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THE CLIFTON CLARION. tUo:trvBKD at thk PoTr-omoR. Ciif"ro2t A. T as 8bookd-Ciahii HattKl TO ADVERTISKRH. Nine linwi of solid rumpAreu niftasareraent make one pquare. K. C D KK, Ailvertiinff Auent, ft and AS Merchants Lxchtuwre, Ban rranciseo, iionr authorize! rpnt in that citv. and con- tracta f'r advortUin? w he mde with him Tie Clariom is on tile in his oiuce. rr TO CORRESPONDENTS. - When personal matters are the subject of coxnnin niratioQs, a rigorous ecratiuy will be made or tneir oomm. newe miga idii ntmp, write only on one side of your paper, and be bnec. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24, 188G. There ia but one ex-president living, Rntherford R Hayes. - For the last fiscal rear the War Department expended $17,676,-t(!8 and the Interior Department $G, 325.523 on account of Indian main tenance. Fred W. Smith has entered np on his duties as Eeciever of the Land office at Tucson. Thus an other democrat takes the place of a republican The Socialists of New York have denounced Henry George, because he repudiated socialism after receiving their support in the recent election. The Hon. De Forest Porter delivered the opening address at the Phoenix Fair in the absence of the President of the Association, Ex-Governor Trittle. The Tonbstone suggests thnt at the expiration of Clark Churchill's term of office as Attorney General Brigffs Goodrich of Phrenix, be appoint! aa his successor. Tne Tucson citizens say: "That a more select party than usual will journey up Srflt Rivr this fall." Perhaps Graham county's defeat ed candidates, can derive some rrnmbs of cold comfort from the statement Prize fighting has probably received its death blow in Califor nia. Last week, Martin Costello and Tom Cleary, were sentenced in the Alemeda Superior court to short terms in the penitentiary for indulging in an exhibition of the "manly art." Tin: Overland Monthly for Dec ember will coutain several stories by new writers chapters of two ncrials, important California sketches, announcements for 1SS7, and a history of the growth and development of the Magazina It will be a roost valuable number to buy and send East to friends. Dr. J. H. Douglas, who was Gen. Grant's physician and sacrificed Lis practice and health in his de votion to his patient acknowled gps the receipt of the full amount of the bequest from Mrs. Grant. The Grant family have done the proper thing by Dr. Douglas, even if they were a little slow about it. We have no official information npon the matter but presume that, in compliance with the law, the Connty Board of Examiners will meet at the Connty Seat on Mon - dny the 6th proximo to examine all parties, who may present them selves, as to their qualifications for the position of toacher in our nblic schools. U. S. District Attorney Bextojc who was recently suspended by the President for an alleged viola tion of the order prohibiting Unit ed States officials from taking an active part in politics has been re instated. Mr. Benton proved con clusively to the president that there was no violation of the order in fact whereupon an order, re scinding the order of suspension was immediately issued. As Eastern exchange 6ays: The climate of Florida is a more power ful foe to Geronimo and his band than all the forces of the United States army. The enervating cli mate and their own filth are kill ing them off at the rate of four a day. There are 454 bucks, squaws and papooses at Fort Marion, while Geronimo and a dozen others ere at Fort Pickens. They aro a hard lot, and it is considered un safe to give them much liberty. A terible snow storm prevail ed over a large portion of tho north and west during the past week. A heavy wind accompaned the fall of snow and trains have been snowed in and a general stoppage of business prevailed. On the Great Lake the storm was un usually severe, a number of vessels were wrecked and nearly a half-a-Lnndred lives were lost In many places the thermometer indicated 20 degrees below zero. Bv way of comparison, in Arizona the tem perature has bean just right for comfurt and the air cool and bra ring and no man need lose an hours work or postpone a jour uey on account of inclement weather. But we have scarcely anything but climate to brag about. J Death of Kx-President Arthur. Ex President Chester A. Arthur died at his home in New York City at five o'clock on the morning of the 18th inst ine news ot bis eleatti was a great surprise notwithstanding all the rumors of his ill health during the past six months. His disease was one affecting the kid neys, and those nearest to him had no hopes of his permanent re covery, but his sudden demise was not spoken of. He began to sink rapidly shortly after midnight, and by three o'clock it was known that death was approaching. A 6troke of cerebral apoplexy, sud den but not wholly unexpected by the attending physicians, terminat ed nis life. rue stroke came in his sleep between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning and he did not rally thereafter. His death was painless, and like the slow goingout of a burned down candle, and four hours before the end came he was unconscious to his surroundings. His son and daughter, his sister and his former partner, Sherman W. Knevals, and his closest friend. Surrogate Rollins, were at his bed side. ' Mr. Arthur was fifty six years old. He had been a widow er seven years. His wife died in 1879. Of their two children, the son, Chester Allen Arthur, is twenty-two years old, and the daughter, Nellie, of whom Arthur was very loml, is fourteen years old. Tho funeral took place Mon day the 22d inst The services were held at 9 o'clock in the mor ning in the church of Heavenly Rest, cor. 5th Avenue and 45th street After the services the body was taken by train to Albany, where th9 intorment took place. No parade or appearance of dis play was made tho funeral being pr i vat e. COPPER. The copper market is very have The Etrong, and the producers prices in their own control. probability is, that the next Lake sale will be above 12 cents, though how far above is quite uncertain 12Jc. is 'in the air," but will scarcely be reached. We quote Lake 12 cents, and Orford and Baltimore, 10Jllc. There have been abundant ru- n ors in London about the Anaconda going to work. It was announced here even that it would go to work on Thursday last, bnt the rumor is supposed to have been startod to depress Chili Bars in London. It is certain that the works have not started up, and there is, so far as we can learn from special ad vices, no prospect of its doing so soon. Neither is it probable that Arizona furnaces will start up this year. The consequence is, that our stocks here will scarcely snffice for our wants: indeed, furnace material is now coming from a hroaa, anct it is said tnat some Lake copper could come back at 121 cents. Our impression is, however, that Europe wants Lake copjr instead of sending us any of what it has. J lie statistical position of the metal is very strong, and we look for a good market for some time to come. Tho London market appears to be depressed, and Chili are) quoted to-clnv xil) lSs., and Best Selected 45 10a Engineeiing & Wining Journal, rov. l.itb. Ocr Territorial Secretary, Mr. Jas. A. Bayard, in a card in the Prescott Courier, referring to the statement made by the Journal Miner "that he (Bayard) thought more of an Indian than a poor white" has the following to say : "In answer to this charge I do- sire to state that it is entirely and absolutely untrue, in short, a lie out of the whole cloth, and that unless this charge is immediately witdrhawn by the editor of the Journal-Miner, I shall institute a prosecution for malicious libel against him and if the two nn known persona, by whose authori ty this statement is said to have been niado will make an affidavit to the fact I shall proceed against tnera criminally." Pretty strong language but it is the only way to treat malicious falsehoods. The Banner Democratic County. The board of supervisors can vassed the election returns of Graham county on the 16th. Mark Smith's majority 312, CM, Strauss' majority 408, Watkins, joint coun cilman, 332. The entire conuty democratic ticket was elected bv an average majority of noarly 300. Considering the connty poled less than 850 votes, Graham county is justly entitled to be enrolled aa the banner democratic county of the territory, if not of the Pacific coast, and to Hon. Gee. H. Stevens and P. J. Bulan and their faithful lieutenants is due tho praise. Star. It is generally believed by many Americans that the disintegration of Canada is rapidly coming about, and that thoughtful people there are looking forward to annexation with the United States as the only solution of the present troubles. TEItKITOUIAL. XOTKS. Gen. Miles is East, on leave. Nogales indulges in base bal and walking matches. Lieut C. B. Gatewood is Acting Judge Advocate of this Depart ment Apache county gave the Demo cratic Territorial ticket 2G0 ma jority. A hotel is to be built at the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, in this Territory. There are 420 puplis attending the Tucson public schools, and 285 attend private schoools. Miners of Gila and Mohavo counties are working and ship ping a great deal of rich ore. The Walnut Grove, Water Stor age Company have two hundred men at work on their dam on the lower Hassayampa. AL Sieber, one of the best and braveet Indian scouU in America, is in Prescott, on a visit from the Sau Carlos reservation. Courier, The A. C. &P. railroad, are pay ing hands on the construction work, from ?1.25 t 1 60 per day and want all tha men they can got Yanadiun is qnotod at a high price but the Mammoth mine of Pinal county, find it a difficult matter to dispose of one ton per month. The St Johns Herald says that Col. Harry Reed of the Holbrook Critic has left for California and will probably make that state his future home. The district court in Cochise county adjourned Friday last nn til the first Monday in February next Judge Barnes returned im mediately to Tucson. Briggs Goodrich, of Phoenix, deeming it for the best interests of his county, has concluded not to contest the election of Dr. L. H. Goodrich to the council. Tho Mohave Connty Miner de nies tho charge made by tho Pres cott Courier that Judgo J. M. Murphy was defeated by railroad and county seat influence. Major John L (Jinn, lately pro prietor of the Nogales Frontier, at the request of General Miles, will probably join one of the two scouting parties soon to be sent out Tho case of Barney Riggs charg ed with the murder of Richmond Hudson was tried at Tombstone last week the jury disagreeing. A re trial has boen sot for the 29th instant Lftst week at Springerville, Apache Connty, Lee Renfrow shot and mortally wounded Isaac El linger. The difficulty was in re gard to tne ownership or a piece of land near Springerville, The Apache County Critic says: Passenger trains to the west are daily packed with people who in tend settling on the Pacific coast San Diego and Los Angeles get the majority of the emigrants. From Mr. Hartson. who return ed Friday evening from the Cana- neas, Sonira, a reporter of the Tombstone learns that a band of six or seven Apncho Indians are raiding in that vicinity, they are doing no killing but are stealing stock. Mr. Hartson says they are evidently trying to get back to the reservation Deputy Sheriff James Randall, of Graham county, on Wednesday morning, turned over four prison ers to Superintendent Gates Antonio Martinez, Cristoval Rival, P. Medina and J. R. Ward. The three first named are sentenced for one year each, and the other to one year and seven months and $500 fine. All in for grand larceny, Ynma Sentinel. Private advices from Washing ton state that the department has about concluded to segregate the Deer Creek coal fields, this county from the reservation. It is to be sincondy hoped that the io forma tion is correct These coal fields should have been cut off long since. They are of no value to the Indians, but of inestimable value to the people of Arizona. The coal is needed for mining en terprises and for other purposes. Enterprise. The following are the officers elected by tho Territorial Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M., which recent ly met in Phcenix: Martin W. Kales, Ml V. grand master; Fran ces A. Shaw, M. W. deputy G. M.; Morris Goldwater, R. W. Sen. grand master; Abraham Marx, V. W. G. T.; Geo. J. Roskruge, V. W. G. S.; Chas. M. Strauss, V. R. G. chaplain; Jas. A. Zabriske, W. G. orator; M. P. Freeman, W. G. mar shal ; Win. A. Harwood, W. G. bi ble beater; R. N. Fredericks, W. G standard bearer; Chas. L. Coon, W. G. sword bearer; Homer H. McNeil, W. G. Senior Deacon; Carlisle S. Abbott, W. G. Jr. Dea con; Ueo. W.Uird, .u. senior steward; James M. Ellis, W. G. Pursuivant; W. H. Cook, W. G. organist; Josiah Brown, W. G. Tyler. DETROIT HOUSE ' MAIN STREET, SOLOMONVILLE, ARIZONA. Having been thoroughly refitted ia acain opon for the reception ot gnests. Every effort will be made to make this House First-Claas in every particular. BOARD BY THE DAY, WEEK OR MONTH. TERMS REASONABLE. J. M. MOORE, Prop. P0MIBYS CORRAL, SOLOMONVILLE, ARI. Jost completed. Has ample acommoda- tion for FIFTY HEAD OF STOCK. HAY AND GRAIN in unlimited quantities. A competent and trustworthy host ler always in attendance. CHARGES REASONABLE Special rates for permanent Livery. S. W. rOMEROV, Propr. Watches and Clocks REPAIRED, AND REVOLVERS, SHOT GUNS, SEWING MACHINES, ETC. Cleaned and put in condition. J. FRED D ALTON, Camp Thomas, Graham County, Ariz. L. 8. FREUDENTKAL & CO., "WHOLESALE GROCERIES AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRYCOODS EL PASO, TEXAS. B. SCHUSTER : CO., WHOLESALE EL PASO, TEXAS. LARGEST STOCK West of Kansas City. DEFY COMPETITION. Orclere By IMIail Promptly attended to. All eooda free on board of cars ' ntDemiog. j LB. Solomon Scloiiionvills, Arizona, DEALER IN Dry Goods! , Boots and Shoes, Canned Goods, Clothing, Groceries, --jOTJ". GiXT. Supplies for Mixers, Ranchers and Freighters. WINES, LIQUORS & CIGAES. A Iilncksmith and Wagon Shop Stocked with complete tools and with com petent workmen on the premises. CLASSEN BEOS., LOBDSBIKG. .X. 31, Dealers in General Merchandise California Produce a Specialty Miti Hotel Lordsburg, N. M. Under the Management of G30SGI-:! SEEB. Only First-class Hotel In Town. LORDSBURG, N. M. J. P. 0WNBY, Prop. Headquarters for RAIL P0AD, MINING MEN ANIJ Commercial Travelers. First-Class in Every Particular. Tables Supplied with the Best the Market Affords. The rooms are airy and the beds clean and comfortable. Polite attention assured guests, and reliable information given when de sired. The half way Station between Solomonvills, -AND- Bowie Station And the only place on the road at which Water, Hay and Grain -AND- WINES, LIQF0RS AND CIGARS. E7And Good Meals can bo Procured at .. ttoasonable JMtee. ! Ji. JA.Ilrl . l'ropncion UIlllJ Hons nkn wis! THE LARGEST FURNITURE HOUSE IN HRIZ0N1. LEO. GOLBSCHMIDT, -WHOLESALE SD RETAIL DEALER IN- FURNITURE, BEDDING, CAEPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. . FALL GOODS ALL STYLES of FEL ROOM, PARLOR, and DINING ROOM Furniture of Handsome Designs and Most Prices. tfSend for Illustrations before Parcaasiii Elsewhere. SMITH & PRODUCE WIIOL.KALt) Produce and THE PIONEEIt HOUSE AND MOST EXTENSIVE. HENRY BENEKE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN HARDWAEE, STOVES, AND TINWARE GOODS, CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, MINERS SUPPLIES AND A.M3XIXJIS-ITIO- OF ALL KINDS. Solk Agk.vt For Charter Oak Stoves, I'Alrbauks Scales, CJfcarapicsi Reapers and Stewcrs. EL PASO STREET", Y.I j PASO, TEXAS. Importers, Jobbers CKOCItEKY, GLASSWARE, PLATEDWABE Chandeliers, Prices in Competition with Promptly Attended to. CLIFTON MR. AND MRS. J. T. HEADQUARTERS FOR COOL, ROOMS AUTD CLEAN REDS. TABLE SUPPLIED WITH THE VERY BEST THE ONLY FIRST-CLASS HOTEL IN CLIFTON. 7.00. ROARD 97,00 SPECIAL BATES TO I'AJULIES L. W. Blinn .Dealers In. California, Texas and Native Lumber, Doors, Windows, Transoms, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles, Shakes, Etc., Etc. Also, 3-u.ild.ers Hardware, Such n IVAirjS, I.OCKH BUTTS, PCHEWH. Elo We are pmwirpd to furnish the largest orders for Building Material of all kinds, 01 ohort notice and for the lowest possible prices. Mill and Mining Timber a Specialty Office and Yard Railroad :ora,s"brg:, - NOW READY. THOMPSON COIV3PAHY. Com mission, EL PASO, TEXAS. and Retailers of Kansas City. Mail order EL PASO, TEXAS. HOTEL, BAKER, Proprietors. OCHIBfA, CUTL,EY, COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. PER WEEK. 7.0O Lumber Co., Track Went of 8. P. Dopot, 3sr. :m:.