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OOOHISE REVIEW s WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 10. 1900 Kt& r :, r a$ , Jones & Murphy isx Painters PAPER HANGERS. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN ON ALL WORK vfc Shop Next Door to Cochise Review The Zellner Piano Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Pianos & Organs. Write for Catalogue. Pianos on Monthly Payments. OI(lce--i21 1-a South Broadway, Los Angeles, Calif ronia. IB.F. GRAHAM & CO.! LIVERY no SALE STABLE I First-Clots Driving, and Saddle BorMi. The O. K. Livery Stable it tbo largest and beat equipped in Ariz. FUNERAL DIRECTORS CORNER O. K. AND RAILROAD AV. j ' 03 Fletcher Transfer Good Service, Prompt Attention Satisfaction Guaranteed PRESTON FLETCHER, PROP. Leave orders with S. K. Williams. I MRS. M. BLEWEH, Proprietor. BOOTS, SH0ESAND SLIPPERS For Ladies and Gentlemen. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods Ladles' Ready Made Skirts Complete Line of Millinery MAIN ST., TWO DOORS ABOVE POST OFFICE I Plant situated in Upper Mule Gulch. City Office, Wallace Building. J. B. ANGIUS & CO. General Merchandise Main Street - - Bisbee, Arizona WALDORF Restaurant OPEN DAYAND NIGHT OTTO W, QEISENHGFER Prop. LtLLtI l7HHVill I Jtllrilll I W! I-1III mostly pnwsred, OX XOFII. Stsil taodtLfkatoh.V Mpbotan&'MtvTrtonitsttMlltT. Book "How j to Obtain C.B. w4 rortifn PiUnU andTrixU-MstiVfl rw. ntntt tanas rrtr offered to 1 art n tort. I M JOfiOO PATENTS PROCURED THROUGH THEM. C mttIm. ModuiU chirp, f 'raA.SNOw&co. PATENT LAWYERS, Opp. U. 8. Ptttnt Offld, WASHINQTOH, D. t Stage Line. Leaves Biobee Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 7 a. ra. Arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Bisbee Headquarters at Greene Con solidated Copper Company's Office, Rooms 11 and 12 Angina Hotel. Cananea Headquarters, Greene Con. Copper Company's Offices. Giaconovich & Co. Choico Family Groceries Wine3, Liquors and Cigars. Fruits and Confections. -BREWERY AVENUE CHAMPAGNE, THE TAILOR. Garments made by us have the Style, Fit and Finish. That Well-dressed Gentlemen Appreciate. Cheap CASH Store. Choice Family Groceries, Fresh Fruits of nil kinut received uatiy. winei, Liquors, Clears aad Tobacooi, Ooodi delivered free. MEDIGOVICH & MOBILE 1 III) Hill Gift n in 1 I. W. Wallace : : AdENT AND BROKER. Bisbee - Arizona Represen ting Mining Prop erties. Real Estate Bought and Sold. Money Loaned and Invested. Collections Made. firs. n. E. Bruton Cleaning, and Dyeing By Dry Process Dressmaking a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Near Raub's Bicycle Shop, Tombstone Canyon. GEO. C. CLARK, E. M. Southwestern C. W. MlTCUKLt Engineering VNL Assay Office Examinations and reports made on raining properties. Designs furnished for a I kinds of mining and milling pi tint e. Assays made in Dupli cate, 60 cents a metal. Qualitative und quantitative analyses made of any mineral substances. Surveys of Patents In Arizona and Mexico. hole in the Wall mmz C. M. Henkel, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler Main Street, Bisbee. BISBEE NACO W. M. LIGGETT, Proprietor Arrives at Bisbee at 11 a. m. Leaves one hour after arrival of A. & S. E. train. Leaves Naco at 9:30 a. in. Trip each way made in one and a quar ter hours. BISBEE and NACDSARI Stage Line, TIM TAFT, Prop. Leaves Bisbee on Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Arrives Bisbee Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Goes through from Bisbee to Naco sari in a dav and a half. Offirp At copper ouceu Store u"ltc Where Information can be had. f am prepared to supply any quantity of flrst-olass Brick on short notice on board cars . . Correspondence Solicited W. C. FERRIS BENSON ARIZONA &oo e6o0eoo0ooefr9 ; The J. H. Jack Lumber Co . . AGENT FOR THE STUDEBAKER WAGONS, t HUUUICa, IAKI3, Ell. Prices Reasonable. Bisbee - - - Arizona e-eeeowoowfrcweoeeeo oo- i V. G. MEDIGOVICH Wholesale and Retail Denier In GROCERIES. ft GAME RECEIVED Hvekk Poultry. liquors, wines doors ono iodqccos. -BISBEE- Blacksmithing Co. T. A. TATE, Prop General Blacksmlthlncr. Horseshoe J In? a specialty. Above Floodgate. ira Bricks air Dressins ui q DCdiuv rauui Hair and Scalp Treating a Specialty, Fooial Treatment anil Manicuring. A Full Lino of Toilet Accessories'. Hair Switches, -and Wiss, Pompadours, etc. Hull- ronoucd permanent ly by Electricity. All Work Guaranteed. MAIN STREET AT THE FLOOD CATE MRS. R. RITGH UNION MEAT MADICT g ANU dMtVtKY $ f L. J. OVERLOOK. ProDfletor !? and BAKERY L. J. OVERLOOK, Proprietor 2J PHOENIX BEKF.Voal, Mutton, Pork, W W Lamb and Sausago of all kinds w i BREAD, PIES AND CAKES m On hand or to order. Wedding Cakes y a Specialty. $ BREWERY AVENUE, BISBEE $ ..Half-Way House.. Directly on the road to Naco, Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Your Patronage Solicited. CHARLES HULL, PROPRIETOR M. STEIN, Dealer in LaK?d furnishing floods SECOND-HAND FURNITURE -Brewerv Avnnn AUGUST JOERRS Watchmaker and Jeweler Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Spectacles, Stationery, Wallpapor, etc. Repairing Neatly nunc MAIN STREET, . BISBEE, ARIZ. ' Forest Lieu Selection No. 107. United States Land Ofpiok j Tucson, Arizona, July li, 1000. j Notice Is hereby pivon that John H. Slaughter, whoso postoffico address is Bis bee, Cochise county, Arizona, has made ap plication to select undor tbo Act of June 4, 1S97, (80 Stat., 88) tho followhiK described traots:- A'll.V IV IIU.IU IUJVU) VII ttwo M.wi'w Stein's Peak, in Guadalupo oanyon, Cochise county Arizona, in wnnt win uo T. zi-., it. 82-E., G. and S. R. B.nnd M. The Initial point marking center of tract is a waste pipe in center of small rock and cement dnm in a smull side eanyon loading northwest into Guadalupe canyon, from which initial point monument No. 73 or boundary between U. S. and Mexico bears S. 80 deff. 26 mln., W. 37bt) feet. Second 40 aoros, unsurvoyod,on west slope Stein's Peak, Cochise county, Arizona, in what will be T. 23-S.. It. 32-E. G. and S. it. B. and U. Tho initial point marking center of tract is a cross about 8 in. lontr between lottors S chiseled on a comont rock, situate on the break of flat above bottom ol Syca more creek, about ono mile up creek from house known as "Old Smith Rancho." From said initial point white onk troo 2 ft. dium eter boars N. 28 deg. U min.. E. 3 ft., scribed "S. S. ranch In. Pt. B. T." N. E. cor. ruins adobe house 12x10 ft. bears S. 79 deij. 10 mln. W. 891 ft. White oak troe 12 in. diameter scribed "B. T." bears N. 58 dee. 20 min.,E. 1VA ft. White oak tree 14 in. diameter, centor stem, sorlbod "B. T." boars S.18 deir. 50 niin., K. 129 ft. Three conical hills bear as follows: S. 63 deg. K. about lA mile, S. 43 depr. 45 miu. W. about H mile, S. 53 defy. SO mln. W. about ono, mile. Locating monument of rocks 3Vj ft. base,2V ft. high on summit hill overlook ing San Bernardino valley bears S. 30 deg. 14 min., W. 3S77 f t. From said locating monu ment San Jose Peak, Sonora, Mexico, bears S. 77 dog. 35 min., AV. about CO miles. Monu ment No. 77 of boundary between U. S. and Mexico bears S. 57 dog. 8 mln., W. approxi mately 12 miles. Within tho next thirty days from tho date of the first put Mention of this notice protosts or contests nalnst the selection on tho ground that the land described, or any por tion thereof, is more valuablo for its miner als than agricultural purposes, will be re ceired and noted for report to tho Commis sioner of tho General Land Office. Milton K. Moorb, Register. First publication Julv 17 1900. MINltfti APPLICATION NO. 718. Survey No 1479. United States Land Office, j Tucson, Abizona, August 11, 1900. j Notice Is hereby given that Thomas Hig gins, whose post office address is Bisbee, Co chise county, Arizona territory, has this day filed his application for a patent for 1500 linear feet of tho Magenta mlno or vein, bearing copper and othor mctnli, with sur face ground 600 feet in width, shunted in Warren mining district, county of Cochise and Torritory of Arizona, and designated by the field notes and official plat on file in this offlco ns survey No 1479, approximately in township No 28 south, range 21 oast (nn surveyed), of Gila and Salt River base and meridian. Arizona, said survey No 1479 be ing described ns follows, to-wit: Beginning at cor. No 1, tho no corner of locntlon. identical with cor. No. 1 William A. lode No 1394, and corners No 4 and 1 of tho Atlas and Alabama lodes respectively, No. 1393, a plno post scribed 1-1479-M L whouce U S. mineral monument No t bears no deg. 51 mln w 7200 feet: thence s 78dee. 40 min. w, 300 feet to n, end centor, COO feet, same bearing to cor. no 2, a pine potit scribed 2-1479-M.L ; thence s 17 deg 33 min. o. 250.38 feet to cor No 3, a pino postscriocd 3-1479-M L.; thencos. 71 deg 10 mln e 98.16 feet to cor No. 4, n pine post scribed 4-1470-M.L. ; thence s 6 deg 17 mln. w 100 75 feet to cor, No, 5, a pine post scribed 5-1479-M.L ; thence s. 17 deg 83 mln. o. 1018 11 feet to cor. no 6, tho sv cor , a pino post scribed 8-1479-M L.; thence n 78 dog 40 mln o 600 feet to cor No 7, tho se cor., a pine post scribed 7-1479-M L.; theucon 17 dog 83 min. w 1500 ft. to cor, No 1. the place of beginning Magnotlo variation 11 deg 15 mln. cast, containing 20.33 acres The location of this mlno Is recorded in tho Recorder's office of Deeds of Cochise county, in book 14, Record of Minos, page 850. Tho adjoining claimants aro on tho north William A., Atlas, Bay Stato, Nos. 1391,1393, 1894 respectively, owners tho South Bisbee Copper Mining and Townsito Improvement company: on tho south, vacant ground; on tho west Boy State and South Po)n, No ISO, owners the South Bisbee Copper Mining and Townsito Improvement company; on tho oast the Alabama, no 1393, same owners Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion of said Mugontn mine or surface ground are reniilred to fllo their adverse claims with the Register of tho United States Land Office at Tucson, in the Territory of Arizona, during the sixty days' period of Gubllontion hereof, or they will bd barred y virtuo of the provisions of the statute MILTON R MOORE, Register. First publication August 14. 1000. Last publication October 13, 1900 MINING APPLICATION NO. 719. Survey No. 1478, United States Land Ofitioe, I Tucson, Aiiizona, August n, 1900. I Notlco Is hereby given that Thomas Hlg- Sins and V, C. Fonnnr, whoso post office ad rcss Is Bisbee, Cochise county, Arizona Ter ritory, have this day filed their application for a patent for 1400 linear feet of tho Del Norto mlno or vein, bearing copper and othor motnls, with surfneo ground 500 feet In width, situated In Wr.rron mining dis trict, county of Cochieo nnd Torritory of Arizonn, and designated by the field notes nud official plat on fllo in tills office as sunov No. 1478, approximately in township No. ii I south, rnngo No 21 oast (unsurveyed)of Gila and Salt River bnso and meridian, Arizona, said survey No 1478 being described ns fol lows, to-wit: Beginning at cor. no. 1, tho Nv. cor , iden tical with the ne cor. Auburn lode nud on the s. side lino Galena claim at s. GS deg. 27 mln. 80 seo. w. 427.60 feet from tho so. cor, of that oUlm, a pine post scribed 1-1478-D.N.L,, i i whenco original location bears n. 75 deg. 10 min w. 12.40 ieet, und U. 3, mineral monu incut No, 4 bears u. 23 deg. 47 mln. w 2359 feet; thenco s. 19 deg. 07 min. . 274.00 feet to e. end center Auburn lode, 546X0 feet, same bearing to cor. No. 2. identical with the so, and no. corner., of the Auburn nud Del Mar claims respectively, n pine post scribed 2-1178-D N L ; thouco s 19 (leg. Oi miu. .'SO ceo. e. to center o. end Del Mar lodo, boing29l 00 feet, sonio boaring 537 90 foot to cor. No. 3, identi cal with the so. and ne. corners of tho Del Maraud Harrison lodes respectively, a iue post scribed 3-1178-D N.L,; thoiiee s. 19 deg 14 miu n. 212.20 feet to cor. No. 4. the siu . cor . identical with location and w jth the n . oor, Hlggius lodo, an iron pin set In bed rock, chisoleo 4-1478-D N I. ; thence n 71 deg 31 mln. o 200 SO feet to it end center Hlggius lodo 249 40 feet, same bearing to cor No 6, a pine post scribed 5-1473-D N L ; thenco N. 03 deg. 27 miu 30 sec o 135 20 feet to cor No 6, the so cor , whence original location bears n 79deg SOmin 0.114 00 ieet; thenco n 13 deg 18 min w 917 40 loot to cor No 7, identical w 1th cor No. 3 Hardscrabblo lode No 1026. and No (I Morning Star lodo No 1331, a plno post scribed 7-1473-D N L ; thence n 17deg 47min w4G7 SOfeettocor No. 8, the no for., identical with location and with cor o. 7 Morning Star Lodo No 1331. a pine post scribed 8-1473-D N L.; thouco s. 63dog.42 miu w. 61 80 feot to cor No. 9, identical with cor No, 8 Morning Star lodo No 1331, and with se. cor. (Jalenn lodo a pine post scribeil 9-1478-D N L. ; thenco s- 65 deg. 27 mln. SO seo w 427 60 feet to cor No l.tho place of beginning Magnetic vnrlutlon 11 dec 47 mln o , con taining 14 41 acres Tho location ot this mino is recorded In the Recorder's office of Deeds in book 12, pago 452, Record of Mlues, at Tombstone, In tho county and territory aforesaid. The adjoining claimants uro on tho north Galena lodo, Lowell & Arizona Copper Min ing and Sniolting company ownors; Morning Star No. 1331, Ccppor Queen Con. Mining company owners; on the west Auburn, Del Mar and Harrison lodes, Lowell & Arizona Copper Mining & Smelting company owners; on the &o"th Higgins lode, same owners; on tho east Hard Scrabble lodo No-1026, South BIsbeo Copper Mining and Townsito Im provement coinpauy ownors; Morning Star lode No 1331, Copper Queen Con Mining i company owners Any and all persons claiming adversely nny portion of said Del Norto mino or sur faco ground nro required to fllo their ad verso claims with tho Register of the United States Land office at Tucson, in tho Terri tory of Arizona, during tho sixty days' pe riod ot publication hereof, or they will be barred by virtuo of tho provisions of tho statute MILTON R. MOORE, Register. First publication August 14, 1000. Last publication October 13, 1900 Prociamation of Election, Tebritory of Ahizona, j Executive Department. Whereas, Under nn act of the Legisiatlvo Assembly of the Torritory, entitled "Elec tions," and approved March 8, 1837, it is pro vided that tliere shall bo held throughout tho Territory, upon tho Tuesday after the first Monday in November, A. I). 183S, and every two jears thereafter, an o eotion for members of tho legislative assembly, and such othor officers as may bu required by lau, shall be chosen at such election; and Whereas, It is further provided in said act that at least tnlrty days before each gen eral eiectioi the Governor must issue an Election Proclamation, under the Grunt Seal of the Territory uud transmit lopies there of to the Clci'ks of the Boards of Sutorvis ors of tho counties in which pilch ejections aro to bo hold; such proclamation to con tain a stateniriit of tho time of tho election aud tho offices to bo filled, and tho offor of a reward in tho form prescribed by said act. NOW, THEREFORE L Nathan O. Murphy, Governor of Arizona, in pursuance of the duty enjoined upon me, do hereby order n general o eitK n to bo held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November, A. D. 1900. and tho offices to be filled at such elec tion I do hereby designate to bo as follows, to wit: One Delegate totheFifty-sevonthCongro3s of tho United States. Twelve members of tv.e Couuoll of tho Leg islative Assembly of Arizona, and twenty four members ot the Houso of Representa tive of the Legislative Assembly of Arizona, apportioned ngrcoably to existing laws as follows: Apache countyi ono member of the Coun cil and one member of tho Houso of Repre sentatives; Coconino cojinty, ono raombor of tho' Council and one member of tbo House if Representatives; Cochiso county, one member of the Council and thicemombers of tho H'Uso of Representatives; Gila county, one member of the Council aud ouo member of ho House of Representatives; Graham county, ono momber of tho Council and two members of tho Houso of Repre sentatives; Maricopa county, one member of the Council and four members cf the House ot Repro8ntativcs; Mohave county, one member of tho Council und one member of theHjiiseof RopiesentntU'cs; Navajo coun ty one member ot tho Council and ouo mem ber of the Houso of Representatives; Pimu county, ono inembor of the Council Jointly with tr.e county of Santa Cruz and three members of the H'-use of Representatives: Pinal county, ono momber of tho Council and two members of the House of Repre sentatives; Santa Cruz county, ono member of the Council jointly with tho county of Pima, as aforesaid, and one member of tho House of Representatives: Yavapai county, ono momber of tho Council and ono member of the Home of Representatives: Yuma county, ono mombor of the Council and ouo memuor ot tne House ot iiopresentauves. And thero shall bo elected lu each county of tbo Territory iuo Prnbato Judge, one District Attorney, ono Sheriff, ono Treas urer, ono Recorder, ono Surveyor, two mem bers of the Board of Supervisors, excopt thut in tho county of Cochise there shall be elected throe members of tho Bonrd of Su pervisors, and in tho county of Santa Cruz thero shall bo elected three members of tht Board of Supervisors, and in each county of the first class and in each county of tho sor did class ue Assessor shall bootectcd; also iu the several precincts of oacn county ono Justico of tho Peace and ono Constdblo shall bo elected, and in such precincts as uro onti tied to two Justices of the Peace and two Constables that number shall bo elected. There shall uito be elected In each county of tho first clnsa ouo CountySchool Super intendent. AND I DO HEREBY oiler a rsward or fifty dollars for tho arrest and conviction of any person violating any of the provisions of Title IV, Part 1 of the Penal Co e. IN WITNESS WHEREOI-' 1 havo horounto set my hand nud caused tbo Great Seal of the Territory to be hereunto affixed. Done at Phoenix, the Capital, this 27th day of Soptember, A. D. 1900. N. O. MURPHY. By tho Govornor. C.H. AKERS, Secretary of tho Territory of Arizoua. A1INING APPLICATION NO. 723. Survey No. 1476. United States Land Office, ) Tucson, Aiiizona, August 29, 1900. , Notico is horoby given that M. J. Rrophy nnd E. B Mason, whoso post oillco.uddross is Bisbee. Cochiso coun ty, Arizonn territory, liuvo this day (lied their application for u patent for 1000 linear foot of tho Sorrol Horse lodo, mine ov vein, bearing copper and othor metals, with surfneo ground ;522.20 feci in width, situiitod in Warren mining district, county of Cochiso and Territory of Arizona, and designated by tho Hold notes and oillcial pint on illo in this otllco ns survey i. umber 1470, approximately in township no. 23 south, rnngo 24 east (unsurvoyod), of Gila and Salt Rivor Baso and Merid ian, said survoy No. 1470 being as fol lows: Beginniug at cor. No. 1, tho nw. cor., a piuo post 6cribed 1-1470-S.H.L , whence original location, idontlcal with cor. No. 1 Oaklahomu lode, survoy No. 13'JS, and with tho so. and sv. corners of tho unsurvoyed Steubon and Comet claims respectively, bears n. 0 deg. 45 min. w. 0.."8 foot, and U. S. Mineral Monument No. 4 boars u. 49 deg. 11 mln. IJO soo. w. .w84 feot; thonco u. 50 dec. 52 min. .'50 sec. o. 2.75 feot to cor. No. 2, tho no. cor., u pino post scrlbod 2-1470-S.H.L., whence original location bears u. Hi deg. 41 miu. w. 8.43 feot; thonco b. 10 deg. 44 miu. o. 079.77 feet to cor No. 3, tho so. cor., identical witli location and with sw. cor. unsur voyod Pay Day claim, a piuo post scribed 3-147G-S H.L.; thouco o. 50 deg. 52 min. 30 sec. w. 221 feot to origiuul location for s. ond coutor 322 2 foot, Bamo boaring to cor. No. 4, tho sw. cor. identical with location and on the lino 2-3 Oaklahoma lodo survoy No. 1398 at n. 0 deg. 45 min. w. 297.40 feet from cor. No. 3; thence n. 0 deg. 45 min. w. to e. side centor Oaklahoma lode sur vey No. 1398 412.00 feet, 1113.02 feet, samo bearing to cor. No. 1, tho place of beginning. Magnetic variation 11 dog. 45 miu., containing 3.505 acres Tbo location of this mino is recorded in tho Recorder's ollico of Deeds, page 370, in book 14 Rocortl of Mines of Co chiso county at Tombstone, in the county and territory aforesaid. The adjoining claimants are: On the north Steuben and Comet, Granville owner; on east Pay Day, Granville owner; on tho south New Era and Co chiso, Mathias and Strong owners; on tho west Oaklahoma No. 1398, Thomas Higgins, owner. Any and all persons claiming ad versely any portion of said Sorrol Uorso lodo, mino or surfaco ground aro required to file their adverse claims with the Register of tho United States Land Ollico at Tucson, in tho Territory nf Arivnna rititir fln aivf-TT Icufk' r,a. riod of publication hereof, or they will oe oarrea ny virtue or tue provisions of the statute MILTON R. -MOORE, Register, First publication Sept. 1, 1900. Last publication Oct. 31, 1900. MINING APPLICATION Survey No. 1475. NO. 711 I ' United States Land Office, i Magnetic variation 11 deg. 47 min. e., Tucson, Arizona, August, 291900. j ' containing 02 790 acres. Notice is horoby given that M. J. The location of this mine is recorded Brophy and Martin O'Haro, whoso post in the Recorder's office of Deeds, Ben otllco address is Bisbee, Cochise coun-1 Ral aud Rathmoon, book 12, page 411, ty, Arizona territory, havo this day Hard Cash and Nellie, Record of Mines, filed their application for a patent for , book 12, pugo 412, at Tombstone, in the .io;;.s.u, ioiv, iu-u, xwu iiuuui icul ui mo Hard Cash, Nellie, Rathmoon,. Bengal, respectively, mines or veins bearing copper and othor metals, with surfaco ground 600, 576.4, 570.4, 593 feet, respec tively, in width, situated in Warren mining district, county of Cochise and Territory of Arizona, and dosignated by tho field notes and official plat on file in this office as survey number 1475, approximately in township No. 23 south, range No, 24 east (unsur veyed) of Gila und Salt River Base and Meridian, said survey No. 1475 being dosoribed as follows, to wit: RATHMOON LODE. Beginning at cor. No. 1, the nw. cor. identical with location and with cor. No. 4 Baton Rouge lodo No. 1398 and Hard Sorabble lode No. 1026, cor. No. 6, a pine post scribed 1-1476-R. L., whence U. S. Mineral Monument No. 4 bears n. 33 deg. 44 min. w. 4397.00 feet; thence s. 1 deg. 17 min. 15 sec. e. 117 feot to cor. No. 5 Bengal lode of this group 1120 feet, samo k earing to cor No 2, tho sw. cor., idontlcaUwith corners No. 4, 4, 1 of the Bengal, Hard Cash and Nellie lodes, respectively, all claims of this group, a piuo post scribed 2-1475-R.L., 288.20 feet, same beariug to s. end center, a pine post scribed 1475-R.L. 576 40 feet, same bearing to cor. No. 3, the so. cor., identical with cor. No. C Nellie lode of this group, a pino post scribed 3-1475-RJL.; thence n. 0 deg. 45 miu. w. 1019.80 feet to cor. No. 4, identical with cor. No. 1 Oakland lodo No. 1398, a pine post scribed 4 1475-R.L,, whence original lo cation boars, n. 0 deg. 45 min. e. 101.40 feet; thencoit 87 deg. 45 miu. w. 15 feet to cor. No. 5, identical with cor. N". 4, Oregon lodo To. 1398, a pine post scribed 5-1475-R.L.; thenco u. 0 deg. 17 min. w. 99.60 feot to jor. No. 6, identi cal with cor. No. 3 Baton Kougo lode No. 1398, a pine post scribed 0-1475-R. L., whence original ne. cor. bears n. 82 deg. 40 min. e. 33.43 feet; thence s. 82 dog. 40 min. w. 276 feot to n. end center a piuo post sennod mo-ti.Li. 553.17 feet, same bearing" to oor. No. 1, the place of beginning. BENGAL LODE. Beginning at cor. No. 1, tho nw. cor., a pine post scribed 1-I475-BIL., whence original location bears n. 0 deg. 45 min. w 117.50 feet, and U. S. Mineral Monu ment No. 4 bears n. 25 deg, 57 min. w. 4247 feot; thenco s. 0 deg. 45 miu e. 484.10 feet to intersection o. side Hue Harrison lode, a pino post scribed 1475 B.L. 977 30 feet, samo bearing to cor. No. 2, identical with s. ond center Harrison lode and with no. cor. Hanchett lode, a pino post scribed 2-1475-B.L., whence original location bears s. 0 deg. 45 min. o. 20.30 feet; thence s. 15 deg 44 mln. e. 20.80 feot to cor. No. 3, the sw. cor., whoncE original location bears s. 85 deg. 28 miu. w. 7 feet, a pine post scribed 3-1475-B.L.; thenco n. 85 deg. 28 min. o. 290 50 feet, to b. end con ter, a pine post scribed 1475-B.L. 593 feet, samo beariug to cor. No. 4. a pine post scribed 4-1475-B.L.; thenco u. 1 deg. 17 miu. 15 sec, w. 1003 feet to cor. No. 5, the no. cor., a pino post scribed 5-1475-B.L.7 origiual location, identical with cor. No. 1 Rathmoon lodo of this group; thenco s. 85 deg. 28 min. w. 293 feot to cor. No. 6 on line 2-0 Hard Sorabble lode No. 1020, a, pine post scribed 0-1475-B.L.; thenco s. 04 deg. 10 min. w. 179.30 feot to cor. No. 7, identical with No. 2 Hard Scrabble No, 1020, a pine post ncribed 7-1475-B.L.; thenco u 13 deg. 18 min. w. 05.00 feet to cor. No. 8, on Hue 2-3 Hard Scrabble lodo No. 1020, a pino post scribed 8-1475-B.L.; thenco s. 85 deg. 28 min. w. 120.30 feot to cor. No. 1, the placo of beginning. . HARD CASH LODE. Beginning at cor. No. 1, tho nw. cor , identical with cor. No. 3 Bengal chum of this survoy and on tho west side lino of tho Hanchett claim at s. 15 deg 44 min o. 20.8 feet from (ho no. cor a piuo P-J !& 0nil"crif5."T!;:; boars s. 85 deg. 28 miu. w. 7 feet uud U l-iIO-Il.J.-U., wuouwu uugium iut.auvu ' S. Mineral Monumont No. 4 bears u. 21 deg, 22 min. w. 5171 feot; thence s. 15 (leg. 44 min. e, 1392.50 feet to cor. No. 2, the sw. cor., identical with the se. cor. Hanchott claim, a pino post scribed 2-1475-H.C.L; thouco n. 85 deg. 28 miu. o, 300 feet to s. end couter, a piuo post UL nnr Ti','. ' " . " - bunuuu itui-n.v u.ini' icui. muim miiir-. iug to cor. No. 3, identical with cor. No. 2 Nollio lodo of tins survey, a pino post scribed 3-1475-H.C.L.; thonco n. 16 deg. 00 min. 45 sec, w. 139.1.70 feet to cor. No. 4, tho no. cor., identical with corners No. 1,2 and 4 of tho Nellie, Rathmoon aud BongUl respectively, all claims of this survoy, a plno post scribed 4-1475-H.C.L.; thenco s. 85 deg. 28 min. w. 290.50 feet to n. end coutor, n piuo post scribed 1475-H.C.L.. 593 feet, samo bear iug to cor. No. 1, the placo of begin ning. NELLIE LODE. Beginning at cor. No. 1, tho uw. cor., Idontlcal with location and with cor-1 nors iS'o. 2, 4 aud 4 ot tlio lwiiiimoon, Hard Cash and Bengal claims, respect - ively, all of this group, a nine post scribed 1-1476-N.L., whonoe U. S.Min-1 j oral Monument No. 4 bears n. 27 deg. ; 18 min. w. 5381 feet; thenco s. 10 deg. , 00 min. 45 sec. e. 1393 70 feet to cor. No. 2, tho sw. cor., a pine post scribed 2-1475-N.L.; thenco n. 82 deg. 40 miu. e. 22951 feot to cor. No. 3, on tho w. side line uusurvoyed Illinois lode, a pine post scribed 3-1475-N.L., whence origi nal location bears n. 82 deg. 40 min. e. :l41.49 feet; thence n. 12 deg. 58 mm. e. 519.53 feet to cor. Xo. 4, identical with nw. cor. unsurveyed Illinois lode, a pine post scribed 4-1475-N.L.; thence n. 81 deg. 49 min. o. 89.20 feet to cor. No. 5, tho so. cor., identical with tho sw. cor, unsurveyed Top. Gallant lodo and on the u. end lino unsurvoyed Illinois lode, a pino post scribed 5-1475-N.L.; thonco u. 15 deg. 47 min. w. 492 feot to intersection lino 3-4 Oakland lode No, 139o at n. 87 deg. 48 min. o. 100.80 feet from cor. No. 4 903.00 feot, same bear ing to cor. no. 0, the ne. cor., identical with cor. No. 3 Rathmoon lode of thie group and on lino 1-4 Oakland lode No. 1398 at n. 0 deg. 45 min. w. 400.20 feot from cor. No. 4, a pine post scribed 0- 14o-jn..Li.; tnence s. bz deg. 40 mm. w. 288.20 feet to the n. end center, a pine post scribed 1475-N. L. 570.40 feet, samo bearing to cor. No. 1, tho nlace of be ginning. Total and not area Hard Cash lode, 18.70d acres. Total and net area Nellie lode, 15.730 acres. net area Rathmoon lode, 14.810 acres, Total and net area Bengal lode, 13.550 i aerfis. , couuty and territory aforesaid. i The adjoining claimants are: On the north Oregon and Baton Rougo lodes I No. 1398, Thomas Higgins owner; Hard . Scrabble lode No. 1020, South Bisbee hopper lUiuing and Townsito Improve meut company owners; Del Norte lode, Higgins aud Feuner owners; on east: Oregon and Oakland No. 1398, Thomas Higgins owner; Top Gallant, Granville and Shattuck owners; Illinois lode, L. C. Shattuck owner; on south: vacant ground; on west: Higgins. Harrison and Hanchott lodes, Lowell ' & Arizona Copper Mining and Smelting company owners. Any and all persons claiming ad versely any portion of said Bengal, Rathmoon, Hard Cash and Nellie mines or surface ground aro required to fllo their adverse claims with the Register of tho United States Land Office at Tucson, in tho Territory of Arizona, during the sixty days' period of publi cation hereof, or they will be barred by virtuo of the provisions of the statute. MIl.TON 11. MOORE, Register. First publication Sept. 1, 1900. La6t publication Oct. 31, 1900. MINING APPLICATION NO. 724. Survey No. 1473. United States Land Offioe, ) Tucson, Arizona, Septombor 7, 1900 j Notice is hereby given that Peter Johnson, Fredolf Sundstrom, C. J. Graudstrom, Ernest F, Larson. 0. E. Hansen, whose post offlco address is Bisbeo, Cochise county, Arizona terri tory, for all, have this day filed their application for a patent for 1500 linear feet of tho Boras mine or vein bearing copper aud other metals, with surface ground 6oO feot in width, situated in Warren mining district, county of Co chiso and Territory of Arizona, and rlacfrmnfol vrr tlift (lnl4 nnfoa otin nfTl- . cial plnt on alo iutbis offlco aa survey number 1473, approximately in town- ship No. 23 south, range 24 east (un surveyed) of Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Arizona, said survey No. 1473 being described as follows, to wit: BORAS LODE. No. 1473. Beginning at cor. No. 1, tho sw. cor., identical with location and with the no. oor. Maistor aud se. cor. Superior mining claims, a pino post 4 feet long, 4 inches square, set in a mound of stones, scribed 1-1473-B.L., whenco U. S. Mineral Monument No. 3 bears s. 46 deg. 46 miu. w. 1229.5 feet, and the ne. cor of station house of Don Louis on the Arizona & South Eastern R. R. ; bears s 9 deg. 29 rain, w.; this cor. ie also identical with tho nw. cor. Su I saiine claim; thouco s. 78 deg. 52 min. 0. 300 feet to s. end center, a pino post scribed 1473-B.L, 600, samo beariug to , cor. No. 2, tho se. cor., identical with ' the no. cor of the Susanno claim, I whence tho original location bears 8. I 78 deg. 52 min. e. 21 feet, a pino post scribed 2-1473-B.L.; thenco u. 17 deg. 33 min. o. 496 feot to cor. No. 3, identi cal with corners No. 4 Monarch and ' No. 1 Ravon lodes No. 1394, n pine post scribed 3-1473 B.L.; thenco n. 17 deg. 24 miu. o. 1001 feet to cor. No. 4, the ! no. cor., identical with location and . with corners No. 4 Ravon, No. 2 Crown Kiug No. 1 Iron Cap lodes No. 1394, a pino post scribed 4-1473-B.L.; thence n. 78 deg. 52 min, w 206 feot to n. end I confer, identical with s. ond center i Crown Kiug lodo j. o. 1394, a pine post I scribed 1473 B.L., 532.10 feet, same I boating to cor. No. 5, ideuticnl with lo ' cation and with cor. No. 1 Crown King lodo No. 1391 ond with tho so, aud no. corners f tho unsurvoyed Tuscarora nnd Superior claims respectively, a piuo post scribed 5-147.VB.L.; thence s. 20 deg 1 min. w. 1508 70 feet to cor. 1, tho placo of beginning. I - "5"" X, "" '' "" w """ Mnguouc variation u deg. 45 mm. The location of this mint is recorded in tho Recorder's ollico of Deeds lu Book 3, page 474, Records of Minos, records of Coqhlse county, at Tomb stono, in the county and territory aforesaid. Tho adjoining claimants aro: On tho north, Crown King and Iron Cap No. 1394, South Bisbee Copper Mluing and I Townsito Improvement company own- rp.n.;, ., T.,n,n. Blair owner; on east, Ravon and Mon- arch claims No. 1394, South Bisbee Copper Mining and Towhs.ito Improve ment company owners; oh south, Su sanno nnd Maistor, Peter Johnson, owner; on west, Superior claim, Peter Johnson, owner. Any and all persons claiming ad versely any portion of said Boras mino or surfneo ground ore required to tile their adverse claims with tho Register or tho United States Land Offico at Tucson, In tho Territory of Arizona, during tho Bixty days' period of publi- .n,!n ItAwnnf A. 41.1N.. tl.tll 1,A ln..ft by virtuo of tho provisions of tho stat- uto. ; MILTON R. MOORE, Registey. First publication Sept. 11, 1900. Last publication Nov. 11, 1900.