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OOOHISiJ EEVIEW ;"FMVAT fclVENINCINOVEMBEE S3. 1900 i -V". A " '1 1 i 1 k '.h -. - J: , Mi !i w' f Ml 1 .V vtfj f.- - v. r ''V . A I ' Ay W- A- r ' a'' 4 f - .WE5E THE BRITISH RULE. Hm a Knfttk erf Gettiag Into XWer in Otbar Lands. Motafel ImUmii u( look Cumtrel Bxe-rcUad br Ml- Not only does England goyern many peoples on her own account, but Eng lishmen aceui to have the faculty) of Ingratiating themselves with still other nations and practically running them. The most conspicuous of these .Britons just now Is Sir Hubert Hurt, who control the customs service of China. His name and the story of his riae and achievements have been in the newspapers so much recently that it i all familiar to the public, say the New York Press. In his po sition Sir Robert has nothing to do with England, yet he has contrived to, do a good turn to his native land many time. Oue time when Russia wanted to advance China a loan and thus get China in her power, Sir Rob ert checkmated the game of "Adani zad, the Bear That Walks Life a Man." Corea, the peninsular country that jnta out of China, ha been managed for year b,j' McLeavy Brown, who holds immense power in the land. He ii-a private Briton, like Sir Robert Hart, and has the customs, finances, government and pructically the na tion in his hands. He rescued the country from bankruptcy, showed the king how to reform the army, swept away official swindlers and leeches and made a happy and prosperous nation of-'a country that' had been in a bad state. yor a ease of despotic power wielded by a Briton, there is an instance near er home. John Pinlayson, who died a short time ago, ruled a large part of Morocco and was by a long way the most useful ruler the country ever had. He was a Scotchman, and had a' knowledge of the Moors andi the Arabic language that was unequaled by any man who ever lived except, perhaps, the traveler Burton. . He was, originally u mining expert, and he opened and worked some tin mines in the back country for the benefit of the sultan. He became a close friend of the monarch, who made hint practically a ruling viceroy, who did the work and took the credit, leav ing the sultan to amuse himself with out the anxiety of governing. ,, 'Tinlayson remodeled the army, re formtdt the revenues, and soon, Mo rocco began to nourish. He did what no sultan had ever been able to do kept the wild tribes of the interior in something approaching prder.. Piracy and robbery he weeded out to, a large extent, but it was impossi ble to atop them (altogether. He paid off the national debt of $10,000,000 and increased the nation's revenues from $750,000 to $2,500,000. He lived the life of an Arab chief, but kept to the Christian religion. He was obliged, however, to conform to the ceremonies of Mohammedanism, for he was too tactful to excite preju dice. The nation at large really thought him an Arab by birth. He was always traveling about the coun try with his suite, turning up unex pectedly. He held iihe chief post of justice, and was feared and eat earned as no native subject ever wa. When some of his unruly subject raided Spanish territory and nearly caused a .war, he. pulled his adopted nation through the fix and paid a small in demnity. Once every year he visited his native town, of Aberdeen for a week, Morocco mis-ias him sorely, now that he is gone, and the coun try's prosperity is not what it was. He died of fever caught in the Tetuan swampSf and, his funeral was honored even mare'ahan.a sultan's. Morocco did not know h was the son of a Scotch tailor, but so he was, and & great mat into the bargain. He re mained a subjest of Victoria up to his deaths Kiplingis .fatuous story, "The MaM Who WouldiBe King," is founded on fact. An ex-civil servant, Cowper, who had come to grief in his profession, obtclathjtu powers' of a monarch in Kafristaiuniis is. a wild and dan gerous country at the back of Af ghanistan, north of India, and, an a rule, it is certain death for any.Eu is found there. The Kafrisiare; one of the cruelest and inostuturbulent racw on earth. Yet this man, who went there without fol lowers or money, was actually in talled1iu.king'i.or,.a short time. He was, master of the ikafri language and manners, and managed to get himself accepted.asa sort of 'god; While he was king he did the thing thoroughly and governed well; also surrounded himself with money, horses and servants. His reign, which was popular while it lasted;, gained for him the reverence of the people," for they believed him to be a genuine deity, and worshiped at a temple he had erected to himself. He estab llshedthe beginning of a great horse . tnTdeMwithAfghanistan, which haa flourished ever since, and the coun try certainly prospered under his rule. . He held the throne only a year, for I a rival chief aroused a faction against bin a4 hd,hiin murdered. Forfeiture Notice. To William Evans, your hull's or asslK": You art) hereby notified that one hundred doll urn was expended in lnhor and improve ments upon the Night IIuwlc Lodo in order to hold the said premises under the provi sions of Section Wit, Kovlsod Statutes of the United Stnten, being the mnount required to hold the same for the year ending Decombor ai.lK9. and if within ninety days after this publication yon fail or refuse to contribute your proportion 01 sueu expenditure as co-owner your interest in said claim will become the property of the subscriber un der said Section 2324. Hauhy II. MuMann. First publication Sept. 12 1900. Notice to Creditors. Ustato of Kdwavd I.. Hoffman deceased. Notice is hereby Kiven by the undersigned, administratrix of tho estate of Kdward I,. Hoffman, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the noeeosary within four mouths after the first publica tion of this notice to the said administratrix at the office or S. K. Williams, In HUbco, the same being the place for the transaction of business of tnld estate In said county of Co chise. KBBKCOA N. HUUHES, Administratrix of Estate of Kd. L. Hoffman, deceased. Dated at Iilsbce, Arizona, this 24th day of September, 1600. First publication October 8. 1900. Notice to Creditors. Estate of Patrlok Cunningham, deceased Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned, administratrix of the estate of Patrlok Cunningham, deceased, to the creditors of and all person having claims against tho salddeoeased, to exhibit them, with thetino essary vouohers, within ten mouths after the first publication of this notice to tho said administratrix at lilsbeo, the same being the place for the transaction of business of said estate, In sold county of Coohlso, JULIA CUKNINOHAM, Administratrix of the Kstato t Patrlok Cunningham deceased. Dm to. I at Buboe, A. T this lirst day of June, ll Klrat iiublinullon J unn 2. IHOfl. .. yt i . -' a"5 ''At IBisbee Mercantile Company... Wholesale and Retail General Merchandise Groceries Liquors Boots and Shoes Tobaccos and Cigars Finest Brand. of Flour Hardware Miners' Supplies Challenge Competition in Quality and Price Qj Come and see our (t $ New Store $ & Telephone 55. $ (V IC) Giaconovich & Co. ass Groceries Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Fruits and Confections. -BREWERY AVENUE BISBEE CASH FRDIT STOBE Ice Cream and Soda Water Sweet Cream, Confections, etc. Ice Cream Parlor. Geo. Dorflinger( Prop. Wallace Building. f letcher Transfer- Good Service, Prompt Attention Satisfaction Guaranteed PRFST0N flETCHER, PROP. Leavq orders with S. K. Williams. $ UNION MEAT MARKET 1 f and BAKERY 1 I.. J. OVERLOOK, Pro.iletnr n PHOENIX UKEF.Voul, Mutton, Pork, 2 l.'imli uni SuusttKe of nil kind Q BREAD, PIES AND CAKES 1 On hand or to order. Wcddioc Cakes S a Specialty. ' ty BREWERY AVENUE. BI8BEE $ ..Half-Way House.. Directly on tho roud to Naco. Wines, Liquors mul Cigars. Your' Pulrnnugo Solicited. hull, proprietor Hole in the Wall JEWElsRTY0RE C. M. Ilenkel, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler Main Street, Bisbee. Jones & Murphy IS Painters PAPER HANGERS. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN ON ALL WORK Shop INext Door to Cochise Review m mmm HAY RIDES Straw rides, Horseback Rides, Boating, Fishing, and Hunting and doing nothing in the country makes you HUNGRY AND THIRSTY But H. Collmann of the Brewery Cafe will serve you. Come and see his new received DIRECT IMPORTED Delicacies from nearly every part of the globe. Gotha Ccr velat, Gotha Truffle Liver, Strassburer Goose Liver Truffle, Italian Salami, French Lyonese, Wiemar Mettwurst, Frank furter and Wiener, Sauerkraut ami Horseradish, Pomenmia Boneless Goosebreasts, Westphalia Ham, Pigs Feet, Lubccker Sausage (to be fried), Pates de Foie Gras, Tongue, Felton Ruben and Mixed Vegetables in Cans, Boston Baked Beans, Heinze's Pork and Beans in Tomatoes, Bismark Delicacies and Pickled Holland Herrings, Cavier Neuuaugen (fish), Dill and sour Pickles, Swiss, Limburger.Rocquefort.Liederkrauz, Koppen and Swiss Krauter Cheese. French Sardines and the finest Russian Sardelles, Eels in jelly, also Smoked Eels and Salmon; Gooseliver Purry, Westpha.'ia Pumpernickel in Tin Cans, Fresh Oysters, Anheuser Busch .Beer and fine Table Wines on hand. You arc respectfully invited to call at the Brewery Cafe and see for yourself. H. COLUMANN, PROPRIETOR m m$s ;t5TTSwSwW JUSTESU Latest Style WALKING HATS The Prettiest Shown this Season Everybody Invited To call and see them... vVSVV '4 I. W. Wallace : : ACJENT AND BROKER Bigbee j - Arizona Representing Mining Prop erties. Real Katate Bought and Sold. Money leaned and Invesled. Collections Made. Jlrs. fl. E. Bruton Cleaning and Dyeing By Dry Process Dressmaking a specialty SutUfiiutlnn eunranteed. Near Raub's Bicycle Shop, Tombstone Canyon. OKO. C. CLARK, K. M. Southwestern C. W. MITCHELL Engi ineering N11 Assay Office Exuminntiona and reportH made on mininc properties. DeaifttiB furnished for all kinds of mining and milling plauta.; Assays made in Dupli cate, 60 cents a ' metal; Qualitative and quantitative analyses mnile of any mineral substances. Surveys of Patents in Arizona and Mexico. BISBEE anil MCOSARI Stage Line, TIM TAFT, Prop. Leaves Bisbee on Monday, We'dnes- 'dav and Friday. Arrives Bisbee Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Goes through from Bisbee to Naco- sari in a dav and a half. flfflr-A At Copper Queen Store VI lice where Information oan De hod. BISBEE NACO i W. M. LIGGETT, Proprietor Arrives at Bisbee at 11 a. m. Leaves one hour after arrival of A. & a. E. train. Leaves Naco at 9:30 a. m. Trip each way made in one and a quar n i i ter hours. . . , mzgrn m mmm toV THE IAIR Brick 1 am prepared to supply any quantity of first-class Brick on short notice onboard cars . . Correspondence Solicited W. C. FERRIS BENSON ARIZONA U.A 40444efr B-F. GRAHAM SCO. LIVERY and SALE STABLE o Flrst-ClB.K Drivintr tltlll Saddle Q Horses. The U K. Livery Stable U O the Inmeist and best equipped In Ariz, FUNERAL DIRECTORS o CORNKU O. K. AND KAILKOA1) AV. O o 44' O. K. MARKET FIRST CLAS PHOENIX BEEF, Mutton, Pork and Veal. Sausage, for eign and domestic, constantly on hand 0. K. STREET, 0PP. CARRETTO'S A. BAUDR Proprietor IMILM sl111llsJ promptly proonrtd, OK HO PEE. Sand model, tWtch.Y or piwto for frw report s pateouuiitr. Boole "Hon to Obtain U.S. DdoelInPateIltnllTrdMark., FHEE. FaitMt terai eier oSered to Inventors. rASUT LAWTSXS 07 SI TZARS' PRACTICE.C mUfi PaTFNTS PRUCURFn THROUGH THEM. JlU IbUBM onftJentiL Souad advico- TaUhfiilt rvlea, . Moderate chargal i r C. A. SNOW & CO. rvlea, . Wrltoi PATENT LAWYERS, Opp. U.S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, 0.. a Stage Line. Iyeaves Biabec Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 7 a. m. Arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Bisbee Headquarters at ttrcoti? Con solidated Cooper Company's Ofticc, Kooms 11 and 12 Angius Hotel. Cananen Headquarters, Greene Con.' Copper Company's Ofllces.'- ": " B 10 I The Boston Store Dry Goods, (ients? l-urnishinj; (loods Boots, Shoes and caps Hair Dressing and "Beauty Parlors I Hair mul Sculp Trniitiiu; a Siiceiulty, Kuelnl Treat incut mul Miiiilctirlny. A Full I.lne of Toilet Accessories. Hair Switches, unci Wig, Pompadours, etc. Hair removed permanent ly by Klectriclty. All Work Guaranteed. AT THE FtOOD CATE MRSi Re nlToH J. B. ANGIUS & CO. General Merchandise Main Street - - Bisbee, Arizona WALDORF Restaurant OPEN DAfAND NIGHT OTTO W, GEISENHOFER, Prop. liisii (In Plant situated in Upper Mule Gulch. City Office, Wallace Building. r 94oaofroo j The J. H. Jack Lumber Co . . AGENT VOK THE STUDEBAKER WAGONS, BUGGIES, CARTS, ETC. Prices Reasonable. Bisbee - - - Arizona lftoooooo0oaooooj E. G. ORD CO. Plumbing Tinning and Skylights, Architectural Sbeat Metal Work in all its branches. Second-hand Gotitls bought and sold. NEXT TO BREWERY CHAMPAGNE, THE TAILOR. Garments made by us have the Style, Fit and Finish That Well-dressed Gentlemen Appreciate. M. STEIN, Dealer In IaStsnd furnishing floods SrCUND-IIAND FURNITURE -Rroworv Avenue V. a. MEDIGOVICH Wholosrile ami Hetall Uealor lu GROCERIES. ii A MR J?JtJCElKl) A, WKKK Poultry. tidiiofs. wines cioofs odd iodoccos. Fire and Life INSURANCE J. G. PRITCHARD Fines! Companies Represented AkoiiI. for Fidelity Savings A.ssoca. tion, of Denver. Safest, and best in torost on deposits. BI5UEE - . ARIZONA Win 1 X x N . v ;? s. ' A J x-. ft. . '". V:' 4.' m?ti