Newspaper Page Text
a. J "H. mY HARKIS,C-H-DAG-E&CO ... : - THE CLIFTON CLARION. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21. The cattlemen of Apache county have organized an association. There are said to be 40,000 cattle in the county. Texas, the largest State in the Union, is to have the largest capi- tol in the Union, which will be built at a cost of 3,000,000. The cold wave has reached Yuma. for Xlac-ltude f the World "Exposi tion BuildlngH. Joaquin MiUor ' New Orleans Letter. a . 1 1 ,1 - I il. copies or ine great, ui State. There are many such is. .quinMiUor;. N Orleans I-.r. miniature, which I wonder if any one understands b ' .-...-i - 4i are nnaiiy w uo usuu, iiy icvu-' te comparauve . , . Kohnnu Bt I have cold wave has In fact it has been there about a week, much to tlie disgust of thin blooded poople. The Yuma Republican truth fully remarks, that while Hon. Pat Hamilton will not be a mem ber of the legislature, he has thraina and to spare, to famish many of the weaker lights. If you put two persons in the same bed-room, one of whom has the toothache and the other in love, you. will find that the one who has the toothache will go to sleep first. Ex. "Is the howling of a dog always followed by death T asked a little girl of her father. "Not always intf n..r Sometimes the man "j . , . . that shoots at the dog misses him, was the prompt reply. The question of branding cattle is being considered by Montana Ti is calculated that a WVau. hide not branded will sell for $1 or SL50 more than one which is branded, and that the aggregate loss to stockmen is over ?1,000,OCO a year. . There is some talk of county division in the northern part of the Territory, there appearing a disposition on the part of a por tion of Yavapai to set up house keeping for itself. The move niont does not appear to have much strength, however. We consider the robbery of $100 from the Pheuix Herald office a merited punishment. There is something unnatural and danger ous to the community in an Arizo na newspaper man who- accumu lates 80 much wealth, and Provi dence doubtless shares our opinion. Sunshine and Silver. buildings in which the Nonas fair here at New Orleans is to be held. I doubt if even the men who planned and built them fully appreciate their vastness and splondor. It is the fashion for folks who have not been abroad a great deal to go into raptures over the spread and general largeness of the "Scala" at Milan. Well, it is a big and a broad structure, a grand and a glorious place of song. But this main building of the World's fair here is nearly 100 times as lanre. You could set the Gould and Vanderbilt opera house of Now York right down on the flnnr nf this World's fair edifice. and if you would take the top and the chimneys off you might easily look upon it as a display of some sort of a patent chair set up nero on exhibition. As yea set out on your mile walk from the end of the big building, which is next to the Mississippi river, to the extreme end of the government building, you pass a nave or auditorium, to the left. You see what seems 10 be a littlo arch there and a few chairs. You might easily pass this large arch and platform and pile of chairs unseen, it is so small apparently tins wnoio ar rangement of platform and audi torium. And yet that apparently mull nnditorium has chairs for the comfortable seating of 10,000 persons. I only speak of this in order to give some faint notion of the vastness of the edifice. On this platform and in this little nave to the left, where 10,000 persons may bo seated, the cere monies of inauguration are to be held. Here, it is said, nil tne presidents of all the republics of the land of Columbus are to be athered togethor. Here judges Wickersham & Company -.. . L,o rdsbu rfg - - not space to set them down now. Yet to me the best things hero, most marvelous of all TEVIST0N, Cochise Co. A. T. -J a 1. i. V... nt Ann liTT.Il trl.f here, is the army of ancient and FORWARDERS. wide-boughed oaks that stand in solemn lino. In their gray and priestly garments of moss, they irnard the exposition buildings about and down to the banks of the great swift river. Bring what vou may here, gold and silver and silks and precious things, I shall turn from them all to these gray old bearded and impressive Druids for contemplation aud companion ship. X. 31. ...I. M. Wholesaio and Retail Dealers in Commission imiNj-L, i Merchant UPMs,erinS Goods and generals, men of science and persons Tn TWtriee. Neb- Mrs. Matbe Bowlin. a full blood negro woman. seed 35. the wife of a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, ; cn;,l in be tnrninsr white. Her hands and wrists, with the excep tion of one or two little spots, are ' wliitA ns those of the fairest skinned Caucasian. Her faco white in places. The change began three years ago. Out of eis-htv head of cattle driven through Wilcox last week. from the Erie Cattle company ranee and destined for San Car los agency, only twenty reached their destination. The continued storms then raging through the anntrir made it impossible to herd them, and so they kept stra"Kling off until only the nam ber mentioned remained. The results of the recent nn Trecedented cold snap in north era Texas are beginning to be inrwn A cow bov rode into -Mor Citv froze 6tiff and tin conscious on his horse. Ho partially resuscitated but expired Idaho Law v. the Moru. Rev. K. A. Allred, of Solomon ville, in this county, sends the Clabiox a copy of the Salt Lake Herald of January 1st, which con tains the text of the law recently enacted in that Territory, entitled "An act to fix the amount, of the official bonds of certain county and precinct officers and to pre scribe official oaths of officers." The oath is the feature of the act, and is as follows: "I do solemnly swear that I am a male citizen of the United States over the age of twenty-one years. That I have actually resided in Idaho Territory for the period of four months, and in this county thirty days next preceding the date of my election (or appointment.) That I am not a member of any order, sect or organization which teaches, advises or encourages the practico of bigamy or poligamy or any other crime defined by law, as a duty or privilege resulting or arising from the faith or practice of such order, soat or organization Or that teaches, counsels, encour ft (TAQ CtV ndvises rtnv person or . - . Onxl marked to oor care promptly or- i - i ... i- . ,; Ai uinunTilla. oaf- wanted w ' ' ' " " " . , ford. Kmithvillo, Fort Thomas, ban Carlo and Globe. W carry at all times a full stock of General Merchandise Consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Motions, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Gro- cries, trockery, naruwiiic, Liquors, Tobacco & Cigars. Our stock of Lumber, Sltinsles, Doors, Etc.. is purchased from the manufacturers, and is selected with a kiiowloJco of the wants of purchasers. Acests-AnhniMr Beer and Fish Bros. Waon TIIK ONLY JOBBER IN Pride of Denver Flour ....AND.... Colora,c3.o Potatoes. Correspondence with the trade solicited. J Carpets, Curtains, Lamps, Glassware, Queens ware, Chandeliers, Etc. Largest Stock in the A Full Line of Territory F. E. McGINNESS, Undertakers' Goods. METALLIC CASKETS r- , .1- - l,nn VUllDiauuj .... .... . Parties about to furnish houses are invited to correspond with our house. Orders by telegraph will receive prompt attention. Gen. Agts. for Giant Powder Co. Milton Hotel Lordsburg, N. M. Under the Management of Post Trader, globe AND CAMP THOMAS Fort Thomas; Ariz. Gro3G 3- Only First-class Hotel In Town. ARIZONA COPPER CO'S to coininr bigamy or polygamy or any other crime defined by law as a religious duty. That I am not a bigamist or a polygamist, and that I do not cohabit with any woman not my lawful wife. That I do not either to publicly or privately teach, coun sel, encourage or advise any person to enter into bigamous . timf riM frit l ii l in l . i w - the entire buildings of or polygamous the relation Known ns iiwoi - ' Celestial Marriage.' That I re gard the Constitution of the United States and the laws thereof and of this Territory as inter-nrr-tnd bv the courts as the sn i - t the crime of ASSAY OFFICE ! of letters, teacher, and thinkers congress of all that is great and illustrious 6hall be held. About this 10,000, on either side, rise two vast wiags that stretch far away and look down over the whole scene. These lifted wings are be devoted to the press. It is nearly Paris and Vienna which were devoted to their fairs into this one main building of the New Orleans exposition. It is about one-third larger than that of the Centennial at Philadelphia. It is by all odds West side of rirer in Company's building. Assaying of Every Kind of Ores and Bullion. ; Kcarsey trtris-w Jii1- K8TAB1HW "HI TlhjSnKXTiriV ASTKHOir UUSrCHWHC N-KVO0S lf- i -.- Uritanu jisAs. i.. TIIE EXPERT ' SPECIALIST, DU. ALLEN, AS IS WKI-L KNOWN, IS a roK-lar graduated Physician, eilnca--t nn,iniii -ulU-ee and fniveraity of Michigan. He has Uevutwl a lifetime to, and Is ackiiowlec ged to b tlie niosrexpert sergxou in bis specialty on the Pacific Coast. YOUN MKN And MIDDLE AGED MEX.wno are suffering . from the effi-cts or Youthful IndlsPn-tions or Ex-csrs In maturi-r years. Nervous Dd 1'hys 1. l n.-hilltv. ImDoteucv. Lost Manhood, con fusion of tdfus, dull eyes, aversion to society, daponilfciicy, pimples on the face, loss of en ergy and memory, irequency 01 uriuubius, iiv. . Hememoer, that by a combination of vegetable remedies of (treat curative lower, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment that it will uot only afford immediate reliel but permanent cure. MY HOSPITAL. EXPEKIEXCE (Having been surgeon in charge of two leading hospitals) enables me to treat all private trou bles With excellent results. I wish it dLstlnct.y understood that I do nnt claim to per!urm im possibilities, or to have miraculous or super natural power. I cinlm only to be a skillful and successful Physician and Surgeon, thor oughly informed lu mv specialty UIMKAMKM OF MAX. All spplying to me will receive my honest opinion of their complaints No experimenting. I will guarantee a posiuw cure tu eej I undertake, or forfeit $1,000. Consultation in office or bv lett.r kkkk and stricily private. Charges moderate. Thorough examination, including chemical and microscopii al analysis of urine and advice, S5.00- Ollice hours, 9.1 daily, to S evenings; Sunday, !) to VI ouly. Call or address OR. A I L E X. 26J Kearny street, Irian Kraucisco, Cal. p s r have a veirctable comnoan'i. the result of many years of special practice and hard study, which under my special advice has ne"er failed or success in tne cure 01 Vont Jlnuliood. .'roMtatorriica, etc. Keeps constantly on hand a line assortment of fipnts' Furnishina Good st-a-o-e li-ste, w - u Dry Goods & Groceries Finest brands of Wines and Cigars Doth Domestic and Foreign. Ranch Supplies a Specialty. Fust Office adjoining the storo. HARRY MARSHALL Thos. B. Graham, Manager. A TWO-SEATED KUCKBOAKD Will be, hereafter, regularly run between the atxive points: leaving Globe every Monday. mt.i a.. --,1 Vridnv and Camo Thomas every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, con n.inn. at tlie latter place with Norton Stewart's stage line to Bowie Station and intermediate points. Lord.bnrK Xew Mexico. Fully Prepared for all kinds Analytical Work appertain ing to Metallurgy. of X .T ZZZum weme law of the land, and that I Uie IUf Kl-ni vuiavo o " .w . j I - , , . , m ;-c nnT nnt The Coliseum " snpir. uu ....u. at Rome, a structure which gave a word to the world by which to express magnitude, does not com pass half so much space as this exposition at New Orleans. But, of course, this is not as lofty and substantial as the Coliseum was. The engines to bo used here for the teachings of any order, sect or organization to tho contrary, notwithstanding." CIsARtiTM FOR ASNAYIXG. ,$2.50 . 2.50 and Gen. Grant at the moment of opening the exhibition there. But one wearies of these repetitions of magnitude. Briefly, then, the wholo arrangement is on this vast plan. It is worthy of tho country. It is fashioned after it in its vast- a 1 n.Kn-a I ... 1 " A A 1 in a lew minutes. a i ness and its spienaor. uiu mero deaths are reported from freezing ; tjj0 Mississippi, lording the A Iead Broke Gambler not Xee-cxMU-ily a Vagrant. The Tombstone Record contains an account of the trial before a Justice of the Peace in that city of a well known sporting character lighting the place alone are more named Curly" Welsh, on a charge tremendous than all those Bet in oj a-raney: "The prosecution operation at the Philadelphia Cen- w represented by Deputy City tennial Dy tne emperor 01 rn Attornc,v ytroet, A. J. I'elter ap- Dcarinz for Welsh. The witnesses, Oold and Silver (Ore) Copper Ee- Where there are two or more assays to furone Deraon tiie chargo will be $'i for each one. n,nri for all other work as low as ii consistent with care and correctness. JAMES. COLQUHOUN, Assayer and Metallurgic Chemist. -W2-.clesal Liquor Dealer ! Straight Kentucky W E I S 3C X E S A Specialty. CA I.I It ? I A AV I I- S5 AND IMPOItTEU C1GAUS CrreIondence with the trade solicited T II E World's Exposition FARE:, From Globo to Camp Thomas.. From Globe to Kowie Station.. ...?12 50 ... aiui Bowie Station And Camp Thomas THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY Is a never failing cure for Nervous Debility, K-bHllstetl Vitality, Seminal Weakness, Sperma torrhoea. Lost Mull hood. Impotency, Paralysis, and all the terrible effects ol self abuse, youthful follies anil excesses In mature year such :tt Loss of Mem orv, Ijiss'.tudi, .Aociiirnui ciiniwn, v,v to" society, dimness of vision, noises in tbe hiiart, the vital fluirt passins away nnobserveo In the urine, ann many other dlscasvs that lead to inswiiity and death. . Hr. MIntle, who is a regulcr gmdnated phy. siclai, will atcree fi forfeit Five Hunilred l(ol lars for a case of this kind the Vila! ltestora tive (under his sptKiial advice and treatment) will not cure, or for anything impure or inju rious round in it. Dr. Miutle treats all Private Diseases successfully, wlinout mercury, con sultation free. A thorouKh examination ana advice, Including- analysis nr ine urine, fo. Prlccor Vital Restorative, a Dottle, or ioui times the quantity, $5; sent to any address upon receipt of price, or O. O. D., secure from observation, and 111 private name, if desired, by A. K. Mintie. H. D-, No. 11 Kearney Street, San Vram-isco, Cal. 8sll.R HitlTl.u FaEK will ue Rent to auy one applying- by letter, s'ntlcK symptoms, sex, and age. Slri.-t ascrccy in regard to busluesl run suctions. Dr. ilintie's Kllivtr Reukdv ICapttltKTI irs cures all kinds of Kidney and KlmUoi complaints, Conorrhoea, lileet, Iucorrhoea. For sale by un oriimfisis ; i a ooiue, ni Mwi ties for Dr. Miutl s iaNDKMOv nixi are lue ot anil cheapest Dyspepsia and Billions cm lu the market. Fur sale by all Druggists. Opened Tuesday, Iec. IS, !. in Archer county. The recent great rains have swollen the streams and a large number of cattle and horses are reported drowned. We clip the following from the Stockman of Wilcox. It is unkind but true: uWe have heard of people who will 'never tumble' unless a wall falls on them, but the wiseacres of Tombstone con stitute the first outfit on record that requires a wholo now county to drop alongside them before they can tumble. Verily, the fool- killer travels by rail and don't visit such sleepy hollows as Tomb stone; otherwise it would be de populated." A Hydrosraphle Harvey. Governor Tritlo is preparing an elaborate and exhaustive report, to be submitted to a Senate com niitte at Washington, in referenco to a hydrographic survey to be made by the general government of tho Territory of Arizona The object of the survey is to ascer tain by thoroughly competent and reliable means tho annual rainfall in the Territory, the vol ume of water in different stream and the sources of supply, and the feasibility of erecting reser voirs to retain the surplus of winter for use during the dry season. The Governor expresses himself a3 confident that Congress can be induced to make the necessary appropriation, if it can be made to realize the importance of tho work, and that millions of now unproductive acres can be reclaimed through tho agency of the valuable and definite d:ita which such a survey wo:ild ob tain. I'rescott Minor. whole scene, will lie tho Great Eastern, from Europe a fit com panion of the grand event Perhaps some conception of the largeness and tho positivenoss of the place might be arrived at by contemplating the number of acres inv alved. We have about 75 acres under root row, if you will go into the country and find a field as largo as this 75 acres you can in some feeble sort of way under stand that here we have on hand the most colossal work that ever A smooth, level field of iervid green. uacK or mis ievi uum lakes and grass and gray -bearded old Druid oaks runs a grassy cm bankment This is the levee, built at any time and at all times during the hist 200 years to keep the Mississippi out Around on the outer side of this crescent, curving here liko a drawn sword or ciineter, you see ships sweeping past. And they look as if they wore walking on the bank of the river. They appear precisely as if they were sauntering along tho banks and looking down into tho tree tops from their lofty prominence on the levee. They are higher than your head, these ships that sweep by and around the swift crescent, when the river is booming full, The scene is unique, startling, and without example in the world. Tli rlil nnd slnsrirish dikes of Holland have nothing approach ing this spectacle hero in startling effect When the waters of the Mississippi shall lap their topmost limit of the levee here they will be ten feet above the floor. Th lakes here, dug- out of the level lawn for tho occasion, are without exception, testinod tnat Welsh had borrowed occasional sums from them, but always repaid it, and that he was not considered a vaa- by sporting men in any particular. That ho was simply a broken man. Upon the continu ance of tho evidence for tho pros ecution, the city attorney arose and asked the judge to instruct the jury to bring in a verdict of not euilty. Some of the jurors, who had been detained from their business by the case, were loud m their denunciations of its having been brought without any proof to sustain it Tho fact is that Welsh is like hundrods of other men in Arizona who follow gam bling for a livelihood flush to day and broke to-morrow and so long as gambling is legalized by law, ho has as much right to follow it for a livelihood as he would any othr business or profession, and his failure for any stated period to make it a success does not bring him within tho category of a vagrant If tho authorities expect to include broken sports in the vagrancy army, they will have to change the law." Miss Nellie Calhoun, a Cali fornia girl, who became stage- struck in tho wilds of ban Ber nardino, has just been appointed leading lady at the Haymnrket Theatre, Loudon, and on her appearance as Dora in "Diplo macy" achieved a marked suc cess. Uuited States Minister Lowell has now taken her np, on nrtf!ount it is said, of the mem I! THE PRESENCE OF The Presidents of the Amer? icau Republics, sr, ' Viz. Arthur, of the United 81 -tea.' Bias, i Mexico; Barrios, of Guatemala; v . : Uogran, ut lionuurasi . . . j CLASSEN. BROS., r.OKUSBlKG X. M Doalers in General Merchandise California Prodocs a Specialty Branch storo at Shakespeare, N. M. ortou & Stewart, Prop's. A DAILY LINE OF STAGES n-ii i l-ntwn-tn tho flhovf TMMIltB. COI1 niton ami l'im-' "": j .i with tho Southern Pacific railroad, ami at Camp Thomas with staBObne to and from ttlouo. FARE: From Bowie Station to Tamp Thomas S12 50 From Bowie Station to Globo Duncan and Carlisle TrL-Weekly OR. S P i M UE Y ' Xo. 11 KEABXV STREET. Treats All Chiionk- nd Sictal Disims-s. YOUNG MEN T-TTITO MAY BIO SVFFKUIXC. FROM the flcts of youthful follies or InilLscre tiun wilt Jo well to avail themselves of til la, the greatest boou ever laid at the altar of uf foring humanity. Dr. SPINNEY will trunnin. tee to forfeit $500 tor every wise of Seminal Weakness or private diseitse of any d ot Hi oracle r which he undertakes and fails to cure. MIDDT.K AGED MEN. There are many at the rj?e of thirty to !xty who are troubled with too frequeut evacuntloitf of the bladder, orteo accompanied by a stlfflit smarting or burning ser.satlon and a weaken hie of I he svstein in a manner the patient cau- not account for. On examining the urinary deposits a ropy sediineut will often be found and sometimes small parudea of albumen will appear, the color wdl be of a thin uillktsh hue, again cliniiKit'g to a dark and torpid appear ance. There an many men who die of Ilia difficulty, itfhorant of the cause, which is tlm second state of seminal weakness. Ir. fcfpiu npv wdl -ruarantee a perfect cure lu all sucb eases, and a healthy restoration of the jreuiu. urinary organs. Ollice Hours 10 to ami to a. aunnayi from 10 to II a. m. Consultation free. Thor ough examination and advice. $5. Call or address: IU. KPINNKY A CO., No. II Kearny Street. San Francisco. Cal The Colossal Esibibit of All Time ! 19 IramenHf Exhibition Bnildlns: Ouo the lancet buil.JinK ever erected; an other tho larwt conservatory in tho world- 90 Acres of Spacs Under Cover Low transportation rates from all points. Ample accommodations at reasonable rates for ail visitors. TurinR the period of the Exposition, from December lrt. ltal. to June 1, lssv the tern peratnro at New Orleans areraaes 5 f ahr. The lawn and shrubliery remain ;. flowers bloom, irnits ripen, and all kinds ot vegetable trow anil maiure. ... ,. Full information promptly furnished. o- dress, . . .... , 1 A. UUlUUt iurecim u.ur... , New Orleans, lu ci Pima Lumbering Co, ory of her kinsman, John C. Cal rmnn. nn.l will see that she is i . presented at Court some time be fore Lent According to the Advance there is cosdierable activity in mining mattors in tbe vicinity of Lords burg, which redounds to the bene fit of that town, as it is a supply depot for numerous outlying camps. OnaTimi just completed and pnt in opera! tion their Ne7 SaT77 ill- Are prepared to furnish All Kinds of Lumber At reasonable rates. Orders Promptly Filled, CAMP THOMAS LIVERY STABLE, IV. SI. Tl'TTLE, Proprietor. Parties arriving in Camp Thomas nnd desirins either vehicles or saddlo horses to convey them to roiahlioriiiB towns, can be furnished with the same at all times by addressing the underHiR-cd. W. M. TUTTLE. Camp Tbomas. Abu., Sept, 17, 1851. Moo itiV-itl, -il) Call on or address STAGE LIIE. Four-Horse C.nQord Coaches Ijave Duncan Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, after arrival of trams, una reiuru on alternate days. F?re Either Way, S3. PARKS BROS.. Pro's. SHELDON AND SQLOMVILLE DR. LIEBIG, Dispensary, , Geary A Mason Stt II. W EEC II. Pima, Graham Co., Aril tali Hon! Stage - Line, C. A. FAIR, Proprietor. The most direct and comfortable route from Clifton and IiOrelslinrg TO Solomonville and Settle ments on the iila. Leaves Sheldon. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 3 Cor. The Collece Institute for the cure of all Special, Com plicated aud so-alletl Incura ble Chronic Diseases. lr. liiribig'K Cierman In viKOrntor is positively auamiueeil to cure Nervous and Physical Debility, Weak ness. Lost Manhood, Loss el EnerjO', Kinging and DIsn ness in the Head, Melan choly, Hopeless feeMnes, sad all the results of youthful inu prudence and excesses of ma ture years. The llootor is a regular collefte physician, and will auree to forfi it giooo for a case the Invisoralor will not cuie under special treat ment and advice. The reason so many can not set cured of Weakness and the above Diseases is owlne- to a coniplicatiou called rKOSTATORRHKA, which reiitiires peculiar treat ment. t i.i.i'. Tm-irnrator Xo. 2 Is a positive curt. fnr I'ros-atorrhea. Price of either Invigora lor, 2 per bottle; six for J10. Sent to any address on receipt of price, or C. O. D. Ite sponsible persons pay when cured. Strictest Secrecv Patients cured at liomw. Liehig's Dlspei.snry runs an elegant drat store in the building. Consultation, personally or by letter, free. -. riai.ivuitv I'ASRs Any recent case of spe cial or private diseases cured for $10. Reme dies sunn-lent to cure will be promptly sent. with full directions aim am ice, on .-..h. 10. All packages are securely covered from observation. 1NVIGORATOR SAMPLES FREE. Call or address DU. LIEBIG 4 ., 400 Geary Street. Private entriice, sua uo Street, San Francisco. Farr. CAMP THOMAS, A. T mrs. louisa c. mm Proprietress. The abovo reward will be paid for tbe de tection and conviction of any person or per sons causht stealiug or killin a ,"le of the above braml. H. H. 11AKU-. Parties having stock cattle for sale will find a purchaser by applyins tc-R ART MAMr.A.T..JulyM.18eS. Htngle SlrslH.. Iodxinsa ...SO Ct. ...50 " Rates to Permcnent Boarders ! ; jr- al Stages Abriti asd Depabt from this House. -&1 First-Class Lodgings! Morenci and Clifton Stage & Express Line Carrying U. S. Mails Daily, Sundays Excepted. Stages carrying Paescncers and Express post office at Morouci :' Leave Clifton 4 p. m. HEXF.T FOvTLEE, Snpt. T-MT''''igli-gA- THIS GREAT Streu g t h e n i n ff Remedy, an d Nerve Tonic is the legitimate result of over 20 years of practical experi ence, and Curea with Unfailing Cer taintv Nervous and Physical Debility, Seminal Weakness, Spermatorrhoea and Prostatorrhoea Emissions, Impo- ency, Ehausted Itallty. Prema- of Manhood, in all ii. unii iaixh luic . , r .i.utov-r fiinxa 'TOtheKd. R'Jprluctive Organs and Physical Faculties. It stops any unnatural debilitating drain upon I he system, preventing Involun tarv losses, debilitating dreams, seminal losses with the nrine.etc, so tlestruciive to mind and bod" It is a sure eliminator of all Kidney and" Bladder complaints. It contains no injui rious ingredients. To those suffering from tbe evil effects of vouthful indiscretions or ex cesses, a speedy thorough and permancn Cure Is Guaranteed. Price, 2.50 per bottle, ot Ave bottles In case, whh full directions and ad vice, $10. Sent secure from observation to any addrt! upon receipt of price, or C. O. D. To be had only of Pr. C. I. Salfleld. 2IS Kearny Street, San Francisco, California. Consultations s:rictly confidential, by letter, or at ollice, Free. For the convenience of pa. tients, and In order to insure perfect secrecy, I have adopted a private address under whlc. alt packages are forwurded. npRIAL BOTTLE FKKF. ! Sf FFICTES1 I to show its merit. ill be snt to any onj apWh by letter, stating his ani age Communications suuUy oonUtaul.