Newspaper Page Text
IF KBTt.Wfcu !,, I.BSadS S 9-tffVI . 1 I i U ..fiL ... mMSm. miMMi-S!i&03SiMi J&1?! R . KHB jZ.? WS r-' TS.W- v ", ',... i" I V 7 v ' t '-'-.. - w -Vi .!, kvv. liiwyji-wn . ' w a vj 7- -wm sT" -- 1,4 ' T Mte - "- xBnrv. ,t - u. r lfl . ISS' ! H OI''X't-NO. J8.I' J; JLAGSTAIT, ABIZOKA, THUBSDAY, DBCEMJtER 2, 1897. . 10c gEB COPY . ,u.o., , jympnm, mn ru. d. j. BHANNEN, IMIY8ICIAN AND n. VlnirtttnfT. Arlxrtnn. Will . JL- hurgcon. Flagstaff, Arizona. Will upond promptly to all calls from any point on the Atlantic & 1'arlHo ltallroad. Office ntid drugstore oupotlto tho depot. Tolo pboaes: store. 10: residence. D2. WB. ROBINSON, 31. I).. FLAGSTAFF. , Arizona. Ofllco nud residence In tho I'reshyterlan Dnrsonii. Telephone. No. 4J. 1ST Olllco hours from 0 to 11 a. ui i a to 4 p. in. T? S. MILLEn. M. D., I'LAOSTArr. AIU-l'ost- Jl. zona, umce, ono o:tlco. Telephone No. 31 TUNCH JONES. ATTOKNEYS-AT-T.AW, " Will practlca In all ths courts in the Fi Fourth vaaiciai I'mnci Land lltliatlon a Sl'ECIAL. IV, Offlc at court bouts. 1 latitat?. Ariz. E. S. CLARK, ATTOnNF.Y AT LAW. naff. Arizona, fractlco before the Land , VIU.U 111 tuu lUUUIl, uiiiiuiuu. riuii Lcpartment a specalty. OSCAU G11JSON, ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW Will practlca In all courts of the fourth Judicial district. Office with E. S. Uosuoy In the Babbitt building. SECItET SOCIETIES. A O. U. W.-FLA08TAFF LODOE. No. 13. -, Meets erery Thursday nlfiht. InO.A. R.hall. Visiting Workmen are cordially In 5 vlJL O. A. HUSH. M. V. ' LoDisSriKRs. Recorder. OURT COCONINO. I. O. P..' NO. MM. W niseis eTery i uesuay evening lu u. A. K. n.-iii. visiunK nrcmren attend. I)U. 1). J Louis Spiers. R. S. Visiting brethren cordially Invited to JiKA.r.., u. it. LAOSTAFF LODOE. NO. 7, F. k A. M. Kcenlar meetlnirs on tho 11 rut Satiirdnv nlgli zht of each rnleiulnr ninnth In Munnln Hall, Kllpatrlck building. Sojourning uroiuren curumity invura. W. II. ANDERSON. Master. J. Outuhii Savaoe. Secretary. J70REST CAMP, NO. 1, WOODMEN of the World, meets tho flntt and third nndaysln each month, In tho U. A. It. Hall. Visiting Sovereigns cordially welcome. T.3. iDUNUH. Counsel Com. T. E. I'ULUAii. Clerk. GA. H.-KF-OULAU MEETINGS OF . Ransom ro-,t. a. A. It.. No. 4, Depart mint of Arizona, will be held In G. A. It. hall on second and last Saturday In each month. E. It. JONKS. Commander. F II. Cues, I'oat Adjutant. T O. O. F.-FLAGSTAI1 F LODOE. NO. II, I. meets every Friday evening In Maionlc hall. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. J. E. JONES. N. O. J, I DouoiiKHTT. Secretary. M OUNTAIN LODOE, NO. 15. K. OF P. oeta every -Wednesday night In their e holl'Hi ,,A. K. haH, 'AUrrWUpX fc&itow. A;.cSoi f&'"i V SUrf.V J ' x . jh tk. f-f' ATHOLIO CHURCH, REV. V. DILLV. V Pastor. On huudays: Low .Mass at 8; High Mass at 10:30 a. m. Sunday School at 3 o clock p. .in. Rosary and Bene diction of the Most Blessed Sacramont at 4 o'clock p. in. On week d.tyx Mass at 7:30 a.m. On the second Sunday of each month prayer meeting at 10:33 a. in. Sunday-school at 11:15 a. ni. All cordially Invited. TTIRST M. E. CHURCH, CORNER OF nd Larcux Stunts. (!. I'. Wil JP Church and ton, Pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 1 p. in. Sundays; Sunday school at 10 a. m.. Oscar Gibson, Superintendent. Class meetings at 12:15 p. in. Epwortli League. 0.30 p. lu. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 Everybody welcome. T71U8T PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, JP North fan Francisco street, II. P. Corser, pastor. Sabbath services: Preaching 11 a. m. and a p. m.; Sunday hchool, 10 a. m.j Y. P. 8. C. E. prayer meeting. 7:15 p. m. Mid-week conference and prayer, Wednes day evening at 8 p.m. A cordial invitation Is extended to all. ARIZONA CEHTRflL BI1KK, FLAGSTAFF, ARIZ. ELDEST-RANK IN NORTHERN ARIZONA. Interest Paid on Time and Savings Deposits. Drafts 3old Upor) V All Foreigr? eoaijtries. Wo Iirvh an Extensive Patmnase and Cor respondence throughout ArUona, and invito our uaniunK iiusiuess upou iiiwrm niiu onsoryatlve Terms. B. N, FREEMAN, President. T. E. FOLL00K, Vice-President. Don't Toouco B; It ul Smoke Tour Life Away. If you want to quit tobacco v.alng easily and forever, boniado wcll.stroDg.mnguctlc, lull of new life and vigor, talio No-Tb-Bac, ma (orover, Doniauo wt ull of new life and vigi the wonder-worker, tliut makes weak men strong. Many gum ten pounds in ten days. O vor 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac of your druggist, under guarantee) to euro, oOj or 1.0O. Bookiot and sample mailed free. Ad. BtwllsK Kemody Co.. Chicago or Nov York. Three Men ?Dead or Missing and Two Others Injured. Twont v-fllve (Jars Burned The Dam- oko to l'roporty la Estimated Kouitlily.nt Onellundred Thousand Dollars. Monday aficrnoou a freight train composed of thirty-one cars and a ca boose, drawn by two locomotives, pulled out of tho yatds at Flagstaff for tho west, woll-ladon with furni ture, wares, bicycles, cigars, Chlueso tojs and Christmas goods. All wont well with tho train uutil it passed seveu or olght miles west of Williams whero tho road is down grade, ami when near McClullan sta tion tho air which controls tho Wost inglioiiso brakes gavo out and (tho I rain ran with doath speed for about two and one-half miles and flow the track,-carrying with it three human beings and great destruction of prop crty. Tho wrecked train was tho liist sec tion of No. 33 and was drawn by en gines No: 105 and 101). Engineer Win Watson and Irromaii Beit Sporry at- iciuicti engine lO'J, which was tho front one, whllo Frank Newton held the throttle tin No. 105 with Thomas Fold as his fireman. Tho train was-in charge of Conductor Thomas O'Kelly. Little did tho eiew think as they pulled out of Supal station that death's door was so near at hand. When tho air gavo out tho hand brakes weto insuflelont to check tlm inoSSkairiwTirf.msiasi tf, -i HkMMiT "fc - iTTi "sKs&J m tstnftwmm asifinif vi; Va inu oniT.woWfWM tomeetihe lawral tloom faeo to face. It soou came. No sooner had tho front cugiuo jumped tho track when tho rear oue and 25 loaded cars leaped Into ouo last mass of destruction. Tho crash of such a mass of cars cannot bo described.. Engineers Win Watsou and Frauk New ton aud fireman Bert Sperry were burned to death, while Frauk Ford, tho other fiioman, escaped with his collar bono brokcu and one leg badly hurt. Conductor O'Kelly received a woiiud In tho head hut It Is not a dan gerous one. Head brakeman Foster rocolved a light bruiso on tho heaJ. Fireman Ford was sent to tho Santa Fo Pacific railroad company's hospital at Albuquerque. Tho remains of Wm Watson wero brought to this citv and .4. i ... ,; - . . . , i, - embalmed and will bo shipped to Bran don, Wisconsin. He was a in o in be r of tho Masonio fraternity at Winslow, Arizona. He was 42 years old and leaves a wifo and ono child. Frank Nowton was about 34 years old and leaves a wifo in Winslow. Bert Sper ry was a single man and about 27 or 28 years old. Tho reinaius of tho two last mentioned havo uot been found. Tho loss of property to the railroad compauy is estimated at from-$76,000 to100.000. It Is considered by the compauy to havo been tho most de structive wreck for yeats. 1 . 1 Fatuous Folk., . Lord Uosebcrr's Incomo is said to bo $ i',000,000. Anthony Hope, tho novelist, is in Amcticn, givlug a sorics.oi leadings. Ambassador Hay was graduated at Brown unlvcislty and was of tho class of '58. Litllo King Alfonso has received a now plaything fiom Queen Vicloiln, II Is the honoraiy grand cross of her now Hojnl Vicloiiau older. Governor Atchison of West Viiginln Is very domestic lu his tastes, aud when through tho caios of office he amuses himsell placing tho violin. Carl Schtiiz has tho lust pair of sluovo bullous worn by John Qumcy Adams, They wero glvonjto Sehurz'lly (lie late Charles Sumner. ' ,"' Thomils Dunn English, tho aged all? thor of Ben Bolt," complains bittujly of tho treatment, of tin, tot of tho liltle song which has buuu rendered famous by "Trilby." Tho King of Slam Is to visit Queen Victoria noxt summer lu his 2,500-tou steam yacht, Maha Clutkri, which was built for him lu Scotland. Next June," writes Dr. Parker in a cheory letter, "it will bo 50 yeais si ii co I preached my (list sermon. Preached it from a sawplt ono sunny Sunday afternoon. Preached It on Iho banks of the Tyno." Tho mikado of Japan, though pas slouately fond of horse racing, allows no bottmg on his track, and pursues tho sport purely for sport's sake. Ho has agents uow in tills country look ing for 20 llrst-olass horses for tho Im perial stables. Tho German Emperor invariably carries with him wherever ho goes a small revolver. His majesty is a skill ful shot, and the chasseur who accom panies hliu everywhere has received orders to Inspect this weapon every morning to insuro the fact of its being In working order. Herbert Schmalz Is a very popular paintor'witb English philistines, aud his picture, "The Return From Cal vary," has been touring hi the British provinces for ruoro than four years. In somo of tho Lancashire towus as many as 3,000 persons have visited it iu a single da'. Sixpence Is tho charge and It sometimes takes the attendants thrco hours of an crouiu" to count tho coppers. Tho now governor of Alaska, J. G. Brady, is about 60 'years old. His lirst visit to Alaska was made as a missionary representing tho Prcsb.Me yiau board of missions of Washington. After somo expetienco with tho mii tlvcs around Sitka, he concluded that tho most effective wav to conveit them to Christianity would bo to couple religion with industrial train ing. As governor Mr. Brady will SI" 'WIiJUWueM'feMe ?' ii ii"i3.i IIlKa Priced Itellcs. A tooth of Sir Isaac Newton was sold in 131C for tho sum of f3,650. It was purchased by a nobleman who had it set In a ring which ho wore con stantly on his finger. Tho hat worn by Napoleon Bona parte at the battlo of Eylan was sold in Pails In 1835 for $400. It was put up for sale at fl00, and thero wero 32 bidders. Tho coat worn by Charles XII at tho battle of Pultowa, aud preserved by one of his oflkeis and attendants, was sold in 1825 for f 11,875. Tho two pons employed In signing tho treaty of Amclns wero sold in 1825 for $2,500. A wig that had belonged to Stcarno was sold at public auction In London In 1825,o:sdj.; etBdmfwy fwy fwlyu dlu for $1,050. The prayer book used by Charles I when on tho scaffold was sold In Lon don in 1825 for $425. A waistcoat belonging to J. J. Rousseau was sold for $190, and his watch for $100. Last Wednesday afternoon Alberto Preciado, whoso parents own a milk ranch ton miles south of town, mist an accidental death at the hands oV his older brother. Alborto bad, boon practicing with a target riflo and got a cattildgo stuck in tho chamber, so that it would neither go in nor go out. His brother, Joso, took tho gun from Alberto's hands, rematking that lie knew how to got it out, Tho younger boy laid dowu on a bed near by, and had barely dono so whon tho gun in tho hands of Joso was accldentallv discharged and tho bullot pierced Al berto's heart. The coronet's jury found in accordance with tho nboe. Tho dead boy was twelve yeais old, exceedingly bright, nnd woll known to Yuma's people, as it was his clts. torn to drive Into town daily with milk Yuma Sun. Quite 11 surioiis accident is reported to have happened at Jerome on Men day night. Twelvo holes had bcon drilled and loaded in tho 500-foot level, when Iho signal was given for tlienicugtayvay. Two men, In gelling utmfcf tho winze, weio caught byiljlng icck and one of them sus tnluod a broken leg whllo the other was pretty badly bruised. , Neither of them is considered dangerously in jured. Journal Miner. ONjIIIS WAY TO KLONDIKE. . fi: Arizona Oharley is Wending His WaytothoGoldfields. in a j.etter, Written to Ills Ilrotlier njYuuin, this Territory, Clinr , ley Tells of His Trip to tho Jfow IMdorndo. Pnffo upon pago and volume upon voluino has been published concerning tho goldfieds of Alaska, until thous ands of people all over the Uuited States havo caught tho KlondiLo fever and ,lhe only thiug that will cool the fevuf is a trip to tho Alaska goltlficlds. No doubt a largo amount of the published matter is ovci drawn, and a part ij untrue, but that don't diminish tho K excitement in tho least, and iho 11156 for Klondiko next' spiing will bo tho .'greatest since the discovrrv of 1ft1 vm.vow since the discovery these, mines which aio described as being fabulously rich. T'lSiit it is a liaid and dangctous tilp no ono lufot med will deny, if it wasn't for Iho piospccL of obtaining a fotltino in an inci edible shoit time thertt would bo but fow who would uu deitako this hazardous journey. Artxotia has a number of restless poisons who nro used to hardships and piivntions, and who dole on excite ment and adventure. Ono of Ihcso is Chailio Meadims who is well known to a "majority of our readeis. Ho is now on his way to tho Klondiko gold lleltls anil his oxpeiieuco isptrMally gii-eUina letter to his brother J. 1). Aieauows, 01 lunri. brT ir tk wMtt?v?j?2ssa i,j5'V' -tJS3.i.K.fca'3iitf ietl5abovi COtningiiarloh'eZthiiiJrwsll known in Aiizona it will bo read with especial interest. Tho parts selected reads as follows: "Two Months ago yestctday our party left San Frauci.sco, outfitted peifeclly and piepared for anything wo might meet. Tho greatest ob staslo wo have had to overcome was work, of which we havo cxpcilcuccd a long, hard siege, but as wo hao ''' ff v1' come out of it iu splendid shape, both ph)sically and financially, wo hate no complaints to make. "Yesterday wo sailed down from Lake Liudcrman with n fleet of threo boats tho swcllcst on tho Yukon tho "Arizona," "Santa Cruz" and passenger boat "Melbourne." Tho first two boats ate 5, 000-pound fieightcrs, and nobody else on the Yukon has their equal. "Owlug to au unfortunate couflict with a glacier at Sheep Camp, in wjiich our outfit camo out second best it has cost- mo a dollar a pound to bring my stuff over tho Pass. But I have made considerable money on tho ttall as much, I imagine, as many a poor, shireiing Klondiko miner and that covers a multitude of mishaps. "I ran it geueral miners1 supply store, Including restaurant aud liquid dispensary, iu my big tent, all along tho trail. Liquor at sW-bits a drink, meals $2 each, horse shoo nails as high as $1 each, hard tack at fifty cents njake, coffee from ttventy-iive cents to $1 per cup, nro about tho ruling piices, so you can sco tho Dutchman's one per cent is not In it. Ono of my men gavo $7.50 for a cup of coffee oil a special occasion, aud wo cahipcil ono night above timber line, whero slovowood cost a dollar a stick. Several limes 1 hao been compelled to refuse men sleeping loom LEVI STRAINS & eo. FACTORY-5ANFRANCISt:0-CAL. . COPPER RIVETED CpBEfcS3'm-v.isKBr52jPB" 2Qtfr8r"BivHk5-5bM mark TRABB 1 mi iBflll a I sCw J w OVERALLS AND SPRING BOTTOM PANTS. EVERY OARMENT GUARANTEED. EMPLOY OVER 350 OIRL.S. In my tout at $5 each for a night's lodging. "With our five tons of supplies, composed principally of a trading out fit with which I intended to do busi ness with tho Indians at Lake Taglsh wo havo moved just thitty miles in threo weeks, and it took eight men and from four to seveu hoiscs to do it at that. Nobody else is taking iii so largo an outlit as I am, aud nobody else has left tho lakes with as many as thrco boats. "Do not believe the repot ts of this country you sco in tho coast papers. They do uot contain facts. Tho re ports of starvation, mounted police turning people back, mob law and so foilh, aro fakes pure aud simple. I occasionally see someone from Daw son and they say that country is all light, but not so lively as hero. An evidence 0 prospeiily hero is tho fact that I 1 cfuscd an offer of $50 a day and a month's engagement, to throw hitch on thiily-ono. hoises. "Chileoot Pass, though bad enough is not so tcniblo as pictured, as Miss Mao Melbourne, who accompanies our party, rodo over it on horseback, and I packed 100 pounds to tho horse. Don't let anjouo steer you against Iho Skaguay route, though, as it is a dead frost. "I havo sent a man on ahead to prospect tho Ilooda link river. It is doubtful If v e reach Dawson City this winter, as the Yukon freezes from the other end. However, we will ruu day and night aud try hard to get thete. At any rate, our party is safo unless we get caught in a blizzard or tho slush ice, as the Canadian mounted polico havo stations evciy fifty miles 011 tho liver. ''If I reach 'Dawson I will go out thisrwitltOl-ie'Mtid.i'omn Iianb Itf " l'.;i.i-"u. ?gg?raftSBBftf 4sip2 raU! ,&S vwv sr3tae it The First Vtnbrelln. New York Journal: Tho umbrella is a comparatively modem featuio of modem civilization. lu 1750 Jonas Han way, a Quaker, (list went through the streets of Lou doit cai lying nil umbrella. Three years from now, 1900. it will bo meet to celebrate tho sesquiceuteunial of this most useful implement. As tills is the ago of celebiatton, it is not likely that so good an opportun ity mil bo missed. Already in Lon don they aio discussing tho proper manner of doing honiago to tho um brella. Mr. Han way was a man of strong character, but It ropuhed nil his cour age to brao all tho crowd with his 8tiangoiaiu shqild. Tho inhabitants of this great metropolis received him with jeers and oven moio substantfal remarks of dlsapipoval. But ho was hiipcrlm bablo, and in consequence of his good example tho umbrella camo rapidly into geueral use. Hauway had traveled much lu tho cast, and thero ho had noted tho groat benefits derived by tho natives from tho umbrella both as protection against tho sun and rain. The cast, with iU in I'm Holy older civilization, has been familiar with this as with many other useful articles, at a time when Etuopo was sunk iu tho wildest savagery. lioiituiT Lincoln has accepted tho presidency of tlm Pullman Paiaco Car Company. Ho was once widely men tioned ns a presidential caudidatc. How men do change. A nocl .sight of squirrels migrating was witnessed below Cumbcilaud, Md. A drove, which nn 030 witness esti mated to contain 3,000, swam across. the 1'olomnc liter. About '300 of them wero killed by men aud bojs before tiey got into tlm woods. .imf las.uorees.aiftWMmi.iHMii 1 $40 to 70l?eV tlaTVrM tf -. Jf ft :Wm 1 --; : 10c PEB COPY ,?M' """"i""SSSSSS""Sl "feisr Roysl sukw ths !oodsrs, -. -S S iflMfe - - - -: A 1 fsssm -: J Colchratnd fnr Its erA.t InAVPnincp iktrAnrlh X-S, and healtlif ulncss. Assures the food against alum and all forms af adulteration common to tho cheap brands. KOYAL BAKING I'OWDEK CO., NEW YORK. A Skirmish on the Southside in Which a Fiat Iron was Useful. The Kelluerents Arrested Peace Itcstorcd The Kditor or theJ Kicker Itendjr to do Violence. WAR AMONG CHINAMEN. " ! M i When the editorial paragraphcr.of a newspaper points his editorials with . caustic, liko unto tho Kicueh, he ex pects to bo called upon at any time to exterminate some disagrccablo citizen or citizens. IFrldaKojrilug Wo were sitting in S?rfejKRRe timM Inappropriately ArljHlwtiwtwiii), feellug at peaco with ' w all jktfWqrldwhen a loud continuous knockiug, aroused us and tbrowed us into a terrible stato of excitement. , Tho back door was locked and the koy was lost, and it looked like a caso of run or fight. Wo couldn't do the former and wo didn't want to do tho latter, so wo got down on our knees to pray for the poor wretch beforo wo swept him off this mundane sphere, and whispered come iu. It was a chinaman, on the hunt of a lawyer, and wo were so rejoiced that wo dldu't havo to spill blood but we trembled so loud that it shook tho house aud caused a largo imposing stouo to upset. It is a dreadful thing to take human life and iC always makes us feel bad for two hours after wards. We will now go back and bunt up (ho story. Chinamen Charley who runs a laundry on tho south aide of tho railroad owed Hop fifty dollars for ' tho laundry outfit which ho Is rLW using. Charley had promised to pay Hop from time to time but failed to liqui date Hop learned Thursday that Charley had made winning at faro bank, aud he made a bee-line for Charley's laundry and demanded his pay, telling Charley that he could, pay him as ho had made a winning. Charley warmed up at this and fired a sad, or flat iron at Hop, landing hard 011 his head aud thereby causing, tho claret to flow from tho wouud like' an irrigating ditch. This was a decis- Ivo battlo and as soou as the smoke" was cleared away aud the blood washed off, Hop had Charley arrested. It was Hop's request that the victor ho fined "heap much" as he had -heap" money. Judge Milllgan acted vti the suggestion and relieved him of fifteen dollars of his hanl winning. for drawing up tho treaty of peace. Charley to rotaliato had Hop' ar rested Friday, aud iu Hop's eagerness to bbtaiu a lawyer he camo very near oiigiuating a war in the offico of Tub Kickeu, as stated above, which would havo been a war of extermination, as we fight uuder tho black flagon naval engagement when they occur In river DeFlag. Hop secured a lawyer" and a Melt- can" jUry'Who after hnarlno- llm ! deuco 'and probing Hop's wound and measuring the same with a surveyor's chalu decided that It was no violation on the part of tho injured man to get Uit with his own flat iron, or one that ho hadn't been paid for, so ho was paroled and went his, way rejoicing. - 1W M ..ft; '- ,'X ZS,7 c