rOIj. XV. NO. J'2. . FLAGSTAFF, ABIZONA, THURSDAY, KOVEMBEK 25, 1897. lOo PER COPY if mms t yn ft V AT' J. : DK.D.J. BIIANNEN. niVSICIAN AND Burgeon. Flagstaff, Arlcona. Will ro imnd promptly to nil calls from any point on tha Atlantic & l'aolUc Railroad. Otllce ml drus store opposite the depot. Tele phones: Store. 19 1 residence. 32. W8. ROBINSON, M. D.. FLAGSTAFF, i Arltona. Ofllconnd resldenco In the Presbyterian parsonage Telephone No. 42. pcroffleo hours from to 11 a. ml 2 to 4 p. m. I? 8. MILLER. M. D.. FLAGSTAIT. ARI lt, ronu. Office, one door oust of l'ost nice. Telephone No. 31 B UNCIl JONES. ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW, Will uractlce In all tit conns in lh Fourth Jn Uclal District Land litigation a 81'KCIAL- IV. omee at court boast, llagstaff, Arli E8. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. i. Ofllco In tho Httbbltt building, Flag turf. Arltona. l'ructlco before tho Land Department a spccalty. OSCUl GIBSON, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW Will practice In all courts of the fourth Judicial district. Office with K.H. Uosuey In Uo Httbbltt building. SECRET BOCIKTIES. A O. U. W.-FLA09TAFF LODGE, No. 13, jf-. Meets every Thursday night. Hi O. A. K. hall. Visiting Workmen are cordially In Tiled. O. A. HUSH, SI. W. Louts Spiehs. Rocorder. "OURT COCONINO. I. O. F., NO. HW, V, meets every Tuesday evening In Q. A. It. niill. VisltlDg brethren cordially Invited to attend. DR. I). J. URANNEN, 0. R. Louis Spiers. R. 9. ' T? LAOS' Jr.Rcg.ui night of 'LAOSTAFF LODGE. NO. 7, F. & A. M.- ltcgular meetings on the llrst Saturday lit of each calendar month in Masonic Hall. KllDatrlck building. Sojourning brethren cordially Invited. W. 11. ANDERSON, Master. J. Odtiirik Savage, secretary. J70REST CAMl'.i NO. 1. WOODMEN 1 of tha World, meets tho first and third ondaysln each month. In tho U. A. R. Hull. Visiting Sovereigns cordially welcome T. 8. UUNUII, Counsel Com. T. E. Pomjam, Cleric. ' GA. R.-REGULAR MEETINGS OF . Random l'ost. O. A. R.. No. 4. Icpart ment of Arizona, will bo hold In O. A. R. hall on second and last Saturday In each month. E. R. JONES. Commander. E. II. CniBS, l'ost Adjutant, JO. O, , meet all. Vh F.-FLAGSTAtF LODOE. NO. 11. mceu every Friday ovenlnc In Masonic : brethren cortuauy inviieu. J. E. JONES. N. Q. L. DocatiRRTr, Secretary. O.'ii. K. OF P. falgnt in their Visaing 5BC,fWHEJT6llY C'llIIItnil. REV. F. DILLV. k Pastor. On Sundays: Low Mom at 8 ocka.m.: High Mass at 10:30 a.m. Sunday School at 3 o'clock p. .in. Rosary and llcne ,ii.ti,. nf ih. M,wi ltlesed Hacrument lit oVlni-k n. inr On week days Mass nt 7:30 a. m. On the second Sunday of each month prayer meeting ni ll):30 a. in. Sunday-school at 11:15 a. m. All cordially Invited. FIRST M. E. CHURCH, CORNER OF Church and Lnrenx Streets. C. 1'. Wil son, Pastor. Preaching at 11 . m. and 7 p. tu. Sundays; Sunday school nt 10 a. m Oscar Gibsons Superintendent. Class meetings nt 12:14 p. in. Epworth League 0:30 p. ni. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 Everybody welcome T7IRST PRE9UYTERIAN CHURCH. P North San Francisco street. 11. 1. Conor, pastor. Sabbath services: Preaching 11 a. m.and 8 p. m.; Sunday school. 10 a. m.i V. P.8. O. E. prayer meeting. 7:13 p.m. Mld-wcek conference and PrS.,?'1.0,: day evening at 8 p. m. A cordial Invitation is extended to all. BBIZOKB CEHTRBL BflKK, 4xiW RLAOSTAr-r; ARIZ. J ' zs. OLDEST BANK IH NORTHERN ARIZONA. Interest it .Paid on. Time tis- and Savings Deposits, iL . , Oraf,3old Upon"- All Foreigi) Qo(xr)trles, feint-, c-ijxrj. wr We have an Extcnslvo Vtro"8? and Cor . respondence wirougnoui. rwoii. "- "j your Bonking Business upou Liberal and .Conservative Terms. t B. N. FBEEMAN, President. ' T.-E, POLLOOK.'Yipe-Freeiaent, Don't Tobiceo 8jlt and Siokc Tour Llfo Awy. If you want to quit tobacco using cosily nnd forover. boumdo well, strong, raiipetlc, full of new llfo and vigor, talto No-loCuc, the-wonder-worker, llmt makes wcuUtnen ilfotig. My'BBuS Wn IwillM's '" ten day. Ovorw,uuucuroa. uiiynniww"' J" utr.i iHM.m uuuAMa w ,.-...-,.,,.-., - .,.. , PnOFKSSIONAl.. ILOPOBW V-ffs. insttamt t M&MaML0WER. 0. C. d U. Cm; K. otflLsVa v ssmmaimlmmmmtmtmamsss: I fy!iffl!TXV!riim1PJ "r ; ' Mu3HfXJl ' ' SISIH JfMI&et OMl '5&&&8S "ALL EIGHT, JOHN." Tho followluj very interesting war rcmluisconco hits bcon frequently re cited by General John C. Underwood of Kentucky, nt present tho superin tendent mid secretary of tho Confed erate Momoilnl Assochitlon, with hcadqtiaiters in Nashville, Tonn. As near as I can recollect, his statements were about as follows: When a boy in my teens, like most others of all iieiiods, T dearly loved a circus; nnd, as my fathui ot licit tho "show lot" iu a Southern Keutuekj' town, his children always had tho cov eted tickets whenever a circus or mo nagorio visited tho place. After such visitations tho show fever was ram pant with all tho boys, mid, upou one occasion, culminated in tho organiza tion of a circus, with myfiulf ns ring master aud 'Jim' liurnam, now a dis tinguished lawyer and orator residing at Faycttoville, Tonn., as clown, the other boys of our sot filling various positions. During ono of our momor ablo performances in Mrs. Duuavon's old blacksmith tbop, at Bowling Green, Ky., somo ouo informed mo that boys wero crawling in under tho wealhcrbonrding, which had bceu knocked off by tho billy goats In their attempt to find cover. Untitling to tho placn of disturbance I found sov oral boys trying to work their way into tho 'show1 as stated, mid tho re sult of my interference was a desper ate fight willi Fayette Grcou. which resulted in a drawn battle, for, after weariug ourselves out iu nn hour's oncounler, we ero separated and the show broko up for that day. As a result from such fistic oncounters noit her Green nor myself spoke there after. 1 wont to college, and ho was educated in tho schools at home, but during vacations the ono who saw tho other first ircnerullr i.wcit oniiiv opposito sido of tho street tho contest was too near equal to bo renewed. Tho civil war of tho COs found Green an advoeato of tho Union, and I espoused (ho causa of tho South; and wo accordingly became attached to tho opposing forces so much as foun dation for & war story. "Passing to tho period when Gen oral liuol was retreating from Tennes see to intercept General Bragg of Kentucky, tho summer of 18G2, I crossed tho Cumbeilaiid Mountain and went via Deschoid, oil the McMinnvillo road, to sco my sister, tho wlfo of Major A. M. Rutlcdgo of General Polk's staff, who was residing on their plantation, about ten miles from Defehcrd. "I unexpectedly discovered Federal troop at Dcschcrd, but at tho same tlmo ascertained tiiat Buel was re treating in considerable disorder; aud, consequently, hail liltlo difficulty iu avoiding his pickets in reaching tho McMinnvillo road. After I struck tint road a inllo or mora tiom tho station I folt safo, and was riding along quietly, thluklng of my sister, her children aud tho 'old folks at homo' in .Kentucky. I reckon I had traveled sotno thrco or four miles anil was where the road was inclosed by a high staked and ridcred rail fence; and, after I had got woll into tho lauo,' as it were, what was my astonishment to sco approach ing mo around a curvo in I lie road n Federal wagon train, escorted by a detachment of United. States cavalry. "I immediately looked for chaiico ami means,, of escape, but Uio fences being entirely too high to attempt It) jump either, it was not possible to roach tho foothills of the Cumberland range, aud "liiy alternatives wore to tint, and run or riicci the military de tachment boldly. I had no sooner decided lo ndojit lio latter plan than I thought of the Kentuokf gray hunt, inff," shirt I wns wearing, at tho tlmo used in somo dogrodfcby Confederate?, and, having nu oltP black citizen's overcoat behind niyjsatd!e.4l,)tbonob hand and without turning unbuckled tho straps tliitt pulling it' IIP,' held tho coat, and inittonctl -il across my . -i . . breast so that It hung loosely over loosely my shoulders, concoalliig jlio uniform and hid tho leather pistol, holstcis strapped to my waist, and at iho tamo time I held my hildlo hand over tho bright buckle of my Confederate belt, yiiou I got near enough to iccogulo tho'fnttuics of tho soldiers .wham,i,wisjueotinsJiJj)OM-pd, the ,toseoP" replM tho bookkoepiui 'I he! ''a-t -i ,;f"T' '--WM ifcpfjjWS iiWAf til,!i5,i4trkiM tart rninu'tt&Huo, fjouVot.t o yaJ lartf, office, boy oril e typewr tWMV KifJ I that was approaching mo was tho self sitnio enemy of my youth, Foyetlo Green, and to whom I had neither spoken nor ho to mo for fifteen years. I Immediately felt tho possibility of being considered a spy. because of con cealing the gray uuiform with citlzon's overcoat, and I would not Iiavo given tho snap of my linger for my life; but, whilo imagining that I would iu a few minutes grace ouo of tho trees near by, I dctoi mined if I had to go to tho bar of justice that day I would send my enemy to tho other world beforo I wont, mid I undoubtedly showed tho fire I felt within. I mot and never took my eyes off my supposed tnomy, buVwhon I rodo up along by him, al though ho looked straight forward be tween tho care of ids liorso aud avoid ed open recognition, T intuitively felt that ho know" mo; nnd, upou reaching Ills side, ho said iu an uudortono tho llrst words spoken to me for fifteen years: N,A11 right, John!' Ho was a Federal soldier, I a Confederate, aud ho knew it. I was a possible spy (though not ono), becauso I could not havo proved otherwise had I been ar rested and tried by a drumhead court martial, for when au enemy is on re treat there is no great deal of investi gation made as to whether a suspected prisouer is a spy or not. Any way, I, fully realized my situation, and shall over regai d my nou-idontification by my supposed peisoual enemy as a real act truest friendship iu life. That man went to Kentucky, and was killed in the battle of Perryvillo reported to have beeu shot iu two by a canuou O.lll. particulars knowledsi that I w ould cheerfully pay the debt I owe Iilin and give my rigtot,rrnj could its sacrifico bring hiiu back to life." Macon (Ga.) Telegraph. . . . - ; "ilouie'TluIir" In AViz'on. An effort will bo mado during tho approaching session of Congress to in duce that body to enact what may bo called a home rulo law for Arizona Under tho proposed law tho peoplo of that territory, without having nny other representation in Congress than thoy now possess, would, bo permitted to elect their governor aud other terri torial officers. A bill for a law of this kind was in troduced in behalf of Utah just before that state was admitted, and It prob ably would havo bceu passed if the enabling act li;td not taken its place. Tho people of Arizona feel that while statehood may bo far in the futuro for them, tliey should bo permitted to govern themselves iu tho way proposed at that time for Utah, and which would give thorn many of the advaut- ages of statehood, vet without rep resentation in Congress other than that which they now have through their delcgato. There seems to bo no ground what over to object to such a law except on the pal t of politicians whomay think thoy would havo a belter chanco of appointment bv the president of election by tho people.' Eastern peoplo surely cannot object. It does away wllli their chief ground of opposition to tho admission of new slates in tho Far West, which Is that admission would lucreaso tho sticngth of tho West, and particularly of the free coinage clement, in Congress. Ticro would bo no such lnerenso Iu this case There would bo no sfiuators and no representatives. Tho territory would havo no vole iu Concrcss. It couh not lutcrforo'iu matters of nation ,",. ... i. J legislation any moro man chu up, and at nresent its dolctfiito has fu vote. It would l)o nothing more tfau simple Justice to give" tho peopll of Arizona a right tp elect their owufcfll cers. There is no reason why 8-fn" telligout n,community should be filed by men appointed by a power sittlted 2.WmJjjsaway from tholr oi govoruincnrt uongross suoui JH witli tliu ld.u.i of fgivlug. ,tho 1 this much homo riijo, and Ki fall Mo Itti'in onnoiionts of statehood for A :jna should accept it as a means of htliji i'S- in a mens ti iu th demand for J Hit to Denver (Col.) "ll tllQ ULMlll'ijtiU' l.l?l V-HMKT IU al the bookkeeper. "Which do vol i o not KoojTnior cer.'AWUMtoVeccliW c w WAV.ffiaU'O MSL in!e K6jMm went'orui8uefoTsiii assort yy Plftfor TERMTOEIAX. There aro 111 hoiiSes under course of cqnstructiou in tho city of Phoenix, whlcli speaks a great deal for Arizo na's metropolis. T. 0. Jordan, immigration commis sioner.of Maricopa county has filed suit for U;200 against that couuty for two ycarsfscrvices as such commissioner. The Phoenix Gazette of the 21st says: Strangers who havo beeu coining iuto IkTobulx by tho carloads tho past two tniiulhs aro now arrrlving by tho train .load. wcelvJms Tho average for this been over one hundred aud'twenty dally. Tirttcrcage iu tho Salt Hivor val ley this coming season will be simply immense. Providing that no late frosts-visit our vicinity, the fruit crop will lifttho largest in the history of tho valloy. Tho orango crop is great ly in excess f that of any preceding year.FJioeulx Gazette. t A Mexican by tho nnmo of Vasqucs, livingfnear Tempe, is ossifying. He believes tho causo of hls'malady Is due to sotko water which ho- drank five ycaifago. Ho was traveling in So nora,Mexico, and going 2G hours without; water, ho camo to a spring, and UTflnk freely of tho water. It is said that jlho Yaqul Indiaus can't bo iuduoedto drink of the waters from this sjriug, because they think if they dojtlwv- will turn into stono. This Moxttan now believes that this is tho causffof his ossification. A'"urIons phenomenon was noticed hen the ,!-3 of John worth nnd- Ctotaln Harlis ed front tho" old burying groktjjjjwi (he Austin' place 'near T,eiiitf!r,ihc Double Butte cemetery.' Tlleirpoden portion of the coffins, altWmi;h thoy havo been in tho ground v c't2onr..Mrrj JYidLureservi'tl, tho motallic portions wero eaten by nift. 5'ho coffin holding the icmaius nil Honingsworth fell apart on being removed, and it disclosed tho fart that although -Hollingsworth was au old man tit tho tlmo of his death and al most lrild, his head was covered witli a Illicit luxurious mass of hair aud his beard 'had grown to the waist. The bod' was remarkably preserved ,duo no doubt to the salilcrous soil iu that patt.of tho valloy. Gazelle. Itccord Breaker ns a I.over. "You'robig, handsome, well-off and fascinating. Now, toll mo why you never married till you wero 38 and thin honored mo as the object of your mnlure affections." It was Bunker's wife doliijj tho talk ing, and lie is n man of truth; so ho trid to put her off with an evasive miiwcr. But no woman will dismiss siih a subject till it is exhausted. jw "irwa Well," lie answered reluctantly, as thii way. No man was ever so susceptible to tho tender passion as I, My whole family were kept on the ahp to prevent my marrying beforo I wif IS. I simply fell head over heels inlovo with every girl I mot, ami to n4ct her moro than three times witli iiltho space of a week without pro pping lo tier was an impossibility. V hen the work of looking after mo tit I mo becamo too arduous father hit t ion another plan. Ho put mo out on tl e roai. Mj territory covered the v liolo western continent. Two con- t'utive days were never permitted to l iss without receiving a tologram to n ovo on nnd attend to somolhlug of pressing necessity iu some other town. . "I ..nevei,vsiispectoduy thing but that Iwas doing au enormous, business and insisted nt intervals' on having my salary raised. I would no sooner get on friendly teims with a lady than along would come that notice to keep piri $mw$s & co. -V vA"01"" 5WI fn COPPtK '''' TRAOB UpHHulliisKBViiK OVIRALLS AND SPRING BOTTOM PANTS. ,?Ew?rfl.s4llMWT0 U All A W X e. ?. ':;'m.mnrKr;'-rMmm.':?kmv:-Cki goiug. I suspect now that I was beiug shadowed all tho while. At last I tired of tho endless chase, in sisted on becoming stationary for a time and came hero to run a branch establishment. You know dear, that wo were engaged within two weeks." "What a record! And I suppose you wero In lovo with a dozen girls beforo you ever saw mc?" "Hundreds of them." "Well, it's a good thing I didn't know it." Detroit Freo PressN " C'romatlc Notes. The list of "dou'ts" printed below will, it is hoped, be found paiticularly fitting at this season of tho year. For the benefit of thoso who are seeking information as to what is and what is not proper at table, it-may bo stated with considerable contidenco that the maxims herewith attached and made a part of the exhibit may b followed as tigidly as circumstances will permit. Here they are: Don't cat solid food from a spoon. Uso your knife. Don't pick your teeth with your fork. It injures tho silver plating. Don't drink out of the finger-bowl. You dou't know who washed his hands in it last. Don't be in too big a hurry to reach the desert. Givo tho ice cream a chance to freeze. Dou't drink too much wine. Re fined people always 6top short of actual inebiicty., Dou't gobble, even over the turkey. It can't hear you and In all probabil ity, wouldn't recognize your voice if it could. Don't swear, even if tho butter has a blase taste. It is admitted that the temptation lo do so is great, but it: "must be firmly overcome. This ap plies especially to tho ladies Don't take your soup plate in both inLBjiuli.aiioiijnn nf.ils contents as you aro unable to dip np with your spoon. If you havent had enough, ask the hostess to "fill 'cm up agaiu." Don't try to carve the fowl unless you have had provious experience and know that you know what you are about to undertake. Even then it is always advisable to offer up a silent prayer for success. Don't lay your napkin across your lap, as is tho custom of so niauy dlucrs-oul. Tuck it firmly in around your collar and let it hang down over your waistcoat. Laundry bills are ex pensive. Don't knock over your dish of hot tea into your neighbor's lap. I, will make him warm, but he will endeavor to hide his feelings by appearing cold toward you for the remaining courses. This statement is somowhat paradoxi cal, but it's strictly true. And, finally, Dou't get mad aud write long letters to the editor because he tries to tell you a fow thlugs that may not have occurred to you. Ucnicinber tho final disposition of by far tho larger part of the communications dovolves upon the janitor, and bo's already tho hardest worked man in tho building. An Editor's Idea. Modesty is a beautiful thing in women, but it don't go with newspa per men, or shouldn't. Chock is what thoy need aud lots of it. Best thing to uso know of, and I uso my share, you can bet your money on that fact. Wliy shouldu't we have itP No class are worked so systematically by every body as the editor. He is a genuine fish and baits of oveiy kind are being thrown out constantly to catch him A fellow (lujght havo a fair share of modosly when ho first goes into tho business 6f""pubiisblDgx-a paper, but it dou't tako very long for him to get his cyo teeth cut, aud something elso takes Its place Anolra Union. rf. "Vr ?"?., ww-ui. K1YLTCU MARK.. Royal Irst the ) 4 n, mi mm S9Sf! Sowst Sfljflwe yowci oOm mw vosk. Celebrated for Its (treat leavening strenrth and liealthfulness. Assures the food agalns alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. ROYAL BAKING POWDEBCO., SEW YORK. A Great Ballroad. The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe lias 1.595.10 miles of main line and 2,968.75 miles of branch lines, making a total length of road of 4,563.85 miles. Steel rails are laid on 4,298.24 miles of track, and there are 2,466 miles of barbed wire fencing. The ballast 'consists of 530.67 miles of stone, 477.71 miles of gravel, 43.56 miles of slag, 222.92 miles of cinders and 3,226 miles of earth. During the year 36,986 tons of new steel rails were laid, at a cost of $395,559.94, and 1,796,439 new cross ties wer8 placed in the track, costing $704, 524.61. ' The additions and betterments to railway, etc., which were charged to construction account, amounted to '$14,927,500.95, of which $13,858, 937.17 represents the purchase of $16, 000,000 first mortgage bonds of the Atlantic & Pacific railroad, western division: "J7rEeu additions "ana belter" ments of rolling stock during the year charged to equipment account amount ed to $72,038.26. Tho rolling stock consists of 827 locomotives and 525 cars in the passenger, 24,320 in the freight and 2,069 In the miscellaneous departments, respectively. The pas senger earnings of this road shows decrease dnring the last filial year of $470,714.16, and the freight earnings an increase of $1,914,597.64. . A Hallway Incident. A sleeping-car passenger on a train ruuulug Into Portland, Ore., strolled into a smoking car and took aseat just in front of a squaw. He was puffing vigorously at a cigar, and the Indian woman got more of tho smoke than she liked. She protested in panto mine tho conductor, who, being some thing of a wag, indicated that she should make use of an Immense um brella she had by bringing it down on the man's head. She naturally presumed that the conductor's author-' ity to be all sufficient, and forthwith acted on his suggestion with native vigor The man's hat was knocked down over his eye and all but ruined, and the cigar went spinning galley west. When he got out of his hat be turned with not inexplicable ferocity upon his assailant, -but the squaw merely looked at him wltn aboriginal immobility of countenance and -would n't understand either English' or siga language, aud whilo the other passen gers were convulsed with merriment he had to retreat' to" another car. New York Sun. Diminutive Women la OBte, ' Miss Sally Podney, a 25-year-bld woman of Spring alley, Ohio, weighs only twenty-six pounds. Her height Is thirty-four Inches. She is fairly well educated, having attended the district schools until she was past the school age. She has always rejected any proposition to appear before the publlo for gain, although she could have realized a fortune by so doing, P. T. Barnum. the showman, at ob time offering her a large sum to travel with his show. A man in Morgantown, W, Va., last, engaged a lawyer to secure damage for the loss of passage money paid bjr Jonah wbon thrown overboard and cared for by tue wlfale. He traces, his ancestry to Jonas, and hones to- secure principal and1nteres"NeWr' !.r i ... ji- -r I it k n vnenrnmtoi&iJr-'nBrr. - I W . V temftaxi&j . U 1 ' T"? .. 1- '-.' ht F.Iu h W A - - Tl ft, n V"-- , rr ' V. IT. -J r L-. 4 ii VjrA! i.v fffr m&W t!w, :&sssHmr ... . " ' S5T jmimmmhjt