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&EtS' S2 COOnfSE KEVIEW : WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1900 ( N a 4 I . f ' COCHISE REVIEW Published Every Evening, Except Sunday, by THE BISBEE NEWS COMPANY. V. R. N. OREAVES, EDITOR Entered at the Postoftlce at Bisbee, Ariz., as second-class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Mail, One Year $7.50 By Carrier, One Month 75 A.I vprtlslnp- rates will be made known on application to this office. Legal pub lications in coniormny wun xerruon.u Statutes. Reading notices, 10 cents a 1ine for each insertion. Communications relating to news or editorial matter snouiu De aaaressru to Editor Cochise Review All remittances and business letters etc., should be addressed to The Bisbmb News Company. BISBEE, ARIZ., SEPT. 19, 1900. POLITICAL ANNOUNCKMKNT8. i I hereby announce myself as a can didate for tha office of SHERIFF OF 0O0BISS OOUNTT - subjeot to the action -of the Republican ", County Convention. Respectfully, Dayton Graham. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of SHERIFF OF OOOHISE OODNTT subject to tho action of the Demo cratic County Convention, Respectfully, A. V. Lewis. I hereby announce myBelf as a candi date for the office of COUNTY RECORDER of Cochise County, subject to the ac tion of the County Republican Con ventiori. Respectfully, H. C. Stillwan. I hereby announce myself as" a candi date for the office of COUNTY ASSESSOR of Cochise county subject to the de cision of the, Democratic county con vention. ' Respectfully, Tom Steele. The government has conceived the idea that the Filipinos themselves will make , good guards and police. This plan has been adopted on a small scale by forming the Macabebeea into scout ing, parties. They have proved effi cient scouts, and have on several occa sions whipped the tribesmen who were fighting us. In the 'British empire of India there are natives who make ex cellent soldiers, and it may be that cer tain tribes among the Philippine Islanders are of superior intelligence and can be trusted. gAlveston will be raised again by the resources of her own citizens. It is stated that outside capital will not be required. The site will be the same, a9 a large sum, over seven millions, has been expended in jetties to maintain her trade. Notwithstanding their losses the citizens of Galveston are confident of rebuilding their city themselves, without enlisting aid of the capitalist. Considering the danger attending the investment of capital in that city it would probably be difficult to procure money from outside sources in any quantity, . Taking into consideration the num ber of miners belonging to the unions in the anthracite coal region who ure on strike, and considering that the union funds on hand amount to $450,000 the undertaking is likely to entail a period ofsufferlng for the union men, although those funds will be augment ed by funds supplied by sympathetic unions, and by subscriptions. The number of persons deprived of income will be 500,000, thus the strike will be far reaching in its effects, and many Innocent women and children will nec essarily become dependent upon help received from outside sources. IT is remarkable that Abdul Hamld, Sultan of Turkey, the same sultan who has been keeping all Europe on the anxious seat for years, whose soldiers have butchered Armenians and who just at present happens to owe the United States a sum of money which lie has studiously forbore to pay, is the same Abdul Hamid whose silver jubl lie was celebrated Saturday, The na tions sent him letters of congratulation. Kaiser Wilhelm wrote him a touching message and Great Britain illuminated a fleet in his honor. In Washington Turks and Americans Bat down to a gorgeous anniversary dinner at the Turkish legation. Truly the bonds of polite diplomacy are bandB of steel. The Primary Elections. Bisbee, Ariz., Sept 19. Editor Review: There are two calls published iu your paper for pri mary eloctlons, one by tho democrats, to be held on the 27th ultimo, stating no hours when the election shall be opened (I presume that it means from,, fl to 0) the other by the republicans on the 28th, to be opuued at 10 a. m, and closing at 7 p. m. Thus giving the miners an opportunity to express their choice for delegates to the county con vention, as well as their choice for local offices. You will readily see that if the democratic primary is held from fl to 6 the democratic minors will virtu ally be disfranchised as voters at the primary. Is this just or fair? A DliMOCKAT. Attention, Good Dressers ! 1 tun the agent for -several eastern tailoring establishments, and can furn ish you first class clothing at prices that cannot be beat. s4-lm J. W. Weight. MINING APPLICATION NO. 721 Survey No. 13?S. United States Land Office, Tucson, Akizona, August 15, 1900. ) Notice 1b hereby given that in pur suunco of tho United Stutes mining laws tho Copper Queen Consolidated Mining company, a corporation organ ized under tho laws of the state of Now York, by its agout, Walter Doug las, whose post office address is rltnbee, Cochise county, Arizona, has mado ap plication for patent for 1500 linear feet of the Sweepstake lode mining claim, situated on uusurveyod laud, Warren district, Cochise county, Territory of Arizona, as, described by tbe official plat herewith posted, and by the field notes ou file in the office of the Regis ter of the United States Land Office, Gila land district, Tucson, Arizona, as follows, to-wit: Magnetic variation fur all courses. 11 deg. 35 miu. east. Beginning at corner no. 1, identical with southwest corner of the location, and with corner no. 2 survey no. 1186 "White Tailed Deer" lodo. a pine post in mound of stones scribed 2-1180 W T. D , and 1-1333. whenoo U. S. M. M. No. 3 bears south 6 deg. 56 min. east 2356 feet distant: thence north 37 dea. 56 min. west on line 2-3 survey No 1186 'White Tailed Deer" lode 1600 feet to corner No. 2, a pine post in mound of stones, scribed 3-1186 W. T. D. and 2 1333; thence north CO deg. 33 min. east 600 feet to corner no. 3, a pine post in mound of stones scribed 3-1333; thence south 37 deg. 26 miu. east 1500 feet to ooruer No. 4, a pine post with mound of stone's scribed d-1333; thence south 60 dog. 38 min. west COO feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning. Total and net area Sweepstake lode 20.46 acres. The said mining claim being of rec ord iu tho office of the Recorder of Cochise county, at Tombstone, iu the county and Territory aforesuid, in book 6, page 606, Record of Mines. The pre sumed general course or direction of the said Sweepstake vein, lode or min eral deposit being shown upon the plat posted herewith as near as can be de termined from present developments, this claim being for north 37 deg. 26 miu. west 1442 teet, and south Al deg, 26 min. east 58 feet from discovery shaft, total 1500 linear feet thereof,' to gether with the surface ground shown upon the official plat posted' herewith, the said vein, lodo and mining prem ises hereby sought to be patented 'be iug bounded as follows to-wit: On the southwest by survey no. 1186 "White Tailed' Deer" lode, the Copper Queen Consolidated Mining company claim ant. There ure no other known ad joining claims. Any aud all persons claiming ad versely any portion of said lode, min iuk claim ,or surface ground are re quired to file their adverse claims with the Register of the United States Land Office at Tucson, in the Territory of Arizona, during tue sixty days period of publication hereof, or they will be barred by virtue of the provisious of the statute. ' MILTON R. MOORE, Register. First publication Aug. 17, 1900. Last publication Oct. 16. 1900. MINING APPLICATION NO. 723. Survey No. 1476. United States Land Office, ) Tucson, Arizona, August 29, 1900. f Notice is hereby given that M. J. Brophy aud E. B. Mason, whose post office address is Bisbee, Cochise coun ty, Arizona territory, have this day filed their application for a patent for 1000 linear feet of the Sorrel Horse lode, mine or veiu, bearing copper and other metals, with surface ground 322.20 feet in width, situated in Warren mining district, county of Cochise and Territory of Arizona, und designated by the field notes aud official plat ou file iu this office as survey number 1470, approximately iu township No. 23 south, range 24 east (unsurveyed), of Gilu aud Salt River Base aud Merid ian, said survey No. 1476 being ns fol lows: Beginning at cor. No. 1, the nw. cor., a pine post bcribed 1-1476-S.H.L , whence original location, ideutical with cor. No. 1 Oaklahoma lode, survey No. 1398, and with the se. and sw. corners of the uusurveyed Steuben and Comet elaiuiB respectively, bears n. 0 deg. 45 miu. w. 9.58 feet, aud U. S. Mineral Monument No. '4 bears u, 49 deg. 11 min. 30 sec. w. 5584 feet;' thence u. 50 deg. 62 min. 30 sec. e. 2.75 feet to dor. No. 2, the no. cor., a piue post scribed 2-1470-S.H.L., whence original location bears u. 10 deg. 44 min.1 w. 8.43 feet; thence a. 16 deg. 44 miu. e. 979.77 feet to cor. No. 3, the se. cor., identical with location und with sw. cor. uusur veyed Pay Day claim, a piue post scribed 3-1476-S.H.L.; thence s. 56 deg. 52 min. 30 sec. w. 221 feet to origiual location for s. end center 322.2 feet, same bearing to cor. No. 4, the aw. cor. Identical with location and on the line 2-3 Oaklahoma lode survey No, -1398 at n. 0 deg. 45 miu. w. 297.40 feet from cor. No. 3; thonce n. 0 deg. 45 miu, w. to e. side center Oaklahoma lode sur vey No. 1398 412.00 feot, 1113.02 feet, same bearing to cor. No. 1, the place of beginning. Magnetic variation 11 deg. 45 min., containing 3.50.3 acres. The location of this mino is recordod in tho Recorder's office of Deeds, page 370, in book 14 Record of Mines of Co chiso county at Tombstono, in tho county and territory aforesaid. The adjoining claimants are: On the north Steuben and Comot, Granville owner; on east Pay Day, Granville owner; on tho south Now Era and Co chise, Mathias -and Strong owners; on the wost Oaklahoma No. 1398, Thomas Higgins, ownor. ' Any ami all persons claiming ad versely any portion of said Sorrel Horse lode, mine or surface ground ure required to file their adverse claims with tho Register of the United States Land'Office at Tucson, in the Territory of Arizona, during the sixty Mays' po rted of publication hereof, or they will be barred by vlrtuo of the provisions of the statute. MILTOtf R. MOORE, Register. First publication Sept. 1, 1900. Last publication Oct. 31, 1000. Mass Meeting , -OF Tiuai Republicans of Bisbee WILL BIO HELD AT THE OPERA HOUSE FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT. 21 AIL REPUBLICANS PLEASE ATTEND M. STEIN, Dealer lu Ladies' and Gents' furnishing Goods second-hand furniture -Brewery AVarine, MINING APPLICATION NO. 722, Survey No. 1475. United States Land Office, F10E, ) 9, 1900. f it M. J. Tucson, Arizona, August, 29, Notice is hereby Riven that Brophy and Martin O'Hare, whose post office address is Bisbee, Cochise coun ty, Arizona territory, have this day filed their application for a patent for 1392.5, 1370, 1020, 1000 linear feet of the nam uasn, ixeuie, nammoun, Bengal, respectively, mines or veins bearing copper and other metals, with surface ground 600, 570.4, 570.4, 593 feet, respec tively, in width, situated in Warren mining district, bounty of Cochise and Territory of Arizona, and designated by the field notes and official plat on file in this office as survoy number 1475, approximately in township No. 23 south, range No. 24 east (unsur veyod) of Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, said survey No. 1475 being described as follows, to wit: RATHMOON LODE. Beginning at cor. No. 1, the nw. cor. identical with location and with cor. No. 4 Baton Rouge lode No. 1398 and Hard Scrabble lode No. 1026, cor. No. 6, a pine post scribed 1-1476-R. L., whence U. S. Mineral Monument No. 4 bears n. 33 dec. 44 min. w. 4397.00 feet; thence s.l deg. 17 min. 15 sec. e. 117 feet to cor. No, I 0 oeugui lOUO Ol II11B glUUJJ XXJ ICC I., same tearing to cor No 2, the sw. cor.,' identical with corners No. 4, 4, 1 of the Bengal, Hard Cash and Nellie lodes, respectively, all claims of this group, a pine post scribed 2-1475-R.L., 288.20 feet, same bearing to s. end center, .a pine post scribed 1475-R.L. 573.40 feet, same bearing to cor. No. 3, the se. cop., identical with cor. No. 6 Nellie lode of this group, a pine post scribed 3-1475"-R.L.; thence n. 0 deg. 45 miu. w. 1019.85 feet to cor. No. 4, identical with cor. No. 1 Oakland lode No. 1398, a pine post scribed 4 1475-R.L,, whence original lo catiou bears n. 0 deg. 45 min. e. 101.40 feet; thence s. 87 deg. 45 miu. w. 15 feet to cor. No. 5, identical with cor. No. 4, Oregon lode No. 1398, a pine post scribed 5-1475-R.L.; thence u. 0 deg. 17 min. w. 99.60 feet to cor. No. 6, identi cal with cor. No. 3 Baton Rouge lode No. 1398, a pine post scribed 6-1475-R. L., whence original ne. cor, bears n. 82 deg. 40 min. e. 33.43 feet; thence s. 82 deg. 40 min. w. 276 feet to n. end center, a -pine post scribed 1475-R.L. 553.17 feet, same bearing to cor. No. 1, the place of beginning. BENGAL LODE. Beginning at cdr. No. 1, the nw. cor.',' a pine post scribed 1-I475-B.L., whence original location bears n. 0 deg. 45 min. w 117.50 feet, and U. S. Mineral Monu ment No. 4 bears n. 25 deg, 57 min. w, '4247 feet; thence a. 0 deg. 45 min e. 484.10 feet to intersection e. side line Harrison lode, a pine post scribed 1475 BXi. 977 30 feet, same bearing to cor. No.' 2, identical with s. end center Harrison lode and with ne. cor. Hauchett lode, a pine post Boribed 2-1475-B.L., whence original location bears a. 0 deg. 45 miu e. 20.30 feet; thence s. 15 deg. 44 miu. e,r 20.80 feet to cor. No. 3, the sw. coiv,' whence original location bears b. 8o deg. 28 min. w. 7 feet, a pine post scribed 3-1475-B.L.; thence n. 85 deg. 28 min. e. 296.50 feot, to s. endcenter, a pine Eost scribed 1475-B.L. 593 feet, .same earing to cor. No. 4. a pine post scribed 4-1475-B.L.; thence n. 1 deg. 17 miu. 15 sec. w. 1003 feet to cor. No. 5, the ne. cor., a pine post scribed 5-1475-, B.L., original location, identical with cor. No. 1 Rathmoon lode of this group; thence . 85 deg. 28 miu. w. 293 feet to cor. No. 6 ou line 2-0 Hard Scrabble lode No. 1026, a piue post' scribed 0-1475-B.L.; thence s. 04 deg? 10 miu. w. 179.30 feet to cor. No. V identical with No. 2 Hard Scrabble No." 1020, a pine post scribed 7-1475-B.L.; theuce u. 13 deg. 18 miu. w. 65.90 feet to cor. No. 8, on line 2-3 Hard Scrabble lode No. 1020, a pine post scribed 8 1475-B.L.; thence a. 85 rlan 9Q ratr. ... 120.30 feet to cor. No beginning. 1, the place of 14VJK. - UJAU. ,.. HARD CASH LODE. Beginning at cor No. 1, the nw. cor., identical with cor. No. 3 Beugal claim of this survey and on the west side line of the Hanchett claim at s. 15 deg 44 min. e. 26.8 feet from the ne. cor. a pine post 4 feet long 4 inches square, scribed 1-1475-H.O.L., whence original location bears s. 85 deg. 28 min. w. 7 feet and U. S. Mineral Monument 'No. 4 bears n. 21 deg, 22 min. w. 5171 feet; thence s. 16 deg. 44 min. e, 1392.50 feet to cor. No. 2, tho sw. cor., identical with tho so. cor. Hanchett claim, a pine post scribed 2-1475-H.C.L.; thence n. 85 dog. 28 min. o, 300 feet to s. end center, a pine post scribed 1475-H.O.L., 600 feot, samo bear ing to cor. No. 3. identical with cor. No. 2 Nellie lode of this survey, a pine post scribed 3-1475-H.CX.; thence n. 10 deg. 00 min. 45 sec,w. 1393.70 feot to cor. No. 4, the ne. cor., identical with corners No. 1, 2 and 4 of the Nollie, Rathmoon aud Bengal respectively, all claims of this survey, a pine post scribed 4-1475-H.C.L.; thence a. 85 deg. 28 min. w. 296.50 feet to n. end center, a pine post scribed 1475-H.C.L.. 593 feet, tfame bear ing to cor. No. 1, the place of begin ning. NELLiU LUUK Beginning at cor. No. 1, the nw. cor., identical with location and with cor ners No. 2. 4 and 4 of the Rathmoon, Hard Cash and Bengal claims, respect ively, all of this aroUD. a nine Dost scribed 1-1475-N.L., whence U. S.Mln-1 eral Monument No. 4 bears u. 27 deg. 18 miu. w. 5381 feot; thonce a. 10 dog. 00 min. 45 sec. o. 1393.70 feet to cor. No. 2, tho sw. cor., a pine post scribed 2-1475-N.L.; thonce n. 82 deg. 40 min. o. 229 51 feet to cor. No. 3, on tho w. side line uusurveyed Illinois lodo, a pine post scribed 3-1475-N.L., whence origi nal location bears n. 82 deg. 40 min. e. 341.49 feet; theuce n. 12 deg. 58 nun. e. 519.53 feet to cor. No. 4, identical with nw. cor. uusurveyed Illinois lode, a pine post scribed 4-1475-N.L.; thence u. 84 deg. 49 min. e. 89.20 feet to cor. No. 5, the se. cor., identical with the sw. cor, uusurveyed Top. Gallant lode and ou the n. end line uusurveyod Illinois lode, a pine post scribed 5-1475-N.L.; thonco u. 15 deg. 47 min.w. 492 feet to intersection line 3-4 Oakland lode No, 1398 at n. 87 deg. 48 min. e. 106.80 feet from cor. No. 4 903.60 feet, samo bear ing to cor. No. 6, the no. cor., idontical with cor. No. 3 Rathmoon lode of this group and on line 1-4 Oakland lodo No. 1398 at n. 0 deg. 45 min. w. 400.20 feet from cor. No. 4, a pine post scribed 6-1475-N.L.; thence s. 82 deg. 40 min. w. 288.20 feet to tho n. end center, a pine pbst scribed 1475-N. L. 570.40 feet, same bearing t.o cor. No. 1, tho place of be ginning. Total and net area Hard Cash lode, 18.706 acres. Total and net area Nellie lode, 15.730 acres. Total aud net area Ratjimoon lode, 14.810 acres. Total and net area Bengal lode, 13.550 acres. Magnetic variation 11 deg. 47 min. e , containing 62.796 acres The location of this mine is recorded in tho Recotder's office of Deeds, Ben gal and Rathmoon, book 12, page 411, Hard Cash and Nellie, Record of Minos, book 12, page 412, at Tombstone, in tho county and territory aforesaid. The adjoining claimants are: On the north Oregon and Baton Rouge lodes No. 1398, Thomas Higgius owner; Hard Scrabble Jode No. 1026, South Bisbee Copper Mining and Townsite Improve ment company owners; Del Norte lode, Biggins and Fenner owners; on east: Oregon and Oakland No. 13'Jo, Thomas Higgins ownor; Top Gallant, Granville nnd Shattuck owners; Illinois lodo, L. C. Shattuck owner; on south: vacant, ground; on wost: Higgins, Harrison and Hanchett lodes, Lowell & Arizona Copper Mining and Smelting company owners. Any and all persons claiming ad versely any portion of said Bengal, Rathmoon, Hard Cash and Nellie mines or surface ground are required to fllo their adverse claims with tho Register of, the United Stutes Land Office al Tucsou, iu tho Territory of Arizona, during the sixty dayo' period of publi cation hereof, or they will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the statute. 'MILTON R. MOORE, Register. First publication Sept. 1, 1900. Last publication Oct. 31, 1900. MINING APPLICATION NO. 724. Survey No. 1473. , , United States Land Office, ) Tucson', Arizona, September 7, 1900 J" Notice is hereby giveu that Peter Johusou, Fredolf Suudstrom, C J. Grandstrom, Ernest F, Larsen. C. E. Hansen, whose post office address is I Bisbee, Cochise county, Arizona terri-, tory.jfor, all, have this day tiled their application for a patent for 1500 linear feet of the Boras mine or vein bearing c6pper and other metals, with surface' ground 600 feet in width, situated in Warren mining district, county of Co chise and Territory of Arizona, and designated by the field notes and offi cial plat on file in this office as survey number 1473, approximately in town ship No. 23 south, range 24 east (uu surveyed) of Gila and Salt River Base arid Meridian, Arizona, said survey No. 1473'beirig described as follows, to wit; BORAS LODE. cJj.v- x No. 1473.- "- ' Beginning at cor. No 1, the sw. cor., identical with I6cation ana witn tne ne. cor. Maister and se cor. Superior mining claims, apine post 4 feet long, 4 inches, square, set in a mound of stones,iBcribed 1-1473-B.L., whence U. S.jMineral MonumentrNo. 3jbears,8, 46 deg. 4Q min. w. J229.5 feet, undone ne. cor ot statiou house of Don Louis on the Arlzoiia & South Eastern R. R. bears a, D deg. 29 min. w. this cor. is also identical with the nw. cor. Su sanne claim; thence s. 78 deg. 52 min. e. '300 feet to s. oud center, a pine post scribed 1473-B.L., 600, same bearing to cor. No. 2, the se. cor., identical with the ne. cor of the Susanne claim, whence the original location bears a. 78 deg. 52 min. e. 21 feet, a piue post scribed 2-1473-B.L.; thenco n. 17 deg. 33 min. e. 496 feet to cor. No. 3, identi cal with corners No. 4 .Monarch and No. 1 Raven lodes No. 1394. a pine post scribed 3-1473 B.LV, thence n. 17 deg. 24 min. e. 1004 feet to cor. No. 4, the ne. cor., identical with location aud (with corners No. 4 Raven, No. 2 Crown King, No. 1 Iron Cap lodes No. W94, a pine post scribed 4-1473, B.L.; theuce p. 78 dog. 52 min, w. 266 feet to; n. eud center, identical with s. end center Crown King lode Fo. 1394, a pine post, scribed 1473-BX.., 532.10 'feet, same -bearing to cor. No. 5, identical with lo cation and with cor. No. 1 Crown King lode No. 1394 and with the se. and ne. corners'Sf the unsurveyed Tuscarora and Superior claims respectively, a pine post scribed 5-1473-B.L.; thence s. 20 deg. 1 min. w. 1508.70 feet to cor. 1, the place of beginning. Magnetic variation 11 deg. 45 min. east, containing 19.38 acres. The location of this mino is recorded in the Recorder's office of Deeds in Book 3, page 474, Records of Mines, records of Cochise couuty, at Tomb stone, in tho county nud territory aforesaid. Tho adjoining claimants are; On tho north. Crown King and Iron Cap No. 1394, South Bisbee Copper Mining und Townsito Improvement company own ers; Tu80arora (unsurveyed), James Blair ownor; on east, Raven and Mou aroh claims No. 1394, South Bisbee Copper Mining aud Townsite Improve ment company owners; on south, Su sanne and Maistor, Petor Johnson, ownor; on west, Superior claim, Poter Johnson, owner. Any and all persons claiming ad versely any portion of said Boras mine or surfaco ground are required to file their adverse claims with the Register of the United States Laud Office at Tucson, iu the Territory of Arizona, during the sixty days' period of publi cation hereof, or they will be barrod by virtue of tne provisions of tho stat ute. MILTON R. MOORE, Registoy. First publication Sopt. 11, 1900. Last publication Nov. 11, 1900. FRATERNITIES IMPROVED OKDKK OK RIS1) MKN, COCHISE Trilm No. 7.. .meet every Tliuixluy mmiuif; jut tlio Oporu Hoiimi Hull Vis lltliiir brothers voulially ini- FteJ. .JiiiiifH A. CuliilW!,bnrliim John Munch, C. of It. Dr. tidinunilroii. Medicine Man. WAKltKN CAMP NO. 9, W WOODMEN OK THE WOULD, meets every second nnd fourth Monduy at the opera house. Yis itlnu member cordially Invited. J A MILDER, C. C. V V. JOHNSTON Sec. PERFECT ASHLAR LODGE No. 12, K. Jt A. M. Meets ilrst Thursday of each month. Visiting breth ren cordially invited to attend. C .C. Wxbmeu. XV. M. E. Bkown, Secretary. T ANDMARK CHAPTER Nr. 6., J-' R. A. M. Regular Convex a tions third Tuesday in onh month, 8:15 p. m. Visiting com panions in ifood standing tcludly received. V.R. STILES, H. P. Fhank J. Ukav. Sec. QUEEN LODGtf NO. 0, A. O. U. W meets every Saturday evenintr. Vis iting brothers cordially invited.. Alfred Godfrey, W, M. Richard Humphrey, Rec. H. C. Krasor Financier. vJ DISBEE LODGE NO. 10. I. O. O. KJfc, - F., meets every Wednesday m& evonmir. Visitimr brothers cordially invited to attend. Alfbed Godfkry, N. G. ElIILK Maiiks, R. S. THE FRATERNAL BROTH ERHOOD. Idependonce Lodge No, 53, meets ever it rst nud th ird Wednesdajs of the month, Visiting members ure cor dially invited. JULIA MILLER. President. VA 5fc"V I'MEB-FusB. Secretary. NAC0 ADVERTISENENTS. CURRY & CO. Dealers in Dry Goods, .Groijerics Hardware, Boots and Shoes, r'urchaBiiiK and Forwardinu Ai('ii s Cuptotn House Brokerp. aco, Arizona. AUG. GIESLER NACO LUMBER YARD II cops always on hand a selected stocli ol Lumber, l oors, Sash, Moulding and Builil ing Materials. Naco," Arizona. I 'Pies. Doughnuts. Cube, et.-, French Restaurnnt Meals Served in Courses. Tlios. Pinclli Naco, Arizona Mocha Coffee The best (or, Cl Morning, Noon and Night. P0R4ALBBY CIHRY & CO., NACO, A. Ca$ Crcs i& Republicas Speclaltitt in French GooJ and a Large Auortment ol Mexican Drawn ftlork HORVILLEUR & MILIIE NACO $S Alejandro Garcia CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER La florita, Sonora, flexico THE..QUEEN MARKET S NAVARRO, PROPRIETOR o The Choicest Cuts of tender and h ell-fed Boef, Mutton, Sausage, etc BREVERY AVE. BISBEE Rents Collected PROPERTY LOOKED AFTER MONEY LOANED Bisbee Real Estate Co. Bisbee Bill Posting Co. H. U. HASON. Atanagcr JOS. SCHWARTZ PRACTICAL TINSMITH Roofing, Guttering, Hath Tub, Sinks nnd neavy aneot iron woricornii ii Inscriptions. An work sir Tele, hoiio No unranteed School Mouse Hill. 32. -I e. Q. ORD CO. ei Plumbing 'Cornice and Sheet rietal Vorker8 TtBLKPHONS. NO. 9 OVriOI'AND BHOP HIXT TO nRBWBIlY L . M fHii Vv Vmzr i m Wjsjyi jgiM m Bin iu jjPAlt" Java am h w v p fc .ana ?6 Bisbee Drug go. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ot k J WALLI'APEl PAINTS AND OII-S 'QLASS Photographic Supplies Bisbee, Arizona CanCan Restaurant Main St. Mrs. A. W. Strumm, Prop. First-Class Restaurant. Board by the Day, Week or Month. Short Orders Day and Night, , J. C. IIAII5. Main St., above Palace Stables. REPAIRS AND RENTS BICYCLES Notelt works Key fit ting a upecialty. Guns, locks, (.ewlng machine and bicycles repaired. RAMBLER BICYCLES SOLO Z. J. STACKER. Contractor and Builder. Estimates Furnished on nil Kin of Work. BRICK WORK A SPECIALTY Leave ardem nt Shnituck'a Lumber Yard E. HOWELL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Estimates of liiiildlugs Furnished OFFICE: J. H. JACK LUMBER COMPANY EASTMAN'S KODAKS iU Photographic Supplies. Developing and Printing at Lowest Rates. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Copper Queen Pharmacy C. P HART & CO, New England Kitchen ... Open Day and Night Short Orders a Specialty Meals served to families and parties. .lain Street Whitehead & Mnrchell, Proprietors. 0. K. MARKET FIRST CLASS PHOENIX BEEF, Mutton, Pork and Veal. Sausage, tor- i-ign and domestic, constantly on hand. 0. K. STREET, 0PP. CARRETTO'S A. BAITER Proprietor Bisbee Candy Kitchen Fresh Candies Every Day Ico Cream, Soda Water, Lemonade. Milk Shakes. A Big Cold Drink for 5 Cents BISBEE WORKS MRS. BURGHAM, Proprietress. Near Radovlch'H Store. Cleaning dono by new Dry Procesa. Gents' Suit! cleaned, also Ladies' Skirts, Waists, Gloves and Hibbons. Hats a specialty City garber Shop Bath Room and Porcelain Tubs. Marks & Wittig, Proprietors Everything First Class. C. K. BARNIM rSnrfer Baggage and Express Handled With Care. Leave orders with S. K Williams. Tel. No Theo. F. rietz, Prop. OBlco und works, Tombstono und Hlsbee. Sodu Wuter, Snriiupurlllu, Ulntrer A e, Kte. Orders from abroad will recelc ltrniiipt at tention. Orders for tho city of llUbeewlll bedolhored fieo without delaj. ciuntl) or ders solicited. Bisbee Assay Office. All Work Guaranteed Or Money Refunded. Kodak Pictures .DEVELOPED AIM) HNISHED Ofllcc, Nol) Hill, AlP. TELLMAN Proprietor BISBEE CASH FRUIT STOBE Ice Cream and Soda Water Sweet Cream, Confections, etc. Ice Cream Parlor. Geo. Dorflinger Prop. Wallace Building. (w3ayjn 'KDJ 1L DYEING JS C m '1 4 5C . "?i M i 11 ir: ti