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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
I ,vnBii - asks ' fv ' . " " MH . .... i i i i ; ifS41 WSSh- ft. ! I VKIZONA. TUUIfSDAV. JANUARY 7. 1MH7. NUTKBEB HA . J pB' - ? . jj2w w'Ta?1' ,. UIUMUIMII m9m Vn. XIV. . FLAGSTAFF. :,"4 i as jSfr'JlKSa: lHBr -$sHP.'' 1 ls ' 'll ft N"i V w ARIZONA LUMBER & TIMBER CO., FLfGSTfFF fRIZONf. oooosoooosoo WE A iv confident we know just as much about who is going to i a the next President as you do, but we , & , ZZ I a i, j AlV. fit KJU.L UUtill.) kU QUtL ) UU $ber. This is the time to buy, because we are anxious to h&& turn some of these large piles A? -the prices we have will please lo you want to figure on a special bill? If so, we are in shape to do that, for we have a first-class stock and are .cere to tell you we propose iOOOOOO -T The Prices IF YO'D fTRE" ' 1 I'M f HURRY For groceries there is alwcy a wagon at out door ready to bring them to you. Your ordci will be filled promptly. We have everything thai is best in Groceries. The Monarch brand ol Canned .Goods the best in the market, are sold h) us. Our assortment of Table Luxuries embraces lots of dainties not found in ordinary stores. Our prices arc no higher than you will pay foi inferior grades. .!zr YjC rf FLAGSTAFF COMMERCIAL CO., KILPATRICK BLOCK NEWS DEPOT, FAN3Y GROCERIES, FRESH FRUITS, All the Delicacies of the Season Fresh from the Market. You are invited to call and.inspeot my Stock .FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA Km f Is MpsassfflgasaBi V X -' "" r-, -''- "rtit rhrTVnffwiWin fiiiMiTifi.V dltCbUM.1 lacroiic Arrm hiv?"j??"w. ws "22SJ2?!"" VttWJSEXSEESS&Sr-" ' !. .n gwriiwiwipuwwiiiii'i iiwui iwwiiwii r HMin. uurtoifMiaanownraMa: l. . A wrUUfl Mriti- mfnm ao4 mtitwr iHmm II mi TiJ!'HlFm " av wviva my mjwwib lJOkex.(lsftHkrBMa. IModforiruatfrMlar 1 TIT TtfTTmiTT T T TraHTfMlTlMltel.01 Tir , rioKxxs dbug btobb, d, j. bbannsn piroprietw FUmrtaff, a. x; i Zioiv WJV-U JUH (HUJpt ty 1VWJ 1 iuu of lumber into mone', and ooococ Are Right! "1WrT" 1t? .OHAS. A. KELLER, Proprietor. CANDIES, NOTIONS, TOBACCO, STATIONERY, CI6ARS, UMBTWkllW AIMl i nam .u wmik ofimafc w m i'tliiTiiaUilr.liS AiSOUIiLTiOW. Tim I'arrlotv Well IN'rrsrnteil at I'linenlx PliiKHlufrchoHcn as the Xxl I'lHt'fiur Mi-ctlni;. Tim lltili iiiinittt nii-ntin of th T ll'-lll'IH A-MIH'llltlllll Ill-Ill III PliniMiix. i-niiiifiiivil Di'ivinhiM 28, 189G, mill cIiimmI Jainun t. 1897. Tint iillmnl.iiirii litis fiv wih (lit Ill-Mt III lllll IlilllirV ll H IISKIiehtlioll. Till' )1IM'M H'llll WCIH Clff pi-,-11 Hill null fll'iwtil Inr.ili iililil mi ilin pill uf tin wnli-iK. All nf the pilnri- luiiul t iiixliitiiiuiis iif ilm IVllihitX ttl'll" IVpl-lKfllll'll. illfllllllr iiii- Univi i"ii, ' ' No! in it h Imiil, iiiiiI all tint I'lly mill hili -i limiih in i lnt Ti iiiion. I ln t-1 in nil ut 1'lniHiiix at iliisMiMsuii f Hut j iir i ili'ilihiful, mill In inn! lal'm .i,t,i'i-) iiiniil i hi snow in ilic lii.iiuiii. to auaKi'ii mill tin-tiupii-i ,ii t-.ii lii-M il iwn, IhfiH ruiiift a Mill- ti ii ii'iiliilimi lint i micil cliiiiuiic i-i .ii'Iii i. iis . f An.niui tlini is Ii ml li II .llll' Ullll'l IVlM. r'ln-iii.ill is In In ciiiii ai til, ilcil llpnll llCIII; h' Ii uii i! .is llm ncxi phu c I incciin. IliU will tiling imr oil in clu-c ti iicli imiIi lint l)cs pcuplu mill Cllllc;lll,s ,il ic bnlllllNTcM mill will in- nf f:icil mpi iul mU.inliigi- to oin ciii.iim. Wit mi- nuc lli.u mil-ciii- .CUM Will Hill III) hlllU III !lipicci.lll' iln.. mill ili.ti tlii'y will u.s.t cvci- cn- liavor to inaku it plca.iiil fur tin- lolling li'.ichci i. 'I In- ullii fi s of tin; s"m i itinn con sisiiny; nf IVufesiiir Cicai-r, unpcrin it uili'iii n( I'lmi'iiix hcIiimiIs, picsiilcnl; J. Cut (is hssiiii of KlaSt.ilT, m-iMe-ninpiiiil l'liiCcsmir Bmv.u, l'liin nix liili M'liiiul, lic.iMiici con liltiling the cxcciU'mi ciiiiluiiUcc. nhii will anaiii' fur tin- litno of lncct iii: il an iMilr dale, hssuiii us of an ixccllcin piiit.ini. SJEEaVlSOaT'KJOTSfiDiHGCi.- Tim nuw of ijupumsun, rnni poscil nf (.'. II. hiliiil7, .Iiiiiics A. V.til mill Giuiu lloxwiii tit. Iiclil lln-ir ni t f .it m-.s.-iiiii Muiiilay anil 1'iic-il.i) . I. i:. l'lilliam. Cluk, mid K. 8., DiKliii't AllHliicj, w'lttu pu.'scut bu- .slllcs till) llli'llllu la'. Thu Hi rst. laisiuesi altcmlcil 'to win l Im clcctiiia ot n oil. til man, wliicli hiiiini wan licslmvcil on tin' liiildovui nii-nilier, C. II. tiuliii!.. ll'low i II M)llllpsi3 Of till! pi ocutd- nif;n: 1 im cnnUai'l for Uki public. iiiiiling anil fnriiisliiiig statioiii'13 wa3 awaulcil in G. U. Yuuiijj i;f ilia Willi,inn Nos for $470. J. F. Hawks rcceivi'dtlin uoiiliact for taking i'hiu of tlio indiguut sick at tin- mm of $1 per day. V. II. Can oil whs glvon tlin con tinct of feciliug thu piisoticis conlincd in, tin: county til ut tho rato of 1CJ cciitii pvr inttal. 'J'liu contract, for furnishing moili ciuc mid mct'ic.U attcudsinco to indi gent sick ut hospital was given to Dr. W. S. Uoliiusou at $200 and for same scivico at Williams to Dr. A. G. RouiiNevillu at $85. Trt-HMircr D. M. Francis is i rquireil to give uu additional bund of $10,000. All those to whom coutr.icts welo awaidud mo icquired to give a bond iu thu sum of $1,000. Thu jailor's) salary for taking care of thu piisoners wai fixed at $76 por month. The reports of the Treaiutor nd County School Supciintoudoiit wore filed, approved and .spiead on thu minutes. Tho total allowances of claims was $740.80. The repoitofC. A. Bush, es-Rccordciv shows the total expense for tho year 1896 was $31, 704.21. The sale of the county lot was post poned till January 13, 1897. Tho board will bold a special meet ing oh the 18th of this month to pre pare tho jury lists., I i mi Mr. and Mrs. Bowser'stronbles have at last culminated in divorce. How ever it is not the Bowsers of M. Quad's imagiaatIou;.but 'Lqa Angeles family. LEVI -STRAUSS & CO. FACTORY-SAM FRANCISCO -CAL. COPPER RIVETED TRADE M ffi nm &ns. FJ J&&mnium OVERALLS AND SPRING BOTTOM PANTS. EVERY GARMENT GUARANTEED. EMPLOY OVER 3SO GIRLS. THE WOOLGEOWERS MEET. Itrxoltltlnna Adopted Looking To- ward the Stopplni; of KiicrouclH incniH by tho A iiici'iing of tliu Ali.mi.i S'li'fl) liri filcis1 ami Woolgiiiweis' AKOci.i lion was licld on 2, 18'J7, at tint Nuw IS ink Hotel pirlor. in iv sioiish to call. Pn'sidfiil F. V. Sissim in tho I'liair. Scciclaiy L. Smiili licing alburn, C. II. Schiilz acicil pro ti'iii. Aftt-r ilisciisslng thu mndu of a pio lei'livi) n cniiipiilsmy in spection l.i'v, ntid tilt) nii'iutM (ilia Xav.ijn Indi nix) slc.ilin, inliliin .unl iliiving back the .sul tiers ami slock until, j oar aficr jvar with gi eater fniLC, (hat n. iw wu ale cum pel led to le.ivtt tint country unless iniiiicillatn .iNrtist-ineu U rendcivd m. Wehtvu repeatedly asked thu Seciet iry of thu Intel ior mid (he Navajo Indian agent, Captain Cuiiwaut Willi iius, to keep the Indians on tho other sidd of thu Little Colorado liver, anil thu agent linall pioiuised ftilhfully ho would keep tin in on their lespecllve glolinilti, but lias failed to do so, ami belli o a utt'V eiroi U A ptitioti ami iiieinoiial should be. drafted mid pi e-M-iited in ilm Teiiitoiial Li'iislatum setting fin in our needs in Iius iii.itiitr. On inoiiiiu of 12. S. Giisiiey, 1I11I3 secnudeii, ititt lint oil ur appnint .1 co'iiiintteu of linen, of which ilm uti.iir m1i.iI I be one, in draft lint inoiilurial, Ilm cli.iir appointed E. S. Gnsuey and U. II. Scliul. to net with the 0l1ain11.u1. 1". V. Sisiini, as tint committee. It was moved 11ml c.iuied lint thu eh iir :tpp lint 11 coiiiuiilteu of liv to draft 1 evolutions lepieaouting our ies nil the tm lIF (Uestiou. Aocnlil iugly thu chair appointed ,eiry Wood iiiulgp, I). M. Kr.iiicii, Chailfs How aid, T. E 1'ollook and J, B. K-.lpurick todtaft, saitl losoliitiuns mid rep.nt Hainii mi Wi tlncsil iv, .Jmiuail 6, 1897, at 2 o'clock p. in., al the New Hank Hotel pal lots. On motion tho tesneiatiou adjourned to meet on Wednesday, J.iiiuaiy 6, 1897, at 2 o'clock p. in. C. II. Schulz, Secretaiy pio teiii. Important .Vollcit li Horn i.teiders. UMTtD Stvtes Land Oiticb, ) 1'JtGSCOTT, Awz , Jan. 4, 1896. Under a late luting of tho Intel ior Depai tmeiit, residitucu upon a tract of laud prior to date of entry in thu Lmd Oflleo will count as ptrl of the 14 month's resilience lequtred in com muted homesteads as well as in tegular homesteads. For, a home steader may commute his entry to a cash entry by showing 14 mouth's tcs ideiice upon tho tract of land, regard less nf whether the residence was pi ior to date of entry iu the Laud Office or subsequent thereto. A pcison who makes a homestead entry has six mouths after date of entry iu tho Land Oftico withiu which to es tablish his residunce upon the laud. P. W. O'Suixivah. .Register. A Correction. In tho notice of the marriage of William, Grist and Mrs. Anna Bran nen we erred in giving the name of the minister who performed the cere mony.' -Rev. H. P. Corser of the Pres byterian church officiated at the wed ding. 1 . The railroad employes In tho Nendliu shops are. working onlttrBpr thrtala days a week at present. ; II ' MARK. fecKoiBip A WISH. lie told ma tins mn w mid cease to ihlne It ( sent him a"y from 1110; He Kiild lilsllfo woulii b wasted unless Ills Iiftlpmaio I would he. Uo xworo that tho silvery moon wouldi fall From her noble ptact above Unless I rcnnuneid tlie world for him Ami Kavuhlm loin for love. Ijivohlm my hind and I gavo him my love The sun Is a faded bill. And hs for tho inoon-ohl how I lh Tha.t I had let 'cr fall. Sclisors. AT THE HOTELS. I'emonnl Mention of Visitors to th Skylight Clly. John F.iirtu, .1 Denver stoukmin, was a guest at the Grand Cain 011 last Thuisibiy. E. S. Henderson, an -nil 111 111 of Cliienrn. tegisteied at tliu Gr.iud Can yon Friday. W. T. Keibild and James Iivine of Willi inn stopped at the Nutv Bank Hotel S 1 turd ly. United St'ites Deputy AUrsli ill Fiauk Mmiell registered nt the New Uank Hotel Tiiursdty. H. Cesmet, tlin Sin Diego ; cattio inm, who his been stoppiiig ut'the New Bulk Hotel several dijs, left FiliTtyfiir Williams. '-- J. A. Dine nf life w Yoik c una in FiuUy iiuil pn up nt the Grand Canton. Mr. Dtnti is interesting him self iu some gold and copper mines in this section. (.!. II. Faucher, land ajjent of tho Att nit iu & I'acilic, registeied at tho Gland Can on Hotel Siturd.ty and stojipeil several d 1 s hei e looking after compuiy liiisincss. A. M. C.1111I1 and II. IJ. Cuiingtoi:, piomiiionl Denier citizcn. guests of I. W. Si-sou, treiisuier of the Ari7on t Lumber sTinihcr company, legislered Thuisd.ty at thu Now Bink Hotel. E. II. Sugg, an Atlantic &Paei(io official of Albuqueiqiie, uriivcd Sttur day and tegisteiid at the Graud Cm yon Imiil. Hu is looking after the niilroad's inteicsts at the Grand Can jod of the Colorado. A Coolt llooti Free. "Tallin mid Kitehoii" is the title of a now cook bimk published by the Price Baking Powder company, Chicigo. Just at this time it will be scut free if youwiito a postal mentioning The Sux-Democrat. This book has been tiied by our selves and is one of tho very best of its kind. Besides containing 400 re ceipts for all kinds of pastry and homo cookery, there are mauy hints for tho tablo aud kitchen, showing Low to set a table, how to enter tho dining ro mi, etc.; a hundred and 0110 hiuts in every brauch of the culinary art. Cookery of the very finest and richest as well, as of tho most economical and home like, is provided. Remember "Table and Kitchen" will bo sent postage prepaid, to any lady sending her ad dress (name, town aud State) plainly given. A copy iu German or Scandi navian will be sent if desired. Postal card is as good as letter. Address Price Baking Powder Co. Chicago. 111. Randsburg is the sole topic of con versation on tho California sido.of the Colorado river. The town now bt JifteQtuQt.twenty business houses and ive. and Drohjero rous newspaper- ,Pe5pld - kre'flwkiiln on every stage rf 29835 . -SJ;-;V;'5 d y. At 4! 'VA. -.i.O'.e ..... I'. 8 V tSMUj., '"V? n AISo.i - 1 a