Newspaper Page Text
COCHISE EEVIEW : WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBEK 14. 1900 & v . i IH j. W. -. ' t sA 5 y. ML-" '.- &&'" ,& ' ; ' W FH a? i h y u r 4 COCHISE REVIEW Published Every Evening, Except Munday, by THE -'MSBEE: NEWS COMPANY. ";. V. R.N. GREAVES, EDITOR ft , Entered at tHo Postofflco at Bisbcc, "Ana., as second-class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Mail, One Year $7.50 By Carrier, One Month 75 Advertising rateswill be made known on application to this office. Legal pub lications in conformity with Territorial Statutes. Reading notices, 10 cents a lne for each insertion. Communications relating to news or editorial matter should be addressed to Editor, ,Cqchisb Review An remittances and busircia letters etc., should be addressed toTnK Bisbkk Nkws Company. 'BfsBEE -ARIZ., NOV. 14. 1900. THE HMfC.-CHURCH FAIR. The "Methodiit church fair was a wonderful success last night. The peo ple shojved their anxiety to help along tla'd'food'cauaer.bvr gathering together clnn,umb;ers that filled the large opera hotiseh'alj , . The program was an excellent one .and Jn tt'a,brlg'ht;llttloifarce "The dis trict iohbol'4' vas brought out histri onic talent of no .mean order. The 'actors were perfect in their various ' parti"and the staging of the piece show dve"ry.markofaa practiced and ex perfenced hand, - To attempt individu al criticism would be Invidious. The bus - iness of ' the fair, that is the erious 'buiinwi of money making, was con ducted with -success and the visitors seemed to'gladly respond to the efforts 6f "the.promoterfl and assistants of the Melhedlst Fair. Tonight 'and tomorrow will see a really pleasant little program which all our peopl .aospld Ukad vantage of. EXCHANGE NOTES. .00lJlttHoibe,feaff ,hatt the result of jftMisstoMfW iftve ay effect on cemDredQwagar. -logwd-qianyiOVhe capdidates wbo -jwf4alictpd Iwitb the itch for office were rajtcUed;5oTo , f ii Q! One .month' from, today there will be .inflection in Tuoson. -Besides a mayor, (recorder, assessor, treasurer and city tBarahal, there will be chosen one coun. ,cilmanatxUrge,!one councilman from ;the.first' councilman from the second-ward, Star Tfi manager , of one of the mapa- -talnes'has offered" Minister Conger $10,- tcOOOfonan article on the siege of Pekiu. sWhen a magazine starts after the news it don't' haggIe'bver'a, few dollars. 'iw "j: LfiduafftBe-typeof typhoid fever it as seyere in England as it ever was, -Hht death-rate Hag the last twenty- !flveyearsr has "besn diminished 50 per cent. nt fjin, "WyjiV fiiK.- -r-rrr "rm r nVi.omJfAl-DQb.M'JssuQd a. proolama- .f.tlBtOrderipg American. .prisoners re ojf ,SQd,Hand,;on'elrikng .inducements for Yankee soldiers to surrender. ?' l M2&& thVfli'PliQP9 copies of "In ..JBls.vStepsVi.We.aj.r.eady been sold, ., .and that the demand for the book con tinues. r - .;? k . altitrh' w-. Mais believes IK. AUTOS. rA DH'iTDvr nai -a? i. nr.p. r,iit Aesjsjr. Ce)MBjisji4e KeseauBsaAs Tkelr njrllMr'Cee tot Uis iuiitsvr. JodTU-.ns if the, automobile for mlll i tary.i purpose hat proved o.satlsfac .. ttgry that .Lieut. Qen,.MilMommand -Jngihe,, States army, will re , ,new''hie recommendations for a more '.general introduction."5 The three au- 'toindblle now at' ortv Myer, Va., ars ' not reodminended, 'however, on ac count of lack of f acuities for recharge 'Jng.'them.with'.electrieity. .,',i Oei, Wil andsOtberroffiqer inter- . Cited, in making' the automobile uie- sSa&Slt,,?oy"v-e beeu making injefugiitldnt of other powers than 'klectriblty 'wtth:,1a view of obtaining ,caiYprioticalln5eth6d"bf ina'king the ma- t!oblto'l"yiIlabl' for mllltdry' purposes. -'i ;(Jea. Milei esys thatautomobiles may adapted foruse as cpdriers, carry -i,ing"ipatohes, m'qvement of stail offl- cars; jirom, one cnmaid, Jto another, ..1rrflsbaLfeconno(te'ring parties, for .investigating 'the topography of tho country In which the iarrriy proposes to operate, for small detachments-en bgigd in "cOri'Stru'btfnlg' bridge or es- " lablishing depots,, for rapidly supply ing ammunition! And f,er the.movenient ,and, oare.qf xhe, wounded. Jn fact, in N;casea where, small 'd.nliinent oper- 'erate the "general thinlJa tiiat auto "mobfles will b'e fotlhd neful Qea. "Stiles' bHevei that as the au ''tomobile is perfected it will grow la j favor. ! - - Uv..v 1 ''tmiTEp, AFTER, 'YEARS. VOh1lei- 'ttaa ' Meets ' t0tm. 1frikm''iUaA ! Vs m Dead, . (. , .c . 'v ' .-,; f.AfteriSafars' separation,. Jn which .,eeh,bad glxen.up the other for dead, ivfr. Mary'Lee," of No. '837( Brboklyu street, St. Louis, and Mrs. "Katharine Japana, of Chicago, sisters, are again united. Mrs. Japana came to St. Louie before the civil war with her parents. Her father's name vvat. Thoirijis Schaf fcry. Here it was. that, ten yearslater, her sitter Mary was born. v. A few weeks after the war "Mr."J pana went to cw Orleanc to -rlsit hr brother. She liked ths city and re mained there to engage in business. During her long absence from St. Louis she traveled extensively in the south and lost track of her relatives her. She then took up her residence in Chi cago. After many years a longing to return to St. Louis possessed Tier and she wrote to relatives there but re ceived no response. Finnlty she wrote to a priest there and froni'him learned that her sister Mary had married and was still living. Mrs. Jupanu then de cided to come to St. Louis and find her sister. The search Was successful and the sisters were united. TEE RUSKIN COLLEGE. MTmBt Started by WHMr aaa la latereit ot Labor MtOOa AatUfaotorx Prove. WaHerVroomanfounderAjfltukin Hall, tne labor colleger atMOrford, Eny-i land, has returned to New. York frcaS Trenton, Mo., where he has 4eur,e4 complete contrpl,of the,, oid AjValon college and ha& changed ittnamet'0 Buskin college. The new, eo'llege atart; with a building worth $iO,O0.Oventiry; free of debt, 1,600 acres of land ad-i joining, and $30,000 In. cah, ?0,000 ot which was contributed by tlie tradq England .and $10,Q00 giypa by friend ,of the 'Kpjtj George D, .Miller, late.president of.Av I aiori college, has been .retained; presf ident of Buskin college..- iTof.. Thomf as Will, late president of the'Kanst state agricultural college, has'beori'apf pointed ' general secretary & ia'l bor college movement. r i The college of social .science organ; ized at the Buffalo conference oi eof cial reformers last yeariTa9"?jilo 8r solidated with Mr. Vrooman'e meve ' ment and turned, .over, ItsheanaTtWf in the Unity building in Chicago, froii which the western xteniieai work rtll be conducted. .! i At Ruskin oollege a four -.y ears' course will cost only $10Pv.b,uttkke stu: dent will have to. work, ,uqdr tkilhd direction, being considered .one ef tie most valuable features of lie trata Ing. , Mr. Vrooman ie'now at work rttiilBr "merit fund" of $100,000, whieli iiii be used to provtde'schoiarthips. 'Tfeflfr ton,- Mo., has promised tQral&tjM,Wp and Kansas Sity and At. Louis $5,000 denee college wJl .bcestabjrshed.iweii at which voune'men ca'n'live for threfc dollars a week anil' 'puwuVfi iiik studies while going on with tiekiec RESENTED Ttt'Ctil&ZtmilK vltUIi ."War CorracpoBAeJtv'WtM 1 at Think OhareblU Oe patent Jadv. The porch of the was a. favorite meetino- ulaao .notables engaged In the South African ,war, vhile Lord Hoberts' forces pw pied the town. Here many discussion and a few qutfrrela took pluce,3ays6i Xondon puper. It was quite a sight". see the dill'erent little groups of tau that assembled there ' ever)- evininij. engaged iu earnest conversation. t,Op I evening a group or veuKnown ?orre- snondpnt nmnno' thftn DnnH. Kiir. leigh were talking tWlwy;,.! MJiSaSitaiw Winston Churchill suddenly mlorii on the scene and to'Mr. Bur-! , M5 WjW,"" '?. t "i: leigh to congratulateh'imon1hatbril4B t,aoy,tIm,ao flUbtself.iE i the Hant stroke of his in getting awuyfrow amot Tvyenty-flve Thousand DolfJara Ladyamith just at 'the right moment, (925,000). rL f,- x tte begutuby. wying: s- ' ' 4&W vv ,t "Mr. ..Burleigh, tha jyas,th flneat The private.propiity-'5)f tfie atook thing you bave ever doue'iVjourjiBlisia ! holder Kball 4pi fp,t from all corpo fn the whole of your life it wajfa&xply j ra'te dbtiand lia'blUties. KTG&l- '1 i This nil Wndlv TmAnt fin 'nnlimV. t - -, ut, i, was one oi tno9e tmne tnat; as 1'unch used to saj', "might hayya exprctseu umerently." ay conse quence it only nettled tie gFaat war correspondent, who. replied: r . 'IJoyl it is presumptuous la you to , w p WX,M 1S ine ffreatts tnmg I have done in my life you, a lad, just I banning- your careetl''' CONVICTS.IJf JRARLIAM8NT. TkirtHsT Baaa iMr Mm vat. i n ktttWlw Hats Ssrro Tacma lav Prison. Michael Davitt is the most onspir , nous of the present member of tht' British parliament, who Jbavs oocupied . seats in that body, after having- served terms of penal servitude, says the Chi cago Chronicle. Mr.. Davitt's term was 15 years His experience is bv -aa means exceptional. J. F. X. O'Brien, one of the members for Cork oity, was in 1867 sentenced to be hanged, draw , and quartered, a sentenoe. that was sub sequently commutsd to penal servjtuda for ilfv. James O'Connor, who sltj'for WVst Wlcldow, was condemued'to seven ' years' penal servitude In 18W oad spsat etiviui yeurs an con vmi-prisons. in ' IS 18 John Martin was renor! from the dock in Green street oourthottss, Dublin, to a penal cell in JS'ewgate pri"- on, preparatory to undergoing a sen- tenee of ten . years' transportation Mr Martin was afterward, from 16.70 to 1R75. member for Meath, and it wWf .t. V--, death In the lattsr year that Mr j r.i .ill stepped into parliament for' tht first time as his. successor in tn rt presentation of M,?th. Dr. Kevfi Izud O'DoJierty, who sat for IS'orta Mc-.ith for a Uttlo time after the 13Si eK.lon, wo3, like 'llr. Martin. st?a-. icnceu in lHiB to ten yar'trausprU tion. .T f Isiflas In rioa J iH. o marKs to 8.70 marks (?LW to $2.07j per 180 pounds.i.The :sa,lt mines of the country are owned and operated by the government. The Increase is attrib uted to the rise in the price of labor. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION ftK THE Pear! Gold Alining Company. Know all.mcu by theee pvt-etmle that we, K. Bl t'crcuso!!, V, O. Gwyuu und J. M. O'Coouell, of tho town of Hi Jop, county of Cochise, Territory of Ari zoun, bavo this day uasocinted ourselves togother for tho purpose of forming a corporation under tho laws of tho Tor- ritory of Arizona, and wo do hereby certify and adopt the following articles of incorporation article i. of this corporation shall "Tho "name by "ThtfPeari&old .MininjfCdmpany," and its principal place of transacting J business sna'llf be at the town of Bis-! bee, county of Coohiee, Territory of i Arizona kmiOLE ii, Tho' general nature of the business proposed to Bo transacted Is to own, possess; develop, mine, buy, soil and loaso "mines and mining property, to mill and reduce ores, either by milling or smelting, chlorlnation, cyanide pro cess or 'otherwise, from tho mines owned or operated by this company, or for bttierfi; to 'locate and acquire by purchase water'1 rights for, the purpose Of using' the ame, or for the sale of water; to ownffipurohase or otber wls,'lahds nor real estate;' and to sell Cfie ksame;vtobHiy8eU and deal In per sonal property and "'merchandise of ' every 'desoriptijpn7anclf'ftfnerally to do and perform any anqTall acts necessary or Incidental io its business as afore said. ATIOLK UJ. Th6 auionntUr the capital otock of this corporation shall be Fifty Thou sand Dollars'("0,C00); divided into fif ty thousand 76000 shares, of the" par value of One tfollar (11.00) each; to bo paia la at 1 iu uuiu ui ibsuviuwi ui bioub. In tfie discretion' of tBeJbbanl of Di- reotore. a ; Ajtwow rv. ' Tho time o'tbe'cbifllne'noe'mdnt of this oorporatl3n"sEall ! be the date of tho fllibc of these articles in the office of tfleKaoordQr fW'cmfnty of Co- bblse, 'Territory 'of ' Arizona, and the temtnatl6nstiere6f"'8tfali b twenty- fivo years 'tnerBttr. ABTI0LE V. ClSnMni t ?7iiui ,iut, into - TbeafFaira of this corporation, shall-j oe oonauoiea xiy.a,.D.oara ,ot tour aireo torttpbe eeod wnpaIv on thflrs Monday in March of eaoh year, who shaU;jbi8ook$pJ.der8..o ha corppra- tion. and Baid.ard off directors shall elect from their o,wn nyimber thefol-.- lowing Qffl6ra;Jo.wit':5President, Vice- I rresldent, cSeo,retary, Treasurer' and general Manager. Th'6 ',bbardstf dl- renfnra ahnll ndnn'hv.lavA rohinh Kbnll Van W tMm or.pHoeP; tne time of their election, the time of the meetings pfsaid boardand'BUctfotber m , -t.r AWVVtM ISM UW W4NM V MWVVV MJ ueem persona Sfflk ?M tb T. as .feasors rsare d&I fXfknna ,Uly eleotedr'N. E. Per guaon, etidar, F.GTGwynn and J. M. O'Conuell. .B'PA .-, AUWVl Vi Tn. witnntta.WharAnf vim hntrn hornnn. linu trhtnMft m bave be . -? K .v?3.T T JV.-'a'TT: l";lT -P-.u. I fn nft n,iT hnnla thla allrh naxr nf f Inrn. to set.oar hands this 30tb day of ber.'A.KlWO. N. Br-FsaausoK, F.'G.'iGWYNK, J7M. O'CONNBLL. Territory of AHzona,) County of Cochise. J SB Beforemo,' M. J. Cunningham, a No-J tary public in and-for said county and ' territory, on this day personally ap peared N.rB. Ferguson, F. O. Gwyn'u and J. M. O'Cohnell, known to me to be the persons .whose names are. subt Scribed' to the foregoing instrument, and adknowledgedito me that they arid eaoh of them executed the same for tbe purpose and consideration therein ox pressed. ' Given under my band and seal of nfflVia tM 90th Ha nf 'fintntwi. iflno M.J,"OujWlJtOHAM, wtw rKii . JLgWWif&i'r. 1004. ...... .. . f . UXlr -i r ' ? N Internal ttetenu liwisnt stamp can-. celed Filed 'aacT recdWed at request of J. l .,, ,,. ' ' .:, v..... i,v. . . . ,-,,. . M. O'OonneU OctSberr, A. D. 1900, at l.& Pit Bok ! IndbtporatlohB, pages 531, 638, 533. , 'WW Ham,'-. ,4 . Podnty iRecordeV.. First publication Nov. 8, . .. .. u,., f Fir. and Life J. Q. PRITeHARD "" .frteotnvu J'Ufu. x'i ' Agent f or.BdtUtyuSay cia tion, of Denrer. Safest, and best in- 1 terest on deposits. BISBEE - ARIZONA I NSlkAN C t d V-. 4 I S"ffuriies 9 GEORGE DUNN ? J$&yJ 9 PROPRIETOR.... 9 5 Bisbee's Favorite J w mma- wesort jqissmwv ! KiWIIOh & Imported Liquors and Cigars ' John Nohilb I John Twomby BISBEE V,VrV,',VmV,,V.V.,V,',Vu,rVi free Coinage J. K. , S- BHOWN A CO.. PKOPS. FULL ASSORTMENT OF.... Wines, Liquors S- ' ,EFine Cigars f MAIN ST., OPPOSITE CAN-CAN. j A PLEASANT RKSrtRT Wines Liquors And Cigars BEER ALWAYS ON TAP Can Can Building Main Street fAAtAVftA( mcircpolc WINKS LIQUORS CIGARS T DAWSON & LEONARD, MAIN ST. PROPRIETORS (tVVtyeyyywVfyvee Harris & Greener . j'Dkalprs in Wink3, Liquors and Cigars COLD BEER ON DRAUGHT PETEiiBANSEN! PETEMANSEN! arden 8ne -mile below town in the Cool ottonwooda. Call once and you will (Uwnj'H come' nsnin. THE TURF IE fSON & WIIAttY, Proprietors. FINEST LIQUORS, WINES, BEER and CIGARS Spoilsmen's Resort. Main Street, Bisbee. Arizona. Miner's Saloon Wines, Liquors nnd Clours. B. M. Vocuvlch, Brewerv Avenue t Louis Beer Hall L. CShattuck Prop. Finest Brands of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS . . . Aviiit'foV Anhouor-nmoh I, Brewing-Asioolatlon. Wboistaie ana uetftii. Hrewery Avciiik: IllNbcc, Arlxniui .iO Wines, rt t Liquors and Ciar ubacher & Maheim. . . JJrpw.ori'.Avsnue JIUbeo Arizona. IO.! "K. MARKET tnr tVi FIRST. .CLASS PHOENIX BEEF, mmlff 3fkjLtid Veal. SauBuge, lor- wo w . I'll Btf ' . 0. K. STREET, 0PP. CARREH6'S Beer i i I ii U A. B AUDR Proprietor , FRATERNITIES IMPROVED OKDKtt OV ItliD MEN, COCH1SK Tribe No. 7.. moot ovory Thursday ovumuir. ut tho Oporu lloiibo Hull VK Itlnff liiotli3ii oordinlly itivt- tod. i Junioft V. Cuiuplicll.Sactiniu John Munch. Cut It. Dr. KilmtiliiUoii. Midicinu Mfin. WAKKKN CAMP NO. 9. vv WOODMEN OK THE WOULD, meotK every kccoihI nndt ourth Mondriy nt tlio opera house. Vis iting inenibora cord tally iuvhed J A MILLEIt, C. C. F. V. JOHNSTON Sec. PEKFECT ASHLAlt LODGE No. 12, 1 b & A. M. Meets ilrst Thnrcdity of eiich month. Visiting hrctli- ren oordlully invited to attend. G C I,. Uiiown, Secretary.' Warsku, W. M. T ANDMAHU CHAPTKU No. ., - 1J. A.M. UcRiilar Coiivcmu tions third Tupsday in e u h month, 8:13 p. in. Visiting com panioiii in ood stundins: Kindly received. V. K. STILUS, H. I. Fhank .1. Ghaf. Sec. QUKBN LODGK NO. n, A. O. U. V., meets every Saturday eveniui.'. Vis it iittr brother conllnll) invited. Alfreil Oo.Urey, W. M. Kiehurd HumDliiey, l'c. II. f. l'Vnsor I'iiinnrier. , IJISUEIi LODOti NO. 10, I. O. O. r I-'.. ,Tir(.t pvpfv Wnilnfbilftv ONcnjni,'. Yisitnif brotlicib cordially invited to attend. AliVKED GODFKKV, N. O. liJIILK MaKKS, K. S. THK MUTUKNAL imOTHEUIIOOI).- I Idepemlciirt Lode No. 53, meets eveo first and third Vedtiesdaysof tlte i montli, VI si tint; members are cor dially invited. JULfA MILLEIt. , Prosidnnt. V&F)Rt jS's- lrIiKD ! I , eerotury. NAC0 ADVERT1SENENTS. CURRY& CO. Doalorfl in Dry (oodf. (inn-criB Hnrd.vare, l'ootp and SIimcs r'uri'liatiinsi niul Forwardinij Aiit-n h. CuHtnm llniifp Broken. Maco, Arizona. TOM'S MM-MMM Pics. Dotiglui'.'.ts. CuIjpk,. ote. French Restnu: ant Meals Served in Courses. Thos. Pinelli .: Naco. Arizona Repblicas Specialties in French Gonj and a.' Ltrg Amorttnenl cf nmm Drawn iWU HORVILLEUR & MILHU NACO TAKE A HAGK Ed Price who has a Hack ' ready at all hours, meets all Trains. Orders may be left at New England Kitchen. 3 TELEPHONE 50 Your Patronage Solicited Alejanda"o Garcia CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER La florita, Sonora, flexico THE..QUEEN MARKET S NAVARRO, PROPIIIETOR The Choicest Cuts of tender and well-fed Uoof, Mutton, Sanmise, etc BREVEBY AVE. BISBEE Rents Collected. PROPERTY LOOKED AFTER j Bisbee Real Estate Co. Bisbee Bill Posting Co. E. B. HA.SON. MansKtr AUGUST JOERRS i t Watchmaker and Jeweler Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Spectacles, Stationery, Wallpaper, etc. Itcpalriiivr Neatly Done . t. kv -iSSRgtr -US" aK-jiriR m fa 'mt MAIN ITI?PPT . RI;RPP API7 Order fror.i abroad will reeolvo prompt at mAil i licet I, - 15ISBUU, AKIA. ,cnton. Order for tho city of Bisbee will -r-jT ;, bo delivered freQ.w.tthQUt.delay. r'anilly or. nasi MRS. M. BLEWEn, Proprietor. ! ROOTS, SH0ESAND SLIPPERS For Ladles and Gontlomen. '' MAIN ST., TWO DOORS ABOVE POST OFflCE Giaconovich & Co. Choice Family Groceries, Wines, Liquors and Clears. Fruits and Confections. -BREWERY AVENUE i MUM wm Co. WHOLESALE AND ' . RETAIL Jt .jt jt. . f WAI.LIAPCH PAINTS AND OILS a Pbotograpfoic Supplies Bisbee, Arizona CanCan Restaurant Main St. Mrs. A. W. Strumm, Prop. Pirst-Clnes Itentnuraut. Hoard bv the Day, Week or Month. Short Orders Dny and Night , Main St., above t Malace Stables REPAIRS AD RENTS - V BICYCLES Notolt w or l.s Key Ht tmif n specialty. Gutii, uii'l.s, tewinif niuc;lilne i(aii uiveies repaued. KAMBLFR BICYCLES SOLD City Iarber Shop Bath Roam mi! Porcelain Tubs Enne Marks Proprietor. Everything Pirst Class. Cheap CASH Store. Choice Family Urocprles. Krcsb.Kralls ot all Mud. receiod daily. Winc, Liiiuor. Oli;rtriiiid'l'ol)Hciofi, Uoodi dollvcrod fre. ilKnUiOVICH . NORILE E. HOWELL CONTHACTOR AND BUILDER Eitimalt's of Hiilldinew i"urnislrd . .. OFFICE: J. H..JACK LUMBER, COMPANr EASTMAN'S KODAKS M I'notographic ,Sup)Iies. Developing 'irul I'rintirirf :it Lowest Hates. Sat isfaction guai-nntccd. Coppei 0irn Pharmacy 0. P HART & CO. nu rteiisa V7 ILBIWIU J. C. RAUB f1-ffi.l vw-' tS'4' .'Kitchen i b h Open Day knti Niglit Short Orders -a Specialty 5'Ieals served, tp .families and. parties. flain' Street' .';'' ""' Whitehead S'MarChell, Proprietors. Bisbee Candy Kitchen Fresh Candies Everyday lro Creuni. SodnWater', a Lcinonailo Mlllidhukei. A Biff Cold Drink for 5 Cents BISBEE lURGHAM, Proprictnefti .Near Knclovlcli'M Store. Cloaninu done bv nt'-w Flry Prnrots. Grnts' Suit elcatittl, nUo t.ndlpR' liirts. Wultts, Clove, und ltihbotii.. Ilaf.u soev.l.utv . . -BISBE15- Bl.iiisini thing Co. T. A.TATE, Prop I General Blncksmkhing. Horseshoeing- a specialty. Above Floodgate. C. KBARNUM Transfer Town Baggage and txpress Handled With Cai'e. Lenvo order with S. it. WilllniUk. Tel. Hi. I Theo. F. ntz,'Prop. Office and work. .Tombltono nnd Blbe. Soda Water. SarHannrllfs. Ofnirer A e. Etc. uminy4iuiii;ii. ' . ! UicUnA .zonr I1A1A a-wacvurv. n?9U -A.a; All Work Guaranteed flr Money Refunded. Kodak Pictures -"."ASS Office, ,3&.oi,im, ALP. TELLMAN - - - Proprietor BISBEE CASH FRDIT STORE Ice Cream and Soda Water Sweet Cream, ConfeoUans, et. Ice Cream Parlor. Geo. Dorfling;er( Prop Wallace Building. & mmm Wm works Y$Sgf MRS. J U II I m jwT '.3 h f .-k f I m$gmmm b: