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H COCXBttQE REVIEW : WKDNfiSDAT EVENING. NOVEMBER 14. 1900 v P M$ t' t. SW jjjr ip . r V $ NEWS OF I 5 THE CITY I W. C. Greene arrived yesterday in town. Turkey dinner at the M. E. Fair to night. Seott White is a visitor in town from the Cananeas. Mrs. F. J. Pendersou is quite sick at her residence. C. A. Clapp of Boston is a guest at the Angius. S. Heineman of Tucson is at the Bessemer hotel. Living pictures at the opera house. Do not miss them. Mrs. J. N. Jones is expected home from her trip to California. H. W. Ballantyne of La Cuesta de Castilla is at the Angius hotel. Mrs. James Johnson and her three children are ill with bronchitis. Senor Don Augustin Pesquerla, of the famous ranch Cachuti, is in town. Mrs. J. A. MJHer is seriously ill at her home in Upper Tombstone canyon. Quite ft number of nice residences are going up in the vicinity of Castle Bock. We find Henkel, the jeweler, carrys the finest line of watches, jewelry, etc, In the olty. ' ol2-tf . Harris, the tailor, only charges 82 to clean a suit of clothes, Tombstone canyon. tf Mr. O'Hare is making quite oxten sive improvements to bis home in Cen tral Bisbee. Mrs. Morris, who returned from Cal ifornia some three weeks ago, is quite ill at her home. Some one will get a. fine rifle, saddle, lamp, dolls, quilt tomorrow night at the li. E. Fairt Wanted Position a housekeeper, by a lady of experience. Apply at the Richelieu House. W. J. Walters, from New Jersey, ar rived in town yesterday and located at the Norton house. Pete Hook and wife are visiting Bis bee. Mr. Hook is Superiatendent of the Demoorata mine. Messrs. Short and Meade have ship ped from Naco a load of fine cattle' from Fronteras district, Leo G. Cloud'General manager of the Democrat mine was in town yesterday, and left today for Nogales. , A. F. Brown of San Francisco, who has been at .the Norton house for some days, left today tor the west C. E. Tyler sent to 'the' Cananeas mine eight first class carpenters by the last two trips of the Cananeas stage. The Fair tonight. Fresh program with most Interesting items. Vocal and instrumental music. An evening of enjoyment. Mrs. C. M. Johnson will give lessons in embroidery, Kensington and Batten berg, on Saturday's from 2 to i p. m. Tyler house, Bisbee. nol4 lm The trouble is a pleasure, but it takes the cake to sit down in the BreweryCafe at Henry Collman's and have in front of you the finest and best delicacies. nl2tf Methodist Fair tonight. Usual in teresting program. An opportunity to pass a really enjoyable evening. A de licious dinner. Everybody should at tend. Wantid, by man and wife. Good experience in taking full charge of boarding house, or wife cook and man work in mines.' H. A. Fink, 307 Tem ple St., Los Angeles. nol4 2t At the Demoorata mine, on the 0th, an election was held and the result was a tie, and Mrs. Hook who was Judge .gave her dlcislon in favor of McKinley. Mr. Hook, by the way, Is a democrat. Commencing' December 1st the Bis bee Water and Coal company will de liver coal by their new eleetrlc ele vated trolley burro system to all cus tomers. E. B. Mason, Mgr. TVANTXD--Three first class minors steady work for good men; $3.50 per day United States currency; board SI. A. J. Brant, Santa Margarita Mine, 8onora, Mexico. The people are informed that the Cemetery Committer will give a grand ball on Thanksgiving night. The re ceipts will go to the benefit of the cem etery funds. The object is an excel lent one, and will be recognized by thq Bisbee people, who will see that the danoe is a deolded success. Charles Harris begs to announce that he is continuing his business of tailor ing and repairing at short 'notice at his residence In Tombstone canyon this side of the Castle Book. That be is now in a position to make clothes and to repair and olean them at the oheap est rates and invites the attention of the public to his fine stook of fall and winter goods. sl2-tf Ernest F. Larson who worked for the Copper Queen company for nineteen years, is visiting Bisbee. Mr. Larson yesterday i oturned thanks in the Re view to those friends and fellow em ployes ot the smelter who presented him with a raagnlfloent gold watch, a? a token of their regard for him, and of their appreciation of his sterling char fteter. Mr. Larson is now in a respon sible position at the Democrata mine ana the Review voices the desire of scores of friends in wishing Mr. Lar son (ivory prosperity and wc-fft Hi his presnit position. C. N. Thomas, who has bteu confined to his home for some weeks with fover, is now able to be around agaiu. A wagon load of flue turkeys ar rived in town yesterday from the Gila and were readily sold at very reason able prices. Mr. Higdus is doing assessment work on his mines In town. The work that is being done is in charge of Mr. A. Hooper. A uumber of wealth Souoru Mexi cans pussed through here on their waj from Cananeas, whero they have mines. They took tho train to Nogale3 yester day. Among the number were Clrilo Ramiio.5, of the firm of Ramirez, No galof Cntlos Maytoronn, from Ortiz station; Aituro Marales, son-io-laW of Doti Pedro Caraou, the big land owner In Sonora. Dr. H. B. Davison of Fruitvale, OaU luud, California, Is in town. Tne'doc tor for two years has been surgeon of the Keswick copper mine in Shasta county, near Redding. He will go down to the Cananeas for a visit. For fiftj years Dr. Davison has been In Cal ifornia, Mosico and this region,, He wnfc United States consul in Guadala jara, Mexico, from 62 to '68, during the war, aud was there when Maximil ian and Mejio Miramon were shot. Judge S. K. Williams says this is Just bow he wishes to- advertise. A Sedan iustice of the peace thus advertises for business: "Are you contemplating! If a woman is in love, that's her busi ness; if a man's in love, that's bis busi ness. But if they contemplate mar riage, that's my business. It's my bus iness to neatly and quickly tie the knot so tieht that it will not oome untied again unless by order of the court. Marriage parties expecting to get mar ried can find me in my office in Sedan at all times." Sale at Dawson. ' A report from DawBon, Klonkike, dated September 25, states that all the Crown claims, numbering about 7,000, will lie put at Auction sale. After the auction all those claims that are not sold v. Ill be posted for a month and ut the oxphation of that time will bo thrown opeu to location. The auction was to have taken place on Oetober 2. the vn)ort that J. M. Carter apd Mlko Hietoj, f i'renuott, had wild tti Ir group of roppt r claim, About one mile ftoui the T! Picucbo rud Uu mill a Ijut Mormtowu. Tho pi.ct p.itlvr. 821,000 ni-l and tw l.itf wore bougbt lor au oasti m company by Mr. John Qul?lo. This will ho the rial: itv; c f iinuihiT good oainp in ihi- sec tion. Patch himtliuruith tin pi op erty say it is all right and e press faith in it3 future. Republican. WHITE GHOST WILL KACI. I VM1 Will Tor far tnmi Tok to MIbbo)U os a Bot. A NEW OCEAN ELYEE. A A IMeuhuro to Aiibwr t-uitci-h q $ Write for Kwtliuuli $ Ship Which Is Expected to Cross in Two Days. "--. BbkIUb Inventor Confident That XZ1 yaaaal, the Your Truly, Will AaeoaipLUh This Feat Its PeanllBXltlea. estimated at MINING NEWS. - Mining Developments In Southeast ern Arizona. The Range News is informed that the Copper Bell at Turquoise will im mediately begin the erection of a fifty ton smelter. George J. Weber, accompanied by several gentlemen, arrived in Willcos from Kansas City, Sunday, on mining business. J. J. Howard visited Wlllcox lately. He has some valuable mining propetty at Dos Cabozas, which he is develop ing. The Gold Coin Prospecting and De- A New York man who mi at Minne apolis the other day sayb that on the occasion of a dinner gicn at the Waldorf-Astoria recently William K. Van derbilt bet $10,000 with a New Yorl. banker that he uould ride his new French automobile from the doors of the Waldoi f-Astoria to the AVest hotel in Minneapolis in 15 days. He adds that the bet was closed and the attempt is to be made during this month. The Hew automobile is a racing machine, he ays, very strongly constructed and capable of making tremendous speed. Says the New Yoiker: "The French automobile is called The White Ghost.' it is about the swiftest thing on wheels in New Tork at present, and nothing' please its owner any better than a ehance to let it travel to it full limit. I understand he i to be accompanied on this trip by fcb Frtneh cbaffeoer, the expert who companies, him on all important trip. He will Also carry his valet. I am quite prepared to we Mr. Vander bilt oak hi trip in extwxr4Jjy tJfBeV" Fortune Tellere In Parle. Xere than 2.000 people earn a living )B Paris by tortune tellings uieiriotai yearly earnings bg OQ0,Q00. IHT "' ' ' I' '" ' Nogales County Seat. The election has past and among the questions settled is that of the location of the seat of government for Santa Cruz county, Nogales having won by a very handsome majority. In the con test the people of Patagonia made a gallant fight, and for some weeks kept their opponent gueesiug. But it was not in the vote for them to win out and the county Beat Is permanently located at Nogales.. This was known by mid night of Tuesday. At that hour returns were in from six of the ten precincts in the county, viz: Nogales, Calabaaas, Tubac, Crit tenden (Patagonia), Harsbaw, Wash ington Camp and Lochiel. In those six preolncits the aggregate' vote upon eounty seat was 281, for Nogales against 183 for Patagonia, giving Nogales a majority of 84. The other four pre cincts had a total registration of tifty one. , Admitting that they had qast their full registered vote, which .was improbable, and admitting, likewise improbable, that their vote was solidly for Patagonia, tho majority would still be forty-three. To the People of Cochise County. The democratic eounty oentral com mittee of Coehlse oountv nlaced me on velopraent company's outfit headed for. tDe democratic ticket for councilman Mexico this week, where they 'expect to take hold of some properties and start operations immediately. The Jerome correspondent of the Arizona Republican states that Sur veyor Merrltt, of Prescott, is in Jer.pme aud will make a survey of the group of claims belonging to the Verde Coppor Company. The Jerome correspondent of the Arizona Republican writes. "The Verde Queen smelter is running stead ily, turning out tons of copper. At present they are taking out ore enough to keep the smelter running steadily.' Tolegrams received by several citi sens of Nogales; from sources Inde pendent of each other, conveyed the intolligence that tho supreme couit of the republic of Mexico, granted W. C, Green, a writ of "amparo" Ic the Cobre Grande case, setting all ques tlons In Mr. Green's favor. Oasis. F. R. O'Brien informs us that Tur ; quois is rapidly forging to the front. There is considerable mining aetlvity there at present. A number of men aro being worked in the various groups in that seotlon. The Copper Belle will erect a smelter in the near future and commence operations In earnest Range News. G. Blbbens waB in Willeox from Dcj Cabe?a! this week. Ho will go to Mex Ico again in the near future and attend to some business for his company there" H.J.Clifford and H. S. Wein weie down from Johnson the other day. Johnson Is one of the most promising camps in this section and will soon be infused with new life and activity Tho mineral showing throughout the cump is simply phenomenal. John Anderson came down from h s Aravapal ranch this week wltkulo.d of vegetables. He had not visited Flo -enco bofore in eight years. We leain from him that operations at the co..l fields on Deer creek are temporarily checked. The diamond drill Ins J reached a depth of only 150 feet, and j the shaft sunk nearby has reaohed a dapth of 100 feet. Mr. "Anderson Is one of the original discoverers of the Deer creek cool fields and owns one of the moat promising claims in the district. Ho has bonded it to tho company now exploiting the coal flelds.Trlbune Mr. H. W. Stevens went through Wlckonbug last Monday and confirmed just two weeks' before the election". I was out in the campaign one week when I was taken very ill and confined to my bed and room for the balance ofhe time I am thankful for the support they gave me, and especially soothe peonle of Tombstone, where I live, not Kinp f one 0 wbom i had spoken to on the subject of the election after I "was placed on the ticket. I have no com plaints to make and no regrets to utter. Stnorely yours, , JAMB8 3. ROBINBON. Look Herein You might not bet on a diamond ring or watch, but you can bat, sure enough on the llmborger and Swiss aud , pther cheese Hajjry Collmann cuts up at the Brewery. He is the one and the onl one who knows how to please and cater for bis various guests. A man who never sleeps. Wholesale and re , tail. Delicacies delivered to fami lies. n!2-tf 1 Programme Tonight. The following is the programme at Iethodist Fair this evenlner Tableaux and living pictures. The baby show. AH of Bisboe's lovely babies. '' Three first prizes to be , awarded. The baby contest is open to all under two ryear of age. The .Copper Crown' Some excellent ore is now being taken from the Copper Crown proper , ties in the Dragoons. ' It is expected shipments of ore' will shortly be made to 1 Paso, one carload being now teady to go forward. 4 Notice. Spanish and piano lessons, by gradu ''ate of Suell's Seminary Oakland, Cal. Address Mrs. Edward Zimmerman, Post Office, Bisbee, Ariz. o-i-tf 600 Miles from home, but you And what your tongue desires, a&d your heart will beat if you only sa the layout you i get at Henry Collman's Brewery Caffo . in the line of haa, obeese, liver sau- sage. nlS-tf Notice. This is to notify that Mr. Paul Mor t gun is the only tuner representing us in this section at the present time, Tub ZiXfcifR PiArfo Co. From Southampton to New York in two days is the latest dream of fast ocean transportation. The suggestion sounds idle, but John Richard Hudson, the Sheffield inventor, says it can be done, and proposes building a boat to be called Yours Truly to prove his con tention. Where such obsolete greyhounds as the Deutschland and tho Kaiser Wil helm der Grosse have but two propel lers each, Yours Truly will have 14, seven on each bide, with about 60 feet between each set. Where the old steamers have the shaft horizontal the Hudson's will en ter the side at a long slant forward, inward, and upward at an angle of about 30 degrees. The old-fashioned boats dig a great hole in the water like a deep railway cutting, but Yours Truly will be compelled, by its. ct of propellers, to rise in the water ten or 13 feet, according to the speed, and as a result the inventor claims it slums and shoots forward as fast as he likes, all the great power being converted into speed, and not in wasted churning or driving thousands of tons of water away for miles. When Yours Truly wants to stop, the propellers, being reversed, drag it back into deep water The inventor claims the boat will not roll or cap size. The motive power is to be elec tricity. One of the big Atlantic liner com panies is arranging to have moving picture theaters on all its steamers to amuse the passengers on the voyage. The pictures, are to be supplemented with phonographic songs and recita tions. CONSTRUCTED HIS OWN GRAVE o o EL PASO FOUNDRY AND MACHINE CO. MACHINISTS, IRON AN0 BRASS FOUNDERS, FORGE and BOILER WORKS all classes of mininc machinery Special Agents for the Celebrated CAMERON STEAn PUHPS and CHARTER GASOLINE ENGINES EL PASO FOUNDRY AND MACHINE COMPANY El Paso, Texas C"fr'0'OC"O"('&OO0"t"5'CO' md.tJQHraSON REAL ESTATE, MINE BROKER I Houses nnd Lots Bought and Sold on Commission. I Houses for Ren . Money Loaned XXX I OFFICE: ANGIUS BUILDING. ROOM 3, BISBEE, A. T. Pmarlvnlan Will Sow Ar rati so tor HU Funeral and Din His Wife's Grave. Having finished his own grave and lined it substantially witn granite, Samuel Reinert, of Shoemakerville, Pa., will now dig a grave for his wife He said: "I consider it most appropriate that I should dig my own grave Most men are careful in the selection of their earthly habitation, but pay no atten tion to their la3t resting- place It's a matter to which I have paid consid erable thought for severa. years, and I made up my mind that I must have a substantial grave I have it now. It will lie ages before its granite walls will crumble. This is a comforting re flection. I don't see why Jots of men shouldn't have their giaves dug and walled out, ready to receive their re mains. I don'i see anything grew some in it at all " Reinert iajs that he will now be gin arrangements for his funeral, such as selection of the pall-bearers, choos ing the text from which his sermon is. to be ivcaci.ed, the style of shicud, and how his bodj is to be arranged in the coftin. Reiiiti't s grtue is 7 feet long, 2Vi feet wide and 5 feet deep. It i lined with granite, the total weight of stone lequiied being 2,360 pound. The top stone weighs 675 pounds, and it tool: sii. men to place it in posi tion. It is 2 feet S inches wide and 7 feet long. The grave is one of the most substantial in the county. Kaiser Said to Wear a Cuirass. A atory is current in Berlin to the effect that ever since the murder of King Humbert the German emperor has worn a cuirass of finely tempered steel. It is also said that when pass ing through Rome to embark for China Count Von Waldersee presented to King Victor Emmanuel a cuirass of identical manufacture as a present tram the kaiser. N. Y. Sun. J - 4 tJaJasf Disortinlnatloa. Xnperor William has dischargsd one of his diplomats because the latter married an American divorced wonmn. What, asks the Chicago Times-Herald, would William have us do witn our gru widows, anyway? 2j1i!&2&& &&l(l2A22l!2&&d) Bisbee Mercantile Company... Wholesale and Retail General Merchandise Groceries I Liquors 2 Boots and 1 Shoes Tobaccos and Cigars Fluent Brands of Flour Hardware Miners' Supplies Challenge Competition In S Quality and Price q) Corns and see our New Store Telephone 55. ktjivsay'ai' Oerell U election Bets Co Pay DELICIOUS CONFECTIONERY for femiuine bet tors who'll win no matter who tho' bet on or how election goes. This is always understood when candy is the wager GLOVES AND TIES A splendid assortment Irom which timid backers of favorite candidates can economically settlo HATS AND SHOES-Stetson Huts, lianan Shoes, other good makes as well. Ln tho heat of a political argument it's so easy to ''bet 11 good hat" or a "good pair of shoe? " The host kinds of flats and Shoes are here CLOTHiUG, rondy-to wp:u or nmdolonnensuie X:omi3 will win clothes. Asido fioni th satisfac tion of winning, Iheie'h a.i additional satisfaction of whining such clothing as we've on sale this sea son. .Each suit is o jood (hat 1 o matter which you pick you can't lose j 'JbHrrhtlT. I "I :ii4i444i4l44Jl444ii44 USt last Walking Hats A nev lot of Women's Walking Hnts received, and they aro even pictliw thnnthe There's a simplicity about the styles that adds to rather than detracts from their smait nppeatance. Wide brim, plain shapes, in smooth 01 rough effects, with just a simple silk band Jioiuo bands are of black velvet ribbon with an additional nar row baud of gilt. Othei hats are encircled with stitching, crown as well as brim. ln blacks, browns and grays and not much to pay. Copp T Q Store Oitlcori: 1 Bank of Bisbee I (INCORPOltATKR) Directors: Ben Williams J. S. Dooolan W. H. Bropht, President J. B. Anoius W. II. Bropht J. S. Douglas, Vioo-Pre3ident M. J. Cunningham M. J. Cunningham, Cashier Foroiffii ExoliMnre nnd Talegrnphlc Triwisfert to till Part of ibe WorM. Ac aouuUof Individuals, Firmi und Ccrporntlona solicitod. Muttr entrusted to our euro will ncele prompt ntteutio 1. Mexican money bought and told. Akpi.c for New Zealand Firo Insurnnco Company. ej- sxJtT 'Ckjjo rar'j-cc iJiaiKK &M$M&fcft&H New Arrivals. Just in receipt of ono of the largest and prettiest line of Men's Flannel Dress Shirts. Brown's 55 make of Shoes for Children. The celebrated Floorsheim Shoes for Men, Drew & Selby's fine Shoos for Ladies A very complete assortment of the latest modes in Men's Neckwear. Dress Shirts of every description. Millinery the largest and most complete line over shown here. Come and see them THE FAIR wftfwm -UJ J' iUJJIMMJOU-ilJJ LLJ.AL 11. ... uljjuu jij. , - , . 1 ji TlU!lUiKramrf$S&!tf . 11 TwmmmrTOfiJuitnfiim iHii rri rP'fTnnirifcTT 1 jt rr '"iint- irr n iirn r iTth unnnri mTi TiTmnirfflrrn iTiiiiiiipriTTTTTiarrtiiwiWTinBiiTffliTri irriiiiiiiiM w iiiiiJWiiTrniiwi iTimrihitrinrTr'riiT t viTTri 1 mt nnfirrrTrffB nimi it rrtir 3K-T - & 5 t -2 'j I t 1 4$ f '.' ,TH ' .-N -J. - C&.iiY "