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Sr: "J s. .. COCHISE REVIEW : THURSDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER '22. 1900 w WWI'imihwi v v . t :-v"t? THE COST OF WAR. Swius for UutflBd I Pjr e tfe South AfrlcM '.' Recently uuie interesting data have been published regard iug the trans portation of truups, horses and mate rial to South Africa, based on ofilciul re ports, sh, the New York Sun. x Between October 20 and June 9 234 transport left England for the seat of war. carrying on board lbh',141 men, 36,333 horses, 4U9 guns and 1,931 wag on. Moreover, about 34,000 horses came from Australia, Argeutina and Xew Orleans, and 10,000 were brought V..h colonial troopi. Finally, some 75,000 mules were shipped from the United States, Italy, India and Spain making a total of 150,000 animals. The average price of those purchased abroad was $77 for horses and $67 for mules. The coat of transporting the troopa was about $70,000,000. Forthe hospital service there were llgtneral hospitals, five permanent hospital and 27 field hospitals, be sides 18 bearer companies, with a per sonnel of 470 military surgeous, 300 ehil surgeons, 53V nTirses, 3.50C men of the hospital corps, 500 volunteers, 1,200 men of the St. John ambulance corps, and 130 men of the militia nmbu j lance corps. Finally, two hospital trains and four hospital ships were ssut out from England. .Pstween October 5 and April 28, 793 ships, of a .total tonnage capacity of 293,744 tons, were chartered for carry ing ammunition and supplies, and about 150,000 tons of meat, coal, fod der, etc., were shipped from England &a foreign pcrU. lor the postal service 579 teleg . rihers and' S50O postal officials were re"o,uired.for the-'enormous mail, which, for example, on one day (May 19) ounted to 313,461 letters and 131,503 newspaper packages. Finally, up to the end of if Ay, the transports had bfdught "back to England 11,343 sick oMotb utd men. ' MEASURES OF THB'SEA. 4Tps rffaUsVs Wko )Uh Vl- PU taota WHtlui V. vThwe still exist on our ot a cImm of man known a "hovellexs," or faptrs modernized survival of the vW wrecker fraternity that..'earns a livelihood by th"e recovery of Wreck Jjt. During the sitinmer months of list year upward of 140 ton of an chor and chains were dragged from thi bed of tne sea in the Downs and Yarmouth roads alone The hardy fishermen of the North sea, frequently mjtke T&luable hauls in the shape of derelict or distressed vessels, or of iiunken goods that become entangled1 in: their 11 shiny gear, says the, London Sxpresa. A few montns ago large vessel carrying a general cargo grounded sad became waterlogged on a sand bank off the east coast. In a few aours a host of fishing boats of va rious nationalities gathered, vulture Ilk, from a previously deserted sea. yettng.raa so, high over the looting tXat followed that a gunboat had to m dispatched to the scene to preserve teder. . Twa'fUh were returned to the saa and replaced by pianos, cases of kindle, toys and ironware and the Atrted collection of goods that consti tute a ship's cargo and outfit, until' tjhe Trinity house authorities, recog sskang that the wreck was dangerous tj navigation, exercised their -prerog-' aUv by warning off the spoilers and themssWe taking charge. A, Hill nor know the brahd. fll BiuktM m. Ir (Vwrk v . A fashion that is finding greater as ijpUn every day iu New York Is kly fobf i the despair of the cham bagae Mfefcf,urports the New York Sun. Mjgja''bf the hostesses who en fjtrtain more frequently and elabor ately now see that the label are Vfathed from the champagne bottles. Tiurm'vis 'the guests in ignorance of -the-kind of champagne the are drinking, A, champagne bottle is veryi likely ''at a private dinner to be wrapped in a napkin the necessity ot this jgracatitio- jo conceal the biand is noTwaVsVafiparent. It is imita tion ofa habit that has prevailed abroad for some time, and probably derives the vogue from that fact. In houses of tejjbondon.nobility and at all the cQxijeVPf ttop"tit Windsor or any of thftfssiaews.the labels of the champagne bottks are removed in order that no person may be able to say that this brand .'of 'wine' br ,the other is drunk t her sk'. i Gbciapafne.T agent "" vyell ; fear the introduction of such a fush,'. aithough..some., of them are so frequently -in the houses of their chants that they can explain, what the brandiifif other means of discovery UKS aUBMAKinJt JJOAXS. WUk rf tv Halted States Jfavr.Ileald- tmm Vowmio Boats o tst afoUana Type. i it !i in r -j , -Mtrtf)ite "board of naval construc tion will take up for consideration the subject of Increasing the number of submarine torpado boats. There is like- j 1)1 to be a dhi'sion of opinion on the matter. ,It 1 said that Hear Admiral OINelLchlef o'f ordnance, and Chief . Constructor llichborn arc in favor of I building more boats of that type, while Itear Admiral Melville, engineer I in chief, and Chief of the Equipment I Bureau Bradford are not disposed to ' favor the idea. Secretary Long will piooaoiy oe guiueu largely uy tne ad vice of his experts in making recom mendations to congress on the sub ject. There axe. some flattering reports relating to the Holland, which is be ginning to see practical service. The boat, naval officers say, has contrib uted a new and menacing element to naval operations and has presented new problems which must be met. Capt. Folger. commanding the Kear sarge, already anticipated this when he suggested a provision of light tor pedo boats to guard against the in vasion by submarine boat. It has evidently become necessary, say the naval strategists, to add small picket boats to the cargo of a big ship iu order to offset the effect of the submarine boat. The seven boats of the latter type now under contract will provide a liberal strength in this respect, but some of tho naval officers believe we should continue the work. Other believe we should await the result of ths trials of the boats now under contract and take advantage of any improvements which may be sug gested. YIELD HEAVY TAX. " Stony MUUonalnta la Marr Yoats Itatv Brliia; Oold Imto tk TNuarjr, Beiurna of the death tax in New York to tate Controller Gillman show that 190Q was a "hoodoo" year for millionaire. To the state from New York county alone for inheritance taxes will be paid over $4,000,000. Al ready $3,200,000 has been collected. There was never sUch a profitable year since the transfer law went into effect. Every month has recorded the death of a millionaire, and the re ports to Controller Gillinan show a large number of estate valued form $300,000 to $800,000. This has meant a rich harvest for referees, who have collecteu over $1, 000,000 in fees from the state. The passage of the New York mil lionaires means also a enug pickup for City Controller Coler. He will re ceive this year about $40,000 for his part of the death tax. He get one per cent, of all collections and the state receive 2 per cemt. The con troller's annual salary from the city is $10,000. Here is the tax roll of the 12 months, returnable to Controller Gill man from estates of millionaires Name Estate Tax. Cornelius Vanderbllt.. $50,000,000 1600,000 ueniy amun.. . . Z.360.5SJ Collis P Huntington.. . 46,000.000 ,000 Henrietta Martin. ... 479,000 27,000 George M Pullman. ... 475,000 5,400 Henry II Taber .. 407,000 4,600 Henry L A Herbert ... S14.000 9,200 Joseph J O'Donohue.. 884.000 10,458 Jame3 Pyle ... 884.000 10,450 Herman Fleitman .... 611,000 6,100 Mrs. Flower SohUy 800.000 9,000 ANGORA CAT KILLS A SNAKE. Pmiweee Upon the Ray tU wtd PHiaUy emoeads la Brealcias Ms Nwelc. A' large Auchora eat, belonging to Dr. J. Hammond Bradshaw, of Orange, N. J., killed a snake the other after noon that measured five inches around the body and was three feet two and a half inches long. The combat was witnessed by Mrs. Margaret Haugh Wout, Dr. Bradshaw's sister-in-law. Mrs. Haughwoul says that the cat crouched and sprang upon the snake, which was coiled in the roadway in front of Dr. Bradshaw'e residence. The cat bit the snake in the back and jumped away before the snake could strike. At this point Mrs. Haugh wout stepped in and picked the cat up, thinking it would be hurt. The cat resisted, and Mrs. Haughwout de cided to let him go again. The cat then made another attack upon the serpent, which succeeded in coiling itself about its antagonist's neck. Tom was nearly strangled, but man aged to seize the snake by the neck and succeeded in killing it in a few minutes. The snake was said to be of the. variety known dm tho house adder. NEW SKA SERPENT IN JAPAN. Oei Vepaatr-Tkree rc lus Caeu tu Daptst of amo ITathouM. A new son. serpent has been discov ered on the coast of Japan, 100 miles from Tokyo. It is classed by scien tists as a eoeienterate and one of the most gigantic ever seen. It was caught by a long fishing line at a depth of 250 fathoms. It was a magnifleeut specimen. A large disk surmount ed a long stalk, which evidentlj tibced the animal on the seti bottom A uir ele of numerous graceful tentacles hung down from the margin of the disk, while on its upper surface arose an oval tube surrounded at its base by bushy appendages and having a second circle of slender tentacles around the upper edge. The total height of the animal was 700 milli meters (23 feet) and the prevailing color transparent scarlet. The speci men was entirely fresh, but not living. , Iii-Fauiooa. The Chicago Tribune has discovered that Uncle Sam himself, being much ulhe, can have no place in hi own Hall of Fame. Mtvu.. Jones & Murphy S& Painters PAPER HANGERS. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN ON ALL WORK o Shop Next Door to Cochise Review sss 4 HAY RIDES Straw rides, Horseback Rides, Boating, Fishing, and Hunting and doing nothing In the country makes you HUNGRY AND THIRSTY But H. Collmann of the Brewery Cafe will serve you. Come and see hli new recei ed DIRECT IMPORTED Delicacies from nearly every part of the globe. Gotha Ccr velat, Gotha Truffle Liver, Strassburger Goose Liver Truffle, Italian Salami, French Lyonese, Wiemar Mettwttrst, Frank furter and Wiener, Sauerkraut and Horseradish, Pomerania Boneless Goosebreasts, Westphalia Ham, Pigs Feet, Lubecker Sausage (to be fried), Pates de Foie Gras, Tongue, Feltou Ruben and Mixed Vegetables in Cans, lloston Baked Beans, Heinze't. Pork and Beans in Tomatoes, Ristnark Delicacies and Picklod Holland Herrings, Cavier Neunaugeii (fibli), Dijl and sour Pickles, Swiss, Liniburger.Rocquefort.Liederkraiiz, Koppen and Swiss Krauter Cheese. French Sardines and the finest Russian Sardelles, Eels in jelly, also Smoked Eels and Salmon; Gooseliver Purry, Westphalia Pumpernickel in Tin Cans, Fresh Oysters, Anhcuscr Hutch Beer and fine Table Wines on hand. You are respectfully invited to call at the Brewery Cafe and see for yourself. M. COLL.MANN, PROPRIETOR SSS JUST Bis ... ,,,, Latest Style WALKING 3 The Prettiest Shown this-Season Everybody Invited To call and see them... nti Hi fflfli ift iiMiaflsitiis.v I. W. Wallace : : AGENT AND BROKER Blebee Arizona Rp.-presen ting Mining Prop erties. Real Estate Bought and Sold. Money leaned and Invest ed. Collections Made. firs. H. E. Bruton Cleaning and Dyeing By Dry Process Dresamaktner a speclalt y SatWfnotton guaranteed. Near Raub's Bicycle Shop, Tombstone Canyon. QKO. C. CLAHK, li. M. Southwestern C. W. MITCHELL Engineering ANll Assay Office Examinations and reports made on minim; properties DeaiRiia furnished for all kindn of mining and milling plant.! Assays made in Dupli cate, 60 cents a metal. Qualitative and quantitative anal yaw madh of any mineral substances. Surveys of Patents In 3 Arizona and Mexico. " J3ISBEE and NACQSARI Stage Line, , rirn taft, iroi. Leaves: Bisbee on Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Ai rives Bisbee inesaay, i inusuay and Saturday. Goes through from Bisbee to Naco a dav aud'a half flrfW -" Copper , QuccM.lMore V111V.C Whoro Information oaa DehueV i BISBEE NACO I U TRANSFER 60. I W. M. LIGGEH, Proprietor vrrtves at rnsosc ai i a. m. weaves 9110, Ijour after arrival of A. Sr S. . . J3. train. Leass Naco at 9:30 a. ai. Trip each way made in one and a quar ter hours. STAG mmm$ W&G&'8 HATS jf THE fAIR . t ...ft "'"'; B Bricks I am prepared tt anpply any quantity .of flrst-olass Brick on short notice onboard cars . . Correspondence-Solicited W. C. FERRIS BiJNSON ARIZONA &sfr iB.F. GRAHAM SCO. LIVtRY and SALE STABLE b'lrst-CIasy Driving uiid SadJIu Horses. The U. K. Livery Stalile U the largekt and bujt eiiuipped In Ariz. 0 o FUNERAL DIRECTORS COKNKK O. K. ANDHAlUtOADAV. 4040044 0. K. MARKET FIRST CLASS PHOENIX BE1:P, Mutton, Pork' and Veal. Sausage, for elgn and domestic, constantly on hand 0. K. STREET, 0PP. CARRETTO'S A. BAUER Proprictoi Ke5&5ii JU HH l iiiaiiai Isf-ll-nt sskT Jf JjcapUjrprMttrd,C8,H0TIE. Sen4 moJsl, iketcU, W I or uiuito kr tna opart on ptWnUtiilitr. Bok ' Uo W tOUfaiD,a.aiytJ4(gaiUBUkuJTraJ-Matlct."W JTKItt, yUwwt Unas Tr uflerol to lnvutor,W. )rAMtRourimaa yeakb' Macticu.CO U!ABBRISi,K 1L4 nPc: ic snow & co. PATENT LAWYERS, Opp. U. & Mtaldtilu,. WASHINGTON, D. C. $ S (A 553gg8g8SS8gS8S?WS??S0 oi mi Stage Line. Leaves Biobee Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays al 7 u. in. Arrives Tue-dah, and Saturdays. Bisbee Headquarters at G i eem Cou solidated Cfpper Oompany's i)mce, Rooms 11 and 12 Aiigius Hoiel. Cunuuea Headquarters, Orocne Con. Copper Company V Ollicea. BK 10 T Boston Store? Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishing; Goods Hobts, Shoes and caps Hair Dressing and (fBeauty Parlors Hair mid Scalp Treating Specialty, Facial Ticatment ami Manicuring. A Kull Line of Toilet Acressories. Hair Switches, and Wiu, Poiiipaduiirs, etc. Hair removed permanent ly by Klectrlclty. All AVorlc Guaranteed. MAIN STREET MDC D DITPU AT THE FLOOD CATE iiino. n. ni i un J. B. ANGIUS & CO. General ' Merchandise Main Street - - Bisbee, Arizona WALDORF Restaurant OPEN DAVAND NIGHT OTTO V, URISENIiOFER, Prop. II Plant situated iu Upper JVlule Gulch. City Office. Wallace Building ? eo4e646-o4corte-eee J The J. H. Jack Lumber Co . . AGKNT OR THE STUDEBAKER WAGONS, I BUGGIES, CARTS, ETC. Prices Reasonable. Bisbee - - - Arizona Soeooeeoooeortoeoo0oeoe E. G. ORD CO. Plumbing Tinning. and Skylights, Architectural Shest Metal Work in nil its branches. Second-hand Goods bought and sold. NEXT TO BREWERY CHAMPAGNE, THE TAILOR; Garments made by us have the Style, Fit and Finishs That Well-dressed Gentlemen Appreciate. M. STEIN, iwiilor In 'iSr' Furnishing Goods SECOND-HAND tUHNITURr . Hrowery Aveuuo V. G. MEDIG0VICH Wliolesiile anil tietall Doulor In GROCERIES. (JAM 18 RliloiilVJtJD 'K Poultry, . Liquors, wines ciaars ond todqgcos. Fire and Life INSURANCE J. G. PR1TCHARD Finest Companies Represented Agent for Fidelity Savings Associa tion, of Denvor. Safest, and beat iu tereat on dopoaits. BISBEE - - ARIZONA Ml ira H 1 4 fer Y$ ' r. .- WmmgBmmf:" J-v . - AiZLs'. , ' " , T. . a'' 'Ts-yKt5 -At i3 r .rfV ' u. .-'' i'ip' JBarmMAftisKT . assrnAje ojr vrr t j- j ,i . t j ".. " ,. -" i -.: ,ji Tv w5 .it. ft- a '. ".,. .n. l i tw .j ;. j- i -v .. ss -HTOkiXj i . !.'.', ". . ,j? .2 i - j,r-w iirfc ' i 'ft. - j' -i . .k.&TsJ.'uwv i- w. - 0.-. iw 3JWg35liB ' - ;SSS58ffiMra' -tfe