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cOohibe rbVieW : Mda esveneng. bcidiM ii iliOO iiiliWiliiiwiiiwMJiiwwUMwwa.iii.MiiwMi ilft'?Vwi, C ( V A ?)'A J- . .:- ycr '- cT rv "1 1 3 - K : I K?e s&rj "-"jrf. is COCHISE REVIEW Published TCvery Kveiuniy, Mxtept Hunday, by Trlt BISBft NtWS COMPANY. V. R. N. GREAVES, EDITOR KntereO at the Postoftice at ttisb.ce, Ariz., as second-class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION HATRS: Hy Mail, One Year JgfcgO tty Carrier. One Month :P7S Advertising rates will be made known on application to this office. Legal pub lications, in conformity with Territorial Statutes. Reading notices, 10 cents a Mnc for each insertion. Communications relating to new, or editorial matter should be addressed to Editor Cochisu Rkvikw All remittances and bttsii'e & letters etc., should be addressed to Tint HiSnWK Nkws Company. BISBEE, ARIZ., OCT. 12. 1000. THE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. The ticket placed hi the Held b tho democratic county convention is a strong one, but not so strong as tho best friends ot the party had hoped for. On the other hand, it is far better than the opponents of the party had pre dicted would be nominated. The nominee for sheriit is unques tionably the strongest one that could have been niude under all the circum stances. The nominees for treasmer, reeoider, probate judge, superintendent of sohoolj, und surveyor are the very best men the party had available. The supervisor ticket is piobabl.v tho best that the party ever pnl In tho Held. The choice of assessor it not a bad one. If Mr. Gray, of Tombstone, lemains on the ticket he will poll a large vote. Stephen Romer, of Ben son, is deservedly popular and should ' receive the undivided suppoit of his party. Honest John Merrill is an old timer in the county and has hosts of 'friends. The selection of Colonel Mike Gray was so bad, when it is re called that lie voted in the last legisla ture for the division of Pima county, in dlreot violation of the platform on which he was elected, and championed the bullion tax law after pledging the miners of Blsbee that he would oppose such a measure, that his name weakens the whole legislative ticket. It also . plaoes the party in the bad light of en dowing his record. The platform very : properly endorses the Hon. Marcus A. Smith as delegate to congress, aud the convention chose a first class man for r chairman of the central committee BENSON CONVENTION ECHOES. Sid Mullen left the convention with many more friends and admirers than he went into it with He accepted de feat manfully and is one of the most ar " dent supporters of the ticket nominated ' that is to be found in the county. He "i believes that no man should take part in a convention who is not willing to abide by its decisions. A few men see corruption and dishonesty in connec tion with every vote not cast for them selves, but Sid Mullen is not of them. Many were surprised to meet as a del- egate to the convention Dr. L. C. Tone.' , of Turquois, formerly of Bisboe, and formerly a republican. The doctor, 'like manv otliers, could not conscien tiously accept the new republican doc trines, but heartily approves of tho democratic policy of dealing with now conditions, and hu6 accordingly changed parties. Nearly all the Bisbee delegates voted for Land for district attorney. Had four of them voted for Morgan, as had been announced that they would do, there could have been no choice on first ballot, the Gibson men would havo changed to Morgan and given him tho prize. The report that Col. Mike Giay was on his feet trying to talk all the time, from the opening till the close of tho convention, is inaccurate. He sat down several times to whisper to delegates seated Htar him, and for other reason. What is spoken of general!) as a t'khakl boom" seems to have swept tho United Kingdom $n the parliamentary elections thus far held. From almost every direction come reports of in creased strength shown by the minis terialists and of diminished majorities in strong liberal districts. Candidates standing on a platform opposed to tho , South African war have fared badly at tho handB of the electorate. Tho re turns at hand Indicate that the Salis bury administration has carried not far from two-thirds of the districts in which tho results havo been ascertain ed. There is a possibility that the re turns from the more remote districts may, to some extent, counterbalance tiie earlier known conservative suc cesses, but surface indications are to the contrary, and, so far as public opin ion has manifested Itself in the groat centers, the feeling seems to be run ning heavily against the opponents of the government. The extent of the conservative success seems to be some what of a surprise, even to the more confident among the leaders of the party. MARY ANN MADE HER EXIT. Uow a l'orfeot lMctnVft oa thr Stsv Wm ftpollcil by nn Uttlhuely Interru)itixu. It was before I came to New York that I ono night snw a leally fine per formance almost ruined by n single inteirnption. It was u doine&tlc tiag edy of English rural life, and one act began with a tableau copied exactl) from a popular painting called "Wait ing for the veidict," which was also tho title of the pla), writes Clara Morris, in the Critic. The scene gave an exterior view of tho building within which the hus band and father was being triedi for his life on a charge of murder. The trembling old grandsiro leaned hea lly on his Mull, the denoted wife but wearily by the closed iron gate, with a babe on her breast tired, but wgi lant, a faithful dog stretched him sell at her feet, while his shaggy shoulders pillowed the head of the sleeping ihild, who wa. the accused man's darling. The curtain rose on this picture, which was always heartily greeted, and often, o well it told its pathetic story, a second and third lound of ap plause greeted it beloie the dihlogue began. The manager's little daugh ter, who did the sleeping child, con tracted a cold, and was udwsed not to enture out of the house for a fort night, so n substitute had to be found and a fine lot of trouble the stage manager had. He ckclaied half the children of Columbus hii been through his sieve and there was the trouble, the) all went through there was no one left to act as substi tute But at last he found two prom ising little girls sisters the) were, aud very poor but the mother towed her childien must be in bed at nine' theater or no theater; )e, she would like to hae the monet, but she'd do without it lather than hate a child out ol bed at all "hours,. At liist she held out foi nine o'clock, but at last )ielded the additional half houi ; and to the great disappointment of the younger child, the elder one was ac cepted, for the odd leason that she looked so much younger than her sis ter. The company came down from Clet eland, and there were the usual alight delays attendant on a first night, but the "house" "was good, the "star" (Mr Buchanan) was making a fine impies-sion, and the play was evi dently a "go." The big pictuie was looked forward to eagerly, and when it was ananged we had to admit that the pale, pinched little face of the strange child was more effective, as it tested on the dog's shoulder than had been the plump, smiling tace of the manager's little one. The curtain went up, the applause followed those behind the scenes crowded to the "wings" to look on no one noted that the hands of the clock stood at 9:40, no one heard through the second burrT of applause the slam of the stage door behind the very, vry small person who entered, and silent 1) peering this way and that, found her stern, avenging way to the stage, and that too-favored si6ter baBking in the sunlight of public approval. The grandsire had just lifted his head and was about to deliver his beautiful speech of trust and hope, when he was stricken helpless by .the entrance upon the stage of a boldly advancing small person of most amaz ing appearance Her thin little legs emerged from the shortest of skirts, while her small body was well pinned up in n great blanket shawl, the point of which trailed fully a quarter of a yard on the floor behind her. She wore a woman's hood on her "head, and from its cavernous depth, where there gleamed a pale, malignant face, a voice issued the high, far-reaching voice of a child that triumphantly commanded: "You, Mary Ann, yure ter get up out of that an' come home straight away an' yure ter go ter bed, too mother says so!" and the small ,eme sis turned on her heel and trailed off the stage, followed by laughter that seemed fairly to shake tho building Nor was that all. No sooner had Mary Ann grasped the full meaning of this dread message than she turned over on her face, and, scrambling up by all fours, she eluded the restrain ing handB of the actress mot.ier and made a hasty exit to perfect shrieks of laughter and storms of applause, while the climax wa6 only reached when the dog, trained to lie still so long as the pressure of the child's head was upon his shoulder, finding him self free, rose, shook himself violent ly, and trotted off, waving his tail pleasantly as he went That finished it. The curtain had to fall, a short overture was played, and the curtain rose again without the complete tableau, and the action of the play was resumed, but several times the laughter was renewed It was only necessary for some one per son to titter over the ludicrous recol lection, and instantl) the house was laughing with that person The next night the manager's child, swathed in flannel, with a mouth full of cough dTops, held the wcll-trnined dog in his place until the proper moment for him to rise, and the play went on its way rejoicing. O. H. Howarth gftcs an account in a recent geographicical journal of the discovery of an interesting and flem ishing ice industry in one of the high est valleys of Oaxaca, Mexico The ground is covered with a large num ber of shallow wooden troughs, which ate filled with water and during the winter nights are covered with a thin film of ice of not more than one eighth of an inch thick This ice is removed in the morning, shoveled into hole3 in the ground and covered with earth. Under these conditions the ice consolidates and is then cut out in blocks and sent down by mules to the towns where a ready market is found at all seasons. , OWNS ITS RAILROAD. Glasgow Operates Street Car Lines Successfully Uow KnalatpKl Ownership Wnrki 1b tax Saotch City Over $000,000 Cleared Lnt Ymin-Bb- aloyvn Number 8,400. "Glasgow's street car s) stein is owned and operated by the city undei the direct supervision of a committee of the town council," sus Consul Tay lor at Glasgow. "The gross capital ev penditures for the system dnee lb94, independent of operating expenses, hate been $5,lt-),07.r), a,nd the piesent indebtedness is $4,0Gt,S6. The capital Invested is $4,S50,50'J. Of the 41 miles of double track, five miles have elec tric traction, the rest being operated by horses. The total icceipts of the system during the year were $2,286, S50. The working expenses weie $1,076,412, leaving a balance of $610, 43d, of which theie were expended some $84,000 for interest on capital, $57,501 for sinking fund, $156,096 for depreciation of stock. "One item of $60,000 consists of pay ments made to the general le venue fund of the eit), which is in lieu of the amount which the city would re ceive in taxes, it is presumed, were the system operated by a private com pany. The balance goes into the re serve fund "There are 3,400 persons employed, including 100 clerks. The general manager receives $6,800; the chief en gineer, $2,400; the electrical engineer, $2,000; and the mechanical engineer, who has charge of the power station, $1,216. Point boys receive 28 cents per day; trajee bo)s from 40 to 52 cents per da) ; car cleaners from 88 cents to $1 per da); drivers, con ductors and motormen fiom $1 to $1.12 per day These rates applt to Sun day and week days alike. The rolling stock consists of 384 hoise cars, 132 electric cars, 17 omnibuses, 39 lorries, and numerous carts, wagons and vans. There are 4,411 Fares lange from one cent for the first hult'iuile to two cents for a mile; the longest ride is six miles, costing six cents. No transfers are issued, and tickets are not used." Austria is the only eountr) which never puts a woman in. piison. Instead of giving a female criminal so many months in jail, she is sent, no matter how terrible is her lecord. to one or other of the convents devoted to the purpose, and kept there dining the time for which she is sentenced The convent is not a mere prison in dis guise, for its courtyard stands open all day long, the only bar to egress being a nun who acts as a portress, just as in other convents forfeiture Notice. To Yt'UUttiri Evans, your hairs or assigns You are hereby notified that ono hundred dollars was expended in labor and improve ments upon tho Night Hawk Lode in ordei to hold the suid premises under tho provi sions of Seotion 2324, Revised Statutes of the United Stutes, being the amount required to hold the same for the year ending- December 81, 1899, nn.l if within ninety days after this publication jou fall or refuse to contribute your proportion of such oxpendituio as a co-owner your interest in said olulm will become the property of the subscriber un der said Soction !324. HaKUY H.MoMvnn. First publication Sept. U 1900. Torest Lieu Selection No. 107. UtUTED STATKb L VM D OPFIOK TUCSON, Arizona, July 14,1800. Jiotke U hereby given that John H. Slaughter, whoso postotilcG address is Bis bee, Cochise county, Arizona, has made ap plication to select under the Act of Juno 4, 1S97, (SO Stut., 80) the following described tracts:- First 40aores. unsurveyed, on west slope Stein's Peak, in uuadulupe canyon, Cochfso county Arizona, in what will bo T. 24-S., U. 82-E., G. and S. R. B. and M. Tho initial point marking center of tract is a wnsto pipe in center of small rock and cement dam in a small side canyon leading northwest into Guadalupe canyon, from which initial point monument No. 73 of boundary between U.S. aud Mexico bears S. 80deff.28 min., W. 3780 feet. Second 10 acres, uusurveyed.on nest slope Stein's Peak, Cochise county, Arizona, In vvhntw ill bo T. 23-S.. R. 82-E. G. aud S. R. B. and II. Tho initial point marking contor of tiact is n cross about 8 in. lonir betweon k etters S ohlsoled on a cement rock, situate on the urean oi unt udovb bottom oi hyca- i.moreorceK, about ono mllo up creoK irom houso known as "Old Smith Ranche." From said initial point white oak tree 2 ft. diam eter boars N. 20 deg. ii rain.. E. S ft., scribed ! "S. S. ranch In. Pt. B. T." N. E. cor. ruins I adobe house 12x10 ft. bears S. 79 deg. 10 min. W. 391 ft. White oak tree 12 In diumeter scribed "B. T." bears N. 58 deg. 20 nin.,E. 13J4 ft. Whitoook tree 14 in. diamoter, tenter stem, sci Ibed "B. T." bears S.1S deg. 50 min., b. 1-3 ft. Throe conical hills beams follows: S. 68 deg. E. about XA mile, S. 43 tie?. 45 min. W. about lA mile. S. 53 deg. 30 min. W. about ono mile. Locating monument of rocks 3 ft. bnse, 2V ft. high on summit htll overlook ing Snu Bernardino valley bears S. S3 deg. 44 min., W. 3377 ft. From said locating monu ment San Jose Peak, Sonora, Mexico, bears S. 77 deg. 35 min., W. about 00 mllos. Monu ment No. 77 of boundary between U. S. and Mexico benrs S. 57 deg. 8 min,, W approxi mately 1 miles. Within the next thirty days from the date of the ill st put lloatiou of this notice protests or contests nainst tho solectiou ou the grouud that tho laud described, or any por tion thereof, is more valuable for its miner als than agricultural purposes, will be re ceived anil noted for report to the Commis sioner of the General Land Office. Milton R. Moore, Ragistor. First publication Julv 17 1900. "'!' ' i'" m-juw.n MINING APPLICATION NO. 720. Survey No. 1331. United States Land Offioe TU03ON, Abizona, August 15, 1900. f Notice is hereby given that in pursu ance of tho United States mining laws tho Copper Queen Consolidated Min ing cotnpnny, a corporation organized under the laws of tho stato of New York, by its agent, Waltor Douglas, whoso post office address is Bis boo, Cochise county, Arizona, has mado ap plication for patent for 1331 linear feet of the Morning Star lodo mining claim situated on unsurveyod laud, Warren Miniug District, Cochise county, Ter ritory of Arizoua, as described by the official plat horowith posted, and by the field notes on fllo iu the office of the Register of the United States Land Oillco, Gila Land District, Tucson, Arl zona, as follows, to-wit. Magnetic variation for all combes 12 dog. 00 min. east. Beginning at corner No. 1, iuoutical with corner No. 2 survey No. 35 1 Mam moth lode, and with cornor No. 2 sur voy 861 New York lode, u pine post in mound of stones scribed Mammoth M. C No 2. 2-801 N. Y. und 1-1331, whence U. S. Mineral Mpdnout No. i boars north i'd deg. 10 thiit west 100i feet; then v uorth GG dog. 54 min. oa ! c,i iiije il Btirvey No. 861 Now Yc t) Jode 18.0 feet to coram- No. 2, idooti'-nl wilh eoiuer o. 1 survey No. 1050 JLiH'lo iNeu oiklodo, a pmo post iu mom 1 oi slopes scribed 1 HGu L. N. Y.and " Km: thence, south 11 deg. 41) min. easi. on lino 4 3 survey No. 10r6 Little New York lodo 473 5 feet to oor nor no. 3, a pine post m mound of stones scribed 3-105G L.. N. Y., 1 1347 and 3-1331; thenco south 33 deg. 37 min. east on Hue 1-G survey 1347 Vir ginia lodo G85 f feet, corner no G sur vey no. 1317 Viiginia lode; 84G5 feet to corner no. 4, a pino poet in mound of stonos scribed 1-1331; thonco south 50 deg. 3!) min, west 278.2 feet to corner no. 5, a pino post, iu mound of stones scribed 5-1331; thence south G4 dog. 10 min. west ou line 5-3 survey no. 102G Hurdscrable lode, 254.9 feet to corner no. G, u pine post in mound of stones scribed H. S. M. No. 3 aud G-1331; thence north 17 deg. 47 min. west 4G7.3 feet to corner no. 7, a pine post In mound of stones scribed 7-1331; thence south 68 deg. 42 min. west 65 feet to corner no. 8, a pine post in mound of stones scribed 8-1331; thence north 47 deg. 21 min. west 611 feet to corner no. 0, u pino post iu mound of stones scribed 91331; thonee north 48 deg. 04 min. west 212 feel to corner no. 10, a pino post in mound of stones scribed 10 1331; theuce uoi th 50 deg. 39 min. east 5W1.9 feet to corner no. 1, the place of beginning. Total aud net men ol the Morning Star lodo, 15.62 acres. Tho said mining claim being of reo oi d it the office of tho Recorder of Cochu v county, nt Tombstone, in the count) und territory aforesaid, in book 2, page 429, Records of Mines. Thopiesumed geneial course of di rect! in ol the Quid Morning Star lode or mitieial deposit being shown upon the plat posted hoicwilh, as near as can be detei mined tzom present develop ments, this claim being for south 31 dog. 50 .ii in. east G40 feet to corner no. 5, north 31 deg. 50 min. west. 199 feet, i hence north 41 deg. 20 min. west 492 leet fiom disco very abaft, total 1331 linear feet theieof, together with the mil face ground shown upon the official plat pouted heiewith, the said vein, lode aud mining premises hereby sought to be patented being bounded as follows to-wlt: Ou the north by sur vey no. 354 Mammoth lode and survey no. 861 New York lode; on the east by suivey 1050 Little New York lode and survey no. 1347 Virginia lode, all claimed by Copper Queen Consolidated Mining compuny; on the south by sur vey no. 1020 Hardscruble lode, the South litsbee Mining and Development company claimant; on the west by the Del Norte lode claim, unsurvoyed;Tom Higglus claimant; the Galena lode claim, uusurveyed, the Lowell & Ari zona claimant; and the Black Jack lode, uusurveyed, the Copper Queen Consolidated Mining company and W. M. Kendall claimant. The said claim being designated as mineral survey no. 1331 in the official plat posted here with. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the mining ground, vein, lode, mining claim or surface ground are re quired to file their adverse claims with the Register of the United States Land Office at Tucson, in the Territory of .Arizona, during the sixty days period of publication hereof, or they will bo barred by virtue of the provisions of the statute. MILTON R. MOORE, Register. First publication Aug. 17, 1900. Last publication Oct. 16, 1900. t MINING APPLICATION NO. 721 Survey No. 13?3. United States Land Office, ) Tucson, Arizona, August 15, 1900. ) Notice is hereby given that in pur suance of the United States mining laws the Copper Queen Consolidated Mining company, a corporation organ ized under the laws of the state of New York, by its agent, Walter Doug las, whose post office address is Bisbee, Cochise couuty, Arizona, has inaao ap plication ior patent for 1500 lineat feet of the Sweepstake lodo mining claim, situated on unsurveyed land, Warren distriot, Cochise county, Territory of Arizona, as described by the official plat herewith posted, and by the field notes on file in tho office of the Regis ter of the United States Land Office, Gila land district, Tucson, Arizona, as follows, to-wit: Magnetic variation tor all courses, 11 deg. 3d min. east. Beginning "at corner no. 1, Identical with southwest corner of the locati n. and with corner no. 2 survey no. 1186 "White Tailed Deer" lode, a pino post in mound of stones scribed 2-1180 W T. D,and 1-1333. whence U. S. M. M. no. 3 bears south G deg. 56 min. east 2356 feet distant; thence north 37 deg. 26 min. west on line 2-3 survey no 1186 White Tailed Deer" lode 1500 feet to corner o. 2, a pine post in mound of stones, dci ibed 3-1186 W. T. D.and2 1333; thence north 60 deg. 38 min. east COO feet to cornor no. 3, a pine post in mound of stones scribed 3-1333; thence south 37 dog. 26 min. east 1500 feet to corner No. 4, a pine post with mound of stones soribod 4-1333; theuce south 60 deg. 38 min. west 600 feet to corner no. 1, tho place of beginning. Total and net area Sweepstake lode 20.46 acres. The snid mining claim being of rec ord in the offico of the Recorder of Cochiso county, at Tombstone, in the county and Territory aforesaidrin book 6, page 606, Record of Miues. The pre sumed general course Or direction of the said Sweepstake vein, lode or min eral deposit being shown upon the plat posted herewith as near as can be de termined from present developments, this claim being for north 37 deg. 26 min. west 1442 feet, and south 37 dog. 20 min. oast 58 feot from discovory shnft, total 1500 linear feet thereof, to gether with tho surface ground shown upon tho official plat posted herewith, tho said vein, lode and mining prem ises hereby sought to be patented be ing bounded as follows to-wlt: On the southwest by survey no. 1186 "White Tailed Doer" lode, the Copper Queen Consolidated Mining company claim ant. Thero aro no other known ad joining claims. Any and all persons claiming ad versely any portion of sald'lode, min ing claim or surface ground are re quired to file their adverse claims with tho Register of tho United States Land Oflloe at Tucson, in the Territory of Arizona, during the sixty days period of publication hereof, or they will be barred by virtue of tho provisions of the statute. MILTON R. MOORE, Register. First publication Aug. 17, 1D00. Last publication Oct. 16, 1900. l FRATERNITIES IMPKIM'KJ) OKDKK OF KhI) .MIW. COOHlsE Tribe No. 7. meet etury Thursday evening uttheUpcta HouteHall Vis itinjr liiothsrs coidially invi ted. James A. Cauiphll, Sachem John .Muucti.U of U. l)i r.iliiMiuiUoii, Medicine Man. WAKKEN CAMP HO 9. j WOODMEN Or THE , WORLD, meets every teeond aud fourth Monday I at the opera bouse Vis iting members cord i a 1 1 v invited J A MILDEK, C C. r V. JOHNSTON See. EkTKCT ASHLAK LODGE No. 12. F. & A. M. Meets first Thursday of each month. Visiting breth i en cordially Invited to attend. C C. Warner, W. M. Bbown, Secretary. T ANDMAKK CHAPTER N-.. 8 R. A. M. Regular Cotivot a tious third Tuesday In e rli month, 8:15 p. m. Visiting com panions iu food standing gladly ' received. V.H. STILES, II. P. Fiiank J. Ohaf. Sec. QUEEN LODGE NO. 6, A. O. V. W., meets eery . Saturday evening. Vis 1 iting brothers cordially invited. Alfred Godfrey, W, M. Richard Humphrey, Hoc 11. O. Frasor llnnnultt. BISBEE LODGE NO. 10, I. O. O. F., meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting brothers cordially invited to attend. Alfred Godfrey, N. G. Eiiile Mares, R. S. THE FRATEKNAI. Lodge No. 53, meets every H r s t and third Wednesdays ot the mouth. Visiting members are cor dially invited. JULIA MILLER. Piesldeut. Phfi but. Socretiiry. NAC0 ADVER1ISENENTS. CURRY & CO. Dealers in Dry Goods. Cirottrih HurdA'ure, Boots und ShwB r'urclu-ium and Porwitrdifig Afii f Custom Ifoupf Hrokern. Naco. Arizona. I- Plei. Doughnut. Calieo, etc. French Restau. ant Meals Served in Courses. Thos. Pinelll . .. Naco, Arizona Java and Mocha Coffee The best for Morning, Noon and Night. FORAALBBY -jj CURRY & CO., NACO, A. T. U Cre$ & Republicas Specialties In French Good and A Latge Assortment of Iflcxican Drawn Work HORVIUEUR & MILHE MACO PS TAKE A HACK Ed Price who ha3 a Hack ready at all hours, meets all Trains. Orders may be left at New England Kitchen. a&- TEltPHQNE 60 Your Patronage SollolteU Alejandro Garcia CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER La Horita, Sonora, flexico: -THE..QUEEN MARKET S NAVARRO, PROPRIETOR Tho Choicest Cuts of tender and well-fod Beef, Mutton, Sausage, etc I- BREVERY AVE. BISBEE' Rents Collected PROPERTY LOOKED AFTER MONEY LOADED Bisbee Real Estate Co. Blsbeo Bill Posting Co. B. B. nASON, Manager AUGUST JODRRS Watchmaker and Jeweler Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Spectacles, Stationery, Wajlpaper, etc. DnnnlriiKir lUoallv Yfenmt MAIN STREET, - BISBEE, ARIZ. TJj M J L. " MS U HI Sil JtJ I'm m jUF' i H t Bisbee Drug Co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL jt j WALUMI'lik PAINT8 A NO OIUS GLASS 'W Photographic Supplies Bisbee, Arizona Canaan Restaurant Main St. Mrs. A. W. Strumm, Prop. First-Class Restaurant. Hoard by the Day, Week or Mouth. Short Orders Day aud Night ... . J. C. RAU8, Main t. above Palace Stables REPAIRS AND RCNTS BICYCLES Noxelt Hurkt RVj ttt lllilf u SDecialtT. flmiu .lock, sen ing machine l,"iml bicycles repaired RAMBLER BICYCLES SOLD Z. J. STAGMER- Contractor und Builder. Estimates Furnished on uli Eiu i,r Worli. 'BRICKWORK A SPECIALTY Leave orders nt ShnituVk's Lumber Yard E. HOWELL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Kstlmates ol Buildings l'tiimshcd UKHCE: J. H. JACK LUMBER COMPANr EASTMAN'S KODAKS M Photographic Supplies. Developing und Printing ut Lowest Ratea. tiat isfaction guaranteed. Copper Queen Pharmacy C.PHART&CO. New England Kitciien . . . Open Day and Night Short Orders a Specially Meals served to families and parties. flain Street Whitehead & Marcbell, Proprietors. O. K. MARKET FIRST CLASS lHOONlX BEEF, Mutton, Pork and Veal. Sausage, for eign and domestic, constantly on hand. 0. K. STREE1, 0PP, CARRETTO'S A. BAUER Prpprietor Bisbee Candy Kitchen Fresh Candies Every Day Ice Cieain. Soilu Watfer, Lemonade, Milk Shakes. Cents MRS. KUKGUA.M, Proprietress. Near Itiia.Scli'H Store-. Cleunlu done liv now Ut Procese. Gpuu' Suit Cleanrii. uUo Lmlio-.' MclrU, W.ilsW. Glote and KIMhuis. II .t it n.i-riuiti City Jarber Shop Bath Room a no" Porcelain Tubs Marks & Wittig, Proprietors. Everything First Class. C. K. BARNUM .Town Transfer Bafla and Express ' Handled With Care. Leave orders with S. K Williams TV! .Y, Theo. F. rietz, Prop. Office nnd works. Tombstone and Bisbev Soda Water, Ssrsapurllla, Glnirer A a, Etc. Otders Iron, abiond will receive prompt at tention. Orders for tho cltj of Bisbee will bodolhcred free without nelay. I-amlly or ders solicited. Bisbee Assay Office. All Work Guarantaei Or Money Refunded. Kodak Pictures S'K Office, Nob Hill Alf. TELIMN - - - Proprietor BISBEE CASH" FRD1T sS Ice Cream and Soda Water Sweet. Cream, Confections, tc I. Cream Parlor. Geo. Dorf linger Prop. Wallace Building. i m&inin tPH W TSW5' 4V9 A Big Cold Drink for 5 f a RKRPR UHL WORKS iPiKLllA H 0 1 M, j .? ' - W ' JfoC