?WFrmpftrtr,rwr-i,'rTmHmm 9 r I-' THE COCHISE REVIEW, SATURDAY, MARCH 9, i90i ALVORD AGAIN. He Visits Old Haunts and Steals Horses. Was Near Tombstone. The Outlaw Returns Presumably to Recover Buried Treasure. A sonsation was created in Tomb stono Wednesday when it became known that that section had been visi ted by no less distinguished personage than Burt Alvord, the much-wanted ex-constable, train-robber and jail- breaker. According to reliable information received by tho Prospector, Alvord and a Yaqui Indian wore at tho Warren ranch in Sulphur Spring Valloy, near Pearce, on Sunday. This ranch is the ono formerly owned by Alvord. The only occupant of the ranch at the time of tho visitation of tho outlaw was Frank Swink. Alvord domanded sup per, saying ho was hungry and he and the Yaqui Indian enjoyed a hearty meal. A little later the two loft, warning Swink not to leave the place or divulge their whereabouts. The two returned tho next evening and af ter eating another supper, propared to remain all night, Alvord meanwhile chatting about the experiences and how ho evaded tho oflicers. Alvord and his companion were to leave that night, hence retired early and at a late hour the two left the house. Swink was told to remain in the house and presuming the two vis itors might still be in the neighbor hood, he obeyed orders. On the morn Swink discovered that the two men who had been tho recipients of his hos pitality showed their ingratitude by taking five horses from the ranch two of the horsjs being fine animals be longing to Swink. The latter mourns the loss of his two pet horses to such a degree he vowed vengence against tho outlaw and hastened to Pearce, gave the news and joined a posse to follow the trail. Sheriff Del Lewis immedi ' ately arranged for a scouring of the country and with posse headed by him self started from Tombstone without delay. The sheriff and posse arrived in Tombstone Wednesday night, took a brief rest and were again on the trail early next morning The trail was plainly followed, the tracks leading di rect across tho country from tho Dra goons and passing just below Tomb stone near the hospital w,here the tracks are plainly discernable. The sheriff was obliged to remain here on important official business, but joins 'the party later, if necossary, while the rest of the posse including Swink, pressed forward. Deputy Porter Mc Donald is also out heading another posse and it is hoped Alvord will be headed off before he crosses tho bor der. Tho object of Alvord's visit is be lieved to securo the varied spoils of the hold-up near his. former ranch, which was the rendezvous of the band at that time. It has always been suspected that considerable hold-up money was buried here by Alvord and his visit there at this time lends color to the theory. The Andrews opera company pre aentod "Carmen" at the opera hous? on Saturday evening last, and on Sun day evening "Mikado." Tho company did not arrive until 8 o'clock on a spe cial, but tho curtain was raised at 9 o'clock. The company was well re ceived, and is the best opera over heaJd in Bisbeo. From hero the com pany went to Tucson and Phenix and played to crowded houses in both places. Sovoral oases from Anita Romero's don occupied tho uttontion of Justice Williams' court yesterday and today. Tho county collects a few dollars licenso from this place and pa;,s out hundreds in justice and constablo fees in an e fort to preserve tho peace and quietude of the neighborhood. A poor invest ment on tho part of tho county. Ground was brokon this week for tho now gymnasium buildinsr. With the completion of tho gymnasium, tho new hotel, and later tho now Presbyterian etiurch, school mil will present a un feront appearance. Good substantial buildings are tho rule in Bisbee those days. A big custom smelter either at Doug las or Naco would bo a paying proposi tion from the start. Wo understand that such an enterprise is undor oon sidoration by capitalists abundantly ablo to carry out tho project. Attondanco at school is very light, owing to toe provalonco of small pox. Thoro aro only two cases at present and thoy havo been isolated. The doc tors do not think the closing of school necessary. It. C. Jones of tho Fair, has boen nndor tho weather for sovoral days. SKIPPED THE COUNTRY C. C. Harwell, a Sub-Contractor for Robinson & Toolicy j. c. RAUB, Loads His Wagon With Supplies and Takes French Leave Supplies Recovered at Camp No. 3. JJ Mr. Robinson, of the firm of Robin son & Toohey, was in Bisbee on Wed nesday consulting with Allen II. Eng lish, of Tombstone, in reference to tho proper legal proceedings to be taken in order to retain possession of supplies, etc., which ho had intercepted near the lino of Now Moxieo, and which had been furnished to ono C. C. Harwell for his use in carrying out a sub con tract on tho line of the South Western railroad. I, is customary for Robinson & Too hey to furnish their subcontractors with all their supplies, including all kinds of merchandise, plows, scrapers, etc. Mr. Harwell had been awarded a large contract and required supplies and material amounting to nearlyjfif teen hundred dollars. Harwell loaded his supplies at the store of the commis sary on Thursday last and started for tho section of ground awarded him in his contract. Instead of stopping at the designated place he set his face towards the rising sun and started for New Mexico with merchandise and supplies that would last him for some months. Word was soon brought to Mr. Robiison that Harwell had thrown up his job and was making tracks for New Mexico as fast as six horses could pull a Stude baker wagon. Mr. Robinson secured the services of deputy sheriff Al. Strickland and overtook the wagon near Camp No. 3, about nine miles from tho New Mexico line. Harwell cut loose ono of his work teams and escaped across the line. Deputy Sheriff Strickland unhitched a buggy animal and gave pursuit, but without success. The buggy horse could not travel in the rocks and Har well made good his escape. Flagstaff had a jail break on Sunday. Four prisoners escaped. They were Dan Foley, John Dehan, Fred Gotte, Ed. Smith. The best base ball game of the sea son is promised for St. Patricks day. Read the challenge in another column. A telephone message from Naco just as we go to press says the Naco base ball club would like a game with the Copper Queen store nine at Nato on St Patrick's day. All communications should be addressed to Geo. Reay as manager. Main St., above Palace Stables REPAIRS AND RENTS - - BICYCLES Novnlt works Key fit ting a specialty. Guns, locks, sewing machines and bicycles repaired. RAMBLER BICYCLES SOLO V. G. MEDIGOVICH Wholesale and Retail Dealer In GROCERIES. GAME RECEIVE I) K WEEK Poultry. E. G. ORD CO. Plumbing and Tinning Skylights, Architectural Sheet Metal Work in all its branches. Second-hand Goods bought and sold. NEXT TO BREWERY Bricks I am prepared to supply any quantity of first-class Brick on short notice on board cars . . Correspondence Solicited W. C. FERRIS BENSON AJIIZONA Bisbee to Naco STAGE LINE Leave Bisbee Daily 3 P. it. Leave Naco Dally 9 A. II. Easy Rigs Careful Drivers. Office at O. K. Harness Shopr Brewery Ave. ADOLF Sv ESCAL ANTE, Prop. BISBEE HARDWARE AND FURNITURE COflP'NY Dealers in Furniture, Stoves, Hardware, Tinware, Guns and Ammunition. Guns for rent. Second Hand Goods of all kinds bought and sold. O. K. STREET, BISBEE, A. T. Phone No. 57 THE pish Pond fltnnes and JUquors- Open Day and Ntabt Upper Main Street BISBEE, ARIZONA BOB TAI2K Prop. Murphy Bros. Hoase, sip D iniarc and Carriage FdllllGlD PAPER HANGERS. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN ON ALL WORK -7 Snop INext Door to Coclnise Review DO YOU WANT LANDS? Forost Reserve Lieu Rights and Soldiers' Additional Scrip will titlo publlu land at moderate cost. We have had largo experience in locating those scrips for stock-men and lumbermen. From 40 Agues Up. Titlo guaranteed. Wo handlo all classes of Laud Scrips. Write for particulars. Roferonce : Union Bank and Trust Co., Helena, Montana. THE COLLINS LAND COHPANY, Atlantic Building, Washington, D. C, or Helena, flontana. & W9g j&S999 Just Received A large assortment of the prettiest and most natty ladies silk shirt waist, all colors all sizes and and all kinds ranging in price from $4 up to $1 l.oO Also a a new line of men ready made clothing in order to introduce this line we will sell suits from $4 up to $16.o0. Pants from $2.00 up to $5.00 all worth 25 per cent, more than we ask. Carpets and art squares never sold so cheap before. Come and get our prices before buy ing elsewhere. 'The Fair' Next door to the . Flood Gate, Main St. mm8 smmm1 WAVVViVWAVVVWWWUV'VV.V."fta"AVAWJW.-: BRBWHRV CAFB Open '$ Day and Night- Private Boxes 5 J The Brewery Cafe and Dining HaE lias baem J thoroughly remodeled! and refitted, and is now ready to serve the public in an up-to-date manner.. Every- thing, the market affords always on hand, i CARRETO & CO., Propietofs WAW.WW.WV.V.WAVWiV.W.V.W.V.'AW. V(k;;;Aitii;vVV?AlViViV4 6 100JfKKXKK1 "" Jl'fl'iK'fl1V Bank of Bisbee n (INCORPORATED) Dlrectori: Officer; Ben Williams J. S. Dodqlas J. B. ANQins W. H. Bropiiy M. J. Cunningham W. H. Bromiy, President J. S. Douglas, Vice-President M. J. Cunningham, Cashier L VoroiKti Kxohnnro and Tolejrnnhlo Trititfers to nl! Ports i' the World. Ac- K counts of Indiv'duals, Firms nnJ Corporations solicited. Matters entrusted to I - l.i .1 - j. ... Al ... Vfl... ....... !...... fc. ! mill AASit V our rare win rcrivu prinnpv ttTuzuuuiu ioaivuii hijiicj uuukuv i.h " xwrwj w A t r Now Zeulami tfiro lnurai"3 CiiLptvjy. jMarvei Millinery Store Sateen Skirts worth $4.00, selling price $3.00 $: All Wool Dress SHrts, worth $6 now selling at $4. & Shirt Waists Wool, worth $2. now selling at $1.25 g Hats trimmed to order. QUEEN HOTEL, MAIN STREET, BISBEE, ARIZ. . I A CLEAN SCALP f X Is necossary for tho luxuriunt and healthy growth of the hair. t A woman's hair is tho one adornment that needs constant I attention and cannot he neglected X At tho HAIR DRESSING AND TOILET PARLORS of Mrs. R. Ritch on Main Street, at the flood gate, tho women of Bisbeo, will find all the latest ni.-to-dato remedies for cleansing tho scalp, fac ial troatmout and manicuring. A full lino of Toilet Ac cessories, Hair Switches and Wigs, Pompadours, etc. Hair removed permanently by Electricity. Pimples and blackheads removed by tho uso of my face bleach aud ' Yauola cream. All work guaranteed. at KSftm MRS. R. RITCH 1 K-H-H-H- 4-H-"K-t--H-""H- 4 4 W ISO' J. LOPIZ1CH I. VIOLK d VIOLE & LOPIZICH fi pharmacists... I 1 F. VIONE, . . Brewery r' Mimnirei'. AvenilC o 1.m& &3&to!h .... l 1 ... I. I., .i.,mip ib iiiim'wsjnrMVsnffT"' r ' ""irfsW H'ff F T 8iwiB&ifliwniifiaaB EMBBtipKSW I JIIIIMW if mi Ml in A W IWmirl I'Hi inllli'iM frn 7tM' ri t -; .JPl-.-. JT T. lanmr - - si- ' - .- tT aw;i B 1 '4'1 1 V'v m v" ....ry-KiiHBH wmmMm&BBamfflBSBKmiaum&smiw&gwpp&iEFa