r ,Ut CdUah'i Ncte I m k REGISTRATION FOR toting In the first Cooiidge city ♦-lo tion is the DUTY of every eligi ble citizen . . . and then the second, and most important duty la to vote in the city election. Most obvl oua evidence of decadence in a city or town la the lack of interest in municipal voting Os course it is not to be expected there will be a lack of interest in this first local election Hut there Is a definite •lowness in registration. THE QUESTION OF whether or not an office of the Oi'A is to be maintained in Pinal county has. apparently, been dump ed squarely into the lap of Uoolidge Ohamber of Commerce. It will be recalled that all offices of the OPA In Pinal county were consolidated with the Florence office several months ago and St now developes that Florence does not have the manpower to continue the opera tion. Other towns are uninterested and certainly what interest or re gaid in and for the OPA which can be generated in Cooiidge is pas sive Th* re is the question of suit able quarters and the payment of . rent which the divisional office in Phoenix contends should be paid locally. NOW THAT RATIONING is no longer the major operation of OPA <»ith the exception of sugar* folks generally would Just as soon be rid of it. And they feel this wsy despite their desire for price control But price control comes only with eternal vigilance even though a great many stores, honestly operated, wrlll abide by OPA edicts MAJOR CRITICISM of the OPA is that it has not stop ped the advancing tide of rising prices. That criticism of OPA is somewhat unfair because OPA is but one arm of government and could not control action of other governmental agencies. But most serious criticism of tbe pricing agency is that it arbitrarily permits the price of a new product and oft time an Inferior product, by a new firm to return a profit to the manu facturer. tbe wholesaler and the re tailer while at the same time OPA denies the original manufacturer of a similar product to raise prices sufficiently to cover production costs. COOLIDGE CAME wttbtn 1200 of reaching its Red Cross quota last week when total collections reached 12.300. Surely there should he another 1 200 avail able so that the stigma of failing to be generous in a humanitarian effort may not be charged to Coo iidge WITH RETAIL SALES in Arixona continuing to hold a high level Cooiidge this week re ceived $1,654.79 as her share of state sales tax collected during the month of March for sales during February This check brings the to tal sales tAx shared with Cooiidge to $4,516.93 for the first three months Cooiidge ha?, been eligible Should this rate continue, snd every indication Is thst not much drop is expected. Cooiidge will re ceive more than SIB,OOO from sale? tax revenues this year. POLITICS AS THE weather, will soon be warm. The supervisors race for district 3 which comprises all of the valley area and South Florence, has re solved itself into a two-man con test between Frank Williams of Casa Grande and C. W. Stokes of COolidge. Bob Denton, who has given a great many year* of public service to the board of supervisors this week announced he would not be a candidate for re-election Since the supervisor from this dis trict has traditionally come from Casa Grande this is sure to be an interesting contest and one which will create a great deal of local In terest. SERIES E. F A G bonds of the federal government are (Rill available to Investors and the U. S. Treasury has six aims in continuing to promote the sale of these bonds* They are. Ist: To combat Inflation by urging Ameri cans to save for investment in stead of bidding up prices for scarce goods with their surplus cash 2. To keep the savings bond investment total around its present $48,700,000,000 peak while money is plentiful and -goods scarce. 3. To foster the national thrift habit mil lions have acquired through patri otic hewing of war bonds. 4. To carry on the payroll savings plan at the request of 90 per cent of the 57.000.000 waee and salary earners who Invested regularly in bonds during the war 5. To estab lish a thrift and national finance educational program In the schools for the 25,000.000 pupils who by 1945 were regularly buying savings stamps and bonds. 6. To keep own ership of the public debt spread among as many Americans as pos sible so interest may go to them as holders of savings bonds rather than to a comparatively few banks, corporate or individual In vestor*. (jja olf &o,^SSlfetanitner "IN THE CENTER OF PINAL COUNTY AGRICULTURE” VOU ME ;t coolilk;!-:, hxaiTcoUNTY, ">na, FRii>.\ v. Ai’ini,s, ir, xi mp.kk 5 Alvin Skrla Home ip*- 7 ML Wr ALVIN SKRLA Pfc. Alvin Skrla has received an honorable discharge from the army after approximately 21 months service in the Euro pean theater of operations. Skrla entered service in Janu ary of 1944 and went overseas in August of the same year. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Skrla and has made his ; home in Cooiidge since he was a boy. His wife is the former Maurine Langford. C. W. Stokes to Be Candidate For Supervisor Places petitions in circula tion Tuesday afternoon— Supervisor Robert Denton will not again seek post. C. W. (Johnny! Stokes, promi-{ nent Cooiidge attorney, thin we> k i announced his candidacy for the I office of Supervisor of District So \ 3. Stokes placer! his nominatioiy papers In circulation Tuesday aft-j ernoon following a statement by j Robert Denton, Casa Grande law- j yer and Incumbent supervisor, that he would not again seek the of- j flee. Stokes ha* been a resident of • Arixona since 1929 and of Final county since February of 1937 when he moved to Florence from | Tucson to assume the management of IMnal Title and Trust Co . a firm which was subsequently merged with Surety Title and Trust Co. Married, with one child. Stokes was admitted to the bar in Ari *ona in 1936 shortly after bis grad ation with an .LL.B. degree from the University of Arizona He Is also a member of the state bar of New Mexico. Entering the army as a Ist lieu tenant in March of 194! Stokes served continuously until his re lease in January of this year with the rank of full colonel He com manded tbe 706th tank battalion through operations on Guam. j te. le Shima and Okinawa. Since his release from the army I Stokes has been actively engaged in the practice of his profession in Cooiidge. o County Flower Show Slated at 4-H Club Fair, Kenilworth A flower show open to everyone In Pinal County will be held this year in connection with Kenilworth 4-H club Fair at Kenilworth School on Saturday. April 27. Entries may be made from 9 to 11:30 that morn ing. Requirements are that all entries must he grown in home gardens. Exhibitors must furnish their own containers, which may range from Jars to any type of vase, or con tainer, the exhibitor selects. Mrs. Joseph Blakeman, Kenil worth Homemakers, Is general chairman of arrangements. Mrs. S. C. McFarland. Mrs. Raymond Sroaf and Mrs. Nelson Olson, have been appointed flower committee for Cooiidge Womans Club. Mrs. ] Etta Rathbum. and Mrs. V. S Owen will serve on the flower com mittee for Casa Grande Womans Club. 0 • Mrs. Charles Cohen returned Sunday from Los Angeles, where she spent two weeks visiting their daughter, Lee. and Mr. Cohen's brother and wife. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Cohen. Charles Cohen spent a week in Los Angeles, re turning home Friday. o #Dan Wallace, who was working in 1 California, has returned home for a 1 month's rest. He served for many . months in the Mediteranian area and has not been well due to in-! • juries received. ' Hold Hearing for Stanfield District Testimony Indicates Need for Proposed District. Su pervisors Nominated. Mr H !., Anderson, assistant to jo C William-, st He conservation c omnds-doner. held ft hearirg on! the proposed Stanfield Soil Con-; Iservation District, west of Casa l Grande, last week. The hearing ■ was attended by 27 land owners or ! ?h«-ir representatives and presided over, at the request of Mr. Ander son. by K K Henness, county agri cultural agent From the testi mony presented at the hearing it was determined that the need exist ed for the district as proposed. A referendum has been submit- , ted to the land owners of the pro mised district to be held Saturday. April fi. 9 a m to 4 p. tn at the Agricultural Products Company girt office at Stanfield. In ord* r to cre ate th** distrbt the land owners lof more than half of the 21,000 j j acres of agricultural land must I j vote, and 65 per cent or more of I j those must be In favor of the dls j trict At th«* same time an election j will he held to elect three super- j j visor* to manage the affairs of the j .district, if the lan 1 owners act favorably. Nominees for the super visors are Allen Rodgers, El wood j Smith. N S Cooper and Rex An ‘ derson. one of w hom will be elect •ed to serve a six year term, one j four years, and one two years. Mr. Anderson appointed O. G. j Croy. George Anderson, and Harry i Belford to sene as the election board for both the referendum and j j the election. o— —— — Driver Os Stolen Car Overlook* 57,900 Cash Booty Nearly SB,OOO. a stolen »ar and j driver were bagged by Underaheriff Travis Wall Monday after Pinal county oficers had ♦ stablished 'three road blocks. James Martin Kenworthy had overlooked the I - a*.h when earlier In the day lief i had looted th*- wardrobe trunk of P J Scott for a change of clothe- j Wall only learned of the mon y when he railed the sheriffs office j to repoit the apprehension of Ken worthy. Kenworthy, who was picked up jby P J. St ott in San Antonio to j drive for him. is alleged to have j left Tucson w ith the car after Scott entered a clinic there. Kenworthy i picked up Scott's luggage at a tour ist court . In the wardrobe trunk was a till containing forty one 1 hundred dollar bills, 26 fifties and j 110 twenties and 40 tens. When Ken worthy looted the trunk out side of Tucson to get a brown suit. I a shirt and tie he failed to notice the till though only an undershirt ! was throw n over it. Scott, reporting the oar theft to Tucson police, made no mention j of the money In his first statement to them. Scott, a resident of De troit, Is said to have been on his way to Phoenix from New Orleans at the time the theft occurred. I In a statement to Pinal county officers Kenworthy said that he was raised in an orphanage and had spent some time a* mental hospi tals. Both the stolen car with its $7,900 in cash and Kenworth were returned to Tucson by Pima coun ty's undersheriff John Higgins. Wayne Hall Will Head Cooiidge Lions Club Wayne Hall was elected presi dent of Cooiidge Lions Club a* Wednesday night’s meeting in the recreation hall of Cooiidge Meth odist Church. Officers who will serve with him j j for the coming club year are: Rob jert Gammon. Ist vice president; Ed J j Wildermuth, 2nd vice presidnet; J !B. Dennison. 3rd vice president;) Vernon Faries, secretary; C. L. J Skousen. treasurer; Gordon Corbin, tail twister, and Bob Burns, lion tamer. Delegates appointed to attend j the Lions district convention at j Mesa April 12 and 18 were Hall, Faries and Skousen. Carl Anderson, district engineer ; for * San Carlos Irrigation and Drainage District, was guest speak er of the evening. He painted a ; gloomy picture of the water and ' power situation for the coming sea son. o • Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Penn of i Tajunga. California, left Monday i for their home after a four day | visit with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson | Olson. The day before the Penns arrived Mrs. Olson's brother and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mon i roe of Seattle, Washington, who ! had been visiting her for the past 110 days, left for the coast. Pulliam Candidate For Superintendent Os Instruction Nolan D, Pulliam who now holds th*- position of assistant state su perintendent of rublk- 1" tr .ctlon. yesterday annouat e J his candidacy for tne office of state superintend ent of public instruction. Mr. Pull Pm. shortly after his dis-1 I charge from the United States i Array Air Corps, qualified for the I doctor >f education rt-gr c at Stan ford University. With the excep tion of three and one-half years In | the army he has been continuously engaged as a teacher or adminis trator In Arizona schools for more than 20 years. Ilia first position in Arizona was as teacher In Mesa Union H ;h School. He la'er be-| c .one prim ipal of the Franklin ! I School in that city, following which he served for nine consecutive Jr t#*” ' mtf *■* NOLAN D. PULLIAM years as sujH*rintendent of the Madison School District in Phoe nix. In 193 S Pulliam was appoint ed executive secretary of the Ari zona Education Association, a posi tion he held until hi- enlistment in the service in early 1942. Commenting on the position he seeks, the caml. oj.e s/d: "In the efforts to se* im prove merit In the effectiveness of our state's public schools, the office lof state superintend*nt of public ! instruction has a significant re sponsibility and opportunity for the exercise of educational leadership. The many changes in conditions af fecting each individual such as his j choice of vocation and preparation for it, together with the responsi bilities of citizenship, strongly sug • cegr the need for constant vigilance In order that our school system may keep pace j n its roll of serv . ing modern youth. Our educational 1 functions should not be limited to the classroom or institutional pro gram but • hould embrace all types df youth services available In the community to Insure a co-ordinated effort." o Voters Urged To Register Now For Town Election Registration for Coolidge’s first municipal election, which began last Wednesday, has been moving somewhat slowly, according to A. D. Tyler, town clerk. Tyler reports that between ion and 150 persons have registered to date, and urges that every qualified person come in and sign up for the May 27 bal loting. A full turn-out at the polls will assure a representative vot°. Tyler pointed out. and in order that every eligible voter has his say in nam ing the couneilmen for the coming term, it is necessary to first get his name on the registration books. Seven couneilmen are to be elect ed. ore of which will subsequently be chosen as mayor. While no pe titions have yet been circulated it j is expected that several will soon make their appearance. Hours for registration are be i tween 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. at the | clerk’s office. Rotary Sponsors Teenage Pfcrnc Saturday Night Teenagers of both high school : and grammar school age will have a real fun party tomorrow’ night when they go on a desert picnic sponsored by Cooiidge Rotary Club. I The group will gather at Cooiidge Womans Club at seven o’clock, from where a truck will leave for the desert. A bonfire, weiner roast, and group singing will comprise the evening’s entertainment. H. A. Unger, general chairman of arrangements, is being assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Rhoore, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wilson, Mrs. Unger and Martin Talla. • Mrs. Ivan Reynolds, is now* able to be up and around after a major operation. Floy to Ballot on New $97,000 School Voting Limited to Owners of Property in School District No. 11. A special bond election will be held in Floy on May 11 at which property owners will vote on a proposed $97,000 bond issue for the purpose of building a new school. The expenditure would increase the indebtedness of School District No. 11. the district in which the new’ building would be constructed, to more than four per cent of its as sessed valuation, providing fumis for erecting th* new structure as well as furnishing and equipping it. The bonds would be dated June 1. bearing interest not to exceed 2*-j per cent and would mature on the fir-t of June each year from 1947 to 1965 Inclusive. The voting will be held at the school house between 6 a. m. and 6 p. m. and balloting will be limited tn owners of property situated in j the school district. o Cooiidge Flying Qualifies to Give Yets Training Russell White, instructor and co uvn* r of Uoolidge Flying Service this week announced his company > s been granted federal recogni- Mon as a flight training school un ier the provisions of the G. I. BUI of Rights. This will mean that 'light instruction for veterans In and around Uoolidge can be had at government expense and, if the vet eran takes flight training on a full rime basis, he ,is eligible for an additional subsistance allowance while training, or a portion there of, has«d on the amount of time he spends on this instruction. The proceedure for the veteran who is Interested in obtaining a private pilot’s license necessitates his fir-d making application to •he Veteran’* Administration for a ertlflcate of eligibility. When this certificate Is obtained it is pre sided to a recognized flying school tnd another form which 1s avail able there is ff’led out and all ne •> ->ary paper, ire then returned to the veteran’s administration for final processing. When these pa pers have been approved the vet eran is notified he Is eligible to start training. The course of in struction for a private license cov rs six to eight weeks. * Flight instruction will be under the direction of Russell F. White who ha i been an instructor since 1941 when he worked in the civi lian pilot training program at Phoe nix Sky Harbor. In 1943 he Joined the staff of Arizona Airways in Safford where he instructed in the navy secondary flight training pro gram He remained there until the government closed all war training service private contract schools. He -tarted the flying school in Coo iidge last May and the present equipment consists of one Aeronca. two Fairchilds and a BT-13. White has 3.000 hours flying time accumulated since 1928 and has never had a forced landing or an accident. o Traffic Violations Bring Court Fines Traffic violations brought fines to four persons in justice court ♦ his week. J. S. Tucker, Cooiidge, paid $25 on a reckless driving charge; Bobby Sweeper. Cooiidge, was fined $12.50 for speeding; Le- Rov Simmons, Cooiidge, charged with reckless driving, was assessed *l Mutual Building and Loan Association. He is active in chamber of com merce work, being the secretary of that organization. Prior to the first of April .Sroaf was the acting sec retary' of the Chamber of Com merce and he is also the acting secretary of the Pinal County Re search Association. He is a mem ber of the Lions club. In taking over this business. Sroaf will keep Mrs. Hope Taylor and Mrs. Louis Pritchard who will continue with the bookkeeping and the secretarial work. o Four Unhurt When Auto Overturns All occupants of a car which ran off the shoulder of the ’highway at Olberg Junction Friday night and turned over, escaped injury. Driver of the automobile was Kent Coombs, 22, a former msident of Coolidge, now living in Phoenix. Three companions were also riding in the car. Roger Gates, highway patrolman, who investigated the accident, said Coombs was appar ently blinded by the l’ghts of an oncoming car. o #Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Talla of Chiekasha, Oklahoma, left Wed nesday for Los Angeles after sev eral day’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Talla. The men are brothers. o • Mrs. William Elam and Mrs. R. C. Wallace spent Sunday in Phoenix visiting Billy Elam, their son and grandson respectively, who is in a hospital there. 0 •Mrs. Frank Wright had her ton sils removed at Coolidge Hospital last Monday. Sale Os City And Ranch Property Is Booming Here Five Homes Purchased, Four Business Properties Change Hands, Ranch And Desert Land jells Sales of Coolidge property have been brisk recently, due partly to a number of out of state residents coming here to make their homes. Sales in business and ranch prop erty here have also been booming. Reuben Gold of Tucson, owner of Reuben’s Home Supply, has pur chased Freeland Auto Court on Ari zona Houle\ ard. He plans to com pletely mod rnize the court as soon ts materials are available. Rudy Anderson has purchased a quarter section of desert land each rom Mrs. H. G. Richardson and Ben Warren near Picacho Reser voir. lie plans to develop the prop erty. * Mr. and Mrs. D. K. VanderHart and family of lowa have recently moved to a ranch they purchased from S. C. McFarland southwest of Eleven Mile Corner. Ihe above deals went through the office of Loucks Real Estate Agency. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Scott of Cali fornia have purchased the Ernest H. Rowe home on Lindbergh Ave nue. The Rowes have moved to an a part tin nt. The Sam E. Martin home on West Byrd Avenue has b‘en sold to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar C. Delbridge of Durand, Michigan, who took possession Monday. The Martins are' building in the Ken worthy Addition. Ashley Court near Arizona boule vard and West Byrd Avenue has been sold to W. A. Gardner of El Frida. Oklahoma. He and Mrs. Gardner are now occupying a cab in there. They recently purchased the Church of Christ building on Third and Walton Avenue, which they plan to convert Into rental property. „ Pinal Machine Works on Lincoln Vvenue has been sold to L. F. Long and Woodrow Johnson of Saf ord. Johnson is now In charge. Mrs. Johnson is assisting in the of fice. The property was owned by the. John A .White Estate. La Palma Service Station and Grocery at La Palma has been sold by Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Goodwin to Mr. and Mrs. 'Stanley V. Tachov skv of Laramie, Wyoming. The new owners are improving the | property. The William C. Marshall home on North Main Street has been sold to R. M. Hanes of Tucson, a former Coolidge resident. He Is constructing three-room apart ments on the property, which takes in. two lots. Forty acres of desert land eight miles south of Coolidge has been sold by an out of state owner to Robert G. Stewart, who has recent ly come here from Los Banos, California, to make his home. The Leonard Arnold residence on West Bealey Avenue has been sold to Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Henry of Colby, Kansas, who have come here to live. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon R. Faries have purchased a two bedroom home on West Roosevelt Avenue from Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Jones. Faries, who formerly operated the Coolidge Cleaners, is now with the Arizona Edison Company here a* public relations man. The above deals went through the office of Arizona Land and In vestment Company. o Woman Pleads Not Guilty As Accessory Pleading not guilty on a charge accessory after the fact in Judge W. C. Truman’s Superior Court Friday, Geneva Crowley whose true> name is Geneva Miller was re leased under $1,500 bond. She Is allegedly involved in the wh'ch led to a running gun i battle between county officers and W. J. Crowley near Eloy In Febru ary. A warrant of arrest bad been issued for Crowley also known as Sam Van Blunt in connection with a Coolidge robbery on January 27. Geneva Miller is accused of pro tecting and maintaining Crowley at Floy after the warrant for his ar rest had been issued. Crowley was able to elude county officers after an exchange of between him self and officers. o • Mrs. Mildred Hendry Is back In the states after serving approxi mately a year as assistant Red Cross director at a canteen In As- near "the hump” and later at a canteen in Calcutta. Mrs. Hen drv’s parents. Dr. and Mrs. William Jackson, expect her home in the very near future. o • Mrs. Y. C. White left Tuesday for Portland, Oregon, to be with her niece. Mrs. Mary Burton, who is ill. She expects to be in Port land about a month. o • Mr. and Mrs. Nazer Knight, who made their home southeast of Coo lidge, have adopted a six week’s old baby hoy. They have named him Gayln Duane. • Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Elliott have ' purchased the Edgar Moyer home on fith Street for investment. Mr. and Mrs. Moyer have returned to Texas to make their home.