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v ,-- yifjt.t-(Hr!: , -p- mmarm"irG rf . 1- " f " THE SUJN -DEMOCRAT. NOTICE TO TIIK I' All contracts and bills for advertising pay able monthly. Advertising rates Riven upon application. Business locals 10 cents per line for flrst In sertion, and H cents por line for each subse quent Insertion. Tnrs PDN-PEMOCnATls pleased to contribute In public matters, hut all noilcesof festivals, fairs, roeetlnis of socletlox. suppers enter tainments and mention of marrlaecs. births and deaths hevonrt the reeular announce ment, will be charted for at reenla- rates. THURSDAY. JANUARY 14. 1897 ' Phoenix streels hip s si-a of until. Frank Dougherty was hero from Williams TtiHsiliiv. Thenv'trv jingle of the (deijhlpll is hestd in tin- liiixl. Fivsli ilt'iw mill celery always in Stock at Collin Uttw. Rooms to Rent Inquire at M. Lamb's up llic Pot office. J. M. Dennis, t lin Williams IuiiiIm-i-ami. was in tiiwn rtlilty. E F. (iiei'iiliiw rt'iitrm-il Motility Binniln fnun L"S Angplps. It. II. CnlilPWii is linlnr :m ml- ditimi lutili t" lil- residence. Good clulll sillies ill M. J. HllgmiU's. Try tin- 2.ou mill ?:i 00 slii.e-i. V li.iv' just ti-ci-ivdl n liini'lnf fresh sweet cider. C. Hitos. Bli.z mis in K itisiis il.'l.iynd Ni 1 eteltl.i W or eight hours. DivtKi'in Superintendent C. It IVirv iv lis in ton n Ki id.i ftoni G.illup, N. M. F. W. Ur.iu regNlPicd sit tin- Nh Bank ilnti'l Siiiiil.t)' I rom M'jnt', Cal. A.'-U. P.iNi.ll, il pilillllllelll lilisnn"s mminf Willi. mis, was here, yesieid.iy. Mrs. It. Wignin f Window sin)iil at Ihi) Canyon Hotel Wedne day. l"-iti': Ji'tips. ipjiresfiiliiij; llti' Lii Angeles HpiiiIiI, called onuslii d E S ( tipy iwtiuned fnun i lui-i-oess nut-ion to I.'is Angeles 1 iips day.. Rpv. F. Dilly ri'tttrtipil Tuesday morning from a visit to Williams palish. Hood's Pills are easy to take. easy to operate. Cure ludigesiiou, head ache. 25c. J. W. Weatheifoid gleets the realt ors (tits week with an interesting ad vertisement. Thomas Riekel, representing Babbitt Bros., paid Gallup, N. M., a Iiiisiiicas call this week. C. A. Rathbun, the Las Vegas cattlpbuyer, lias been in town several days this week. Mrs. A. M. Hicks tcturued Tuesday from Phoenix where site had been vis iting Mr. Hicks. The present snow fall will ho wotth several thousand dollars to the ranch ers and stockmen. Wood Foit Sale Any ono wantiug stove wood in any lengths, leave older Willi Collin Bros. C. E. Boyee, J. T. Broylrs and Geotge U. Young were in town Satur day from Williams. The best is the cheapest and when jou want tlto best go to Van Dereu Bros, meat market. Max Salzman. proprietor of the big met pantile establishment at Williams, was in town Tuesday. When you want fresh meats, fish, pork and game, call on Van Dercn Bros., in the Bxbbitt block. James O'Brien came down from his ranch near Be.llcmnnt Tuesday to place his children in school. William Wendover, who has been visiting telatives and friends in New Yolk State, returned to Flagstaff Fri day. , William Babbitt returned from Kan sas City Tueeday, where ho had liemi with livo catloads of cattle for Babbitt Bros. Mis. A. M. Conard of Williams came in on No. 2 Satunlay morning to re ecivo medical attention from Dr. D. J. Brauuen. She icturned on No. 1. THE PLACE YOU QOCONINO COUNTY may GET the Reform School building finished up this year, or she may GET the Insant Asylum; Flagstaff will GET the waterworks. But you can't GET the best shoe in Flagstaff, viz., the GlESECKE, nor you can't GET the best pair of pants in Flagstaff, viz., the Swee Or pants, and you can't GET the best line cf neckties, or the most complete line of gents' furnishings in Flagstaff to select from, unless you call on J. W. WE-ATHERFORD at his well-filled and up-to-date Gents' Furnishing Store on Railroad avenue. If you want good, suitable, 3 a'j it xiti i goods, and a better assortment to select from than you can get any where else, don't fail to call and see us. Our new amples for Spring tailor-made clothing have just arrived and we absolutely guarantee every suit to fr, no money being required until you have tried on suits and are satisfied. Remember, we always keep on hand a full and com plete line of high-grade hats, viz., the Stetson and Lion brands, at prices that defy competition. We will endeavor to be accommodating and courteous to all who may call on us, and wish to extend our thanks to the many customers who have favored us with their pa rnnage during the past year, and with the idea ever before to endeavor to please those who may call on us in future. I am very truly yours for business, J. W. WEATHERFORD. Fiank .Murphy, an old lime Flag tatlitc, eiiue down front Willi mis Fiiday ami spent Saturday with friend here. V U' i) ell Hi ' mi it 'link'! Ill tlie Bill ult tiui lil 111 is Ik -iiIijii.ii ti-is fui tin1 I ii si il' iks, i'iiiitt, tlh am! JiUlKt- A. Uu-li, ex-Rei'in tier of lids county, will lf.tve this itflernooii for Phoenix, where he will remain for some lime. Fob Sale A four room residence and twelve lots, north of tie school house. Terras easy. Apply to this otlico. Phoenix as a winter resort does not come up to Flagstaff. It has been raining pitch folks down there the past week. W. S. Cox of El Paso, traveling for an Eastern hardware house, slopped at the.Graud Canyon Hotel Satuttlay and Sunday. Chailes E. Howard of tlio Howard Sheep company, after spending a week with frieuds here, returned 10 Ash Fork Friday. Mont. P. Chubb of Los Angeles, a well known commercial traveler, was in town Tuesday aud stopped at the Grand Canyon. Thomas N. Lord, a traveling sales man for a Los Angeles drug house, was in town Monday and stopped at the New Bank. Ben Lang and Mat Blakoly, em ployes of the Greenlaw Lumber com pany, were visiliug in town the foro part of the week. II. II. Wheeloek, representing Sim mons Hardware company of St. Louis, was making orders with our merchants Monday aud Tuesday. l. Cobleutz, representing a San '; i i icisco bicycle house, was among in. commercial men who slopped at the New Bank Friday. J. W. Thurbur left on No. I Tues day for Kiugraau, where he has a large contract to haul timber to the White Hills mining district. s Don't forget that Robort Hennessy is ruuniug the Flagstaff Meat Market, lioxworth's old stand, where alt will get courteous treatment. Hon. II. F. Ashurst was here Tues day to pay a last visit to bis parents aud frieuds before leaving for bis leg islative duties at Phoenix. TO GET WHAT WANT. 'I'Iip I'atilist Fathers, who conducted the missions hero a shoit time ago. are in PlniPtiix, and are holding big meet ings in tint opera Iioiimi there. l.d I in i: i-iiii, ii m n j for a tint in iii iiihIhi i.ikin.' '-.iiUiIi-Ihii nt. wis aiii'in n,M im-i eh tut-. i"n 1 iv nin! M"pp') at tin1 New Bank Hotel Dfml Siieiiil Mai tin Itiiliu r.Tiuo in Sunday night from Phoenix uith Al Strickliu, who was indicted at the last lei m of court in this county. Mr. mnl Mrs. Phil BranuHti (nee Miss Bam) arrived from Chicago Tuesday afternoon anil are visit ing with Mr. and Mis. Dr. D. J. Brau neii. John T. Mitchell, a popular com mercial traveler for a San Francisco liquor house, interviewwd the hotel keepers ami liquor dealers hem yester day. Thanks to the At Izona Lumber & Timber company and the At izona Central Bank for some of their calen ders. They are the littest of 'he new year. Jack Arnold returned Monday from Montana where he has been at work for several months. He sas Flagstaff ' is worth more titan tho whole State of Montana. The Walnut Grove dam in Yavapai county is to be rebuilt. Many of our citizens remember the destruction of this dam a few years since by the heavy floods. The genial commercial traveler, E. S. Waddles, representing Tootle, Wheeler & Co., of St. Joseph, Mo., was trans acting business with Flagstaff mer chants Tuesday. Hon. A. A. Dutton and wife will leave to-day for Phoenix, where Mr. Dutton goes to attend the coming ses sion of the Legislature as Couucilman from Coconino county. You can be well when your blood is rich, pure and nourishing. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the .blood rich and pure aad cures all blood diseases, re storing health and vigor. J. C. Brown of Williams and W. P. Cutting of Challender, guests of F. W. Slsson, treasurer of the Arizona Lumber & Timber company, registered at the New Bank Hotel Friday. Ladiest Miss Annette Rowe has ar rived from Los Angeles with a fall line of millinery, and will be gladto BABBITT BROS. wnoiesais ani Bstall Mm in GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Have just received Car Cudahy's Meats and Lard; Car Fancy Bell Flour Apples in 50-lo. boxes; Car Eagle -and St. Charles brands C mdensed Milk; Car N. K. Fair bank & Co.'s Toilet and Laundry Soaos and Gold Dust Washing Powder; Car Arbuckle's Coffee; Car Crackers and Cakes. We also carry full lines of Crockery, Queens ware, Stoves, Hardware, Patent Medicines, etc DEflL&RS Can Save Money by Sending Us Their Orders. TO OUR RETAIL GUSTO,WdRS: We have big bargains in all our immense linss of Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, B ots and S'aoas. Hardware, etc. Buying in such quantities as we do, we can easily create bargains that no other firm dare attempt. NEW BANK HOTEL LYMAN H. j Most Handsomely Appointed a:d Mist Libaially Mmagsj Hotel in Arizona. This elegant hotel has had $5030 expended on its renova tion, rearrangement and decoration. Completely equipped with all modern improvements Klcctrir light in cviry room. -CUISINK AND SERVICE UNEXCELLED." HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND TRAVELERS. see tho ladies of Flagstaff m tin Racket Store. She has mine Iit to stay and will he pleased to trim your hats and will assure satisfaction. s The wnolliuyprs are again to he Reen on the streets, but they have not yet begun to run after the wnolgrow ers very hard. Howevir, wool U ad vancing a few points every day. The subjects of discourses at the Methodist church Sunday ni'itning and evening will be: The Increase of Faith" and "The Best Thing." C. P. Wilson, Pastor. A. F. B.nita. brother of Henry Banta, will move the plant of the Pick and Drill from Phoenix to Pres ent!. It is stilted that lie will put in a job offive in connection with his plant. The Greenlaw Lumber Company last week sold In the Pomona (Cal.) Street Railway Company twelve thousand ties. They are shipping large quan tities of lumber daily to Southern Cal ifornia. Flagstaff Moat Mitket is the only place in town to buy fresh meats. Everything kept in the butcher's line, such as beef, mutton, pork, sausage, wild games, fish, etc. Robt. Hennessy proprietor. T. E. Pollock, Vice-President of the Arizona Central Bank, paid Kingman and other towns west of here a business visit the Hist of the week: Ho reports great activity in Kingman in the mining business. Chailes Canall returned from Los Angeles, Cal., Sunday morning. Mr. Canall will be a candidate forsergeant-at-arms of the coming Legislature, and no man In Arizona would fill the posi tion any belter than he. The Commercial Company of this city are shipping from ten to fifteen car loads of hay to Fort Wingale, New Mexico. This is the largest ship ment of bay ever made from Flagstaff to any one point, by aoy firm. The heavy sleet which fell at Can yon Diablo and points east caused the TOLFREE ' PROPRIETOR wiivs of the Postal Telegraph eora pny to give way and several miles of the line are down. Manager Sparling 1ms been buy repairing the break. A scrap occurred at Walnut Tues day betweeu two men who hail im bibed too much bug juice and one of Uih belligerents received u few slashes over the frontal piece of tho head, but no serous damage resulted from the encounter. J. V. Thnrber has secured & three months contract for hauling ore and freight between Kingman and White Hills. He shipped his wagons, trams and freighting outfit from here Tues day. He contemplates putting on three or four eight-horse teams. Jules Aubiueau, the popular liquor dealer, was among the enterprising citizens who expressed themselres as having renewed hope for Flagstaff's future after learning that the bill to authorize the town to issue $65,000 iu bonds for waterworks had passed Congress. The sermon next Sunday morning at the Presbyterian church will be de livered by the Rev. J. A. Manuel of Albuqueique. The sacrament of the Lotd's Supper will be administered and new members admitted. The sermon for the evening service will be deliveied by the pastor, Rev. H. P. Corser, theme, "Keep the Good to the Front." Will, son of F. L. Fredricks, was given a check for $90 Mouday by his lather to pay a bill owed at Babbitt Bros. Instead of turning the check over for this purpose, the boy had it cashed and with the money laid iu a supply of shooting irons that would have eclipsed Jessie James' collection. Then he got aboard a freight train here and left for the East. Mr. Fred ricks swore out a warrant for the boy's nrrest and Deputy Sheriff W. C. Bay less boarded another train and over took the young man at Winslow, re turning with him Tuesday morning. The youth was locked up In the county jail and yesterday released. j l - f ji I'..a'MJEi s- t f i