Newspaper Page Text
-v5fejMt rmsimmA!mmiMm.fmmmi.. ,.t. JWy? KYF". mWuiJ' El liVIJ JWMBapSS 15 "' JJ& 7i i'JCL"Tv 'i . li.H? Sw ex. .JO. wffi"? SM .,-j.m3itfmm$Ajifflm2Mhwm m$mm&mw&mMmn'Mimim&timi "tf-afV-M 5Mlf S4Sa ."SIKS $ate rf JSftKiim'.sasesMs&i 5BXtt&&ajBmKtmmt yZl!?L rTTrr v'trmtfireTm 5wssi- aaKtwwiii--www------""-- ... aaiW7$HaBDa3 f , .i.r .. ,. j r m i- k .; ! . f PUBLISHED EVKttT TnUHSDAY. R. H. & J. E. JONES, Editors and Publishers Entered it the Fottofflee at Flagstaff, Arliona, a Seoondclau Matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year t00 Six Months If ' Three Months "3 Single copleslOccntaj two copies lBconts; all o?er two copies. OM cents each. AdTortUIng rates given upon application. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1897. OUR KICKING MAUIIIKK. , ,As this paper hits been buuleuod with too much name we lmve changed it to n moio Appropriate one, towit: The Skyuqiit Kicker. It will be true to its name, for wo liavu been training it uutll iL will kick higher, quicker, truer, hauler and moro ol it than any, paper in the West. It will kick against deceit, fraud, dishonesty, corruption, irumot tnlity, monopolies, combines and extrava gance It will kick for honesty, mor ality, economy, home rulo and fur the lights and freedom of tlio citizens of Arizona, regardless of party or creed. At this time wo shall not attempt to oulliuo tho policy of this paper, fur ther than to say that wo shall vigor ously contend for u fair, honest and economical admiuisttatiou of tcnito tial, county and municipal affairs. Wo shall freely and featlcssly ciiti cizo tho rccotds of puhlio men and the official acts of officers fumi the highest to the lowest, regardless of party, creed or favor, when, in our judgniont, they deserve it, and oil tho other band, we will as freely commend when their acts merit it. The kicking qualities of this paper are unlimited, and it is regulated so that the operator can register a light kick, a hard kick, a high kick, a moral kick, a religious kick, a politi cal kick, or kick himself if the public don't volunteer to kick him. In order to obtain tho best tesults from this kicking machine it is abso lutely necessary for each individual, be he lich or poor, high or low, red, "yellow, black or white, Democtat, Re publican, Topulist or Prohibitionist, male or female, to put into our paws f2.oU to gicase tho machine. " Remember that we are tho only au thorized agents for this paper to te ceiro gifts, presents, donations and dues, such as money, jewelry, bouds, lands, grab and old clothes. If any ouo over our fighting size desiics to scratch, bite, punch, sttlko or mistical us they aro refened to our authorized agents, who are empowered to teccUo any or all of the above-named Injuties. Home rule means a ation. less rato of tax- The Kickek is the taxpayers fiieud and tho people's champion. We are thankful to-day that Ar izona hasn't two governors. Gov. McCoro is exceedingly liberal In the uso of the pardoning power. Prosperity train robbers pardoned them. struck when the Gov. Cauyon McCoid New Mexico has a now district ludge who weal's a slgnlllcant name, to-wit: J. W. Crampackcr. We are thankful that tho governor let out tho prison labor contract be fore ho commenced pardoning con victs. . To-uay the American peoplo will lay nsldo thevbusy cares of lifo and spend tho day in thanks to the givor of life for the manifold blessings and privileges they enjoy. Phoenix can now boast of a Demo cratic newspaper published within the gatesof tho city entitled the Arizona Democrat. It must, icel lonesome, and certainly has nerve, and b'ackbono to stand up for an honest and eco nomical administration of tenitorial affairs. Its criticisms of, the tell ltorlal officials aro very sevete, but it 'tlio facts as stated by it aro turn thoy 'ato certainly Jjust. Wiiile Prestdent McKlnloy is studying how to free Cuba, ho might bestow a small thought on tho poor forsaken aud enslaved citizens of Ar izona, and recommend that congress pass a home rule bill" for the govern ment of his countrymeu. Glvo Ati zonians the right to elect her own officers, and' tho offices will he llllcd with honest citizens of Arizona, aud tho carpetbaggers will retiio to ob- curity where the belong. AI'PKAIj to congress. Congiess convenes uoxt month and our delegate will, if truo to his con stituents, urge the passago of tho bill for tho admission of Arizona Jtato the Union as a state. Every fair minded person, legardlcss of party, will admit that Ailzona is entitled to statehood. It would bo tho greatest JniustW that could ba inflicted upon white peo plo to dcuy Arizona tho right of ad- raisslon,btit' if it is done thon our dofegato should push a bill for home rulo, tso that the citizens of tho Tertl tory could have n voice in tho selec tion of tho tenltoflal officers. Can congress turn n deaf ,car to Aii.ona's appeal for homo ruloP Will congress aid Cuba and foisako their own countrymen P Wo aro not ready to believe this, unless thoy nro dead to humanity and aro deaf to the cry of seventy thousand Atizonians for free dom. While wo sympathize with Cuba and all uations or people who are op pressed, our deepest sympathy goes out to our own people who ato enslaved and ovcr-butdened whit taxes Imposed by cxttavigant rulers not of their own choosing and often not of their own Terriloiy. It is evident that the editors of the I'rcscott Cornier and Journal-Miner don't own any lots in I ho capitol addi tion to tho city of Phoenix, for they have made affidavits to that effect. It i may bo that tho gang is selfish and coueluded to "gobblo" tho entire thing, as thoy weio tho fathers of the swindle. PitosrEiiiTY passed tin ough Arizona in the iiight on the lightning express and was only seeu by a very few who were eating at Uncls Sam's pie coun ter. Tho common people, the laborers and tho taxpayers were denied n gllmpso. The Prcscolt Pick and Diill says: "Governor McCoid has inaugurated another reform which will piove a good one." Wo never heaid tlio gov ci nor accused before of being in the reform business. It is stated that Tom Reed, speaker of tlio House of Representatives, dis likes Maik Hanna. Well, llatma must bo a great deal worse than he is painted if Reed can't lovo liim. Blessed ate tho murderers, f Itlnl'oa 1 aud-iollMtl", .i1"" !U, 'ine IttCtl- tiary and mourn for liberty, for shall be comforted. they Grand Canyon Itnllrond. Tho Santa Fe & Grand Canyon l ail road company filed its at tides of in eeipoiation with tho Secretary of Ar zna on IheTolst of last July, with a capital stock of $1,000,000. At a special meeting of its stockholders held in Williams on last Saturday the company raised its capital stock to $2,000,000, aud filed Its amended ar ticles with tho Secretary of tho Ten I- lory on the 22nd and with Recorder T. E. PulliaiiLfOn Tuesday. The company started out n survey ing paity f i otn Williams some three weeks ago, and thoy reached the Grand Canyon last week, and are now survoying a route from the Canyon to Flagstaff. The party will reach .here about the 10th of next month, and just as scon as tho maps, plats and field notes nto inado up, nnd tho report of tho civil 'engineer submitted the company will adopt either the Wil liams or Flagstaff louto, Both towns ate clamoring for this road, and it Is very probablo that tho matter will soon bo determined. Guynne Dennis who has been at Williams and Flag staff for several months has woikcd incessantly for the road. He repto scnts Lombard, Goodo & Co., of Chicago, and received a telcgiam from them to coino to Chicago at once. Ho left on jestetdny mornings llycr, aud will return Here about the 10 of uoxt month. Tho piospecls are very favorablo for tho building of this road, and it Would not surpiiso the people of this county if diit Is Hying on tho roadbed before tlio dawning of the now year. To-morrow Fiiday evening will be the fiutof n couiso of four stoteopti can entertainments at the Presbytctlan church beginning at 8:16. The sub ject will bo tho "Slums of Now Yoik." This, will be followed by "AtctloEx tploratlons'V'Bcn Utii nudtho 'Snako i Haiinn V " nil in lit, nrttrnti fllll'lflfr' LllA month of December. -Tho lecture ft tri -f to-moirow eveuingvwlll give n glimpso of a side of lifo which. fortunately com paratively only a fo"w people have come In contact withj nnd will explain why tho pi ohlem of governing gieat cities is so difficult. Tho price for tho couiso will bo 76 cents children 25 cents aud ouch lectin o 25c, children 10c t ATmTTTnWAT. TnfUTit wragjyfi w Sixty cents for Levi, Straits ' Jt Coi overalls at Flagstaff Cash Stort. $ J The water works propositieniinft dead. Tho mattor is still In aViltef Incubation aud Flagstaff will n dokbt get water woiks. ueorgo aiuntvaBt, the engineer who has been here look ing after tho matter is in dead earnest and he may be able to bting the'lottg looked for enterprise to a successful endiug. jf Two of tho best papers on onrtu tot the price of one. Tue Skylight Kicker and the Detroit Freo Proas for only three dollais a year.f,Tbe Kickek is issued weekly and tieFree Pi ess twice a week. You get-ljitee papers a week, or one hundred Bd lifty-six pnpets in a year, for'the Jaaall sum of three dollars. V&r. llavo the peoplo of tho noticed how Dorrington, McCotd, Mai tin, ot al. stand1; every ptoposition that Is brouznt up, lb Tho prison contiact, tliftchiiDgf . . .i . .. . k-T . n. ...... ..... ..... expecieu in mo university, ine cag building, the bond issue, etcSfi It is cloaily a caso of "you aerate my back and I'll scratch vours.". -Grii mro County Bulletin. 'I juepcopioo! ciag8iait will bold a Thanksgiving service iu Babbitt's hall Thursday 25th Inst., at 10:30 a.tni. Father Dilly will deliver the address, Rev. Corser will offer the prajerTand read tho qcriplnre. Rev. Wilsou will tend tho proclamations. Mr. Eoid will have charge of the singing. Father Dilly will pronounce tlio Bene diction. All business places will! be closed from 10 n. ni. to 1 p. m.j so that all who may choose to attend these Jervlce& can. Bv Committee. v A Swift One, Anyhow. " An old Georgia darky, who was doing a job of woik at nn Atlanta res idence tho other day, in the courpo of conversation with ids employer, touched on tlio late, war. ' "And you say," said his employer,' that you followed your master through the entire war?" i "Dat I did, sab!" was the proud tf- piv- &-M "He was n gicat soldier, was'hePJ f "Well, sub," replied the-J4Jjji, "I couldn't tell much erbout d&t&ille wuz runniu' so fas' all do t 'Wz haid ter kep up wid him. All I,does know Is ho wuz puity Hwir',lJAti I lfttit.1 f?.tiaf II, if Inn I - " .MiMm.- I. A.I Real atato Tranafers. Tho lecords of tho Cotiuty Recorder for this month show tho following real estate transfers: - J, R. Kilpatiick to Frank Kverett. ranch propcit); consideration $1000. Frank Bvliu to Ailzona cattle ifconi- pnny, ranch; cousiUci.ttion f IUOU.; F. R. Nellis nnd otheis to Wra O'Ndili, six mining claims; considera tion f5000. ' , 1 Wm O'Neill to Nyack Mining CA., six mining claims; consideration Mrs. M. Scarborough to Mis. Lula Pulllam, house aud lots; consldcia- tlonfCOO. )t Wm E. Hochderffer to T. S. Bun! 5, house nnd lots; consideration 500. t LS. Drum to T. E. Pulliam, hoi So aud lots; consideration $600. li Robt. Peri in to Kale Johnson, hotge aud lots; considciatiou $25. , P. J. Biannen to David Babblj, house nnd lots; consideiatiou $4000.. A Card of Tlmnka. it I desire tliroiiirli your columua thank tho cood uconlo of Flagstaff their many kindnesses shown In tJ lost illness ami death of my boiovsd wite. J. H. KusisEr, i M'l.. ! fll ! H t lllll 1 fi OVtl " Mli,io " "-- woik, worry and genus. Wo need! vitalizing power to sustain us. Learih!. men and oxpetlcneo point to pun whiskey. I'limillvo men did not ntwi wliisket. Wo do. Changed condl linn lirlntr ficsh needs. And TIUl whiskey Is HARPER. SOLD BY J.J. DONAHUE, FliAUSTAFP, - - ARIZONA County Notice. Orrice or ths Boabb or Sofbrvimimof 1 COCONINO UOHHTT, ''""""fciSlV- ' ( FLAomrr, November 23. 18W. 1 Notice Is hereby ghentliat the Board ot Supervisor of Coconino county, Arizona, will rocolvo sealed bids until 10 o'clock, on January 3rd, 1838, for furnishing tlio County for tho year 1898 with the following supplies, olet J. ITWUngBllu ru. a. Stationery. g. Board of County Prlspners at County Jail In Flagstaff. y, ' 1. CaofOlgentlclcMirjnan. 8.PMfidlolneaatiai,icaicai mieiiuauLo .ur Indigsnt sick ai riagsi . o. Modlclaosnnd Hodleat, attendance for Indigent sUK at Williams, niri. tnr nrliitlnit. Dubllshlng and station. cry will be received in lump bids, or for each separately. . , . . Bfds are to be marked on cnyolope and ad dressed to tho CorK of the Hoard. . .Bonds In the sum of One Thousand Dol lars Hill bo exacted for tlio faithful perfortn- anro of any contract tnat may oo lei. i The Hoard rosorvesHhe right to reject any andajl bids.., By order ot the Board of S pervlwrs. T. ?. inu.iAll. Clork.V AH7U territory HugUes, in on T T. t. . H TO THE PUBLIC IJusT Received A new stock of jewoliY, cuch as solid gold, fancy sionovings; (inecuff buttons In gold and plate; car-drops, breast-pins, chlldien setSj scarf plns, watches aud clocks. & Uutll January "the ltx?wlll give ooi .n. stunt illiiftiiiiiKriwuu tlmrAiira. ouj t " T?ff locuo. Co mo now and order, your holi day presents. J. P. Arnolds, jjf Watchmaker and Jeweler. U. Telegraph office. t liotnv uiw .fiwftiMi. A mass meetlnir will be hold in the Court House on Saturday, November 20th, 1397, at eight o'clock p. m., for the purpose of organizing a Home Rulo Leaguo, such League to bo strictly non-partisan in its character, and Its sole object being to secure, tho right by Concessional enactment, of electing all Tonitoiiat officers In Ar izdnn, by popular vote. All citizens regardless, of party aro urged to at tend. Wm. O. O'Neill. C. H. Sciiulz. i David Babbitt, and many olhcis. Orrtcc or the CLcnK or tub I , Town or I'LAOSTArr. f Notice Is hereby Riven that the assessment roll ot the town o( Flagstaff, Arizona, for tho year 1897 hnsbuvn made up unci Is now on file tn.tho office of the town clerk for the Inspec tion of the tax-payers ot tho said town. Tho town council will meet as as board of equalization on tho Uli day of October, 1817, for tho purpose of equalizing tho assessments made, at which time all persons objecting to their nwtcsomentsasnowmauowlll bo gltcn a heurliifc-. lly order ot tho council. O. A. IlugH, Oclrk. PURE DRUGS W. R. EDWARDS' , PHARMACY EutSldi Sib Fnn Cisco SI., FUBSTiFF PIONEER SHOP. backsmithing And Wagonwork. Pob strictly to order, and all work prompt If uttenued to. Horseshoeing a specialty. tSfltepalrlug of all kinds done! TTf- - H7 Baiuinciion gnaranieeu Shop nurlliwest corner Aspen Avenue and Agaaslx street. HENItY IIELLEIt, Proprietor. frtfstaff Undertaking Parlors , EDOAU WHIPPLE, Manager. A POXL LINE OF FIHE MAHOGANY AND XKTALLI0 COFFINS and BURIAL ROBES. EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. Everything Up to Date. ASBESTOS COFFINS that afford Piotcctlon In amy climate. cJ. G.MILLIGfN Contractor 4rt: AND Builder J v, 1 A' Manufacturer of Brick and Lime. ALSO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Flagstaff Precinct, Places of Interest. Table of distances fiom FlnflstafT, Ailzona to Giaud Canyon of tho Coloiado River 65 miles. Scenery Indescrib able Cataract Canyon 65 miles. The ibodo of the Sup.ii Indians. Can be ntered only on horseback Natural Bridge 75 tulles. Arch, iO feet; width, 500 feet; height, 275 tot Montezuma Wells and Castle 50 lies Point of lm eat in tei est H'nln ut Can on 8 milos. The home oliho Uliii liivellers, a prehistoric race oiitur hundred J ears ago. Walls of c:fcs perfect inset Mountain 11) miles. An eJliict volcano, supposed to nave ueen t-tfc "( nctl e four hundred years ago Jivo Dwellings 8 railesvtluo home of prehistoric race T w lo Black Crater 15 miles. In thifiunlor of tbo largest lava beds in th world ii Fram-isco Peaks 18 miles, Will nn altitude of 14,000 feet. Know ca4il mst ot the yeatv From Iho toiiih a good glass, ono ran see nl-inoslnne-tblrtl of the Teriltoiy 'If Moquj Villages 1P0 miles. Thu boiniof the Snake Dunce. urn ureoK-zu m tcs.iLno unions Jioutaln Trout abounds In tills stream. if HSgin9rf?.LrgjM ?&: -JK - V Q C3rtED FJ I N IIISI GrM any other 3HIIL.INO'3fl3E3X: oooooooooooo Are your bake goods satisfactory? If not, buy SHILLING'S BEST oooooooooooc S2000 Given away to consumers of . their teas and baking i powder for the guessers of the missing word. (See their advertisement in this paper or on tickets in tea and baking powder.) A guess for every ticket to be had in each package of "Schilling's Best" tea or baking powder. We are the wholesale and retail agents for all their goods. BABBITT BROS. Tde Largest Deprtment Tourists and .Visitors are always' welcome to ourlndian Department-. Our Indian Trading Post...Red Lake, Ariz. NEWS DEPOT. OHA8. A. FANCY GROCERIES, FRESH FRUITS, CANDIES, All the Delioaoies of the Season Jresh Yon are invited to call and inspwt iy StMk FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA i . . a ' ' ' KLONDIKE! Every article needed in outfitting for the Klondlike, except Tea, Sugar and Coffee, is manufactured or produced at TACOMA, WASH, Therefore Tacoma offers the cheapest and best outfits,, put up and packed by experienced Klondikers. Being a'r the head of navigation on Puget Sound all Alaska steam ers start from Tacoma. For free maps and free Klondike information, address Tacoma Citizens' Klondike Intimation Bireii, 013 Pacific Avenue, TACOMA, WASH. B. -CDO. Fancy Groceries, RAILROADfA VENUE. VvmrnimUttiu CDPIHKNE ! th oniv ktiMra mibmI v atsL A wrMts1 murtnlns mirnrnn !! mniiiss tiinnl ijab5;;r;b, Tobaccoi and vV-;; FRESH CANDIES. t U5& ft MMHOODRmOREDSS rW BCFORC ANO AFTER Wtorrommpoti?WlSuWSiS ' C ,, K. Zm . ..i.nfwimwwiu rvmviTBaiuiu, wuignua v ur . h , , . V i AddnsaMTVIiJ iKaaKM4lMltaHMSM,OSs"jtrjsi M tea but , BAKING POWDER. jfy . Store In Mooa. 1 I t' nfflS&a wv iUVIa. tMMmMi "si mgzm k"t "k KELLER, Prop NOTIONS, TOBACCO, ,4. n-.( wgggm zm t.LV,;XKttt;mi Wjas:t. M urn m TOR. 9 STATIONERY, - CHAW, from the Market.V r ; - .. not. . -"v &mmi,htt27ZZ?? CZ??Lj?f ttmim - - - - - - ---,, imiMma - DEALER IN-X , If j , or-. -ISWm y'f. j I ...', W-TL - tf& aasM'.ON. . ' VEST." 'CK '. KJ. .1 'M Mm J Vi 1 J V ?fc ?WBH i f i : " ' i Pi I -Si M i : fr mwimmmmmmmmMBmi, rmsa!5?Btca urnif ;3;v