E. 217 ft. from cor. No. 3, 322.90 ft. same bearing to cor. No. 1, the place of beginning. DALLAS LODE. "i'""u ,u viAia biuu)) uk . ui N. W. Beginning at cor. No. 1, the cor., identical with location and with cor. No. 2, Bob & John lodo survey No. uuu, a pine post 4 ft. long i in. sq. set 12 in. in ground surrounded by a mound of stones scribed D. L. 1410, 1 wnence, u.a.M Jl. No.4 bears JN.2 deg.,17 min. W. 4321.3 ft, thence N 70 deg., 29 min. E. 244.50 ft to cor. No. 2. identical with location and with cor. No. 3, Bos ton lodo of this group, thence S. 28 deg., 48 min, E. 858.60 ft to cor No. 4 Des Moines lode of this group 1326 ft. same bearing to cor.No.3,identical with location, thence S. 70 deg., 29 min. W. 600 ft. to cor. No. 4, identical with loca tion, thence N. 28 deg, 48 min. W. 31 ft. to cor No. 5, identical with location and with cors. No. 2 John & James sur vey No. 1393, No. 3 Bob & John survey No. 1020, thence N. 13 deg., 00 min. W. 1286.80 ft. to oor. No. 1, the place of be ginning. MINNESOTA LODE. Beginning at cor.. No. 1, the N. W. cor., Identical with location and with the, south end center Desplain lodo of this group and with cor. No. 2, Annie lode survey No. 1021, a pine post 4 ft long 4 In sq. set 12 In. in the ground surrounded by a mouud of stones scribed M. L. 1410, whence U. S. M. M. No, 4 bears N. 5 deg., 21 miu. E. 3394.50 feet, thence S. 5 deg., 30 miu. W. 568.30 feet to cor. No. 2, thence S. 9 deg., 00 miu. W. 594 ft. to cor. No. 2, identical with cor. of location and with cor. No. 5 Triangle lode 6urvey No. 1019, thence N. 70 deg., 29 min. E. 210.40 ft. to cor. No. 6 Bob & John lode survey No. 1020, and cor. No. 3 Triangle lode survoy No. 1019, 600 ft same bear ing to cor. No. 4 identical with location and with cor. No. 2, Boston lode of this group, thence N. 7 deg., 20 min. W. 969.50 ft to Intersection line 3-4 Des plain lode of this group at N. 31 deg., 11 miu. 30 sec. E. 76.20 ft. from cor. No. 3, 1060.70 ft. same bearing to cor. No. 5, identical with location and with cor. No. 1, B.iston lodo of this group, and with west end center Auburn lode of this group, thence S. 70 deg., 29 min. W. dUU ft. to cor. JNo. 1, the place of be- ginning. DELEVIN LODE. Beginning at cor No 1, the N E cor, identical with locatiou and with cor No 3, Dallas lode of this survey, a pine post 4 ft long 4 in square set 12 ins in tho ground, surrouuded by a mound of stones scribed D L 1410, whenco U S M M No 4 bears N 10 deg, 57 min W 5497 ft, thence S 28 deg, 48 miu E 987.70 ft to cor No 3 Danville lode of this group, 1469 feet same bearing to cor No 2. identical with location and with cor No 2 Alice lode Burvey No 1393, thence S 70 dog, 29 min W 85.49 ft to intersection of Christmas '96 and Alice lodes survey No 1393, at S 18 deg, 33 min E 475 ft from cor No 3 of the Danville lode a claim of this group, 600 ft to cor No 3 identical with location and with cor No 1 Alice lodo survey No 1393 and with cor No 3 John & James lode survey No 139.'), thence n 28 deg, 48 min W 1469 ft to cor No 4 identical with location and with cor No 4 Dallas lode of this group, thence n 70 deg,29 min E 300 feet to north end ceutor Identical with south end center Dallas lode, 600 ft same bearing to cor No 1, the plaeo of beginning. nANCHETT LODE. Beginning at cor in i, the n w cor, idontical with, location and with cor No 4, Harrison lodo of thin group, a plno post 4 ft long 4 iu sq set 12 ins in the ground surrounded by a mound of stones scribed H L 1410, whenco U S M M No 4 bears N 16 deg, 42 min W 5044.50 ft, thence S 28 deg, 48 min E 1436.b0 ft to cor No 2, identical with location and with cor No 2 Dauvillo lode of this group, thence N 76 deg, 13 min E 26 ft to cor No 3 whence original location bears JN 76 deg, 13 min E 210 ft, thence N 17 deg, 50 mu W 1381 feet to cor No 4, identical with location and with south end center Harrison lode of 'this group, thence S 76 deg, 13 min- W 300 ft to cor No 1, tho place of beginning. HIGGINS LODE. Beginning at cor No 1, tho N W cor. idoutical with location and on line 2-3 Harrison lode of this survey at S 28 deg, 48 min E 173.32 ft from cor No 2, a pine post 4 ft long 4 in sq set 12 ins in the ground, surrounded by a mound of stones, scribed H L 1410, whence U P T f AT.-, A Imuiko TiT OI Anr, AC .! IV 3087 ft, thence N 71 deg, 30 min E 340 tn nr Nn 9 irionM! .ti, lntir... .. iw a uwu ii x u. -x mm i I.. r . 7 . Xr ..."..".. I tnence a i uesr. uu min & mad in. tersoction line on north end Bongal lode at S 82 deg, 40 min W 91.10 ft from theNW cor of that claim 516.00 ft same bearing to cor No 3 whence orig- ES ii" rrVV, ". "U,&"L ?.' iiiui iuwuuu uvum n oi uug, ou uuu j 80 ft, thence S 71 deg, 30 min W 221.90 ft to cor No 4 on the west sido lino of thp nnsurveyed Bengal lode, whence uiginul location bears S 71 deg 30 miu W 32 ftthouoe N 23 deg.48 min W 523 ft to cor No 1, tho placo of beginning. DANVILLE LODE. Beginning at cor No 1, tho N E cor. identical with locatiou, a plno post 4 it long 4 iu square set 12 Ins in the ground surrounded by a mound of stones i scribed DX 1410, whence U S M M No 4 henrfl n 1G det?. 39 min V 5025.40 ft, thence S 28 deg, 48 miu E 19.50 ft to cor No 1 Hanchett lode of this survey, 1455.S0 ft samo beariuK lo cor No 2, idontical with location and with cor No 2 Hanohott lod6 of this group; thonco S 70 deg. 13 miu V 000 ft to cor No 3 identical with location nnd with cor No 1 Christmas nM lodo survey No 1393, thenco n 28 deg, 48 min W 937.70 ft to cor No 1 Deloviu lodo of this sur toy 1155 80 ft snmo bearing to cor No 4 Idontical with location and with cor No 4 Des Moines lodo of this group, thence u 76 deg, 13 min E 600 ft to cor No 1, tho place of beginning. DES MOINES LODE. Beginning at oor No 1, tho n w cor, Identical with location, a pine post 4 ft long 4 in sq set 12 ins in the ground I surrounded by a mound of 6tonee scribed D M L 1410, whence USMM ' No 4 bears n 3 deg, 14 min W 3857 ft, I thence n 76 deg, 13 miu E 163 ft to in- ' tersection lino 3-4 Boston lode of this group at n 7 deg, 20 min w 431 ft from cor No 3, 600 ft some bearing to cor No 2 idontical with cor of location and with cor No 1 Harrison lode of this group, thence s 28 deg, 48 min E 74.24 wviiuii;urut lueuucai wun loca- tion and with cor No 4 Danville lode of this group, thence n 28 deg, 48 min w 853.30 ft to cor No 2 Dallas lode, 1175.10 re samo bearing to intersection line 2-3 i Delmar lodo of this group at n 71 deg ! 33 min E 64.69 ft from cor No 3, 1300 Ft I same bearhuz to cor No 1. tha nln nf I beginning. HARRISON LODE. Beginning at cor No 1, the n w cor identical with location and with cor No 2 Des Moines lode of this group, a pine post4ftlong4-in sq set 1 ft In the ground, surrounded by a mound of stones 6cri bed H L 1410, wbenco'US M M No 4 bears n 11 deg 12 min - w$, 3793 ft, thence n 76 deg, 13 miu e 600 ft to cor No 2 identical with locatiou, thence s 28 deg. 48 min e 24 65 ft to intfirsfifltlnn j Hne 2-3 Delmar lodo of this group at s i jl hpk, .. min w 14 bi it from cor No 2, 173 32 ft same bearincr to cor No 1 TTIr. gins lode of this group, 690.32 ft sam bearing to intersection west line unsur veyed Bengal lode at n 90 deg, 45 min w 617 30 ft from cor No 4 Hanchett lode of this survey, 1319.50 ft samo bearing to cor No 3 identical with location, thence s 76 deg. 13 min w 300 ft to cor No 4 Hanchett lodo of this group, 450 ft same bearing to cor No 4 Hanchett lode, 600 ft same bearing to cor No i identical with cor No 1 Hanchett lode of this group, thence n 28 dejc, 48 min w 19.50 ft to cor No 3 Des Moiuea lode of this survey, 1245.23 ft same bearing to intersection line 2-3 Dolmar lode of this group at s 71 deg, 33 min w 603.31 ft from cor No 2. 131850 ft same bear ing to cor No 1, the place of beginning. The said mining claims being of re cord in tho ollico of Recorder of Deeds as follows, to wit: Des Moines lode, book 15 recotd of mines, pages 43, 44, 45; Dallas lode, book 15 record of mines, pages 39 and 40; Harrison lode, book 15 record of mines, paces 46, 47 and 48; Galena lode, book 15 record of minen, pages 48 and 49; Helen lode, book 15 record of minos, pages 45 and 46; Des plain lode, book 15 record of minep, page 37; Auburn lode, book 15 record of mines paces 40, 41 nnd 42: Delmar lode, book 15 record of mines, pages 42 and 43; Boston lode, book 14 record of 1 mines of Cochiso county, page 793; Vlotiolinff InIn L,1. 1 4 . 3 1 . iim.ucii, iuuc, uuuk j. reuuru or mines j of Cochise county, page 795; Higgins I lode, book 14 record of mines of Co chise county, page 794; Minnesota lode, book 11 record of mines, page 550; Danville lodo, book 12 record of mines, page 153; Dolevin lode, book 12 record of mines, pngo 154. At Tombstone, In the county and territory aforesaid. The presumed goneral course or direction of tho veins, lodes or mineral deposits of the- above -described lodes respectively is shown upon tho plat posted on the claim as nearly as can be determined from present dovelopmcnt, this claim being for the linear feet of each lode thereof as hereinabove set forth re spectively, together with tho surface ground shown on the official plat afore said. Ths said veins, lodes and mining promises hereby sought to be patented are bounded as follows, to wit: On the north Black Jack and Sene torlodes.survoy No. latter 1120, Copper 8uepn Consolidated Mining Co., owner, u f he west Senator No. 2 and Buck eye No. 1120. Martin Costello, owner; Annie No. 1021, Bob & John No. 1020, John & James and Alma No. 1393, the South Bifbee Copper Miuing & Town site Improvement Co., owners. On the south Alice and Christmas '90 No. 1393, South Bisbeo Copper Mining & Townsito Improvement Co., owner. On the east Rathmoon & Bengal. Brophy & O'Haro, owners; Morning Star No. 1331. Copper Queen Consolidated Min ing Co., owners; Del Norte, Higgins fc Fenner owners. AREA. Net area Lowell lode Total area Helen lode 1.158 Letsnrer. In conflict with Desplain lode , .297 Lets nrea in conflict with Gnlenn lode .297 Net area Helen lode Totnl area Desplain lode... 9.267 Less nrea In conflict with Senator XcS.snrvej 1120 .CSS .07 acres acres - acres acres .592. acres acres acres acres i.cts nren in coniiirt witli Buckeye survey No. 1120 X91 Less nt on in eonilli t u ith u nnrt of Auburn lode conflict 795 Less nren in conflict with Galena lode 371 Less nrea In eonflirt with Auburn lode andttoston lodes 077 Lis area In conflict with Huston load only 013 Less nrea in conflict with Minnesota lode .522 acres acres acres A.69S acres 17.179 acre acres acres 11.631 acres acres acre acres 15.S3S acres ncrts iSet area Detplnln lode Net nren Gnlenn lode Totnlnren Auburn lode 12.474 Less nren in conflict with Hoston lode .813 Net nren Auburn lode Totnl nrea Delmur lode 17.315 Less nren in conflict with Harrison lodo .63S Lest nren In conflict with Dei Moines lode 1.319 I nren Delmar lode. i Totnl nren Hoston lode f.CS8 Less nrep In conflict with Deironr nun portion of Des Moines 3.330 Less nren in conflict with Det Moines lode only... Net area Hoston lode Net nren Pnllns lode Net nren Minnesota lode... Net nren Delevin lode Net nren Hnnchett lode Totnl nren Hlgrjrlns lode... 3.229 Lci nren In conflict with ilotignl lod nnsurveyed 1.615 Net nrea lllppins lodo Net area Dnnv'lle lode Net nren Des Moines lodo Totnl nren Harrison lodo 17.510 acres nerea S.929 acre 12.M0 acres 10.4GS ncres 19.900 ncrei 5.250 acres acres acres 1.614 acres 19.340 acres 17.210 acres acres l.esnrenin conuictwltlriiu- I v.t"iwwi JfcBi )i c... 2.700 iNet uren or-'0 Jff" acres acres Net nrea lode clnlm 157.191 acres Mncnetiovnrintion, 12 E. throuchout. Any and all persons claiming ad versely any portion of said Galona, Helen. Lowell, Desplain, Auburn, Dol mar, Minnesota, Boston, Des Moines, Harrison, Danville, Hanchett, Dallas, D levin, HigRins, mines or surface ground are required to file their ad verse claims with tho Register of tha United States Land Ofllce at Tucson.iu the Territory of Arizona, during the sixty days period of publication hereof, or they will bo barred by virtue of the provisions of tho Statuto. Milton R. Mooue, Register. First publication July 16, 1000. tttMamaraaffoiC! r