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KSKSwJ ii COCHISE REVIEW : WEDNESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 19 100i Wantkd- onco. LOCAL f BRIEFS t J. G. Marks is registered ut the Nor ton. Al Brooktnan arrived from Nacosarl today. Ed Tarley, of the Cananeas, is visit ing Bisbee. M. C. Benton camo over from Tomb stone yesterday. G. Bentley Ryan, of Chicago, was a Bessemer guest last night. Walter Hoset, of Seattle, came in yesterday. He. will go on to Naco. . A. V. Burnham, of Tucson, is ut the Norton while on business in the city. George Clark, the surveyor, left on a surveying trip forSonora this morning. Harris, the tailor, only charges $2 to clean a suit of clothes, Tombstone canyon. s tf -A good cook. Wanted at Applv at the Hill Lodging , House. 1 Wanted To buy burros. Inquire South Western assay office, rear of 'Bewemer. s7-tf Patrick Wahlan is building a sub stantial house at Lowell. D. Haveu Is the contractor. Dr. Namunam, of Los Angeles, ar rived on yesterday's flyer and put up at ; the Norton house. W. H. Neel rode in from the ranch ' and registered among the guests stop ping at the Norton. D. J. Albeign, of Los Angeles, a bus iness man of that city, stopped at the Bessemer last evening. V. Auderson', the well known Tucson traveling man, is in town, arriviug by last evening's train, . .-George W. -Stolle, of Philadelphia, who was at the Bessemer last Hght, was here on matters of business. Wanted By a gentleman. A good room in central position, with private family. Address P. O Box 50. ' Bisbee Lodge No. 10, L O. O. F., , meets this evening and cordially in- ' vites visiting brothers ta attend. Eraterual Brotherhood, Tndepend- ence Lodge No. 53, meets this evening. - Vistting members are invited to attend. Piano instruction. Miss Louise Lockie of Miss Davis' Conservatory. Dubacher canyon. P.O. 526. seO lm Wanted A girl at once, to help in boarding house, chiefly with cooking. Apply at the Hill Lodging House. 2t Mrs. N. Davis came In last evening and stopped at the Angius. She had placed her children at-achool in Tuc son. Wanted -Your orders for hired help of all kinds. No charge to employer. Tekritorial Employment Agency, 1 and 9 P. O. Building, Phoenix, Ari zona. seG lm James Davis, a Denver man who rep resents a large machinery house, is at the Norton. He is. interviewing the local mine owners in the interest of his firm. William Gleeson has struck an ore body eighteen feet wide at the 200-foot .level In his mine. He is making every effort to go through the lode and ascer tain its value and certainty of its per manence. The Bisbee Brass Band will furnish music at, the Methodist social tomorrow evening. Plenty of Good hot coffee, the best of sandwiches and condiments. Cake and ice cream. Program do not miss this treat. 'J1. W. Henderson, agent for the In ternational Schools at Scranton, left for El Paso today. He harf been here the last week increasing the number of scholars for the various subjects taught by that institution. From Turquoise comes the news that Ryan Brothers have made a second payment on the Si Bryant property. This property' is considered a most promising 'proposition, and tile fact of a second payment'ha'vlng been made is a proof of the confidence the purchasers hare in their speculation. D. W. Wooldridge, the well known contractor and builder, has just com pleted five cottages at the Lowell camp for Mr. Fenner. There are fourteen houses altogether completed, or near ing completion.1 Four more will be built by Woolrldge In the near -future, the owners are awaiting the arrival of the lumber. Charles Harris begs to announce that ho is continuing hjs business, of tailor ing and repairing at short notice at his residence, in ".Tpmbstono .canyon this side of the Crfstlo Rock.- That he is now in a position to make clothes and to repair and clean them at the cheap est rates and Invites the attention of the public to his fine stdck of fall and winter goods. sl2-tf Mrs. Alary Shepley, of this town, re ceived word yesterday that her daugh ter, wth her husband and children, her eUter, husband and children, eleven In all, had perished in the Galveston disaster. Mrs. Blieplev has been in a state of auxious suspense since the wrecking of that city, and unable until yesterday to ascertain whether her rel atives were saved or among the dead. The name9 were among those contained in a list published-in a leading paper. Mrs. Shepley loft for tho scono of the tragedy on this morning's train. Tho Fair Is receiving new goods and .stock daily. John Whit ton, a first, class coat, inaki-r, 1ms been Hccured by A. Cham pagne. ' Mrs. McGuire, an experienced milli ner and saleslady, has accepted a posi tion at the Fair Miss Katie Gill came over from Toinbstoue. She will stay at Mr. Fo ley's at present. Mr. and Mrs. Itzweero and family, of Naco, are registered at the Norton. The arrived from the west two days ago. The members of Pearl Chapter No. (! Order of tho Eastern Star, will give their initial entertainment and grand ball on Thursday evening, October 11. The local members of the Democratic County Central Committee will give ample notice of a caucus of all the dem ocrats to be held before the primaries, which will settle the question asked by "A Democrat" in his comrauucatlou published in our columns today. The death is announced of Professor Klrsch, which occurred on the 8th at his home in El Paso. Benson was his last school and he taught there for two years. The deceased was an excellent teacher, and a thorough gentleman in every respect. The community feels the loss of Professor Kirsch deeply. The levee which was built by the citizens of Solomonville a year ago to turn the waters of the San Simon was torn away by the high water last Fri day night. Saturday night a good por tion of Solomouville was under water for a few hours. It will be replaced in a more substantial manner, The fine dance hall has been com pleted at Pete Hansen's popular Beer Garden. The building, which was put up by Mr. Woolrldge, is a substantial and commodious structure 1(1x50. Six sets can dance therein at. once. People wisfiing to have a dance and bringing tueir music can have the ball free. A. F. Wuensoh, the well knowi. min ing expert of Denver, returned last night from a six days trip into Souora. His visit took him about, sixty mites from here. This morning lie Mr for Mexico ugaln. Mr. WuetiKcli, whi reg istered at the Bessemer, spoke' highly of the mining outlook in this region, which compared very favotdbl with other mineral belts in the west. Baron J. de Fontalnleu, a French no bleman of ancient family and very wealthy parentage, arrived last night in town. The baron Is a graduate of the Ecol de Mines, Pans, France, and is now traveling for pleasure and at the same time gaining information with reference to the mines and miner alogy of this region. Last evening the visitor was the guest of Mr. Walter Douglas. Quartz Mill for Sale. Six pans, 3 settlers, 1 agitator, 1 re tort, 1 bullion balance, bullioi. molds, main line shaft, melting. furnace. Can be bought cheap fjpr cash by applying to S. A. D. Upton, se6 lm Tombstone, Arizona. Republican Call. The republican central committee of Cochise county, at a regularly called meeting, September 8th, 1900, adopted the following resolutions and tordered: That a delegate convention of the republicans of Cochise county be held .at the opera house, Bisbee; Arizona, at 10 o'clock a. m., Friday, October 12th, 1000, for the purpose of nominating can didates for the several legislative and county offices, m to be voted for at the coming November electionaelecting a county central committee and theii tran saction of such other business as may properly come before the convention. That the apportionment of delegates to said convention be as follows: '' Bisbee 24 Tombstone : 6 Benson 4 Willcox 5 Pearce 4- St. David . ; 1 Herefprd , 1 Turquoise , , , 2 Fort Huachuca., '.."...'.'....., 1 Fairbanks '.. 1 Miller's Canyon '. 1 San Simon 1 Teviston , -. . . 1 Wilgus 1 Four Bar Ranch ..'. 1 Naco 2 Huachuca Siding1 , 1 vvest Huachuca..'. . , 1 Tres Alamos 1 Brannock ,... 1 Pool's Ranch 1 Cochise 1 Barrett 1 Great Western, ..,..,., 1 Ruckor 1 Do? Cabezas...... 2 Russelville '. 1 Middlcmarch ...... . 1 San Bernardino.'. Johnson......:.: , 1 Bowie ,. 1 Total 72 That a primary election be held throughout the county on Friday, the 28th day of September, 1900,., for the purpose of choosing said delegates. That all arrangements, including the appointment of election boards,' for said primary election, be made by ,the re publicans of the various precincts, exj cept in Bisbee In Bisbee the chair man of the county central committee will appoint the primary election board, and the poll will be open from 10 o'clock a. m. to 7 o'clock p. m. O. O. WARNEK, Chairman Rep. Co. Cen. Com. John .A, Campbell, Sec'y. Rep. Co. Cen. Com. Relief for Galveston Sufferers. The latest reports from Galveston show the damage to the city from the late storm to be of such n nature that it will requiro all tbo aid possible to be extended to tho people of Multeity who are left without, houics and are wholly destitute. Relief is pouring in from every direction and the citizens of Bis bee have decided to respond to their cry of distress. Subscriptions will be received at the following places: The Copper Queen general oftice, The Bank of Bisbee, office of V. H. Brophy, The Fair, Bisbee Drug Store, The Post Office and store of J. B. An gius. All subscriptions will be promptly remitted through the Hank of Bisbee to Mr. John Sealey, treasurer of the re lie'f committee, Galveston, Texas. Ben FRANjcENBEna, N. E. Ferguson, W. H. Brophy, J. M. O'Connel, M. J. CUNNINOHAM, John B. Angius, a. W. French, Thos. P. Nichols, Committee. Democratic Primaries. At a ineet'ng of the democratic cen tral committee of Cochise county, held in Benson on the 23d day ot August, 1900, it was ordered that the 27th day of September, 1900, be and hereby is set as the day for holding the demo cratic primary elections throughout the county, for the purpose of chosing delegates to the democratic county con vention, to be held in Knights' of Py thias ball, in the town of Benson, Co- hise county. Arizona, on the 10th day ui October, 1900, at 11 o'clock a. in, The democrats of the various pre cincts in the county are invited to as semble and elect their own boards of primary election officers and choose delegates to the county convention, ex cept in the precincts of Bisbee and Tombstone, where the local members of the county central committee will appoint the boards of primary election officers and designate the polling places, giving the voters ample notice thereof. The following is the number of dele gates appointed to each precinct, based on the vote of 1898: Bisbee 18 Tombstone 5 Benson .'. 3 Willcox .' 3 Pearce 3 tit. David 2 Hereford 2 Turquols 2 Fort Huachuca 2 Fairbanks 2 Millers Canyon 2 San Simon 2 Tevi9toh 2 Wilgus 2 Four Bar Ranch 2 Naco .. , 2 Huaohuca Siding 1 West Huachuca 1 Carr's Canyon 1 Tres Alamos 1 Brannock 1 Pool's Ranch 1 Cochise 1 Barrett 1 Hardy 1 Rucker v 1 Dos Cabezas .' 1 Russelville.. 1 Middlemarcn 1 San Bernardino 1 Total 68 By order of the Cochise county dem ocratic central committee. F. A. Sweet, Chairman. B. J. O'Reilly, Secretary. Bisbee, Arizona. Aug. 27th, 1900. Democratic County Convention. At a meeting of the Democratic Central Committee of Cochise county held In Benson on August 23, 1900, it .was ordered that the DEMOCRATIC 'COUNTY CONVENTION be called to meet in Knights of Pythias Hall in the town of Benson on the'TENTH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1900, at 11 clock a. 'm. The convention is called for the pur pose of nominating candidates for the various legislative and county offices to be voted for at th November elections of this .year, for selecting a Couuty Central Committee and of transacting such other business as may "'properly come before said convention. Order of business to be arranged by the convention. The following is the number of dele gates apportioned to each precinct, based on tho vote of 1898: Bisbee 18 Tombstone 5 Benson 3 Willcox , : 3 Pearce , 3 St. David. ;; 2 Hereford...'. '. 2 Turquoise 2 Fort Huachuca 2 Fairbanks 2 Miller's Canyon 2 San Simon 2 Teviston 2 Wilgus 2 Four Bar Ranch 2 Naco 2 Huachuca Sidiug , 1 West Huachuca , , 1 Carr's Canyon 1 Tres Alamos 1 Brannock 1 Pool's Ranch 1 Cochise 1 Barrett 1 Hardy 1 Rucker 1 Dos Cabezas , 1 Russelville 1 Middlemarcn 1 San Bernardino 1 Total 68 By order of the Cochise County Dem ocratic Central Committee. F. A. Swelt, Chairman. B. J. O'Reilly, Secretary. Bisbee, Arizona, September 8, 1909. Tea Garden Drips. Is a sugar syrup of highest quullty; once used, always wanted; dellclously sweet, makes taffy candy to perfection; manufactured by Pacific Coast Syrup Co., 707-719 Sanspme St., San Fran cisco. al4-3m WtOOOOOOOWfrOOSMIOOO- A Plonsuro to Answer Letters O EL PASO FOUNDRY AND MACHINE GO. MACHINISTS, IRON and BRASS FOUNDERS, FORGE and BOILER WORKS ALL GLASSES OF MINING MACHINERY Write for Kitiiuutes EL PASO FOUNDRY AND MACHINE COMPANY El Paso, Texas 6eio'Wee46o4ooeoee4eoeoeeee04o4H4v0 fWt.'VV't'VJT (JKOIUSE DUNN f ii.miMiiyiYM, Bisbee's Favorite M.i .inHNsnN real estate mne broker Houses and Lots Bought and Sold on Commission. Houses for Ren . Money Loaned XXX OFFICE: ANGIUS BUILDING, ROOM 3. BISBEE. A. T. O Ji A m - J i i mm m s t t lMlOlMUETOR.... t Bisbee's Favorite MAIN STREET '"Capifoh Cbe Copper. Quecn Store 5 tfr H' tlr i tl? t r? tl r t tt tl rlr r? r t- tf?' tf --p r??- $5: " I Us 1 L .a -. M FN unusual as sortment of Men's Ready-, to-Wear Clothing for fall awaits purchasers here now unusual in the goodness of qual ity, the many kinds to select from, the new ness of styles. I11 fact such a stock of cloth ing has never before been shown in .Bisbee. Don't let prejudice against the ordinary Lleady-niade Clothing keep you from consid ering these suits when you 'von need. Tlioy are as different as can bi. Righlly tailored, carefully finished. wfll (iniuhed, proper ma terials and colorings, correct styles, are the main points of difference. Pri;es begin at 87.50 and then by advances of a dollar or two to 825 a suit! Here is a brief description of three suits at $20.00 Each Fancy Worsted, green effect, with an almost invis ible thread of blue, forming a scarcely discernible plaid a very handsome effect. Scotch Cheviot, fancy plaid, medium dark effect; the new .Raglan shoulder. Blue Cheviot, with a blue and white hair-line stripe. And these are but three of many styles. . mtmmtmmmmmmmmmmmtmmiwummmMnamm BUCK'S JUNIOR RANCE COUPON CLIPPING CONTEST NAME. hivl COPPER QUEEN STORE ' 4 T 4 T . T ' at t 4 T Imported Liquors and Cijjnrs BISBEE John NuniLf. John TwuiikV fsWmimiYiYi free Coinage J. K. HKOWN A CO.. PKOPS. 3- I :C FULL ASSORTMENT OP.... S; S 3 5 Wines, Liquors j I D Fine Cigars MAIN ST , OPPOSITE CAN-CAN. 5; A PLbASANT KESOKT Wines Liquors Cigars Ami BEER ALWAYS ON TAP Call Can Building Main Street 'W'.kffe',a t ts rhi? mMj. marrc WINES LIQUORS CIGARS DAWSON & LEONARD, HK0PRIET0RS .1 J) MAIN ST. O feV1k-'''V&tlVl.'Vi Harris & Greener Dealkus i.n Wines, Liquors and Cigars , COLD IJEEK ONT DRAUGHT Maiil Street Opposito Public Library PF:TE HANSEN. leer Garden "pf i lilt'tie low inwn In tlp Cool Co iimwi""K full r.neo ami Jon h II nlwii romp mj.'iin. hie FASHION 44444444 !KJXKKi'niiiii c3,vr " 4 Bank of Bisbee (INCOKPOKATED) Director: Ben Williams J. S. Douglas Officer: J. B. Anuius W. H. Bbophy M. J. Cunningham W. H. Brophy, President J. S. Douglas, Vice-Prosideut M.J. Cunningham, CuBhier Foreign Kxchuiuro auil Telegraphic Transfers to ull Parts of the World. Ac counts of Individuals, Finns nutl Corporations solicited. Matters entrusted to our care will receive prompt attention. Mexican money bought uud sold. Arcucy for New Zoalund Fire Insurance Compuuy. 5 6 : courteous: treatment MAIN BISBEE :PATK0N1VGE: : SOLICITED. : STREET, ARIZONA THE TURF LETS0N & WHAIEY, Proprietors. FINEST LIQUORS, WINES, " BEER and CIGARS . Sportsmen's Resort. Main Street, Bisbee, Arizona. fliui-flrt u Of On Dtiiiicht Constantly on llnn.l. - flue Jmportnri iiikI Uiiii"tti; JMfjijjrjJrJ,JJ Wines, Liquors and. Cigars Your pntronuire Itpuwnll Sollo)tl Dubacher k Muheirn. Urowtirv Atmiiin IINItpp Arizona &M&MMfMM re You Interested... In ohildrons' school wearing npparol ? If so wo can show your Fall line of Wnsh Goods, Fluids, etc., which hua Miner's Saloa Wines, r.niuorP iml Of, ar. , A . 1 a ' B. M. Vocuvich, Brewcrv Avenue Just Arrived i . Alao SCHOOL SHOES and BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS 8t prices that will astonish you To make it interesting we ott'er a few special items: Sailor Hats, worth 50c at 15c LudiesCrashSkirts 75o at 25c Boys School Suits 20 pr ct reduction C j TT T W :. a 1 1 1 1 1 1 v rMwr i-i fj 1 1 lijrW JL UW1U wUl XX a 11. r L. C. Shattuck Prop. 3V ' Finct HramN of I Hh hi 11 V WINES. LIQUORS 1 JL B. P JftrV m. 1 Pi M M AND CIGAKS . Don't fail to come and Bee our now Pall Liue BISBEE ARIZONA f t If t ft ."Jig fliP rtfi W .. If lif tt Iff IF ft t 4t Aireiit for AuhfUMir-HutiCli HtuuiiiK'Assoc'lutlon. Wholesale ami iictnll. Hrcwery Aveuue, ntsbee, ArUoH. l ,.i . -,;1 t ,! VII i 'J vm n -A m